Washington County News U su e d E t . h W eek a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers. gn ini tu . pa ro wi to dr ar Vi P* N. N. / ■ « 1- . tair arr o 1 OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Washington, Jan. 9.— Trade between FO REST G R O VE ........... OREGON the United States and Germany, whose commercial relations are now the sub­ C O N T A IN S M AN Y D IF F IC U LTIE S . ject of negotiations between the two countries, aggregated in the fiscal year 1905 over $300,000,000. A report Oregon State Primary Law Hard for Candidates to Follow. issued today by the bureau of Statis­ tics of the department of Commerce Salem— Another very serious prob­ and Labor, says: lem haB arisen in connection with the The Imports from Germany were direct primary law. The law requires $118,000,000 in value and exceeded that candidates for state offlees shall file petitions from not less than seven A R iiu m e o f th* L e «» Importent but imports from that country in any ear­ lier year. The exports to Germany counties, and that at least 10 per cent Not Le»* Interesting Events were $194,000,000 in value and ex­ of the precincts shall be represented in o f the P «»t Week. ceeded our exports to that country in each of the seven counties. Two per any earlier year except 1904, in which cent of the votes cast at the last state year the total was over $214,000,000, election for supreme judge by each par­ Two men were killed by a cave-in at this decrease in 1905 compared with ty must be represented on the petition. e mine near Eureka, Utah. It has been the supposition until re­ 1904 having occurred in raw cotton and A great forgery ol railway stock ha» being due altogether to a fall in prices, cently that so long as the required since the quantity in 1905 was greater number of counties and precincts were been revealed in New York. that in 1904. Imports from Germany represented by the signatures of one or Harvard university has announced a increased $37,000,000 in the period more voters that the bulk of the signa­ ■et of revised football rules. from 1895 to 1906 and exports to that tures on a petition to make up the 2 A fire at Schenectady, New York, country increased $10,000,000 in the per cent might come from one county, destroyed 1100,000 worth of property same time. so long as the required number of names Germany stands second in the was filed with the secretary of state. Fire destroyed the Wormwood ware It is now discovered that there must be house, Boston, entailing a loss of $125,- order of magnitude of our trade with per cent of the vote cast by the party foreign countries, both as to imports 000 represented in each county and precinct and exports. Hermann’ s trial has been definitely represented, as well as throughout the “ Manfactures are the bulk of the set for the last week in March. The state. $118,000,000 worth ol merchandise im ­ hearing will be in Washington. The attorney general w ill probably ported from Germany. be aBked to render an opinion in regard Russia has secured a loan of $50, " I n manufactures, especially copper, to the number of signatures required 000,000 from French bankers, giving mineral, leather, scientific instruments from the counties and precincts. To the state railroads as a guarantee. and certain manufactures of iron and secure 2 per cent of the voters in seven A stamppede is on to Manhattan, 80 Bteel, our exports to Germany show a counties, and 10 per cent of the pre­ The value of copper cincts in each of the seven counties, miles northeast of Goldfield, Nevada. steady growth. Gold has been discovered in large quan in bars and plates exported from the and in addition have 2 per cent of the United States to Germany amounted to party vote in the entire state, will add tities over $14,000,000. to the difficulties of securing a petition. A Parsi cable car descending an in­ cline got beyond control. Fifteen pas­ sengers were injured, three danger­ FORM NEW ORGANIZATION. W IL L T R Y T O GET F A C TS. ously. NEWS OFJUE WEEK / Immense Volume o f Business With Germany During 1906. 1 AMEND IRRIGATION LAWS. Irrigationists Say Conditions in Idaho A r* Better Than in Oregon. Would Have Smashed Rojectvensky if Togo Had Lott. St. Petersburg, Jao. 6 .— The remark- able allegation that the British fleet was held in readiness to destroy the Russian fleet, if the battle of the Sea o Japan had gone in the Russians favor, is made by Admiral Rojestvensky in a letter published in the Novoe Vremys today with the permission of th* min­ ister of marine. Referring to the absolute secrecy of Admiral Togo in regard to the disposi­ tion of his forces, Rojestvensky de­ clares that “ this was unknown even to the admiral of the British fleet allied with the Japanese, who concentrated his forces at Wei Hai Wei, in expecta­ tion of receiving an order to annihilate the Russian fleet, if this, tbe final ob­ ject of Great Britain, was beyond the power of the Japanese.” From Admiral Rojestvensky’« ac­ count of his tactics in the battle of the Sea of Japan, the reader is almost convinced that the Russian commander outmaneuvered Admiral Togo at every point, and was himself tha real victor. He delares he knew Admiral Togo’s exact whereabouts two days before the battle, made his disposition according­ ly and entered the fight with his eyes open. Mr Spring-Rice, the British charge d’ affairs, without waiting for instruc­ tions from his government, demanded an explanation from Foreign Minister Lamsdorff this alternoon of the state­ ments contained in the admiral’s letter to the Novoe Vremya. Salem— Prominent irrigators of Ore­ gon are considering the advisability of asking the next legislaure to amend the irrigation laws in several particulars. At the present time all the contracts with the state for the reclamation of desert lands under the Carey act are based upon the theory that the owners of the canals and ditches are entitled to collect a perpetual annual rental from the landholders. In Idaho the land­ holders will eventually own and control the canals, ditches, headgates, etc. In the contract with the state of Idaho for the construction of the Twin Falls canal it is provided that a com­ pany shall be formed among the land- owners on the basis of one share of stock for one share of water right, and that within seven years the control of the canals, ditches, dams and headgates shall pass to the corporation formed among the water users. Previous to the formation of this company and be­ fore the expiration of the seven years’ limit, the construction company is en­ titled to collect annually not exceeding 80 cents an acre. The eame theory of ownership prevails in all government work. All the contracts for the reclamation of arid lands under the Carey act in MAY HOLD BALANCE. this state allow the construction com­ panies the right to collect $1 an acre perpetually, the company agreeing to United States May Act as Arbiter In keep the canals and ditches in repair. Moroccan Conference. American Government Fears i break of Chinese Fury, pudiis ----- ' H WORSE THAN THE BOXER f i J C IT S Three Regiments at Manila Rew Sail — Boycott Expands Into $ Hatred o f Americans. finir Washington, Jan. 6.—Tho ment w ill not admit that it is over the situation in China, bat known that conditions there are ing grave concern. I t is reported three regiments at Manila have ordered held in readiness to pi China at once. Every preparstii being made to protect Americas and property in the empire. Grave reports of unrest havs from consuls. Private advices are not so conservative as ths ol ones. They express the fear that uprising worse than the Boxer red tion w ill break out before many moJ The boycott inflamed Chinese anii ' ty against the Americans. Wheo Chinese realized their power, it it the step from commercial to pei hatred was but a short one. The situation is represented by ¡Piaste' authority is much graver than hu ing st intimated by the State department, FA V O R S P H IL IP P IN E BILL Washington, Jan. 8. — The agitation in Europe over the coming Moroccan Clark, o f Missouri, Occupies 80 A new Methodist church iB to be Missouri's Attorney General Says He Independent Telephone Companies o f conference and the result it may bring Floor fo r Th ree Hours. that r bulit in Chicago which is to be the Oregon Unite. Does Not Expect Much. has spread to this country and officials tallest in the city. The structure w ill Washington, Jan. 6 .— ‘ ‘Chanrt does. Portland— In order to fortify them­ New York, Jan. 9. — Attorney Gen­ here are now deeply interested in the cost $1,000,000. Democracy” was expounded to tbe X The eral Hadley, of Missouri, said tonight selves and protect their interests, rep­ matter because of the reccently devel­ light and entertainment of thsl^ j The United States government con­ that he woo Id probably ask for a hear­ resentatives of the independent tele­ oped fact that the American delegation for three hours today by Clark, o l® H T tinues to prepare for trouble in China, ing in the Supreme court in this city phone lines in Oregon met here last whichi s likely at any time to be the on Wednesday or Thursday to deter week and formed a permanent orgniza- has become the most prominent factor souri, and constituted the featr®rts 0 scene of an anti-foreignoutbreak. the debate on the Philippine tariffider mine whether H. H . Rogers and other tion. ft will be known as the Oregon of the gathering. Clark’ s speech took a wide r a n g e U( Independent Telephone association, and The kaiser is confined to his bed with directors of the Standard Oil company It has been believed here that the he labeled his political beliefs astfjfga; muBt answer questions at the hearing is formed after similar orgnizations in a cold. various European governments which in answer to a question as to •’estmi before Commissioner Sanborn regarding other states of the Union and affiliated France protests against a fresh insult the control of oil companies operating with the national association of inde­ are so deeply interested in the confer­ kind of a Democrat be really wasmake, from Castro. pendent telephone lines. in Missouri. ence, notably France and Germany, talked of the Philippines and far g, . The objects of the association are to the pending b ill; he discussed th e,^ Germany fears that war vill follow " I confess,” he says, "th at I did had agreed to a program which would eral tariff question and in partitr®8* c< the Moroccan conference. not have much hope when I came here encourage development; foster and Allen Wants Oregon Boys. be adhered to rigidly. The possibility fioosine that the Standard Oil directors would stimulate the growth; protect the mu­ CorvalliB— Lieutenant Quinlan, com­ of a split between these two govern­ the German tariff situation, King Edward has called for the elec­ tell about the Standard Oil control of tual interests; promote and systema­ mandant of the cadet regiment at the ments on some of the questions in­ viewed W illiam J. Bryan’s recorc^jy^; tion of a new parliament. the Waters-Pierce Oil company and two tize uniformity of accounting, opera­ college, has received instructions to volved may throw the United States silver and paid his respects in dfc” teristic oratory to Republican lea icivert Binger Hermann is in Washington other companies operating in Missouri, tion, maintenance and construction of recommend six additional graduates into a position where its delegatee with and sik. His trial w ill occur in Feb­ but since they have appeared in answer independent (non-Bell) telephone inter from the Oregon Agricultural college He ascribed future greatness to T h e p their votes w ill have the power to settle ruary. ^ to subpoenas, I shall make the best ests, and to defend the same from un­ for positions as Third lieutenants in the question. In that event, it is con­ he termed the “ stand pat” fair encoractments of competition by the Philippine constabulary. Three sidered, the position of the United and declared that one of ths«, 8* . President Roosevelt has submitted a effort I can to have them tell tbe co-operation and by such other avail­ tary Shaw, whose record as sewtei'***1 P< similar recommendations were recently States may become embarrassing. lengthy report on the Panama canal to facts. able means as may, from time to time, the Treasury included, he said, tiind Ol " I don’ t care, of course, to have any made, and from these one appointment oongress. It is learned on good authority that seem advisable. body committed for contempt. I shall has already been made, that of Lieu­ the United States government w ill do tying frogs’ legs as poultry and p jje ^ The annual report of the Panama ask the court to have the witnesses di­ tenant Floyd Williams, who has gone everything in its power to bring about as "household articles” lor the Favor Woolen Mills. Railway company shows an earning of tion of revenue was a logical Bsp' In r rected to answer certain questions a peaceful settlement of the issues Albany — The business men of the to Manila. k per cent. can presidential possibility, unle»_ g ne which they have declined to answer. city met and discussed the proposition which will be discussed at the confer­ A British merchant has been arrested If the court orders them to answer and of securing the new woolen mill for Ndw Railroad for Gilliam. ence. From this it appears that Presi­ mantle should fall on "th e gray Iffl . grizzled speaker, Uncle Joe Cannor®tJla by Russian authorities and imprisoned they still refuse, I shall have to leave this city. Judge Stewart, of the stock Salem — Articles of incorporation dent Roosevelt haB again determined to Fordney, of Michigan, opposeche lir to the court the question of contempt. committee, withdrew from the active have been filed with the secretary of use all hiB power in keeping the world and beaten. He expressed his dvertise " A refusal to answer in such a case work of soliciting subscriptions, and state for the Oregon Northern Railway at peace. The difficulties of the situa­ measure. An expedition w ill be sent to Siberia that the bill was made to reprie__ , The incorporators are: tion are great and the American mis­ by the Russian government to subdue would be next best for my purpose to Frank J. M iller was selected to fill the company. an answer in the affirmative, since it vacancy and the committee will push William J. Mariner, R. W. Robinson sion w ill undoubtedly have much work movement under the name o f " ret e* c fl- the revolutionists. ity .” He reviewed exhaustivelirith tl would be equivalent to an admission.” the work. The purpose of the com­ and C. E. Jones. The road runs from to do. The State Normal school of New York sugar beet industry and argued jjen a mittee is to secure subscriptions to the Blalock, in Gilliam county, to H art? has been destroyed by fire. The loss estly for its protection against imm stock aggregating $15,000 toward the man, in Morrow county. The capital Dolliver Will Fight Delay. will reach $200,000. K E N T U C K Y IS RAMMED. tition with the Philippines. F* In capital of $100,000, when the mill will stock is $25,000, divided into 1,250 Washington, Jan. 8.— Senator D olli­ A landslide at Haverstraw, New be built and fitted up. The business shares of $20 each. The principal ver, of Iowa, will resist to the utmost cioncluded at 5 o’ clock, when ths:tatem adjourned nntil tomorrow. H T York, carried eight bouses with it. Battleship Runs Aground in Fog men at tbe meeting were enthusiastic place of business is Heppner. any attempt of the committee on in Sixteen persons were killed. New York Harbor. in support of the project, and the spirit terstate commerce of which he is a he M< Contracts at Interest. M AY S T IR U P O LD PEKIN New York, Jan. 9. — W hile the bat­ manifested waB in favor of co-operation Fighting still continues in Santo Do­ member to defer action upon railroad among the business interests of the city _________ >°rt. Salem — The State Land board re­ mingo. In a recent engagement 150 tleship squadron under command of rate legislation until the house has men out of 800 engagde on troth sideB Rear Admiral Evans was proceeding to for the upbuilding of Albany and its ports interest bearing contracts out­ passed a bill. The present majority of Chinese Students 1 hreaten to va industries. standing December 31, aB follows: Bea today, the battleships Kearsarge were killed. the committee is opposed to giving the En Masse From Japat. xrhich School land contracts, $669,516.30; and Kentucky ran aground in the har­ Interstate Commerce commission power Plans an Electric Line. The Chicago council Is investigating Pekin, Jan. 6 . — The Chinai utiona Agricultural college, $28,993.82; Uni­ bor off the West Bank light house. to change rates. Three of the Republi a graft from which contractors are said Forest Grove— At the meeting of the versity, $3,788. dents in Japan, who numberliews The Alabama and Illinois were follow­ cans, however, Btand with the Demo­ to have obtained $5,000,000 of the Forest Grove city council last week. have struck against tne attem pSo^B.' ing next in line, and before they could cratic members for regulation as gen­ city’ s money during ths past decade. State Senator E. W. Haines, in behalf government to subject them to xr P O R T LA N D M ARKETS. alter their course, the Alabama collid­ erally defined by the president. supervision. They are threat«,.he ag A civil war is in progress in Ecuador. ed with the Kentucky, striking her a of the Forest Grove transportation com­ pany, a new organization, applied for a return to China as a body. Wheat— Club, 72c; bluestem, 74® The trial of Annapolis baser» is in glancing blow. The Illinois just got 25-year franchise for an electric railway 75c; red, 69c; valley, 73c. Great Printing Trust in East. threat shonld be carried out, i l ^ ^ T clear of the tangle and proceeded down progress. in Forest Grove, to run from the South­ A Cincinnati, Jan. 6.J— The United prove a disturbing element hi Oats— No. 1 white feed, $27; gray the bay, anchoring outside the bar with ern Pacific depot to the business section $26.50 per ton. States Printing company, capital $3,- the sympathies of the majorityayS The Russian douma has been called the flagship Maine. of the city, about two miles. Accord­ 376,300, one of the largest concerns of students are anti-foreign andlpr to meet March 3. The starboard side of the Kentucky Barley— Feed, $23.00®23.50 per ton, ing to the terms of the ordinance, the its kind in the country, w ill be leased dynastic. above the water line was quite badly Five men were killer! near Chicago new line must be begun in 90 days, brewing, $24.00@24.50; rolled, $23.50 to the United States Printing company, A notable movement has m’J iM She w ill come up to the ®24.58. by the explosion of a ton of dynamite. damaged. and completed in eight months. It is of New Jersey, if the stockholders on begun here in the establish! navy yard tomorrow for repairs. The Buckwheat— $2.50 per cental. The governor of Ohio was inaugurat­ accident occurred shortly after 1 P. M. to carry the United States mail, express February 1 ratify tbe aetion of the di­ schools for the education of ed in a glass cage owing to delicate The Alabama stood by to render assist­ and passengers. Senator Haines furn­ Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy, rectors announced today. The com­ under the direction of several pn health. ance to the Kentucky and Kearsarge ishes electric light to Forest Grove $13.50@14.50 per ton; valley timothy, pany has plants in Brooklyn, Mont­ es, with Japanese ladies ss vol| from his plant about 12 miles distant, $9®10; clover, $9@10; cheat, $8.50@ clair, N. J., Norwood and Cincinnati. teachers. A ll the schools are cit Idaho officers are confident they are and wireless messages were sent to the and, it is understood, w ill furnish pow­ 9.50; grain hay, $8®9. The total output is estimated to be with girls from leading families, j on the right track in the Steunenberg Brooklyn navy yard for tugs. er for the new road from his plant. Fruits— Apples— 75c@$1.50 per box; nearly $2,600,000 annually. The new teen Mongolian princesses have i murder case. persimmons, $1.25 per box; pears, holding company w ill take over all the at Pekin for the purposes of Road Through the State. David H. M ftoat says be w ill extend Buys Ranch in Gilliam. instruction in the European Un $1.25@ 1.50 per box; cranberries, $13 plants of the company. Eureka, Csl., Jan. 9.— F. L. Evans, the Denver, Northwestern A Pacific Condon— A. 8 . Hollen has purchased ®13.50 per barrel. a civil engineer, claiming to be hacked he 860-acre ranch on Trail fork, G il­ railroad to Portland. Vegetables — Beans, 20c per pound; Mutineers Rule in Siberia. Eastern Roads to Submit! More evidence in the Smoot case is by one of the transcontinental railroad liam county, belonging to J. W. Booth. cabbage, l ® 2c per pound; cauliflower, St. Petersburg, Jan. 6 . — Grave ap­ Washington, Jan. 6. — Thi^ to be taken by the senate committee magnates, has proposed to build a rail­ The transaction, which involves about $1.25 per dozen; celery, $3@3.50 per prehension-is felt regarding conditions committee representing the road from Eureka east to Caspar, $15,000, is one of the most important on privileges and elections. No direct word has managers of the Eastern trual Wyo., there to connect with four lines. real estate transfers for some time here, crate; pumpkins, Jk®lc per pound in Manchuria. Much American money was lent The proposed route is from Eureka, and gives Mr. Hollen a most valuable sprouts, 7>,c per pound: squash, 1 4 been received from General Linievitch, which came here yesterday, abroad during 1905. Nearly $200,- the terminus, to Delta Trinity river, farm and stock ranch. In thedeal Mr. @ l*v c per pound; turnips, 90c®$1 per the Russian commander in chief there, has been given the Interstsl^ 000,000 went to Japan alone. striking Pitt river, following that Booth takes residence property in Con­ sack; carrots, 65®75c per sack; beets since December 2 last, at which time merce commission that the 1 85c®$1 per sack. he reported the troops were defying indicated a desire to comply^ Alfred F. Norton, who has been stream through the Sierra Nevada don valued at about $5,000, consisting Onions— Oregon, No. 1, $1 @1.25 per their officers and burning and pillaging law in respect to the g ra n ti^ | ^ conducting a grocery store at Indianap­ mountains, touching Alturas, thence of several flue dwellings. Mr. Hollen sack; No. 2, 75®90c. olis "a s Christ would,” has gone bank­ to I.akeview and Vale, in Oregon, at w ill. Officials at the war office de­ bates and other special privils: selves is proprietor of the Condon Flouring Potatoes — Fancy graded Burbanks, clare that they fear the mutineers are rupt. thence through Southern Idaho and to low ing a conference of the trflB m ill. He will take possession of the 65® 75c pier sack; ordinary, 50®60c in absolute control east of Lake Baikal. Caspar, Wyo. ranch about March 1. If. H. Rogers, of the Standard Oil agers with the commission, s**: ™ 7 Merced sweets, 2c per pound. Workmen in the naphtha works at Baku ago, this committee has been K; i company, has defied the Missouri law Butter— Fancy ereamgry, 2 7 4 ® 30c went on strike yesterday, and it is Floods Destroy C ro ps. by refusing to answer questions con­ Newport as Winter Resort. securing pledges to this end, ^ per pound. feared there w ill be trouble there. Masatlan, Mex., Jan. 9.— According cerning the oil business. announcement is just made. Albany — Many Albany people are Eggs — Oregon ranch, 29®30c to Ignacie Feunte, government director per As a result of a collision on the in the town of Apomet, the people of spending» portion of the winter at dosen. Philippine la r i f f Up. No Retaliatory Measur* Newport on Yaqnina bay, where the Philadelnla A Erie railroad between a Poultry— Average old hens, 12,4® Washington, Jan. 4— Both branches Washington, Jan. 6 .— A mod fast passenger and a freight, three are facing starvation. Crops have been 134c per pound; springs, 1 2 4 ® 1 4 4 c ; of congress will convene at noon today taken by the honse leaders todsf^ trainmen were killed and 20 passengers almost entirely destroyed by the recent lightful. Only a lew days during the mixed chickens, 12® 124c; broilers, after a holdiay recess of two weeks. holiday season was the sea rough. more or lees seriously injured. 15®l6c; dressed chickens, 14® 15c; The leaders of the house have decided will assure no effort at retala* inundations, and the roads have been Some of the leading people of the val­ congress upon the railroads The revolution in'Russia has spoiled rendered impassable. turkeys, live, 14® 16c; turkeys dressed, Thousands of ley cities— Salem, Eugene, Albany, In­ choice, 17@20e; geese, live, 9 @ llc - that the Philippine tariff bill shall be ing railroad passes to mem the Christmas feetivitiee. cattle perished in Northern Sinaloa as first considered. It w ill be reported dependence and Corvallis— have spent ducks, 15® 16c. lowing a public interview by The loss without any rule to lim it debate, and No more Jamaicans w ill be allowled the result of the flood. a portion of the winter at the seaside, Grosvenor, of Ohio, yeste Hope— Oregon, 1905, choice, 10® 11 amendments may be offered ad libitum. to go to Panama to work on the canal. throughout Sinaloa will amount to and Newport is gaining a reputation as several thousands of dollars. per pound; prime, 8 4 ® 9 4 ; medium, It had been the intention to start with eating retaliation, Speaker B a winter resort. Chairman Overstreet, of the «8® 7® 3c; olds, 5®7c. Tha house and senta« are sut* to the statehood bill, but Mr. Hamilton W’ool— Eastern Oregon average best, chairman of the committee, is not on postoffices and postroads, indi Damages to American Property. slash over the appropriation of money. Few Hops Left in Josephine. leaders held a conference last night f 16®21c per pound; valley, 24®26c- quite ready to report that measure. St. Petersburg, Jan. 9.— Mr. Meyer, Grants Pass — Several sales of hops mohair, choice, 30c. which the agreement was reaùtd. Fire in th* heart of Kansas City de­ the American ambassador, has received have been made here recently at from stroyed three blocks. The loss will from the consuls at Moscow and Odessa 19 to _________ Beef — Dressed bulls, l ® 2c per nBV„ California to Celebrate. ‘ 10 renU. About 500 bales have reach $600,000. No lives were lost. Wedding Day Annou-'i-d detailed report* of the injuries suffered changed hands, and bv February 1 but pound; cows, 3®4C; country steers Washington, Jan. 8.— Representative •*®44c. Washington, Jan. 8 .— Thdn r du*,nl» »he re- few hope will be held by the growers Kahn, of California, introduced a bill T h * drydork Dewey, on it* way to cent riots. A P^°Pert3 Veal— Dressed, 3®8 4 c per pound. and Mrs. Roosevelt announced statement of the damages in Josephine county, There are quite th* Philippine*, has reached Bermuda, claimed will b* forwarded by Mr. Mntton— Dressed, fancy 6® « 4 C per »5 ,0r * n *PProPr'* t'°n of that the wedding of Miss Al where a stop was made for coal and Merer to the State department for in­ a few baby hops still held and a few pound; ordinary, 4®5c; lambs, 7® *o,u w ,000 for an exposition in 8an velt to Representative Nicht old ones, though not to exceed 500 ?*c. Francisco in 1913 to celebrate the provisions. struction. worth, of Cincinnati, FebJ bales in all. 400th anniversary of the discovery of Pork—Dressed, 6®74c per pound. 12 o’ clock noon, in the ß th* Pacific ocean by Bslbo*. the white house. Fruit Inspector in Linn. Albany—The Linn county court has appointed E. C. Armstrong, residing at Marion station, Marion county, to act as fruit inspector for Linn county, temporarily, on the recommendation of Horticultural Commissioner C. A. Park, of Salem. Mr. Park wished to secure here a man who would be ready to begin war on pests at once. The court will at once Belect a man for per­ manent appointment who w ill be asked to take a short course in training under Professor A. B. Cordley, at the Oregon Agricultural college. I V .p »1 t\ *'. A