pure Blood Sound The Takingl Cold Habit F a m ilia r . ( “ I f the sentiments contained In onr popular songs were more loftily and poetically expressed, they would lose nothing o f their effect.M T ak e this home and try it ou your piauo.) , •- ¡f you tak e H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r illa , T o il; wearing toil, is the unhappy lot O f all our humble family save one— The hoary-headed man who calls me 11 sores, s a lt r h e u m o r e c z e m a ; son. wS scrofula My honored sire, he only labors not.* lf e q u a lly w e l l to , a n d a ls o c u res , d y s - From dawn to dusk, in his accustomed “The professor's w ife can’t hold a 1 d ftn s tom ach t r o u b le s ; c u re r e s rlieu - spot. candle to him.” “ O f course not. I I « Where glows the log the ruddy hearth P618 S a“ d " c a t a r r h ; c u r e s n e r v o u s tro u b le s , weurs celluloid collars.” — Ex. upon, Mism ft‘ul aDd th a t tir e d fe e lin g . Rests he, in silence ever, moved of '***• what are the wages o f sin?' none, p ro v e d b y th o u s a n d s o f t e s t i­ M rs. H elen L. Thompson o f Lewiston " ell, the salaries ofr those trust 0 0 - And burns tobacco noisomely, God w o t! Me., reports great benefit to her littU f y a c tu a l c o u n t in th e f i r l from Hood s Sarsaparilla, which d ais vary greatly, my son.” — Smart »Is. 40,300 Bet. u n p r e c e d e n t e d thoroughly purified her blood after an Natheless the others idle not at all. t two years a r e c o rd "W ell, Maggie, you have now been attack o f that blood-poisoning dis­ For o’er a steaming caldron, l o ! there ease, scarlet fever. It gave her strength married a year. L history of medicine. bends How do you like your The form of mother, moiling all the huslmnd?” “ Sober, mum/’-IIo u s to u “ I had a terrible cold, and nothing relieved *“d r*”7 # d , * ? e a l, , h Be sure to g e t H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla. r others tell of similar cures, also cures Post. me. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it d ay; promptly broke up my cold, stooped my [j uiil Of tablets. 100 Doses One Dollar. of scrofula, salt rheum, eczema, etc. And sister, too— sweet Ann, so fair and cough, ami eased every part o f my body. It Do you think I show my age?” aska did wonderful work for m e."-M u . J. P. LUTZ, ta ll!— Toledo, Ohio. Miss Elderlee. “ Why, no. I think you To the same task her young assistance T h e S u p r e m e Court. n ilrfln ite T e r m . succeed very admirably in concealiug lends, Made by J. C. A yer Co., Low ell« Ascum — I think It's a splendid op­ Also manufacturers A l l ------- ----------- o * f fflzt’ do you understand by I •t-” — Indianapolis Sentinel. While only pater whiles his timo a w a y ! portunity fo r you. W hat are you go­ 9 sarsaparilla . — Cleveland Leader. I was an intimate friend o f your PILLS. ¡ t t ^ l ' to’ menn a person who tried in g to do about it? late husband. Can’t you give me some­ HAIR VIGOR. A G U A R A N T E E D CURE FOR PILES. H eupeck— I haven't the slightest break into society.” thing to remember him oy? She (s h y ly ) Itching. Hi ml, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Drug­ Idea. gists arc HUthnrizcd tu refund money If “ PAZO K e e p t h e b o w e ls r e g u l a r w it h A y e r ’s CfW to mean'/' How would I do?— Punch. O IN TM E N T fails to cure iu & tu M days. Me. Now it may mean a poreh- Ascum- -B ut surely you can g ive an P i l ls , J u s t o n e p ill e a c h n ig h t . 'tra searcb of society news. Robbie— Mamma, w hy have you got opinion. »her in N e e d le e e R e q u e s t. R e t r ib u t io n . Henpeck— O, gracious! No, my w ife papa’s hair in a locket? His Mother “ I have come, sir,” said the young T h e D iffe r e n c e . 1 o remind me that he once had man, as he entered the library, “ to luuduiu, to I bare come, uiaumu, iu take your a lw a y s hands down the opinion.__ When the inexperienced go traveling some, Hobble.— Illustrated Bits. Philadelphia Press. ask you to g iv e me your 'laughter's they take along a guide book; the expe­ meter out." «1 am glad to hear i t fo r It s done Knlcker— Strange they didn't name hand.” rienced a check book.— New York I'ress. A a eminent scientist has estimated the baby after its rich uncle. Booker— '¿tag since it's been here but take “ W h y,” rejoined the surprised par­ that the average man's eyelids open and N o ; he looked at It, and said he'd give 1 m''—Baltimore American. ent, “ when I came through the hall shut 4,000,000 times during the year. them $10,000 not to.— Harper's Bazar. about an hour ago it was In your pos­ H e s le o 'e B s t h h o u i « « . It costs a motorcyclist $12.50 a year W oodby Rlter— I've always thought session.” towa in M exico ha* a public 1 hua,e. And «till the Mexicans are for licenses to drive in St. Louis and It would be fine to be a poet. Editor— There Is m ore Catarrh ln this section o f the Immediate vicinity in St. Louis county. It certainly should be fine, or impris­ the cleanest people la the world. country than a ll other diseases p u t together, onment, or both.— Philadelphia Press. and u ntil the last few years was supposed to be •/great m e d ic in e c u r e s th o s e e ru p tio n s , * 1 boils th a t a p p e a r at a ll seasons; The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It’s the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. A yer’s C herry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctorabout it. tity This is CL4SSIFIE D ADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­ sentative Business firms. PHOTO 8 U P P L IK 8 ; Kodak developing and print* lag; writ* for prices. Woodard, Clarks A Co. M AG IC L A N T K K N 8 - W vister Co., Portland. Lowest prices on Lanterns and 81 idea. E L A S T IC H O S IE R Y ; Supporters, Braces; Knit to F it; free measurement blanks; Woodard, Clarke. H O R sE s of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 274 Front S i TRUSSES sentón approval; we guarantee fit In most diiltcult c s; Woodard, Clarke 4 I Co. S W E E T PEAK—Send 10r for nckg. asatd Pair Gold Medai peas. J. J. UuUer, 184 F ron ts:reel A R T IF IC IA L E Y E S ; eyery .shade and shap*; as­ sortment seut ou approval; Woodard, Clarke Co t IU AM S E P A R A T O R S —W e guarantee the U. St Keparutor to be tin-heat. Write lor free catalog. Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak. MEN SC LO TH IN O — RufTuin A Pendleton, sols agents Allred Benjamin A Co.’s correct clothes everything tn men’s furnishings. Morrison and Sixth streets. Opposite posiomce. * iatio./l^*ND» i N . ^ KKUON “ lu,er the Carey Irri­ tation a t l Deed d reel from slate. W rite today. A Me. street, Portland. Oregon. Cooke <* OsJ, 241 Aide» i fers A N N O Y IN G - DANGEROUS Catarrh is usually reg a rd ed as n o th in g m ore serious than a bad cold or ¡At inflammation o f th e in n e r s k in an d tissues o f th e head and throat, ' en it is, in fact, not o n ly a v e x a tio u s an d trou b lesom e disease, but a com- jeated and dangerous one. I t is tru e th a t C atarrh u su a lly begins w ith a |d in the head, but w h en th e p oison s, w h ic h are th row n o ff th rou gh the actions, find their w a y in to th e blood, i t becom es a constitutional trouble taffects all parts o f th e b o d y . I t has m o re a n n o y in g and d isgu stin g sym p- than any other disease. T h e r e is a s ic k e n in g and offen sive discharge -m the nostrils, a constant b u z z in g n o is e in th e ears, headaches and pains the eyes are frequent, w h ile filth y , ten aciou s m atter drops back in to the roat requiring continual h a w k in g a n d s p ittin g , and in certain stages o f the sease the breath has an o d o r th a t is v e r y offen sive. Catarrh is worse in inter, because the cold w e a th e r closes th e pores and glands, and th e pois- s and unhealthy vapors w h ic h s h o u ld pass o ff th at w ay are throw n back the tender lin in gs and tissu es, c a u s in g th e inflam m ation w h ich starts unhealthy secretions t o b e ab- S e v e ra l y e a rs a g o m y b lood w a s bad -bed by the blood. W h e n th e b loo d a n d I had in ad d itio n a d rea d fu l case o f iomes diseased w ith th is c a tarrh al C a ta r rh , M y nose w a s stopped up, I h ad h eadaches, r in g in g noises In m y dter all kinds of com p lication s m a y e a r s and f e lt u n fit fo r w o rk . I com ­ looked for. A s the b lo o d circ u - m en ced th e use o f S. S. S. on th e recom ­ m e n d a tio n o f a frie n d , an d in a short tes through the body th e fo u l m at- tim e i t oured m e sound an d w e ll. It p u t m y b lo o d in g o o d o o n d itio n and I h ave finds its way into th e stom ach, n e v e r h ad th e s lig h te s t re tu rn o f the king the digestion and p ro d u c in g C a ta r r h sin ce th a t tim e. GEO. D. C A R E , ronic Dyspepsia, or C atarrh o f th e N o . 200 E d g a r S t. E v a n s v ille , In d . onmchi It also affects th e K id n e y s , ■adder and other m em bers o f th e b o d y , w h ile th e gen eral health is w eak- ed, appetite lost an d the p a tie n t fe els d esp on d en t and h a lf sick a ll th etim e . fit worst of all, if the tro u b le is n o t ch eck ed th e lu n gs becom e diseased from e constant passage of p oison ed b lo o d th ro u g h them , and Catarrh term inates Consumption, the m o st fa ta l o f a ll diseases. Y o u cann ot g e t rid o f Ca- nh by treating it w ith sp ra y s, w ash es, in h alatio n s, etc., because th ey o n ly ach the membranes and tissu es, w h ile th e rea l cause of th e trouble is in the ood. These relieve th e a n n o y in g s y m p to m s fo r a tim e, but the poison is i the while g ettin g a s tr o n g e r h o ld on th e system and when th ey are le ft will manifest itself in w o rs e fo rm th an before. S. S. S . is the greatest o f 1 blood purifiers, and w h en i t has clean sed th e b lood, this pure, rich stream tuUtes through the b od y , c a r r y in g h e a lth fu l properties to the diseased rts. Then the inflam ed m em b ra n es an d tissues begin to heal, the dis- c h a rg es cease, th e gen eral condition o f th e system is strengthened, e v e ry on e o f th e a n n o y in g and d isgu stin g sym p - to m s pass aw ay, and th e patient is le ft in p e rfe c t health. S . S . S. is th e best re m e d y fo r Catarrh. I t goes^right into © IIPPI V V F P C T A R I F t h e b loo d and rem oves a ll effete m atter viilli I t U t I H D L L . an d ca ta rrlial poison and cures th e dis- « permanently, and at th e sam e tim e b u ild s up th e e n t ir e system b y its fine nic effect. S. S. S. is a p u r e ly v e g e ta b le rem ed y— non-injutious to th e sys- 3 and a certain, relia b le cu re f o r C atarrh . C atarrh sufferers w ill find our ee consulting departm ent h e lp fu l in a d v is in g local treatm ent to be used a s -s -s . T H L S W I F T S P E C IF IC C O ., A T L A N T A , CA t ow to Fool a Lazy Liver with Artificial Exercise "\\VERY serious Sickness ha 3 a small beginning. .. And, in nine cases out of *en *^at 5m*fl beginning is in the Bowels. kdigestion is the beginning of most «CISCSi l! P*7“ the way for all others. exercise, hasty eating, improper Cu' ar® first causes. and postponement, permits it rowtato Chronic Constipation, which l llfe-long Discomfort. ■' »n't necessary to be sick-a-bed, you "*■ ln order to be mighty uncom- ortable. Indigestion affects the 'em, u **“* mind, and obscures the '■ony »unshine of Life. W 1 - J n/ ^ eSt' 0n onc8 started, grows toj — 3 s I'mperament, and discounts I, . ' ^°°d cheer, capacity. * lon£ k **01-8 1 * puts you on * n **7 thinkine Doctor knows why. Frati * ■ * Rand knew It. t a . C * Framed up for students ln3l in C oh '1" 1 * ior happiness, viz.: „ and keep your Bowels adIU 3 l m8nJ from time Ng "ConA «* * Cl0Cl1’ ° r * Wa,ct>- ; thi. hm® U hum a n ly po ssib le • V i , V ™ ,0 the watch is t r inud° Vn' norw h®n «* • r‘a'aid'J 7 ®roken, but at the very ^ ‘ Wtmentta discovered nus surfaces o f the system. T h ey offer one hundred dollars fo r any case i t fails to cure. Send fo r circulars and testim onials. Address, K. J. CHEKEY A CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. H a ll’s Fam ily P ills are the best. waste. • • • The time to use a Cascaret is when you T A IiA iR S —( olitnihla Woolen Mills Co.. Portland. Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap. Our selT measurement system Insures perisct & Write for free samples and prices. F I A NOS A O RGANS — Oldest piano house on Pa­ cific coast Organs aud Pianos on easy payments. ^í.r¿te ^ 1 lBt* lte i us quote you a price. Alien A UUbert-Kantaker Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon Herbe-Spectflr ft>r all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Cures B AC K AC H E . Price50c. Trial size sent bv mall for 10c. In stamps. Send today. 260,ts Third S i Human Hair Ooods-Kwitches. Pompadours, Men’ s Toupees and Wigs; best quality; lowest prices] send for tree price list; mall orders a hpedalty. Paris Hair Store, 3US Washington S I Est 1844. D l RTON, H O W A RD E.,—Assayer and Chemlat. l^advllle, Colorado. Specimen prfc-ca: Gold, Silver, L* ad, |1; Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold, 50c; Zinc or Copper, fl. Cyanide tests. Malfii g envelopes and full price list sent on application.! Control and Um­ pire work solicited. Reference: Carbonate N a ­ tional Bunk. TRADE MARK. S t. J a c o b s O il f for many, many years has c u r e d and c o n t in u e s to euro N ell— They say her w-eddlng simply S e c r e t O u t. beggared description. Belle— I don't “ H ow do you manage to dlstingu'sh know about that, but I ’ve heard it near­ ly beggared her father.— IMiilndelphla between rheumatism and gout, doc­ tor?” queried the medical student. Record. "B y consulting the books,” replied " I t takes a lot o f patience to run an the eminent physician. automobile, does It not?” asked the "B y consulting the books!” echoed man. “ Yes, lots o f patients,” replied the embryo M. D. the doctor; “ and I ’ve got ’em.” — Yonk­ “ Yes,” answered the em inent physi­ ers Statesman. cian. “ I look up the patient’s rating Mrs. Style— I want a hat, but it with the com mercial agencies. See?” must be in the latest style. Shopman Permanently Cured. N o fits or nervousness — Kindly take a chair, madam, and after first day’ s use o f Dr.Kllne’sOreat Nerve w ait a few minutes; the fashion Is Restorer. Send for F r e e B 2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd..931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Just changing.— Washington Star. RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA LUMBAGO BACKACHE SCIATICA SPRAINS BRUISES SORENESS STIFFNESS FROST- BITES Mnke sure a yield o f quantity and quality. Whon your father planted Ferry a, they were the best on the market, but they have been Improv­ ing ever since. W e are expert« lu flower and vegetable seeds. 1900 Meed A n n u al, henutlfully Illus­ trated, free to all applicants. 0. M. FERRY A CO.. Detroit. Mich. Price, 25c. and 50c. FITS Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME m TREATM ENt if “ Did you ever make a personal sac­ A B n r jg a ln . rifice?” asked the visiting parson. Well Drilling Machinery. “ I admit,” said the m erchant who Drilling & Fishing Tools, “ Yes, indeed,” replied Mrs. Le Style; had advertised fo r an assistant, “ that Irrigation Plant,hydrau­ lic Rams, Spray Pumps. “ I once declined to be interviewed by your experience in business m ight mnke W rite Us i society reporter.” — Chicago News. you a valuable man. But the salary REIERiON MACHINERY CO Mrs. Jollyboy— H ow are you getting you ask is a good deal o f money Just 182-4-fi Morrison St. along with your servants now? Mrs. for your exj>erience.” Portland Oregon “ W ell,” replied the man who had Gayboy— Splendidly. W e have made them a present o f the house, and now seen better days, “ I assure you I'm o f­ W h y accept a low er rate of Interest from w e are boarding with them.— Town fering my experience to you fo r less savings bank, when we own and otter for sale than it cost me.” — Philadelphia Press. f-JftO.noo Topics. o f the »1,000,000 issue o f the Mount ifo o d hlectrlc Co. (Portlan d, O regon) W year “ I suppose he Just clasped you in G old Bonds. p s> in < 5 p ercen t, secured by a This wonderful C’hl- nese Doctor Is calhd great because he cures people without opera­ tion that are give.i up to die. He cures wilh those wonderful Clil- iiiH' heriM, roots, buds, harks and vegetable* , that are entirely un- | known to medical sc.- __ erne In thisconutry. Through ih_______ _ i use of ____ ilioSJ harmless remedies this luumui doctor knows the aotlou of over 600 different remedies whl h he successlully uses In differ, n diseases. He $ uaruitU estocureca arrh. asthma, lung, ihr a,, rheumatism, nervm.sness, stomach, liver; k d- neys, etc.; has inn dr ds of testimonials, t'hargos moderate, t all and see him. i’atl nts out o f the city write lor hlankr and c re.dors. Send stamp. CO N SULTATIO N F uE E. 5 PER CENT GOLD BONDS his arms when the eauoe upset? "N o; quite the opposite.” “ Quite the op- posite?” “ Yes; the esnoe upset when he elapsed me in his arms.” — Hous- top Post. Teacher— A coal dealer has ten tons o f c(ml whlctl he gel|s at $5 a ton j Iow much dop(| he get Ket for ltJ s c h o la r - About $65. Teacher— That's wrong. Scholar— Yes’ m; but ail coal dealers do It.— Judge. Mrs. Blenchblonde— I found tills black hair on your coat. What does Mr. Bleaehblonde— Why, It menu? last winter's coat. Your lhnt 18 “ Y hair was black then, you know.— Smart Set. “ Gosh!” exclaimed Farmer Korntop, a fter listening to the story; “ he must be a regular dead beat.” “ Huh!” snorted the victim, “he's a plumb s’ght worse’ n that. He's a live one.” P hil­ adelphia Ledger. P ayin g Teller— I can't cash this check, madam, until you are Identi­ fied. Mrs. Bright— You mean I have to id en tify myself? Paying Teller— Yes. madam. Mrs. Bright— How sim­ ple! H ave you a looking glass?— Ex. C A S T O R IA ??or In fa n ts an d C h ild ren . The Kind You Have A lw ays Bought Bears the Signature o f ( A L iv e ly Address Mention paper. There are nearly 23,000,000 horses ln European Russia. N o other country in tlra world hat so many horses as itua- ■ia. PORTLAND, OREGON. THERE IS N 0 Æ * SLICKER LIKE « Forty years a$o and after narw years TO TU R K A COLD IN (IN K D A Y Take L A X A T I V E BRI >Mt) Clulnln.' Tablets. I) gists refund money If It falls to euro. E. I t . G R O V E ’S signature is on each box. 26c. C atch . THE C. GEE WO CHIHESE MEDICINE CO 1 6 2 ', first St., S. t . Cor. Morrison of use on the eastern co&jt. Tower A Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were called Aiders by the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic name has come into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the qeniine Look for the 5i{n of the PisKand the name Tower on the buttons, MADE IN K ACH AND YILLOW AND / SOLD frY PtPQ E StN TATIV t TRADE THE WORLD OVER. A.J TOWER C0 605T0M. MASS. U SA . TOWER < AWADI AM CO.LnvtH.tOIOHTO. CAM. W. L. D ouglas Prove It By the Oven Fire * 3 = & * 3 = S H O E S on W . L . D o u g l a s $ 4 .0 0 C i l t E d g e L i n a c a n n o t b o e q u a lle d a t a n y p r ic e . Put the wonderful KC Bak­ ing Powder to the test. Get a can on approval. Your money will be returned if you don’t agree that all we claim is true. You’ll be delighted with the de­ licious, wholesome things that Journal. T h e teacher had been telling the class about the rhinoceros family. “ Now. name some things." said she, “ tlmt It Is very dangerous to get near and that have horns." “ Automobiles!” replied little Jennie Jones, promptly. — N ew York World. Senator.” asked the pretty girl, “ do you know what the railroad fare Is from here to Washington?” “ No." he replied before givin g him self time to think "but I can tell you the exact m ileage I f that will do you any good ” __ Chicago Record-Herald. first suspect you need one. ••Pshaw.” ’ said the Judge, "there's The only way to have them ready to use precisely when you need them is to no reason why you people should ha Go home and make up. carry them constantly ln your pocket, aa divorced. There are no grounds But you do a Watch or a Lead pencil. the man frantically Interrupt- The ten cent box of Cascareis is made judge d-edzed and small, for this ed. “ she hasn't told you the whole thin, flat, roun d-edgea, a -------- tn]th , pughed her down stairs once precise purpose. and It was miraculous that she wasn't Be very ” caref j 1 to r 8« i«ton Htn. in . m. to • p. m. Bundaro • to IX Main ano Work D o« oo WooU, u f r*vo Onufflam S tron g Mmdm i Mon, 92.BO, $2.00. 0 s m ' And doing dental.work ail thattm *—that Is th* record of Dr W. A. Wtoo. la o a rra - tabllshmant ora expert dentists who ar** competent to m rform the most lm|»ortant dental operations. No matter Itae nature of the work, there la a man here to do It. ml i. p. wise. I No. 11 T U H F l f w r it in g t o a d r r r t l a e r i p ie H m e n tio n t h i s p a p a r . 06