HIS Lì' r in g m M e d ic in e best is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 'It t because it does the most good. . ft makes the blood pure, fresh C it tones the stomach to bet- tion, creates an appetite, stimu- i kidneys and liver, gives new rve and digestive strength, nlimited list of wonderful cures testimonials in the past two oves its merit. In buying medi- Mr* 8. L. Carleton. Ayer. M bs »., say*: “ For lays & r tg t t l l ß b ß S t , — a perfect spriqg medicine to give strength and thoroughly purify the blood. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla Is held in hiijh esteem by our whole fam­ ily. I have used it from childhood and find it as good for my children as for mysel*.” ’s . everywhere. or tablets. 100 Doses SI. CENTRAL RAILW AY from Minneapolis, St. Duluth to Milwaukee, nd the Fast. Atlas Engines Many prospective purchasers of enfines and boilers are under the itnpresaion that because the Adas Throttling Engine is of such high grade, and because it is fitted with a balance valve and a main bearing, aucb as only Corliss enginesof other makes contain, it is necessarily of such price that it it quite out of their reach. This is not true. An Atlas engine is no higher in price than any other engine, except, perhaps, one that ia made entirely in a foundry. For your information, therefore, we giva for the present an approximate price upon a 12x16 Throttling Atlaa Engine, range 4 3 1° bo Horae F ew er of $ 3 5 0 .0 0 This Includes engine complete with band wheel, governor, throttle valve, and all regular trim- minga and represents tha price delivered f. o. b. cars factory, or, if in stock at our Agencies at any of the following points. Norfolk, Va. Minneapolis, Minn. Anderson, 3. C. Omaha, Neb. New Orleana, La. Augusta, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Greensboro, N. C. Des Moines, Iowa Memphis, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Shreveport, La. Leavenworth, K m . Ft. Smith, Ark. Joplin, Mo. New Bern, N. C. Little Rock, Ark. Jacksonville, Fla. Athens, Ga. i nation *e capiti A tlas " Pullman Steeping Cars and Free Reclining C h a ir Cars. Unequaled Kin« M < Passenger and Freight Service, E n g in e W o r k s I S.llln, ...n ei., in »11 eitle. IN D IA N A P O L IS I ncinna; dCS A. CLOCK, Pacific C oast Agent fpRGE S. TAYLOR, Traveling Agent 2 5 2 A lder Street, Portland, O regon istered little O ffice , 1 02 First Avenue South Pia JOHN la SPRINGER. Agent onta O ff ice, 111 South Tenth Street a t ; 31» W. P . LOCKWOOD. Agent kane O ffice , 1 0 7 North Mill Street ■M ade JOHN L. MERCER. Agent river if. L . D o u g la s ■-»‘ding Si ¡ ^ o & , 3 .0 0 s H O E S i . 7 . "ni ' L. Douglas S 4 .0 0 Cilt E d g e Line Mexico annot be e q u a lle d a t an y p r ic e . CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and A ddresses in Portland o f R epre­ sentative Business Eirms. PHOTO SU PPLIE S; Kodak developing and print­ ing; write for prices. Woodard, Clarke A Co. MAGIC L A N T E R N S — Welater Co., Portland. Lowest prices on Lauterns and Slides. ELASTIC H O SIER Y ; Supporters, Braces; Knit to F it; free measurement blanks; Woodard, Clarke. HORSES of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 275 Front St. j TRUSSES sent on approval; wo guarantee flt in most difficult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co. | S W E E T PE AS—Send 10c for pckg. asstd Fair Gold Medal peas. J. J. Butzer, 188 Front street. A R T IF IC IA L E Y E S ; eyery shade and shape; as­ sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co ire. il rights C RE A M S E P A R A T O R S -W e guarantee the U. S. Separator to be the best. Write for free catalog. Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak. epresentdj sf Basel nati. M EN ’ S C LO TH IN G — Buffum A Pendleton, sole agen s Allred Benjamin correct clothes. Every­ thing in men’s furn.shingn. Morrison and Sixth streets. Opposite postoftice. po\V* wteef,. . ; 100 Uni FR E E LAND IN OREGON under the Carey Irri­ gation act. Deed direct from state. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. Cooke A Co., 251 Alder street, Portland, OregoiL rish im m * of Com»; eSTABUSHED ;JUIY 6. I8Í» C apital * 2 . 10(1000 lefeated M ; I on ssa, In* in Set ' D O U G L A S ISA r R ES A SELLS MORE OES TH A R A R Y O TH ER I. IM T H E W O R L D . POULTRY FOOD—I f you want your hens to lay ‘ us _ "or more eggs write for free particulars about PL- R IN A POULTRY FEED S—A cm e Mills fl| Co., Portland, Oregon. T A IL O R 8—Columbia W oolen Mills Co.. Portland, Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap. sassinitt ? ' ‘f c l n n n f l t£WARD to anyone who can Our self measurement system insures periect lit. Write for free samples and prices. disprove this statement, ouse pet m - w I U j U U U could take you Into m y three large factories PIANOS A ORGANS — Oldest piano house on Pa­ rock ton, M ass., and sh ow y o u the infinite . coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. (1 to rt With w h ich e v e r y pair o f shoes Is made, you ! cific Write for list. L*et us quote you a price. Allen A Dougins shoes ... a iW W realize w h y ___ W II.. I.. D ou glas $3.50 sh oes! Gilbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon. Dl • « m O ore f * t to o — wrhy shape, I m xkx ake, w h y th ey hold their shapel iger, and_ letter, w ea r longer, and are of greater greaten Oregon Herbs—Specific for all Kidney and Bladder nslc value than any oth er $ 3.5 0 shoe. 1 troubles. Cures BACKACH E. Price 50c. Trial o r *y L. D ougim m J t r o n p M a d o S h o o s f o r size sent hy mail lor 10c. in stumps. Bend today on, $ 2 .SO , 0 2 .0 0 . U o y a ' School 0 luo.S Third at. t > 'o s a S h o o m ,0 2 .6 O ,$ 2 .$ 1 .7 5 ,$ 1 .6 U Km,T A U T I Q N . - I n s i ^ upon having W .L.D oug. Human Hair Goods—Switches, Pompadours, Men’ s i million n o e s . T ake no substitute. N one genuine Toupees and W igs; best quality; lowest prices; send for free price list; mall orders a specialty. * *iftB ,;*ut his nam e and price stamped on bottom . ■ solution fQ0/or Eue/et8 used ; they will not wear brassy, Par.s Hair Store, 308 Washington St. Eat 1888. by Pari' rite for Illustrated Catalog. 1 » P O U G I^A.S, B r o c k t o n , M a ss. of Arta«.____I No. 10 IMioenn N. U. assinate r r u K N w r it in g - t o a r iv a r t is o r s p l e a s e ga ria. . . w BILL WOULD APPLY WIFE BEATEES. ■' The Introduction o f the whipping poet for wife beaters In the D istrict of Columbia bos boon put up to Congress by Robert Adams, Jr., a representative from Philadelphia, who fathered a .India • measure In the Pennsylvania Legislature twenty-two years ago, tie Is encouraged to revive It for applica­ tion In Washington hy the recommen­ dation for corpora! punishment o f wife beaters In the President’s last message. The bill provides that any male per­ son who shall be convicted of beating, bruising or mutilating his w ife shall be whipped upon the back, the lashes not to exceed 30. The marshal of the D lstri't of Columbia shall wield the lash w.thln the prison lnclosure In tho presence o f a physician and the keeper o f the prison. Adams says the value o f the bill is based upon the historical demonstra­ tion that the treatment of women by a nation Is one o f the best tests o f its progress In civilization. Whipping a brutal husband, he claims, does away with the objection to Imprisonment— destitution o f the w ife end family left without support He says that In Pennsylvania In 1904 there were 525 complaints of w ife beat­ ing r» elved by officials. Hundreds m ore are never reported. In nearly every case the man was under the Influence of liquor. Confinement In Jail, authorities say, has no terror for brutal husbands. It has been urged that wives should not Inform on their husbands and ex­ pose them to the disgrace o f being whipped. They would at least have the Ing. This form o f highway robbeiy that held London In terror for several years disappeared after one or tw > convictions. In 1883 the legislature of Maryland passed a bill to punish wife beaters by whipping them. Adams says the district attorney o f Baltimore Informs him that after the first conviction the crim e ceased as If by magic In the State. The wife heating statute l:i Delaware Is reported as having a very London has fewer suicides than any salutary effect other great capital. While Paris has 400 Butterfly Forma. suicides for each million a year, London has only 00. Most people, when they look at a magnificent cabinet of butterflies, gleaming and glowing with a hundred Iridescent hues, think that each but­ terfly was caught by hand— caught, after a chase of a mile or two, under a net or a hat. As a matter o f fact, butterflies are raised on little farms, like chickens. There Is such a steady butterfly demand that It pays men to raise them. These men, experts In tne employ o f museums, ns a rule, know larvae as a chicken farmer knows eggs, and they have no difficulty In selling at n good profit nil the butter­ flies they grow. The stockroom o f a butterfly farmer Is n rare and beau­ tiful sight. It Is a room of glass, filled with sunshine, and In the brllllnnt light hundreds of the loveliest butter­ flies flutter and float. In the profound silence their colors seem to sing, so bright are they, so splendid. The Kind You Have Always Bought - . paralionforAs- similatinglhcF. again* ' similating fceFood andReßula - i ting IheSlMKKhs and Bowels of Supr***! I nfan i s v ^ L h Bears tho Signature ild k ln Promoteapi^stionCtkYrfiil- nessamBkst.Containsneither | of tune nor Mineral LC O T I C . t/y .iW iX L /m u R ? Bemcrty forConslipa- “ Stomactv Diarrhoea ’ulsions.Feverish- o s s o F S leep . Signature o f VYOTIK. r or WRAPPER. In Use For Over Your OwnDoctor He— Well, I’ve found out one thing— you have no heart. She— Oh. come now. n ow can a man without brains know anything about anatomy?— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ask TO C U R E A COI.D IN ONE D A Y Take L A X A T I VK BHOMO Quinine Tablets. Drug- ists refund money if li falls to cure. E. W. R O V E ’S» signature Is ou each box. 26c. 6 Oetrolt, Water the year while at to cause FERRY'S freezes every night throughout at Alto Crucero, in Bolivia, noonday the sun is hot enough actual suffering. I M o t b e r s w lll And M »-. W in .lo w '» S ooth in g S yru p th e best rem ed y to use fo r th eir c h ild re n d u r in g th e te e th in g p eriod . After a Juror In a Sydney (Australia) I court had been fined $10 for two days I in succession for absence it was discov­ ered that he was desd. Around the World •4I h a ve used y o u r Fish Brand Slicker« fo r years In the Hawaiian Islands •nd found them the o n ly article that suited. I am n o w In t h i s c o u n t r y t C Africa) and think a great deal o f you r co a ts.” ( n am e Permanently Cured. N o ntsor nervousness I after first day’ s useofD r.K llne’ sGreat Nerve 1 M—tOW _ _»torer. Send for F r e e V 2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H . Kline, Ltd..M l Arch at.. Philadelphia, Pa. FITS o n a p p l ic a t io n ) S lig h t HIGHEST AWARD WORLD’S FAIR. 1904. T h e w o rld -w id e rep u te- tion i o ( f T o w e r’ s W a te r­ p roof O l i e d ^Clothing T O i r E B 'S th e bu yer o f t th e positive w orth * o f i all garm ents bearing bk i this S ig n of J the ---- F ish. m j 'K P *4I have need Ayer’s Chernr Pectoral for hard colds, bad coughs, and influ d**ne me great good, and I believe it Is the best cough medicine in the world fo r all throat and lung troubles.” ELI C. STUART, Albany, Oregon. » by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Also manufacturers o f M is u n d e r s ta n d in g . Mrs. Oldboy (reproachfully)— But » SAR8APARILLA. PILLS. you said you would gladly die for me. | HAIR VIOOR. Oldboy (calm ly)— True, my dear, | but I had reference to my hair and Keep the bowels open w ith one of whiskers. Ayer's Pills at bedtim e, lust one» xiers RHEUMATISM A. £ TOWER CO., Boston, U. S. A. ; j If he tells you to take Ayer’s C h e r ry P e c to ra l for y o u r severe cough o r b ro n c h ial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. T O W E R CANADIAN C O., LIMITED, T oron to, ( B O D Y RACKED W ITH PAIN E n oon rn g em en t. “ I’m afraid,” said young Slopplngton, feeling his way, "that your sister doesn't like to have me call so often?” "You don’t know Sis,” answered the small brother, encouragingly. "She can itand for anybody. Just so It lo o k s lik e a man.” — Cleveland Leader. No other bodily suffering is equal to that produced by the pain of Rheil* matism. When the poisons and acids, which cause this disease, become in­ trenched In the blood there is hardly any part of the body that is not af­ fected. The muscles become sore and drawn, the nerves twitch and sting', the joints inflame and swell, the bones ache, every movement is one o( agony, and the entire body is racked with pain. Rheumatism is brought on by indigestion, stomach troubles, torpid Liver,, weak Kidneys and a general T o B r e a k In N e w S h o e s . inactive state of the system. The refuse matter instead of passing off A lw ays shake in A llen 's Foot-Ease, a pow der. through nature’s avenues is left to sour and form uric acid, and other acrid It cu res h o t, sw e slin g , a ch in g , sw ollen feet. Cures corn s, in g ro w in g n a ils s n d b u n ion s. At poisons which are absorbed into the blood.- Rheumatism does not affect all druggists and shoe stores, 25c D on 't accep t all alike. In some cases it takes a A bout fifteen years ago I had a sever# any substitu te Sam ple m ailed FREE. A ddress wandering form ; it may be in the attack o f B heum atltm end could not A lfeu S. Olm sted, be R oy, N. Y. work ith any satisfaction. My leg s arms or legs one day and in the were w badly sw ollen and drawn so I Shoulders, feet, hands, back or other could scarcely walk. I tried many rem. I t . N a t u r a l I * la c e . but could get no relief. 1 was fin. parts of the body the next. Others edies ally recommended to try 8. 8. 8. and It “ Where would you go to look for the suffer more seriously, and are never soon cured me sound amt w ell. I am spirit of the times?” now 74 years old and have never bad "M y dear sir, in the body of the peo­ free from pain. The uric acid and any return o f the trouble, bther irritating substances find lodge­ ple.” — Baltimore American. JOSEBH 1'liOLIE H A W L E Y , ment in the muscles and joints and B ox 104. Aurora, 111. A G U A R A N T E E D CURK FOR PILES as these deposits increase the mus­ Sometime ago I had Rheumatism and Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Prug- cles become stiff and the joints had to quit w ork. The pains in my baolz are authorized to refund money If PAZO S lsts 1N TM EN T fails to cure In 5 to 14 days. 50c. locked and immovable. It matters and between my shoulders w as so in ­ tense I oould not rest or sleep. I tried ,•0311 ju a i « poinjojoaoiip uaaq 0 A«q oj hot in what form the disease may be everything but nothing did me any good )t{2no oji *8uouiiuiszjtj{ qotf st9Jdq)„ the cause is always the same—a sour, till 1 hoard o f and took 8. 8. S. This medicine cured me sound and w ell. It acid condition of the blood. This purified *J(j pasiuu „ ‘aoaBisiij J o j,, my blood and made me feel Ilka vital stream lias lost its purity and a new man. '• i « a v x a n u n i i i s CONRAD LOHR, freshness, and instead of nourish­ Anderson, In d. 122 E. 19th St. T h ere Is m o re C atarrh in th is section o f th e ing and feeding the different parts c o u n try th a n a ll o th e r disea ses p u t t o g e t h e r ,' with health-giving properties, it fills them with the acids and salts of this and u n til the la st fe w yea rs w as su p p osed tu b e in cu ra b le . For a great m a n y years d o c t o r s p ro­ painful and far-reacliing disease. The cold and dampness of Winter always n o u n c e d it a lo ca l disease, a n d p rescrib ed lo c a l re m e d ie s, a n d by c o n s t a n t ly T ailing to cu re intensify the pains of Rheumatism, and the sufferer to get relief from tha w ith l o c a l trea tm en t, p ro n o u n c e d it in c u r a b le . ■ agony, rubs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or uses I S cien ce h a s p roven c a ta r r h t o be a c o n s t itu * ' chance, says Adams, while at present tio n a i d isease, and th e r e fo r e req u ires c o n s titu ­ plasters and other home remedies. These are desirable because they giva tio n a l tre a tm e n t. H a ll’ s C ata rrh C u re, m a n u - temporary ease and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is in they dare not complain because the | fa ctu re d b y F . J. C h e n e y & C o ., T o le d o , O h io, is ■want o f food stares them In the face the o n l y c o n s titu tio n a l c u r e o n th e m a rk e t. It the blood and beyond the reach of such treatment. S. S. S. is the best rem- t a k e n in te rn a lly in d o se s from 10 d ro p s to a oACVik e,,>’ f°r Rheumatism, It goes into thq If the man Is behind prison bars for a j la teaspQ on fu l. It a cts d ir e c t ly on th e b lo o d and blood and attacks the disease at its head, long tirm . Besides, It will be cheaper m u o n s su rfa ces o f th e system . T h e y o ffe r on e 'h u n d r e d d o lla rs fo r a n y case it falls to cu re . w te and hy neutralizing and driving out the for society to punish a brute In this , b e n d fo r circ u la r s an d testim on ials. acids and building up the thin, sour | A d dress, F . J. C H EN E Y 0 CO., T oledo, O way. S o ld by D ruggists. 76c. b lo o d it cures the disease permanently. It Is denied that corporal punishment H a ir s F a m ily P ills are the best. 9 W W While cleansing the blood S. S. S. tones Is in violation of the constitution of P I I R F I V l / F P C T A R I F UP l' ie stomach, digestion and every It M e a n t N o th in g . the United States. The sponsor for the I t U C I H D L b , other part of the system, soothes tha •‘He's engaged to her, and I think we ' bill also points out that the English excited nerves, reduces the inflammation, dissolves the deposits in the joints, may look for a wedding soon.** law recognizing whipping ns a legal relieves all pain and completely cures this distressing disease. S. S. S. is a “ W hy?” form o f punishment, nnd cites a statute "She told me she believed in short en­ certain cure for Rheumatism in any form ; Muscular, Inflammatory, Artieu. passed by parliament In 1803 to add gagements.” lar or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, without flogging to the punishment for garrot- ‘‘So she does— short and frequent.** charge, to all who write, m g S W IF T S P E C IF IC C O .. A TLA N TA . G A a For Infants and Children. bel, KentucbJ T h e R e t o r t F e m i n in e . TO A L l.e lr C a tch . Mrs. 8.— And so you are leaving us, Bridget? And what are you going to do? Bridget— Please, mum, I’m going to get married. Mrs. 8.— Dear m e! Isn’t that rather sudden? Who Is the happy man? Bridget— Do you remember, mum, me askin' you about four weeks ago to go to the funeral o f a friend? Well, I do be go In’ to marry the corpse’s husband Sure, he told me then I wuz the life o’ the p a r ty .— Harper's Weekly. A aiblanoas. R im e r - I showed this sonnet to Crlt tick and he seemed quite struck with i t He liked the idea, anyway. Brlghtlcy t Incredulously)— I* it jh . s - slhlo? Rimer—Yes. I told him this was my Idea o f a perfect sonnet nnd he said the Idea was certainly original.— Philadel­ phia Pres* fe fj I f ^ V TT M L za* ■ W hat J oy T hey B ring T o E very H ome as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play— when in health — and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has com e into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be­ cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. W e inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, n an method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici­ ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue tigs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem­ edy and hence w e are free to refer to all well informed physicians, w ho do not approve o f patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. I lease to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup ef rigs always has the full name of the Com pany— California Fig Syrup Co. — p ainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects, hvery family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. There is no denying that when the 1 daughter marries and takes her piano | p ^ with her, the rest o f the fam ily uiisa It It was such a convenient place to { C s le ra M c c 1 « u . r . f S . r d put bata and glovca on. Mooch an* _ _ | « |^J ^ |^| -n r ___ JT ___ Q E L E __ 5 S D _ _ I _ _ E S On# I Or oaefcorc calar* «Hk, w ool and c o tta « c q u .H r w ell and la aoods M a M a r a s* l a s « colae* tha a any other rfyr W rits fa r »■#« booklet how to dya. to s h e p c r f r tt rooaMs. A sh « t a la r , o r w o « i t i H r * POM paid M l# c a p a c k ... m a calor*. M O N R O t D R U G CO..