Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 22, 1906, Image 1

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H :v
C ounty
NO. 40
VOL. Ili
; some similiar name. The Odd Fel-
' lows have already consented to per­
form their part and the members of the
other lodges in the city, who have
been approached have expressed their
crest Gru\i: Soon to Have a Sanita­ attitude as very favorable to the move­
Local Demand for Such
There is no doubt that the hospital
is assured. The citizens who have
! Thought Urgent
been talked with as well as the doctors
are convinced that it will supply a long
felt want in Forest Grove. It is Dr.
Brown’ s unshaken conviction, also that
to Aid in Establishing of many others, that although it may
not be established upon a firm paying
Institution— Will Be Thorough-
basis at once, with the advent of the
motor line, the uses of such an insti­
*•’« [
ly Equipped
tution to patients seeking seclusion in
treatment and with proper manage­
ment, there is no reason to believe
t i «.,, A plar.fis beiag discussed among the that it would not be self sustaining in
" ‘ading citizens of Forest Grove, where- the course of six months or a year after
y our city is soon to be provided with completion.
S of hospital. Dr. Brown is the promoter
njy f the enterprise and is very enthusi- NEW INSTRUCTOR FOR P. U.
stic for the immediate prosecution of
noti«« undertaking.
It is the general Miss Wood Leaves to Take up Mission­
yea.- elief that there is an urgent need for
ary Work in Brazil
Mda&j hospital in Forest Grove and Dr.
irown, who has been here but a short
Miss Grace C. W ood, who has
me firmly believes that the conditions been
an assistant teacher in the
!°n. ere demand it. At present there are Academy for the past three years, has
¡bate so accommodations, absolutely, for been compelled to íesign that position
ius to atients who come from the country on account of
a somewhat sudden
lalf willir treatment; those who require diffi- change in her plans for the future.
Apr. jit operations now have to take the We
understand that Miss Wood
it paid rsk of a journey, to Portland and expects to be assigned to missionary
ount bcrthermore, others who require hydro- work in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and that
first iaermal treatment must go to the city she will be required to enter that field
n bepar the baths
It is the object of those of duty in June. The necessity that
1st, Interested to equip the hospital thor- she take some time for preparation and
r. COBughly, so as to enable the more the urgent desire that she attend the
cio Tsifficult work to be performed as well Convention of Student Volunteers to be
'ountv.J minor operations.
held at Nashville, within a few days,
It is furthermore proposed that the makes it necessary for her to leave at
_ ^ ,ooperation of the fraternities be soli- once.
President Ferrin has secured as Miss
ited so far as to ask them to each
rnish a room. The furniture of a W ood’ s successor for the remainder of
om is of the simplest character and the year, Mr. E. E. Zimmerman, who
11 cost only about $60. The several was graduated from the classical course
dges will be asked only to loan the of Northwestern University, at Evans­
inishings to the hospital and tarh ton. 111., in the class of 1901. He
om so provided will be named for the has been employed as a teacher in
iternity which furnished it. It has Riverview Academy in Portland and
io been suggested that the hospit. 1 b ings the highest recommendations
ESDi- called the Fraternal Hospital, or bath as a teacher and as a man.
Jt exta
Afternoon Session Omitted
Ie has 1
mea i
back ji
sale cliji
the a#
ty. Hi
k in
vate • yf
Now is the time for
spraying your fruit
The fruit Inspector is instructed
to see that all trees are either
sprayed or cut down
s Club
It will only cost you a small amount
the A
ved a I
red a è
d an a
SPRAY Material
but it will increase the value of your fruit more than double
vili at
G O F F B R O S .,
Leading T o p ic -
ed-D ate Changed
The Horticultural society met yes­
terday at Forest Grove.
Dr. Cardwell, the president of the
state society not being able to attend,
as expected, the afternoon session was
W. ft. KAftMUiEN
J. W. ftltiO
omitted. The subject of spraying was
thoroughly discussed and the time of
Chas. Miller to Have New Trial
being subscribed by Hillsboro people.
the regular meeting was changed to
The sitting capacity of the house is
Papers were served against Chas.
about 700. It will more than meet Miller again Tuesday, on the same the fourth Saturday of each month at
the demands of the people of Hills­ charge on which he was tried list
1 p. m.
boro but is a credit to her people as week. The trial was set for today but
The principal feature of the meeting
National Issues to be Debated— Rate well as a memorial to their enterprise. E. B. Tongue asked for a postponment
was an address on walnut culture by
to Monday, which was granted. It Mr. Thomas Prince of Dundee.
Legislation to be Discussed by
Scathing Rebuke
will be remembered that Recorder
Mr. Prince said he was led to plant
The following letter was received Clark sustained the demurrer filed last a walnut grove through the advice of
Sapient Collegians
week by the defendant but has since
Felix Gillett, an authority on nut cul­
The trial will be held
"Dear Sir: I hereby offer my resig-!
ture living at Nevada City, Cal. and
before Recorder Hoge.
nashun as a subscriber to your papier, I
also through conversation with an ac­
Two Colleges ot the Northwest Meet it being a pamphlet of such small kon- I
quaintance who had been brought up
Decides Against Forest Grove
sequence as not to benefit my family I
in England where they raise large
on Forensic Platform— Gov.
by takin’ it. What you need in your
Salem, Or., Feb. 20.— In the case quantities of walnuts, and who assured
shete is branes & some one to russel of the President and Trustees of Tual­ Mr. Prince that the climate of the
Chamberlain a Judge
up news and rite editorials on live j atin Academy and Pacific University Willamette Valley was very similar to
topics. No menshun has beer, made in against the mayor and city officers of that of England.
your shete of me butcherin’ a polen Forest Grove to restrain the issuance
Mr. Prince said he took his chances
One of the greatest events of the china pig weighin’ 369 pounds or the of a license for the sale of intoxicating on the outcome and has set some
year in a literary line will be offered gapes in the chickens out this way. liquors, and the establishment of a sa­ 3500 trees. Last season he had about
the people of Forest Grove to-morrow You ignor the fact that I bot a bran loon by one Albert G. Watson, the de­ two tons of fine nuts from his 9-year-oid
night when Pacific University meets new bob sled and that I traded my cree of the lower court in favor of the trees, the average yield for trees of
Whitman College of Walla Walla, in blind mule and say nothin’ about Hi plaintiff was sustained, the supreme that age being 8 to 10 pounds. His
debate. The question to be discussed Simpkins’ s jersey calf breaking his court holding that under the charter of nuts have been sold, both wholesale
is railroad legislation, which is now the two frunt legs failin' in a well, 2 im­ the city of Forest Grove, through its and retail at a higher price than the
liveliest and at the same time the I portant chiverees have been uterly council, has no power or authority to California
nut— trees very
most pertinent of national issues. The ignored by your shete & a 3 column grant a license for the sale of intoxicat­ hadn’ t lost over a dozen trees in all his
question as it is to be debated is: obitchury notice writ by me on the ing liquors, that power having been plantings. Some of his trees have
Resolved, that the Inter-state Com­ death of grandpa Henery was left out taken away from the common council trunks one foot in diameter, with a top
merce Commission should be given of your sheet to say nothin’ of the ( when the charter was amended and the spread of 30 feet— quite a lack of
power to fix rates in disputed cases; j alfabetical poem beginning “ A is for word "license” stricken out of the uniformity in the size of his trees,
these rates to remain force until re­ And and also for Ark,” writ by me amended charter by the legislature.
whether grafted or seedling. H e did
darter. This is the reason your paper
versed by the higher courts.”
The court holds that the word "re g ­ not recommend the grafted tree on
The men who will represent Pacific is so unpopular here. If you don’ t ulate,” as used in the charter, does account of its cost, scarcity, lack of
are: W. B. Rasmusen, ’ 06; C. K. want edytorials from this place and not include the power to license. The vigor and lateness of coming into
Fletcher, ’ 06; and J. W. Peters, ’ 0'/. , ain’ t goin’ to put up no news in your opinion is by Judge Hailey.— Journal. bearing. He advised planting noth­
Mr. Rasumusen has had consider- Í shete we don’ t want said shete.
ing but second generation seedlings,
able experience in argumentative work, i “ P. 3. If you print obitchury in
Toll Roads
that is, seedlings raised from the iR,'(ts
having led
the P. U. team that your next I may sine again fur yure
of grafted trees. All such nuts>
defeated the University of Washington shete.” — Holdenville Tribune.
imported from France. Nuts
in Seattle last year. H e has a natural
second or later generation trees ™
delivery with perfect self-possession at
An Awakening
worthless for planting as their pri *»1'
all stages of the game and is particu­
Thank goodness Dr. J. Ewert Bartel, ment of Oregon has passed the stage of would be very inferior. There is <»•&’«
larly cool and forceful in rebuttal work.
lack of uniformity in size of
toll roads.
Mr. Rasmussen.will lead the team with the German Psychologist, has at last
grown on second generation trees, . e
the confidence of the whole school injected new life into the people at
been bottling up Tillamook county not enough to offset the objections \o
behind him. Mr. Peters and Mr. large, by his recent discoveries on
with toll roads, realizing that the peo­ grafted trees. The speaker expressed
Fletcher are not so experienced al­ the Human Soul. From the earliest
ple will not tolerate them any longer, doubt as to the advisability of using
though both have had brothers in
history until the present day it has are trying to steal a march on the peo­ black walnut for stock as he feared the
former contests where Pacific has de­
been a sore question before the minds ple with the purpose of continuing the resulting nuts would be off color.
monstrated her superiority. Pedigree
They petitioned Nuts raised on his trees were of a light,
of the people. That ever mysterious bottled up process.
should count lor something.
the county court in Washington county handsome appearance, requiring no
Jas. Gilbreath, L. C. Sutherland and question which even the scientists
to lease the Wilson river road in that bleaching. He advised planting none
E. D. Baldwin all members of the class were Unable to explain! Now the
county, and the court has called for but the late blooming French varieties
’ 06 at Whitman College will represent world will have the first clear concep­
bids. It is no wonder that the people such as Frauquette, Mayette, Parisi-
their institution.
tion of what the Human Soul really is of Forest Grove are up in arms, for enne Chaberte and Proeporturians.
This is the second contest with
there is enough taxable property be­ The varieties originating in California
Whitman, last year Whitman winning and a clearer understanding of ancient
tween Tillamook City and Forest Grove such as the Ford and Santa Barbara
on the Canadian Banking question. history.
to make this one of the best and most nut, would surely be cut back by frost
This college is the acknowledged
Like when Copernicus first dis­ picturesque highways in the
state, ; on account of their early vegetation.
champion of the state of Washington, covered the earth was round, and made
without toll road ’ grafts’ to bottle up No doubt thousands of walnut seed­
on the forensic platform, while Pacific
it possible for us to learn the exact a county like Tillamook, which needs lings and nuts for planting have been
University has a similiar record in
free public highways in this age of sold in Oregon that will prove value­
Oregon and the series now being distances between the planets of the
progress and development.
Washing­ less.
debated will settle the championship universe. The world soon recognized
He denied the story that he saved
ton county will be doing the people of
of the Northwest. It is a significant his ability. And at the present day
Tillamook county an injustice if it d e­ nuts from his own trees for planting.
fact that none of the men in the con­ no educated person will think the earth
cides to keep us bottled up when there j T o do so would be a crime, as the re­
test this year was in the debate last
is a flat stationary body and the sun is a determined effort over here to sultant tree would be third generation
year and with such a question the
throw off the toll road yoke, which has i and its crop inferior in every respect.
discussion promises to be an exceed­ moves around it.
been a curse to the county, retarded H e said he had never sold a seedling
Now comes Dr. Bartel, who tells us
ingly interesting one.
its development and decreased its walnut or nut to any one in Washing­
A particularly competent board of man alone has a soul, and is alone
population. It is the Oregon moss- ton county to be planted except to Mr.
judges has been selected, Gov. Geo. gifted with reason.
backs who want toll roads, not the Harris of Forest Grove.
E. Chamberlain, Hon. E. L. Smith of
He has discovered the Missing Link progressive citizens. Take, for in­
Hood River and Professor Ewing of the
stance, the Wilson River road. It is view of the fact that we are importing
Pjrtland Academy, will act.
not kept up as the law requires a toll 12,000,000 pounds a year, the use of
been puzzling the world.
road to be kept in for travel. But nuts being on the increase and only a
The ever burning question Hell! here is a point not generally known
Hillsboro's New Opera House Now
limited area suitable for their culture.
What is it? Is alone worthy of your that John McNamer leased the road
Trees should be planted on deep,
notice. You will do well to hear about from Claude Thayer on the conditions rich, well drained ground, and no less
The Crescent theatre which has just
that Thayer was to receive one fourth than forty feet apart, preferably fifty
been completed at a cost of $6500 it.
of the gate money. Herein, then, feet.
He also gives the people a clear
was opened to the public for the first
is the secret how Tillamook county
Trim the roots, when transplanting,
time Saturday evening. The initial illustration of Hypnotism, Spiritualism,
was bottled up by the Wilson River
if they are broken and don’ t be afraid
performance was "T on y the Convict" the method and workings of the Hindoo
toll road. Surely Washington county
to cut the tap root. Do not start the
presented by a home talent organiza­
Fakirs, and exposure of Clairvoyants. officials won’ t be that cold blooded
top lower than six feet from the
tion assisted by two young ladies of
This attraction will be worth your
ground. T he walnut requires little
Portland. Mrs. T . Chapin Wadsworth
want to monopolize county roads, and
pruning. It bears an annual crop and
of Portland, Miss. Maude Shannon of time to see and the small admittance
which the Forest Grove people are
one easy to harvest.
Forest Grove and Fred Vrooman of fee charged is within reach of all.
right in their surmises that the toll
Hillsboro were on the musical pro­ The knowlede alone to be derived is
Mr. Prince ridicules
the claims
road is a ‘ graft’ upon summer travel.”
gram while the Aeolian orchestra
made by irresponsible and unscrupu­
You will also have ample oppor­
furnished the audience with music of a
lous parties that a profit of $500 to
Card of Thanks
lighter vein. Nearly 500 people were tunities to laugh, as the practical
$1000 can be realized from a walnut
present at the opening the balcony demonstrations are side splitting to the
We wish to express our gratitude to grove. H e said he would be satisfied
and loges being filled. The house is extreme. Veit’ s Liberal Hall, 8 p. m. the friends and neighbors who so to net $50 per acre on 10-year-old
undoubtedly the best equipped play- snarp, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, kindly assisted during the sickness and trees and did not expect more. He
, house on the West Side and is elabor­ March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Admittance death of our beloved mother.
closed with the admonition to plan
ately finished. It has been built at a 25 and 35cts. Reserved seats on sale
M r s . M a r y F . N ix o n ,
only the right varieties and be suri
| great deal of expense, all the stocks at Caples’ Candy Store.
D r . R o b e r t n ix o n .
you know whtt you are getting.
as the demand all over th e stak e H
was larger than was expected and
the supply is exhausted
Spraying Thoroughly Discuss­
{ thck
Mr. Thomas Prince of Dundee Ad­
dresses Horticultural S o c ie ty -
te $10?
. Fin«
re fines
rice. Î
ie is f
)s and a
A. P.;
new s