Goldenrod flour g a g g H GALES CREEK Miss Myrtle Smith — T ry G oldenrod of Forest Grove You’ ll visited over Sunday Mrs. W ill Smith. Flour. like it. — A great assortment of goods, at P. McGarv ol Cornelius, was the guest of J. H . Berry, last week. cost, at T h e Chicago. Ed. Thom as came up from Oregon — W ill trade bu ggy or hack for a good City to U I hereby announce myself as candi­ quality at Bowman’ s harness shop on and Mrs. Otto Parsons. Last week Miss Mable Grove was date for the office of Treasurer of Pacific avenue. the recepient of a package of sea horses Washington County, Oregon, subject Phil Porter and wife, of Patton Val­ A for B is out on Mrs. Will Lyda is the guest of Mr. FOR CO U N TY TREASU RER By The Cub. =fS Great guns, it s all over— the Chi- nese new year. Friday, sent to her by her uncle, who has to the endorsement of the Republican “ Princess Trixie,” here’ s to you. being called here by business interests. extensive oyster interests on the Jersey Primary election to be held in said May you win the contest coast, where the little creatures are county and state, April 20, 1906. Archie Wilkes and wife, who have Speaking of examinations— the destroying the oyster beds. IR V IN K. W EITZE L. been the guests of friends at Dilley, eighth grade pupils that passed. Mrs. William Crowther, who has have returned to their h om e at Seaside. ley, y g r ft! 1 were in Forest Grove, One of Ben Birdsell’ s young horses in « was killed by the “ Owl” train Tuesday 1 evening. tur The pai a fine more grade. can easily elsewhere, for these goods. I! You See pay identical Bowman s shop, Pacific — Nelle Burlingame, the Fashionable dr ar Dressmaker, is now located on the and get it back. Ira Brown is working on the new new ground for turnips. any good. to Mr. Shrode, On Tuesday evening the K. of P. lodge initiated two nembers and served a banquet, several m;mbars from thi Jf « % S J fill M fe e d play house, plans would prove a good C. C. H ancock bought the Tongue like in this city and the kicks of the kick­ ers and carping critics, notwithstanding. It is a matter of regret that the local Thespians did not see fit to reorganize a company to give plays or vaudeville entertainments months. A. F. Baker celebrated his during the the As a result, winter citizens zero when he left Michigan and our T o m Luster, who has been engineer mild climate feels good to him. on the S. P. R . R ., with a terminus at und Corvallis. to T o m ’ s old time news friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar in the North country Baldwin have T h ey went as far as the territory along the Fiver but did not proceed Frazer to the Al­ berta country as they had intended to do. CILLEY changed to the This is pleasant The climate proved to be quite cold in that section but the trip was ments. With the exception of two or this winter, the buik of the traveling John R. Kaser of Portland, is spend­ ing a week with S. F. Van Meter. age VISITORS ARE PLEASED A. I. Mason and E L. Smith, who ' L. S. Porter made a business trip to were asked to speak at the meeting to j organize a horticultural society at Gaston, last week. is visiting Forest Grove, returned from that place well pleased with their trip and have with Miss Edna Vail this w eek. 1 nothing but the highest praise of their Mr. H . Mizner is still very sick treatment at the hands of the citizens though a slight improvement is noted. ! there. Mrs. Aplin has a sister and neice Mr. Smith arrived home Saturday from Vancouver, B. C ., visiting her evening but Mr. Mason did not reach this week. here until Sunday night. The latter Miss Minnie M cL eod has returned said that the fruit growers of Forest Miss Wilkes of Dayton, of respectable, decent citizens. Notice For Publication Shannahan, spending a week with their parents, Belknap, Mrs. Kinton, Mrs. Knutson; have returned to tneir home in Carlton, also Messrs. W eitzel, Brooks, M. Mar­ where Eld is working at the carpenter Hollinger, kee, Meresse, Kinton and Archie Mar­ trade. kee Frank R ice, who left here last August __________________________________ Everyone should subscribe for his home paper, in order to get all world's daily events month. plete Associated Prers reports and The wire service, with Hrt«n'*ciP*l towns o f the Northwest. No one hito-vd and suburbs are covered Jiim of n i te e * 'jy *i£ h t staff of reporters, and e lime, sulphur, blue vitriol, spray pumps, the Methodist minister, for 40 dollars. | railroad. It’ s an 111 wind that blows nobody brie buildings, which were condemned I by the City Council, Sunday. “ sheek” her story proved to be a real “ story.” A. A. Phillips sold three of the Im- HILLSIDE Ruel Baker is clearing up a piece of Avenue. Miss Sheek had plenty of — CORNELIUS — is reported much Miss Coral Eaker was home over — Our harness and horse goods are of toi been seriously ill, better. animal was a valuable one. ( 9 « United State« Land Gfflce, Portland, One of the best residence properties Hecei in the city. Ideal*location, nine room Notice is hereby given that in compllij!! house with large, hall, paDtry and b a u provisions o f the act of Congress of Ju^ room, electric light and telephone, entitled “ An act for the sale »f Umber u ^ small bam, chicken house, wood shed States of California, Oregon, Nevada and T erritory," as extended to all the Public L ^ ^ k i n g and fruit some choice fruit trees, act 0f August 4, 1892, Robert R Kuhn, - J today and fruit house, house, some CI1U apples, cherriec, pears ana prunes, uiso COUBtyof Washington, state o t Oregon, jb t« rt strawberries, raspberries, logan berries,' medinthisoincehuswornstatement H M jJthat some eraDes fine shade trees and purchase or the s w n or section no . u ¡, »e esta r - h n ir e r o s e s Corner lot 1 0 0 x 2 0 0 f t . No. 3 N ., R a is e No. 5 W .. and .111 . « „ „ l h a l i choice roses. , ,hatth' lan