Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, February 15, 1906, Image 7

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    D anser
lU ble .t »nd *lron*e»i »tumi> PuUM
krket. Hi# Horse power on .he sweep
[boraes. Write lor Uescrlpiive » » k > I
!JOt « I i
Fuellan J. O re <03
rri»o .i Street
ounces rp/f
nt the su rvival of the fltteet. W o
■rcoiue the largest -*■« «1 houHH in tba
■ because our needs are better than
L Do you wish to grow t he moat
■ful flowers and the Uneet vege-
at Pla n t the beat eeede—Ferry b .
DO S ee d A n n u a l free to all
pi loan is.
¡3 the wonderful raisin, powder of the
D. M. F E R R Y A C O . ,
Wave Circle. Thousands of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their homes by using K C Baking
Fowder. Costs just one-third what you
always pay. If you have never used it
you don’t know what you've missed.
Don't wait 1 A ll grocers.
'’■Vi!’*"'""“'’5 "“’/V ü
,“ *<ES MANfO c
D e tro it, M ic h .
k i
25 o u n c e s f o r 25 c e n t s
Dr. G. Gee Wo
! k'
w o k o I r F L L
The artistic “ Book of Present« "
free upon request.
rful Chl-
is pall»d
he cures
thout opera-
are given up
e < ures with
derful Chi- J
roots, buds, I
1 vegetables |
en tirely un- ___________
:n o w i to m edical hc -
nee tu t t i i c m iiiry. Through ihe use o f tin s*
larm lesHreim dies this famous doctor knows
heaetlou t»f o ver 500 diflerent rem edies which
fu lly uses In differen- diseases. H e
to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, threat,
n, nervousness, stomach, liv e r ; k d-
has hundreds o f testimonials.
>derate. Call and see him. l'ath nts
■ r ^ u t o f t h l c t y w rite lor hlankr and c rculars.
eu dstan .? C O N S U L T A T IO N f u K K .
j State
conveyed, shall be deerrnd a sale or
transfer in bulk, in contemplation of
this act; provided, that nothing con­
tained in this act shall apply to sales
by executors, administrators, receivers,
or any public officer acting under judi­
cial process.
The first anniversary o f the victory
o f the Yalu was celebrate»! by Ueueral
I Kuroki's men In a most remarkable
manner, which, says a London Times
! correspondent who was with the First
¡Japanese Army, involved work nearly
as hard ns that required to win the vic­
tory. Not being able to go to Japan,
they brought Japan to Manchuria. A
whole corps that had been In the fiel»1
for more than a year set out to create
In a hare valley overlooked by bare
hillsides an Illusion o f Japan at spring­
tide. all green and park-like.
In Japan carp swim up cataracts— In
fables. When they reach the top they
become beautiful dragons.
That Is
the national example o f the reward for
perseverance which takes the place o f
the story o f Robert Bruce and the spi­
One o f the brigades, as Its part In
the battle of deception, built both the
earp and the waterfall. For more tlmn
a mile, and then up the steep slope
which was the scene o f their composi­
tion, they brought pine boughs to form
the sides of the channels, the over­
hanging verdure o f crags and of rocky
Islets. The foaming torrent was made
by holts o f cotton laid in waves thut
half-submerged the leaping fish, sev­
enty-five feet long, which had cotton
crescents for Us scales. A mile away
the Illusion was ext'ellent, especially
If . you half-closed your Occidental
eyes, which are always seeing scaffold-
lug and the prompter's box.
You had to do the same with the
dragon-fly on the next hill— a dragon­
fly with wings fifty feet long and beat­
en-out ration-meat tins for Its gigantic
eyes. You had to do the same In order
to realize the Big Lion (properly spell­
ed with capitals). The holes of his
nostrils, some fifteen feet wide, were
made with matting. Their fleshy part
was soldier’s red blankets, for he was
a fierce Japanese lion, Just now In a
red fury. Ills inane was made of
evergreens on the summit o f a rocky
escarpment. Five hundred yards away
more evergreens were formed into a
lashing tall.
Provides Protection for
the Creditor.
Portland— The Portland Association
| of Credit Men, one of the state’s oldest
and strongest commercial bodies, has
taken up the matter of purchasing goods I
The size of the lion's share depends
without the buyer knowing whether or I
THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO not there is any indebtedness against upon the size of the liou.
| the same. A law on the statute books |
e h| 1 6 2 'i First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison
of Oregon, coveting this question, fo l- !
rife n tlo n jp a p er.
It shall be the duty of any person
who shall purchase any stock of goods
in bulk, for cash or credit, to demand
Bears the
t d r j *• | have used your FISH B R A N D
and receive from the vendor, at least
Signature o f I
Slioker for five years and can truth­
five days before the consummation of (
fully »ay that I never have had
such purchase, and at least five days |
anything give me so much com­
ra d«J fort and satisfaction. Enclosed
before paying or delivering to the ven-
T |,e Russil(n zemstvos, or country ad-
find my order for another one.'*
dor, any part of the purchase price, a ministrative bodies, supply agricultural
n PUfi ( namc ano adores « on application )
written statement under oath, contain­ implements to peasants on credit.
ITou can defy the hardest storm with Tower's
ing the names and addresses of all of
H o w ’ s T h is ?
v ,c-j! Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats.
the creditors of said vendor, with the
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
amount of indebtedness due and owing, any
case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by
General Fujll, the chief, and the oth-
or to become due or owing to each of H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.
_ .---
: , , ,™ OUR G U A R A N T E E IS BAC K OF T H IS
F. J. CHEN KY & CO., Prop«., Toledo, O. e r m e m b ers o f th e s ta ff e n te re d in to
We. the um ier.lgned. have known F J. th e p lan o f th e e ffe c ts an d th e o rg a n !-
creditors, a written statement under Cheuey for the last 15 yearn, and believe him
a ^
perfectly honorable in all business t ran sac- z a tio n o f th e f e t e w it h th e sa m e g u sto
oath to that effect; and it shall be the tions
died Boston. U. S. A.
and financially able to carry out any ob- with which they have outmaneuvered
j duty of such vendor to furnish such ligations made b
W est & T r u a x , V d esale Druggists, Toledo, O. ! the Russians on many fields.
: statement at least five days before such W
a l d i n o , K i n n a n & M a r v i n , Wholesale Drug-
iras te!
l forests of pines and o f wild cherry-
j sale. After receiving said written state- 6* lot i utvuv, w.
«ritti S
a ll’s C a .a r r h C ure is taken In te rn ally , act­ trees were literally transplanted, and
i ment, the vendee shall at least five in H
g d ire c tly u pon the blood a n d m u co us su r­
.in r
1 days before the consummation of such faces o f the system , l ’rtce 75c. per bottle. walks and arbors set among them. A
Brit ai
gentle slope was leveled for the ap­
purchase, and at least five days before Bold by all D ru g g ists. T estim on ials free.
H a ll’s F a m ily P ills are the best.
paying any part of the purchase price,
proach to the altar. Beyond It a statue
,l r O t h e r B n i l c l l n f c I n A m e r i c a the in good faith notify personally or by
Italm en t Ilia O n ly C ap it al.
of General Kurokl on horseback— a
'rolec e e n e o f S t o r e T h r l l l l n « K v e n t s .
The clothing o f a sailor is practically good Imitation o f bronze— looked down
wire or by registered letter, each of the
-n alert boy o f 12 or 13 years, visit- creditors of the vendor named in said tiia complete outfit for work, and with-
j on the scene, with a hanging Iris gnr-
i* C«.r in Boston for the first time, was statement, of the proposed purchase by out this he is unable to join his vessel
( den at his feet. From the altar led
ed what historical building he him of such stock of goods; and when- properly equipped for duty,
j two avenues— even provided with con­
in Ch jld like to visit first, and he re­ ever any person shall purchase any j Because of this fact Congress pass-
duits where they crossed gullies—lev­
am! d very promptly:
stcck of goods in bulk, without having ed a law providing a penalty for re- eled with as much care ns If they were
en E The Old South Meeting-house. I first demanded and received from his fusing to give up the clothes o f a sea-
I meant for a generation’s traffic Instead
to see places In which there has vendor, the statement herein provided man whenever he demands them. This
o f a day’s merry-making.
doflltin something doing in the past, for, and without having also notified law was not as effective as it should
One o f the avenues led Into the lit
ed. -y did ethings In the Old South all of the creditors of the vendor named have been, and a new law has been j tle vllInge o f p iall.chi-tun, which had
lared tting-house, both before and during in such statement, such purchase, sale passed recently which provides that a
been Kuroki's headquarters since the
or transfer shall, as to any and all person who shall keep any seaman's
Revolition, didn't they?”
Battle o f Mukden. It had a garland­
ndeed they did!
No building In creditors of the vendor, be conclusively clothing, when demanded, shall be
Any deemed guilty o f a misdemeanor, and ed bridge, a huge evergreen arch, and
erica has been the scene o f more presumed fraudulent and void.
what takes the place o f an arch In
-lcdt! Iling events than has this ancient vendor of a stock of goods in bulk, who shall be imprisoned not more than six
Japan, a torli, which In this Instance
nd 1 ■« o f worship.
months or fined not more than $500. or I was formed o f Chinese matting cov-
f tht ;a(j this boy, who was eager to see deliver, or cause to be made or deliver- both.
' ered with cotton cloth. Lining both
y. bj qj ^ j South Meeting-house because e^> anY ^ 8e statement, or shall fail to
A seaman, not a deserter. In any part
ed hill that it stands for. been In Bos- include the names of all of his creditors o f the United States has a right to de­ avenues were alternate pine and cher­
w»t on th M h th day o f last April, he in a n T Bnch "tatement, shall be deemed mand his clothes nt any time, and If ry trees, and set between them trans­
bt have gone Into the time-honored gniity of perjury. Any sale or transfer he does not receive them he can call parencies made by soldier artists. Ven­
» r e b u i l d i n g lu company with hun of a stock of goods, wares or merchan- upon any United States district attor­ erable Fujiyama, the most painted
SM 1. o
f other boys,
and a great many I c ,1;8e,
0" t of the uautal ° r ordinary
course ney, who will secure them for him and mountain In the world, was there, of
^ I
v l v K a K i s n i n o o n r v «• v c n . l n a t
h a
V P T 1 ( 1 D T
1 of
the business or trade of T the
. course, and scenes both at home and
l, who came from all parts o f the
f njnt
or whenever thereby substantially the Inflict a penalty upon the person de- i
. to be present at the ‘Children’s
tabling them.
of IF*
| On the plain, out o f the earth o f the
ir" In the "Old South.” This is a
ducted bv the vendor shall be sold or
A small boy’s idea of greatness Is to j reary kaoliang fields, whose never-
l-yearly ¡event In Boston. It Is a
conveyed or attempted to be sold or be able to lick another boy a size larger.
ending stnbble Is as the sands o f the
o f ^ h a t Is called the "O ld South
¡desert, had sprung little Japanese gar­
R;” which is a good work, having
den», such as you see from one end o f
.its chief purpose the bringing of
Japan to the other. Miniature lakes
* t0 young pc.>i>Ie o f Boston and Amer-
were set In miniature landscapes, and
lnto an intimate knowledge of
a fountain played among the beds of
<'" iiii ^ ^ ^ : iiii history
niii.n a this
j imitation Iris.
th day o f April the Old
h Meeting-house was packed with
The night before the fete millions of
i and girls from the public schools,
Imitation paper flowers, which had
is fi Par about William Blackstone, the
W hen the join ts are sore and swollen, and the muscles throbbing w ith the been fashioned In the leisure hours of
foM settler [in the city o f Boston. A
pain of Rheum atism , re lie f must be had at once, and it is natural to rub the camp with the skilfulness o f 1’arlslan
• orcht ira o f boys and girls from affected parts w ith linim ents, oils, etc. T h is treatm ent does good in a way, ' shop-girls, were brought In great bns-
' r of the public schools played pat- by tem porarily re lie v in g th e pain and reducing the inflammation, but has no kets and fastened to the twigs o f the
n Nf Ic airs, and I remember that at one effect on the disease i i e t l f , because Rheum atism is m ore than skin d e e p ; it transplanted trees,
* ( 1 Jldren’s hlour” In the Old South is in the blood and cannot be rubbed away. Rheum atism is brought on by
The strangest part o f It all Is that It
hundred school girls sang the ode indigestion, weak kidneys, p»jor bow el action, stomach troubles and a gen- is as natural for the sobllers o f the
p-ch waa composed and sung when eral slu ggish condition o f the system^ T h e refuse and waste matters, which Japanese army to do these things as
sident George Washington visited should be carried off through the nat­
It Is for them to fight. That same skill
W h i l e a t w o r k fo r th e F . C . & F . R . R .
-ton In |7S9. You see that they ural avenues of bodily waste, are i n t h e s w a m p y r e g i o n , I c o n t r a c t e d which was devoted to making water­
"irH,.l "do things” of a patriotic nature left to sour and form uric acid and R h e u m a t i s m a n d w a n c o m p l e t e l y h e lp ­ falls and paper flowers, that trick of
le s s fo r a b o u t fo u r m o n th s a n d spent
.--I tiB** old r meeting-Rbjise— hallowed, other irritating poisons which are ab­ o v e r $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 w i t h d o c t o r s , b n t g o t w o r s e ready Improvisation which brought
it is, byf memories o f Washington sorbed by the blood, making it thin, e v e r y d a y , a n d f i n a l l y q u i t t h e m a n d b e ­ Japan to Manchuria, was turned the
g a n S. 8. S.
I to o k a fe w b o t tle s an d
I p. 1 Adam ih n d Otis and Hancock and weak and acrid. Then instead of w a s c u r e d s o u n d a n d w e l l . M y h e a l t h next day Into scouting the dead spaces
d id , a n d
w e ig h
[erat ithe good men and true who helped
p o u n d s . T h e r e i s a l a d y l i v i n g n e a r m e in front of the enemy’s works and to
give our country its most valued cles, joints and tissues it fills them
' * "
“ - 1. ?o:
in the ni« ht-
Independence.— St. Nlch- With poison to produce the aches, n o t t u r n h e r s e l f i n b e d . b u t s i n c e b e g i n ­
pains and other disagreeable symp­ n in g * y o u r m e d i c i n e s c o u t t h r e e w e e k s
li* rfl
Believes H e a v en F ille d w ith M en.
toms of the disease.
Rheumatism a g o h a s i m p r o v e d r a p i d l y , a n d i s n o w
In Moncure Conway’s “ Fieminis
(hells filled with oil, intended to calm is usually worse in W inter for the t a o b l a e l l t o s u s f i f t e u r i p n . g I f r c o a m n R r e h c n o u m m m u e t i n s d m 9 . . S . S ,
ill stormy sea when fired into it, have
cences” Is a story told by Helen T a y ­
reason that cold and dampness are
lor, the step-daughter o f John Stuart
invented in France.
exciting causes. The nerves become
I w a s s e v e r e ly t r o u b le d w it h R h e u m a ­
excited and sting with pain, the mus­ t a i n s k m l e . s , I a h n a d d a n i t y I o n n e m y w h k o n e h e a s s , e l e v g e s r a h n a d d Mill. Once, li> Scotland, she called
It is usual
«nf(> to judge
cles are sore and drawn, the joints R h e u m a t i s m k n o w s h o w e x c r u c i a t i n g on a poor woman who had lost her
the thing] she doesn't say.
swollen and stiff and the sufferer t o h n e e a p t a i w n o r i s k . a n I d w h a o s w t r i u t l y i n i t n e r b f a e d r e s s h w a p i t e h - little son. The mother was Inconsol­
Women hn e a queer way of doing lives in intense agon y; and if the h a v i n g b e e n b o t h e r e d w i t h i t f u r t e n able and said:
"W h at troubles me Is, they be all
ngs and! men have a queer way of disease is not checked it often leaves y v i e s a e r d s , m o e f f t a o n u d s o e n S . . A S . l S o . c a I l p d h i d y s s o i c . i a A n f t a e d r ­
” doing thAn
its victims helpless cripples for life. t a k i n g t w o b o t t l e s I n o t ic e d t h e s o r e ­ men folk up there In heaven and
. mi.
Rheumatism cannot be rubbed away n c o e n s s t i n a n u d e d p a t h i n e w m e e r d e i c g i r n e e a t a l n y d r e w d a u s c e t d h . o r I ­ won’t know how to do for him.’*
,h* I *•
within himself, and but it can be driven from the blood o u g h l y c u r e d ; a l l p a i n , s o r e n e s s a n d i n ­
m a t io n g o n e , I rec o m m e n d S . 8 . S .
' g r *'**
ou,> desires and fears, is by S. S. S.
Being a perfect blcxxl f t l o a m
An A n cien t L ife -S a v e r.
a l l R h e u m a t ic s u ffe r e rs .
' < * 9 than • ¡king.— Milton.
J. L. A O N E W ,
purifier this great remedy soon pro­
The first verse o f
the fifty -first
M t. V e r n o n , O .
in the en- 8 0 3 E . G r e e n b r i e r S t .
, Psalm is called the “neck verse,” for
^tetiJany l i n n ’s winning ways are due duces a complete change
tire circulation ; the thin, acrid blood is made pure and rich, and as it goes the reason that In former time* a man
wajfche deals the cards.
through the body nourishes and i soothes the irritated nerves, eases the throb- condemned to death sometlmea had a
h r a d a g a a s w e w ill, ’tls
bing muscles, and dissolves and carries ct,gI„ e to save his life by proving that
in, rule* ns still.— Moore.
out of thesystem the irritating particles he Pou)d read, and thla verse was used
in the joints which are keeping np the gs a te>,
ver has discovered that a
pain and inflammation. S. S. S. cures ^
Rheumatism permanently, and in addi­
Manic t o H i m .
e most populous and pio-
tion tones up the digestion and stimu­
••What do you think o f the quar-
re in all British India.
lates the different members of the body
to their fu ll duty so there is no canse t e t r
" I am delighted with I t ”
for another attack. Do not waste time trying to rub Rheumatism away, but
l ’or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Highest Award World's
Pair. 1901.
o f
R e .lia r s .
David B e la s c o was talking about stage
" I t may go too far,” hs said. " I t Is
a dangerous thiug.”
He smiled.
“ A stage manager,” he said, "once
had a subordinate with realistic Ideas.
The manager was producing a play con­
taining a snowstorm and the subordinate
had charge of the snow.
“ ‘Confound you!’ said the manager,
at the end of the snowstorm sceue.
‘What ou earth did you mean by mak­
ing the snow out of brown paper?’
“ ‘Ain’ t the sceue laid in London?’ ask­
ed the other.
“ ‘Yes, but what of that?’
“ ’ Well, that’s the color of London
snow.’ ’’— Philadelphia Bulletin.
It Q uiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral is so valua­
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does mure
—it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60 years.
M o th e rs w i ll And M rs. W in s lo w 's S oo th in g
S y ru p the best rem ed y to use fo r th e ir c h ild re n
d u r in g th e tee th in g p e rio d.
M A re r’e Cherry Pectoral has been a regular
life preserver to mo. Ir liron^ht me through
a severe attack of pneumonia, hih ) I feel
that I owe my life to Its wonderful curative
p r o p e r t ie s ."-W i l l i a m H. T r u i t t , W awe,
A lu rin.
“ I see there are a couple of oil mag­
nates in the audience,” said the minister
to the doorkeeper at the lecture; "give
them hack their money. I won't have
any tainted money!”
“ You needn’t worry,” replied the door­
"they both came in on free
Mado by J. C. Ayer Co.. Low ell,
A ll so manufacturers
‘ ‘
r i J Q Permanently Cured. N o fits or nervousness H a sten
S l i d »A e r tirst day’s use ofD r. Kline's (treat N erve !
Restorer. Send for F r e e * 2 trlsl boltleaml treatise, i b o w e ls
Dr. it. U. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch S t . Philadelphia, Pa. I
Ether was first used in surgical opera­
tions iu ISiti.
Is a strong point, with
H ood's S a rs a p a rilla .
bottle lasts longer and docs
more good than any other.
It is the only medicine o f
which can truly he said
100 D O SE S O N E D O L L A R
N um erous
Pictu re«.
Bacon— I see the Baron lias two oil
paintings in one of his rooms.
Egbert— They are his ancestors, I sup­
‘‘But In another one close by there
are hundreds of pictures.”
"Yes, no doubt they are his creditors.”
C hleagu.
Dearborn— And did you shake the
dust from your feet when you left New
Wabash— Well, I don’t know that 1
shook it from my feet exactly, but I
know I got rid of all the dust I had, all
pet it out of the blood with S. S. S. so that the cold and dampness of Winter
•Tut, tut, man. I am a bitter ene­
will not keep you in continual pain and agony. Special book on Rheuma­
my of one o f the alngera."-—Detroit
tism and any medical advice w ill be given free.
h’s v a
T H E S W I F T S P E C IF IC C O .. A T L A N T A , G A
re c o v e ry by
re g u la r w itn
I . II H e ll C o n
k eep in g t h *
A y e r ’s P ills.
o y s te r «,
Pick over one dozen large oyster^
strain the liquor and measure It; ther*
should be a half a cupful. Add this to
the oysters with one tab!espoonful ot
salt, two tablespoonfuls o f butter, one-
half o f a tablcspoonful o f tomato
ketchup, and two tablespooufufs o t
chopped green or red peppers. Tuna
I Into a fiat dish and cook In a hot oven
j until the edges o f the oysters eurL
then pour over buttered toast.
The Race Question
Is a problem that has puzz'ed the
profoundeat minds for many year».
The best thing for the tinman race to
do is to eat Pillsbuty’ s Vitos for bteak«
The opinion Is making much headwaj
In Germany that children should not be
obliged to study out of school.
For forty rear's t’ lsn s Cure for Coir*
Sumption lias cured coughs and colds. A t
druggists. Price 25 cents.
In the churchyard of Grimston, Nor­
folk, an anvil may he seen nt the head
of the grave of a local blacksmith.
No. 3
P . N. U.
H E N w ritin g ? t o a d v e r t i s e r s p i o » « « I
m e n tio n t ills p a p e r.
If we don't heed prevention, we will need a cure.
The Cld- Monk-Cure
St. Jacob s Oil
is ready
always for all forms of muscular aches or pains, from
A n il flolnu dontnl w ork a ’ I fhe Hin«»—Hint Is
the record ot l)r. W . A . W I hc . In our es­
tablish m en t are ex p ert d* nt sts w ho ure
com petent to perform the rno*t tm por.unt
denial operations. N o in a'te r ihe nature
o f the w >rk, there Is a man li re to do it.
D ll. If. A . S T U R D K V A N T , Hperlallst on
C h ildren's T eeth ami Regulating.
Fa ilin g Kldg., T li'r d and Wash ngion Hf*.
8 a. m. to !) p. in. Sundays U to 13. Mam ‘¿uzt
Work D dii « on Weekly and Monthly Payments
6 ^ -
or .
.J fe
T. p. wise.
How to Exercise the
Your Intestines are lined Inside with
millions of little suckers, that draw the
Nutrition out of food as it passes them.
But, if the food passes too slowly, it
decays before it gets through. Then the
little suckers draw Poison from it instead
of Nutrition.
This Poison makes a Gas that Injures
your system more than the food should
have nourished it.
You see, the food is Nourishment or
Poison, just according to how long it stays
in transit.
They do not waste any precious field of
the Bowels, as Cathartics do.
They do not relax tbs Intestines by
greasing them Inside like Castor Oil or
They simply stimulate the Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com­
fortably, and nutritiously.
And, the Exercise these Bowel MusOitMT
are thus forced to take, makes them
stronger for the future, just as Exercls*
makes your arm stronger.
s a r s a p a r il l a .
r a t e r a
The usual remedy for
this delayed passage (called
Constipation) Is to take a
big dose of Castor Oil.
This merely make slippery the passage
for unloading the current cargo.
It does not help the Cause of delay a
11 does slacken the Bowel-Muscles more
than ever, and thus weaken* them for
their next (ask.
Another remedy Is to take a strong
Cathartic, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos­
phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any
of these mixed.
What doe* the Cathartic do?
It merely flujhes-out the Bowels with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set (lowing Into
the Intestines through the tiny suckers.
But, the Digestive Juice we waste In
doing this today is needed (or tomoriow’s
natural Digestion. W e cannot afford to
lose It.
That’* why Cascareis are the only sate
medicine for the bowels.
Cascareis are as safa to
use constantly as they ara
pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up like candy»
so you must eat them slowly and lei thee* )m'
go down gradually with the saliva, w h ^
Is In Itself, a fine, natural Digestive ’ ‘ OI,„
They are put up purposely In mln.,i,pak t(>
round-cornered Ena.’ne1 boxes, so h.u,
can be carried In a man’s vest pocket, or
In a woman's purse, ajj the time, without
bulk or trouble.
Price 10c a box at all druggists.
Be very careful to get the genuine^
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablel
Stamped ” CCC."
F K F .E T O O U R
W « want to «end to oar friends a beastllU
Frencti d* siptsd. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX.
blrd^enafneled is colors. It Is a beauty for tb i
dresiinr Utile. Ten cents In (tamps is asked a * a
measure of food faith asd to cover cost ol CaacarsUb
which oils ■Ulnty trinket it _________
Send to-day. mentionlnf this paper. Address
Remedy Compaay. Chicas« or New York.