Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 26, 1906, Image 2

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The dreadful earthquake shock came
itbont warning at precisely 6:13
’clock this morning, its motion appar-
ntly being from east to west. A t first
the upheaval of the earth was gradual,
but in a few seconds it increased in in­
Chimneys began to fall and
buildings to crack, tottering on tbeir
People became panic
stricken and rnshed into the streets,
moat of them in their night attire.
They were met by showers of falling
buildings, bricks, cornices and walls.
Many were instantly crashed to death,
while others were dreadfully mangled.
Those who remained indoors generally
escaped with tbeir lives, though scores
were hit bv detached plaster, pictures
and articles thrown to the floor by the
shcck. It is believed that more or less
loss was sustained by nearly every fam­
ily in the city.
Telegraph and telephone communi­
cation was shut off for a time.
Western Union was put completely out
of business, and the Postal company
was the ouly one that managed to get a
wire out of the city. About 10 o’ clock
even the Postal was forced to suspend
in San Francisco. Electric power was
stopped and street cars did not run.
Railroads and ferry boats also ceased
Today’ s experience has been a testi­
monial to the modern steel building.
A score of these structures were iu
coarse of erection, and not one of these
suffered. The completed modern build­
ings were also immune from harm by
earthquake. The bandings that col­
lapsed were all flimsy wooden and old-
fashioned brick structures.
The burned district extends from the
water front south of Market street to
Mission street and west to Eleventh
street. The fire extends out Hayes and
M cAllister streets nearly to Fillmore,
and from the water front along Market
to Montgomery and north from the wa­
ter front to New Montgomery street.
Manufactories, hotels, wholesale houses
and residences, comprising the princi­
pal part of the business section, have
been destroyed. The city hall, a struc­
ture costing $7,000,000, was first wreck­
ed by-the earthquake and then destroy­
ed by fire. The Palace hotel, valued
at $3,000,000, also was burned.
beautiful Claus Hpreckels building at
Third and Market streets was gutted.
The Rialto building and dozens of oth­
er costly structures were also destroyed.
The H all of Jastice is threatened, and
w ill undoubtedly go.
The Examiner
and Call buildings are gone and the
Croker building, across the street from
the Palace hotel, is on fire.
The freaks of the earthquake were
many. W ide Assures were made in t|*e
streets, street railways were twisted Aut
of line, sewers and water pipes were
burst, and it is feared that there will
be an epidemic of disease.
are being sold at fancy prices, and even
water is being vended by the glass.
It is impossible to give a list of the
dead and wounded, or even a list of the
principal buildings destroyed.
Earthquake Visits :
San Francisco
Fire Follows Shock
and Adds to Panic
Mains are Broken and Fire­
men Fight Flames With
Dynamite-All Bus­
iness Section
Is Gone.
City Surely Doomed.
Oakland, April 19.— At 11 o’clock
this morning San Francieco ia a mass
of mine and the flames continue the
work of destruction, obliterating the
few remaining habitations.
There is
no water and the city seems doomed.
Dynamite has failed to check the fire.
Oakland has been placed under martial
law. The Han Pablo ferry was sunk
by flying debris. A ll night the heav­
ens were lighted by the light of the
vast conflagration.
This morning a
mass of smoke marks the continunce of
the destruction amid srenea of unspeak­
■) able horror. The estimated loss in Han
Francisco w ill reach from $150,000,000
to $200,000,000 in the town.
The limits of the fire at this hour are
Nineteenth street on the west. Town-
seed street on the south and Broadway
on the north.
Everything between
these streets and the waterfront ia de­
Steel Structures Only Had the Inner
W oodw ork Burned Out.
Han Francisco,
A pril 23.— Today
property-owners have had an opportu­
nity to inspect some of their holdings,
and in a measure -to ascertain what
damage had been done. The new mod­
ern steel buildings were found to be al­
most intact. In every instance it seem­
ed that the earthquake had not dam­
aged them. The steel frames were in
perfect plumb and as strong as ever.
Cornices and fancy trimmings fell, but
that was all. Even when the fire swept
through them, only the woodwork was
The Fairmount Hotel on Nob H ill
w ill be rushed to completion; the Claus
6preckels building on
Market and
Third streets will be occupied within a
few days. The Union Trust building
on Montgomery and Market street has
only lost the interior woodwork, and as
soon as men can put in the lumber it
w ill be ready for occupancy. The 8t.
Francis Hotel is in the same category,
and the work of renovating the interior
w ill soon be commenced. An inspec­
tion of the Call building at Third and
Market streets disclosed the fact that
several floors were in good condition
and could, after slight repairs, be used
as formerly.
The new Monadnock, on Market
street next to the Palace H o'el, was
found to be in firstclaee condition, even
the woodwork in the inferior being in
tact, and the owner, Herbert E. Law,
announced tonight that within ten days
be would he renting offices in this
building. The Monadnock is a large
structure of steel and brick almost com­
pleted when the fire came. Marble
and lumber have been ordered from
L/w Angeles, and a big force of men
will rush the building to completion.
Structural Material for Bay City May
Be Mftcje Abroad.
Pittsburg, Pa., 3 p ril 23.— According
to Pittsburg steel men the rebuilding
of Han Francisco may be greatly retard­
ed on account of the inability of Pitts­
burg steel m ills to supply structural
shapes for the new city. The Carnegie
Steel Company and the Jones <k Laugh-
lin Compnay, the big independent con­
cerns, are already so crowded that they
have practically cloeed their order
books of delivery of building material
within eight months’ time.
Never before in the history of struc­
tures ha? there been such a demand for
material as this year, and it is feared
that it w ill be well nigh impossible for
ths mills to take on additional work.
According to the local steel men the
San Francisco people will be compelled
to go to Great Britain and Germany for
a large amount of their building mate­
The mills of Germany are busy at
the pres* nt time, and will be able to
take on but little additional work.
Those of Great Britain, however, will
be able to handle a great many of the
orders. On account of the high freight
rates from the east to the Pacific Coast
the foreign steel mills w ill he able to
deliver structural shapes at Han Fran­
cisco as cheap and probably cheaper
than the local mills w ill be able to do.
The Pennsylvania and Lackawanna
Steel Companies and the Illinois Steel
Company w ill be able to handle some
of the work. I t is believed that the lo­
cal mills w ill, if possible, attempt to
put aeide some of their present orders,
in order to accommodate the more ur­
gent work for Han Francisco.
New San Francisco Soon to Rise
on Site of Old
Only Deficiency in Supplies Is Lack
o f Variety— People Are Fed in
San Francisco, April 24.— The new
San Francisco, which will rise from the
ashes of the old, was in its first stages
of rebuilding today. After five days of
confusion and
effort on the part of citizens of Califor
nia’s metropolis, the great task of shel­
tering, feeding and otherwise caring for
the homeless thousands, complete order
bae been re-established and attention
turned to the future.
Throughout the great business dis­
trict, where the devastation of the
flames was the most complete, walls
were being razed, buildings that had
not disintegrated before the intense
heat were being inspected with a view
to reoccupancy and ground was being
cleared even for the immediate con­
struction of some sort of building in
which to resume business at the earli­
est poseible time.
In short, confidence has been restor­
ed. The aseurance of the insurance
companies, the measures taken by the
financial institutions, the prompt and
reassuring word that had reaehed the
business men of Han Francisco from
Eastern financial centers—all the*.e
things went to clear away any feeling
of uncertainty that might have existed
in the minds of the timid that Han
Francisco would not again be what it
was— the great center of population
and business of the Pacific Coast.
The people were fed today in a thor
oughly businesslike and
manner. From the water front, where
the boats loaded with provisions dock
ed, there was an endless procession of
carts and drays carrying food to the
scores of
throughout the city and parks. At
these stations food anil drink, bread,
prepared meats, canned goods, milk
and a limited amount of hot coffee was
served to all thoee who applied.
Firemen Blow Up Buildings — Frantic
People Flee for Satety
Han Francisco, April 19 — With each
sncceding hoar tbe devastation and de­
struction in this stricken and prostrate
ruin of a city grows and grows. At «
o’clock tonight it seemed as if nothing
could save the comparatively small
portion of the city that yet remains un-
burned. The entire business and whole­
sale district is now only a glowing fur­
nace, while the giant tongues of flame
have reached westward far beyond l an
Ness avenue and are wiping out build­
ings and seeking more to devour.
Iu every
throughout the north beach household­
ers are burying household
throwing them into the ditches and
covering the holes. Attempts are made
to mark the graves of the property so
that it can be recovered after the flames
are appeased.
Chief of Police Dinan said he thought
250 would fully cover tbe number of
deaths. He found it impossible to se­
cure details.
About 50 bodies have
thus far been found.
There was much shooting of looters
today, but the offenders were fortunate
enough to eecape with woundB.
There is a great shortage of the bread
supply in the city.
This afternoon,
after a panic at the California-street
bakery, the police took possession of
the premises and it will be operated
under municipal control. At this place
men battled with women and children
in their efforts to each seize four and
five loaves of bread.
The police used
their clubs for the purpose of bringing
about an equitable distribution of the
Conflagration Seen From Oakland
Appears Unchecked.
Money Pours In.
Tbe following list shows how the cit­
ies of the Lmted States are responding
to Ban Francisco’s urgent need o ' help-
Lo* Angeles, $200,000; Halt Lake,
1100,000; Bacramento, $50.000; Port­
land. 1100,000; Indianapolis, $10.000;
Spokane, $5.000; Htockton, 120,000-
Beattie, $40,000; Pittsburg, $50,000-
Omaha, $10,000; Goldfield, Nev., $10 -
000; Tacoma, $10,000; Eugene, $2.000
Beside* these John D. Rockefeller
has given $100 000;
Clarence H
Mackay, $100,000. and the Andrew
Larnegie hero fund, $25,000. There
are also thousands of telegrams pouring
into Han Francisco from all parts *.f the
( cited States telling of funds beinSI
But Has Lost Its Fury and Is
Slowly Dying Out,
Foreign Countries Stand Reid,
Help, But Their Aid Will k0,
Be Needed.
Han Francisco, April 20. _ p ,_
into absolute darkness tonight g
o’clock, Han Francisco has not «(,
conculsion of the devastatingwo4
the conflagration.
The fire that started at Nob Hill
worked its way to the North Beach
tion, sweeping that section tl*, -
buildings, was later veered aronai|„;
fierce wind and made its way tm t
to the immense seanali sheds and»
warehouses. The flames were h«
directly for the immense Ferry
ing, the terminal point of all 0
overland and local trains of ths S ol
ern Pacific road. The darkness and:
wind, which at times amountodtj,
gale, added fresh terrors to the a
Tonight the principal remaining
was confined east of Van Nest si
and north of Union street, batJ
burning its way to the shore.
Late this afternoon the police bn#
open every saloon and corner pcs*
in the saved districts and poured
malt and spiritous liquors into
Oakland, Cal., April 19. — (M id­
night) — At this hour the light from
burning San Francisco does not appear
to have diminished, and is almost, if
not quite, as brilliant as last night.
Although the flames have swept their
way three miles westward from the
water front, the entire sky is illumi­
nated by the glare of the unchecked
conflagration. There is no wind and
only the faintest suspicion of a breeze
here tonight, but it is said tnere is a
stiff breeze blowing over San Francisco
A gigantic column of smoke hangs over
Major H. C. Tilden, o f General Re­ the desolated city, the apex forming
lief Committee, Shot.
fantastic shapes thousands of feet in
Han Francisco, April 24.— Major H. tbe air and slowly drifting away to the
C. Tilden, a member of Governor Par­
dee’s staff, one of the most prominent
Although telegraphic communication
members of the general rehef commit­
tee, was shot and instantly killed in was established this evening with the
his automobile about 12 o’clock laBt Ferry building on the Sau Francisco
night while returning from Menlo
side, only a very limited amount of
Park, by men supposed to be members
matter could be handled.
The tele­
of the citizens’ patrol.
graph company would receive but a few
Hugo Alltschul, a coachman, who
hundred words of press matter, giving
was in the automobile, was cut in the
the wires over to pressing commercial
face by a ballet, and another ball
It is believed that by to­
pierced the seat and struck R. G. Sea­
man, acting Lieutenant of the Second morrow morning additional facilities
will be had.
Company of the Signal Corps, in tbe
The telegraph companies are com­
The shooting occurred at Twenty-sec­ pletely swamped by the enormous vol­
ond and Guerrero streets. Three men ume of messages reaching here, as well
suspected of having done the shooting as the crush of business filed for the
are under arrest at the police station at outside world. It is unlikely there will
be any further news matter" from San
Twenty-second and Mission streets.
F ram isco before morning.
Day Dawns Hopeless
Han Francisco, April 19.— Day dawn-
1 ed on a scene of death and destruction.
ijf During the night the flames consumed
( ¡1 many of the city’ s finest structures and
spread in a doaen directions to the res­
idence portions.
The tear dimmed eyes of a myriad of
I homeless, stricken, heart weary, help­
less people watched the Are stretch its
long lone of red destruction from the
waterfront to the Mission, which it
swept of standing wood and brick and Many Towns Ruined by Earthquake
steel and iron made a huge, smoldering
and Hundreds o f Lives Lost.
■ scrap heap; around the shipping die
San Jose, April 19.— One hundred
trict down to the bay shore, destroying and fifty persons are reports*! killed in
vessels, wharves and docks; and then, this city. The entire business portion
•I . « i n a bitter turn of the wind, shrivel the of the town bordered by 8t. James on
(W arm Belt, reach its destructive ban- the north, Market on the west, Third
*, « i tiers over the Southern Pacific station uu
on the
and emu
Han r Fernando
i n r r east
u s t nuu
eriiauuu o
n mt*
i t r. at Third and Townsend, crumpling cars soutf, 1H a complete mass of ruins. The
{) ¡¡land engines and huge buildings into city is under martial law, the streets
1 1 , bonfire ashes, ami completing the fell ] are being patrolled by troops. All
w axw ork of yesterday south of Market hospitals are crowded with dead ami
- _. . . i___ __ ; __ i__ l . ..
jl I street;
then swing back, on the wings dying. The electric plant is badly de­
, ", I of a self-made gale, to find new fuel molished and the city is in darkness. Many Will:ng W orkers to Improve
—T a m id the stately homes of the men who
Leading Architects Coming to Offer
- it I had been state builders and railroad
San Francieco, April 23.— The board
Han Francisco, April 19.— Reports
Services Gratis.
I j-jj magnates on Nob H ill.
from the interior are most alarming. of health reports a very encouraging
Boston, Mass, April 24—Three of
Hanta Rosa, one of the most beautiful health condition, considering the cir­
, * x
Boston’ s leading architects will proceed
iB fiT P
Funston's Resume o f Disaster.
cities in the state, in the prosperous cumstances. Sickness is constantly on
immediately to Han Francisco, taking
Washington, April lit.—The War de­ county of Sonoma, is a total wreck. the decrease. There are very few con­
with them plans, specifications and
ls^ partment today received the following There are 10,000 homeless men, women tagions diseases, and these are being contracts of the city’ s most recent
and children, huddled together.
The attended at Deer Lodge in Golden Gate
JL] telegram from General Fnnston
schoolhonses for the free use of San
‘ Your four dispatches
receive*!. loss of life is not to be estimated. It park. Sanitary conditions in the resi­ Francisco. Other parties of architects
Have already tiled several for you. It w ill probably reach the thousands dence districts are being improved.
and draughtsmen are to be sent as got­
A large corps of volunteers started at ten together.
1 J:»V is impossible now to inform yon as to The main street is piled many feet deep
Not one work yesterday removing all cans of
the full extent of the disaster. City with the fallen buildings.
The Boston Typographical Union
practically destroyed.
Troops have business block is left intact
This de- garbage to the curbs. Wagons were
has voted $10,000 to lend Han Francis­
been aiding police patroling and main­ struct on includes all the county build­ pressed into service today and the gar­
co employing printers to re establish
taining order.
Martial law has not ings. Nothing is left.
Whst was not bage removed to the burned districts,
their plants, in addition to relief voted
been declared. Working in conjunction destroyed by the earthquake was swept where it w ill be destroyed. Cesspools for anion members.
are being dug.
with the civil authorities.
Have not by fire.
■ ■ 1
' ■ • •
interfere*! with the sending of any dis­
Messengers bring the saddest tid'ngs
Irreparable Loss to Masons.
You cannot send too many from Healdshurg, Geyserville, Clover-
Trust Menaces the Cattlemen.
San Francieco, April 24 . — The Ma­
tents or rations. About 200,000 people dale, H opland and Ukiah.
In every
Helena, Mont., A pril 23.— The North
homeless. Food very scarce.
Provis- case the loss of life and property is a* Montana Roundup Association, com­ sons of California have suffered an ir­
ion houses all destroyed. All the gov- shocking as here.
pose*! of cattlemen in Northern Mon­ reparable loss by fire. The Masonic
I H K eminent buildings in the city gone.”
tana, and representing $10.000,000 in Temple on Post street wa* destroyed,
Oakland, April 18.— Reports from dis­ individual holdings, at its annual ses­ and with it went more than 150 p0r".
tricts outside of San Francisco indicate sion today issued a manifesto, in which traits of past grand officers. Five hun­
Oakland, Cal., April 18.— Earth­
widespread damage.
Han Jose, 50
dred hand-embroidered uniforms be­
quake and fir* today have caused the miles sonth, lost many buildings and the trusts, captains *>f industry and
Wall street are severely criticised. A f longing to members of California Com-
greatest calamity California has ever from 15 to 20 people killed.
The an­ ter referring to the blight on the cattle mandery. No. 1, went up in the flame*
known. In Han Francisco alone it is nex of the v endome hotel collapse*) and
industry, due, it is alleged, to the beef In addition to this tbe paraphernalia
^ ^ J ja a tim s ta d A n t 1,000 persons have per- fires broke out.
trust, the statement is made that if and records of 20 Masonic bodies that
iahed. while as many more srasuffering
Stanford university and Palo Alto conditions are not better this season need the temple as a meeting pla0«
from injuries.
snffeied. At Stanford, many handsome many owners w ill have to go into oank- were destroyed, as well as the records
H fC rl
Ths entire> business portion of the buildings were demolished and two
of the grand lodge.
city is in rnina, and the flame* which, people were killed. Six other students
’ *> j . owing to the lack of water, cannot t>o are lying ¡n tiie Palo Alto hospital
Free Rides on Street Cars.
Plan to Rebuild.
" checked, except by blowing up with with bruises, cuts and internal injuries.
San Francieco, April 24.— The Unit­
Han Francisco, April 2 3 .--Many el
v >i dynamite bnlldings in their path, are
Ths courthouse at Redwood City
the moat substantial business men and ed Railroade has tendered the use of
^ 1 - still sweeping through the city.
It is and othsr buildings collapsed.
the entire system to Mayor Schmitz f*»r
impossible at present to estimate the Park, Burlingame and other fashion­ property owners of San Francisco are in the benefit of the people during the
if f property l«<ee, for the extent of the con- able suburbs suffered. Hanta Roea, to consultation
crisis. Free transportation
W hile the work of clearing away the present
* 1 flsgrstion cannot he told’ until the fits the north, Napa, Vallejo and all towns
debris goes forward a g eet corps cf w ill be famished the people over the
around the bay were damaged.
g, t has burned itsell out.
draughtsmen w ill be busily occupied linee of the company for themselves
preparing plans for ths new building«. and their baggage. The company*
Inlured Roam the Streets
Thieves Shot Dead on Sight.
It is understood that Jamee D. Phelan cars standing in the streets and all of
Han Francisco, April 19.— Ths city is
Ran Francisco, April 1*.— At the
will be on of the first to rebuild on its carbarns not destroyed are also free
F Southern Pacific hospital water
being nndsr martial law, and precautions Market street. His plans ars not com­ for the use of the people for the pur-
‘ carried into the tmiIding from outside have been taken to prevent disorder plete.
poee of shelter and iodgiry.
‘ sources for the use of the patients. and looting. Four thieves were shot
Manv people suffering fiom injuries are by soldiers this afternoon for looting.
Say* Dowie Cheated Him.
Revenue Office Opens.
seen cn the streets making their way to The soldiers have orders to shoot with­
Chicago, April 23— Jamee Hnrvock,
Washington. April 24.— TelegTsm.
ths different hospitals. Ths Episcopal out warning any person* sct;ng In a of New Mex co, today made complaint from revenue offices in Han Francisco
At Eighteenth to the Federal authorities that he had
church, on Eleventh street, is bndly suspicious manner.
state all records, stamps and papers of
and at the Htndehnker Car­ and Valencia there is a crevice in the been defrandei by John Alexander their office are fn good condition, and
riage works, on T*nth and Market street six feet wide and entire sidewalks Dow'e out of a sum close to $20.000, that they w ill be ready for business to­
gkraeta, the top story caved in, badly . are torn np. The street cur track« are and that the mails had bewa used ia morrow.- A temporary internal reve­
i twisted and traffic ia at a standstill.
the o[»«ration.
m ocking the entire building.
nue office w ill be opened in Oakland.
75 .Bodies Taken Out—'
Hundred in Cosmopolitan.
San Francisco, April 20.—Theth"
story lodging house at Fifth and Mr
streets collapsed and over 75 dead
ies have been taken out. There an
least 50 more dead bodies sip
This building was one of the first
take fire on Fifth street.
At least 100 people were lost inti*
Cosmopolitan hotel on Fourth street.
The only building standing ber
Misrion, Howard. East and Ste~
streets is the Han Pablo hotel., which
occupied and running. The ihot tore
at First and Howard streets ia pm
This landmark was built 40 years ¡r.
The Riedon Iron works is partially ds
stroyed. The Great Western 8mel '
and Refining works escaped dar
also the Mutual Electric Light xorh
with slight damage to the Amenta
Rubber company and Vietagaa Engis
Folger Bros.’ CoffeeaM
8pice house is uninjured, and the dm
is giving away large quantities ol bread
and milk.
Many are dropping dead from the
heat and from suffocation.
Over 150 people are reported loet^
the Brunswick hotel, Seventh and M
sion streets.
War Department Assumes Entir*
trol o f Situation.
Associated Press dispatches I t *
every important city in the land ¡A
cate that $12,000.000 in cash is sir*
in sight for the relief of the fire
earthquake sufferers in and about.
Francisco, and that a total of $20,
000 is 1-kely to be raise*!. The Cob
Btats will grapple alone with tbe sit»
tion growing oat of the total deetn*
tion of one of her richest and mo*t[Nt
ulous citiee. Foreign countries, in'*1
of tbe magnificent responses of1
American people to the d ll for
will not be asked to contribute, tbonff|
numerous offers have been made.
Before the cabinet, at its meet
bad resolved upoa
c iucse, however the Dominion of
ada had taken cognizance of tbe et
tion in Han Francisco by voting |1
000 in cash for relief, and diepat
from the seaport cities of British^
lumbia indicate that they are ig
the existence of the internzti
boundary line and are joining ia 1
work of forwarding money and ptjjj
ions with their sisters cities on the/*
cifie coast.
Pottoffice Department’s Task-
Washington, A p ril 20.— T h s l'»[*
partment has learned that the 90*^
Pacific 'reight sheds at Han Fn
we e not seriously injured. Tfie!” .
it t -ndent of the railway mail wrTK,5
Han Francisco haa telegraphed that *|
ery train to and from Oakland '< 1
feeding with reasonable regularity 1
s I jw schedule.
He has been anth
by wire to call in subordinate oti
»ud all clerks of the railway m*'1
m L iT i
"» A " the buildings were ice not on regular dnty and com»»
completely demolished.
Dr Clark
the use of postal cars availab le to
«•n t to Agnews in an automobile tak-
die Hau Francisco mail.
mg four nurses with him.
Wreck o f Asylum.
Oakland, April 19— Dr. Clark, su
perntendent of the Han Francisco coun­
ty hospital, telephoned the Associated
Pres, headquarters in Oakland tonight
concerning the situation at the Agnews
insane asylum near Han Jose. Dr.
lark said that 11 employes and officers
f the institution, including Drs. Kelly
and Oell, were killed and 20 injured
Among the patients were 55 killed and
w «r Department is Prompt.
t on r iT ° n’ ApM1 19‘ ~ F ™ » r t sc-
P*rtmerit ^
Uken by lhe W« r de-
(r kr . ; n " * n,iin* «° the earth-
2 ™ iU b r ffer' r* °* S,n F«n ri< co ail
available resources to relieve want an.)
Snd ™r*
T * ° hnndr^ C o n ­
sent from °V* h* T® ** * “ directed to he
nt from \*ncouver barrack*
from 'v ° ' * nd *
nnn,her of tents
other m iliU rv
STth all th'
WU1 h* forwarded
“ * » the expedition possible.
Can’t Deliver Telegrams-
San Francieco, April 20.— Tbs d«n
ery of telegraphic messages fro*
side points to people in Han
is in impossibility.
service of both the big telegraph ^
paniee no longer exists. Even h»“ _
companies an army of messengers,
would be of little value for tbe t*
that the people are scattered f»r
wide, and that a journey from the ^
building to t le western addition,
the refugee camps consume* bool*-
Will Build *5 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 P$*nt-
Treasure at Mint is Saf*.
Sew York, April 20 .— U «•»
Washington, April 1*— The United
non need at the office of M. <tu
2 ? " mint at Ban F r a n c is escaped heim’ s Hons today that orders ^
th?“ n* f 2 ,r°™ ,h* -rth qu ak *
issued by that firm to pwrtf<-
¡ 2 , I? * ^ "flatration .
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*°cc *s possible with the eons*'
T T ^ r t l v w — d bullion, amounting to
” f « $5.000,000 smelting plan* l#
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