Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 19, 1906, Image 1

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unusual efficiency and in Chas. L.
Walker, the boys will have a compe­
tent and experienced supervisory man­
ager to look after the individual inter­
hip Includes Old Band Men ests of the players as well as the other
duties connected with the office. The Many Improvements Over Last
01 Last Year’s Aggre­
Oscar Loomis will remain as treasurer
Summer’s Car Will Enable It
and some one will be elected later to
to Climb 4tb Street Grade
fill the vacancy in the secretaryship
made by the absence of Ralph Kinton.
The success of the band will depend
to Supply Summer Residents
largely on the support tendered by the I Will Be Given Trial To-morrow and
Hth Evening Concerts From the
citizens and if each one does his duty
Will Be Put On Forest
the band will be a permanent fixture !
Band Stand In Eells Park
Grove Run
in our community.
N O . 48
which are now held back b e -!
MOTOR CAR NO. 4. HERE j towns,
cause of isolation from the centers of APPALLING
Forest Grove again has a band.
Monday evening arrangements
, m»de and steps were taken to-
1 a permanent organization for the
»e, principly of supplying the
L i n e r residents with music during
L long evenings of July and August
Ld, incidentally, for the 4th of \luly
[elebration which will probably occur
) Forest Grove this year. The con-
given last summer were very
at affairs and with the improve-
bent that Eells park is soon to have
be concerts from the new band stand
bis summer will make Forest Grove
ne of the most pleasant little resident
fities in Oregon.
The new organization is made up of
iedy the same members as last sum­
mer's institution, all old musicians and
r the most part, with substantial band
perience behind them.
up again the harmonies of the Lohen­
grin March.
I population by infrequent or unsatisfac­
The entire wedding party took the
tory train service. The general use of
afternoon train and were entertained
j motor cars on the Harriman lines in Known Facts Regarding Ihe Most Ter-
,he «room’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
i Oregon, to be followed, if successful,
r . ...
Clarke at Fifth and Hall streets in
rlble Calamity of Ihe
by their introduction on other roads
out of Portland, will mean much to the
Bay City.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were both
development of the state.
students at Pacific University in earlier
j years, at the same time, and both are
Mr. C. E. Kindt has had printed
Mr. Macy returned from Albert?,
Union Pacific motor car No. 4 and is engaged in circulating an anon­
last Saturday.
; arrived at the Southern Pacific shops, ymous circular, intended to injure roy
Frank Baker sold his mules last 0D l^e ^ ast Side, Tuesday, and is now candidacy. It is quite long, but the
week to Lewis Carson.
undeigoing minor repairs. It will be substance of it is that my refusal to
Mrs. Barber gave us a very interest - ' ° Ut * *eW ^ajs’ an<* ’s P'anned to support free silver, in 1896, was be­
ing sermon last Sunday.
!* "* the car a ln*‘ sPin on ^ d a y . cause Mr. Tongue was elected to
Then it will probably be sent over congress and I wanted to get his law
Grandma Mickle has been quite ill !
,__ ,
. . .
, .
several local runs, where quick service business.
but is now convalescing.
| •
. . . . ,
!ls required, with frequent stops, and
It is easy, of course, for a corrupt
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bamford are when it is determined where the car
mind to imagine bad motives in an­
spending a few days in Portland.
will do the best service its run will be
other. The truth is, as the records
Mrs. Watkins and Master Walter of announced. It is expected the Forest will show, that I made a fight in the
Forest Grove, were visiter: of Hillside Grove division of the Southern Pacific democratic convention, in 1896, for
over Sunday.
is where the car will be operated. If the gold standard, and against free
Miss Anna Dunsmoor, who is teacl - l^e new piece of rolling stock gives silver, before Mr. Tongue was either
ing at Hayward, spent Saturday and satisfaction, others of a similiar design nominated or elected to congress.
will be built and put in service on the Free silver democrats in Prgtland wrote
Sunday at home.
branches of the Harriman letters to Washington County asking
A number of the Hillside young
the democrats not to send me to the
folks attended the meeting at the
Confirmations wel1 known in Forest Grove. Miss
Bailey has been a very popular young
From San Francisco— Complete
lady in the city and wherever she has
gone. She has made her home with
Details Not Known Yet.
J her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. M. H .
I Shipley for a number of years. Mr.
Clarke is an expert civil engineer and
Nearly the whole City of Sen Fran­
! is engaged at present in railroad work
cisco destroyed by shocks and by fire
j near Eureka where the couple will
make their home, for the present at
Unknown number of lives lost.
least, after a contemDlated visit to San
Stanford University ruined and sev­
Francisco and Sacramento.
eral lives lost. State University at
Berkeley practically uninjured.
Another important feature connected
Town of Santa Rosa practically de­ with the Clarke-Bailey affair, this week,
stroyed by shock and fire; 500 lives j was tjjC lunch given by Mr. and Mr».
reported lost.
John E. Bailey at their residence on
City of San Jose suffers greatly from Fifth Avenue last Tuesday evening, to
the members of the Fleur de
Damage in Oakland will amount to wedding party and a fetfc^m ffra
several hundred thousand dollars, with guests. The supper was in celebration
five lives lost.
of the next day’s event and the imme­
Alameda escaped without loss of diate friends of Mr. Clarke and Miss
life; damage estimated at 8250,000.
Bailey were present. A very delight­
Insane asylum at Agnews destroyed, ful event it turned out to be and a
superintendent and wife killed and 125 very simple menu was served to the
bodies of inmates taken from the ruins. guests from the dining room by Mrs.
Heavy damage is reported at Salinas, E. W. Haines.
There were about
Santa Cruz, Hollister and Gilroy.
thirty present and included Mr. and
Nearly all ol the finest business Mrs. A. B. Caples, Mr. and Mrs.
structures in San Francisco either Mayne Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
wrecked by tremor or fire.
McEldowney, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
\ t 1 o’clock this morning the fire is Haines, Mrs. Charlotte Graham-Rastall,
* under control, has invaded the Mrs. R. D. Cheney, Mrs. Carrye Watt-
ter residence districts and the cul- Macrum and the Misses Margaret Hin-
nation is not yet.
man, Minnie Myers, Manche Langley,
Among the largest and most prom­ Maude Shannon,
inent structures that were destroyed Francis Sorensen, Ora Caples, Gladdys
are the following: Call, two stories; Hartley, Maude Buxton, Ethel Mose­
Claus Spreckels, 19 stories; Hearst, ley, Pearl Chandler, Helen Chandler,
eight stories; New Chronicle,
17 Daisy Abemethy, Wilma Waggener
stories; Winchester
Hotel, Grand and Greta Bailey of Salem and Messra.
Opera-House, Crocker,
11 stories, i Alex. Ewen, Ralph Clarke, Alfred
California Hotel, eight stories; St. Clarke, Herbert Clarke of Tacoma,
Francis Hotel 12 stories; New Jewish Robert McClelland of Tabor, Iowa and
Philbrook of Salem.
The car claimed to be vastly superior state convention, because I was a gold
to No. 1. which came to Portland last man.
As revival services are being held at
Summer, but did not meet the require­
I talked with many people in this
Thatcher, Hillside omitted its Christian
ments of interurban service and was county, both democrats and republi­
In Harry Hastings, one of the most
Endeavor to attend their meeting,
sent back to Omaha. It will seat cans, long before the conventjgp, en­
perienced and best educated band
last Sunday evening.
twice as many, besides having l deavoring to convince them
iters in the state, the new organiza­
A surprise party was given Saturday j powerful engines that can climb grades silver was a delusion and .
ba has an instructor who can hardly
night to Mr. Case and family; there which v/ere too steep for the original j Furthermore, my books will show
¡excelled. N. L. Atkins, who will were about fifty people in attendance car. Ventilation is claimed to be
my law business, in 1895 and 18v„,
and conduct the band is a and a nice lunch was served at mid- successful, doing away with the gaso- amounted to 85,000.00 a year, so it is
netist of recognized ability and of night.
line fumes that collected in the otherI foolish to say that I left the democratic
■ car, as well as providing such free party for the sake of. getting more bus­
circulation of air that the stuffy effect iness.
so often noticed in cars will be entirely ! Now, as to motive behind this mat­
te r About 1896 or 1897 it happened
I The heavy gasoline engines are that I was a member of the grievance
located at the front of the car, and the committee of the Oregon State Bar
power is applied to the front trucks. Association.
Charges were filed
A speed of 40 to 60 miles an hour is against Mr. Kindt, by his own uncle,
claimed for it. A complete airbrake to the effect that he had manufactured
system is used, and the car is said to false affidavits, forged his grandfather’s
C L A R K E - B A I L E Y W E D D IN G
Among the prominent out-of-town
be under perfect control of one opera­ name and had been guilty of lots of
of the Clarke-Bailey wedding
tor, who sits at the pointed front end other disreputable practices, in en­
The Most Elaborate Social Eve n t not already mentioned in other con-
of the car. That the car is able to deavoring to defraud his grandfather’s
of the Season
i nections were Mr. and Mrs. Hunting-
make any grades that locomotives can estate out of the pitiful sum of 8150,
ton of the Dalles, Miss Huntington of
climb is the belief of those who have and this while acting as attorney for the
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Clarke l|fl
seen the performance of motor car estate.
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ship-
No. 4. It is believed that it will solve
Upon investigation we found the
daughter of John E Bailey, and ley of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wil­
the problem of rapid interurban service. charges to be true. We filed charges
A trailer came with the car, and will against him in the supreme court of William Dexter Clarke, of Eureka. Cali­ cox and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wag­
fornia, were married at the Congrega­ gener of Hillsboro.
probably be attached to it in regular this state; a trial was had, and he was
tional Church. The decorations were
service. These cars are combination disbarred from further practice in the
Found Dead
gorgeous and most complete, festoons
mail, baggage and express cars, with courts of this state, and that judgment
of ivy were gathered over the pulpit,
aged 84 years,
exterior finish like the motor c a r.! is still in force.
while along the railing clung an abun­ was found dead in his garden on Gales
Both are of sheet steel construction.
H e is now trying to get even with
dance of apple blossoms which very Peak, Wednesday. Mr. Rottger was a
The use of motor cars in Oregon on me by circulating these anonymous
prettily relieved the banking of ferns widower and lived alone just behind
the network of branch lines that will and scurrilous circulars. Whether he
and Oregon Grape, in the background. Gales Peak where he had a little home.
be built by the Union Pacific system is being paid for doing so by one of
Before the ceremony Miss Moseley The remains were brought to town
is intended to beat the interurban my opponents, I cannot say. I only
played Grieg’s ‘‘Wedding March” and Wednesday afternoon. Decomposition
electric cars at their own game. It is know that he is distributing Mr.
at 2 o’clock precisely, the bridal pro­ had set in indicating that death had
claimed that the Union Pacific has Tooze’ picture with the circular.
Our rigs will be the celebrated
cession began to form and came up the occurred some number of days ago.
solved the problem by perfecting cars
Mr. Kindt tried to get the matter
aisle. The ushers, Mr. „Alex Ewen
The body was discovered by Fred
which have all the good points of the contained in this anonymous circular
land Mr. Robt. McClelland, led, Brown, a neighbor, who lives near the
trolley, with the added advantage of pub ished in The Hillsboro Independ-j
followed by eight young ladies who place. Coroner Brown of Hillsboro is
being cheaper of operation.
More ent, but it was refused under any con­
were singing Lohengrin’s “ Wedding investigating the case.
attention is being paid to the motor sideration, although he asked the
March,” they were Misses Ora Caples,
car at Omaha, and the latest product editor to name his price for it. This, |
Maude Shannon, Gladdys Hartley, Kate
of the car-builders is No. 7, a sharp- in itself indicates that some one VERY |
Shannon, Helen Chandler, Frances
nosed, steel shell, with portholes for MUCH INTERESTED in this congres­
•wen, Pearl Chandler and Daisy j
windows, and lines that suggest the sional campaign is supplying the nec­
Following the chorus i
cup-winner Reliance.
Trial runs essary money to carry out this con­
came the bridesmaid. Miss Wilma
demonstrated the ability to climb steep temptible scheme, because if he has
Waggener, and the bride accompanied |
grades and a speed of 40 miles an any means of his own, no one has ever
by her father. The bride was gowned
hour was developed with ease. Union found it out, and many of his creditors
in an exquisite creation of white organ­
Pacific officials believe car No. 7 to be would be only to glad to make such a
dy over white taffeta and carried a
the best of its tpye in existence, but discovery.
bouquet of bride’* roses, while the
further experiments will be carried on
As to my relations with the late Con­
bridesmaid was very beautifully robed
in the Omaha shops. It was expected gressman Tongue, it is only necessary
in a princess gown of pink organdy
that No. 7 would be the car sent to for me to say that, during his lifetime,
trimmed in embroidered chiffon and
Portland, but it is thought to be the he and I were warm personal friends,
carried a bouquet of pink carnations.
intention to send it to the State of New and one of the first persons to solicit
The groom was conventionally
York for service.
me to become a candidate for congress
(he bfide with het T h e S H U R - O N mounting and
It is believed the general introduc­ was his oldest son and former law
the best quality lenses, fit ­
father, at the altar, with his best roan
tion of motor can will revolutionize partner, and who is now one of my
ted by M. J . Abbott, the
Mr. Ralph Clarke, a brother. Rev.
both interurban and branch-line pass­ moat enthusiastic supporters in this
with Abbott &
Henry L. Bates assisted by Rev. Her­
enger business.
With quick and
give satisfaction
If roy reputation in this county, bert Boyd performed the simple ring
frequent service over practically all
or money will be refunded.
where I have lived for the past 23 ceremony mid the strains of Schubert’s
milroad lines will come a denser popu­ years, is not a sufficient answer to an
Serenade played by Miss Moaeley.
lation in country districts tributary to attack from this man, it would be use­
After the service had been completed
fo rest g r o v e
the cities, together with a more intet- less for me to add anything to what I
the procession filed out to the recep- j
sive cultivation of the soil and the
The Jewelers
non parlors, the ladies chorus taking i
marked building up of the sma.ler
Catholic Church, Easter Sunday.
On April 1st we w ill show the
people of Forest Grove and vicin­
ity the finest lin e of Buggies,
Hacks, Stick Seat and Rubber
Tired R igs ever shown in W ash­
ington County
Mitchel, Lewis &
Staver Co.
J No other dealer
is able to show you two
^ch fine lines as we have. COME AND
G O F F B R O S .,