Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 19, 1906, Image 4

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    T o F la b «
If the first rnsh proved suc­
cessful, the vessel was theirs.
Dawes thought o f the little bright-hair­
ed child who had run so confidingly to
meet him, and shuddered.
“ There!” said the Crow, with a sneer
Ing laugh, “ what do you think of that?
Does the girl look like disappointing us
now J "
There was silence for a minute or two.
The giant was plunged in gloomy ab­
straction, and Vetch and the Moocher
C H A P T E R V.— (Cootinned.)
been for the counter excitement of the Interchanged a significant glance. Gab­
The woman of whom they were speak­ burning ship. It is possible that Pine's bett had been ten years at the colonial
H o r s e B la o k e t.
ing met him at the ladder. Her face was precaution would have been thrown penal settlement of Macquarie Harbor,
A horse blanket particularly adapt­
paler than usual, and dark circles round away. The “ old hands,” who had been
ner eyes gars eridence of a sleepless through ths passage before, suspected, I confide to hie companions. When he in­ ed to draft animals Is the invention o
night. She opened her red lips to speak. but said nothing save among them­ dulged In one of these fits of recollection, a Seattle man. This blanket Is so ven­
• nd then, seelug Vickers, stopped ab­ selves. It la lively that the weak and hie friends found It best to leave him tilated that undue accumulation of
animal beat under the blanket Is pre­
sickly would go first, and that there to himself.
Rufus Dawes was no longer stimulat­ vented. This Is accomplished by buy­
“ Well, what Is It?"
would be more room for those remain­
ed by outward sounds, his senses appear­
She looked from one to the other. “ I ing. The “ old hands” were satisfied.
ing openings In that portion of ihe
tim e for Doctor Pine."
Three of these old hands were con­ ed to fall him. The blood hushed Into
Vickers, with the quick Intelligence versing together Just behind the parti­ hie eyes and ears. He made a violent, horse. The openings being at ‘he
nf affection, guessed her errand. ‘‘Some tion of Dawes' bunk. Ths berths were vain effort to retain his consciousness, highest point occupied by the blanket
one Is ill r
five feet square, and each contained six hut with a faint cry fell back, striking when arranged on the animal, the ris­
“ Miss Sylvia, sir. It la nothing to sig­ men. No. 10, the berth occupied by kis head against the edge of the bunk.
ing animal heat passes off freely. To
nify, I think. A little feverish and hot, Dawes, was situated In the corner made
The noise roused the burglar In an In­
and my mistress------ “
by the Joining of the starboard and cen
Vickers was down the ladder In an In­ ter lines, and behind it was a slight re­ The three looked Into each other's eyes,
stant, with scared face. Pine caught the cess, In which the scuttle was fixed. In guilty alarm, and then Gabbett dash­
girl's round, firm arm. “ Where have His “ mates” were at present but three ed re and the partition.
you been?”
“ It’s Daw es!" said the Moocher. “ We
In unmber, for John Rex and a cockney
Two great flakes of red came out In tailor had been removed -to the hospital. had forgotten him!”
her whits cheeks, and she shot an Indig­ Ths three that remained were now 1A
‘‘ He’ll Join us, mate, he’ll Join us.” ’
nant glance at Blunt.
deep conversation In the shelter of the cried Vetch, fearful of bloodshed.
“ Wars you with ths child last night?” recess. Of these, a giant seemed to be
Gabbett, flinging himself on to the
went on Pina.
ths ch|ef. His name was Gabbett. prostrate figure, dragged It, head fore­
“ No; I have not been in the cabin Hs was a returned oonvlet. Ths other most, to the floor. The sudden vertigo
Since dinner yesterday.
Mrs. Vickers two were a man named Sanders, known had saved Rufus Dawes' life. The rob­
©nly called me In Just now. Let go my as “ ths Moochsr,” and Jemmy Vetch, ber twisted one brawny hand In his
arm, sir; you hurt me.”
the “ Crow.” They were talking hi whie- shirt, and pressing the knuckles down,
Pine loosed his hold as If satisfied at pere, but Rufus Dawes, lying with his prepared to deliver a blow that should
ths reply.
"I beg your pardon,” he head close to the partition, was enabled forever silence the listener, when Vetch
said, gruffly. “ I did not mean to hurt to catch much of what they said.
caught his arm. “ H e’s been asleep,” he
you. But the fever has broken out in
At first the conversation turned en the cried. “ Don’ t hit him I See, he’s not
ths prison, and I think the child has catastrophe of the burning ship. From awake yet.”
paught It You must be careful where this It grew to anecdote of wreck and
A crowd gathered round. The giant
you go.”
adventure, and at last Oabbett said relaxed hts grip, but the convict gave
Sarah Purfoy stood motionless for an something which made the listener start only a deep groan, and allowed his head
instant, in deadly terror. Her lips part­ from his Indifferent efforts to slumber to fall on his shoulder.
ed, her eyes glittered, and she made a into sudden, broad wakefulness,
Gabbett took another look at the purp­
movement as though to retrace her Bteps.
It was the mention of his own name, ling face and the bedewed forehead, and prevent water or snow from gaining
“ Poor soul!” thought honest Blunt, coupled with that of the woman he had then sprang erect, rubbing at his right
access through these openings there
“ how she feels for the child!
That met on the quarter-deck.
hand, as though he would rub off some­ Is used a shield, which is supported
lubberly surgeon, he's hurt her! Never
“ I saw her speakln* to Dawes yester­ thing sticking there.
mind, my lass,” hs said, aloud. It was day,” said the giant, “ we don’ t want
“ He's got the fever!” he roared, with above the openings by a skeleton wire
broad daylight, and he had not ns much no more than we’ve got. I ain’t goln’ to a terror-stricken grimace.
“ I’ ve seen frame. The reins for guiding the horse
courage in love making ns at night. risk my neck for Rex's fancies, and It before to-day. The typhus Is aboard are held in place in the frame. The
“ Don’t be afraid. I’ ve been In ships so I’ ll tell her.”
shield, which Is made o f fabric. Is of
and he's the fourth man down!”
With fever before now.”
The clrele of beast-like faces, stretched greater width than the openings, thor­
“ It was something about the kid,”
Awaking, as It were, at the sound of says the Crow, In his elegant slang. “ I forward to “ see the fight,” widened at oughly protecting the animal. Such a
his voles, she came closer to him. “ But don’t believe she ever saw him before." the half-comprehended. Ill-omened word.
blanket would be suitable for livestock
ship fever! I have heard of Itl Men
“ If I thort she was agoln* to throw It was as though a bombshell had fallen
have died like rotten sheep In crowded us over. I’ d cut her throat as soon as Into the group. Rufus Dawes lay on the o f any kind.
“ i | vessels liks this.”
deck motionless, breathing heavily. The
look at her,” snorts Gabbett, savagely.
B u ild in g : U p a B e e f H e r d .
“ Tush! Not they. Don’ t be fright­
"Jack ud have a word In that,” snuf­ savage circle glared at hla prostrate
It Is Important to have cattle of
ened; Miss Sylvia won't die, nor you fles the Moocher; "and he's a curious body. The alarm ran round, and all the
good Individual quality and to have
: neither.” He took her hand. “ It may cove to quarrel with.”
prison crowded down to stare at him.
this backed up by good pedigrees. But
knock off a few dozen prisoners or so.
"W ell,” grumbled Mr. Gabbett, "and All at once he uttered a groan, and turn­
■ They are pretty close packed down let's have no more chaff. If we're for ing, propped his body on his two rigid It is equally Important that their en-
there. What la the matter?”
arms, and made an effort to speak. But vlroment be right, writes a New York
blznsss, let's come to blzneas
“ Nothing—a pain.
I did not sleep
"W hat are we to do now?" asked the no sound Issued from his convulsed jaws. farmer in American Agriculturist A
' last night. I have the toothache,” said Moocher. ‘‘Jack’s on the sick list, and
“ H e’s done,” said the Moocher, brutal­ farm that Is naturally poor and grows
She, putting her hand to her face.
ly. “ He didn't hear nullin'.”
the gal won’t stir a'lhout him.”
poor crops can only develop stock of
I 1
“Take some laudanum,” says Blunt,
The noise of the heavy bolts shooting
"M y dear friends,” said the Crow,
’ with dim recollections of his old mother's "my keylnd and kerlstian friends. It Is back broke the spell. The first detach­ poor quality. I am positive o f this.
11 treatment of such ailments. “ Old Pine'll to be regretted that when natur’ gave ment were coming down from “ exercise." The farm on which my cattle are kept
give you some. No, I’ll get It for you. you such tremendously thick skulls, she The door was flung back, and the bayo­ Is considered one o f the best In the
f j o u sha’n’ t ask that bear for It. Come didn’ t put something Inside of ’em. I nets of the guard gleamed In a ray of county and Is not getting any poorer
(in to my cabin.”
say that now’s the time. Jack’s in the sunshine that shot down the hatchway. with the large amount of manure my
Blunt’s cabin was In the starboard 'orspltal; what of that?
That don’t This gllmps* of sunlight— sparkling at stock make. It Is not what could be
side of the ship Just under ths awning, make ) t 'no better f„ r hlm_ doe8 u ? Not the entrance of the fetid and stifling
called high ground, but almost level
If f
1 A l i l i
f ln g ln g U i> i 1 t l l r a n
f l- I > • . 1 , > n - ■
A n n
lo o b
. . . . .
. . . .
till! ; ! Possessed three windows— one look a bit of It; and. If he drops . his
knife prison— seemed to mock their miseries. and well drained. This soil Is under­
ou* orer tbe side, and two upon and fork, why, then It’s my opinion It was as though heaven laughed at
I V 'i d e c k . The corresponding cabin on the that ths gal won’ t stir a peg. It's on them. By one of those terrible and laid with limestone, similar to the
i | j ; other side was occupied by Mr. Mau his account, not ours, that she’s been strange Impulses which animate crowds, limestone and blue grass lands of Ken­
.Jrlce Frere. He closed the door and took manoovertng, ain’t It?”
the mass, taming from the sick man. tucky, that have long been famous for
} k Jdown a small medicine chest.
leaped toward the doorway. The inte­ the stock that came from them.
¡1 b “ Here,” said he, opening It.
“ I've
rior of the prison flashed white with
. 1 j, carried this little box for years, but It
The Honey Munkmelon.
suddenly turned faces. The gloom scin­
1 5« 'e ln ’t often I want to use It. Now, then, vinced, "I s'pose It Is.”
One o f the astonishing things In
tillated with rapidly moving hands. “ Air,
this Into your mouth, and
vegetable growing or rather In grow­
Another thing, when the boys air! Give ns air!”
I mold It there,”
“ That’s It!” said Sanders to his com­ ing vegetables for the express purpose
know there’s fever aboard, you’ ll see
“ «o°0
clous, Captain Blunt, you’ll the rumpus there’s be. They'll
be panions. “ 1 thought the news would of supplying the consumer, Is the ut­
SlRr poison me! Give me the bottle; I'll help ready enough to join us then. Once get rouse ’em.”
ter Indifference shown by the grower
¡jig myself. You need not fear. I've used the snapper-chest, and we're right as
Gabbett— all the savage In his blood
to the matter of quality. The same
;*’’ jl|t before.” And she put the bottle In her nine-penn'orth o’hapence.”
stirred by the sight of flashing eyes and
thing applies to fruit.
It would be
|! j l l , <fHH k„t
This conversation had an Intense In­ wrathful faces— would have thrown him­
, !» *
Her tears were all dry long ago, and
terest for Rufus Dawes. Plunged Into self forward with the rest, but Vetch excusable if there were no other sorts,
only given Increased color to her prison, hurriedly tried, and by reason plucked him back.
but when there are a dozen more or
Iji t “ face. This agreeable woman never wept
“ It’ ll be over in a moment,” hs eald. less far better than the varieties of­
of his surroundings Ignorant of the death
iii « long enough to make herself dlataste-
fered It la strange. Indeed, they are
of his father and hie own fortune, he "It's only a fit they’ ve got.”
' ;
' u'-
ra'!l*d her dark eyes to his for had hitherto held altar/ from the scoun­
(To ba continued.)
not grown. A family well known to
| ll I moment, with a saucy smile, and gain
drels who surrounded him.
He now
the writer was especially fond o f musk
D ra w n
O a t.
I ,« bSd her cabin. It was next to that of
saw his error. He knew that the name
“ That Westerner seemed to bo tell­ melons and bought them In large quan­
ilg O e r mistress, and she could hear the sick
tities until all that were offered them
* -jhlld feebly moaning. Her eyes filled he had ones possessed was blotted out, ing you some pretty tall tales.”
*l“ *lth tears, real ones this tints,
"Y'es, he was telling me that out his were so poor in quality they stopped
i 'Hgtl “ Poor little thing,” she sald| “ I hope
the fire that consumed the Hydaspes. way It was nothing unusual to harvest using them and the producer lost valu­
I .he won't die.”
able trade. The Honey melon, which
150 bushels o f wheat to the acre.”
, l j 3 ' And then she threw herself on her bed Richard Devine was dead— lost at sea
"O f course, you told him that was a has been tested for three years past.
with the crew of the Ill-fated vessel In
| in fl burled her hot head In the pillow.
Is one o f the promising new sorts. It
I /i jjfb e Intelligence of the fever seemed to which— deluded by a skillfully sent let­ lie.”
"N ot exactly. I merely remarked Is a nicely formed melon, the skin
'^ l a v s terrified her. Had the news dlsar- ter from the prison— his mother believ­
'Winged some well-concocted plan of hers? ed him to have sailed. Rufus Dawes, that It was a ‘cereal story.’ ’’— Phlla green and the flesh a yellowish green.
The flesh Is firm and deep and of a
1 I'jjjJelng near the accomplishment of some alone should live. Rufus Dawes— the delphla Press.
,4 "Tierlshed scheme, long kept In view, had convicted felon, the suspected murderer,
I ^ Whe sudden and unexpected presence of should live to claim his freedom. With
H la F a v o r ite .
iljjlsea te falsified her carefully made oal- his head swimming, and his brain on fire,
A fter many years Remus returned
ujj j^ulatlone, and cast an almost Insur-
But we can't stir without the girl,” to the old folks In the little Dixie cab­
l .C ou n ta b le obstacle In her path?
eald. “ She's got to stall off the in. There was much rejoicing.
| p “ She die! and through me? IIow
“ §ee, boy,” said the old father, “ yo’
w o . i know
snow that he
hs had a fever? Perhaps 1 sentry."
The Crow produced a dirty scrap of am de prodigal en Ah am gwlne to kill
J “ ave taken It myself. I feel 111." She
■ H brn ad over on the bed. as If In pain, paper, over which his companions eag­ de fatted calf.”
erly bent their heads.
But Remus protested.
1 L ud
,u ,r ,*<’ ,0 a sitting position,
Where did yer get that?” asked Gab-
“ ‘^ I n n g by a sadden thought. “ Perhaps
"Fatted c a lf? " he echoed.
“ Huh!
^ ^ ■ e might die! The fever spreads quick bet t.
Doan kill no fntted ca lf fob dls child.
“ Yesterday afternoon
was Kill a fatted ’possum.”
and If so, all this plotting will have
|f|"esn useless. It must he done at once. standing on the deck throwing bits o’
|I**t will never do to break down now," toke to ths gulls, and I saw her a-look-
N ot th e P ro p er C o n te n ts.
Blind taking the phial from her pocket. ing at me very hard. At last she came
Newltt— It certainly Is a great es­
flavor, decidedly pleasing
held It up. to see how much It con­ down ae near the barricade as she dared, tablishment. T h ey’ re sticklers for
to the taste. If It does as well In gen­
i' ••«Itied. It was three parts full. "Enough and thro wed crumbs and such-like up In
system there; everything in Ita right
jU nr both,” she said, between her set ths air over the side. By and by a pret­
eral planting as on small plats, and
th. The action of holding up the ty big lump, doughed up round, fell close place."
there Is no good reason why It should
Cassidy— Oh, Ol dunnot Whin 01
ittls reminded her of Blunt, and she to my foot, and, watching a favorable
not. It will be a variety that should be
lied. " I ’ll go through with It, and, opportunity, I punched It. Inside was wlnt through there Ol seen a lot o ’ red extensively planted in all sections
ths worse comes to the worst, I can this bit o’ r a g b a g "
buckets marked 'F or Fire Only,' an*
The writing, though feminine In char­ falx, there was wather In thlm !” — where the mnskmelon may be grown.
11 back on Maurice.” She loosened the
It will certainly please the consumer.
rk o f ths phial, so that It would come acter, was bold and distinct. Sarah had Philadelphia Press.
jut with as little noise as possible, and evidently been mindful o f the education
T o K e e p S w e e t P o ta to « * .
en placed it earefully in her bosom, of her friends, and had desired to give
W asted.
When you have no cellar that will
t »*1 will get a little sleep If I can," she them as little trouble as possible.
Teas— May Iloam ley Is making Just
keep all the sweet potatoes you need,
“ All Is right. Watch me when I come
I, iild. "They have got the note, and
the loveliest hat for herself. Oh, It’s
up to-morrow evening at three bells. If
wash and fill a boiler full o f potatoes
shall be dons to-night"
simply the sweetest------
I drop my handkerchief, get to work
cover with cold water, place them
Jess— Oh, what's the use? She’ll
at ths time agreed on. Ths sentry will
over the fire and boll until you can
^ ^ ^ ff Ths felon. Rufus Dawes, had stretch be safe."
pierce them with a fork. Remove
Tees— Not at all. 8he's got It al­
Rufus Dawes, though
his eyelids
himself Hi his bunk and
from boiler and scrape the peeling off-
Ul Jjpep. But though he was tired and sore. would scarcely keep open, and a terrible most finished and It’s p erfect
allce very thin and spread on news­
T>d his head felt like lead, he could not lassitude almost paralysed his limbs,
paper and dry them in the sun like
*Nut keep broad awake. Ths long pull eagerly drank In the whispered sentence. to wear It— Philadelphia Press.
fr u it
8oak before cooking. Add a
~ rough the pure air. If It had tired There was a conspiracy to sales the ship.
F e ll F la t .
little angar and butter, and you will
i, had revived him," and he felt strong Sarah Furfoy was In league with the
"Puffson Richly used to have the have a nice breakfast dish.
but for all that the fatal sickness convicts. She had come on board armed
ia t was on him maintained Its hold. with a plot, and this plot was about to swelled head terribly, but now he's •
pulse beat thickly, and his brain be put In execution.
very decent sort o f a fellow.
W hst
F a t la M ilk .
True, that ths head o f this formida­ changed him?”
irobbed with unnatural heat. Lying In
The percentage of fat In milk from a
narrow space. In the setni-darkness, ble chimera—John Rex. the forgsr— was
“ Some one called on him unexpw i- single cow may vary, one day giving
toseed his limbs about and closed his absent, but ths two hands, or rather
sdly one night at a banquet to re­ different results from the n ex t In an
as In valni hs could not sleep. His clawe— the burglar and ths prison break­
ost efforts Induced only an opprsss- er— were preseat, and the sllmty made, spond to a toast. He's never had the experiment with a choice Jersey cow
■tagnatlon o f thought, through which effseainete Crow, If he had not the brains nerve to got up on his high bores the milk was found to range from 4 .4s
per cent to 5.83 per cen t A single test
heard the voices of his feliow-con- of his master, yet made up for hla flac­ since!"— Detroit Free Trees.
ictsi while before his eyes wss ths cid muscles and nerveless frame by a
with a cow may, therefore, be o f no
C le v e r a t H a a d l l a a M e a .
ratng Hydaspea— that vessel whose cat-like canning and a spirit of volatility
"H ow did that young stripling get value, at In the one case more milk
jetion had destroyed forever
all that nothing could enbdoe. With such that diplomatic position? Has hs ever would be required to make a pound of
ace o f the unhappy Richard I»evloe. a powerful ally outside as ths mock
butter than In the other, as was shown
shown any diplomatic ability F*
As yet there had been no alarm of maid servant, the chance o f success eras
“ Yea Indeed] He landed the Job." In the variation In fat with the above
iver. T hs three selaures had excited enormously Increased. There were one
njnsot, however, and had It not hundred end eighty ceevleta aad hat tity —Detroit Free Prsaa
"-• »
W e e v il.
Secretary Wilson, of the Hep* irt
ment o f Agriculture, asks In hla re-
“ r" to Congress that *106.800 be ap­
propriated as the boll weevil Item for
the following year. It Is proposed that
the Secretary be authorized to expend
the appropriation In such >uanner
he shall deem best. In co-operation
with the State experiment ■t“ tlona
and practical cotton growers, u r ui
special appropriation o f *195,000 which
was made for the fiscal year ending
June 30. 190«, *105,000 has been used
by the Bureau of Plant Industry In
the study o f cotton diseases, diversi­
fication and co-operation with the va-
rious experiment stations In extern!-
ing the Improved cultural methods. It
Is recommended that this appropria­
tion be continued, not as a separate
item, but as a part of the regular bu­
reau funds. It Is highly Important,
the Secretary of Agriculture adds,
that the Investigation on breeding of
new cottons, the general propaganda
work on Improved cultural methods,
the study of the diseases and diversifi­
cation of crops, be continued and ex­
tended Into other Southern States like­
ly to be Invaded by the weevil. The
object o f this apropriatlon is to en­
able the department to continue this
1408— Battle of Branham Moor.
1437— James I. of Scotland murd«^
1519— Hernando- Cortes sailed from (
to conquer Mexico.
1019— Lucllio Van ini burnt u an ,, I
1st at Toulouse.
1056— Spain declared war against ¡v|
“ I
1694— Bradford paid for printing w|
book in New York City.
M ilk P a y » M op « t h a n B a t t e r .
The following, with reference to ths 1749— Riot In Haymarket, London, oml
decline o f butter manufacture In En­
failure of a man to Jump Into t|
quart bottle as promised.
gland, Is from Hon. Frank W. Mahln,
United States consul at Nottingham, 1759— French siege of Madras ralni
England: “ One plausible explanation 1763— Seven years’ war ended.
o f the manifest decline In dairying In 1778— First salute to American flag by a I
England Is that It Is more profitable
foreign government.
to sell the milk, the drinking of which 1780— British under Gen. Clinton lantl
Is Increasing, than to convert It Into
ed South Carolina.
Consequently the average 1792—
American Congress grant«! i|
British farmer Is making no butter to
bounty to fishing vessels.
sell, but Is even buying what he needs 1793—
British flag raised on ths
for his own use. Furthermore, It Is
of Corsica.
asserted that some English dairies buy 1803— Ohio admitted as the aeveutetnikl
foreign butter and sell it as their own
product—the domestic article, though 1804— U. S. frigate Philadelphia deattoy|
Inferior, In the Judgment o f many con­
ed In harbor of Tripoli.
sumers, commanding a higher price 1807— Aaron Ilurr arrested near Fottl
than the foreign.”
Stoddart, Alabama.
Florida ceded to the United Stit»|
R infciiiM : U n r u l y
H og*.
by Spain.
When the sows get unruly and In-
Constitution captuaj|
dined to make trouble o f various kinds 1815— Frigate
British sloops Cyane and Levant.
they can be readily controlled by an
took tha field |
arrangement made of ropes and placed 1818— Gen. Jackson
against the Florida Indians.
around the Jaws of the animal. Such
a rope Is not easy to put in position 1831— Poles defeated Russians it Gr» |
with an angry hog, so a little device
made of an old broom handle Is used. 1853— Ship Independence lost off Lora |
California ; 140 persons perished.
Insert a small hook In one end of the
handle and near the other end nail a 1850— Ship John Rutledge sunk by ia|
Ship Hungarian lost off Caps |
Sable ; 205 persons perished.
1861— Jefferson Davis inaugurated Prol-1
dent of Confederate States__ Tent I
State troops seized U. S. arsenal and |
barracks at San Antonio.
Surrender of Fort Donelson.
1864— First war prisoners received «t I
Andersonville prison.. First Knights I
of Pythias lodge organized in Wash- [
lngton, D. 0 . . . . Second Confedenu |
Congress met at Richmond.
1805— Columbia, S. C., surrendered t» |
Gen. Sherman.
First passage of a ship through |
the Sues canal.
strap, which fastened so as to form a
Battle between Ruha and Marti-1
loop, will enable one to get a firmer
nez, near Mazatlan, Mexico. .Amir I
grip on the handle. Then take the
ican theater burned in San Fraa-1
rope and make a slip noose In one end,
hang It from the hook on the end o f ! 1869—
Loans of money on United State» |
the small pole and, with a quick move­
notes by national banks forbidden.
ment, place the loon over and around 1870-Northern Pacific railroad begun at
the upper Jaw, when the mouth is I
the Dalles of St. Louis, Minn,
forced open. Take hold of the rope 1873-Fernando Wood moved In ths
one hand just above the noose
House for the impeachment of Vice
and with the help of the ringer Insert
President Colfax,
the ring or rings on the snout. The 1874— Business section of city of Va
animal will be unable to tight much
ama destroyed by fire,
with this appliance around Its Jaw. The 1875-Jesse Tomeroy, "boy murder«,’
Illustration shows the details o f ths I
sentenced to death in Boston,
m fh ^ lth e8trv,aP ,8nd h° ° k aD<1 ftlS° th® 1876— Congress appropriated *1,500.00*
method of having the loop over the
for Centennial Exposition at Phil»- |
Passage of the Bland silver bill is |
D e m a n d fo r T r o tte r s .
the U. S. Senate.
The breeding of hackneys may an­ 1879—
Women admitted to practice be I
swer for men o f great wealth and
fore the United States SuproM j
large incomes, but the average Amerl-
Can„ “
y 111 j,f ln d 14 “ «eh more 1882— Congress voted widow of President I
profitable to breed from the best o f
Garfield a pension of $5,000 a y«r-
trotting stock, says American Cultlva-
....N ih ilists convicted of assassin»!- |
tor. He should aim to produce anl-
Alexander II. of Russia,
mals of good size, high Intelligence 1885— New comet discovered by ProL j
pleasant disposition, a pure trotting
gait and high, all round action. There 1887— Congress passed a bill retiring t* j
is always a good demand for such anl-
trade dollar.. . .Woman’s sui™^
mals and at prices that will Insure a
became a law in Kansas....P- “ j
profit to the man who breeds and rals-
Senate passed anti-polygamy bill
es them, provided they are properly 1802— Edward P. Deacon shot nnd kill«* |
educated to harness and well fitted for
AI- Abeille at Cannes, Franc*.
the market
1895— Madge York, actress, murdered i* |
Philadelphia by James B. Gentrf.
W h e a t th e B e s t S h eep F o o d .
sn actor.
a a T J \ 0f the e I Perlrnent stations 1898—Battleship Maine blown up *
find that a pound o f wheat In feeding
Havana harbor.
has more nutriment than a pound of 1905— Five killed in mine exploai®1 *
any other grain. In corn there Is 8
Birmingham, Ala.
per cent of digestible protein, barley
8,1.9 per cent oats 9.25 per cent eel
Bhort P ersonals.
9.12 while wheat has 10.23 per ’celt
John Brisben Walker, the editor, **
. Mtl">«tes
........ ..
wueai *!*e pioneer in the steam automobil« “
fed to lambs Is worth about 76
nes* in this country.
per bushel. The Indiana station real-
Benjamin M. Jennings of Casey w
tzed 77 cents a bushel for wheat e^t ty> *VV-. ha*
presented with *“ ’
to sheep.
tremely large diamond stud by Kin*
ward, which Is said at one time to***]
been the property of Paul Kruger.
R o o ts G ood fo r P o u ltr y ,
Roots of nil kinds can 1« fr.1 Vo 0 0 ,
In emulation of Benjamin 1r,ld' j
of Boston has do»"1
try with advantage In the w ^ t l h
food It (■
u . 1 . fi.u
form a runn
fund inai
that w
is to acca«^
w supply green food.
w to lorm
practice to spilt the m «t.
®°°<* ,ate Interest for 100 years, to be then
®nd allow , pended for purposes which will,
the hens to pick U out
the contents. | opinion of the board at that time,
serve the interest of humanity.
through one end and Into V
The most favored man In the kinsJ* 1
of 81am Is an American named
b.1», t o »
Ht Is the kiDg's counsel, and his
takes no important step without
F a r » fo r
Ing his attorney general.
I Im hernreh.
For llmberneck In fowla » .J
Dr. William R. Brooks,
bles|Kwnful of copperas d is so lv i* ^ Smith observatory at Geneva, N- *-
«ach two gallona o f drinking water discovered the first comet of tb*
has now twenty-five discoveries t®
»nlm »! matter credit.
. V 0 prodnc* llmberneck i„
Israel Zangwtll has now taken «P J"
fowla. Thla la doubtful, but as a m .e
ing and 1* said to be fast develop!« 1
ter ef precaution would suggest
»n expert. He was advised to l« » " 1 y
jny . r e . « that m a , b . ^
art by his physician, who thoug
1 Beaded exercise.
s a ìì . r » « r r * 1 ot""“