J. il. W H IT N E Y CANDIDATS FOB Political Candidates I / RENOMINATION FOR STATE PRINTER AT REPUBLICAN PRIM APY APRIL 20 FOR COUNTY TREASURER Try Goldenrod Flour Guaranteed I hereby aunounce myself as candi­ date for the office of Treasurer of Washington County, Oregon, subjict to the endorsement of the Republican I Primary election to be held in said it a * « i a m H e “ will favor as liberal appropria county and state, April 20, 1906. IRVIN K. WEITZEL. 1 tions for toad building as possib. | without over-burdening the taxpayers.” FOR COUNTY SHERIFF He “ will endeavor to so supervise A mistaken idea prevails to some ex­ O regon; Hiram W. Scott of G u to n . Ore*** q T j tent as to the emoluments of the State RUINS OF ST. PAUL’S. a n n s » i » » M > * l: Scott of Gaston. O regon; George Tuttle < ° 1; Oregon. Printer and the practical workings of O r la la •* M a c a a la y ^ t P ir a » * Any and all persons cl tim ing adversely tfcs the office. It is not the big "fat” E l c ------------ t l m l k C a a lu rr 1 * 0 « . —— « described lands are requested to flic the f cUm. I t has l o n g b e e n u n d e r s t o o d t h a t tD « office on or befo e said 19th day of June, 19 Q| * office it is accused of being. M a s - a u l a - y ’a - t u r n o u t , ALGBRNON S. DRESSES, . „ I rani Inventor o f —-------- In the first place the appropriation By EVE New Zenlnmler was Horae« Walpole, ( r i m Pub March 19.) 1 I hereby announce myself as a candi- the expenditure of the county funds for “ printing” conveys a wrong im­ who. In a letter to Mnaou. written In 1774 said: “At last some curious trav-j pression. The biennial appropriation date for the office of Sheriff of Wash- thal lhe ^ p a y e rs and traveling public ........ ........ . Notice for Publication eler from Lima will visit England and is not for printing alone, but includes ington County, Oregon, subject to ^ rcceivc ,ul1 b«ncfit for ever7 dolUr Tee Fleur de L:s is no millionaire’s give a description of the ruins of S t j expended on the roads. L u d Office u Portland, Oregon. March R also the cost of paper, ruling election the endorsement of the Republican Paul’s, like the editions of Balbes and Notice is hereby g iv en that the folio,,JV * “ A Progressive Road System and a club. l l ■ Settler has Sled notice of his ¡mention to . _ supplies and many smaller items, Primary election to be held in said Palmyra." But Mr. Bertram D o b e *“ “ Everybody went fishing at our writes to the London Academy giving proof in rapport or h i, claim, and that ,„d , w Square Deal for Every Part of the amounting for the biennial period to county and state April 20, 1906. »•'<>" aegtst., .no lecei.e,. „ f County." house but my old man” —and he can’t the Idea an earlier date. He Buds i t , J ohn w . C o nnell . about 123,000. The last report of the embodied in this Old title page: Oregon, on April IS. 1906. arts: H. I. No. embodlea 1 U t i n s o m I v D. Montague, for the NWVi SWV,. WVi NWtt 1 cook. Secretary of State to the Legislature P o e m * , b y a y o u n g N o b le m a n , o r X-'*®- n w V, , Sec. 33, T 4 N , R 5 W. FOR STATE TREASURER Speaking of the Fleur de Lis will show these figures to be correct. U c u la r t y ? 1 T h e 'S t a t s ^ E n g i ' L l . a n d t h i «, — m e fo .lo .lu g .U n e * e , U n ito li “ money is the root of all evil” —also; o r e . f l o u r i s h i n g C ity o f L o n d o n . In S «■>““ “ I hereby announce myself as a can­ «*> cu W y .U oo of . Then the State Printer must provide [26 thè l o i t e r f r o m a n A m e r i c a n T r a v e l e r . D a t e d vie: Carl lie ,, of Tim ber. Oregon; W ill* * vr.u, “ money makes the Senate go.” »1 qnai his own printing plant and pay all run­ didate for the Republican Nomination 1 * Oregon; ‘ Claud J ” W ” ilks ” of Timber, f r o m t h e R u i n o u s P o r t i c o o f S t. P a u l'® , Timber, Ih« c Oregon embraces the hop raising In th e y e a r 2199. to a F r i e n d s e t t l e d in W illiam T. Shearer of G reenville, Oregon. ning expenses of the office. The pay for State Treasurer at Primary Election B o s to n , t h e M e tr o p o l is o f t h e W e s t e r n ALGBRNON S. DRESSER. Re**, I di . (troU district in the world—we also have a E m p ir e . A ls o S u n d r y F u g i t i v e P ie c e s , rolls alone for the two years exceed April 20, 1906. Lcretity (F irst Publication March 8) p r in c ip a l ly w r o t e w h i l s t u p o n h is T r a v e l s R a lph w . H oyt , local option law. “ Consistency, thou o n t h e C o n t i n e n t . [ M o tto f r o m J u v e n a l . ] 625,000. The Salem Typographical | . •»' Tpprov»!t L o n d o n , 1780. Multnomah County. Union can bear out the accuracy of art a jewel indeed!” Notice of Final Settlement Lignite Mr. Dobell explains that, though the this statement. The cost of material, The “ inner circle,” of the Fleur de book Is dated 178U, the poem In It on IN TH E COUNTY COURT O F THE STATE OF Q jsndesti FOR REPRESENTATIVE GON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY i OD OH a limited amount of work done in out­ ! Lis, has experienced some violent London Is dated March 21. 1771. lie 1 Statet attributes it to the profligate secotid In the matter of the estate of James Sloan, decea*t| I have served one term in the Legis­ side Union offices during a rush in the i coavulsions, during the past week. Lord Lyttelton. Here Is one of his ex­ Notice is hereby g iv e n that Geo. O. Slcan. theadjms.1 ¡uligini State Printing Office, rent, power, inks, lature as Representative from Washing­ , in ord» ! Tais s a touchy subject but too good tracts from the composition: Istratcr of the estate of James Sloan, deceased, hi and a hundred other expenses, adds ton County, and hereby ask for renom­ rendered his Anal account of administration cf ta(| ^ vello' A n d n o w t h r o ’ b r o k e n p a th ® a n d r u g g e d to pass up. estate and that F riday, the 14th day of April, 190 ^ . w ays. fully f 10,000 more. This makes ination on the Republican ticket. I the hour of 2 o ’clock In the afternoon of said day.itt^l ie bill I< U n c u l t i v a t e d reg io n ® , w e a d v a n c 'd Of course Portland was righteously 658,000 of expenses which the State tried faithfully to do my duty is I s w T o w a r d s f a m 'd A u g u s t a 's t o w e r s , o n t h a Court room in the County Court House in the Cltj(f| e tieae» Hillsboro, W ashington C ounty, Oregon, has bees & j| I indignant over being left off of the map. T ham es it, and feel that the experience gained ntine e Printer does not get. ( W h o s e c l e a r b r o a d s t r e a m g lide® s m o o th - appointed by the Hon. L. A. Rood, County Judge.fg,I U t and t It is a wonder that she doesn’t want to ly t h r o ' t h e v a le ) Thus it will be readily seen that will enable me to do far better work WILLIS S. 9UNIWAY. the settlem ent of said final account, at which tineitfl secede or do something else desperate. E m b a n k ’d , a n d s t r e t c h i n g o ’e r t h e le v e l place any person or persons interested m y app arel Iietcout when the cost of production of the another time. The honor of a re-elec­ p la in . gite, *8 file exceptions in w riting to said account; nd comes % But WL- have heard nothing from F o r m a n y a m i le h e r g ild e d s p i r e s w e r e same. fcc bill e» printing is taken into consideration, tion will be gTeatly appreciated. seen. C a r n a tio n . GEO. O. SLOAN, AdministnUn. 1 loco. W h ile B r i t a i n y e t w a s f r e e —a l a s ! h o w W ilbur K. N ew ell . the State Printing Office is not all At Republican Primary, April 20, 190b. Dated this 22nd day of F ebruary, 1906. c h a n g ’d. M profit. It is just like any other print­ Heard in the corridors, (at Pacific) H o w f a l l e n f r o m t h a t e n v y 'd h e i g h t ; W. H. HOLLIS, attorney for administrator. I hereby pledge myself to a reduc­ lubingto; (F irst pub. Feb. 22d.) 6 MARSH ing business. It costs something to | “ Now, in regard to the specifications S h e r w u l h ’d a t t ti h e m e S u b je c t n a t i o n s , a n d b e h e ld I t to thi tion of the enormous cost of the office,1 run it. of the new hall. President Ferrin, be T h e S p a n i a r d c r o u c h b e n e a t h h e r s p e a r . lé d to it t a n d a ll if elected, and I declare upon my Notice For Publication Criticism has for years been directed Candidate for Nomination as County sure and have the windows constructed T h e G a ll ic lille * c r i m s o n 'd o 'e r w ith friend« of honor that I shall seek neither to per­ Etcì revi< United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Judge on Republican Ticket. at the State Printing Office and it high enough from the ground so that E x t i n b g lo u o i s d h . ’d a r e t h e i r g lo r i e s , a n d h e r f Cammei petuate old abuses of the office nor en­ February 17, 1906. I sun seems that it still continues. The 1 the girls cannot crawl out.” G. W. Marsh, who is candidate Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tki 1 lin thè T h a t o n c e e n l i g h t e n 'd E u r o p e w i t h h is gage in new schemes to loot the treas­ provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, a-1 present State Printer has been accused at the Republican primaries for County eam s. >«, bnt I The weddings, which have lately S u n k b in ury.” — Willis S. Duniway. titled "A n act for the sale of timber lands in the Stats ■ Ir to make t h e W e s t la s e t , a n d n e ’e r a g a i n of graft, of dividing the profits of the Judge is a native of Washington Coun­ made such inroads upon the member- j S h a ll o ’e r B r i t a n n i a s p r e a d h is o r i e n t of California, Oregon, N evada, and Washington Tern-1 lipeech wi ray s! “ Willis S. Duniway is a man of * office with political bosses, and of a ty. H e was born at Centerville, in tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act tffl ship roll of the Fleur de Lis, evidently, T h e s e w e r e m y t h o u g h t s w h i l s t t h r o ’ a August 4, 1892, Charles E. Mack, of Portland, countjtfl j , who «pò sterling integrity and thorough knowl­ further division for the use of the state 1858, of parents who crossed the plans fa ilin g h e a p from outside obser/ance, have made O f s h a p e l e s s r u i n s f a r a n d w id e d if f u s 'd , Multnomah, State of O regon, has this day filed intfctl ¡1 t'gD oie 1 q printing plant. There is absolutely no in 1852. They were John and Rebecca edge of the printing business.” — office his sworn statem ent No. 6795, for the purchased I some other very effective inroads upon P a u l ’s g r e a t C a t h e d r a l , f r o m h e r s o lid the EVa of SW V\ of Section No 1 in Town®« I laptionfl base. truth in these statements. I pay S100 Marsh. In 1879 he was married to Portland Labor Press. another very vital and essential factor H ig h t o w 'r i n g t o t h e ®ky, b y h e a v ’n® No. 3 N, Range No. S W . W. M and >«| Itch amon: per month rental for the plant and no Miss Dora Lyon and has a big and offer proof to show that th e land sought is more vahate I gite, when ; connected with weddings, and this A m id c s o t m t h m e a n u d n i v e r s a l w a s t e p r e s e r v 'd [l for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, a I thè a more, which is considered a reasonable healthful family of six children. “ Just plain Billie Clarke, printer, S t r u c k m y a s t o n i s h ’d v ie w . austere and dignified group of young establish his claim to said land before the Register sal I I tonate, O n t h i s f a i r o b j e c t m y f ix ’d e y e w a s k e p t rental. I have a lease duly signed to that is all,” is the way everyone speaks Receiver of this office, at Portland, Oregon, a | ladies—their pocket book. ■bum, of I n p l e a s i n g m e d i t a t i o n , w h i l s t r a y g u id e , Tuesday, the 8th day of M ay, 1906. this effect, and there has been no of Wm. J. Clarke, candidate for State j A p o o r e m a c i a t e B r i t o n , le d m e o n (n thè bil He names as witnesses: John Custer, of Bi T h ro u g h s tr e e ts , a n d s q u a re s , a n d fa llin g Every few years the government division of the office with any person. Printer on the Republican ticket and I Oregon; W. S. Everett, of Portland, Oregon; J. W.l p a la c e s. ftashingto The fees paid the State Printer are whose name heads the list of State makes a military map of the courses ( W h e r e h e r e a n d t h e r e a h a b i t a t w a s Webb, of Portland, Oregon. George Biglow, of Port-Jj j meato re? s e e n ) .1 land, Oregon. fixed by law, and every item printed is Tr nter candidates to be voted for on running between Vancouver and coast T o w h e r e s t o o d o n c e a m o n g s t t h e p e o ­ Any and all persons claim ing adversely the abort* | t thè eo-c« vhich p le d to w n points, to prepare for marches of infan-! described lands are requested to file their claims in th® | 1 primary day, April 20th. * T h ’ E x c h an g e o f London. fcy of raih >'l measured by an expert printer, ap­ — office on or before said 8th day of May, 1906. try and cavalry in case of war. The pointed by the Governor, whose duty | country, ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register gntnim oiis Vancouver commandant has lately sent Hardware Dealers Will Organize W H O L E OR H A LF T R U T H S. (F irst P ub., Feb. 22.) it is to measure the printing and affix Meniti ^ out a corps of civil engineers, and they the amount due as provided by law. Goff Bros., of this city, have Better be single in peace than mar­ pt interest Notice for Publication Governor Chamberlain »ppointed to divieion 1 the initiative in a movement, launched were out here last week and ran in ried In war. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, some stakes between here and Dairy jold bave The rock of success isn't located in a this position Mr. Albert Tozier, a dem- with the object m view of organizing February 9th, 1906 I held of roses. le . Anoth ffj ocrat, a practical printer, and secretary Notice is hereby given th a t in compliance with 'Jit I an Hardware and Implement Dealers’ ; Creek. It is supposed that this is ( la» whu The fellow who objects to discipline provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, | being done because of the troubles I of the Oregon Press Association, whose jpieinrn, * Association, which will embrace the needs It the most. entitled "A n act for the sale of timber lands in’be I jif® integrity is unquestioned and who has You can inherit ability, but you’ve States of California, O regon, Nevada and Washing» I Ititi,at on hardware dealers of the entire Willam- over the sea, in China, and because in a tai ( Territory,” as extended to all th e Public Land State*hf I case of war the department wants to be got to hustle for experience. * measured all printing done and ap­ I ette Valley and organize them into a jnee Urne fi The optimist has an easy time of It. lct of Au*ust * ■ 18M * Janles w- w' i*. 0 1 P o rtta ‘ in shape to protect Tillamook.— Hills­ proved all bills therefor in strict accord- county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day file* I compact body. I r e passtd He smiles while others work. boro Argus. in this office his sworn statem ent No. 67 >2, for the per- I Dea. < ance with law. Every bill for printing The object is for a further extension It doesn’t cost anything to say "good chase of the SWVi of N B tt. NEVi of NWV4 « 8 * 1 JThe perso pp! 1* also carefully audited by the Secre- morning” even if It’s raining. of interests, more mutual relations of NWV4 of Sec ion No. 12 in Township Ik] Ih party re Bids Wanted I tary of State. Mr. Dunbar is acknowl- 8im e folks ought to take their con­ 3 N, Range No. 5 W est, and will offer proof to ri with each other and the natural bene­ poce. It i sciences out once in awhile for exer­ that the land sought is more valuable for its timber« j fc't intendi edged to be one of the best officers Notice is hereby given that sealed cise. fits of a closer understanding between stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establishh® I Ithe empio; claim to said land before th e R egister and Recetterd I • i, the state has ever had, and his auditing them. The other dealers of the c ity .; bids will be received by Newton Silence Isn’t always golden. The this office at Portland, O regon, on Tuesday, the W& J ipioyes. i ’H itamp of approval is sufficient guarantee M. Peterson, S. G. Hughes and W. R. Shipley, Clerk of School District No. tuiker with something to say Is worth day of A pril. 1906. | af honest accounting. Mr. Marsh has always been actively Hicks are cooperating with Goff Bros 75, for the building and completing of a dozen keep stills. He names as witnesses: David O'Donnell of B The optimist who thinks that folks Oregon; Robert Simpson o f Buxton, Oregon; Geo. j The State Printing Office is a target interested in the public affairs of the in the enterprise and a circular has a sc^°°^ house in said district in Wash- are civilized should yell “Fire!" to a Holt of Albion, Oregon; H enry Sbunick of Portia* j >f attack without just reason. The county and has long been identified now been sent out calling a convention *n8ton Co., Ore. The plans and crowded bouse and watch results.— Oregon. Any and all persons claim in g adversely the J ■ heavy cost of printing in past years has with the public interests of the county of the hardware dealers, to be held at specifications for the same may be From “Gumption,” by N. C . Fowler described lands are requested to file their claims in th® J Jr. t : Jeen chiefly due to the large number as well as the state. H e has been a the Oregon Hotel in Portland, Tues- seen at Fred Watrous’ Store in Banks, office on or before said 24th day of A pril, 1906. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Bef®» D< copies printed. This has been re­ member of the School Board of Center- 1 dty, April 10. This action has not Oreg. All bids must be in by April A S h o p a g l r l 's K i n . . . First pub. Feb. IS tl luced by law, and the price now paid ville for 12 consecutive years; he been undertaken recklessly, but Goff 21. It waa not a very cheerful memornn- ______ The board reserves rights to ¿um and the shopgirl’s look was not by the State for most of the public served in the Oregon State Legislature Bros, have bten communicating for reject any or all bids. 'o.-y cheerful either as. on pay ulgbt, A S K T H E A G E N T FOR printing is not above that charged by from 1896 to 1899, sitting in three sometime with other dealers in the val­ F r a n k S e l l , she I rought it home to her mother. TICKETS VIA the printing firms of Portland, and sessions and every campaign since has ley, who are favorable to the proposi- Chairman of School Board, Dist. No. 75 It was a memorandum of the fines that had taken a good slice out of her me of it is considerably less. For found him stumping the county for tlon and who realize the advantages wages, and It ran: tome classes of work, especially where his party. Mr. Marsh is in every way that would be the natural consequence — This is the season of listlessnesj, Standing on chair ................................. t large number of copies are required qualified to serve tne people of the of such action on their part, L«svln« less than one yard on ribbon In nearly headaches and spring disorders. Hol­ ......... ....................... ........ I io be printed, the price should be county in the capacity of County every other part of the country such lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure Lateness** P*,n>n *° d‘*>art unserved reduced somewhat. Judge; his platform Is one that cannot organizations are common and recog­ ?? preventative. Makes you strong and Oum chswln* Error In addition ..................................... os I have given this subject careful fail to touch the vital spot m all think- nized as an indispensible factor to the vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Writing Indistinct duplicate ................,,, itudy, and believe there are two ln* raen’ Error la address ....................................... jo hardware interests. i — Dr. Hines Drug Store. methods by which the cost of printing Good roads is his slogan. Here it is: i ______________ Total ............... — To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, MINUI’ .*>.a iould be kept down to s minimum. H e believes “ that the question of APOLIS, D U LU TH , CHICAGO, 100 Posted up In our ST. LOUIS. e is to limit the volume of printing roads without burdensome expense to little shop, said the girl bitterly, “and «1 A M D A T T D . an Infraction of any one of them la a n d a l l P o in t s E a s t a n d S odth . I uid revise the schedule of prices upon tax payers is the most important mat­ finable,"—New York Press. in up-to-date basis, the same as that ter before the people, and if nominated J if commercial printing generally. The and elected will do all in his power to A T e m p t in g Hint. The Flyen The Fast Mail «her is for the State to own and better the condition of the county . - , g ° er|fy' **ld ,he young man w, who S p l e n d i d S e r v i c e , U p to D att (i iperate its own printing plant, and to roads and bridges.” C*IMn* re*,llar|y for about E q u ip m e n t , C ou rteou s ' , en,>rKJ «ml promptitude are lay the State Printer a reasonable flat. H e believes “ in s thorough and wanted nowadays.” E m plo yes . i ixed salary. Either of these plans, or systematic drainage of all public " plW tb* young lady Daylight trip d* with meaning -Juat look at young Mr - = - -r throught — - - timiliar plans along these lines, which roads. Whenever practicable, will two^ootlLM'7 T now Ml" ^ Ande«uu Rocky Mountain Jie Legislature might adopt for the replace worn out bridges with earth g O mouth, ago, and m Cascade and ------------7 T? jetterment of the service, would meet fills with the aim—in time—of For ticket*, rates, folders »nd fo“ I ^ ny hearty support. cutting down the great annual ex­ information, call on or address Notice for Publication H. DICKSON, My Republicanism will be attested pense of repairing and rebuilding the 0 . 1 « s«*« L.SS o««. 0rejoii City Ticket Agent, 122 Third St. jy the people of Linn County, where I many bridges of the county. He will 1 Portland. O ***rch 1«. 190*. ormerly edited the Daily and Weekly endeavor to systematise the method of " » l e t la h irr b y , 1, « , t l u | |g 0 "*• S. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A., Seattk doing road work so that what is done Herald tor twenty years. “A. wtfw r C T ,.1' "" J W M h” C o T â to d A ve~ an d Columbia ^ As a native Oregonian and a printer will be in the nature of permanent C s llfo ra ls . O ra * * ., N r ™ * , >Dd w * j “ * « : .« l« l i s ,11 ,h . it twenty-five years’ experience, I have improvements, so far as possible.” »II tbe Public . Lssd lo tto s Territory*’ . ' ur~ ’’ «"ce ; Tsnu „ V * °* * H e “ has no hobby to ride for any eavored to conduct the State Print- M ultscmih. t o t e t* n ... __ “ • “ » « re f ng Office in a clean, business-like man- particular kind of road material bus be­ ° * c e t o ■ — • h** U"* Route your shipments W e*, ^ ___ ! ... *• am willing to stand upon my 'lx l u d aoueht „ _____ . BTOor * * • availability and coat of the various ma­ The books of the office are Great Northern. w **rfcoim ral p o r •n * is terials must be seriously considered in far inspection. 1 » *a * * trfmr a. ** *■< Beeelaei « Peer, Fall information from _ any improvement.” J. R. WHITNEY. ibe IWh day at I sm . 19«*. W m. HARDER, H esey O . T w le, ot Prm lm d. General Agent; Portland, Oregon- SCLILOQUISMS I CANDIDATE FOn STATE PRINTER . I 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 We Give Expedited Sendee * Freight.