Roosevelt Forbids the Quashing o f Indictments in Case. FO R E ST G RO VE NEWS OF THE WEEK toi dr ar Di P* N 1 LAW W IL L N O T S T A N D . M ANY CLAIM W ATER. Colorado Miners Are Involi J Murder oí Sfeunenberj| Bill to Restrict Giving o f Free Rides Numerous Filings on Oregon Streams Ohio district. Recorded at Salem. by Railways Not Properly Drawn. Tiie wedding was tiie largest and Salem— Tiie numerous filings tint most important ever celebrated in Salem — The anti-pass law initiated have iieen made on the waters of rivers America, a most distinguished assem­ by the People’s Power league is minus and mountain streams for power pur­ bly of guests being present. an enacting clause, and is therefore poses in this state during tiie past year, The ceremony was performed by Kt. Believed Also to Have Taken void. have awakened interest ill the ques­ Rev. Henry Yates Satterlee, bishop of A Resume o f the Less Important but Part in Cripple Creek 0# The constitution expressly provides tion of the electrical possibilities of- Washington, according to tiie rites of Not Less Interesting E»enta rages Recently. the Protestant Episcopal church, of Oregon. that all laws initiated by the people o f the Past Week. Many of the power projects have good which the l.ride is a member. shall contain the enacting clause, “ Be financial backing. The majority of the Tiie bride was unatteinie ill. The doctrine of beneficial use which ¡during the ceremony. Mr. Longworth pal cities and towns on the *tl with the secretary of state has no such Busan B. Anthony is stricken with it is desired to apply to tne waters in had as hia best man Mr. Thomas Nel­ Denver, and changed engine« clause. paralysis. all streams of Oregon is responsible for | son Perkins, of Boston, a life long frietnl water at obscure points, Chu The discovery was made when Secre­ much of the activity displayed of late, j and college mate. The ushers were Moyer, president of tiie We«ten «tí Kussia is renewing her encroach­ tary Dunbar Bent the b ill to the state As the law stands, any one can tile on also his personal friends. ments in Mongolia. eration of Miners; William D, printer, preparatory to having 100,000 water for power purposes, and by doing The bridal gown was one of the most wood, secretary of the same Garfield denies he promised the beef a small amount of work eacli year can copies printed for distribution among beautiful ever worn by an American tion, and G. A. Petlibone, packers immunity. prevent any one else from appropriat­ Grille, and was entirely of American member of tiie executive board the voters of tiie state. ing or using the water. This rule ap­ General A. W. Greely is now in com­ Attorney General Crawford says the plies to irrigation and a movement is manufacture. Tiie material was of ex­ federation, who were arrested jJ mand of the Pacific squadron. quisite brocade satin, ma«ie prim-ess ver Saturday night charged witt secretary of state cannot permit any one on foot to change tiie law so that no style, with long court train of silver murder of Frank HteunenbiiJ George W. Guthrie, reform candi- to coriect this defect, because each of man can appropriate more water for ir J0 | and white brocade. Rare point lace governor of Idaho, arrived at £oj date, has been elected mayor of Pitta* the 8,000 or more petitioners signed rigation purposes than he can put was use i as trimming and soft effects terday morning in custody of i| qu burg. good use. State regulation of the flow the bill in its present form. He rules and distribution of all waters is fast be­ were obtained by tiie use of chiffon and guard of Idaho and Colorado o®J Turkey has given Germany a naval Tiie prisoners eeem edillatJ that the secretary lias no authority to coming a principle of law in all the arid tulle. A long tulle veil completely en­ base in the Med.ti rranean, though veloped tiie slight figure of the youth­ had little to say. They entsj We other powers protested. change it or to allow any one else to land states. To regulate abuses and ful bride. Tiie veil was fastened with themselves part of tiie time prevent their repitition, the leading amend it, but that lie must submit it Detective McFarland says the Feder­ a w reath of orange blossoms ani tiie cards, and kept their own ctr~-“ waterusers are preparing to urge numer­ ation officials are responsible for 30 as it I’ame to him from tiie petitioners. brocade slippers had tulle bows caught no time did they iliscuss the ous changes in the law, so that the murders that he kuows of. She on which they were arrested The supreme court liaB held in the ownership of the waters in all streams with orange blossom clusters. wore as her only jewels the groom’ e Tiie party was taken totbtj The congress on uniform divorce case of tiie state vs. Wright, 14th Ore­ and lakes shall vest in the state, for gift, a diamond necklace. tentiary in two vehicles, laws asks a Federal law he passed gon, page 375, that tiie deliberate omis­ tiie use ami benefit of tiie people. The ceremony and all events con­ there, they were searched, theitk against “ tramp” divorces. I f this is done, it will be necessary sion of an enacting clause is a fatal de­ nected with it transpired exactly as ings being taken in charge by to make careful surveys and measure fect. The Ohio legislature has passed a planned, tiie only incident which hap­ W hitney, They were assigned G E R M A N Y FEELS N S U LTE D . resolution asking its United States sen­ The discovery of tliin error brought tiie How of all streams that the water pened out of the ordinary being the rate cells. ators to vote for the railroad rate hill. to light the fact that there is no enact­ may be equitably distributed. temporary indisposition of Mrs. Wayne Chinese Minister at Washington Said ing clause or formal declaration of any McVeigh, one of the distinguished Germany ia sure to make some trade Denver, Col«-«, Feb. 20 -"H(J Ask for Pool in Wool. to Have Talked T o o Freely. kind on any of the bills for amend­ guests, who fainted just before the wed­ Moyer and Pettibone will treaty with the United States, as she McMinnville — Tiie Yamhill Live­ ments to tiie state constitution, for Berlin, Feb. 20. — A sensation has ding party appeared. cannot get along without our cotton Colorado again,” says James This ap­ stock association has elected the follow­ resulted in diplomatic circles here from which petitions are on file. and copper. No ceremony of a similar kind was land, iiead of the detective agent;! ing officers: Presiilent, William Dil- plies to the woman’ s suffrage amend­ the cabling of what purports to be an ever witnessed by so distinguished an ployed by the state of Idaho The house committee on mines and interview at Washington with tiie Chi­ ment, as well as to tiie amendments erst; vice president, John Re«!mand; assembly. Personal representatives of down the murderers of ex-G mining has agreed to recommend for nese minister to tiie United States, Sir submitted by the People’ s Power league. secretary, M. B. Hendrick; treasurer, powers of the world and the most emi­ Stennenberg. “ Their da«s anil the endowment of certain state schools Chentung Liang Cheng, in which the It has not been determined whether W. 8. Link; directors, William Gun­ nent representatives of America’ s gov­ bered. We have absolute i for a department of mining. this omission makes the amendments ning, John Eborall, R. O. Jones, Amos latter is quoted as saying: ernment, tiigh officials in every walk of that w ill convict them of complitq Nelson and D. A. Walker. At the last void or not. A split has occurred in the Russian “ Since the dawn of your civilization The officials are luoking up authori­ meeting of the association a resolution life, literary artistic and social lights, tiie foul assassination of ex-( cabinet. the Germans have been disturbers of ties. No authority has Iieen found to was passed recommending that the aptains of industry and many plain, Stennenberg and evidence tiutl tiie peace and repose of other people Chinepe viceroys are encouraging stalwart American citizens were pres­ convict a great many others, too,*____ and nations within what is now tiie allow tiie secretary of state to refuse to trustees set April 7 as the date for sell­ anti-foreign movement. ent as guests. The brilliant uniforms same offense. ing the mohair pool. It was also ree- submit a measure to a vote of the peo­ Christian domain. They seem always “ They cannot escape in any The British cabinet has announced discontented with what they have. ple, even though it may contain «lefects ommended that a wool pool be formed of the foreign ambassadors and minis­ ters mingled with tiie gorgeous gowns wav, anil tiie legal knowledge 5 H step toward Irish home rule. Tiieir energy appenrB to demand tiie which make it void on its face, provid­ by the Yam hill growers. of the women and the dainty colors of their attorneys cannot keep them elec ed tiie bill or amendment comes to him whole world in which to bustle.” Germany still refuses to make con the floral decorations made the scene tiie gallow s. Yuli can say for me • Big Crops in Umatilla, Tiie Chinese minister is then said to with tiie proper number of signatures. ceasions to F"ranee in Morocco. tiie day of dynamite outrages in Pendleton— Umatilla county farmers am memorable one. have intmiated that the present discon­ Haywood, I the Nellie Grant Sartoris was the one West is at an end. The Hungarian parliament was die- tent in China is due to German meas­ are looking forward to an unusually Land tor Reservoir Site. guest in whom greatest interest center­ and others know that they are nolvcd by force and will meet in deti- ures and German plots, and is alleged Washington— The secretary of tiie in­ good yield of wheat this year. It is re­ ed, she having been a white house bride and they know that their tim auce of the emperor. to have further intimate«! that the Ger­ terior has finally withdrawn land for ported from the country near Helix come. The Steunenberg asea*:: that the indications in that country herself 32 years ago. The jury that acquitted Pat Crowe of man government or its agents is giving A buffet wedding breakfast was serv­ was the final straw that brt the Cold Spring reservoir site in con could scarcely be very much better. kidnaping has received several anonym­ support to tiie revolutionary movement ed to the 1,100 guests and the hriile’ s camel’ s hack and was their uni ous letters warning them to leave which lias for its object tiie overthrow nection witli the Umatilla irrigation The grain in in better shape now than The health drunk in wine a century old, of tiie present reigning dynasty in project in Flastern Oregon, the land ly­ for several years at this season. Omaha. made by the groom’s great grandfather, China. ing in townships 4 and 5 north, ranges ground has plenty of moiBture, and a MORE RESERVES. Fix-Speaker Henderson has suffered whose name lie bears. frost would not do any great amount of This is absolutely and emphatically 29 and 30 east. Persons who have another paralytic stroke, which has de­ denied here, but none of the members La*e in the afternoon the bride and made entry of any land embraced in damage should the temperature take prived him of his sight. It is believed of the Foreign office would discuss the groom entered an automobile and were President Finds He Has Bacra, this reservoir site prior to tiie prelim­ another drop. the end is near. Many Congressmen. driven to the country home of Mr. and matter until tiie authenticity of the al­ inary withdrawal, August iff last, and Mrs. John R-McLean, “ Friendships,” O f the total fund of 1:1,000,000 raised leged interview conlil be substantiated. have not acquired vested rights, will Indians Want Lands. Washington, Feb. 20.— It is understoiHl that a long cable dis­ lose their land through the cancellation throughout the world for suffering Rus- Pendleton— About 25 Indians, mem­ a few miles out of Washington. Roosevelt, after conferring with Over 1,000 wedding gifts were show­ patch was received from Baron von aians about (2,000,000 lias been thus of their entries. The government, bers of tiie Columbia river tribe, have ern men in congress, finds hia the Sternberg, German ambassador to tiie however, w ill pay for any improve­ made formal application to join the ered on the fortunate young bride. serve policy is very generally in fQI { far distributed. United States, Sunday, bearing on the ments they may have made. Umatillas and share in the allotments While their value has been greaty ex­ and learnB that there is no ;>r The Interstate Commerce commission subject. I f it should prove that the of the reservation, claiming that they aggerated, the fact remains that a small the passage of Senator Ileyburni^^B ligs begun an investigation of oil rates statement of Sir Liang Cheng can tie T if­ intended to check tiie withd1 dated Will Show How Alfalfa Grows. are of the same tribe and failed to come fortune was expended in them. • railroads carrying oil from Kansas substantiated, there is a possibility fany, the New York jeweler, is said to land and tiie creation of raeer wou] in witli them when the allotments were M cM innville — If. K. Lounsbury, _ i Indian Territory. that China will lie asked to disavow traveling freight agent of tiie Southern ma«ie several years ago, preferring to have filled more than »100,000 of or / '* ' lias, therefore, decided to absniL The case of Missouri against 111 1- his remarks. ders for the occasion, and the Wash­ Pacific company, lias purchased for the stay with the Columbia river tribe. recent order suspending fores: ’^ ¡ H lis, wherein thè rigbt of Chicago to ington jewelers had to send rush orde.'B company five acres near McMinnville, extension and within a short' vote ìvert its sewage into thè Mississippi W O U LD CLEAR TH E S IT U A T IO N . to be used as an experiment for grow ing to New 5ork a week before the wedding Much Freight From Dallas. proclamation w ill be forthcor That iver through thè Chicago canal and to replensih their Btocks. aHalfa, with tiie hope of promoting Pallas— Twenty cars of lumber were ing reserves in several Wester thè Illinois river is questione«!, has Revolution in Wenezuela May Occur, dairying intereets. No bride of royalty has ever received Oregon and Idaho among thein.^^H Numerous other billed out of Pallas in a single day re­ lieen decide«! in favor of Illinois by thè presents from so many crowned heaits tracts of land throughout tiie valley cently, besides several cars of Bpars and Says M. Taigny. At the time he determined tenti Hnpreme court ol thè United States. The king of up proclamations, the presid*»!*J have iieen purchase«! by the Southern piling. Tiie mills here and at Falls or notable personages. Taris, Feb. 20.— M. Taigny, the ex- Spain, king of Italy, emperor of Ger­ The City have a combine«) output of from Fallieres lias becu inaagurated presi­ French charge d’ affaires at Caracas, in Pacific for tiie same purpose. been led to believe that his company will furnish tiie seed together 10 to 20 cars «laily. Tiie freight service many, emperor of Austria, president of create reserves had been genert ;on den t of F'rance. an interview with tiie Matin’s corres­ witli a supply of land plaster and inoc­ on alternate days will soon give way, France, empress of China, mikado of tioned and he thought it best John D. Rockefeller lias purchased pondent at I.iverpool, said that the ulated soil from successful alafifa fields as tiie Southern Pacific has promised a Japan,/republic of Cuba and Pope Pius until his rights were specificatt unanimity of the diplomats in Vene­ tiie Wisconsin Central railroad. X all remembered the young daughter by congress. Now, however, i daily freight train. zuela against his expulsion was a great in other parts of tiie state. of tiie president, sending her rare wed come apparent that the vast i Heveral quite severe earthquakes surprise to President Castro, who until ding gifts through their representatives of men in congress approve tbt have occurred in the West Indies. Will Start in 60 Days. the last moment ha«l relied on the P O R T LA N D M A R K E TS . at tiie capital, Hnd with them their liest in which the president has l Flngene— The deeds transfering the One of the Rockefellers haH just moral support of a certain power. wishes for the happy life that will ing out his forestry policy ami il bought a gold brick in the shape of a M. Taigny, according to the corres­ F.iigene Woolen mills from Wilbur A Wheat— Club, 69@70c; bluestem, 70 surely he hers. unqualified indorsement the Wright, of Union, Or., to the Salem @71c; re«i, 66067c; valley, 72« pondent, is convinced that a revolu­ mine. A private cars awaits orders to carry hn« decided that he can, company, headed by T. H Kay, which Oats— No. 1 white, feed, »28 @29; tionary movement for tiie overthrow of The Chinese minister to the United the couple Sout)\ after their honeymoon grace, proceed as if there had recently acquired the property, have gray, » 27.fi0@28.50 per ton. denies that foriegners w ill be at­ President Castro is prep-ring. He had at “ Friendship.” Tiie wedding trip interruption. been signed in Salem and Finii Koppe, Barley— F'eed, »23 50@24 per ton beer, approached by several of the revo­ tacked by hia people. will not he a lengthy one, the groom’ s It is intimated that the Ifa jf^ fl lutionary leaders during hia sojourn in who ia to be tiie resident manager of brewing, »24024.50; rolled, »24025. duties in congress necessitating an eaily serve in extreme Northern Idii Th Castro is said to have all prepara­ Venesuela. but owing to liis position as tiie plant, liasarrived. Manager Koppe Buckwheat— »2.25 per cental. return, hut later in the year a trip he the firet one created. tions complete«! lor war with France or representative of France he was obliged has already begun to make improve­ Ji ?ene: Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, »13 any other power that cares to show the to bold aloof from politics. ments at tiie mill, and expects to have @14 per ton; vallev timothy, »8 0 9 ; abroad is planned. soon, if at. all, a reserve is cts trill h Venezuelan president his shortcomings A new clover« »7.5008; cheat, »6(87; grain In M. Taigny’ s opinion, the corre­ it in operation in 60 days. Southwestern Oregon cannot t e l l ^ brick and concrete picker house will be hay, »7@8. Beet Sugar Industry. spondent adds, a revolution would clear as Forester Pinchot has prom Par*y Two leaders ol the miners’ union constructed immediately. Fruits— Apples, »1(32.50 per box; Washington, Feb. 19. — A prelim i­ ceive an«i consider the protest« have been arrested in Denver. It is up tiie present awkward situation in cranberries, » 12.50@14.60 per harrel. nary statistical report of the beet sugar people of that section an«i, anti believed they were connected with the Venezuela. Cost for Month $664. Vegetables— Cabbage, 134 @ 2 ‘ 4C per industry for the year ending December protests are filed, no determ murder ol ex-Governor Htennenberg of And Portland— It cost »664.29 to conduct pound; cauliflower, »1.9002 per crate• 31! 1904. issue«! toiiay by the Census this matter is expected. Eight-Hour Day the Issue. Idaho. New York, Feh. 20.— John Mitchell tiie Beys’ an«l Girls’ Aid society in celery, »4 per crate; sprouts, 6 ia@7t- bureau, shows that industry has in­ dates Pacific coast members of congress will anil iiis associates on the anthracite January, and tiie bills were ordered per pound; squash, 1 ‘-4 0 1 t*c per creased 225.6 per cent in the number Raisin Combine Broken Introduce a bill to prevent the mis­ minera’ subcommittee, today finished paid at the February meeting of the pound; turnips, 90c@ »l a sack; car- of pounds of sugar produced and 231.2 Fresno, Cal., Feb. 20 — . branding of salmon. It is not thought their work of preparing 'proposals for hoar.l of trustees. Superintendent rots, 65@75c per sack; beets, 85c@ »l in tiie value of the products increase " f the growers of tiie Central Heybnrn’s pure food bill will cover this an agreement in the hope that they Gardner reported that 26 children were per sack. since the census of 1900. The total Raisin Growurs’ company point sufficiently. receive«! an I 33 «lispose«! of during the Onions— Oregon, No. T, »1.1001 25 number of pounds of sugar, granulated w ill meet with the coal operators’ sub­ disband the ity. It ia practically certain month. The number of children in the a «a. k; No. 2. 70c@»l a sack. and raw, produced in 1904 was 531,- a id return to the growers th every F'ire among Duluth's elevators de committee. society's care February 1 was 46. One that tiie miners will make a firm de­ Potatotes— Fancy grade«! Burbanks, 335,294, and the value of this product strove«! much property, including ».• cent a pound ! eld ont for t h e !^ ^ ® mand for tiie eight-hour day for all family living in Tillatn.iok county took 600 65c per hundred; ordinary, nom- was »23,924,602. In 1904 there were 000,000 bushels of wheat. of packing houses. This actial three children, brothers and ’sister. men employed about tiie mines. One inal; sweet potatoes, 2 14@2>«1c per 51 sugar beet factories, and 31 in 1 f 00. the association of growers fcH Han«lits held up a party of American of the miners’ representatives said to- Tiie family is well to do. pound. tiie purpose of co-opera'ion. 1 und Mexican miners near Thomas, ilav that the eight-hour question was Butter — Fancy creamery, 27)y@30c Famine Fund Cabled to Japan. the price of raisins was fixed * Mexico. While they failed to get any more important to the men than any To Develop Coal Mines. per pound. Washington, Feb. 19.— Up to noon a rate, and the dried fruit fai4 m oney, the outlaws escaped aftter k ill­ other demand mentioned. Engene- -The Speneer Bntte Coal A Eggs— Oregon rancl., I6@17c per toiiay Charles Hallam Keep, treasurer The Mercantile company, of Ss ing three of the miners' party. Petrolenm ompany has heen ineorpor- dozen. of the American National Re.f Cross, cisco, finally took over the Fire Sweeps Rutland. ated here, with »100.000 apita!. The Alexaniler, of Fluitatile fame, is ser­ Poultry— Average old hens, 13014c had received, in response to President at 3 cents a pound. iously ill. Rutland, Vt., Feb. 20. — Six of the incorporators are: J. W Zimmerman. per ponnd; mixed chickens, 12ls @13c: Roosevelt's appeal, contributions I . F . Mitchell, \ \ . J. Williams and S. broilers, 19020c; young roosters. 120 amounting to »11,421, to he expemied A Moroccan gunl«oat lias tired on a largest and most valuable business Train W recked, Twelve blocks in the financial district of Rut­ F. Stevens, of Fiigeue, and I. W. Love, 12S c ; old roosteis, 1 0 @ llc ; dressed for the relief of the famine stricken F rendi steamer. St. Louis, Feh. 20.— The H land were deetroyed by a fire that for of Portland. The company has a coa¡ I chickens. 14015c; turkeys, ljve. 16@ provinces of Japan. Ten thousand Rooke- several hours threatened to wipe out pro* pert ten tulle* southwest of Fhigene, 1 17c; turkey«. drie«e«L choice IS 320c; dollars collected by the Christian Her­ mail train for the Southwest*] It is now arid that John the city, and but for a fortunate shift which it will at once begin to develop i gee»e, live. 9«-; geese, dressed, 12014c' ald, c,f New York, was cabled February Louis, Iron Mountain A So«0» feller is in Europe. wrecked at Carondelet, a snborj ducks, 16016,.. shift in the wind which aided the fire on *n extensive «rale. U ter on oil lo by the State department to Japan Louis, early today. Pst Cmwe has iieen acquitted of kid­ Twelve i* fighters and the arrival of engine com prospects wili be bor.'«L H i'p s— Oregon, 1905 choice. to be used immediately. naping and w ill now be tried lor car injure«!, several of them serie*ij panics from Whitehall, N. Y ., it is 1 0 V : prime, 8 tj@ 9 c: medium, 708c robbery. engine and first car rolled (io*M old«, 5@7c. likely that the entire business section Approp iation* for Chemawa. Stevens Ends Blockade foot embankment. Tiie John A. McCall '» slightly improved,' would liave iieen demolished. As it is, Wooi Eastern Oregon average beet Washington— The India-, appropri»- Panama, Feh. 19.— Efforts to relieve lodged on tiie ed geof the Desps^l but his pliysicisns say he cannot stand the «lainage is place«! at »700,000. 16021c; valley, 24 0 26c per ponnd: «ton bill about to he reported will carry congestion of the Panama railroad have many sinking spells. mohair, choice, 30c per pound. »116,200 for the Chemawa Ind tan Beef— Dres-ed hulls. 2 0 2 V pound: apparently sucoee«ied. Chief Engineer an«l the loss of life must h a teP ^ ^ ^ school, including »4 000 for a new COW* 'tevens informe.1 the Associated Press eral had the car fallen intothe^^^B P*r P onnJ; « e n t r y vssterday that no throngt freight was bakery and »10,000 for a viaduct to »tetri. 4(p«V eroe» the raiiroa.l tracks, which run delayed on the isthmus during the Pat C row e Arraigned APH Mutton— Dressed, fançy, 8409c through the school gr« un is Tl.e lat- per pound; ordinary, fast 24 hours. Dockage facilities at Council Bluffs, I» ., Feb-*| ■f@5c; iambs, 8 La Boca ara being improved, and it Crowe waa arraigned on expected present wharfage capacity ment against himself and doubled within the next four for holding np two street car I July 2, 1906. He pleaded I d a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. ros Washington, F'eb. 20. — President Roosevelt had taken a personal interest in the charges of fraud and corruption which are said to have occurreil in connection with the affaire of the F'ive Civilized Tribes in the Indian terri­ tory. But, for his interference indict­ ments against several persons alleged to have been engaged in illegal prac­ tices would have been quashed. Now, however, under his orders, the Interior department is pushing its in­ vestigations with increased vigor, and it is reliably stated that in the near future a number of new indictments w ill be reported against not only sev­ eral men already indicted, but they will also include a number of pereons whose names have not heretofore been brought into the case, including a high government official in Washington. When it became known to the presi­ dent tfiat the district attorney for In ­ dian Territory had iieen instructed to quash some indictments already found, be immediately sent orders counter­ manding this proposed action. He was led to do tliis by information received by him that, after March 4, when the tribal relations of the F'ive Civilized Tribes ceased, certain facts would be put into his possession which would strengthen the hands of the govern­ ment in its efforts to bring to trial a number of persons guilty of gross fraud perpetrated against tiie Indians. It is known ttiat Secretary Hitchcock lias submitted to tiie president and Attorney General Moody a special re­ port dealing witli tiie whole situation, which gives sucii details as to make it imperative for the government to act. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Whita House Wedding Takes Place as Scheduled. Washington, Feh. 18. — Alice Lee Roosevelt, daughter of the president United States, was married in the white house at 12:13 o’clock yesterday to Hon. Nicholas Lòngworth, repre- __ in sentative in congress from the first DENVER TO BOISE BY $ J J J -