LO CAL AND PERSO NAL GALES CREEK Miss Carrie Shearer of Hillside is A good line of wall paper at the the guest of Miss Lafferty this week. Auction House. 2t J. W. H. Adkins, who has been in — The Home Bakery— headquarters Portland for some time, returned home for holiday fruit cakes. E. Kreider has resumed work at his Saturday. J. L. Loving and Budd Ranes are — Leave your orders at Home Bakery at work on the telephone lines. Mr. for Xmas and New Year’ s fruit cakes. Hughes is making a division, one to be the Heisler line ¡md the other the Miss Bessie Venen of Portland, visited her parents here the first of the Wilson. Mr. Hughes and Sam Todd passed week. through here Sunday in their automo­ The local fire department company now numbers 34 members in good bile. Earl and Carl Clapshaw killed a 200 standing. pound bear near John McClaran’ s, — The Auction House carries new and Sunday morning, this is the second and second hand cook stoves and bear the boys have killed in the past heaters. 2t few weeks and they think there is still The attendance at the public school another one about there. is 340. Pupils are still registering Mrs. Laura Allen and Mrs. Joel each day. York are visitors at the home farm George Boos was in from the quarry with their mother, Mrs. Wilson. and transacted business in Forest The short series of meetings at the Grove Tuesday. A. C. church have closed. Mrs. Harry Goff and little son were Mrs. Will Wilson and Mrs. Clark among the Forest Grovites who visited spent Saturday in Forest Grove. in the metropolis the past week. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen made a Mr. and Mrs. Willis Goff gave a visit to the metropolis Monday. family chafing dish party the forepart Miss Lee of Portland spent a couple of the week. The Roe and Goff of days with her parents, this week. families were present. logging camp near Scoggins’ Valley. A petition is being circulated by the Dissolution of Partnership. advocates of Woman’ s Suffrage, asking that that question be submitted to the The Partnership heretofore existing voters at the June election. between E. X. Harding and W . C. Mrs. Lawless, who for several Kertson, as the Gaston Milling Co., is months past has been conducting dress this day dissolved by mutual consent, making parlors near the Wirtz building, W. C. Kertson retiring and E. X. Harding re aining the business, col­ moved Monday to Buxton. lecting all accounts and paying all bills Jasper P. Reeves of Blooming, of the late firm. recently sold his potato crop of 900 sacks. Buyers are now offering from SS to 60 cents per hundred. E. X. H arding , W. C. K ertson . Mrs. Josephine Patton, a valued Mr. Harding wishes to thank their member of The News staff, spent many friends and customers for past several days the forepart of the week patronage and hope by honorable and at her home on Gales Creek. fair dealing to merit a continuance of J. H. Mclnry, traveling salesman the same. for the Blaseing Granite Company, was the guest of his old time friend, Frank College Notes (From The W eekly Index.) H. Saunders, for several days the past w eek .. Miss Eva Lund, ex-’ 07, is doing Mrs. E. B. James and little son Lanta, arrived from Laidlaw, Wasco County, Monday evening to spend several days visiting friends in Forest Grove. Free— An entertainment given by the children in the interest of Foreign missions, at the Free Methodist church, Friday night, Nov. 17, at 7:30. Come all. A man having anything to sell And whispering it down a well, Will never gain the shining dollars H e’ s like the man that climbs the curb and hollers. This isn.t poetry but it expresses the truth that if a man has anything to sell he must advertise. — If you want a fountain pen of good quality and a pen for general use and much durability, there is nothing equals a Geo. S. Parker lucky curve. The spear head retainer is new this year. A large stock at Abbott & Son. Call and try one that will suit your hand and know the pleasure of a good pen, Mrs. M. S. Allen is receiving med ical treatment from one of the Sanita­ riums in Portland. Last summer she was injured in an accident and lately complications have arisen which made it imperative to consult specialists. She goes back and forth each day and some improvement is already noticeable. work as a deaconess in San Francisco. Her special duty now is missionary work among the Chinese and Japanese. Miss Lund says this is the most inter­ esting as well as the hardest work she has done. Her field of work is in Chinatown where she calls at the homes to do personal work beside teaching in the Oriental Home for Or­ phans and Rescued Chinese Slave Girls. Miss Lund likes her work and says she is gradually becoming accus­ tomed to the unpleasant conditions of Chinatown. Chinatown in San Fran­ cisco has about thirty thousand inhabi­ tants. Miss Lund’ s parents reside in Cornelius. Edward Knighten has_ filed m the county clerk’ s office papers in an ac- tion for divorce from his wife Hettie, alleging in his complaint that on the 10th day of April, 1895, he married Hettie Ward and they have ever since been husband and wife; that on Octo- ber 1, 1904, she willfully and without cause deserted him and has ever since remained away, though he has request­ ed her to return and live with him. H e declares that he is possessed of no real estate in this, or any other state and that at the present time he has no personal property aside from his wear­ ing apparel. H e asks for judgment and a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between them.— Independent. The Roseburg Plaindealer has been enlarged and improved; a new weekly paper has been launched at Albany; also one at Cottage Grove, and several LOOK T H E S E OVER. in Eastern Oregon. Other papers throughout the state are appearing in — Goidenrod Flour, buy it, try it. improved form, and, taking them all — Empty barrels for sale at Miller’ s together, there is considerable pros­ drug store. perity evident with the publishing — W ood sawed promptly. Call up fraternity of Oregon. It is only an­ Gasoline W ood Saw. Phone 583. other noticeable thing denoting a — Victor flour is guaranteed. steady and substantial growth in the development of our grand state.— —Goidenrod Flour 11.10 per sack. Brownsville Times. — There’ s no valley wheat used in Word reached here last week that making Victor flour. an old soldier and G. A. R. man living —Call up phone 583, when you at Sherwood, had lost his home and want your wood sawed. entire contents by a recent fire. The — “ Crescent” is the Standard of Ex­ man and his family were away at the cellence for Valley flour. time of the conflagration and its origin — American made alarm clocks at is not known. The W. R. C. of this place, composed of 36 loyal members, Abbott fit Son's at 65 cents. quickly responded by forwarding to the comrade a box containing about f3 5 worth of clothing and provisions together with a little cash amount. This organization never has been known to tum a deaf ear to the wants of an old soldier or those dependent upon him. — Money to loan on farm security. W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. — If you ate troubled with indiges­ tion, constipation, sour stomach, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. Dr. Hines Drug Store. Goidenrod Flour ORDINANCE NO 145 An Ordinance to Provide Fire Limits in the City of Forest Grove, Wash­ ington County, Oregon, and for the Construction, Removal and Re­ pair of Buildings Within Said Limits. The City of Forest Grove dain as follows: does or- Section 1.— The following bounda­ ries, and the territory within said boundaries, are hereby established as the fire limits of the City of Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block No. 2 in said City as shown by the Recorded Plat of said City on file in the office of the Record­ er of Conveyances for said County and State, and running thence West on the North line of said Block No. 2, 200 feet; thence South to the South line of said Block; thence East on said South line 200 feet to the Southeast comer thereof; thence North on the East line of said Block to the Northeast comer thereof, the place of beginning. Also the following described boundaries and the territory within said boundaries, to- wit: Beginning at the Southeast comer of Block 1 of Walker’ s Addition to the Town of Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for said County and State, and running thence North 200 feet; thence West to the West line of said Block; thence South 200 feet; thence East to the place of beginning. moved from any place without the said fire limits to any place within said fire limits, or from one place within said fire limits to another place within said fire limits, except that wooden build­ ings may be moved from the front of any lots within said fire limits to the rear of the same lots upon which said buildings stand; provided that the wooden buildings or structures, which shall be covered with iron and with roofs of the materials specified in Section Two of this ordinance and which shall be used only for storage purposes, may be constructed when permitted by the Council. Section 6.— The owner or agent of the owner, shall not permit any wood­ en or frame building to remain within ( said fire limits after the same has been destroyed by fire to the extent o f ; twenty per cent of the value thereof, except at the option of the Council, and if the same has been destroyed by fire beyond repair it shall be removed within thirty days, and after thirty days after giving notice by the City Marshal, each and every week, during which said structure destroyed by fire or par­ tially destroyed by fire shall be permit­ ted to remain, shall constitute a sepa­ rate and distinct offense and violation of this ordinance, and such owner or agent of the owner, shall be liable to j The new store in Cornelius is now open. In the line of dry goods prosecution and to the penalties provid­ and Notions, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods of all kinds; ed by this ordinance. Shirts and Overalls of all sizes, patterns and pieces. In groceries of the fin­ Section 7.— No manufactory or est quality we excel, and have a splendid stock. A good line of farm im­ workshop or any business requiring a j plements, Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Harrows,, Cultivators, etc. We have steam boiler shall be located or operat­ the Standard manufactures. We take Produce in payment and pay the ed within the fire limits described in highest market price for the same. Come and see the new store. Corner Section One of this Ordinance. Fourth and Main stieets. No trouble to show goods, even if you do not Section 8.— Any person who shall ] buy. We are here to make you prices that will cause you to buy and us H endricks & S on violate any of the provisions of this. to sell Ordinance shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ■ twenty dollars, and not more than one Notice For Publication SE A R S & W A T K IN S hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, ■" Proprietor of— — — Sept. 29, 1905. the City jail of the City of Forest •The Leading Barber Shop. , Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the CT Grove, not more than twenty days or provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en- Up-to-date Hair-cutting and If you want the best Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Toilet Articles and Drugs At the most reasonable prices consider- ing quality, go to Dr. Hines’ Drugstore New Store at Cornelius Section 2.— All outside or party walls of buildings hereafter built, con­ structed or placed within the bounda­ ries described in Section One of this Ordinance, shall be constructed of brick, stone, or other non-combustible material, and no wood or other com­ » 1 .» , £ , . . . . I titled “ An act f r the sale of timber lands in the States bustible material shall be placed nearer D y D O tn SU C h h n £ E n el 1 H I p n s o n r n e n t i n of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri- Shaving. Laundry agency. the discretion of the Court and in de- <°nr.” to all Public of Land States county by *ct of of than four inches of the outside surface m e u iscreuon oi m e u o u it an u in ue Au?ujt as 4 extended 1!W2 Cl3rk p the HadlfVi Portlani - P o re st (ir o v o of said walls, except as hereinafter pro­ fault of the payment of said fine shall Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this i Miiin S treet. - . , . , . .. , office his sworn statement No. 6677, for the purchase of vided. The roof of all the buildings , tie imprisoned in the City jail one day 1 the e 1/» of sw v, of section No 21 and evy of sw v ,) erected within said fire limits shall be for every two dollars of such fine. '¿ZSjZVZ. J23E composed of tin, slate, non-combustible Section 9 . - This ordinance shall be SiSSSTtS V ^ Z fl& S lS r ' ¿ S M P hysician and S urgeon composition, or other non-combustible in full force and effect on and after the Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the I3th material, and all outside walls or party hour Of twelve O clock noon of the 15 Office Over Abbott & Son’s Jewelry Store. He names as witnesses: W esley Penney of Saint Office Phone Ind. 752 Res. Phone Ind. 503 walls shall extend at least two feet day of November, 1905. Johns. Ore., Jacob T. Cox. o f Glenwood P. O ., Ore., | Thomas Varley, of Glenwocd P. O., Ore., A. M. Stearns, above the roof of said building except and °* P°rtIant*» Ore. Forest Grove Section 10.— All - ordinances Oregon # , | Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- the walls at the rear of the building. parts of ordinances in conflict herewith described lands are requeued to file their claims in this Provided the requirements of Section ; office on or before said i3th day o f December, 1905. ------------ ^ are hereby repealed. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. One and of this section shall not apply First Pub., October 5. ' A S K T H E A G E N T FOR Passed by the Common Council of to outside water closets or privies, and provided further that the City Council the City of Forest Grove, Oregon, this Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real TICKETS VIA may in their discretion permit build­ 14 day of November, 1905, and ap­ Property. ings to be erected of corrugated iron proved by the Mayor of said City on the 14 day of October, 1905. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE or other non combustible material. GON FOR MARION COUNTY J. C. CLARK, Section 3.— No person shall erect, In the matter o f the guardianship of Philip Beal, a City Recorder. minor. construct or otherwise place within Pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court made said fire limits any building or structure Approved this 14 day of October, 1905 on the 16th day o f October, 1905, authorizing and di­ C. N. J ohnson , of any kind without first obtaining from recting the guardian of the above minor’s estate to sell Mayor of the City of Forest Grove, certain real properly of said estate, to-wit: the City Council of the City of Forest Oregon. Beginning at a point on the east line of the D. L. C. Grove a building permit. of Alvin C. Brown and wife, being claim No. 58 in T. 1 Section 4.— Any person, persons, Attest J. C. C l a r k , N. R. 3 W . of the Willamette Meridian, said point being To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, MINNE­ City Recorder. association, company or corporation, N 1 deg. 30 min. E 22.44 chains from the S. E. corner of said D. L. C ., said point being also the S. E. corner of who may desire to construct, move or APOLIS, D U LU TH , CHICAGO, State of Oregon, County of Wash­ land deeded to John B. Beal by Clarinda Beal et al, July repair any building within the said fire ST. LOUIS. 14, 1904, by deed recorded at page 95 Book 66 of deeds limits, shall make application to the ington, City of Forest Grove. for Washington County, Oregon, and running N 1 deg. City Council at a regular or special I, J. C. Clark, Recorder of the City of 30 min. E. 10.16 chains to the S. E. corner of land j A nd A ll P oints E ast and S outh . meeting thereof, for such permit and Forest Grove, do hereby certify that I j deeded by Jchn B. Beal and w ife to Clarinda Beal, July shall be required to furnish and deposit have carefully compared the foregoing 2, 1904, by deed recorded at page 237 Book 68 of Deeds with said City Council a written state­ transcript of Ordinance No. 145, with for Washington County, thence W . 18.60 chains, thence i S. 1 deg. 30 min. W . 10.16 chains, more or less to N. ment of the location, character, mater­ the original on file in my office, and of line of a roadway deeded by Philip Beal and wife to ial out of which the building is to be which I am the legal custodian, and 1 the Public May 26, 1902, thence S. 88 deg. 50 min. E. The Flyer: The Fast Mail constructed, the contract time for the that.it is a correct transcript therefrom; 1 along N. line of said roadwav 18.60 chains to the place j of beginning, containing 18.89 acres o f land, more or less, completion of the work, together with and of the whole thereof. j all subject to the Dower estate of Eva A. Beal therein. ! a copy of the plans and specifications Witness my hand and the seal of the The undersigned Guardian o f said estate will proceed S plendid S ervice , U p to D ate À- of the building. City of Forest Grove, this 14 day of | to sell the above described real property at private sale, E quipment , C ourteous ! for cash in hand, on and after Wednesday the 22dday of The City Council shall make an in­ November, 1905. ; November, 1905, on the premises above described. E mployes . vestigation and inspection of the loca­ J. C. C l a r k , ! Dated this 16th day of October. A. D. 1905. tion of the proposed building and of Recorder of the City of Forest EVA. A. BEAL, Guardian. 1 Pub. O. 19-26-Nov. 2-9-16. the plans and specifications and within Grove, Oregon. Daylight trip throught the ten days after the application, issue such permit, provided the plans and Cascade and Rocky Mountains. Notice of Final Settlement E A S T GASTON. specifics tions meet with the approval of Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, admin­ the Council and said permit may pro­ Farmers are rejoicing to see the istratrix o f the estate of John W . Anderson, deceased, have filed, in the County Court o f the State of Oregon vide for the use of a part of any street fine weather continue. For tickets, rates, folders and full for Washington County, my final account as such admin­ or alley for the purpose of placing the information, call on or address W. K. Newell and wife were callers istratrix and that said Court has set Thursday, the 7th necessary building materials in front H. DICKSON, day o f December, 1905, at the hour of 2 o ’clock in the at the Pagets Sunday afternoon. or rear of the proposed building site City Ticket Agent, 122 Third St., afternoon as the time and the Court Room in the Court Miller & Barrett have repaired their House in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the place for hearing for a period not to exceed sixty days, Portland, Or. ^ but such permit shall not authorize the engine and begun sawing wood this of objections to said final account and final settlement of said estate. ) obstruction of any part of the sidewalks week. Dated November 6th. 1905. MARY. H. ANDERSON. S. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A., Seattle, or gutter of any street or alley nor any Administratrix of the estate of John W . Anderson, A couple of uncles of Mrs. E. U. Wash., Comer First Ave. & Yesler Way. crossings, nor more than one-third of Paget, drove over from Silverton last deceased. W . H. HOLLIS, Attorney for Administrix. the carriage way of the street or alley week to pay her a visit. First pub. Nov. 9 opposite the place where such building E. G. Webb, a former teacher of the is proposed to be erected, re-built, moved, altered or repaired, and such Hill schhol, was visiting friends and Notice for Publication permit shall also provide that said old pupils Saturday. United State, Land Office, Portland, Oregon, building material while it remains in November 4, 1905 Philip Bush and his brother came Route your shipments via any street or alley shall be carefully over from Newberg last week after a Notice it hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act o f Congress of June J, IS7S, j protected so that no damage to person couple of loads of potatoes from the entitled **An act for the sale o f Umber lands in the Great Northern. or property shall be occasioned there­ Loomis ranch. j State, of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Full information from i Territory," as eatendrd to all the Public Land States by ' by. Any person to whom such a per­ act of August 4 . 19 * 2 . John H. Balmanno. of Portland, j Wm. HARGER, mit shall be granted shall be liable for county o f Multnumah. state of Oregon, has this day «led j damages caused to person or property General Agent; Portland, Oregon. | in this office his sworn statement No. M 9 1, for the pur- I by reason of such material being on j chase o f the N X 4 of Section No. II in Township No. j ' the street or alley, and upon the com­ J N. Range No. » Weat. and wilt offer proof to show Ihot the land sought Is more valuable foe Its Umber or pletion of the construction or repair of stone than foe agricultural purposes, and to establish hit any building or the expiration of the rlatm to mid land before the Register and Receiver of MANUFACTURERS OF l ESTABLISHED IBM.) permit he shall cause all the material this office at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the l«th and all rubish to be moved from such day of January. 1 00,. Forest Grove, Oregon He names ss witnesses: Robert Simpson o f Rustem. street or alley. And dealers in all kinds of Horse I Oregon: C. H. Wheeler, o f Portland. Oregon; w. A. Section 5.— No wooden buildings A general banking business transacted. Wheeler o f Portland. Oregon; U. S. Bryant of Portland, Goods. Repairing Promptly Done shall be erected, constructed, enlarged Prices Reasonable. Drop in. Interest paid on time deposits. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above w o r or raised, within the limits as defined Accounts invited. described lands are requested to ale their claims in this MTISS J COBBER in Section One of this ordinance, and d ld(h day of January. 1 0 0 , j ----------------------- -- ---------------------- no wooden or frame buildings or struc­ ALGERNON S. DBESSER. Register. tures covered with wood shall be first pub. Nov., - | -T are seed at Pedersen's DR. EDGAR H. BROWN Overland Trains Daily 2 We Give Expedited Service on Freight. £. W. Haines Bank MARTIN & CO. H A R IN E S S FOREST 6R0VE, ORE