H E YB U R N S D R A S T IC B ILLS . IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OL CONGRESS TuM d ^ , February 20. 7»ehingtiH>, Feb. 20. — The senate eneJ three or four hours today to a usaion ©f the details of the pure M i l l . A Dumber of minor amend- n*s were! suggested, hut under the eeruent to vote on all amendments lorrow non ? of them could he ac ted to lay. Saym r presented by recpiest reply *<10" the Baltimore & Ohio ilroad company to the charge of dis- ninatlo« against it by the Red Kook ,1 company of West Virginia, deny- unfairfrcatment. The senate ad- med » t e w minutes after 4 o’clock of respec to the memory of the « Repreen' itive Castor, of Penneyl- ia. hillinger presented four petitions n residents of Oklahoma praying prohibits n in the proposed state of ahoma. The most voluminous con- ,ed th e ! names of 8,000 voters, and linger (aid that it was 204 feet ig. One of the others contained the aes of To, i »00 women, and another se of 6,0»n» children. The fourth -i siguedpby Indians only. 'he pure food bill was then taken A long discussion of amendments , rad by various senators ensued and n i participated in by Lodge, Piles, nenway, Gallinter, Spooner, Hey- n, McCumber and others, Hrmrn- >> and Piles appearing for the first e in debate in the senate. Washington, Feb. 20.— T1 e house of resentatives today took an immediate turnment out of respect to the a nory of Representative < ieorge A. t tor, of Pennsylvania, after the pas- s of appropriate resolutions and the »; ointment of a funeral committee. - >resenta>ive Castor died yesterday ,:tr *hiladelphia. lltli V ------------- Monday, February 19. tntrWashington, Feb. 19. — Tliree bills ks,e pasted under suspension of the >s— requiring a two-thirds vote— in ■ **bouse today. “ -he first makes gambling unlawful ial^he territories of the United States, r>l uding Arizona, New Mexico, Okla- la, Indian Territory and Alaska. bill is directed particularly against zona and New Mexico, where it was ed gambling was licensed. to’ he second prov'des additional work .the Census bureau by requiring sta- os to be taken on insurance, fish- a, electrical industries, savings ks and crimes. |f he third appropriates $50,000 for 'ATE Of , NT purchase of 300 acres of coal land lBcn the island of Fatan, one of the ^ j. lippine archipelago. On the last ted bill a debate of two hours was met . The others were debated 40 You utes each, os jh «Vashington, Feb. 19.— Discussion of lie* pure food bill occupied practically e of the day in the senate. The >• -- kera were Heyburn, who has charge le b ill; Foraker, who presented a yOU fOf ber of auicndments desired by ïintifl*.- or interests; Money, in favor of his { cerna1 ‘ svjhitute; and McCumber. An order inst th made to devote time tomorrow to n g at tidering amendments under the teh- aiotaiute rule« and begin voting at 5 aunty, ^ Wed DCS'! <' » ' v be president transmitted to congress ’ pecial message agreeing with the ", ority report of the consulting en- i , :ers on the Panama canal in favor thtocci lock canal. Ith US ft --------------- “* “ Thursday, February 16. oui:°*,lrashington. F ib . 15. — The senate j,y passed to the consideration of the t statehood hill and for an hour served is »* half listened to a speech by Dick ty Newt, upport ©f the hill as reported from randSBCommittci' on territories, ecyfott.he b ill ptohlhiting the unauthorized ■ring of the insignia of the Q. A . R. , other b old ier organizations was sed. \-'r Jills were passed establishing light- 1 ises and Jog signals on Cape Hinch- V irook islai , W illiam sound and • pe Spencer, Cross -mued, in Alaska. (Washington, Feb. 15. — “ Morning lift ” prevailed in the ho > til after 5 lock. The net result 1.8 the passa. H to incr- |0,000 ayear the Federal appropria- |>n.to each state and territory for the Jpport ©f agricultural experiment ’ ttions and a • 'Lug the ;>-• fL NCW granting American register to for- •Hic.gn ships wrecked and repair d on the merican coast in the discretion of the _ .©rotary cf the department of Com- • erce andfc-ah yr, at.d requiring a spe- ------al act of oon. ress to grant such regis­ i Wdl Report Bill. Waahingtoi , Feb. 20.— The Philip- dne tariff b ill, which has been held up TEfljp the sneate committee ever since it •>«f sed the h< tse, is soon to be reported. tTie Demoeta's of the committee, who OUgffyere suppose to he solidly arrayed Motif net the bi * .r e av nd two outlet the five declared their erj i ntention fV> vote to repott the b ill— JfSt larmack of Tennessee and McCreary - i [ \ t Kentucky T^ree Republicans, how- ver— Halo of Minnesota, Burrows of 1 . lichigan on Brandcgee of Connecticut -are oppee- to the b ill. st lV A Sf _ .’ i » May Try Behring Sea Claims, Washington, Fab. 20. — The house . ommaumo jBlflCt -•/ t 1 v fay irahh risdietion upon the Circuit court oi he (Tnitad Ptates for the Sinth circuit PariSe 0 0 s states) to determine in nents quitv the rights of America: citi/. ns mdar the award of the Behring sea rbitration of Paris and to render judg- _-oeut. The house rommi’ t-e a ls io r- R D £ c ered favorable report for United *t*t«s ourtaal Victoria, Tex.,and Miami, Fla. ter. The feature of the day w\s the at­ tempt of Payne, chairman of tffe ways and means committee, to get his bill for the consolidation of customs collec­ tion districts. A furious opposition developed and by a roll call a large ma­ jority voted against considering the bill. Again, when the ex eriment sta­ tion bill came up, the debate reverted into the Payne bill, and it was with ditficultv that it could be brought to an end. An indirect compliment was paid to Longworth by a vote to adjourn today until Monday, although nothing w ill appear in the record of its purpose. Would Stop Creating Reserves and O rder General Survey. Washington, D. C., Feb. 16.— Sena­ tor Heyburn is going after the presi­ dent's forest reserve policy agaiq. T. - day he introduced a bill far more dras­ tic than anything he has heretofore at­ tempted. It prohibits further with­ drawals of public land for forest reserve purposes in Idaho, and stipulates that where laud has heretofore been with­ drawn, and baa not been created into forest reserves, it shall immediately he restored to the public domain. It also provides that no reserve or withdrawal made for forestry purposes in Blaho shall include sections 16 or 36, title to which was in the United States at the date of the admission of Idaho into the Union. It further stipulates that no forest reserves shall be created in Idaho to include land heretofore classified as mineral. The effect of this bill, if enacted, would be absolutely to put a stop to forest reserve extension in Idaho, but, like Mr. Heyburn’ s other forestry bills, it w ill not pass. Mr. Heyburn also introduced a hill appropriating $100,000 for the survey of all unsurveyed public land in Idaho. Mr. Heyburn says Idaho’ s development is being retarded by reason of the fact that only one-third of the state has been surveyed. Furthermore, the lack of surveys makes it impossible for the state to perfect many of its selections made under various special grants. Wednesday, February 14. Wednesday, Feb. 14. — At a few minutes after 6 o’ clock today the senate cast its final ballot on the subsidy ship­ ping bill, which was passed by a vote of 38 to 27. All the votes for the hill were by Republican senators, and five Republican senators voted with the Demorcats in opposition. They were Burkett, Dolliver, La Follette, Spooner and Warner. The vote on the bill was preceded by action on a number of amendments, and this by an entire day of debate. Many important amend­ ments were accepted, but only in one case was a modification agreed to that was not in accordance with the wishes of the managers of the b ill. The excep­ tion was on an amendment offered by C H IN E SE A T T A C K M IS S IO N . Spooner eliminating the provision g iv ­ ing half pay to members of the naval Viceroys N o w jT a k e Lead in Enmity to reserve who have served less than six White "Barbarians.” months. London, Feb. 16.— The correspondent When the shipping bill was dis­ posed of the Btatehood h ill was made at Shanghai of the Standard telegraphs the unfinished business. as follows: News has reached here of another at­ Washington, Feb. 14.— After spend­ tack on a foreign mission at Nganking, ing almost the entire day in debate on province of Nganhwei, on the left hank the fortification bill, that measure was of the Yangtse Kiang river. No loss of passed by the house today. life is reported. Yesterday an attempt was made here Pacific Coast Protests. by a trusted Chinese servant to murder Washington, Feb. 16. — Serious op­ the secretary of the French municipal position from Pacific coast interests lias council while he was asleep. The at­ developed to the Cushman bill provid­ tempt was frustrated and ttie assailant ing for new fishing regulations for arrested. Ala-ka. The house committee on ter­ Many of the great provincial viceroys ritories is now considering the hill and are displaying a marked anti-foreign today six Pacific coast senators and a attitude, which they would hardly dare number of representatives appeared be­ so openly to assume unleis they fore it and asked that the hearing he thought that Pekin approved their con­ kppt open until parties interested can duct. In the foreign settlements of reach here from the coast to be heard treaty ports efforts are being made in opposition to it. quietly to recover privileges granted to The principal point of objection is foreigners. that the bill gives to the depa-tment of In some quarters Japan is believed Commerce and Labor power to make to view the possibility of armed inter­ suitable regulations. It is claimed vention being necessary with equanim­ the department would be absolute in ity, since it would provide her with oc­ this matter, and that any changes in casion to obtain from China what she the existing regulations would work failed to exact from Russia. hardship, if not ruin, to the salmon In Shanghai two additional com­ fishing industries. panies of volunteers are being raised. It is reported that the Municipal coun­ cil favors strengthening the Sikli police Sargent’s Views on Immigration. Washington, Feb. 20.— Frank P. force by 500 men. Unfortunately, it is Sargent, rommi.-sioner general of im- at this juncture that it has been decid­ ' migration, today presented liis views in ed to reduce ttie British China squad­ f ivor of added restrictions to immigra­ ron. tion before the house committee on im­ migration and nhturalization. Mr. HE B LA M E S TH E G R AFTE R S. Sargent favored forbidding entrance to the country of feeble m nded and im ­ Rojestvensky Says Bad Shipbuilding becile emigrants, and believed the poo- Caused His Defeat. session of some fixed amount of money St. Petersburg, Feb. 16. — “ Perhaps should also be a requirement. No ac­ I am guilty to some extent for our de­ tion wa9 taken by the committee. feat, aud perhaps my subordinates did not do all they might have done, but Prior Right Given Squatter. Washington, Feb. 19 .— Senator Du­ at all events we who have fought the bois today introduced a bill providing battles were not thieves,’ ’ said Admiral that where settlers have been permitted Rojestvensky, who addressed the Im ­ to go upon and erect improvements on perial Technical society yesterday even­ lands within townsites under govern­ ing upon the causes of the defeat of the ment irrigation projects prior to their Russians at the battle of the Sea of formal opening, they shall have the Japan. The admiral made no specifications first right to purchase lots on which such improvements are located at the regarding rascality in the construction or equipment of the ships, but lie com­ j appraised value. mented at "length upon the destructive T w o Opinions on Alaska Roads. force of the heavy Japanese shells, Washington, Feb. 20 — SenatorTurn- which, when they only exploded in the er, of Washington, today spoke in favor water near the Russian vessels, cracked of the Lovering bill to afford aid to the their plates and opened great leaks, building of a railroad in’ Alaska. Cad­ while those which hit the Russian mus /. Gordon, of Pennsylvania, op­ aliips squarely were as destructive as posed government a'd, ai d said t af a mines. A young lieutenant during the dis­ 1 projected line in which he ¡9 interested would have st’ ffi ient earnings to justi­ cussion attempted to lay the blame on submarine boats, but the admiral de­ fy its construction. nied that submarine boats or mines were used during the engagement. Why No Statue o f Lafayette'’ Washington, Feb. 16.— The attention o* Sectetary Root has been called to the delay in completing the bronze statue of General Lafayette at Paris, for which a large sum of money was raised in tins country, to take the place of the plaster cast placed on the pedestal dur­ ing the exposition of 1900. Must Pay W ages fo r Shut-Down. Warsaw, Rilssian Poland. Feb. 16.— Considerable comment has beea paused by the judgment of the communal court at Widxewo. near Lodz, ordering the Coates Thread factory to pay the wages of 800 employes during the ten weeks the factory was closed. The works shut down November 30 and a shortage of coal was given as the reason for do­ ing so. The court in rendering judg­ ment said it was not lack of coal, bnt the high price of coal which induced the closing, and found that this was not a gcod reason. No Religious Test. Washington, Fob. 20.— In presenting petitions against Senator Reed Smoot, signed by thousands of women of Cali­ fornia and Colorado, Perkins an I Pat­ terson took occasion today to define the r position on the protests against the Utah senator. The former said Believe Fire Und.'r Control. that religious views shouM not be con­ Honolulu, Feb. 16. — Water ie now sidered in passing up^n the qualifica­ tions of a senator, and thst his honesty being pumped only a* intervals ir.to the and attributes that command confidence ! hold of the steamer Texan, whose cargo and respect should he above all else. j took fire the other day while the vessel Patterson thought there were great con­ ' was lying at her dock. It is now be- stitutional questions to be considered. I Ueved that the fire is under safe con­ trol, and the agents of the ve«sel say that they expect that all her lime w ill T o Hear Wickersham’ s Side. Washington, Feb. 20. — The senate be slaked by tomorrow and that they com m ittfe on judiciary w ill tomorrow w ill then be able to discharge cargo. grant a hearing to Judge James Wick- They think that the hull of the vessel ersham, of Ala°ka whose nomination is not damaged. is held up on account of varous First Year Men Must Study. charges. The rommitt e. w h i’e w illin g Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 16. — The to give Judge Wickersham an opportu­ nity to refute the charges, w ill not con­ , Harvard athletic committee voted to­ front him with hie accusers, or even night to co D cu r with Yale and Prince- furnish him with their names. Judge | ton in an agreement excluding first- Wickersham w ill leave tor A aska soon i year men end graduate students of all I departments irom university athletics. after the hearing is concluded. arms and iega, putting the heads into one box, the arms into another, the legs into a third, and the tsidies into a fourth. Sometimes she loft tiie arms with tiie body, as it would sisiil some of the bodies to have them cut off. As soon as all tiie children hud pic­ tures enough to cut so there were quite a number in each box. ummma gave a body to each child, uml then while one was picking out a pair o f legs, another T h e E lec trifie d L u m p C h im n e y . was choosing arms, ami another a head. A very simple tiut beautiful exiiert- As soon us any one hud a picture ready luetit may lie made by any bright hoy he pasted It on Ills sheet or book, and with a straight lamp-chlnmey, the kind a crazy-looking set o f pictures they used with ttie Argand or the Welsbaclt w ere! gas-light. First, cut a narrow strip of Tiie little children's were the fuuui- tln-foll and paste It around ttie chim­ est, for sometimes they placed feet ney, in the middle. Then paste a strip where Lands should lie, and they made o f the same from one end of the chim­ the body turn one way and the iiead an­ ney to within about half an Inch o f the other. Sometimes a gjrl had a dog's band In the middle. head, or a man hud the body o f a child Now take a bristle brush, the kind ami the skirts of a woman. One boy made to clean lamp-chimneys with, and drawing a sled had the legs o f an over its bristles wrap a perfectly dry ostrich. silk handkerchief. Hold the chimney They were all surprised when Mag­ in your left hand so that your fingers gie came to set tiie table for luncheon. do not touch the tln-foll anywhere, and “ Let’s send tliese pictures to tiie Chil­ putting ttie silk-covered brush Into the dren’s Hospital," said Mattel, "nud they chimney, rub It briskly back and forth. will make the chihlfen there laugh, This part o f the experiment should too.” — Youth’s Companion. hi* made In the dark, and If, while rub­ T h e S h e ll* W e r e E a a y . bing the chimney, you take the brush Mildred, who was visiting her grand­ out now and then, you will see, every time you do so, a big spark o f electric- mother in tiie country, wus asked to bring an egg from the hennery. A fter several minutes she returned with her apron full o f eggs. While yet a dis­ tance away tile grandmother usked; "W ell, did you breuk uuy eggs on the wuy?” “ No, grandma,” was the prompt an­ swer, "but the shells came off a few ." AMERICA IS READY ; ® r : 1 — Many Troops and War Vessels Close to China. MOVEMENTS MADE WITH SECRECY M ore Troop s In Philippines Than Any Tim e Since Pacification o f the Islands. Washington, Feb. 17. — It has been decreed by the administration that, come what may, American lives and American property in China shall he protected, even if it becomes necessary to resort to arms. Guided by the ex­ periences of the boxer outbreak of 1900, this government is quietly mo­ bilizing a small army in the P h ilip ­ pines, within easy reach of Chinese ports, and is maintaining a fair-sized fleet oi war vessels especially adapted to service in the rivers that reach im portant Chinese strongholds. It is a fact that there are more troops in the Philippines than at any time since the pacification of the Phi - ippints. There are now on the way to the islands two additional regiments of infantry and two batteries of artillery. As shown by the records of the War department, the m ilitary strength in the Philippines today includes four full regiments of infantry, in addition to two companies of engineers and tliree companies of the signal corps. These troops for the most part are in easy reach of Manila, and a comparatively large force could be landed on Chinese soil on very short notice and still leave an adequate garrison in the Philippines. To supplement the land force is the Philippine fleet, which includes the battlesnips Ohio, Wisconsin and Ore­ gon, the last-named under orders to re­ turn to this country. It is found, however, that tiie Oregon may not be able to undergo repairs at Puget sound *or four or five months, and it may he determined to retain lier in tiie Orient, at least until the Chinese disturbances blows over or comes to a head. In ad­ dition, there are the cruisers Balti­ more, Cincinnati, Concord and Ral­ eigh, the monitors Monadnock and Monterey, the gunboats Helena and Wilmington and a number of smaller gunboats, which were captured from Spain and brought into the United States navy. S T A N D S BY E X C L U S IO N LAW . Fulton Declares Boycott Cannot A c­ complish Its Repeal. Washington, Feb. 17. — In response to a request for his views on the Chi­ nese boycott, Senator Fulton today made the following answer; Tiie real purpose of the Chinese en­ gaged in the boycott of American goods is to secure tiie repeal of the exclusion law. No doubt the manner in which the law has been enforced has in some instances civen just cause for com­ plaint, and tended to intensify and ac­ celerate the growing resentment en­ gendered by tiie law. hut the real ani­ mus is opposition to tiie law as a whole and the purpose is to enforce its repeal. To that we cannot accede. It is of great interest, and concern to us that cordial and friendly relations with Cfiina shall be maintained and our trade and com­ merce with tier increased, but, if such conditions can only be purchased by sacrificing the rights and imperiling the welfare of Americaan labor, the price is greater than we can afford to pay. W e most not repeal or substantially modify the present exclusion law. So to do would work great Eiardship on and be unpardonable injustice to our own wage earners. We of the Pacific coast have learned in tEie school of ex­ perience tiow serious a menace to the peace, prosperity and morals of the community is a large influx of Chinese coolies and we will never consent to legislation making Buch conditions again possible. Wood May Command in China. Han Fiancisco, Feb. 17.— The United States army transport Sherman sailed today for Honolulu, Guam and the j Philippines, with 100 ratlin passengers, 1 a few troops and 4,000 tons of military : supplis. Among the passengers were Major Generals Brooke and Weston, the latter going to Manila under sealed orders. In army circles it ie surmised that General Btooke may succeed Gen­ eral Leonard Wood in tase the latter should he ordered to China. Colonel W illiam 8. Patten also sailed on the Sherman. Will Receive Famine Aid. San Francisco, Feb. 17.— Judge Mor­ row, prejident of the California branch of the American National R e l Cross, has made an announcement stating tliat in accordance with the appeal of Presi­ dent Rosevelt of February 13 for aid for the thousands of persons on the verge of starvation in Northern Japan hy reason of the famine existing there, the public ie informed that the California branch of the American National Red Cross w ill receive contributions. P rogressive American Consul. Prague, Feb. 17. — The American consulate established today a depart­ ment for commercial information. Consnl Ledonx explained the task of the institution to many merchants, who declared it would greatly increase jthe respective exporte and imports of I the countries intereste 1. I W i l l i e ’s V iral Pockets. W illie is u bright 5-year-old boy, who. In his first trousers, could ouly thrust his hands through ills licit, having no pocketa. He had ills heart rejoiced ut last with a pair o f trousers which had real pockets in them. His first act was to come down to a mnle relative with ills hands stuck proudly in tliese [lock­ ets and cry gleefu lly: “ Look, I ’ve got jiockets with floors lu ’e m !” ity Jump from one piece of tin-foli to the other. In other words, the friction made by the rubbing lias turned the lamp-chimney Into uii electrical ma­ chine. F ro m the M o n th * o f llabe*. Another pretty experiment may lie A little girl came into the house with made with tills little device. W rap a very dirty linnds, and her sister made piece o f Iron or brass wire around the fun o f them. Tiie little culprit raised middle hr.ifd o f tln-foll, letting one end her blue eyes to tier sister's with an hang down five or six Inches. T o this expression o f grief, nud said, reproach­ end attach several strips of cigarette fully ; "D on't you know mamma said I>aper in a hunch. Now put the brush you mustn't talk about any one's ‘ ’for- Into the chimney nt the opposite end mities (deform ities)?’ ” to that used at first and rub It briskly. A m G ood a * a G o ld M in e. The electricity thus generated will go 'nto tiie strips o f pnper, and make them Oscar, who had s[ieut the summer stand out from ench other as If they on a farm, after hearing an older broth­ were alive and were struggling to get er tell about a one-karat diamond that had been found, said: ns far apart ns possilde. I f the paper tie cut to form two cats “ Why, that's nothing; Uncle Frank had a barrel of carrots on tho farm.” the result will tie very amusing. Tliese experiments are liost made In O l d F r i e n d s ( l i e Rent. perfectly dry wenther, and It Is well, Little Harry wns In the first grade« also, to wnrm tioth chimney and hand­ He was very fond o f his teacher. When kerchief at tiie fire. Hie school year was over and lie was promoted to the next grade, he suid: K il l s . " I don’t see how I enn lie promoted I wonder why some pas have none, And others have s„ many. unless they promote my teacher, too.” It seems the poor pas have the most. And rich ones haven’t any. M A R R IE D TH E W RO NG MEN. Tho richest man I know In town Has Just one small boy only; But pa says, (Sad! he pities him In that big house so lonely. T w o g n e rr In .la n re « W here Women W ed T h e ir 1,o v e r s ’ R o u b le s. A strange rase o f matrimonial fraud has lately occurred in Vienna. A wo­ man of the lower middle class married It seems to me ’twould 1» so nice. If kids all come out even; a man whom she took to be a Herr And when I asked pa why they don’t. Weiss, tier fiance, returning after n He said, “ lie quiet, Stephen.” year's absence In America to make her i his wife. In less than a month he Then fam'lics ail'd have hills like pa, robbed her o f her savings and then sud­ For us five kids together, denly disappeared. He says, would bust n rnttle man, A month later she received a letter We wear out so much leather. from Amerlcn regretting that the writer But when the circus comes to town hail been too III to return nt tiie time Pa's glad he has so many. agreed, but stating tlint he wns alsiut For he has more fun takln us to sail and that immediately on hid Than if he hadn’t uny. arrival would fulfill the promise by leading tier to the altar. The leter wad My pn says some day that hp’11 tie signed “ Hermann Weiss.” Too old to go on workin'. And then he holies that none of ill Tiie |sM>r woman wns thrown Into a Our duty will be shirkin'. sad condition of perplexity and appre­ hension and her worst fears were real­ You bet we won’t ! We all love pa. ized wjjpn, on tier correspondent's ar­ But wouldn’t It be funny rival, she recognized that she had been To have your father bungin' 'round imposed upon by a callous Impostor And nskin’ you for money? Whose reseinlilnuee to tiie real slmon I've 'most a quarter in my bank pun; was marvelously striking. It sub­ To buy n bullet moulder. sequently transpired that the genuine But now I thiuk I'll save it up Hermann Weiss had while in America For pa when he gets older. foregathered with Ills double, who had —Llppincott's. ascertained sufficient of tiie former's © rn sy P ic tu res . history nml pros[*>ctM to enable him to "Never mind If It docs rain. Mmtima carry out with success his base scheme always thinks o f something extra nice o f deception and heartless robbery. for rainy days," said Harold. When Claude Konnat, a linker of "I have thought o f something now,” Marseilles, was lu hiding from the snld mamma. "Get some pieces of isillce, who held n warrant for Ills ar­ smooth brown paper for Frank le and rest on a serious charge, he managed little Helen, anil some o f that pretty | to communicate with an acquaintance, green cardlioard for Esther and Mn- | one I^rlot, who In every res[ieet was lie I and you and I-eon may use your I Ills exact double, nml conjured him on sorap-lssiks. I will pick out some old ■ the strength o f their old friendship to magazines, anil Leon may get some promise that should any misfortune be­ paste. Esther, you may take the cloth fall him lie would, hy lm|iersonatlng off the dining table, and spread out - him— an easy enough task by reason o f some newspaper». I am going to show the striking resemblance existing be­ you how to make crazy pictures.” tween them— keep from the young wo­ The children ran to collect the things. : man to whom lie was engaged the and mamma sent Harold for both pairs | knowledge o f her lover s shame. I.orlot o f scissors unit the shears, and Esther 1 gave Ills promise, which sat out lightly for some empty boxes and covers to lay | on ills' conscience ns one to be kept the parts o f pictures in. or broken ns whim might direct. “ Now,” snld mamma, giving the I However, when Itonnnt a day or two things round to the different ones as ' inter fell Into the hnnds o f JusticQ stie spoke, “ you may cut ttie brown pn ; I>-rlot sought out the young woman, o f |s>r into shoots about six by eight whom lie had no previous knowledge, Inches; you may cut the cardboard^he with ttie result that his susceptible same size. heart was so touched that he entered “ Now all you little ones mny cut out | into the fulfillment o f his promise with the pictures o f everything in the adver | surprising zeal. So well. Indeed, did tlseinent pages that is alive, hut don't | he enact the role o f Bonnat that he In try to cut them close to tin- picture; let 1 ; a short time estagued the latter’s the older ones do th at Harold mny | fiance. The couple *e«l a life o f com- punch the sheets on one end, so they : plcte happiness* which wns In nowise can tie tied together to mnke a book dimmed when some years later, on tiie when they are done. You could make a | convict's release, the w ife first discoy. book at first, hut If you spoil a page It i »red tiie fraud o f which site had been