Storiai Page-Washington Co. News. A. E . N O U R SE i M anager M r. Rasm usen in Rasmusen closed the which M r. debate with the tide turned in favor of Pacific. Before the con test M iss L ieser gave h(Kied Every Thursday by the Washing- L Co#nly Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest Grove. Oregon $ 1.00 Y e a r in Advance. I t is beautiful to note the acceleration a s^»riful rendition with which cities along the of a m inuet by coast Paderewski and while awaiting d ecision responded to the call of suffering and oi the j udges> M r- M arkel sang distressed humanity. Truly the spirit baritone sol° - of charity must abound for it has ^ * e Pres'd in g officer for the a ev en - responded without stint to the relief o f ' ' n® was ^udge W . H . H ollis of Forest m en, women and children, suddenly Grove. T h e judges were: State Sena­ deprived of their homes and food and tor E . W . Rands and Mayor Easthara L e d at the post-office at F o re st clothing. T hat a humanity loving of Vancouver, Wash , and Ju d ge W . firove, Oregon, as second class people should manifest such a sponta­ D. Fen ton of Portland. mail matter. Ie«dy * neous disposition to lend assistance to 'ill No, AT THE CHU RCH ES their California brothers and sisters is ¿.„s all communications^ to W ash­ evidence that the world is not cold ington County P ub. C o ., and selfish and hard when the struggle Forest Grove, O re. is unequal. T here is a beauty of the M. E. Church Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 :3 0 p. m ., Sunday school at 10 spirit developed by such events which i t , NEWs fails to reach its su b sen b - a. m ., Epworth League 6 :3 0 p. m ., 11 'i s ^ e , we request that im m ed i- com pensate us for many of the ugly Prayer M eeting, Thursday 7 :3 0 p. m. t »ttention may be called to the sam e. manifestations of human nature. We b Hill i Everybody welcom e. L . F . BELKNAP. are not mere money makers, after all. BetcliHl "i cl«, J 1 9 0 6 . W e are men and women with hearts German Lutheran Church ÎURSDAY. A P R IL 2 6 , r°0MU in our bosoms that misfortune and sooth Services of the German Lutheran suffering can touch to the uttermost. 1 B»d Pul Church will be held at the Christian Portland holds the strategic position '* h u k l T h e re is no stint to what we will do to Science Hall on Fifth street, at 2 :3 0 I connection with the San Francisco my biij" alleviate that misfortune or releive that >11 opnta The efforts put forth by her p. m ., on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in ¡aster. suffering. T h ese catastrophies teach I be Sonta every month. R ev . H . C. E berling ns is truly meritorious and has »a and ti us a lesson that is wholesome, a lesson will occupy the pulpit. unted toj liven the San Francisco C hronicle ira- we possibly need every now and then. the git# , (or very kind consideration to­ r i Portland and singled that c ity out lining { aa it# t, bottai Congregationai Church P. U. v* U. of W. , especial commendation. Sunday, April 2 9 , 10 a. m. Sunday T h e Second Annual Debate between ^c ^100* U , Morning Worship, Preach- j A severe tax has b e e n put upon the University of Washington and ing by the pastor; su b ject, “ T h e B eat­ Lrtland’s business men ever sin ce the Pacific University is over and the itude of Spiritual H ealth ;” 6 :3 0 , Y. P. T H E SU D A N N A T IV E S . r » f f O n ce T h o a g h l W h ile M en In B n S n b n a m rtm e M e n a t e r a . DRUGS There 1 1 a passage In one of the an- rieut Arab histories to the effect th at ‘the white people come from the other B E S T on the Market, at Lowest Prices, Q U A L IT Y side of the sea.” This statement hat Considered : : : : : become so distorted among certain trllws of natives of the Sudan that Prescriptions filled a ccu ra te ly they believe that the white men come with fre s h Drugs : : from the bottom of the sea. A wily | Arab leader In this d istrict once in­ Your money back if goods are not as represented formed bis followers that they bad nothing to fear from the white men, as they could not live away from tha water. The fact that a high official took his hath dally was further con­ sidered confirmatory evidence of the submarine origin of the white man. The Arabs, in order to retain their In- . fluenoe over the natives, spread broad­ cast the report that the white men were cannibals. The fact that they did 1 Successor to JOHNSON k JOHNSON not eat black men was explained as due to their devilish cunning. They j D ealer in wanted to make themselves strong in the country liefore beginning their hor­ rid practices, but as they could not al­ together do without this kind of food H aras, Bacon and other Salt M eats always on hand they brought human flesh with them in cans. In west Africa a French expedi­ tion had the unfortunate experience of finding n portion of a human finger- Everything fresh in the G rocery L in e to b e found here cut off, no doubt, by some accident—in Free Delivery to all parts of the City. B o th Phones a can of meat. Here was fresh and conclusive confirmation of the story, F o re st G rove O regon in which the people had almost ceased to believe, and it was only nfter a con­ siderable lapse of time that the idea For S a le was at length eradicated.— Chicago News. H olstein Bull, 4 years old. Ad­ Dr. Hines’ Drug S to re SG H U LTZ F R E S H M E A T S OF A L L K IN D S V e g e tab le s o f a l l K in d s in S e a s o n £ . W . Haines Bank H Q U EER The M A R R IA G E C U S T O M . M a la y B r id e H a , to H a v e T e e t h K lle d A w a y . (ESTABLISHED 1898.) dress, B . B . G o f f , H illsid e, phone 1 5 1 . Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted . In terest paid on tim e deposits. What Is a sign of age in others Is. A ccounts invited. P O IN T E D H er PA RA G RA PH S. Some of the national marriage cus­ toms of other countries are distinctly of course, a sign of sense In you. Some people think they have done soured ij ¿tempt was launched to m ake the decision of the judges stands two to S. C. E .; To p ic, “ H om e Missions quaint and interesting and to us appear curious enough. Our conventional white their duty if they express a willingness into Among Foreigners.” 7 :3 0 , Evening Ltwis and Clark Exposition the su ccess one in favor of Pacific University, who satin and orange blossoms are certainly to do It. gome people In time grow almost fa ­ at it was. Every tim e they have supported the affirmative. T h e race Service; * special m eeting for young traditional, but otherwise we indulge In » tels Lawrence Thurston, no real madness apart from the throw- mous for hearing of things that never ¡sen to the emergency and every tim e j problem of the South, a vital issue people— Mrs. happened. ponded generously. T h is is the before the American people today, was 1 raveling Secretary of the ¡student Vol- * n lllstnnce of a 0Ur|Ous ra„rriage Tlie average man will stand without VERY BEST Ipirit that will make Portland, and us the question discussed and was em- unteers> w‘" address the m eeting, custom is that of lower Ceylon, where hitching a great deal better than if he Is tied to a pole. s * en, who are so closely allied to her bodied in the words. “ Resolved, That Thursday evening, May 3 , Service in There is one thing sure—in a home QUALITY, PRICES, TREATMENT the Fifteenth Am endm ent should be ^ r -r a tio n for the Communion. ,levus as a solemn offering. where there la always enough cooked In Japan the symbolic girdle, so much for company they always have it. repealed.” SAELENS t CO., Main St., Died more expressive than our simple wed- How severe a young man Is with the Of course a new San F ran cisco will An attentive audience followed the FOREST QROVE, ORISON love affairs of a widower, and how se­ . . . . .. . . , T h e 4 year old son of M r. and 'l " 1* r,n* 1ta • built upon the site of th e old. debate closely which was opened on the rlajfe. while In Burma the piercing of vere an elderly man la with the love let in tho| Ily of course, the new will in affirmative by Mr. J . W . Peters of MrS' George Limmerman of near the ears is the prelude to m atrim onial affairs of n young fellow! „ „ j . u .. Kansas City, died at the Sloan H otel, considerations. atreet. The jealousy of the children when many respects be an im provem ent Pacific. M r. Peters appeared to better ____ ^ _________ _u ;lJ i__ i I In Malay, however, the poor bride bet*H Monday evening. T h e child had | mother cuts the pie Isn’t anything com­ experiences a bad quarter of an hour pon the old. The first practical illus- advantage than in the Whitman debate Stewi been suffering from an attack of peri- before her marriage, ir p u e b as she pared with that they feel in later years which i l Intion of this last fact is seen in the and made a straight-forward argument for MANUFACTURERS OF when father divides i t — Atchison ’ d o w n almoft i tonitis and also showed symptons of ha« to have her teeth ftl iot ■ *tr| Globe. H A R IN E tmoval of Chinatown from the busi­ his side. H e maintained that the , , . . . , ,, to the level of her gur.n< , „ nroeeta ia m l apendicitis. He died shortly after ^ p j^ u g jy painful a« well a« dfnflgurlnf. e s district out to H u n ter’ s P oin t, a Fifteen th Amendment was purely a And dealers in all kinds of H orse '»ra i|oJ being brought to the Sloan H otel, In spite of this pain, however, she II / 1A D E F R O n N A T I V E R O O T S . ally de I li'tance of several miles from th e old political measure; that it was forced on Goods. R epairing Prom ptly D one expected to participate In the wedding S A F E AND R E L IA B L E . from his home in the country. Smeltii) P rices R easo n able. Drop in. ■. This is a com pensation that will the South as the price of re-admission dance and festivities generali'y.—Loti That the roots of many native planta, SH0F m i daiift| don Standard. growing wild in our American forests, foi duly acknowledged and ap p reci- to the U nion; and that the Fourteenth FOREST 6R0VE, ORE : worn I Clarence . . Lilly Clarence H H Lilly died died at at his home possess remarkable uroporties for the cure M U M 'S CORNER . cit| tted, though the price paid for it was Am endm ent of human maladies is well proven. Even would have given the ¡n Gales City )ast Monday, April 23, K u r if , a n d th e C le rg y . Enti» I the untutored Indian hail learned the A prominent I-ondon clergyman, in curative value of some of these and negro all his rights in due tim e. 1906. H e was ju st 21 years of age fee mi I lather exorbitant.— O regonian. referring to the fact that the tendency taught the early settlers their use*. The Mr. Harlow Trum bull, who was the an(j was engaged in running his moth- th» ,i’-.| to encourage the visitation by the cler­ Indian never liked work so he wanted his of oren I P ractical U ndertakers and E m balm - All state, National and political lines first speaker for Washington, appeared er’s farm 0 n Gales Creek. H e was gy of the sick In acute ruses is less than squaw to get well as soon as possible that she might do the work and let him hunt. ers. Calls answered day or n igh t. it wn*. remarked that “this is probably Therefore, he dug "papoose root ” for bag, ere eliminated in the generous res­ well on the platform and put up a born ¡n Gales City and has spent his fri m 11 one of the results of the more careful for that was their great remedy for fe­ i d e to the call for aid for San Fran- forceful argum ent. H e held that the ' iife largely on Gales Creek. H e was system of modern nursing, which lays male weaknesses. Dr. Fierce uses the d loot 11 :isco. The Canadian H ou se of Corn­ repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment attacked by erysipelas last Friday and stress on the Importance of keeping the same root—called lilue Cohosh—in his "Favorite Prescription.” skillfully com­ nd U» B O TH ’ PHONES. Fo rest G rove. O re. ! ions by a unanimous vote appropri- would involve the disfranchisement of died Monday. T o mourn his loss, be- sickroom quiet. The old Idea was that bined with other agents that make it the friends of the sick person should more effective than any other medicine in ed $100,000 for the relief of th e peo­ the negro and that this is unjust; that sides his mother, are five.brothers and lie allowed to crowd Into the room. ce.ring all the various weaknesses and painful derangements peculiar to women. R . IN IX O IN , D e n t i s t i'! EF. Now the nurse shuts them out. with ple of the stricken city . T h e sen ti­ the spirit of the Amendment is good two sisters. Many afflicted women have been saved l , good results In the main. The nurse from the operating table and the sur- ment which prompted the liberal therefore should be left on the statute --------------------— eon's knife by the timely use of Doctor has. therefore, become an exceedingly Forest Grove, Oregon lerce’s Favorite Prescription. Tender- | To 0 ur Subscribers appropriation was well expressed by books; repeal will be unjust to the powerful force in regulating the ar­ ness over tho lower pelvic region, with * ' In casting about for means to meet rangements of the modern household backache, spells of dizziness, faintness. it ( jMr. Borden, one of the opposition educated negro. bearing down pains or distress should not when there Is Illness in the home, and O FFIC E: Three door* north of Bailey’s store, Office á j I M r. C. K . Fletch er was the second our obligations we noticed a good leaders, who for once supported a pro­ unheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre­ hours tro tr 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. It often practically rests with her, more go scription" will work marvelous benefit ject put forward by the governm ent speaker for Pacific. Mr. Fletch er pre- many of our subscibers were in arrears than with the doctor, to determine In all such cases, and generally effect a permanent rure If persisted In for a rea­ ction. Mr. Borden said: “ I wish sented a strong constructive argument on their subscriptions. T h e subscrip- whether the patient shall be visited by sonable length of time. The "Favorite the parish priest.” Prescription " is a harmless agent, being erely to add that in the p re se n ce of and called forth applause from his tion price for T h e News is but $ 1 .0 0 wholly | repared from native medlrlnal roots, without a drop of alcohol In its C a rlo « » C h i n ... P l a r l « « (a r d a . Jn appalling disaster such as th is, and audience by frequent sallies of wit. per year in advance. This is a small * ; LAWYER A pack of Chinese playing cards is a make up, whereas all other medicines, |for the purpose of rend ering aid on H e showed the evils of the enforce- sum for each subscriber but in the put up for sale through druggists for genuine curiosity. They are generally woman's peculiar aliments, contain large R eal E state and Corpo- OFFICE o v s r l Now printed in black on thin cardboard, tbe quantities such occasions as this, th e two nations m ent of the Amendment from 1870 to aggregate it means much to us. of spirituous liquors, which ratio n _^ w _arlully for women who work in store,, or school-room, w bo The destruction of Santa Clara or San speaker Washington, l i e argued on the address. Out of town subsen- "kings,” “queens" and “knaves'’ stamp­ sit at the typ, writer or sewing machine, O ffice in Fro n t R oom s of A bbo tt B u ild ­ ____ fot Washington. ed upon them In black. Others are dec­ or hear heavy household burdens, and for in g, U pstairs. I lose alone would be sufficient to startle . that the trouble was with the people, bers may remit by mail for which a orated with the figures of animals, Barring mothers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite - - O REGON » the world, „ c it e the sym pathy of civ who try to secure pure government receipt will be immediately returned. birds and fishes. Those used by mau- Pn at ription »■ iil prove a price leas baaolit F O R E S T G R O V E , because of its health • restoring and darlns and high officials hear only fig­ strength-giving power. I illation and open the purses of a gen - without free government; that color L oca| |nstitute ures of mythological creatures. For constipation, the true, scientific ¡i HOLLISTER’S I ctus and sympathetic p u b lic, b u t does not debar from fitness to vote; that ....... á cure I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Mild, harmless, yet sure I « * » in k , « d o * ™ d 0 , h „ , he the « » Id T h . T « u W L ~ 1 Institute hold H e H ad B een T h e re . Rocky Mountain Nuggoft ; » Buiy Medidna h r Busy P » (H a T ” The clergyman was holding a chll- ; Brine* SoM an H aalth and R«taw ad View. I « . « , not to s p , , * ol ,h e : L « * » - « T “ .S ‘ “ rtw„ “ l ™ dren’s service at a continental resort. 6 0 YEAR« A n p ecinc to r fo n m lp n tlo n . In d leen llo n . U r » u s e d by , h , e a ith - L , „ , i „ „ ,he. p a . « only p . * » l « “W ” “ » “ ,h * , During the lesson he had occasion to E X P E R IE N C E »nd K id n e y trou b le«, P lm p le a , E cz em a , Impui Mlood. Had ttre a th . Hlugirlnh Bow el». H ea d a ch e* J 1 » . p u l t to the “ Bay C ity” and th e “ in- i . ...................................... Me. M a tin cotnp.ny ol te ,c h e rt . h o « th e e e d catechise his bearers on the parable to its people. Mr. and Hock nr he. It» lto c k y M o u n tain T e a In ta b -| 1 • a of tbe unjust steward. "W hat Is a le t form . 36 r e n t* a box. G en u in e m ad e t . i T l j I V I ll « ' d’ e i « » e d " » " m » c ¿ ! ¡ ¡ S ^ ‘ " s ^ i e n c e ¡« d e b » « * i ? » - F - “ « * « — »• S w H o i . i . i s t s h D hito C o m c a s t . M adlnon. W la . , f steward?" he asked. A little boy, who to have the institutes so GOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOP^ bad arrived from England a few days Iwealth and - - beautv and utility and excellent argument and ease on the 'C ase aims W l somewhat helpful to the teachers of the country held up his band. "H e is the ^ 50 many lives, business platform, although he was Ü «i of that none can afford to miss the man. sir,” he replied, with a reminis­ I R A D E m A FIP I k k i. pavements, water m ains, sew- handicapped by a serious illness S E A R S & W A T K IN S D e s ig n s Institutes cent look on bis face, "who brings you attending. institutes nan ppcu 7 ._____ , h(. debate opportunity of attenoing. C o p y r ig h t s R e . ------------Proprietor of------ ----- l tn' e*s plants, electric light, telegraph several weeks previous to ^ ^ ye#r have been we)1 atter.ded a basin.”—I-ondon Globe. ice no I ir pocsi| MEATS MARTIN & CO. s s . Undertaking - V2s^ R o e & Buxton f W . H. HOLLIS. J . N. Hoffman 1 f<,¡ Ton r P atents M r. W . B . Rasmusen next too* H telephone wires and all kinds of I machinery in place. It is an h e rc u - the platform and was greeted with a o( applause. H e traced the I task set before San F ran cisco to ____ storm history of the Amendment from 1875 i * rt'beautify and reinstate her ** removal of the debris to 1 9 0 6 , graphically showing t e H e maintained m t*'e *tTeets is a work for many aud political evils. that its repeal would be a positive I and teams for m onths. B ut the J the negro the South and to people of Ca i omia and the “ Bay C ity ” gcxxi to the negro, ea appeared | to the occasion and the the Nation. Mr. l ^ ' 1 »iH be cleared of ru bbish, j at his best and did much to ureng : ». >* I W ed 1 *nd damaged walls will b e re- P acific’s case. " Victor Zednick closed the argu- ind work of rebu ilding Mr by maintaining ^tnced at once. I t m ust, how- m ent for Washington r « - r n the Very natnr» .v u ,u . . .„ « | would be destructive to ' -n«. ^ natDre o* th in g s, b e that a repeal woum I > I I I ” M o re the S bd Fran ciaco of th e negro, to the South, and - IL '■ JU T Wil1 SUrpass the Cacooi D»e oast San ^ ^ insmictors been men M(j women 0f acknowledged ability, j who them selves are practical educators of ^ s t a t e . ^ ^ institm e Saturday were as follows: S. C. Sher- ^ Mooberry> B . W . Bam es, Anna Chalmers, Ethel Norman, Lucy H um phreys, N ettie W hite, Rose W ilcox. Tennessee W eatherred, Mrs. M. M. Pittenger, Grace Reverman, M erle Shannahan, Viola Fields, Flora A. Sm ith, Edwin A llen, Susie Jackson K ltc j a c kson, Lora M. Foster, Frank Fletcher. Ernest W ebb, E lsie Hofl- E)iM bfth Du„ „ , Selm a Nelaon. Dell y oun|fi Lee Byers, M n . M yrtle Brad Young. ford, Mamie E. Ayres, Em ily Young. R achel W escott, Lawrence Dixon. J. TV W. Lorett. Maisie O ’ Donnell, Sophia V dw Ü l I dÌSaSter which b“ befallen « « One « « • of the most interesting features gk»«rh »nil description may qnlrkljr iMK’«rtitin owr oiHnlon ir«« wh«th«r an ra H la llty , * * ’* Life. ln0 iiiYwnttfffi I« prnbablf pnimitabkit.jrwmaiilrft. i KH iN Rtrldly cni»fld«Titli ’ u"'HRRnBOO« ___ __ ___ li cy for r Mearltiflj»«t«nl«. •vu! fr««. oM««t «|r«tiey R l h fa u Ml « r » «curing t 4 A Co. 1 e roe»!«« m «ml « Munii roajrh Put ta tAk«n tJir, 9j>f(VU n o tic e , w ith ou t chjir««, Scientific American. • * T h « l a n d i n g H a rh « r Up-to-date Hair-cutting and Shaving. Laundry agency. •VI« 1 m • Poi •t O ro I j A h«n<1 «rm ielf 11lu«frmi«d w eekly, culminili «.f any ««lentille tournai. Tnmin. «4 a year four months. |L BoM by all newsdealer«. M UNN & Co.**'*—’ New York B ra n ch Office. (Oft F 8 t_ W a s h in g to n . I>. C. Baths. Laundry A gency. Situ­ ated on P acific A ve., Forest Grove. A. I. W i r t z , Local Time Table A City Barber Shop . . . . -ft S h o p . , Proprietor Trains on the Southern P acific arrivi and depart on the following sch ed u le GOING SOUTH No. 2 ____9 A. M. N o. 4 , . . . 6 : 3 1 P. M GOING NORTH N o. 3 . . .6 :5 9 A. M. 1 ------ 4 :1 6 P. M o. ----------------------------------------------- N . L . A T K IN S, A gen THE NEWS FIRST NATIONAL Kthel I suppose I shall b a rs to wear this veil It’s tbe only ooe I bava. It's a , thick one can hardly see my faca *tir lugb H. Edith Ob, wear It, by all — G oldenrod Flour now 1 1 .0 5 means. Everybody says you never had on anything half so becoming sack. For Up-to-date Job Work » » » .I d u p BAN Capital gas,OOOwOO coMisromwrrs: National C ity B an k , New York pe- W elU F arg o & C o ’ s B an k , N e w Y o r f i i U n ited States N ational B an k , Port lan e I