FOSSIL CORKSCREWS Editorial Page-W ashington Co. News. ' A . E- N O U R 8E , M anager PafelisM Ewq Thursday by the Washing- ton Canty Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest Grove. Oregon attention it should have, although at the urgent request of a number of leading Republicans, he has about decided to keep "open house” until his successor shall have been chosen. $1.00 a Year in Advance. We are not informed as to the nature of the business Mr. Baker is engaged in but The News along with thousands Entered at the post-office at Forest of his friends wish him as great Oregon, as second class success in that line as the party has mail matter. had under his able leadership. P Tamiesie et ux to Fred Bul­ ling lots 19, 20 and 21 Park Place......................................... J M Barber et ux to Mary E Rowe 2 acres near Beaevton | Evar Jacobsen to Bertha Jacob­ sen i acre in sec 8 1 n 4 w J D Rode et ux to M J Perk' 14.93 acres in Patrick Kelley* d 1 c ......................................... G H Baldwin to Abraham Bald­ win part of block 40 Forest Grove . J .................................. Abraham Baldwin et ux to Peter Fields part of sec 20 2 n 3 w ......................................... Peter Fields et al to George H Baldwin 4 acres in Catchings d i e ....................................... A W Smith et ux to Fred Beh- nke tract in sec 2 2 s 1 w . . Melvin Munkres to Milo Kelsey part of block 30 Forest Grove Samuel Markee to A M Colliver 18.21 acres in Wm Catching d i e .................................... QUEER FREAKS OF NATURE T H A T ABOUND IN NEBRASKA. 2 "»**• 9 ~~ C l « ..« e S p ir a ls •( M in e r a l DRUGS I B E S T on the Market, at Lowest Prices, Q U A L IT Y Corsidered : : : : : Paah- l o a e d Sa M a t h e m a t i c a lly an la Be E a s ily M is ta k e n a t K tr s t G la a e e P re s c rip tio n s filled a c c u ra te ly w ith F re s h D ru g s : : ? 700 *'®r WorllB af Art. Nobody knows with certainty what I the ao called "devil’s corkscrews” real- Your money back if goods are not as represented 500 are- T^ey are found by tens of thou­ sands In Nebraska, most particularly j In Sioux county, and some of them are 1600 ns muc*1 08 i orecle8. And, to confirm 1 ronchl: 1. throat and lung affections, a. m., Epworth League 6:30 p. m., this notion, the Ivones of some burrow­ for : 11 of which these agents are recom­ picture more than on the platform. the best business men in Forest Grove, ' Prayer Prs«», Meeting, Tium ri.» 7 .in r, Thursday 7:30 p. m m. I ing animal were actually found imbed­ mended I y standard medical authorities. In all cares where there is a wasting have gone to some expense in planting Everybody welcome. L. F. BELKNAP. ded In the substance of one of the away ( f flesh, loss of appetite, with W. N. Ban-ett of Hillsboro, has •’screws." This seemed to settle the weak stomach, as In the early stages of Gales Creek with good trout stock VERY BEST consumption, there can be no doubt that matter for awhile, until the controversy announced himself as a candidate for Congregational Church They have used their influence to rlycerl'.-.e acts as a valuable nutritive and was started again by the discovery of rids the Golden Seal root. Stone root. the legislature and his petitions were protect the China pheasants during the Sunday, April 8 , 10 a. m.— Sunday the osseous remains, under like condi­ Queen's root and Black Cherry1ark In QUALITY, PRICES, TREATMENT circulated a few days ago. He is go­ closed season and these efforts have School. 11, Morning Worship, Preach- tions, of a small deer. Nobody coual | promoting digestion and building up the flesh;.ml strength, controlling the cough ing to tnake an active and vigorous mg by the pastor on ‘The Christian assert that a deer was ever a burrow- | end 1 ringing about a healthy condition SAELENS ft C0.f Main S t, not been directed solely against the Ing animal, and so that notion had to tf the whole system. Of course. It must Sabbath.” 6:30— Consecration Meet­ campaign— He has not signed state­ FOREST M O V E , OREOON farmers. An effective prevention of ing of the Christian Endeavor Society. be abandoned. r.ot he expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except in Its earlier ment No. 1.— and does not intend to. Other theorists declared that the “ fos­ the merciless slaughter of birds, by Topic, “ Our Pledge and How to Keep Stages. It will cure very severe, obstin­ sil twisters,” as some folks called them, The News congratulates the party in chronie coughs, bronchial and laryn­ 7:30— Lenten Service, subject, | represented the prehistoric borings of ate, unscrupulous men of both town and it.” geal troubles, and chronic sore throat having candidates fearless and cons­ “ Christ the Fulfilment.” Thursday, j with hoarseness. In acute coughs It Is country, such as occurred last season, gigantic worms that lived In the very cientious enough to go before the April 12.— Dr. W . S. Holt of the Pres­ long ago. Yet others suggested that not so effective. It Is In the lingering when the pheasants were hardly able coughs, or those of long standing, even byterian Home Missionary Board, will they were petrified vines, though It was when accompanied by bleeding from people for the office of representative, MANUFACTURERS OF to use their wings, has been the object be here to address us on “ Chinese difficult to explain how or why the lungs, that It has performed Its most Iff* stating their positions on the issue of tnarveluus cures. Send for and read the of righteous attempts on the part of Work in the United States ” This "poles” on which the alleged vines little book of extracts, treating of the Statement No. 1. There are now four And dealers in all kinds of Hors« ropertles and uses of the several med- the Rod and Gun Club. We are not will be an opportunity to hear a very seemed In mnny cases to have been trained had been so admirably pre­ cinal roots that enter Into I)r. Pierce’s candidates who have signed the state­ Goods. Repairing Promptly Dont _ in a position to handle the question, as interesting man upon a very interesting served, or. for that matter, originally Golden Medieal Discovery and leurn ichy Prices Reasonable. Drop in f this medicine has such a wide range of ment and three who have not. Those theme. erected. well as might be, but invitations are application In the euro of diseases. It Is suor tu t who have signed are: W. K. Newell, In the midst of so many contradictory sent free. Address Dr. R. V. Plerco, FOREST NAYLOR'S CORSER offered to either side, to air their theories the problem seemed likely to Buffalo, N. Y. The "Discovery" con­ FARMERS’ BULLETINS A. B. Flint, M. S. Barnes and Van tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-form­ I difficulties in these columns. We do defy solution Indefinitely. The one that ing drug. Ingredients nil printed on each (Continued From Last W eek.) DeLashmet; those who have not | held out longest and gained most ad- ! bottle wraptier in plain English. think, however, that an open explana­ 139. Emraer: A Grain for the Semi- herents was that of the extinct gopher», i Sick people, especially those suffering signed are: B. F. Purdy, W. N. tion of the positions now taken, would arid Regions. Pp. 16. It accounted for the “root” —a shape­ from diseases of long standing, are Invited Barrett, and Joe Meek. Thus will the practical Undertakers and Embalt to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All tend to clear up all perplexing condi­ 140. ” Pineapple Growing. Pp. 48. less appendage often nearly as big as correspondence is held as i strictly private ers. Calls answered day or nigh people have an opportunity of express­ tions and lead to a more perfect under­ 141. Poultry Raising on the Farm. the "twister” Itself and attached to the and sacredly confidential. Address Dir. lower end of the latter—which obvious­ R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. ing their views for or against Statement standing between everyone. Pierce’s Medical Adviser Is sent free Pp. 16. ly. ns It seemed, had been the nest of on Dr. receipt of stamps to pay expense of No. 1. 142. Principles of Nutrition and Nutri­ the rodent animal, the “corkscrew” rep­ mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps BOTH ’ PHONES. Forest Grove, tive Value of Food. Pp. 48. resenting the spiral hole by which It loF paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth- Reduced Rates I made Its way to the surface of the hound copy. The more people think about State­ 143. The Conformation of Beef a n d 1 ground. What could possibly be more During the Summer Season of 1906 R . IN IX O IN , D e n t i ment No. 1. and the better they com e Dairy Cattle. Pp. 44. easy to comprehend? reduced round trip excursion rates will 60 Y E A R » to understand just what it means, the Professor E. H. Barbour, however, 144. Experiment Station Work— XIX. E X P E R IE N C E be in effect from the East to all North Forest Grove, Oregon j has declared—and his decision Is ac­ Pp. 32. more certainly are they going to vote Pacific Coast Points, such as Portland, 145. Carbon Bisulphide as an Insecti­ cepted provisionally until somebody against it. It is asking altogether too offers a better—that the corkscrews are Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, cide. Pp. 28. Three doors north of Bailey's store, much of a candidate for legislature to of vegetable origin. They are, he as­ hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. etc.; also to Spokane and San Francisco, 146. Insecticides and Fungicides. serts, the foesll remains of ancient pledge himself to “ Always vote for H water weeds of gigantic size, which Pp. 16. that candidate for United States Sena- ^ An* eles and 3“ Diego- NS : 147. Winter Forage Crops for the grew millions of years ago on the bot­ D is io n s tor in Congress who has received the 1 Rates ™ lcs 1Ium from Chica* ° vla direct ,ines tom of a vast sheet of water that cov­ C o p y r ig h t s â c . South. Pp. 36. to the North Pacific Coast and Califor- ered all of Nebraskn. These must have An v o n « «en d in g a a k elrh and d escrip tion may highest number of the people’ s votes u qu ickly ascertnin o u r op in ion fre e w h eth er ao LAWYER been the biggest aquatic plants that invent Inn in probably p ro h e b ly o £S n te t n ta b U ^ C o n in iu n lc a - for that position at the general election , nia wiU be * 7S and frora Missouri I Celery Culture Pp. 32: tioiiHM rU't)yconfl«lentlal. HANDBOOK o n Patenta t»y ........ ever existed, and when the huge lake Experiment Station Work— XX •ent free. Oldest a nyen m cy fo r ««ou rln * patenta. Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE if ft Sanator in Congress, without regard R - e r points, namely: Council Bluffs, H 9 . * -------------- ™ w k- „ Pulenta taken thre uirh Munn A Co. receive that overflowed the region In question Pp. 32. tjwrioJ «of ice, wit boat charge. In tha ration_Law_a_Sgecialtjr. Hin«*’ dried up the remains of many of the to my individual preference.” No 0maha’ Atchison, St. Joseph, Kansas 150. Clearing New Land. Pp. 24. plants were left behind hurled lu the Republican wants to bind his Republi- Ci,T’ als0 St’ Paul and Minneapolis, 151. Dairying in the South. Pp. 48. accumulated detritus at the bottom. Forest Grove, - - OJ A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrtrest cir­ culation <*f any scientific tournai. Terms, $8 a caaSppresentative to vote for a | rates will be *60. Rates to Spokane In the course of time—ages after the ear ; four mon tbs, ftL Bold by all newsdealers. 152. Scabies in Cattle. Pp. 24. will be $5 less than to the Coast or bottom of the ancient lake had been •iMCratic candidate for U. S. Senator, 153. Orchard Enemies in the Pacific converted Into solid rock—rivers plow­ New YçTk J . N . H o f f m a n e. 89, r S t . W w bloston . *70 from Chicago and *55 from the a n d n o democrat would think of doing Northwest Pp. 39. ed their way through the land, cutting ATTORNEY AT LAW such a thing with his democratic repre­ Missouri River and St. Paul. 154. The Hom e Fruit Garden: Prepar­ this way and that and exposing to the Rates one way via the Shasta Route view of the modern traveler on the ation and care. Pp. 20. Office in Front Rooms of Abbott) s e n t a t i v e and if he did have such faces of the cliffs the fossil casts of the Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­ ing, Upstairs. thoughts his democratic member in and California will be *13.50 higher 155. How Insects Affect Health in prehistoric water weeds Just as they ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grove. FOREST GROVE. - - OR than those above mentioned. Rural Districts. Pp. 20. stood when they grew hundreds of t h e llgislature would most certainly These tickets will be On sale daily, 156. The Home Vineyard. Pp. 24. thousands and probably millions of disappoint him. What’ s the use of H O L L IS T E R ’S years ago. Tbelf tissues were replaced signing such a statement when you commencing June 1st and continuing 157. The Propagation of Plants. Pp.24. as they decayed by silica from the wa- T h a R e a l R m S . _ know you would not carry it out if a until September 15, with final return 158. How to Build Small Irrigation ter. particle by particle, and thus, as If “ He said be would lay the earth at , * l, ?*1,.l'*?!clrL>,f Ditches. Pp. 28. by magical meuns, their liken essea limit of October 31st. candidate of the opposite party should * * * " “ M «>* aentlmeotal girl. A . ¿ Z have been preserved for the wonder 159. Scab in Sheep. Pp. 48. A. L. C r a ig , "Yee," answered Miss Cayenne. “ It and Kidner trouble*. Mimac». Kc*—. get the “ highest number of the and admiration of the present surviv­ 161. Practical Suggestions for Fruit r nd. good, but It to not practical. « 2 2 » ! General Passenger Agent. ors on the earth. p e o p l e 's votes.” Growers. Pp. 28. Such Is the theory now pretty well You already have the earth at your let form, sa cent» a box. uenutne 162. Experiment Station Work— XXL accepted by scientists In regard to the feet. What you want to a three or four ■tory house over your h eed ."—W ash- 1 NUGGETS FOR tALLOW R ank C. Baker, chairman of the COUNTY COURT NEWS origin of the “ fossil corkscrews.” Pos Pp. 32. Ington Star. Republican State Committee, has r e a l estate tran sfers . 164. Rape as a Forage Crop. Pp. 16. slbly it Is not correct, but If otherwise there Is room for the exercise of any­ SEARS & W ATKH tendered his resignation as such W k f H e L . . . 9 R ev. 165. Culture of the Silkworm. Pp. 32. body's Imagination In the consideration Fred J Berger et ux to John H -------------Proprietor of—— — " chairman, after rendering the party Minister — Bobby, do you love your BergeT J interest in 10 acres 166. Cheese Making on the Farm. of this veritable romance of the an­ I • .T h a le a a d in g teacher? Bobby (six yeara old)—Yea. faithful and efficient sen ice tor the cient history of the world.—New York in sec t 1 n r 2 w ................ I 1500 Pp. 16. air. Mlnlater—That's right. Now tell I Up-to-date Hair-cutting Herald. past three years— During that time he L S Nelson et ux to Lars Nel­ Bte why you love her. Bobby — Be­ 167. Cassava. Pp. 32. Shaving. Laundry son i lot 53 Cornelius En­ cause the Bible saya we must love our has managed three important cam- P m m l S« M tt. 168. Pearl Millet Pp. 16. virons ....................................... 440 enemies Philadelphia Inquirer. M a in H t r s s t . • If either man or woman would realize -All of whith have resulted in 169. Experiment Station Work— X X II. State of Oregon to Margaret the full power of personal beauty It sing majorities for the party. The Pp. 32. WfcaR n M 1 . « s b k M M ss. Atrops n e } sec25 2 s 2 w 2400 must be by cherishing noble thoughts state campaign of two years ago, F O Scbultheise et ux to Ja?ob The difference between man and the j 170. Principles of Horse Feeding. and hopes and purposes, by having Pp. 44. something to do and something to live ■o called “ lower animals” to that he 500 through the able leadership of Mr. | Schairer lot 32 BruggeT Tract Trains on the Southern Pacf 171. The Control of the Codling Moth. for that to worthy of humanity and alone cooks his food and wears artl ker. gave the party a handsome and Patrick Skelly to A L Albertsen which by expending the capacities of ■etai clothes. And these are the two m d depart on the following | ' w J of s e i sec 6 2 s 1 w . . 1500 Pp. 24. ying majority and coming as it GOING SOUTH theaoul gives expansion and symmetry that Injurs hto baalt h !-S t Louts Globe- Wm H Adams to P H Parmeley 172. Scale Insects and Mites on to the body which contains It—1’pham. Democrat No. 2 ___ 9 A. M. No. 4 ------ earlier than the elections of other et al 77.25 acres in sec 22 n Citrus Trees. Pp. 43. GOING NORTH had a very stimulating effect A. great Ha la like a great fish on dry 3 w and other lands.............. 2290 A M aim s f Acttsa. 173. Primer of Forestry. Pp. 48. tend; it may fret and fling and make a No. 3 . . .6:59 A. M. o. 1 -------- 4)1 | their campaigns and the fall elec- Anna Mackie Robb to Wm Hick»—There Isn’t a man In town frightful bother, but it cannot hurt 174. Broom Corn. Pp. 32. N. L. ATKINI] Robb etal J interest in 110 who ran keep the conversational ball of our own gave the party the acres in B Cornelius Jr d 1 c 1200 175. Home Manufacture and Use of rolling like our friend Qayrakc. Wlcka you. Tou have only to keep still and It st majority ever registered in this U.n.ferroented Grape Juice. Pp. — Nonsense: He never eays anything will die s i Itself.- Crabbe. Emma J Patton et al to L S •■te. That he is a “ long beaded” 1 «. Nelson e A of lot 53 Cornelius worth listening to. Hick» No. but he dhiitician and a thorough organizer, does a. lot of things worth talking Environs.................................. 440 176. Cranberry Culture. Pp- 20. about—Philadelphia Ledger. P a i d u p C a p i t a l « M ,i and an enthusiastic worker is conceded C R Adams to John F Adams 177. Squab Raising. Pp. 32. 18.18 acres in sec 15 2 t 2 w 436 OTWtESromWfTS: not only by his own fellow workers, 178. Insects Injurious to Cranberry Ue who feels contempt for any ltv- Eleanor Zurawalt et al to S M by the leaden of the opposition as Culture. Pp. 32 National City Bank, New Yorll Inr thing hath faculties that he hath Holland et al lot 3 block 2 k .*»1 never need, and thought with him fa la Wellt F u g o it Co’ s Bank, ' L He gives up this work on 179. Horseshoeing. Pp. 31. Tucker’ s and Stewart’ Add Its Infancy.—Wordsworth. Well» Fargo Nevada Nat* ecount of business matters making to Hillsboro............................ 325 181. Pruning. Pp. 39. 9 -1 — Goldenrod Flour now *1.05 per [such heavy demands upon his time Margaret Atrops to John Raster 182. Poultry as Food Pp. 40. United Sutei National Bank Subscribe for The Newt. *1 yesr. I lack. 40 acres in sec 25 2 s 2 w . . 1200 1 that it is not poroible to give it the Dr, Hines’ Drug Store W . F. S G H U L T Z F R E S H M E A T S O F A L L K IN D S Vegetables o f aft Kinds in S eason Oregon A V aluable Agent. £. W . Haines Bank MEATS MARTIN & CO.j M A R IN E S I i 6R0VE, ■ Undertaking- & Buxl P atents W . H. HOLLIS. ; Sdentine American. City Barber Shop . . . . A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor Rocky Mountain Too N il. Local Time Table) THE NEWS For Up-to-date Job Work FIRST NATIONAL