Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 21, 1905, Image 5

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Aud A re
CUIUS »Hl«l AU lisi FAUX.
H e a r d f r o m A g ^ i n by
t Cough tíjrrup. Tantea (Joud. 17«
_| In time. Bold by druggists.
T lie ir F r ie n d » .
More than 6,000 persons annually
disappear In the United States and
are never heard from again. A t first
blush the assertion seems Incredible,
but police statistics furnish confirma­
She— I* a telephone girl’s occupation
tion. The actual figures, based on a
a profession or a business? He—
conservative calculation, are even
Neither; It’s a calling.— Chicago News.
more alarming than those given, says
“ My dear girl, do you think It Is the Brooklyn Eagle. In fact, the re-
right to let that young man spend so ports o f the police departments o f the
much money on you?” “ Why not? I larger cities show that in the twelve
have no intentions of marrying him." months Just passed 10,008 of the per­
H e (after the ceremony)— Do you sons who disappeared during the year
really think I shall make a good mate, were never reported as found; but the
darling? She— Oh, you're all right! shrewd police officers, accustomed to
H ow do you like your captain?— Chi­ the eccentricities o f human nature, are
cago Journal.
j o f the opinion that the return o f many
K elly— Con Cooney wor pinched this thousands of these persons, through
afternoon for Intimidatin' a shtrlke neglect or -Indifference, was never re-
breaker. Welch— Ye don’t tell me? An’ ported at police headquarters.
phwat passed between thim? K elly— even after making allowances o f this
Wan brick.— Puck.
feature o f the case It Is reasonably
Tax Assessor— Can you give me certain that more than 6,000 persons
some Idea of what your husband Is were swallowed up In oblivion.
The tragedies o f real life hidden
worth? Lady— Really, I don’t know,
but I wouldn’t take a million dollars within these peculiar cases. If they
| could but be brought to light, would
for him.— Chicago Journal.
Great Author— Walter, this steak Is rival many o f the novels planned by
as tough a3 leather. Walter— I ’ve al­ the world's greatest writers. No sub-
ways heard you was an original char­ I ject that can be Imagined has such
acter, sir, but I ’m hanged If you don't weird fascination ns that of the thou-
F i-m -fiù iA d n ri
Twice as Good
One Third the Cost
T h e re A r e O th ers.
Every day is bargain day in the
Wave Circle.
Come in and get ac­
K C w ill help you cut
down the living expenses and make
doctor’ s bills a thing of the past. Do
you realize that you can get the best
and purest baking powder in the world
at one-third what you’ve been paying
for anywhere near K C quality. A zy
ounce cun costs 25 c. Think of the saving I
Can you make money any easier ? Get
it to-day.
The grocer returns the
price of can if you are not satisfied.
S o m e w h a t D i*’’
4 1
Healthy Children.
Without good health life is not worth
Jiving. Sickly, peevish children are a
Source of endless trouble and anxiety
to their parents, yet the children’ s con­
dition is frequently due to their par­
ents’ ignorance or thoughtlessness, or
To make children healthy and to
keep them in that condition it is ne­
cessary to feed them proper food and
to see that they get plenty of exercise
ami fresh air.
Meat is very bad for
It should be avoided and
*01 rich in phosphates, such as Pills-
bury’s Vitos, should be given in its
This food is truly the “ meat of the
It is made by the world’ s
greatest millers and it iB free from arti­
ficial coloring or aduteration.
It is
not especially a child’s food. Your
whole fam ily w ill enjoy this common
sense cereal. It makes a wholesome,
substantial breakfast or an appetizing
dessert, and can be prepared in one
hundred different ways.
Every g >od grocer w ill supply you
with Pillsbury’ s Vitos. Large package
— enough to make twelve pounds of
strength-building food, 20c. Ask your
grocer about it today.
More horses fall from weariness than
from any other cause.
$100 R ew a rd , $100.
The readers o f this paper w i l l be pleased to
Ml earn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
—That science has been ab le to cu re in a ll its
stages, a n d th a t is C atarrh . H a ll’s Catarrh
C u re
/the o n ly positive cure k n o w n to the
m e d ic a l fra te rn ity . C atarrn b e in g a constitu­
t io n a l disease, req uires a con stitution al treat­
m en t. H a l l ’s C a ta rrh Cure is taKen in te rn a lly ,
acting d i r e c i ly upon the blood a n d mucous
e u n a c e s o f the system , thereby d e stroyin g the
fo u n d a tio n of the disease, a n d g iv in g the p a ­
tient stre n g th by b u ild in g u p the constitution
and a s s is tin g n a tu re in d o in g it s w o r k . T h e
r o p r ie to r s h a v e so m u c h fs lt h in it s c u r a tiv e
srers t h a t t h e y o ffe r O n e H u n d r e d D o llars
:or a n y case t h a t I t f a i l » to c u re . S e n d fo r lis t
o i te s t im o n ia ls .
Ad, tress.
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., T o le d o , a
M f i l b v d ru g g is ts , 7,ic.
u lc lr s F a m ily P ills a re th e b es t.
Piso’s C u r e 1. a g o o d c o u g h medicine.
I t has cured c o u g h s and c o l d s for forty
years. A t d r u g g is t s , 25 c e n t s .
V e r y full cheeks indicate great diges­
tive powers.
Is Y o u r
Hair Sick?
T h a t ’s too b a d ! W e h a d n o ­
ticed it w a s looking p r e tty
thin a n d fa d e d of late, b u t
n a tu r a lly d id not like to s p e a k
o f it. B y th e w a y , A y e r ’s
H a i r V ig o r is a r e g u la r h a ir
g r o w e r , a p e r f e c t h a i r re -
*orer. It k e e p s t h e a c a l p
le le a n a n d h e a lth y .
" I am well acquainted with Ayer’« Heir
Vigor and I like it very much. I would espe­
cially recommend It aa an excellent dressing
for tne hair, keeping It soft and srnooth, and
preventing the hair from splitting at the
M i* m l KaiTZ. Veedum. Mich.
» by J. C. Ayer Co . Lowell, Mese
A le o manufacturers of
S A M A F A tlU A .
Mothers will fin-1 Mr«. Winslow’s Soothing
Syrup the best rem edy to use fur their children
during the teething period.
It it strange that in Asia and Africa,
where grass will not grow, the most
beautiful flowers and shrub, flourish to
Fastest, lightest h i h ! MtrongPHt stum p Puller
on the market. 119 Horse power on '.lie sweep
with two horses. W rite tor descriptive la ia log
aud j f l i m
Foot ol Morrison Street
Portland, Oregon
j i l t G ro c e rs
Send postal fo r the beautiful
“ B o o k o f Presents.”
E D L / C M -r / O fiJ
C h ic a a o .
I ) f fe r e n o e .
T o o Severe».
“ Why don’t you get up and give that
seat to your father, Bobby?” reprimand­
ed the lady. “ Dou’t it pain you to see
hiifi reaching for a strap?”
“ Not on the street car,” chuckled
Bobby, ‘‘but it pains me to see him
reaching for a strap at home.”
Nell— When I marry it shall be to a
man of nerve. I put Ilarry to the test
and ho failed.
Bell— And what was the test, dear?
Nell— I told him to go out on the
busiest street and yell “ Hurrah for Rus­
sia,” but he backed oil*:.
say Just the same as all on ’em do.— sands who hnve K°ne down this « « “ d
canyon o f oblivion.
It would be possible to fill many
“ Pop! “ Yes, my sou.” “ What Is a
pages with the absorbing stories of
screen for?”
“ To hide things, my
I these curious cases, but nearly every
“ Pop!” “ Y'es, my son.”
“ Is
| reader of the newspapers, whether he
that the reason they screen a ton of
live In village, town or city. Is proba­
coal, to hide the weight?” — Yonkers
Y o u Can G et A lle n ’s F oot-E a se FR E E.
Permanently Cured. N o fits or nervousness
bly acquainted with some Instance of
„ „ .
after first day’s use of Dr.Kline’sUreat Nerve
the kind concerning either relative or jree «ample of Allen’s Foot Kase. It cures Restorer. Send for F r e e M'-i trial bottle and treatise.
Mamma— Now, Elsie, dear, what Is friends. Men or women who have ; »«eating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes Dr. It.M .K lin e, Ltd.,931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
. . | new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
a cat? Elsie— Dunno. Mamma— Well, lost all they have treasured
most In corns, ingrowing nails a n d bunions. Alldrug,
what’s that funny Utile animal that life In this manner go about vacantly. ■ gists sell It. ‘¿5c. Don’t accept any substitute,
A T h eo ry D e m o n s tra te d .
comes creeping up the stairs when ev­ humbly, ever waiting for the return
“ Do you believe that any oue can put
H i . H a p p ie s t H o u r.
people to sleep by means of hypnotism?”
eryone’s In bed? Elsie (promptlyl— of the misslngone— a dream that never
“ Y'es,” answered Miss Cayenne, “ Mr.
He— Do you remember the night I
Papa.— Illustrated Bits.
comes true.
Dullboy was talking about it yesterday.
asked you to marry me?
Mrs. Owllllams (of the flat above)—
A glance at the police statistics In
sleepy before ue had spokeu twen­
She— Yes. dear.
Your children woke me up at 5 o’clock a few o f the leading cities shows the
“ For a whole hour we sat there, and ty words.”
this morning with their noise, and I ever-growing extent o f the “ disap­ not a word did you speak. Ah, that was
didn’t go to sleep ag tin. Mrs. Sfllnt—■ pearance habit.” In the city o f New the happiest hour of my life!” — Echo de
Did they? The darlings! They are so Y’ork during the last year 1,415 per­ Paris.
full o f life!— Chicago Tribune.
sons were reported to the police as
f Ht
Enthusiast— I think you are Just missing. O f this number 751 return­
grand, Mr. Bandleader. Are you very ed to their homes, leaving <W4 still
busy all the time? Orchestra Conduc­ missing or unaccounted for. In Phila­
T ° c o - ^ « fln « ¡#5
Tor Infants and Children.
tor— W hy do you ask, madam? En­ delphia during the same period 1,912 j
thusiast— Oh. you beat time so splen­ persons were reported ns missing. Of
didly. I have some rugs to beat on tills number 1.555 returned to their
Saturdays and I ’d like to engage you homes, leaving 307 who were still In
In advance to do them.— Philadelphia the land of the missing. In Boston Signature o f
during the year 411 persons were re­
Mr. Pett Ridge, of London, at the ported as missing and 108 o f these
S p le n d id S c h e m e .
annual meeting of the Invalid Chil­ were afterward located, leaving 303
Rastus— I tol’ Maudy not to fogit to
dren’s Aid Association, told of two unaccounted for. This percentage of wake uie up at 0 o'clock to-morrow
f u r r -r v . A J TOWER COj
little girls who were sent out o f a unexplained cases Is larger In propor- mornlug.
Ike— Why, you doan’ have to go to
board school to wash the*- faces. Said tion than either New Y'ork or Philadel­
the elder to the younger, proudly: “ My phia, but Superintendent Peirce Is of
face Is much dirtier thai. yours.” “ Of the opinion that a number of those faction of rolling over an’ goin' to sleep
course,” said the other. “ You're a persons reported as missing afterward again.
sought their homes and the friends or
year older.” — Dally Chronicle.
"Gerald, what makes your eyes so relatives neglected to notify the police
red?” “ Are they red, Millie? Then it o f the fact.
must be because I didn’t sleep well
last nlgut.” “ Are you trcubled with
Insomnia? You ought to take some­ L e t t e r s o f F a m o u s P e r s o n s R u t h l e s s l y
A c o n g e s t e d v e in p r e s s in g o n a n e r v e a c c o u n t s fo r th e s w e llin g , th r o b b in g a c h e of
R u m m a g e d W h e n T h e y A r e Gone.
thing to cure It.” “ But I don't want
to be cured o f it. 1 He awake think­
There Is uo question of literary eth­
ing o f you.” It was plain sailing for ics on which opinions differ more sin­
Gerald after that.— Chicago Tribune.
cerely than the degree to which the
A small boy from the north who w.is private life o f a great man rightly be­
visiting a relative In one o f the south­ comes public property after his death
ern States where convict labor Is em­ Nealy 200 years ago I ’ope complained
ployed In public Improvements be­ that Curll, the publisher, by his prac­
fr e e s th e c ir c u la t io n , a lla y s th e p r e s s u re a n d s o o th e s a w a y th e p a in .
came very interested in the men and tice o f seizing on the letters and rem­
their black and white striped clothes. nants o f dead nuthors, had added a
P r ic e , 25c. a n d JO e.
One day he went to a circus, and for new terror to death. It Is no new ter­
the first time In his life saw a zebra.
“ Oh, auntie,” he cried, “ look at the proceedings and the majority o f us are
A n In s in u a tio n .
convict mule!” — Llppiucott’s Magazine. content, while enjoying the last Indis­
C h o ic e o f E v ils .
"Women,” remarked Growells, “ al­
Singleton— Just as soou as a woman
"H ang the luck! I lost a peach of creet revelation, to utter a few conver­
ways have their purses filled with sam­
an umbrella to-day.” "Yes, people sational protests, which prove the delf can manage a man her love begiua to
don’t seem to have any conscience cacy o f our feelings and encourage the cool.
"Anyway,” rejoined Mrs. Growells.
Wedderly— Yes; and just as soon as
about swiping umbrellas. How did
she discovers she can’t manage him ahe in a tone redolent of sarcasm, “ we dou’t
you lose It?” “ Well, It was standing
get them filled In ‘sample rooms.’ ”
begins to make It hot for him.
against the wall In the restaurant. I their Insignificance from a similar ex
like Tennyson and
kept my eye on It----- ’’ “ You bet; you posure, who,
have to! Well?” “ Aud just as I was Thackeray, foresee an Interminable
getting up, the fellow that owned It series of biographers each more ruth
came along and took It!” — Cleveland less than the lust In rummaging for
the unrevealed, may protest with pas­
sion and take steps to prevent the vio­
At the end o f January Mrs. Wunder
lation o f their posthumous privacy,
brought her nice new expense book to
and for doing so some will think them
her husband. “ I can figure up my Jan-
affected, some silly and some the only
uary balance all right, she said, b u t,
N o other bodily suffering is equal to that produced by the pain o f Rheu­
In fact,
I ’ m either $19.05 behind or ahead. I
on this very matter every shade matism. W hen the poisons and acids, which cause this disease, become in ­
remember what all the other Items are
the trenched in the blood there is hardly any part o f the body that is not af­
for, but I can’ t recall whether I spent j
fected. T h e muscles become sore and drawn, the nerves twitch and sting,
scale being marked at one
that $19.05 for something, or you gave j
the joints inflame and swell, the bones ache, every movement is one ol
by those
who habitually Inveigh
It to me for household expenses.” Mr.
agony, and the entire body is racked with pain. Rheumatism is brought on
against "the vulgar aud insatiable
Wnnder looked at the page for a mo­
by indigestion, stomach troubles, torpid Liver, weak K idneys and a general
curiosity” of the public and at the oth­
ment, then handed back the book with
inactive state of the system. The refuse matter instead o f passing off
a condescending air. “ My dear," he
through nature's avenues is left to sour and form uric acid, and other acrid
these old love
said, “ that 1905 seems to me to Indi­ who In , his preface . to
. .
poisons which are absorbed into the blood. Rheumatism does not affect
letters laments over ’the Insatiate maw
In som e-case3 it takes a
cate what year this Is.” — Judge.
n y e a r s a g o I h ad a s e v e rs
of the sertp basket from which he w andering fo r m ; it may be in the a t A t a b c o k u t o f fiftee
K h e u m a t ls m a n d c ou ld not
Among the visitors at an art exhi­ has snatched them.
j anus or i egs one (( ay an(j j n the w o r k w it h a n y s a t is fa c t io n . M y le g e
bition were two old ladles from the
e b a d l y s w o lle n a n d d r a w n so I
For our curiosity, even when trivial, shoulders, feet, hands, back or other w e u r ld
s c a rc e ly w a lk . I trie d m a n y re m .
country. They were examining with there is a good deal to he said. It Is parts of the body the next. Others e c d o ie
e b u t c o u ld g e t n o re lie f. I w e e fin .
great Interest a bas-relief of a young natural to want to know as much aa suffer more seriously, and are never a l l y re c o m m e n d e d to t r y 8. 8. S. a n d it
a oon c u re d m e e ou n d a n d w e ll. I em
Greek shepherd, beneath which were possible of the character o f the great
free from pain. The uric acid and n o w 74 y e a r e o ld a n d h a v e n e v e r h ad
Inscribed the words. “ Executed In men who have molded our thoughts 6ther irritating substances find lodge­ a n y r e t u r n o f th e t r o u b le ,
terra cotta.” “ I wonder where Terra directed our feelings, shared our ex- m ent in the muscles and joints and
B o x 104.
A u r o r a , 111.
Cotta Is,” ventured the elder of the I P*r,enoes- and to derive pleasure from as these deposits increase the mus-
S o m e tim e a g o I h a d R h t u m a t ia m a n d
two, turning to her companion. "W ell, knowing their habits and how they cles become stiff and the joints
h a d to q u it w o r k . T h a p a in s in m y b a c k
now, I ought to know,” hesitated the | lived through an ordinary day Is as locked and immovable. It matters a n d b e tw e e n m y s h o u ld e r s w a s so i n ­
n s e I c o u ld n ot re st o r eleep. I tr ie d
other, "but I can t seem to place it natural as to enjoy hearing such de- hot in what form the disease m ay be
e v e r y t h in * b u t n o t h in * d id me a n y wood
Just now.” "Ah, well, rejoined the tails about absent friends. But to pub-I the cause is always the same— asour, t i l l I h e a rd o f a n d to o k S. 8. 8. T h is
d ic in e c u re d me so u n d a n d w e ll. I t
first speaker, as they passed on, "It ||st, the secrets o f the famous require* | acid condition o f the blood.
This p m u e rifie
d m y b lo o d a n d m a d e me fee l Ilk a
must be a dreadful place If they exe- more excuse than the fact that, being vita l stream has lost its purity and a n e w m a n .
C O N R A D L .O H R ,
ente harmless young boys like that dead, they can not feel shame or dis- freshness, and instead of nourish-
133 E . 10th St.
there.” — Philadelphia Ledger.
tress. Disclosures. If they are not In- in g and feeding the different parts
An •r,on>In “ *
On one of the old turnpikes yet re- tended as exposures, must throw new w ith health-giving properties, it fills them with the acids and salts o f this
malnlng In the South x big touring car light upon their work and character or painful and far-reaching disease. The cold and dampness o f W inter always
had twice rushed through the gate upon events, or bring as a warranty intensify the pains o f Rheumatism, and the sufferer to get relief from the
without paying toll. The third time »»m e gift o f beauty or knowledge to agony, rubs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or uses
they made the attempt the negro toll- the common memory. The presentl- plasters and other home remedies. These are desirable because they g iv e
man shut his gate anil brought them ment of publicity is an unwholesome tem porary ease and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is in
to a stand. With Indignation the half- burden to carry through life and tho the blood and beyond the reach o f such treatment. S. S. S. is the best rem-
edy for Rheumatism, It goes into the
dozen occupants of the car declared revealers o f private letters and papers,
blood and attacks the disease at its head,
they were entitled to ride free "Look who Intensify it. are responsible for
and by neutralizing and d rivin g out the
at your own board.” said the spokes- Inflaming the self consciousness o f an-
keids and building up the thin, sour
man. “ It says. ’Every carriage, cart thors and of everyone who comes near
blood it cures the disease permanently,
or wagon drawn by one beast, two them, Let them look to It that what'
rem «
. , r l , ...............
^ h ile cleansing the blood S. S. S. tones
additional beast two they publish has sound compensatory
rents.’ W e re not drawn by any beast value, for we are paying for the amuse-
n a rtT A h e
at all ” “ N o- but here's where ye ment they offer by a loss o f natural-
. , „
other part o f the system, soothes the
the deposits in the joints,
come In, sab," replied the darky, point- ness
| relieves all pain and com pletely cures this distressing disease. S. S. S. is a
ing to anotuer danse as follows: ’Ev- don Speaker
! certain cure for Rheumatism in any form ; Muscular, Inflam m atory, Articu-
ery half-dozen bogs. Tour cents.’ An’
People enjoy most the favors they U r or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, without
three times four Is twelve,” he added.
are not expected to return.
charge, to all who write. JH £ S W I F T SPECIFIC G O : A T L A N T A . GAm
The Kind You Have Alw ays Bought
the : c o m f o r t e r
C lip this out, return to us with the names
and addresses o f yourself and two of your
friends, and the date when you will probably
enter a business college, and we will credit
you with $5.00 on our $b5.00 scholarship.
O ur school offers exceptional advantages to
students of Business. Shorthand, English, ate.
JA Q U E S M F C . OO.
“ I suppose that old chap with the
long white whiskers over there is one
j o t your old settlors, Isn't he?” said the
'grocery drummer.
“ I reckon he’s what yew might call
a old resident,” rejoined the village
merchant, “ but he ain’t no old settler.
He's been a-owln’ me for nigh onto
thirty years.”
Harter— Grumleigh strike» me as bt
lng rather selfish.
He seema to live
eutirely withil himself.
Carter— Oh, well, he isn’t the only
man in towu who lives iu a flat.
B est I n stru ctio n — L owest T u itio n
BUSINESS i n s t i t u t e :
M. A. ALBIN, Pats
se s ix t h s t .
P o
r tlan d
, O
. \
A tract of 1,500 to 2,000 acres of pastura
land in tli-i Willamette valley, within
fair dhtance of the railroad. Must ba
reasonable in price, well watered anil
in M «rioii. Linn, l ane, Benton or I’olk
county. Address, with fuh particulars,
Buyer, No. 415 Murquain Bldg., l ’oit-
land, Oregon.
Dr. C, Gee Wo
This w m dtrful Chi­
nese Due;or Is call« <1
great because he c ires
people without opera­
tion that are glve.i up
to die. lie cures with
those wonderful Cii.-
11 « a*« herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vej etabh-s
that are entirely un­
known to medical sc.-
em e in tb s c >nu ry. 1’htouKh he ttsu of those
harmless remedies this fain iih uO’tor knows
the acliou oio\er 500 d-feren. r-mt-dlet will-h
h« siicct“ slully uses In dilYt n n diseased. He
m irani. estoeurecata rh. asthma, lung, ihr at,
rh* uiua.Ism, nervousDi>ss, stomach, liver ; k-d-
n ys, etc. ; has hundreds of testimonials,
Churges moderate. Call and see him. I’atl« nts
out of the city write lor hlunkr and e rculars.
bead stamp. C O N S U L T A T IO N Pit UK.
162% First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
N e u r a lg ia
St. Jacob s O il
A New Organ
D e liv e re d to any R a il­
r o a d S ta tio n o r B o a t
La n d in g in O re g o n
H ere 1« a p ic tu re o f o n e <>f th e m ost p e r fe c t ly
fin ish ed orga n a n o w n a :iiifs c iu r « d
It is th e
i ’a c iflc Q u een , m a d e esp ecia l v fo r F ile rs r ia n o
H ouse. C h o ice o f fa n c y w a ln u t o r f'tdec ed
oak « a e*
H u e , v e r y la r g e b e v e le d plat«» m ir ­
ror, p e r fe c tly fin is h e d ; an o rn a m e n t to a u y
m at sion.
N u m ero u s n ew and v a lu a b le Im p ro v e m e n ts
are ern bon led in th is o rg a n , m a k in g it a t o n c e
o n e o f th e t * s t and m o tt d u ra b le o rga n a man­
u fa ctu red in th e I ' i i ile d b'ta es.
i u ilt w ith a peclal re g a rd to P a c ific Coaat
c lim a te .
Besides th e re g u la r reed ton e, th is in s tru ­
m e n t also has Neversl o c ta v e s o f the r g u la v
pipe effects, to be tou n d in no o th e r m ake.
Special Introductory offer.
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