Goldenrod FOR C O U N T Y TR E A S U R E R I hereby announce myself as candi­ date for the office of Treasurer of Washington County, Oregon, subject — Will trade buggy or hack for a good to the endorsem ent of the Republican driving h o rs e — Goff Bros. Primary election to be t t t T T T --------------------------------- held in said Evening Telegram and The News, county and « a t e , April 20, 1906. IR V IN K. W E ITZE L. One Year, * 5 .0 0 ; Six Months, *2.5 0. HICKORY KNOB Unifr-d S u t e s f Grove church the 25th inst at 1 1 a . m. PENCILOGRAPHS pa« roa r G eorge McGraw made a flying trip and Millie Dunsmoor, next Thursday with on the low land. wl .M l toi in from Kansas City Tuesday. He evening. We cause he wants the office himself. all expect to dress in J. C. Garrigus is just about ready to Kansas the style of olden times. move into his bachelor hall. He City is in Oregon on the Portland, Mr. W ill Shearer receved the sad killed 6 hogs and sold them to M. Nehalera & Tillamook line. news last Saturday of the death of Mrs. Turner for 7J cts per pound. Miss Lelo Nicklin, whose early ar­ Fry’ s daughter, Ida. She use to live Carsten & Hartley have a fine lot of rival from Europe was announced last here. H er husband and relatives have logs in their pond and are rushing the i » i>« week, has reached New York. She the sympathy of her old friends at will arrive in Portland today and will Hillside. remain there a few days with her brother before Grove. She is expected here Satur­ com ing to KANSAS CITY her sister, Granted Certificates applicants for certificates, at the exam­ ination held in Hillsboro, Feb. 14, 15 nd 16, 1906. First Grade— Misses Flora A. Smith, A. Downing, Millie W onder- ley, Henrietta E. Bear, Merle Shanna- han, Louise Mooberry, Mary E. L uce, Maud E. Smith, Florence Beane, M es­ dames M. C. Abbott, Nellie M. Ray­ mond, Messrs. G eo Yates, L ee Byers, Ralph Wann, W. W. Hostettler. 2nd. Grade— Misses Ada Grace Reverman, Lizzie M avem e T em pleton, Jennie R eichle, Perceful, Swanson. Lyda Staehr, Selma Nelson, / clearer company i the GALES CREEK Ethyl Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sidwell John of and Mrs. Ferrin entertained passengers on té students of the college last Friday Saturday E. B. W ebb evening at their hom e on A street. a policeman. prize. Varley and A larger butter yield more thrifty stock will be the direct result of the abandonment of j present alfalfa. foods He and the adoption of predicts success for the | experiments to be conducted | Harriman lines in by the Western Oregon, regarding alfalfa growing James Reeher, of Miss With him were: Mrs. and Miss I evening. bli this week. Oliver Corl gave a skating rink party | Mrs. Storey was down from Gaston, to his friends last Thursday evening Sunday, visiting her son John and all of whom reported a very enjoyable family. evening with the sport. After having Mrs. Schoolcraft spent Saturday and tired of indulging in the fascinating more ! were ! i Í pastime “ fe e d ' 4 3 t abundant as witnesses: side of Nellie Corl and Messrs. Schultz. Herbert John sister, A pleasant surprise party was sprung on Miss Reba Hoffman at Green Gables the hom e of A . G. Hoffman, at 231 The the " P it ” and "F lin c h ” and those present announce a very pleasant The occasion was the birth­ day of Miss Hoffman. A chafing-dish “ spread” was served to cap the climax when all dispersed joyously were Misses M ignon O n e t 'f o f 1 6 ,1 of B« S B 0 '1 b y ,V a r COUHTÏJ P * r t ) C Ì p . n sn w a y , I n, MeCum t and Pilen e in debatí Sui the S a te o f O regon, * * * y a e h i n e t o r has f.lls* i . . n d . by required to appear and answer said 0 = . ; ^ T n m ® n l before the last day o f th e tim e prescribed. B O r y O l K publication h ere o f, t o -w i t ;— -on or b e f o r e t O F , o f 1 *61 M a rch . 1936. 3 O f tlp p r o ) Y o u are fu rther notified that if you fail tci o i n t m e n t answer the c om p laint Buxton, plain tiff w ill cause W. h er e .n , you r cr to plead > r P S e i l t a U \ default to ja d fr lp t apply to the Court above m entioned fcr thenU -j? Hubbert, Aplin, Mrs. About D avid O ’ D onnell o f Buxton, Robert Simpson o f Holt o f A lbion, O regon ; Buxton, O reg o n ; In Ihe nam e o f the state o f O regon : G eo. required to H en ry Sbunick o f Portland, 17th day adversely the above more of the Paul seventeen of to attend the C IR C U IT COURT FO R THE W A S H IN G T O N STATE COUNTY OF OREGON: P a c ific from and a f ’er the day o f the Hubbert took the prize, good Q( ¡d e r illg 110 fe e t; th en ce N on 110 fe e t; thence South o f land, to -w it: A lso pedal . C om m en cin g at a point o f the Southeast corner o t other and furiher Block N o. 2 ™ : n r*6rB O H lock Cl the are relie f as b e g in n in g ; aa: T h to th e C our; aa; Ta g J j j n j and equitable. •y t stat< By order o f the H e n . L . A . Rood, Judge of tf Court o f W a sh in g to n C ou nty, O r eg o n , dated thr* of February, 190o. T h is Sum m ons is servedt ^ W H. HGLUS, bill thence •ring ol othe sed. -Silla w( isee an ■rook (F irst Pub F eb. 1) south 85 deg. west 25.04 ch s; thence north 5 deg. west 12 deg. 3C m in. east 10.14 chs; thence north 52 deg. 30 m in. east thence north 4 deg. east 13.80 chs to the ASK southeast corner o f the T . G . N aylor D . L . C .; thence north 21. 8 chs; thence h a lf upport commi tion th ereo f in the W a sh in g to n C ou nty News, north o f the southeast corner o f the Andrew Harper D thence north W e be pres 120 the fo llo w in g de C om m encing at a point 12.96 chs 3 c h s.; thence west 12.14 c h s; TO F o [„ , 0 r o v t i W a sh in g to n C ou nty, East 63 feet to the place o f begin n in g on the 18th day o f THE AGENT T IC K E T S V IA east to G ales C reek; thence pe Spei down G ales Creek to the east line o f said Andrew Harper o f an undivided o n e -h a lf S V a s h iE interest in and to the above uc” described real estate and that the said 1 nds be partiti med m . to This summons is served upon you by publication by itions t To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL. v™ APOLIS, D U L U T H , CHIC.t-*n ih ,F ST. LO U IS . mencW cretary A nd all P oints E ast a c t SI erce ai W . H . H O L L IS . Attorney for Plain tiff, P ublication Jan. 18th) Summons IN T H I C IRC U IT C O U R T O F THE 'a l act c STATE OF O R E ­ G O N FOR W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y . ) ____ , Sum - , | T o E . P. Cadw ell, defendant above named: In the name o f the State o f O regon; required to appear and answer Y o u are hereby the com plaint B led a g a in « you In the above entitled suit on or before the Bth day o f March 1906. w hich time « weeks after the this summ ons, appear date of and and answ er, the If more than six first you publication fail of so to for want thereof, the p la in tiffs I for in the complaint o f the plaintiffi filed h erein , to w it: Tor a decree forecloaing certain liens o f m ec h a n ic ! and DAY IN THE BETWEEN tth et v ia : Charlea Van H orn; against the foil, w n g des cribed property, to-w it: Com m encing at a point 135 feet North o f the Southwest co m er o f Clock N o . 2 SEATTLE »"O CHICAGO VU TNI GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY •THE COMFORTABLE WAT” pIlw. m m o u a l l r l « n t a l r d m iM information, nn>. rtc , coll on or addroa T h e Flyer: T h e Fast Mi vVashi S p l e n d i d S e r v i c e , U p tc ^ tar. E q u i p m e n t , C o u r t e « ^ th* E m ployes . » « d t -------------- The Den Daylight trip througi fere eni Cascade and R ocky ________ i 110 fe e -; thence North 120 fe e t; beginning. Also the follow ing described tract W' w ,,: Co">n>«<:ttig at a point the S n u t h e » com er o f H o c k N o. 190 feet 2 ^ore« Grove. O regon, running h en ce thence SouJi W e « of in said C ity N orth 135 other and further relief as to !th e C ourt i fees ay of 135 fe e t; ' S. G. Y E R K E S . A. G. P. A., * W ash., Cor. 2nd A ve. and Col-' seem just W , H . H O L L IS , Attorney for p la in ’ iff. (First Pub Feb 1 ) Ma he Ua Route your shipments «ynity Xi’r - T n> Á ' A ÎT1 ,ui" °' ,h' CouotT Great Northern. on C ou L nty, O reg o n , dared this 1st day - S S - i ^ L S u m m o n « served by p u blics f T - T M d J S -i Iffxxh'ngttm C o u n -y N e w « . , n ew s- paper published * o * k l y i n sa.d County am i State. -a r e ? We Give Expedited Serfs"*"« thence | and equitatle. nd two For tickets, rates, folders c-ntentio information, call on or address * ” na<' H. D I C K S * ! ^ City T ick et A gen t, 122 TL- .. . . In the thence W est 110 feet; thence South 120 fe et to p la ce o f , thctBt' W r « 63 feet; U l m i t * ;U 2 Overland Trains Of- City Of Forest G rove. W ashington C o u n ty , O regon m n n ln , thence E a « e pport W ash in gton County, O regon, w hich order was made on the 18th day (F irst p 0,000 a interests. j a ft. .8 t h e costs o f said partition be apportioned to the respective A v e n u e & 6 th S t . pi til according to law and the practice o f this Court and the the order o f L . A . Rood, County Judge o f last Belle Brock and Pearl Peterson and was also represented by many, Messrs. Norman C. W hite, Oliver programme was given by the y o u n g 1 W ir f"^ t8 { N orth 0 ( the Southwest corner j t B io. . ^ j t e Forest G rove, O regon , and running ed o n e-h a lf interest in . and to the follow ing described J. P. VANDERZANDEN, Prop. Basket Social success. v ia : J. VV. P r ic e , feet; thence VN est 6J fe e t; thence South 135 fe a decree o f said Court that he is an owner o f an andivid- I will treat you right. T h e ladies of that place all financial bill ber of o r inter ( that you and the other defendants herein are the owners Dilley Hard Tim es Social given want Eor a d ecree forecsosing p lace o f begin n in g. and answer the L . C . in T 1 S. R. 3 and 4 W . o f the W ill M e r .; th 6 fe e r S W € in the com p laint o f the plamul thence W e s t STATE su m m on , fO ( D. L . C .; thence south to the place o f b e g in n in g ; and to Wednesday by the Ladies Aid, this : running thence East the plain tiff w ill a p p ly to the Court for the relie f de­ River a pleasant time is reported. The {c r , manded in bis com plaint, to -w it: That the plain tiff have W ill open for business Monday, February 19, 1906 works in took well filled baskets with them and ia't o f „esettbed p rop erty, to -w it; C im m e t .im g G ordon. Sam uel Tod d , G eorgia H u ;h e s C h en e y Q t y THE BRC W xtson xnd R. M. T xylo.; .gainst Ik m a d e OF H u g h es, p la in tiff, v s . W . F . Boardmau, W illia m property, to-w it: of m ech a n ics and other OF January, 1906, and if you fa il so to appear and answer, given by the United Artisans of that place. p ublication in , to -w it: will take Judgment a g a in « yon for the relie f prayed ! evening : p u re the p lain tiff w ill take judgm ent again st y o * o f January. 1906. the w h'ch a fter fa 1 so to appear and a n sw er, for n or before said 24th day o f A p ril, 1906. A L G E R N O N S . D R E S S E R , Register. Firs: pub. Feb. 15 16.54 c h s; Ward, returned 1 9 .6 , w eek s office first publication thereof, for H ood M a rc h , s ix first THE You * u t e B and answ er tb€ coojji described lands are requested to file their claim s in this IN Mrs. Chas who of than pr ‘ yed for NEW STORE- - -NEW GOODS appear b ill The , against you in the above entitled suit on « i ^ A S h i n g t Summons CR O W N G R O C E R Y ie d T o E . P . Cadw ell. defendant above namei tion o f s ix weeks next people went up to Gasion Saturday to their social and Chase, D a n ie ls, deiendants, S U M M O N S : tion o f this summ ons, to -w it: O n or before the ex p ira ­ -------------- ¡pan s (ill1 i signed 1 y e pure f A long tl THE notified, that the p la in tiff herein on Portland, Ore on ; J. O regon; J. W . her hom e, Sunday evening. . evening. FOR HA I S. LRESSEX,i Q P 8 againt >ou in the above entitled Court, a E. P. Cadwell and Joshua M cD an iels, d efen d a n ts,)mons “ B lock ,” the advemtys M id t.j tie ihxitd, l l o g t L ed g erw o o d . defendant In the name o f 1906 . OREGON Hattie Kreider, Bertie John­ Milling C o., was in town Sunday, the Misses Morley and Messrs. with his wife and visiting his parents. Frank Allen, Archie Clarke, Everett Mrs. Ettington of Portland, who has H all, Lester Pierce, Roy Fink, Oliver been spending the winter with her evening was spent at persona cla im in g T o L ou ise M . son, successor of 11 ilh o iU R . W a s h in g t o n Portland, O regon. G eorge C iglow , o f Port­ and Friday night. and a ll W illia m E . L ed gerw ood , P lain tiff) vs ) Louise M . Led gerw ood , D efendant Stevens, last o t T im b e r , O regon; E. t, G O N IN A N D Charles Van H orn, plain tiff Main St., “ Dr * IN T H E C I R C I T T C O U R T O F T H E S T * :i.!r s d | day o f the tim e prescribed in the order for the publica­ Mrs. Henry W olf is on the sick list off Sunday with her mother, and Hubbert. which Misses Gladys Spaulding, , J H c n s m c a w ia n ,’ 8 (F ir st p u b. Jan. 4 .) M . and John Custer, o f An y and all persons c la im in g of a decidedly Portland, was home to spend Sunday acceptable character. Those present with his family. was i the Mr. Fruend is at home i strenuous to Portland, O teg o n , on » « d ALGERNON : com plaint o f the p lain tiff herein on or before the last very enjoyable days. --------------- resorted W. R epreei office on or b e fo re said 2 1 « day o f March. Ml g , Oregon. VERY LOW PRICES I their Any N o 1 in Township 5 W , IN T H E N A M E O F DILLEY of having left N o. He names as witnesses: Wilson River, 1 revelers o f Section ft-' reaper the i.-yuttt i , described lands i r e requested ^ Y o u are hereby required to appear refreshments were served and every­ the •“ S. Everett, o f day o f A p r il, and Walter Sargent one went home with the satisfied look am usem ent, p u t t * ,« « , lni , / belure James C u m m in g s o f B u x to n , O regon. T o W . F . Boardman. defendant: i &• Vs Range W. H u sh es a few well selected solos after which \ a N . P. N e lso n and Rufus D . C h en ey. M oseley, Miss Hartley, Miss Sorensen Wagner of Tillam ook, also his daughter spent at 0 f B u xton . O r e g o n ; A lfr e d C u m m ings of this office at Portland, O regon , on T u esd a y , the 24th Well, if they should why should an 4 independent* * ( ? ) paper kick about it? Then again. Grant, an "erstwhile democrat” made a pretty good presi­ dent and George H . Williams, anoth-r “ erstwhile” filled the honorable j os’- tion of attorney general in Gram’ s cabinet, and both were placed in these positions b fore they had trained with the republicans for as many years as Huston has been in the ranks.— New- stage, and Mr. Market favored the party with Mrs. H oyt of Hillsboro. I N. W ebb, o f were the Cascade Mountains.” Bridal Veil, the stocjf cattle. in passed through Gales Creek on Thurs­ most hobbies and was day of last w eek, en route for home. presented with a neat 3 SW He names . . . . . . much cheaper feed for dairy cows and Pitman spent D. I. Aller su cceeded guessing the of O regon ; came guessed in the guessing contest which followed. “ HLit p* rned a v a lu a b le « , „ a g ricu ltu ra l 2 ! s t d a y o f M i t c h . 1906. for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, to was to attended the party given by the Misses represent his particular hobby in some Bateman and Miss Margaret Ashbar, fanciful manner which was to be last Friday evening. who o f this office and will offer «m o te h i, claim to sa .d « n d offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable Mrs. Ham ilton, has left for ■ Ar student E’ b N o. has been intre- of io D Section No. R ¡.j u n f a i f * F e a ' JW., Range N o. n o n - than tut Multnomah. State o f O regon , has this day fl’ ed In this plenty of logs for the summer run. press your feelings anyways profanely when in N.. that the land s until office his sworn statement N o . 6795. for the purchaie o f vox populi! ’ new departure \ who has been visiting * Every th< N o. 3 o f California, O regon, N evada, and W ashington T erri- - - - » ' “ COIl | 1 State of Oregon, for in the com plaint h er e in , to-wit — M orH — The Book Store believes in some What strides Mayor Lane has made in land, O regon. For a decree forever d isso lv in g the tondiofr Any ax i all persons claim in g adversely the above- j city ways and will not be open even- reforming his police force! that now e x ist betw een plaintiff ar.d def«ttr.^^8 h i n g t O described lands are requested to file their c!a :m s in this except on special . . . . such further r e l.e f a s th e Court may deen -.6 p a f i i e d 1 There is a camp ol the P. N. & T . ings hereafter S:h day o f M a y , 1906. occasions. I Things have been doing in H ood office on or before A L said G E R N O N S. D R E S S E R . R eg is er. in the prem ises. i8 — r e i j n i l Railway C o .’ s employes cam ped close (F irst P u b.. Feb 2 2.) River this week. They thought they That date o f firs: p u blication o f summon* a house tC M to Mr. Mann’ s. T h e following statement regarding had discovered gold on their streets [J a n . 11th, 1906, and th e last publication * ^ 6 fir s t Notice fcr Publication ] Th ursd ay, M arch 1 s t., 1 90 6 , and the s a it fn & ^ Q territc I. K. W ilts and wife have m oved the growing of alfalfa will be of special and began tearing up their strawberry be published on Th ursday o f each week florapa U (J j n g United States Land O ffice, Portland, O regon , plants on one day while cn another a H . Baker house until their ¡“ ‘ «rest to this community: February 9th, 1906 consecutive weeks betw een said dates. itfA l S M i ‘ nt0 l ^e ^ T h is sum m ons is p u b lish ed by order of Es . , N otice is hereby given that in com pliance w ith the “ Justice T . G. Hailey, of tjje doughty little schoolmistress slapped housc is built- Rood, County Judge o f W ash in gton County,'/ ^ , a couple of school directors. | provisions of the act o f C ongress o f June 3 , 1S7S, zona and entitled " A n act for the sale of timber lands in the said order h a v in g been m ade in« Jan.4 Howard L ee, who came from w is - SuPreme Cour*’ who owns a 160' acre ed gambl 1 States of Californ a , O regon , Nevada and W ash in gton alfalfa farm in Umatilla County, was L O T U S . L. U h d Bubbles From the Political Pot. consin, says he will try to stay west of be eeconi T erritory,” as extended to the Public Li-nd States by Attorney for?l one of the speakers at a recent Devel­ 'the Censi The politicians with their petitions are act o f A u g u « 4 , l i t ! , Ja-net W . W ebb , of Portland, the R ockies if he can. First Pub. Jan. 11 cb to b opment League meeting at Silverton. j making an early campaign and bring- county of M ultnom ah, state o f O regon , has this day filed Mr. Knight has blown out quite a in this office his sworn statement N o. 67 2 , for the pur­ a, elect! H e is a confident believer in alfalfa as mg nolitics forward with rapid strides, chase of the SW V « of N E 1 b . N l V s o f N W H and S 4 ka and c ’ number of stumps, and Messrs. M c­ Summons a com ing hay crop in Western Oregon, The Courier, of Oregon City, and o f N W * i o f Section N o . 12 in Tow nship N o. he third Graw and Waldon are making like 3 N , Range N o . 5 W e s t, and w ill offer proof to show IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F THE STATI purchasi i and says that when the farmers have Newberg Graphic will soon show the that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or G O N F O R W A S H I N G T O N COUNT! u . . ! improvements. learned how to produce it in this colors of S. B. Huston, the erstwhile stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his J. W . P rice. W i l .i i m S m ilh . I n k »'xBcn t Jn e . * , section c f the state they will have a Democrat.--- Woodburn Independent, claim to said land before the Register and R eceiver o f T a y lo r , p la in tiffs v s E . P . Cataell and J js ll* P P i n ® Social Events y n sawing by the 1st of March. W a s h in g to n , Summons to its fullest capacity in order to have effect that you are not allowed to ex- T ,€C*lv” cl thil n’fcc' 31 p r ,in3' ° " gOB uesday, the bth day o f M a y , 1906. Wright, Kate Jackson, Lena Johnson, Sunday at Scholls. Messrs. Lester M ooberry, Paul Baker. Miss Lou Lilley of Portland, is a 3rd. Grade— Misses Elsie Jones, Gales Creek visitor this week. Grace Kopplin, Blanche Hazlitt, Anna H . T . Prosser delivered a lecture to Dunsmoor, Bessie M cVickers, Ida E. a large and appreciative audience at Stewart, Messrs. Theodore Mueller, the A. C. Church, last Sunday. Winfield C. Em m el. Merle Sidwell of Glenwood, and the mill as they want to thanks to the rvply * o f Notice is hereby g iv en that in com pliance with the Iron, " .h e «b a d . o M h e old limelight” of the open political field, O r e g o n. Nevada m » 4 , 1892, titled " A n act f .1 the sale o f timber lands in the States a iple tree” and come into the Df UmSei filed in this office h is sw orn statement No.{\|*l c o m p a n y , provisions o f the act o f Congress o f June 3 , 1878, e n ­ Smith has finally In c * * Congress of Ju« as extended to a ll the Public A u g u st county o f of the sale C a lifo r n ia , T crr.t j r y ,” Davies Bros, are crowding their donkey duced in Portland police circles to the »»bint, hiiciiiniinii «nd before the R-giner and Plenty of rain and more falling. day and will be the guest of Dr. and T eachers begin Forest Mrs. C. E. Geiger. repairs on broken « for Cf A n IVcwbe»HiB were s> ¿ ¡b ill. February 17, 1906. the will of the people. “ H oed Rivet” th e a c t act United State* Land O ffice. Portland. O regon. All t ie rest are sacrificing themselves to got back before morning too. dr ar V States o f act o f > * W e n ,h ,t entitled " A n throughout. New sidewalks both sides. Also good work and driving horse, wt. about 1250 lbs., 9 years old. age guar­ anteed. Good single buggy har­ ness, good double buggy’ harness, good single truck harness. Must be goods to his new location at Hilts last inst. For a g ood old soul was he, For particulars, terms and dent to the Hillsboro Independent sold. They say he would be living yet. T h e R . R . surveyors had to move failed to notice. week. prices. see owner, T. A RITCHEY, Forest Grove, Or. Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea. Several have received bids to the ! out of the valley to higher ground as Only one man so far has been ( Dr. Hines Drug Store.) party to be given by Misses Alma Curtis there was too m uch water to contend found who is a candidate for office be­ Notice Fcr Publication Ü! C L and O ffice, N « '« provisions o f On account of the typhoid fever surgeon. Appliances for electrical epidem ic the place for holding the and at Banks at 2 p treatments. State Christian Endeavor Convention Elmer Fisher returned hom e, Mon­ — A ten disc 16 in. cultivator for sale has been changed from Eugene to day, after visiting friends in this cheap. It has been used only about Corvallis. vicinity for a few days. two weeks. Inquire, J. E. Bailey. T h e Independent telephone has HILLSIDE — Nelle Burlingame, the Fashionable home last d ecided to have a switch at Banks, if Miss Edna Staley came Dressmaker, is now located on the naming one of his best Havannas after they can get a “ hello” girl. Second Floor of Watrous & C o.s’ Store. week. the Senator. D. P. H opkins was elected a dele­ Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction Miss Jessie Mann went to Carlton, We might remark that several gate to the State Christian Endeavor guaranteed. 6t Saturday. people got on the train one day last Will Dunsmoor m oved some of his Society to be held at Corvallis, the 22d, week whom the Carnation correspon­ Methusala was all right, you bet 1 tur ■ » I no One of the best residence properties in the city. Ideal location, nine room house with largelhall, pantry and bath room, electric light and telephone, 11 By The Csk. small bam, chicken house, wood shed S l ------------------------ — and fruit house, some choice fruit tree', Have you ever heard of Nicholas apples, cherriec. pears and prunes, also strawberries, raspberries, logan berries, Longworth? grapes, fine shade trees and An Astoria cigar maker has assured some k ■ choice roses. Comer lot 100x200 ft. us of Senator Fulton’ s immortality b> ^ Qtjse recent]v clothed and papered Elder Garrigus will preach at Fir — Dr. E. H . Brown, physician and three o Notice for PublicatiM For Sale at A Bargain la te rbitr» information from W m . H A R Pgy * < General A gen t; Portland.