flood’ s Sarsaparilla.... \Ve are often asked, W h y does H ood’s Sarsaparilla ffect so many cures of cases that seem to be almost ¡*vond the reach of m edicine? The answer is this, that this great medicine is enabled , the peculiarity of its formula to produce results unap- oroached by any other medicine, this peculiarity consist- L in the balanced com bination of the very best specifics for the blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, and bowels, namely, L the blood, Sarsaparilla, Stillingia, Yellow D ock; for Up liver, Mandrake, D andelion; for the kidneys, Uva Juniper Berries, Pipsissewa; for the stomach S i a n , W i l d Cherry Bark Bitter Orange P e d ; for w els Senna, Mandrake and Dandelion, r sJld by druggists everywhere. Get a bottle today, jjgual form , liquid, or n e w form, tablets, 100 Doses O ne Dollar. SI: The Preliminary T ra ln ln * . J n «t So M ach o f T ra th . r„ u Josiah—First time you ever “ W hat’s that sign you’re making [P v cow, is it? Well, you do it a there?” asked Mie grocer. “ ’Fresh eggs,’ ^ Serin’ sight b*tter Uia“ most city replied the new clerk. Visiting N e p h e w — It seem a to come “ Make It 'Fresh-laid eggs.’ '• I jomehow. I’ve had a good deal “ Why— er— everybody knows the - practice w ith a fountain pen. eggs were fresh when they were laid.” . nUABANTKKD C U B E F O B PILES. “ Exactly, and that’s all that It’s safe * in Bleeding, P rotru din g Pile*. Drmr- for us to say about them.”— Phi ladel- Tr.'r« *n'h '°" ',a to r,’fun'' - n,. o n*J r !? l'AZO )’ “ rMK-VI fsde >® cure In 5 to 14 day*, t o e Dhla Press. ,1 V oca l S lo m b c r . You Can (let Allen’ s Foot-Ease FREE. „ „ John a sound sleoper?” Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a "Well, you Just ought to hear him.1 free sample of A llen ’s Foot-Ease. It cures Sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug- Frrmenently Cured. N o B teor nervousn. ie8S flats sell it. 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. .Baltim ore L « I American. ITS »Iter #nddey’ a use o fD r .K lI n e ’ e O r e » t N erv e r send for F r e e * 3 trial b ottle and treatise. r a H Ulioe.UJ..W I A rch b u . P h iladelph ia, Pa. S ic k O ne. B r o k e r — What In the w orld Is the latter with old Roxman these days? je looks w re tc h e d , j Banker— He’s lovesick. T l» e O ta S tory . Ant (to the Elephant)— Since I have become a socialist I do not see why, because I am smaller anil weaker than you, I should continually get out of the way to let you have the middle of the road. That’s final. Elephant (to the A nt)— I f you don’t I ’ ll just put my foot on you. That’s flat.— Baltimore American. Get ou t! The idea o f a man I, age being lovesick. Why, he has a ¡migbter old enough to be in love, fBanker—1That's Just the trouble. She ... , The charge for telephone conversation so much In love with some worthless between London and Paris has been re- ting cnap it has made the old man duced from $2 to $1 for a three-minute jck. talk. B rok e r— TRUM PET CALLS. H o r n S o u n d . . W a r n i n g Note to tke U n r e d e e m e d . EE P the gates the eyes and there w ill be fewer insurrec- rections in the appetites. If you have a god who can be packed away In s definition you had better get another. Expecting t o he saved by the- New laws do not make new lives. Real gratitude Is a fruit o f grace. Reverence gives the heart Its rest There Is no health without holiness. Precedents Illuminate the premises. He has no power who has no pa­ tience. Surges of sorrow but bring us to God’s harbor. The prizes gained by trickery carry their own punishment. ology is like treating disease by feed­ ing men medical books. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it — Ayer’s Sarsa­ parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Weknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. I FERRY’S TO C U R E A CO LD IN O N E D A Y T a k e L A X A T I V E H K O M oq u In in e T a b let# Drug- ri»ta refu nd m on ey If It fal a to cure. E. w. J llU V K ’ b signature Ison each box. 25c. B e li e f . “ D o you believe in trusts?” "W ell,” answered Senator Sorghum, with thoughtful deliberation, “ they j never deceived me.” — \yashlngtou Star. B A G S ! Mothers w ill find Me*. W inslow’* Soothing Syrup the beat remedy touae tor their chUdren lu rin g the teething period. Ae Thla la the flrat quaatlon you r d octor w ould e a k : “ A re your bow el» r e g u la r ? ” He know s that dally action o f the bow els la absolutely essential to recovery. K eep your liver active e n d y o i r bow els regular by taking laxative doses o f A y e r ’s Pills. .vers N o O p p o r tu n ity . Job Sturky— If a street car conductor should overlook you would you pay him your fare anyhow? | Adam Zawfox— I ’ve been waiting fif­ teen years for a chance to be tested that way, but no blamed conductor has svsr svei looked me yet. T h e ir Shades M e t. HAVE YOU EVER USED “ Mr. Aesop, I think you have never net Baron Munchausen. Gentlemen, al­ low me to present you to each other.” “ Baron, I am delighted to meet you. I know you quite well by reputation." “ Sir 1” —Chicago Tribune. • by^J. O. A j a r C o., L o w fU . ufkcturers o f BEMIS BAGS? Sea that they are placed on your next order# HAIR VI00R. AOUe CURE. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING CHERRY PECTORAL. Portland Trade Directory A lm o s t T im e . He who has no other motive than The convention of physicians was that of profit usually dies In poverty. called secretly and hurriedly. Dr. Kill- Many a man would be more o f a em rose to speak. man If he thought less o f what men “ Gentlemen o f the profession,” he think. said, “ something must be done. Our Any study o f the life o f our Lord automobile tires are wearing out, our ought to lead to making Him Lord of daughters' music lessons are unpaid for our lives. and nearly all our good patrons have There are many providences for already been operated upon for appen­ which our philosophies can find no dicitis. What shall we do?” “ Let’s discover a new microbe,” said pigeon-hole. Dr. Quack. The Bible Is to be valued by the In­ The motion was carried unanimously spiration it gives rather than by Its and a wave o f sickness wafted ducats Information. to the doctors’ coffers.— Indianapolis After, “ What must I do to be Star. saved?” comes the great question, There la more Catarrh tn thla section of the “ What can I do to serve?” M . eouniry than all other disease* put together, Many a man thinks he lias done his and until the la»t lew year* was supposed to be d o t . fn . Ih . Incurable. For agreatm any yearadoctor* pro- flUty for the world because be has nounced It a loca l disease, and prescrlbedleeel taken a course in sociology. remodlet, and by constantly tailing to cove WOOL BAGS PH O TO S U P P L I E S ; K odak dev elop in g and print­ in g ; w rit* for prices. W oodard, C larke A Co. W heat Bags, Ont M A G IC L A N T 1 C K N 8 -W e ls t e r Co., Portland. Low est prices on Lanterns an*i Slides. Burlap of All Kinds. lUDRSKS o f all kinds for sale at v ery reasonable price«. Inquire 275 Front St. What is C A S T O R IA Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. this Sturdy t h e " ' ’ I ' n ABLE. D l_ C ’* i a s w p a u v rified *trey V e v is e ever r ¡w ore n an d n and^ o sien o f ir^ the r disease „ r|Mlln of evidence which Tor each child born to the families of t h U « 8 t ^ cye to be” handed0 down to 1 ^ „ ^ 1 the "man. who confesse.1 that the municipal clerk. In K .n.s." city” th« w i U U ^ ' ^ U o n . for self-treatment and any medical advice de-, tb# was JuK.-lA,odou ‘ dd » . lUiout charge to all who write. . . . . c . Graph!* THE S W IF T SPECIFIC C O ., ATIAHTA. W * Bags of Burlap and Cotton Manufactured by us. T R U S S E S sent on ap p rova l; w e guarantee fit lu m ost difficult cai • ; W Woodard, oo‘ * C larke ' A * Co. “ 8 W E E T P E A S —Send 10c for p ck g. asstd Fair Gold M edal peas. J. J. Butzer, 188 Front street. A R T I F I C I A L E Y E S ; eyery shade am i sh a p e; as­ sortm en t sent on ap p rova l; W oodard, Clarke Co BEMIS C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S - W e guarantee the U. 8. Separator to be the best. W rite lor free calaiog. H azelw ood Co., Fifth and Oak. BAG M E N ’ S C L O T H IN O — Buffum A Pendleton, sole agents A llred B enjam in A Co.’ o f n n e o t clothes. E v ery th in g In m en 's furnishings. M orrison and S ixth streets. O pposite posioffice. W . L. D ouglas P O U L T R Y FOOL)— I f you w ant y ou r hens to lay m ore eggs w rite us for free particu lars about PU- W rite for list. Let us quote you a price. O llb ert-R a n ia k er Co., Portland, Oregon. COMPANY, SEATTLE, WASH. F R E E L A N D IN O R E G O N under the Carey Irri­ gation act. Deed direct from state. W rite today. B ook let and m ap free. B. S. C ook e A Co., 251 A ld er street, Portland, Oregon. I BRO. 1 5 0 8 -1 5 1 4 Colorado Street, F E E D S —A c m e M ills Co., _ the o n ly constitutional cure on the market. It Portland, Oregon. Y ou m u st n ot th in k th at th e L o rd Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a has s g g iv iv e n YOU H is rod h w m w v on '« » » P o o n f u l . It acts directly on the b l o o d and TAILO R.H —C o lu m b ia W oolen M ills T o.. Portland, e u y ou m s r o a uecau se y o u muCJUB surfaces o f the system. They o f fe r one Ore. Latest style clothes m ade to m easure cheap. fe e l lik e rap p in g all I lls ch ild ren . | hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Our salt m easurem ent system Insures perfect tit. »end tor ciroular» and testimoniala. W r ite for free sam ples and prices. W ill th e p eop le w h o are con ten t Addresa, K. J. CHENEY A CO .T oloJ o, O P IA N O S A O B O A M S — O ldest p ia n o l o u t o n Pa- b y I>ruyxliti, 7fic. w ith b e in g g o o d In sp ots be satisfied Bold citic coast. O rgans and Pianos on easy paym ents. Itali a Family P illi ara the beaL with heaven In small installments? E v e r y th in « ; W o n , No preacher ever got a good sermon “ And you still delay the wedding.” from above until he was willing to sighed the beautiful girl. “ My heart U throw away his own brilliant produc­ worn out.” tion. “ Is that all?” demanded the rultsr The K ind Y o u l i a v o A l w a y s lT o u g lit h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a ­ If the Master was as particular who was an advocate o f procrastina­ ture o f C hus. I I . F l e t c h e r , a n d lia s b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is about the people He would work with tion. personal s u p e r v i s io n f o r o v e r ÎÎO y e a r s . A l l o w n o o n e as we are this world would soon go to “ No," the carpet Is worn out. the par­ to d eceiv e y o u i n t h i s . C o u n t e r f e i t s , I m i t a t io n s n n d pieces. “ J u s t -n s -g o o d ” a r e h u t E x p e r i m e n t s , a n d e n d a n g e r t h e lor sofa Is worn out, raa's hopes are health o f C h ild r e n —E x p e r i e n c e a g a i n s t E x p e r im e n t . Troubles come through the things worn out and pa's patience Is worn we let slip through our lips rather •ut.” than by those that slip through our The suitor whistled. fingers. “ Well, by gum !” he retaliated. “ My Castoria is a h a r m l e s s s u b s t i t u t e f o r C a s t o r O il, P a r e ­ goric, D r o p s a n d S o o t h i n g S y r u p s . I t is P le a s a n t . I t There are too many preachers who shoes are worn out coming here every contains n e it h e r O p i u m , M o r p h i n e n o r o t h e r N a r c o t ic seem to think that the way to get the two or three nights.” substance, i t s a g e is i t s g u a r a n t e e . I t d e s t r o y s W o r m s people to glory is to consign them to O ne C aune o f P o v e rty . and allays F e v e r i s h n e s s . I t c u r e s D i a r r l n e a a n d W i n d perdition. Colic. It r e lie v e s T e e t h i n g T r o u b l e s , c u r e s C o n s t ip a t io n A Phlludelphinn was praising the and F la tu le n c y . I t a s s i m i l a t e s t h e F o o d , r e g u la t e s t h e late Mary Mapes Dodge. "W ise wo­ “L1E-G ERY” EQ U A LS F O R G E R Y . man as she was,” Stomach a n d l t o w e l s , g i v i n g h e a lt h y a n d n a t u r a l s le e p . he said, "Mrs. The C h ild r e n 's P a n a c e a — T h e M o t h e r ’ s F r ie n d . Dodge considered organized charity N e w W o r d C o in e d f o r F a l * e I m p e r ­ rather cold. She believed In the char­ s o n a t io n a t th e T e le p h o n e . ity spirit, which, she said, was best “ There ought to be a new word fostered by tbe direct personal contact coined to serve as a running mate to o f recipient and giver. Hence she B e a rs th e S ign atu re o f the word forgery,” said a Kansas City never refused a beggar. And, defend­ business man. “ Since the use of the ing herself from attacks one day, she telephone has obviated the necessity of narrated a conversation she once over­ much writing, a substitute for forgery, heard between two Maryland tramps, which I call liegery, has come Into gen­ or "peach plucks.’ These peach plucks, eral use. This Is the system: The tele­ as they lay under a tree on a superb * * + 4 ‘ Bill,’ said phone rings. I answer. Some one sa ys: afternoon, philosophized. •This Is the Tater and Onion Grocery said the first, ‘why Is It that poor peo­ Company. We have an account with ple Is always willin’ to help us, while TM * C E N TA U R C O M P A N Y . T T M U R R A Y « T R E C T , N EW Y O R K C IT Y . John Smith, who says he works for rich folks always turns us down?' you. He refused to settle the first of The other, with a mirthful laugh, re­ the month, saying that It was not his plied : ‘Them that don't mind givln’ payday. If this Is true we will extend things away Is the ones that stays bis credit until payday. How about It?’ poor.’ ”— Philadelphia Bulletin. “ Thinking I am doing John Smith a T h e A m e r l r a n C h n m t - le o u . favor, I answer: ‘That is true. Smith The American chameleon, a small L O O D P O I S O N ä ; works for me. He will not receive his lizard (Anolis carolinensls), Inhabits The black flag is an em b lem of horror and dread. ~ W hen it is hoisted pay until W ednesdny. various parts o f the Southern United Manny, the order has gone forth that “ no qu a rter” w ill be given, ev- “ Now it turns out that the person States. The little animal has the re­ juung must be destroyed. H elp less women and children, as well as oppos- who pretended to be the Tater nnd markable habit o f quickly and cem- S Midlers, meet the Same fate and a trail o f desolation, suffering and Onion Grocery Company was Instead a pletely changing its colors, varylvg left behind. C on ta giou s B lood P oison is the black flag o f the great collection attorney who wished to find from brown to yellow or pale green. “ 7 of disease. T h is v ile d isord er is k n ow n as the blackest and m ost hide- out for sure where J-.nn Smith worked Its food consists o f Insects. The little *of all human afflictions, o v erth row in g its victim s and crushing out the and when he got his pay so he could animal Is |>erfectly harmless to higher “ is no respecter o f p e r s o n s ; n o m atter h ow pure the blood m ay be Karn|9hee his wages to collect. If the forms o f life, Is often kept as a pet, ow innocent 1 y the disease is contracted, w hen this awful virus enters tho gtorney had told who be was ami wlint and has been worn attached to a ck'iin the hideous, h atefu l an d h u m ilia tin g sym ptom s begin to appear, [le «-anted I would not have given him as an ornament. e sufferer fe e ll that h is v e r y presen ce is pollu tin g and contaminating. information. To represent yourself The toes are provided with adheslv* a y the first sign o f th e disease is a little sore o r ulcer, but a9 the blood ag nnotlier person over the phone Is pads, which enable the lizard to run ,I?e8n’ ore deeply poisoned th e severer sym ptom s are manifested, the reaj]y ns bad ns signing another per- upon smooth vertical surfaces.— St. t o .f i '1.throat “ 'cerate, th e g la n d s in th e g roin s swell, a red rash breaks aon.g nanM> Tlie one Is forgery, the Nicholas. M , e “°dy, the hair a n d ey eb row s c o m e ou t, and often the I nly is cov- 0jjier •He-gery.' It Is an evil that Is F l r a t K n i r ln e a W e r e F a n w p . coPper-colored sp ots, p u stu la r eruption s and sores. In its worst iprea(j|ng everywhere. ’— Kansas City I f our modern rnllwn.v engines had . e disease affects th e n erves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes TImeg_ the same power to laugh that they in— pr oduc - j had b l o ^ i a o n M a t t i n a H I * C o llin have to scream they might, as you ^ nsanity and death. N o t o n ly Seeing that the original of Sherlock children say, “ nearly die” laughing ini ° c° " tract the poison suffer, ln*a I "put ”on”t he m w °uld do, a” 5 fw a * Holmes Is a Scotsman, the police of tho over the way onr first railway engines Uood h , 16 v'rus *9 driven from fright ”d ei y b m *uth,v.°»« *o a°ra*X eannle country ought to be Inspired | looked. Little, queerly shaped, puny sra awful taint is handed 1 to offsprmg’ and th are i u to 'liv e o n m ilk and wlth ability to solve the mystery sur- things they were, The “ Stourbridge weigh one-twenty-fiftb ^ t v et Blood Poison is in- r e « i n a y b e u e r I con tin u ed to grow roundln)i the dreadful crime recently Lion’’ didn’t we w orse and my arms an d hnnda ceca^ ^ romm|tt*d In their midst It is the part o f the weight o f an engine o f to- [tish t a n t o * Mercury and Souldd*nortew alkya i d Ci felt that my time man fo f the mlnuUe of detail that day. and It looked as If people might f trouble fte5 .Used> nevcr can cu re r^the . 1 ilese nilnerals merely iT‘ r* i beg a n to u i.'your0 ^ ^ 8 .^nd^t brlngs off the coup I n * case of this j well hesitate about risking their lives m v ih .u - sort Some year, ago an aged woman ! behind It. It was first used at Ilones- away ior awhile helped me from " gs murdered near Carlisle for the dale. In Pennsylvania, and It ran on i »hea th.‘Sease,nP in tbe system, sake of the little sum o f money In her wooden rails with a thin layer o f iron ^ kft off it «turns / sch n abel , possession. There was no clue he- on them. People gathered from near ' onlv f a i l , *°re' Tbi* treatment No. 211 Mary St. footpr|„t marked In a pool o f and from far that 8tb o f August in the -ejtsout th .^ f Ure blood poison ' ................ The notable feature year 1829. when the little British lion ,ll7 causes**1*’ Pro<^uce9 c h r o n ic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth andIf re- tbe form of two pe- o f iron and ateel waa to make Its first run. The wiseacres shook their beads and prophesied all sorts o f probable toth'e n rerH cT n e^ 'T sV e^ oS u ererif ^ ^ “ ^ t T b r o T d ' ^ “when^ disaster!, and people said that “ noth­ ing on earth” could tempt them to ride across the bridge spanning the J?™ * and J u t s the avstem in f f o 3 there had M K withdrawn from the ▼irns and p u ts t C ^ #aiely ^ ^ of on4 of tbe boots two nails, the Lackawaxen River on “ that thing.” hea th y ‘ ^ ¿ ^ u g e there is not a - l t l o n , 0f which corresponded with But the little lion went safely over the bridge and over the eight or nine w u r tic ¡V o iin in e r a H n it- W e ° ff5 * T the m ark, left In the I m p r - l o n . They c <5 r ---------- . found those two mllM o f tr9ck- " h lc h was the entire Dt| m »T w ™ ward of lr,°oo.°o ° ° for P^v!, ^ r ' “ l « g t h o f th l. line o f ra llroa d .-S t. nails ...-------- hidden beneath newly turne«! V E G F T A R I IT is not purely vegetable. W hen Nicholas. these two nails was .. i s purified a n d strengthened with tin* M r t h A nd upon th Bags, Barley Bags, Flour Bags, H op Cloth, Ore Sacks and E L A S T IC H O S IE R Y ; Supporters, B races; Knit to F it; free m easurem ent b la n k s ; W oodard, Clarke. with lo ca l treatment, pronounced Itincurabla. has proven catarrh to be a constitv»* The feast of the sermon always pro- I Science ' tional disease, and therefore requires constitu­ duces spiritual Indigestion unless fol­ tional treatment. Hall’ s Catarrh Cure, m anu­ factured by F. J. Cheuey A Co., T oledo, Ohio, is lowed by religious exercise. We are Manufacturers and Importers of Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­ sentative Business firms. W . L. D ouglas 8 4 .0 0 Cilt Edge Line ca nn o t be equalled at any price. *. u D0U6U j / SH O ES 1 ALL P R IC E S AUeu A j Oregon H erb s—S pecific for all K id n ey and Bladder . troubles. Cures B A C K A C H E . PriceftOc. Trial size sent b y m all for lOo. In stam ps. Send today. 260>) T h ird 8L H um an H air G oods—Sw itches, Pom padours, Men*S T ou pees and W ig s ; best q u a lity ; low est prices; send for tree p rice list: mail orders a specialty. Parts H air Store, 80S W ashington St. Est 1888. 5 PER CENT GOLD BONDS Why a c c e p t a lo w e r ra te o f in t e r e s t fro m pavin gs b u n k s w h e n w e o w n a n d o f fe r f o r sale I’J/VO.ooo o f t h e |l,(HHi,(KH) issu e o f th e M o u n t H o o d E le c t r ic Co. (P o r t la n d , O r e g o n ) 20 y ea r S o ld B o n d s , p a y i n g 5 per c e n t , s e c u r e d by a F irst M o r tg a g e o n $9,000.000 w o r t h o f p r o p e r t y . Fafest in v e s t m e n t a v n ila b le . W r ite fo r p a r- ticulars. ThC BANK O f AMERICA, San Francisco, Cal. AGAINST T H E STCTRM THERE'ISJü PROTECTÌSt; P N LIKE ICKERS »A L E t« ALLTHE. ? P» .' u IE S T D E A L E R S A. J. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED 1836 » soaron H L W Y O B * C H I C A G O TOWI> CAhAMAW CO.l«,rt.(.TOIlO«TO (*h | , | ; i | W. L. D O U G LA S M A APS A S FLL8 M ORA M P A 'S $ 3 . B tl S H O P S T H A N A A V O T H P l M A N U F A C T U R E R IA T H E W O R LD . tl fl nnn anyon, to who can «# I U | U U U dlsprovo thia itatement. It I could take you Into n v three large factories at Brockton, M m *., and »how you the Infinite care with which every palrofihoe* leniadr you would reallre why W . L. Dongle- » 3 .so »hoee co«t more to make, why they hold their ahane, tit better, wear longrt. and art of grealat Intrinsic value than any other $.1.50 .hoe. * - L D o u Q la m M i r o n a M a tt a A 'A o o s to M B O , --------------- $ 2 .1 1 0 . R o y a - ' S - v h - t o o / * _ a n - . $ 2 . ------ . C A U T I Q W . - l i u i n t npon DAving W .JLD onf. las ahoea. T a ke no substitute. N one tfenuiiiG w ithout bin name and price stamped on bottom . F a st Color E yelets used ; they ivlll not wear brassu. W rite for IlluHtratet! Catalog. We L D O IIG L A 8, ISroclctou, MaHs P. N. U. No. 12 [w 06 D E N w r itin g t o a d v e r tlie r a p le a a fl m e n t i o n t h i s p a p e r# Get W hat You Ask For! HERE Is a Reason— W hy the Good People of A m e r i c a buy Cascarela aa Fast as the Clock Ticks. Every second som e one, somewhere, Is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cas­ careis. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6—60 times to the Minute, 60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours, 1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. Think of it—220,000 People take a Cascaret tablet each day. Millions use Cascareis when necessary. The Judgment of Millions of Bright Americans is Infallible. T h e / have been Buying and Taking Cascarela at that rats for over Six years. T a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind. Over Five Millions of Dollars have been Spent to make the merits o f Cas­ carela known, and every cent of It would be lost, did not sound merit claim and hold the constant, continued friendship. Patronage and Endorsement of well- pleased people year after year. * * • There Is also a Reason— W h y there are Parasites who attach themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas* caret’s success— Imitators, Counterrelters, Substltutors. They are Trade Thieves who would rob Cascarets of the "G o o d W ill” of the people, and sneak unearned profits. earned and paid for by Cascareis. It Is not an Experiment, not an Acci­ A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest dent or Incident, but a sound. Honest Pr duct and a Disregard of the Purchas­ ers' Health or Welfare. Business, based on Tlme-Tried-and- Tested Merit, never found wanting. Beware of the Slick Salesman and hie There la a Reason. e s ancient "Ju st as Good’ ’ story that com­ mon sense refutes. s Cascarets are the Implacable foe of All Disease Germs; the Incomparable cleanser, purifier and strengthener of the entire Digestive Canal. They A ct hke Exercise on the Bowel- Muscles, make them strong and a c t i v e - Cascarets are made only by the Sterling Rem edy Company, and the famous little Ten Cent "Vest Pocket” bog Is here shown. They are never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked " C C C .” " Be sure you get the genuine. able to Help Themselves do their work— keep themselves clean. Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent Childhood against the'Dreadful Death- dealing Dangers that threaten the Lives of the Uttle Ones. They ere Purely Vegetable, absolutely Harmless, always Reliable and Effldant, r r r « t i t o o u r f r ic n d s i W« w est to send to oer friends a beas'ifol Pr-nch-designed. GOLD PLATEO BONBUN BOX. hard-enameled la colon. It i t a beauty (or the dreuiog tabi*. Ten Ten cents In ttaeip ttam ps t is it stked asked i a t a r t of f $ood good faith and to cover cot cost t of C Caacan stcarett. with whichTSla dainty trinket I t loaded. _ Send tmday, mentioning this paper. Address Sterna* Remedy Company. Chicago or New Toth.