Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 16, 1905, Image 5

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“ S. S. S. for the b lood” has grow n to be a
It Is said that American tourists :
household saying. W hen the blood is out of order, or spend a million dollars a day In Eu-
needs treatment from any cause, this great remedy is the first thought o f rope.
2 * 1 « ? b> 'tho,USand,S o f P ^ P ! ' a11 ove,r the « “ » V 7, bCCa.USe tt Is SU,Ptrior
to all other blood purifiers. It is a purely vegetable remedy, and w hile it
penetrates the circulation and forces out all poison and morbid matter, it
also builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. During the win-
ter months the natural ave-
nues of bodily waste have
* *Tas su“ erl“ g from impure blood and a general
S r , a-» /»*
failed to perform their full mg that made me miserable. I began the use of
duty.the blood has been slug- S. S. S. and my blood was restored to its nor-
gish and an extra amount mal, healthy condition. My appetite returned, I
o f poisons and waste mat- increased in weight, that “ tired feeling” left and
ters have accumulated in I was again myself.
the system and been ab-
Columbus, Ohio.
V ic t o r S t u b b i n g
sorbed by it. W ith the com-
Cor- Harthman »nd Washington Avea.
ing’ o f S pring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker
action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the skin suf­
fers. Boils, pimples, -blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con­
tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy
fo r this condition; it clears the blood o f all impurities, makes it rich and
strong and these skin troubles pass away. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic
Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseases
o f the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de­
sired. free o f charge.
G lo r y o f A n o t h e r K in d .
C ir c u in s t a n t l a l E v i d e n c e
A ll males who sell newspapers In
the streets or Moscow are compelled
to appear In uniform
t >k
The dolphin is the swiftest fish. For
short distances it can swim at the rate
o f twenty-five miles an hour.
Not every one knows what flower is
meant by the pimpernel In the famous
The whits lake blossom fell into the lake.
As the pimpernel dozed on the lea.
Every year a layer o f the entire sea,
fourteen feet thick, Is taken up Into
the clouds; the winds bear their bur­
den into the land, and the water comes
down In rain upon the fields, to flow
back through rivers.
Plants with white blossoms have a
larger proportion o f fragrant species
than any othere; next comes red, then
yellow and bine; after which, and in
the same order, may be reckoned vio­
let, green, orange, brown and black.
A typical South Africun household,
described by Olive Schreiner, had an
English father, a half Dutch uiother
with a French name, a Scotch gov­
erness, a Zulu cook, a Hottentot house­
maid and a Kaffir stable hoy, w h ile
the little girl who waited at table wa s
a Basuto.
< & & & *£ l -----
h a t
J o y T h e y B r in g
T o E v e r y H o m e
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play— when in health
— and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be­
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici­
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem­
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.
— plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required.
Sir John Furlbert, who has been
A t a lawyer's dinner the subject of
Identified with the National Red Cross circumstantial evidence was discuss­
Society since its organization in 1808, ed. One lawyer, says the New York
and Is said to know more about Red Tribune, said that the best illustration
Cross and ambulance work than ary of circumstantial evidence as proof
other man in Europe, is also an old was in a story he had recently heard.
experienced volunteer.
A young and pretty girl had been
Some years ago. as he relates In his out walking. On her return her moth­
recent book, “ In Peace and W ar," Sir er said:
John accompanied the British volun­
“ Where have you been, my dear?”
teers to Belgium, where, encouraged
“ Only walking in the park,” .he re­
by the sight of many Belgian com­ plied.
“ With whom?” pursued her mother.
rades with bemedaled breasts, some of
“ No one, niurnma,” said the young
the Britons were Inclined to follow
their example, and consequently re­ girl.
It Is a pretty English wild flower of
quired to be closely inspected.
“ No one?” her mother repeated.
the primrose family, and commonly
“ No one,” was the reply.
One day Sir John spotted a man on
“ Then,” said the older lady, "ex­ known as "poor-man’s weather glass,”
parade who astonished him by the
number of his medals. He was evl- plain how it is that you have come because Its petals are so sensitive to
dently flattered by Sir John's notice, home with a walking-stick when you moisture that they droop before the
coming rain. Garden burnet Is some­
and swelled out his chest quite no- started with an umbrella.”
times confounded with this English
plant, because It Is called by
A L e a p - Y e a r M in t.
“ You seem to have seen consider- ]
But the pim­
“ Do you know. Miss Clara,” said French “ pltnpernelle.”
able service.” observed the knight. “ In
young Singleton, the other evening, “ that pernel which "dozed on the lea” Is a
what wars have you been engaged?”
your face reminds me of a perfect mir­ slightly poisonous, ncrld plant, not at
“ Bless you, I ’ve never been In a ror?”
war,” returned the resplendent mem- j “ Does It?” aha queried. “ And why, all snitable In a salad.
The battle o f the herrings was the
ber of the citizen army. “ My father pray?”
and I were awarded these medals at , “ Because,” he answered, “it reflects comical name given to a flight between
agricultural shows for a special breed nothing but the truth.”
an English force and a French de- ,
“ Oh!” she exclaimed. In a tone that tachment not far from Orleans in 1429.
o f pigs, for which we ore fumous.”
savored of disappointment, " I thought The English were conveying a large I
A s S h e Is S p o k e n .
the answer would be altogether differ­ quantity o f supplies, irmtnly herrings,
*‘Ara you going to tuke that little
To Break In New Shoes.
for It was Lent, to the army that was trip with
me I spoke about last
Always shake in Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder.
“ What did you expect me to say?” he
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
besieging Orleans. T h e English had week ?”
Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
“ I haven't thought about It.”
“ I thought,” continued the blushing sixteen hundred men, the French six
all druggists and shoe stores, -.V Don’t accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address maid, “ that it was because every time thousand.
“ Well, think of it this week, will
The former repulsed the
Alien S. Olmsted, he Roy, N. Y.
j you looked in my face you saw your assailants and saved the herrings, >.o you?”
“ Yes, If I think about It, I ’ll think
the battle was named in honor of tha
And the next morning she announced supplies.
H te E x c u s e .
about it.”
“ Ah-hah, squire!” chuckled H i Spry, her engagement at the breakfast table.
“ By the way, I saw you on the
A memento o f the K aiser’s recent
the village wag and cut-up, upon en­
visit to Morocco is a splendid full- street the other day and you never
The V ita l Question.
countering the old codger next morn­
The teacher o f the class in history blood negro o f gigantic stature whom noticed me.”
ing after the date o f the appearance
describing to the children the the Emperor brought home with him | “ I never noticed you.” — Puck.
of the greatest show on earth. “ Ketch-
of some of the ancient tombs from Tangier. The negro was selected P J T Q Ppnnanf»ntly Cured. N o fits or nervousness
ed ye In a yarn! Told me ye was goin’
and enumerating several c f for the Imperial Guards on account of f I I U after first day’ s use o f D r.K lin e’s iir e a l N e rve
to take boy to the circus and I seen
Send for F r e e 9 l2 trial bottle and treatise.
his great size. “ Othello” was designat­ Restorer.
K. H. K lin e, LtdL. 931 A rch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
ye right smack up on the tip-top seat the interesting antiquities therein dis­
ed as tambourine player, but as he had .
covered. .
last night, without a single sign of a
W o r d to th e W ise.
"T o show you how
wonderfully been used to flowing Arab attire, he
boy with ye!”
A fter a swing around the circle the
took badly to the light tunic, and still
“ Took the boy I used to be, years
happy couple had settled down In a
and years ago!” returned the veteran, served,” she said, “ I may mention that worse to his jingling hand Instrument,
with which he publicly rapped the may flat.
crabbeilly. “ I ’m In my second child­ In one o f the oldest of those tombs a
One morning as she took her cus­
jar o f honey was found, it could not bandmaster on the head during his
hood, golram ye!” — Puck.
have been less than four or five first performance. The Moor has now tomary place at the breakfust table the
j thousand years old, and yet In that been withdrawn from the band, and bride placed a large revolver by the
W o r l d 's S t o c k o f G o ld .
' jar o f honey was a flea, in perfect the Emperor Is pondering what to do side of her plate.
The amount of gold in Europe when preservation.”
“ W-why, my dear,” stammered the
with hls “ black diamond.”
America was discovered Is believed
astonished husband, “ sr-what does
“ Was it alive?” asked one o f *he
not to have exceeded $225,000,000. In
llttle girls, with a breathless Interest photographic cameras by Lueten Bull that mean?”
the 404 years until 1890 the world’s not entirely unmlxed with alarm.
‘*It means, George,” replied her
j o f Paris take successive pictures at
production is estimated at $9.000,000,-
brkielets, “ that we have biscuits of
000— half o f w-hich was added to the
N o t t h a t K in d o f a B ir d .
my own constrnclion for breakfast and
money supply. Including the esti­
Most travelers who have gone into thousand per second. The source of that no adverse criticism will be toler­
mate for 1905, in the ten years begin­ the wayplaces o f the Far West have light Is the spark of an Induction coil, ated.”
ning with 1890, nearly $3,000,000,000 brought back clear remembrances of which, it is calculated, endures only
in gold has been mined— almost a the voices of the sure-footed little pack- about one two-millionth of a second,
$100 R ew ard, $100.*
The reader» of this paper w ill be pleased to
third as much as during the preced­ burros which go out there under the so that with improved mechanism the
Is at least one dreaded disease
ing 404 years. This despite the fact pseudonym o f “ Rocky Mountain ca­ successive Images could be taken at a that science has been able to cure in all It»
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
that the Boer war lor two years closed naries.”
Cure is the o n ly positive cure known to the
the Transvaal mines. The production
The meaning o f the phrase Is no* p loved. Six hundred Images per sec­ medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­
In 1903 was $325,000,000; in 1904, always so well known to those who ond, however, suffice to show clearly tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cureistaken internally,
$350,000,000 and for 1905 it is esti­ have always lived East. So It hap­ the moving wings of a dragon-fly, and acting d irec tly upon the blood and mucous
of the
the system,
ay.iem, thereby
tbereiw destroying the
mated at $400,000,000. The world's pened that a Boston woman, who was
hb^b^nd'Ea * p tie ’ roS»tut t {on
stock of money gold in 1897 was ap­ Introducing a young Denver music stu­ dred image* per second, sharp pictures
K ita
ees and house ____________
»nd assisting nature in duina
it» work. The
proximately four and a quarter bll- dent to her guests recently, caused no have been obtained o f bees
proprietors have so much faith In its curative
flies in fligh t
lions. By the end of the present year little confusion when she said:
powers that they offer Oise Hundred Pollers
tor any case that it fails to-care, Send for lifet
It is estimated that it will be almost
“ And now, ladies, Miss Converse,
of testimonials.
six billions— an increase of nearly 50 our little Rocky Mountain canary, will
F. J. CHENET A CO., Toledo, O.
The so-called cravings of appetite Sold by druggists, 76c.
per cent in nine years.
| sing for ug.”
F ill* are the best.
are purely the result o f habit. A hab­
it once acquired and persistently fol­
D id n ’ t L i k e t h e S a m » lt .
lowed soon has us in its grasp, and
A Harvey county (Kansas) widower
then any deviation therefrom tempo­ took his second w ife home itiri Intro­
rarily disturbs our physiological equil­ duced her to tlie children by saying:
ibrium. The system muses complaint “ This is your new mamma.”
and we experience a erhvmg. it nmy
They looked at her critically and/tjhe
be, for that to which the body has be­ youngest blurted out: “ Is that the beat
come accustomed, even though this you could do, papa ?’’— N ew York Trlb-
something be. In the long run. dis­
tinctly Injurious to the welfare o f the
body. There has thus come about a
sentiment that the cravings of the ap­
The K in d Y ou H ave A lw ay s llo u g h t has born e the signa­
petite for food are to be fully satis-
ture o f Chas. II. Fletcher, an d has been m ade u nder his
fled. that this is merely obedience to
personal supervision for over 3 0 years. A llo w no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Im itations and
nature's laws. This idea, however. Is
“ J u s t-a s -g o o d ” a re hut Experim ents, and en dan ger the
fundamentally wrong Any one with
health o f Children—Experience against Experim ent.
a little persistence can change hls or
her habits o f life, change the whole
order o f cravings, thus demonstrating
Castoria is a harm less substitute fo r Castor O il, P a re ­
that the latter are purely artificial,
goric, D rops an d Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t
and that they have no necessary con­
contains neither O pium , M orphin e n or oth er h'arcotic
Hammer blows, steadily ap­
nection with the welf.ixe or needs of
substance. Its ag e is its guarantee. I t destroys W o rm *
break the hardest rock.
and allays Feverishness. I t cures D iarrhoea an d W in d
quirements are to be founded not up­
Colic. It relieves T eething Troubles, cures Constipation
Coughing, day after day, jars
and Flatulency. I t assim ilates the F ood, regulates the
on so-called instinct and craving, but
and tears the throat and lungs
Stomach and llo w c ls, giving healthy and n atu ral sleep.
upon reason and intelligence.— Cen­
T h e C h ildren ’s P an acea—T h e M o th er’s Frien d.
until the healthy tissues give
I T w o of the big department store, o f
I chlcaeo are now owned and controlled
. 7
| Fully one-third o f the land In Great
Britain lg owned by members o f the
A H a n d y M a id .
Never kick nor screnm at a horse, not
Mrs. De Vere— Professor, I'm afraid jerk the bit in his mouth.
my waltzing Is not perfect. Do you
think I ought to take a few mere les­
The Dancing Master— W ill modame
be so kind as to show me how she
executes ze movements?
Mrs. De Vere (to her maid)— Marie,
show the professor how I waltz.— De­
troit Tribune.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
durlDg the teething period.
For coughs and colds there Is no better
medicine than Piso’s Cure for Consump­
tion. Price 25 cents.
Most of the farms in Denmark are
from 5 to 25 acres, and are owned by
tlie peasantry. About half of the laud
is in oats, hay, pasture and root crops
for the horses, milch cows and sheep.
In proportion to her size, Denmark has
more cattle than uny other country in
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
Use For Over 3 0 Years.
TC. «sirr.va i
W e have more fear o f a little cmzjr
man, or a little drunken mau. tluin
we have o f two big sober men.
Every good rain develops a lot
town farmers.
A yers
M ade by J . C A y e r Co . L o w e ll. Mi
A. «o manufacturera o f
Biliousness, conaitpation retard re­
covery. Cure thea » with Ayer a F.liis.
. / I
S s t f t l «V
e r a u c/ = i t / a
Clip this out, return to us with tho names
and addresses of yourself and two of your
friends, and the date when you will probably
enter • business college, and we will credit
you with $5.00 on our $65.00 sc holarship.
Our school offers exceptional advantages to
students of Business. Shorthand. English, etc.
B est I nstruction — L owest T uitio n
WRIT! fOK CATALOGUE 10— I T ’ S H i l t
A LB IN . PA C».
p. it u.
Wÿp C O N S U M P T I O N
t i r H F N w r it in g to a d v e r tis e r » pleaae
m e n tio n th is paper.
it Cough tíyrup. Tantea G ood . U »
In tim e. Hold hy druggists.
No. 4 4 — 190 4
W e do crown an<! br dgow ork without p a n .
Our 18 ypern’ experience In plate work en-
a h l f H u h to fi t you r mouth rom forta b'y. I>r.
W. A. W ise hax found a Hafi* w ay to extra« !
teeth at'NoluiPly w lihou t pain. I>r. T . P.
Wine in an expert at gold filling and crown
and bridge work.
E x tra ctin g Ir»»e when
plates or bridges are < rd» red.
DR. w. A. WISE
Fasting Bldg., Third and Wanhlngton Sts.
Open evenings till » o ’ clock. Hundays from
• to IX Or Mam
DR. T. P . w is e .
PUlsbury’s Vitos with other cereals and
you will instantly recognize
In the rich, w h ile color of
which is actually the "Meat of the W h e a t“
It Is the white heart of the wheat
kernel, sterilised. Nothing added:
nothing taken away.
way. Ayer’s C herry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
" I alw ays k « « p Ayer*« C h * r r j P
tkm have* I t g iv e « p erfect r e lie f w henever
any mf »4 have cough* or bard cold*. I have
need tt fo r a great many yearn and fo know
ah a h o « it.**— Man M a r t O b b r t b a * . Varya-
bnrg, 5 . Y.
s s CT ckers
•• s i x t h
C o u g h in g
The E vil o f Inheritance.
It is not so bad when a rich man
cuta off hls heirs for spite. Inherit­
ance has worked enormous mischief
ever since there were fortunes to
leave. In most eases It Is a misfor-1
tune to be an heir.— 8t. Louis Tost- j
H e 'd l)o th e B e a t.
“ Darling,” queried the young man
with the noisy tie, "do you love me
well enough to dwell I d a furnished
room and live on bread and water a ft­
er we are married?”
"Y-yes, I think so,” she replied.
“ And, say, dearest,” he continued,
“ Is your er-salary as typewriter large
enough to enable you to furnish the
room and the bread?*
The Jar o f
What is C A S TO R IA
Try this Common Sense Breakfast Food and you w ill never change
It la H t * L T H r U L - 8 U B S T » N T I » L - t C O N O M I C * L
met ?• CENTS.
— — 4.» rose tracer te-Pey
— —
R L U S U K Y - W A S H I U K N F L O U R M IL L CO.. L t d , M in n .a p . l l i , PfllMh