Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, January 18, 1906, Image 6

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    Judges and Clerks of Election
Beaverdam—J H Johnson, Chris
and Robert
Remember the Cosgrove Concert.
judges; Fred Berger, Julius Peterson
— Middlings at Wells’ Feed Store.
and W G Buxton, clerks.
— Try Goldenrod Flour.
Beaverton—John A Johnson, Geo |
W Stitt, and G N Thomas, judges; C
like it.
— Typewriter and Fountain Pen E Hedges, Alonzo Pikt and Earl Fish­
er, clerks.
supplies at The Book Store.
Notice for Publication
Francis Walker, the famous New
Buxton— John Rinke, J M Miller,
Rollie Walker has been the guest of
State* Laud Office. Oregon City, Oregon
York baritone, assisted by Prof, and
C A Peterson, judges; F C Burkhol-
March 11 , i9Q4t j
friends at Scoggins Valley this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cornelius, last
Mrs. F. T. Chapman will give a recital Notice i* hereby given, that in compliance with the
zer, G F Johnson and A L Stephens,
The Paris Millinery Parlors have
Sunday, took their daughter to the
at the first Congregational church in provision* of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en­
By The t ub.
titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of i ig
moved into the new Hoffman building. clerks.
Portland, Feb. 17.
California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,”
Cornelius— Henry Chalacomb, Will
Lovers of music will enjoy Cosgrove s
as extended to all the Public Land States by act of
A. F. Baker lost a work horse last
Patton and John Cornelius, judges;
August 4, 1892, Flora E. Perkins, of Tillamook, County
Concert at Vert’s hall Friday evening.
C W Hermens, W Irraler and W F
builds up. It keeps you in condition of Tillamook, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this
office his sworn statement. No. 6693, for the purchaseg
Mrs. T. Wigman, of Forest Grove, Haase, clerks.
Mr. Loynes’ gave a birthday party yet.
mentally and morally. the N W Vi of Sec. 19. Tp. 2. N. R. 6 W. of Sec. No
spent a few days in Portland this
Columbia— W M Pain, Geo Harms
Oregon is now and forever to be That’s what Hollister’s Rocky Moun­ 19, in Township No. 2 N, Range No. 6 W, and will offer
proof to show tnat the land sought, is more valuable for I
and John Loftus, judges; Chester Saturday evening that was greatly known as the "Beaver State.”
tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to I
There is no such words as “ Web- Wirtz, Charles Miller and A E Me enjoyed by our young people.
establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk I
Tablets. Dr. Hines Drug Store.
of Tillamook Co., Oregon, at Tillamook City, Oregon, \
foot,” “Cow counties,” in the lexicon Cumsey, clerks.
No candidate for county officers
Owing to the bad weather Sunday,
on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, 1906
of a true Oregonian.
I heard from yet? Probably waiting for
Dairy—L F Carstens, Noah Baker Sunday School was poorly attended.
He names as witnesses: Prince W. Todd, of Wilson,
At The College
Oregon; William Illingworth, of Wilson, Oregon; Carl
1 “ their friends to put them up.”
The Polmatier Sisters at Vert’s hall and Peter Spierings, judges; J C Schul-
(From The Weekly Index)
Haberlach, of Wilson, Oregon; F. L. Sappington, oi
Friday evening. Woodmen of the merich, Geo Dooley, J L Kirtz, clerks.
Daniel Baker ex-’07, is now employed Wilson,
“ Good! The Headlight has killed
Any or all persons claiming adversely the above-des­
"World Benefit.
Dilley J P Hansen, J W Hughes
family of Nehalem
off one taxeater— the useless road by a wholesale drug company, of San cribed lands are requested to file their claims in this of­
fice on or before said 6th day of February, 1906.
— The Bazaar has just got in a lot and A J Wilkes, judges; Wm R Steph- were Gales Creek visitors last week,
boss” cries out editor Baker in a mo- Francisco.
of fine new Pianos, and is selling them ens, Wm Hamelman and Herb Hub-
Fred Lilly, son of N. C. Lilly, re­ ment of rejoicing.
(First Publication Nov. 23 1905.)
Miss Inez Luce ex-’07 has joined
at very reasonable prices.
turned home from Australia last week.
the art class and is also taking some
East Butte— C F Tigard, Alfred
Suffrag'sts are patting “ Governor
— English walnut trees Oregon
Matthew Patton has been running
work in the Academy.
grown at nursery prices. Martin’s Zwiener and G W Smith, judges; E A logs down Gales Creek the last two or i George E .” on the back. Wonder
Knotts, B G Leedy and G A Plieth,
j why? H e appointed a woman as re­ Miss Georgia Lancefield, who is
Harness shoo near the Post Office.
three days.
attending school at McMinnville, visited
gent of a farmer’s college.
Miss Pearl Chandler was employed
Grandma Wilson and Miss Lucy
William E. Ledgerwood, Plaintiff)
East Cedar— Hampton Robbins, W
Miss Peterson, Friday.
) Summons
as stenographer in the Hollis law office
M Moore and J U Henry, judges; Wilson went to Portland last Thursday. I If Ben Franklin were alive how he
The Third Year Class elected officers Louise M. Ledgerwood, Defendant)
during the absence of Miss Shannon.
To Louise M. Ledgerwood, defendant above nan
Miss Lena Adkins returned home would frown on that five-dollar a plate
Alonzo Cirrino, E N Green, clerks.
for the Winter term as follows: Presi- In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby j
— A second hand organ in fine con­
Gales Creek— J W McRobert, John
banquet given in his honor in Portland
Fred Knight; Vice-President, notified, that the plaintiff herein has fil ed a complaint I
dition, as good as new, for sale at The Heisler and D G Lilly, judges; James
againt you in the above entitled Court, and you are he*
The little ten year old son of Me. yesterday. Such an expensive dinner t Pearl
Greear; Secretary, Harold H ersh-, by fequlred to appflr Ind answe[ lald C(.mpUlm „ 0.
Eazaar for $40. Be quick if you Loving, F M White and G W Poole, and Mrs. Otto Parson is quite ill.
is totally at variance with the famed ner; Treasurer, Lorena Belknap; Ser- before the last day of the time prescribed by order of 1
want it.
publication hereof, to-wit:—on or before the 2d da y of I
John Ranes has turned the Heisler frugality of the great American.
| geant-at-arms, Robert Weatherred.
March. 1906.
Mrs. W. W. McEldowney sang at a
Gaston— R Mattison, Geo E Mizner hall around this week and intends to
Mrs. Robinson, who has been visit­ You are further notified that if you fail to appear and
reception given Friday evening to the and E Best, judges; E J Ward, E H make a dwelling of it.
answer the complaint herein, or to plead thereto the j
expected to work like “ beavers” for ing her nephew, Prof. Chapman for plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will
new pastor of the Central Baptist church Parker and James Hoopes, clerks.
S. G. Hughes made his subscribers
! nearly two years, left Thursday for her apply to the Court above mentioned for the relief prayed
in Portland.
for in the complaint herein, to-wit:—
Mountain Precinct—Geo Essner, W up here happy last week by notifying the upbuilding of the state and town
home in New York. While here Mrs. For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony I
Pressing business matters have pre­ F Hollenback, Thos Murphy, judges; them that their Phone rent from the in which they live. Let that good
Robinson has made many warm friends that now exist be*ween plaintiff and defendant, and for
vented Senator E. W. Haines from Stephen Hollenbeck, Joseph Essner 1st of January on would be fifty cents work, like charity, begin at home.
such further relief as the Court may deem equitable j
in the premises.
“ Forest Grove to the front” is the who regret her going.
joining the Business men’s excursion and Dan Roe, clerks.
per month instead of one dollar.
That date of first publication of summons is Thursday, j
to California.
North Forest Grove— J S Buxton, J
Jan. 11th, 1906, and the last publication thereof is H |
Walter Ranes, who has been at
Madame Modjeska in the play “ Mac­ Thursday, March 1st., 1906, and the said summons stul! (J
C. J. Clark, of Greenville, passed Peterson, Ira E Purdin, judges; Charles Wcodburn, returned Friday.
Repeatedly, we have called the at­ beth” at the Marquam, Thursday even- be published on Thursday of each week for a period of six
consecutive weeks between said dates.
through Forest Grove, Monday on his Miller, Victor Crop and A R Leabo,
H. T. Shorb of Wilson River, passed tention of the council to the poor con­ j ing, were: Miss Farnham, Miss Wood, This summons is published by order of Hon. L. A. |
way to North Yamhill where he will be clerks.
through here last week on his way to dition of our street crossings but noth­ Miss Waggener, Miss Moseley, Miss Rood, County Judge of Washington County, Oregon, I
North Hillsboro— E C Brown, R H
employed at the Yamhill logging camp.
ing beyond an occasional removal of Chandler, Miss Heidel, Mrs. Robertson said order having been made in Chambers Jan. 9th, 1906. *
Greer and Peter Boscow, judges; J A Portland.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Invitations have been given out by
Mr. Beimrhor is putting in a dyna­ mud has been done in the line of per­ and Mrs. Bradley.
Sewell, Francis Hanley and C Jack Jr,
First Pub. Jan. 11
the N. K. club for a dance to be given
mo and will light his mill by electricity. manent remedy. This is a matter that
They do say that Aller has money to
Jan. 20 at Vert’s Hall. Walkers’ or­
Thomas Varley, the stage man, had should receive the immediaie attention burn. The other day his digits were j
Reedville—S P Reeder, J B Imley
of the new council.
chestra has been engaged to furnish
somewhat icy and he grabbed an
and J W York, judges; D R Wheeler, I a break down Friday.
the music.
A number of young people enjoyed
envelope and ran for the furnace. He 1
Nick Kemmer and Will Jack, clerks.
Among the first acts of the new
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Odell, who
South Forest Grove— W B Haines, the party given at Mr. Heisler’s on council let there be enacted an ordi­ lighted the fire a'l O. K., but while
went to California some weeks ago to J H McNamer and W M Langley, Friday evening.
he stood thawing his fingers it dawned i
nance for cement sidewalks in the busi­
spend the winter, are now locat -d at judges; J H Wirtz, W H H Meyers
upon him that he had just the night
ness part of the city. Our town has
b » t h e » n
Monrovia where they are enjoying and Chas E Bradley, clerks.
before put his last $ bill into an
Wm. B. Rasmusea will attend the
grown to such an extent that such side­
their stay immensely.
South Hillsboro—John Milne, Thos meeting of the Oregon College Ora­
walks are imperative. The present
Dr. Geiger reports a 11-pound son
condition of our sidewalks is deplora­
—You will not find beauty in rouge
born to the wife of Ora Garrigus on the
Rev. C. W. Filey has been chosen ble. If other damage suits against the
pot or complexion whitewash. True To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, MINNB-!
"*th and a 10-pound boy to the wife G A Patterson, clerks.
president of McMinnville College. city should occur, there need be no
beauty comes to them only that take
South Tualatin—Frank Simpson, C. H e is a former pastor of the Baptist
Irant Shipley on the 15th, both
surprise manifested. Law suits appear
Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. It A nd A ll P oints E ast and S outh . F T
R Adams and Wm Schulmerich, church of the Yamhill county seat and
■g north of Banks.
to be the only method which will
is a wonderful tonic and beautifier.
judges; F Brown, Ed Boge and J H is now general missionary for that
teach us to do things right.
Don Vandomelen, who lived on the Collier, clerks.
35 cents Tea or Tablets. Dr. Hines
Greenville rural route, has moved to
Drug Store.
Washington— Alfred Gerber, A C
The Flyer: The Fast Mail
For Sale at a Bargain.
Mrs. Frank Raley, of Portland, who
Forest Grove and is living near Pacific Winney and SN Tunstall, judges; Will
S plendid S ervice , U p to D ate cln<i
formerly had charge of the vocal de­
avenue and Fifth street. He will be
E quipment , C ourteous
One of the best residence properties
Notice for Publication
Fuegy, Geo Darety and Pres Berry,
partment in the University conserva­ in the city. Ideal location, nine room Land Office at Portland, Oregon, December 9, 1905.
employed at the condenser.
E mployes .
tory of music, accompanied by her house with large hall, pantry and bath Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
At a recent meeting of the Lewis
West Butte—Ole Oleson, Christ
settler has filled notice of his intention to make final
Daylight trip throught the I
husband, is making the trip to Califor­ room, electric light and telephone, proof in supnort of his claim, and that said proof will
and Clark club of Hillsboro, it was Christianson and A V D enny, judges;
and Rocky Mountains.
nia with the Oregon Business Men’s small barn, chicken house, wood shed be made before Register and Receiver at Portland, Ore­
voted to pay $8 toward the expenses Herman Gustin, James Downing and
gon, on Jan. 25. 1906. viz: Elizabeth N. Shearer; H. E.
1 excursion. Mrs. Raley is the con­ and fruit house, some choice fruit trees, No. 15048 for the SWV* of SE% Sec. 9. 3 N., R. 5 W.
For tickets, rates, folders and full
:i Mrs. Belle Walker of this city, who L S Bierly, clerks.
tralto of the First Unitarian church apples, cherries, pears and prunes, also He names the following witnesses to prove his con­ information, call on or address
was hostess at the Washington County
West Cedar— A W Kail, J A Chap­
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
man and J C Smock, judge:; C F choir.
strawberries, raspberries, logan berries, R. D. Montague, of Timber, Oregon; Carl Iler, of
booth during the Fair.
City Ticket Agent, 122 Third St.,
Hall, Fred Langer, Jr, and F A Olds,
At the recent meeting of the State some grapes, fine shade trees and
Portland, Or.
W. T. Shearer, ot Greenville, Oregon.
L. W. Traver, of Myrtle Point, a clerks.
Horticultural Society, at Portland, choice roses. Corner lot 100X200 ft.
former resident of Forest Grove, has
S. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A , Seattle,
(First Pub Dec. 14.)
President Ca dwell appointed Prof. E. House recently clothed and pa; er .-d
Wash., Cor. 2nd Ave. and Columbia St.
announced himself as a candidate for
“ (¡r « n * p r M
G ood W ord,
R. Lake of Corvallis, C. E. Hoskins ol throughout. New sidewalks both sides.
T he q u e stio n o ften a rise s, “ Should
the office of sheriff of Coos county, on
Notice for Publication
Medford, L. M. Gilbert of Salem, A. Also good work and driving horse, wt. United States Land Cfflce, Portland. Oregon,
the Republican ticket. Mr. Traver w e use th e w o rd -g ran g e r- lu sp e a k in g
o f a m e m b e r o f th e g ra n g e ? " W e see I. Mason of Hood River and H. C. At­ about 1250 lbs., 9 years old, age guar­
December 29. 1905.
taught in this county from 1895 to no v alid o b jec tio n to Its use a u d good
Notice is hereby given that .in compliance with the
well of Forest Grove as a committee to anteed. Good single buggy and har­ j provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3. 878,
1897 .
a u th o rity fo r It. T h e S ta n d a rd Dic­
Route your shipments via
tio n a ry defines “ g ra n g e r" ns “a m em ­ assist in the organization of local horti­ ness, good double buggy harness, light entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the
A. W. Gillis has exchanged one b e r o f th e fa rm e r» ' g ra n g e or O rd e r of cultural societies, and to secure their spring wagon with pole and shafts, States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington C lT 0 < lt N o r t H p m
Territory.” as extended to all the Public Land States by
block in Baker City for a 12-acre tract P a tro n s of H u s b a n d ry ." W e b s te r » l ie affiliation w ith th e sta te so ciety . This good single truck harness. Must be ' set of August 4, 1892, Robert R. Kuhn, of Buxton.
Full information from
teru a tlo r.n l em ploys th e te rm a n d d e ­
county of Washington, State of Oregon, has this day
A mile east of town, belonging to Mrs.
terms and | filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6743, for the
fines It a s " a m em b er of th e g ra n g e ." committee will hold a meeting at For­ sold. For particulars,
Wm. H A R D E R ,
Ella Jerome. Mr. Gillis has taken W hen such good a u th o ritie s a s th ese est Grove in the near future.
prices, see owner, T. A. RITCHEY, purchase of the S W V« of Section No. 12 in Township
General Agent; Portland, Oregon.
No. 3 N., Range No. 5 W.t and will offer proof to show
possession of his new home.
The m nke u se o f th e w ord w e sh all not
Claude Barker of Salem, a bright and Forest Grove, Ore.
1 that the land s ught is more valuable for its timber or
h e s ita te to reco m m en d Its use. I t Is
deal was closed by Mrs. Mary Nixor,
| stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
, m erely a m a tte r o f se u tlm e u t to op- intelligent young Quaker, has just
of the Forest Grove Land Co.
i his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver
| pose It. Som e look upon th e w ord ended a 34-day fast. Barker apparent­
GIVES THE MACEDONIAN CRY j of this office at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
" g ra n g e r" a s a te rm o f rep ro a c h , b u t
Col. Harry Haynes of this city, was how c a n It b e such w b eu o u r m o st eu- ly considers his fast of no more nor
1 21st day of March, 1906. He names as witnesses.
Forest Grove, Oregon
re-elected vice-president of the Oregon I lightened c ltlse n s a n d th e b e st people less importance than any other incident Tillamook Editor Wants Washington N. P. Nelson of Timber, Oregon; R. T. Simpson of
Buxton, Oregon; Alfred Cummings of Buxton, Oregon;
State Horticultural Society. The an­ | of th e la n d c o n sid e r It a n h o n o r to be­ in his religious experience. H e felt
A general banking business transacted!
James Cummings of Buxton, Oregon.
County to Realize What Toll
long to th e g ra n g e ? In d eed , w e b a v é
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
Interest paid on time deposits.
nual meeting will again be held in a s m em b ers high p u b lic officials, even no concern for his welfare for he was
Road Means
described lands are requested to file their claims in this
Accounts invited.
Portland next year. This year’s con­ | go v ern o rs a / s ta te s a n d s e n a to rs and confident that the Lord would not con­
office on or before said 21st day of March, 1906.
vention was considered the most suc- ! asse m b ly m e n In la rg e n u m b e r. A tinue the fast longer than his system published in the Headlight of Jan. 11,
(First pub. Jan. 4.)
m ore eom inou use o f th e w ord " g ra n ­
.essful of any yet held by the society. ger" to d e sig n a te a m em lie r of th e would allow.
The young man is is the following:
“ Forest Grove ought to put its foot
Notice For Publication
The Reading room is a neat and at­ g ra n g e w ould se rv e to re liev e It o f a n y entirely rational on other subjects.
United States Land Other. Portland. Oregon.
tractive place. It is well lighted and • c u llin g o p p ro b riu m th a t no w a tta c h e s H e firmly believes that in his fast he down hard upon the effort to create a
to It.
toll road in that part of Washington
Dec. 11, 190J.
“ was moved by the Spirit.”
the tables are supplied with current
county across the mountain, known as Notice ia hereby given that In compliance with the
periodicals and magazines. Thus far
T he w ay new g ra n g e h a lls a re going
Tom Richey has returned from a the Wilson River road.
Every pro­ provisions of the act of Congress of June j , 1878 , en­
the patronage has not been so large as u p all o v e r th e c o u n try Is a n e n c o u ra g ­ trip to Eastern Oregon in which he gressive citizen in Forest Grove ought titled An set f -t the sale ot timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri­
in g sign fo r the jic rm an e n cy o f th e o r­
expected but each week the comfort­ g a n isa tio n .
happily blended pleasure and business. ' to howl the trick down, for it is nothing tory." as ea’ended to all the Public Lend States by set of
August «. IN I, CUrk P. Hadley, of Portland, county of
able, cosy quarters are making new
Mr. Ritchey spent most of the time
up with toll gates and a scheme to Multnomah. State of Oregon, has thla day Sled in this
H ie g ra n g e field d a y a n d picnic Is
around Heppner, Echo. Irrigon and procure a franchise from Washington office his sworn statement No. 6677. for the purchase of
SAEIENS t CO, Main S.; .
now In o rd e r. It Is th e tim e o f seed
the R>v of SW c, of Section No 21 and BIS of NW H
Mrs. Clara Waldo was recently ap­ »ow ing fo r a g ra n g e In g a th e rin g lo the surrounding country. At Foster, county for nothing, but would be ex- s” 28 ■» Township No. 2 N. Range No. 5 W, and will
he spent two days with Joe Bailey and ceedingly valuable should the proposed <■«•» proof » show that the land sought is mote valuable
pointed a member of the board of
was formerly a
„r railroad want a right of way over any or ** '"T’b"
'H*n for agricultural purposes, to
[ family. Joe
Regents of the Oregon Agricultural
(^•fro « a.
Joe ore. formerly a res,dent of ^
Qf ^
co‘ ntry ^
eltherX in — « hi. «—
claim *
to - » id - land --
Register and -
Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Monday, the 26th
this city and was superintendent of
College at Corvallis. It it the first
Washington or Tillamook county. Say of February. 1406.
y o u r little b ro th e r th e b e st p a r t of th a t
the City Electric light plant. Mr. Surely our neighboring county across He name, as -internet: Wesley Penney of Saint
time that a woman has been included
apple, as I told you? T om m y Q.—
on the board. Mrs. Waldo is the lec­ T e c u m ; I g a v e him th ' s e e ls . H e can Bailey is now overseer of a large farm the mountain is not in love with anti- j * * " * • 0 n - ,,OT6 T. Coa. of Glenwood P. O., Ore.,
manufacturrrs o r
Thomas Varley. of Glen wood P. O., Ore.. A. M. Stearns H
toll roads, which is nothing but of
turer of the Oregon State Grange and p'ant 'em an' have a whole ort-hnpd.— in that locality and is much pleased
Portland, Ore.
elevala nil Leader
graft in this county and which the Any and all persons claiming adversely the at
And dealers in all kinds of Horsi
with his new home but looks back with
will be remembered as having taken a
ill knock to smithereens as described lands are requested to file their claims in
Goods. Repairing Promptly D(
prominent part at the session of the
To g iva pain la tyranny; to m ake hap­ pleasure oq the days spent in Forest soon as they can get a whack at them office on or before said J6ch day of Februaay. 1906. this
Prices Reasonable.
, Grove.
State Grange held here last year.
it the polls.”
kFirst Pub.. LV- u .)
I d I
A R-
2 Overland Trains Daily
We Give Expedited Service on
E. W. Haines Bank
m a r t in
« n iri
& CO