Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 05, 1906, Image 1

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    W ashington
f i
small cost, relatively to the market
of the walnuts. Mr. Chapman CORNELIUS
does not expect a crop from the trees
for at least six or seven years. The
pman of Near Gales Clfy trees will average from 8 to 18 inches Thos. Talbot Elected Mayor Over
in height, with a probable average of
Is Two Acres of English
Ben|. Scholfleld by a Close
12 inches. They are planted 30 feet
apart and it is the plan of Mr. Chap­
man to plant apple trees between the
walnut trees, which will yield a crop in
about three years and, while he is
Trees from France— Ex­
Citizens’ Ticket Wins As a Result
waiting for the walnuts, use the ground
pects First Crop About Six Years
of Exciting Day, At
until the trees become too big at
which time he will, cut out the apple
From Planting
trees, thereby allowing no ground to
lie idle.
The first year Mr. Chapman expects
For some time horticulture has
Thos. Talbot, one of the oldest and
to harvest from 30 to 40 pounds of
most respected citizens of Cornelius,
received considerable attention in this
nuts from each tree which will increase
and the surrounding districts and a
was last Monday elected mayor of that
in our steady climate, to 80 or 100 j
goodly amount of discussion has follow­
wide awake little community, over
pounds, yielding, therefore, from t l 2
ed, concerning the adaptability of our
Benjamin Scholfield, another prominent
to $15 a tree, as the nuts sold this i
climate and other conditions necessary
citizen, by a vote of 52 to 47. A
fall for 15c a pound.
great deal of interest was manifested by
~ to succesaful fruit growing and nut
Mr. Chapman, in ten years, will
, culture, both in the papers and in the
both sides and a comparatively heavy
have an income practically, of $1500
vote was polled.
horticulturists meetings held in Forest
for every one hundred trees he has
~ Grove every month.
There were two tickets in the field,
planted and which is almost clear profit,
However, in spite of the many as the expense of caring for the trees respectively dubbed, the Citizens’,
and the Law and Order. The Citizens’
_ favorable decisions given us on these is of slight consideration.
subjects by horticulturists of established
Mr. Chapman’s efforts cannot fail ticket won out by an exceedingly
authority, until now, no one has and when others take up the work of small majority and elected a full ticket
seemed to be in any haste to take planting fruit trees and nut trees in a except Councilman M. H. Henderson,
advantage of them.
Many farmers similiar manner, Washington County who was “ scratched” from the Law
lM have seemed to be content with telling will become a horticultural district in and Order ranks. The result was as
ki his neighbor what exceptionally fine earnest. The walnut culture can hard­ follows;—for mayor, Thomas Talbot;
soil and what unusual climatic condi- ly be a sequel to the prune story, so councilmen, A. F. Kane, Andrew
Mit .
ckl tions we, of Washington County, enjoy vivid in the memory of those who set Benson, Daniel J. Bennett and M. H.
m for the culture of walnuts, which, when out prune trees some years ago. How­ Henderson; for recorder, A. A. Phillips;
^ once H started,
will yield an independent ever, determine well your ground, and for treasurer, C. C. Hancock, who
; jtJv',
income to the grower, merely for the elevation, drainage, etc— “ be sure was the unanimous choice, having
been placed on both tickets. A refer­
uta trivial labor of gathering*the crop.
you are right, then go ahead.”
endum, pertaining to the pasturing of
lfti' At last, however, Mr. Chapman of
t j near Gales City, has made the first —All smart up-to-date women of to-day, cows on the streets, was submitted and
■ ti:move. Last week he set out two Know how to bake, wash, sing and to by a majority of 4 the cows won out
and Cornelius will continue to feed its
le* acres of English walnut trees; one Without these talents a wife is N. G.
,^ ’yaar growths; imported from France at Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. bovine population from the city’s parks.
Cornelius, by the way, is the one city
ent -he con of about 115.00 a hundred— — Dr. Hines' Drug Store.
in the county that is clear of debt and
has a treasury filled with gold; it is not
infected by graft and has always
enjoyed a healthful municipal life.
On April 1st we will show the
people of Forest Grove and vicin­
ity the finest line of Buggies,
Hacks, Stick Seat and Rubber
Tired Rigs ever shown in Wash­
ington County
Our rigs will be the celebrated
Mitchel, Lewis &
Staver Co.
■ ,.?■
No other dealer is able to show you two
tuah fine lines as we have. COME AND
G O F F B R O S .,
NO. 461
Fred V. Holmsn Talks
Fred V. Holman, the noted rose
authority from the Rose Citv, delivered
an exceedingly interesting address,
last night, to the great satisfaction of
the local enthusiasts. Prof. Chapman
and Miss Emma Staehr also contributed
towards the evening’s entertainment
and several good musical numbers
were presented. It was, all in all, one
of the best and most interesting meet­
ings that the Civic Improvement
Society has held.
Mrs. Faul is getting along better
than was expected.
Miss Braun came home last Satur­
day on a short visit.
Miss Elrna Staley came home on a
short visit last week.
We were surprised to see both Noah,
and Ruel Baker out on Sunday, as
they usually take turns on the milk
Mrs. Her, who has been in Eastern|
016*™ with
months, returned home Friday.
The report comes from Wilson Ri'
that a young man from a logging cam
on his way to Tillamook, was great!
April fooled, Sunday. As he
travelling along he heard a noise
the brush near him and turning behe
a large panther which leaped onti
him in a very savage manner, tearii
his clothes and scratching him. Thi
only weapon he had with him was
pocket knife with which he dealt the
animal a blow over the eye, causing
it to leap back into the brush. Th<
man went on down to Mr. Ellens
worth-s and borrowed a gun and takin
the dog5) killed j,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Baker went
down near Beaverton to attend the
C. B. Buchanan on Toll Roads
funeral of Elmer Fleck’s baby, that
C. B. Buchanan, of Cornelius, in an died suddenly last Thursday.
extended communication to the Tilla­
A surprise party given Miss Carrie
mook papers, explains at quite a length,
Arthur Shearer was thoroughly
the position taken by the Washington
by some of the Hillside young
County Court in regard to the toll
well as those of Fir Top.
roads. After weighing everything in
Mr. Vannoy is all sicli
the balance, the action taken, he
thinks, was the fairest and best for all
Mrs. Jake Shearer gave a quilting
L. Grondyke and wife visited in.
Portland, Sunday.
It exempts the people who dwell last Friday.
along the road and provides an option,
Mrs. Maury has a lady friend fror
Miss Clara Aydelott has been on the
of which Tillamook County citizens sick list the past week.
the East visiting her this week.
can avail themselves. It is a very fair
The directors of Dist. No. 71. have
Mrs. Briggs and daughter Emt
interpretation and one that should be i decided to have another month of were Portland visitors Saturday of las
satisfactory to the citizens of Tillamook i scbool.
. ■
County, who righteously abhor the toll
Miss Bertie Johnson of Forest Grove
Miss Rachel Wescott spent Saturday
road system and should serve very well
and Sunday with her parents at Moun- visited with Miss Josephine Freundf
to dispel auy feeling that the people
last week.
of Tillamook should have against Wash­
Miss Lottie Rufli spent a few days
Chas. Hubbert has been quite sicli
ington, on account of this touchy prob­
of the past week with her sister, Mrs. the past week but is some better al
lem. For, as Mr. Buchanan says, it
this writing.
has not “ in any way ‘bottled up’ Tilla­ Loren Creps.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. John
mook County, but when Tillamook
Mesdames Ward, Colter and Misi
pulls the cork on their end, the cork Cornelius, from Forest Grove, visited Gray were Forest Grove visitors on*
on the Washington County end will fly them over Sunday.
day last week.
Mrs. Arthur Aydelott, who has
out of its own accord.
A little daughter arrived at the homrt
purchased the Jack Lousignot farm,
E. B. Holcomb, Monday morning'll
Take Warning ! ! !
intends moving there this week.
She was very welcome indeed.
Any one found hunting, fishing or
A few friends of Carrie Shearer gave
Samuel Aplin, with his two littl*
otherwise trespassing on the premises her a surprise party Saturday evening.
Raleigh and Roscoe, came ou " ’
of the undersigned, will be prosecuted The forepart of the evening was spent
Portland, Saturday evening anc
to the full extent of the law.
playing games and music, and then a
with his parents.
B. E. LaMont
W. E. Wells
delicious lunch was served.
J. K. Ihrig
C. H. Lilly
Mr. Shepherd and wife, who ara
G. H. Riggle
John A. McCoy
making a tour of the Pacific Coastj
E. D. Rounds
N. McGilvery
O. E. Edson made a business trip to | ^ave ^een spending a week with Mr.
O. L. Doane
John Ranes
Shepherd’s sister, Mrs. L. S. Porter, j
Portland Tuesday.
Coyotes Threaten The Extinction of
H. Schmale
S. H. Parkin
A very pleasant surprise was giver
John Hartman has just finished his
Stock in Scoggins Valley
J. C. Wilson
F. W. Johnson
Miss Josephine Freund, Tuesday
new wood-shed.
A. T. Buxton
Tom Sain, an old inhabitant of J. L. Umschied
ing, in honor of her birthday,
O. C. Schofield
E. J. Ayers
evening was pleasantly spent
R. D. Hölscher
E. H. Burk
C. C. Hancock is having wire fence games and music after which ice cream
S. Dilley
week, states that the law prohibiting
and cake was served, then all went
on two sides of his property here.
J. Dilley
the use of hounds in the protection Jack Martin.
home wishing Miss Josephine many,
R. M. Bisbee
Mrs. Adeline Peck of this place,
of the deer, has developed serious N. Monner
happy returns of the day.
R. O. Stevenson
sDent Sunday with the Vanlup' family
and unforseen consequences which J. B. Prickett
Wm. McCoy
in Centerville.
threaten the total destruction of the B. E. Barrett
J. Wesley Goodin, an aspirant
mt for1
Allan Rice
wool raising facilities in that valley by John McClaren
Mrs. Maggie Hendricks, who has
in th*
J. H. Berry
allowing a dangerous increase in the Alex Hunter
been working in Portland, visited her
city the latter part of last week.
number of coyotes and with these
parents a few days this week.
Watson Philbrook, who graduated
J. H. Wescott, of Gaston, was Hg
animals an accompanying and extreme-
Quite an exciting time was had in
ly annoying habit of unusual boldness, from Pacific University last spring and Coi^ eliuS) Monday, at the City election the city today, his prosperity showini
In former days, when the settlers were \ who has been pursuing a course in as there were two tickets in the field, very conspicuously from beneath th<
allowed to keep hounds, they were the Medical School at Willamette Uni- one called Citizens Ticket and the rim of a broad panama.
not troubled greatlv with these usually versity since graduation, has received second was called Law and Order.
—A Big Masquerade Carnival wilM
cautious representatives of the canine an appointment to Insular Service as a
tjcket was eiected except one be held at the Skating Rink, Friday^
family— they were not numerous—and result of examinations taken in Port- councilma„ t one ^
eiected on the Night. Walker's Orchestra will furnish]
it is the opinion of Mr. Sain that the land last winter. If it is accepted, he second t|cket. but it was close all the music. Admission 10 cents.
detrimental effects of the law consider- will
will leave
leave for
for the
the Phillipines,
Phillipines, June
June 1. 1. around; the mtyOTi Thos. Talbot, was
Among those from here, who attend-,
ably out-weigh the beneficial. This is Philbrook
Philbrook was
was a a prominent
prominent athlete
athlete elected by five votes; thc recor(ier by
ed the Y. M. C. A. Convention ii1
significant from the fact that H. W. while
while at at Pacific and is very popular at fiye VQtes
Portland, last week were, Carl Curtis,!
Hudson made a similar statement to a Salem, having been a member of
Haskel Perrin and Archie Markee.
representative of the Oregonian about Willamette’s star foot-ball team last
—Goldenrod Flour now $1.05
the same time in regard to the vicinity season.
Mrs. M. H. McCoy is said to be sack.
more immediately around Gaston.
Will Buxton and wife, daughter of improving.
For Sale— Piano. Inquire at Newl
Goats are kept in these sections as a Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Porter, are ex-
Miss Lucy Wilson spent Saturday office.
profitable investment both in clearing pected home from Pomona, Calif., this and Sunday at home.
land and in raising wool for the market evening. Mr. Buxton, whose health1 Mr. McGarrey moved onto the Rev.
has compelled him to remain in Cali­
but the coyotes are a vital considera­
Staver place, Saturday.
fornia, recently sustained an injury to
is a Railroad King
tion in this connection and threaten one of his hands, which has necessitat-
Mrs. Owen was a passenger on the
the eventual extinction of stock raising ed a lay off and so has taken advan- Var*ey ,ta8e' Saturday,
age of the misfortune to take aracation
George Chapman of Cornelius, spent
in Scoggins Valley.
of a month or six weeks, here, with » lew days on his ranch near here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen made a
Dr. Linklater drove through the city their relatives.
yesterday on one of his many trips to
business trip to Forest Grove, Monday.
his numerous country patrons in this
Guy Thrapp, who has been in Port-
A practical salesman for Washington land for some time, returned nome last
The Caples Block, occupied by La- county to sell SPEER’S AUTOMATIC Week.
GAS MACHINE, gas and electric fix­
Mrs. Fletcher and daughter Eve, of
Course, is receiving some substantial
improvments in the way of stationary tures, and all kinds of heating and Forest Grove, spent Wednesday visit- Jf y OU Wan t a g o o d watch at the I
Experience un­ ing at Gales Creek.
succumbed 1¡*htin* ‘ P ^ c e * .
rig h t price, call and see our*i
awing. The old ca n v ass--------------
to the heavy snow of a few week, ago. necemry
Only respons.ble parties
Mrs. A. V. Brown of Wilson River, stock of Standard
need apply.
oassed through here Monday on her Everything new and fully war­
Harry Ritchie, who has been at-
tending school in Scio. came home <41 Washington St.
Portland. Ore. way to Forest Grove.
The Advent Christian Church will
this week for a stay of eight or t e
days. He will return to Scio
—The Masqueraders will have pos­ hold their quarterly conference here ALL GOODS ABSOLUTELY NEW ;|
however, to take up his work there session, Friday night, at the Rink. next Saturday and Sunday.
Orchestra music will be supplied by
Mr. Crowder of Scholls was the
Walker. A n«w stunt in the skating guest of his daughter, Mrs. »sie
T h e J e w e le r s
Pitman, a few days last week.
Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed.
The Hamilton Watch^