in great shape and will soon be MILNE— CAMPELL Minnie Campbell, of Monmouth, were last week in that city. The bride is one of Polk county’ s most have another butcher shop near the bank. W. H . Purdin left here Sunday for W. H. Milne, of this Portland, where he has secured em­ W. B. Rasmussen, son of Mr. and — J. T . Brooks does harness repairing! Mrs. James Rasmussen, has been cho­ — A Slaughter of prices at Miller's. — For Visible Writing A Salvation Army W ILLIAM S-SM ITH man see lectured wood Typewriter. sen as P. Ed. Phillips of Seattle, a cousin their home near North Yamhill. to San Francisco BRACKEN BURY-WELLS The G eiger hom e Wells, was the scene of of He Phillips, Simonides L odge No. 37, K. installed their officers Tuesday T h e parlor Tavlor & Kelsey The of P night. evening. artistically R e v ?D . A. Watters, 3et off by foliage. D. D ., of Portland, assisted by Rev. L. F. Belknap, of this city, officiated The News and the New York at the cerem ony. une Farmer one year for Trib­ 81.25 The bride is the youngest daughter of the late Geiger, Dr. and Mrs. Forest Grove where she was reared and educated. She is a graduate of the Conservatory of M usic and has been prominent in the OLD PARTIES FAVORED William i and is highly respected in musical circles of None But Republicans and Democrats Can be Appointed Judges or Clerks of Election 1 In response to an inquiry from Ira this city. W ade, Clerk of Lincoln County, At- Rev. Brackenbury is an esteemed torney.Generai Crawford rendered an member of the Oregon Conference and j opinion this morning to the effect that is the popular pastor of the Methodist l none but Republicans and Democrats Episcopal church in Dallas. | can be appointed judges or clerks for An elaborate luncheon of satisfying the primary or Keneral eIection in this delicacies was served to the guests state. immediately before the departure of I Mr. Wade stated fhat if the precinct the bridal party for their honeymoon judges were to be chosen from the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Brackenbury will two parties casting the largest vote in return the latter part of the week and the state election, in some precincts will then leave for Dallas, where they in Lincoln County the Socialists cast will be at home to their many friends. more votes than the Democrats. The Many will regret to see Mrs. Wells Attorney-General says that the basis of leave this city where she is so well choice for the judges is the vote cast known and respected but all join in in the entire state, and not by counties wishing her much happiness in her or precincts. new home. Georgia Hughes expects Make an early selection for a S E R V IC E A B L E A N D S T Y L IS H S U IT to leave soon for San Francisco, to visit her son, George R. Hughes, who holds a responsbile position with a large music concern of that city. R. George JOHN ANDERSON’S, The Tailor is known to his friends here as “ Jock.” Mrs. Ernest Kroner, nee Edson, has resigned her position as deputy col­ lector of customs in the Internal Rev­ Mr. and Mrs. John Price were agree­ She was recently married in this city and is a sister of Mrs. Rob­ ably and completely surprised by a company of friends last evening. The ert Bellinger. enue office. Mrs. Bradleyt Miss Bailey, low and wife, Andy Lampton and wife, ( ell, Miss Penfield, Miss Waggener and C A T H E R IN E T H E G R E A T . Miss Heidel make up a party that w ill. attend the play at the Marquam, this j evening. M me Helena Modjeska and ^ An O dd W om an Wian T h in K in | ire »» o t Hit* U u M K lu n a . A recent writer says of Catherine th< Great, empress of ltussia from tlif this week. Dr. Chas. Hines left yesterday after­ year 17U2 to 1700: ‘ She rose at 0 anil lit her own Are. Miss Bertha Williams will entertain noon for a three weeks’ vacation tour | Her table was Ideally simple. From a number of friends this evening at her of California. The doctor goes to the reproach of overeating and over­ parents’ home. enjoy a needed rest and while the trip drinking she was free. Though she S. Clark, a thoroughly reliable drug­ will be one in which pleasure will | could not sing a note, she and Prince Paslikoff, who could sing no better, or the predominate, it is Dr. Hines’ intention gist, has accepted a position I casi mully performed in a concert. A , to visit the leading hospitals of San ! sudden burst of the most exalted and Pioneer Drug Store. I ridiculous discordant tones was the H . H . Porter and L. Morley have Francisco, Los Angeles and other | consequence, one seconding the other cities, and to investigate and study given up the plans to open a skating with scientific shrugs and all the sol matters pertaining to his profession. j emu. self complacent airs and grimaces rink in this city. A recent letter from Frank Meresse of musicians. From tills perhaps sin: J. C. Clark, the reliable druggist, is passed to a cat concert anil imitated in attendance at H ines’ pharmacy dur­ who is attending the Pharmacy School the purring of a cat in the most droll at Highland Park University, near Des and ludicrous manner, always taking ing Dr. Hines’ absence. Moines, Iowa, states that he had his care to add appropriate, half comic, Frank Myers, the Portland traveling half sentimental words, which she In­ first experience with an Iowa blizzard vented for the occasion, or else, spitting man, is making his occasional business which lasted two days. Street cars like a eat in a passion, with her back round-up in this city. suspended operation, and traffic was up, she suddenly boxed the first persou in her way, making up her hand Into a Messrs. Carstens and Hartley of nearly at a standstill. However, a paw and mewing outrageously.” Banks, were in Forest Grove last week heavy wind came up which dispelled When playing whist one night Cather­ looking after business interests. ine could not get her page to answet the snow storm. tin* hell. “ After she had rung twice, Miss Nona Miller has returned from With a valuation of 810,660,455, again without effect, she left the roam, a pleasant visit of two weeks with rela­ the County Board made a tax levy of looking daggers, and did not reappear tives and friends at Lebanon. for a considerable time. The company 10.4 mills, which will yield a net supposed that the unfortunate page There are no smokers am ong the county revenue, aside from the special was destined to Siberia or at least the new councilm en but they will probably taxes, amounting to 8110,868.75, over; kno,,t- As !1 matter of fact, Catherine on entering the antechamber found tlie smoke up when the time com es. 82 2,00 0 less than last year’ s levy. page, like I'D betters, busy at whist. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Huston, of Hills­ This contradicts the complaint that “ When the belt rang he happened to boro, were in attendance at the Brack- went up last Spring when the Assessor have so interesting a ham! that ho could not make up his mind to quit It. enbury-Wells wedding, Tuesday. raised valuations, that taxes would be Now, what (’ l l the omrress ilo? S’ v George R. Sibley has returned from ! higher. Last year the valuation was dispatched the page on her errand anil several weeks’ stay in Los Angeles, to about 85 ,000 ,0 00 , and the county then quletlv sat do m toShold h's cards until he should return." her company appear in “ M acbeth.” The replevin suit between J. H . Streem, as plaintiff and Peter Dethlef, raised 8133 ,0 12 for all expenses and resume his work at the Condenser. CORNELIUS defendant, is to com e before Justice The Basket Factory man has not Stephens of D illey, tomorrow. Attor­ T H E AGRA DIAM OND. The Forest Grove Transportation Co. the state tax. showed up yet but we are looking for ney for plaintiff, W . H . Hollis and for has been granted right of way from the The Polmatier Sisters’ Concert C o m -! Oil Prompt Delivery to all parts of the city. I.ike many other diamonds, the Agra diamond has had adventures. It gets J. M. Garrison’ s poultry yards were opera house, under the auspices of the Its name from the fact that it was tak­ represented at the Portland poultry Masonic fraternity, T o o much cannot en at the battle of Agra in l.*2:i by the Emperor Baber, who was the founder show, by ch oice Plymouth R ock and be M’d ' n fav° r of the entertainment E . H a ll T H E CHANCI Independent Telephone Com - time was pleasantly spent in playing Light refreshments weie within ten days will give its games. John Taylor and Mrs. Arty Johnson. i Mrs. Atwell, Mrs. Russell, Miss Hask- J V. C .; T . H . Muller, K . of R .; Edward Knighten, the Carlton shoe Thomas Talbot, M. of E .; A. A. man, was in this city for an over Sun­ ferns interspersed with white carnations. Phillips, M. of F ; D. J. Barrett, Pre Promptly at the noon hour, to the late; Dr, Everest, I. G .; Ed. W olf, day visit. Miss Ida Kerr, of Buxton, is visiting sweet strains of Lohengrin’ s wedding O. G. at the home of Mr s. Anna Byroads, march, played by Mrs. L. F. Belknap, stood under a lover’ s knot Mrs. city Saturday RobertsODi was in this doorways were festooned with ivy and the bridal party entered the parlor and Por SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS EROM $ 1 4 to $ 4 5 pany, Prana Corrtn>ondent A'cw York Siaf l H ere’ s Qraiioe patrons direct connection with North served. Those present were: Mr. looking at you, a big, brimful cup of i Yamhill. A switchboard will be oper­ and Mrs. Sam Moulton, N. B. Moulton, i T H E G R A N G E A FIXTUR1 hot tea. ated at Gaston thus saving the incon- M. Kelsey and family, A. L. Sexton ; John McClaran, the Gales Creek i venience to send messages to Yamhill and family, Mrs. Anna Dixon, Thurston C o m m e n d e d b y t h e M u ste r of W e s t V l r i c i n i u S t a t e I. ruin,. Road Supervisor, was in the city I via Newberg. ; Buxton and daughter, Miss M. Miller, [Special Correspondence.) Saturday. i Sam Miller, Mr. and Mrs. H . Nauffts, Xo well informed person wfflj Miss Mary F. Farnham, Miss W ood, Thomas H . Tongue, the Hillsboro , Miss Moseley, Miss Chandler, M rs.1 Mr- and Mrs- W ‘ K - Curtis> L Lud' that the Order of Patrons of I Sturdevant, C. C .; John H . Cornelius, — Charles Miller, the druggist, buys direct from drug manufactur- ers and is able to seU at extremely low prices. T A I L O R - M A D E CLOTHING! completed the contract. The The successful candidates! attorney, installed are as follows: have their contract on the Congregational Under­ parsonage: Charles Mertz, the de- corator, has also finished his part of prices. M. Those beautifully decorated with Oregon grape and English ivy. and who is well known in this place. was united in marriage to the Rev. A. had been off is a nephew of “ U n cle” Dan Forest Grove, C. Brackenbury, of Dallas. stopped stayed over night with his cousin. a very pretty wedding, Tuesday, when Mrs. Laura of A. A. Phillips of Cornelius, on his way com ­ mittee. in derson sells his oil coats at reduced a couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will make at my Show Windows Display of SAMPLES of U .’ s representative in the state inter-collegiate executive A quiet home wedding was solemn- here Tuesday night in the M. E. — M oney to loan on farm security. ized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ! church to a large congregation. W . H . H ollis, Forest Grove. W e understand that a gentleman Herbert Smith, yesterday afternoon. Aaron W ells of Portland, spent from the Grove has recently m oved The contracting parties were Charles Sunday in this city visiting relatives. D. Williams, of North Yamhill, and here and will soon start a second hand Since the town has gone dry, Ander­ Nettie E. Smith, of Scoggins Valley. store. son sells his oil coats at reduced prices. Only a few friends were present to Mr. A . H . Muller, wife and family Mr. and Mrs. E. Meresse have been witness the cerem ony which was per­ of Tacom a, are visiting his brother, in Oregon City this week on a business formed by the Rev. L. F. Belknap, of Mr. T . H . Muller, who is engaged in trip. the M. E. church. the jewelry business here. Miss Stella Boscow, of Hillsboro, Mr. Williams is a prominent hop- D. L. Hoffman and wife of North made an over Sunday visit with friends grower, living near North Yamhill. Dakota, who have been visiting Mr. Miss Smith is a sister to Herbert Smith i Hoffman’ s mother, Mrs. Vickers for here. — The town having gone dry, An­ of this city. Both have many friends i the past week or so, will perhaps stay who wish them much happiness. LOOK! — Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it. city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milne will ployment. See the Pioneer Drug store’ s ad W m . Vickers and wife of Portland, make their home in Forest Grove, for this issue. are visiting relatives and friends this the present at least. week in our town. Brown, Physician. — The great D rug Reduction Sale opens today at Miller's Drug Store. It is reported that Conelius will soon popular girls and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. — Dr. E. H . com pleted. Fred Milne, of this city, and Miss married — Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed. Stratton’ s new house is looming up Chiming of Bridal Bells belonged to the sa arnc regiment ns the young officer who obtained possession of the diamond. It was resolved among them to smuggle it home to England rather than give it up nml to share in the loot money. Tile question arose bow were they to get it home. Xo one seemed able to hit upon a method that would be likely to meet with success until tin* last evening pre- i ions to the departure of the regiment. During the course of dinner the y >un gest subaltern suddenly Jumped up an 1 said: I have It. W e will conceal the diamond in a horse ball and make the horse swallow it.” This met with gen oral approbation, n ball was secured, the inside scooped out. the diamond In­ serted, the end stopped up and the borse made to siyailow it. When the regiment reached the port of embarkation the horse was taken 111 and had to lie shot. The diamond nas taken from his stomach and nought over to England. It was sub sequent ly sold to the Duke of Bruns- •vk k. anil since then It bus been recut from a forty-six carat stone 1 1 thirty- one and a half carats [n order to get rid of the black spots In It. and It Is the most perfect and brilliant diamond of a rose pink eoior. The O pportunity. It was night. They—he and she—were sitting on the porch looking at the stars. “tnu know, I suppose." he wills pered. what a young man s privilege is when be sees a shooting star?” " X V «he answered. "I haven't the slightest idea. There goes one!” _Chi­ cago Tribune. » $n O b je c t L en n on In n tltu te d O r a n t r e C o u n t y ( X . Y . ) G r ic Wiilkill River grange. No. Orange county, X*. Y.. discuss! subject of good roads some tit and ns a result of that discus«. Maple Dale Good Roads club ganlzed, composed of about five farmers living ivcit of Middled Orange county. The club luu| tie* contract from the town of 1 1 Improve about four miles of accordance with their ideas. Tq authorities pay the Uooil It« » per mile, and the balance! tribufeil by tlie members ng friends. They claim that f jr I mile they can build about a ll road (aside from the cutting off as flic state is building at a I 83.000 to 84.000 per mile. 1 two miles already completed a» for inspection and will soon balance finished. The aim of the club is “ to pi object lesson of what can be i tlie way of making a good rd out the expenditure o f so mud as is usoil In building state and; roads." The road being cci has always been one of the the country, it Is said, and the < the Good Ronds club is nttrai, good deal of favorable com rally. Incidentally It Is ann ilcuce of what the grange may ^ iu the solutiou o f the good- problem. j S o n p. “ Who goes there?" “ Godfrey—Godfrey—Godfrq •Bon." stammered the young at his first two line part “ Supe. snpe!” yelled the gallery.—Pittsburg Post.