Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 16, 1905, Image 4

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    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
understand exactly why the «age had
asked him to come and stay with him.
Brian had no scientific tastes, and he
Knew nothing whatever about beetles
and grubs and winged creatures of the
air. He was not even a clever man,
according to the modern Ideas of clever­
ness. He was neither an author nor an
artist. Mr. Desmond was simply a mod­
erately well-educated gentleman of ex­
pensive tastes and luxurious habits,
which an acquisition of most unexpected
wealth had, within the last few years,
enabled him to gratify. He could not,
therefore, conceive why the professor,
S u rg ica l
O p e r a t io n s
Is no time when something does not i ’
W i t h o u t T a k i n g A n a e s th e tic s .
need attention. This sort of farming
The Incident o f a physician with a
comes with high-priced land and a
dislocated shoulder going from ona
dense population, but It does not ap- i
doctor to another to get It aet without
peal to the Imagination like the plow- ,
an anaesthetic and finally securing tha
lag o f fields so large that turning a | .
heroic treatment at Bellevue is to to­
single furrow requires u day’s Journey, j
day so much out of the ordinary that
g ^ - 1—
or the cultivation of the ground with ^
It secures liberal space In the newspa­
Montana la coming In for a big steam plows and harrows. The cut­
pers. The fact that a painful opera­
•bare o f the general prosperity o f the
tion was performed without chloro­
country, and It w ill only be a few at a single operation Is spectacular us
form or ether Is Itself thought worthy
abort years when sbe will rank with well as effective. In this respect It
C H A P T E R I.
playmates such as you two are must no. who waa' an old man_ and in hi9 way a
o f notice. The refusal of several phy­
n All nr Tool it an •
ha l/\Avnd b im llir n m l
On the deck of a great Eastern bound doubt
feel it so;” he
looked kindly and great man, had chosen
any o f the Northwestern States In resembles the range cattle business In
to seek his soeie sicians to perform It Is eloquent in
steamer— crowds hurrying hither and sympathetically from one to the other.
agricultural greatness. The recent act Its best days.
ty in so marked a manner on the present the state of surgical practice.
of the Interior Department of the
Now and then In some doctor’« of­
the way, sailors and railway
porters Rosamond strangely, she
twined her
United States In setting aside $1,000,-
W hile he was pondering upon this sub­
tumbling over each other, the officers of hands through her husband’s arm, as
ject, Mr. Laybourne interrupted his med­ fice or medical museum we see a case
000 toward reclaiming three or four
the ship shouting forth distracted orders, though to gather strength from contact
of Instruments which seem batter fit­
itations by the following words:
hundred thousand acres In the Milk
passengers, men, women and little chil­ with him. Brian Desmond turned very
“ Now, I daresay, my dear Desmond, ted for the carpenter’s bench or the
Itlrer Valley Is but a beginning of a
dren standing together in groups striving white and fell back a step. And then
that you are at this very moment won­ butcher's block than for the surgeon's
much vaster development of this sec­
to hear each other's trembling words of the shore bell rang.
dering why I have invited you to come table. There are knives as large as
The Oriana steamed rapidly toward
farewell, and over all the screech of the
tion as the needs grow apace. A l­
down all this way to spend a few days carvers for cutting through quivering
ready the agricultural worth of this
with me. I take it very kindly of you. and sensitive flesh with free sweep
to be famous vulley has been ade­
I lead a life o f retirement and study. I
and sw ift stroke, as if it were dead
quately demonstrated In the results
have no inducement to offer to a man
I will be rung and the farewells will all that other figure was left, solitary now,
which have followed the Irrigation
of your age and tastes, antf yet you have meat, and great saws for severing hu­
have to come to an end, and the India- long after ail others had turned away.
done me the honor to leave your Lon­ man bones like firewood. The sight
works already established.
bound ship will have started on her way. Brian Desmond stood on alone until his
don friends and your London gaieties to of them Is enough to make oue glad
been successfully proven that all kinds
They clung round each other, these eyes could no longer discern even the
come down and see an old Diogenes in not to have lived In the old days. It
o f agricultural products grow In great
poor unfortunates who were parting— distant ship that bore away the woman
his tub.”
Is much more comfortable to be carved
abundance wherever Irrigation Is used.
| some for years, and some forever— re­ who was lost to him forever.
“ The honor, Professor, Is all for me,” up now.
The sol) Is naturally rich and needs
replied Desmond, “ that a man with so
I f anybody doubts that anaesthesia
caress over and over again, gazing into
only moisture to make It yield proltflc-
world-wide a reputation as yours should
each other's eyes despairingly as though
“ Salmon trout, roast chickens, peas seek the society of an Insignificant per­ | was the greatest blessing o f the nine­
ally. The Great Northern Railway’s
they would fain carry away every line of and potatoes.
teenth century to humanity the threat
N ow I wonder how a son like myself------’*■
main line practically cuts the valley
the dear face from which they were so cherry tart would do, or would it be
A cu te In d iges tio n .
in two. The fact that the government
"W a it, wait, my friend,” interrupted of an amputation with these old In- *
Acute Indigestion may result from soon to be severed.
too frivolous, Daddy?”
the old man, with his gentle smile, “ if struments is likely to change his opin­
has decided to begin Immediate oper­
Such a couple stood thus together, a
The voice seemed to corns from the you had studied animal life as much as ion. Out of the football field
many causes, but when It follows Im­
ations will prove a great incentive to
mediately upon a holiday feast. It Is little remote from the busy scene, near floor, somewhere down by the white mus­ I have, you would know that there is no now and then get Joints dislocated and
the people o f that section who have
usually attributable to overdistention the bulwarks of the ship. The crowded lin window curtains.
effect which has not a cause.
stoically have them set without ether
always believed 111 the future o f their
quay was above them, yet because every­
Prof. Laybourne, who was engrossed
of the stomach, aggravated, perhaps, body was so full of hurry and excite­
"Perhaps you have heard, Desmond,
country and will open to settlement a
in the minute examination o f the me­ that I was once married,” he said quiet­ and rush back Into the scramble. Bat­
by the presence of such Indigestible ment, so wrapped up either with the
tle and accident and disease still In­
chanism of a grosshopper’s thigh through
vast area of rich land to tbs home-
things as pastry and plum pudding. business or the grief which specially en­ his famous microscope, raised his vener­ ly, not looking at his guest. “ M y wife flict untold suffering under circum­
seeker and Investor.
It occurs a little oftener In children, grossed them, these two people stood able head for one moment as the small died in child-birth.”
“ Yes?” Desmond looked up with in­ stances which no anodyne can deaden.
Professor El wood Mead, the Irriga­ but in them It is rarely so serious In virtually alone—-a man aud a woman, childish voice struck upon his ear.
But in ordinary life for the most
tion expert o f the United States De­ Its consequences ns It Is In adults, both young and both tall; they clasped
“ W hat is my K itten chattering about
For a few seconds Mr. Laybourne was part we have become so accustomed
partment of Agriculture, has borne en­ for nausea Is more readily Induced each other's hands with a straining de­ down there?” he said, making a pencil
silent, then looking up and meeting his to relief from physical pain In surgi­
thusiastic testimony to the great capa­ and more promptly yielded to, and as spair, and looked with a speechless ag­ note upon the manuscript by his side.
guest’s eyes, he continued: "M y little cal practice that the deliberate pre­
“ I was only wondering if old men liked
bilities o f the Sucramento Valley when soon as the stomach has got rid of ony Into each other’s faces.
girl is a great source of anxiety to me. ference for endurance rather than ob­
Brian Desmond was eight and twenty cherry tart, Daddy?”
supplied with water, In canals and Its burden, the trouble Is at an end.
She inherits her mother's tendency to
“ W henever they can get it, I should consumption, aud, I fear, my owu un­ livion excites Interest and remark. Yet
ditches, for irrigation. He says. In an An adult, on the other hand, strug­ then, he had health and brains and good
looks, and the vigor of a hearty vitality say, K itten ! Apropos of what Is that
official report, that Its available water gles agnlnst the feeling o f oppression,
sound constitution. Desmond, I have an only a few years ago such endurance
was in his strong, young limbs, but as wise remark, and what old man are you
was a matter of course. To-day many
original disease of the heart.”
supply should make It "the Egypt of
and often Intensifies It while seeking he held Rosamond Earle's hands tightly proposing to regale In so succulent a
" I am deeply distressed; are
you people, even to save their lives, would
the Western hemisphere."
to relieve It by taking stimulating po­ clasped within his own and looked his fashion ?”
not face the pain o f the old-time prac­
last into her beautiful eyes, he said to
The Irrigable nrea of the valley Is tions.
“ W hat old man? Oh, daddy! I do be­
"T here is, unfortunately, no doubt tice, so much have habit and
himself that life was at an end for him. lieve you have beetles on the brain to
estimated to be more than 8,000,000
In many cases the first Indication of
whatever about it. I have been aware knowledge o f surgical luxury affected
" I t is better,” she said, brokenly, “ far such an extent that you are losing your
acres, and calculations show that the the disturbance is loss o f conscious­
o f it for some years and I have the first us. Just as It Is Impossible for him
average annual discharge of the Sac­ ness or a violent convulsion resem­ better that I should go away; try to memory. H ave you forgotten that this medical opinions to confirm what had
look at it in the right light, Brian. W hat is the day that your friend, Mr. Des­
who has grown Into the life o f ease
ramento Itlver at Its mouth Is suffi­ bling an epileptic seizure. Sometimes,
long been my own conviction. I am in
good could I be to you at home; and you mond, is coming to stay with you?”
and self-indulgence to take up the re­
no appreciable danger, I may live years
cient to Irrigate every acre of this Indeed, It Is difficult to distinguish the will get used to it in time; there are
“ And you call him an ‘old man,’ K it­
and die of something else, again I may gimen o f early days, when he worked
great area. Professor Mead, after re­ attack from one o f heart failure or nn many other things for you to live for.”
W hy, he is quite a lad.”
drop down dead this very night; what I with his hands and lived on hard fare,
marking that It Is a sinful waste to apoplexy, for both these conditions
" I have nothing to live for— nothing,”
“ You said he was thirty-eight, Dad­
so It Is Impossible for most o f us to
allow so much water to flow unused are favored by overindulgence. A dis­ he said, gloomily; “ without you life is dy,” replied the small voice reproachful­ want to know is,” he add»d, with a sud­
den break In his voice, "w h at is to be­ face pain as our fathers and mother»
ly. “ I call that quite old. W hy, he Is
to the sen, snve for purposes of navi­ tinction Is Important, however, for an absolute blank.”
come o f my little girl in that case?”
The tears streamed over her face as twenty-two years older than I am, old
gation, thus Illustrates the astonish­ neglect o f appropriate treatment In
Brian was uncertain how to answer;
Some students o f the Chinese tell
ing variety o f the products of the either condition may favor a fatal ter­
should be an ever present sorrow to you ly forty,” In a voice of horror.
us that their remarkable endurance
were T to remain. Consider, Brian, how-
The professor laughed.
"Y o u must
of pain Is not so much stoicism as
"W ithin a radius of five miles In
The old advice to quit a meal before desperate. how hopeless is ou" condition; consider me n sort of Methuselah, a fos­ about female relatives.
lack o f sensitiveness. They do not • j
the Sacramento Valley I saw every a feeling o f satiety has been obtained how much more terrible to bear were we sil of pre-Adamite date, then. Do you
mother’s side or my own; all are dead. I feel pain as the Caucasian does.
product o f the temperate and semi- Is still good; one should cease at least to meet constantly than when a whole know that I am over sixty, K itten?”
have followers and worshipers by the that be true It Is easy to believe In
tropical zones which I could call to before a sense of discomfort has been
"A h ! you might have
waited— you swered, with Indescribable tenderness In score; these go for nothing; and I have great variations not merely In self-
inlml. Apples and oranges grew side produced, and room should always be
also a number of professional acquaint­ control, but In sensory responsiveness.
might have waited.” he groaned.
Jier voice.
by side, as did oak and almond trees. nllowed for the secretion o f the gastric
ances, but where among them all shall I
"W h at was there to wait for? Would
“ Pray, what have you got upon your find a man fit to take charge of a child— Perhaps our people, besides being less
There were olives from the South and Juice, which In an adult often amounts your uncle and his sons have died so that
habituated to the endurance of pain
cherries from the North. A date palm to nearly a quart. When the walls of we might be happy? Would any one mind, Miss Laybourne?” Inquired her a woman child?” For half a moment he
father, with a smile in answer to his paused, then said again, very earnestly: as a matter of course, are also more
seemed equally at home with an alfal­ the stomach have been distended to have given you an appointment? W as
daughter's last observation.
"B rian Desmond, will you take the sensitive to it, not only mentally, but
fa mendow; tigs and Tokay grapes their utmost capacity by food, the there any chance that even a beggarly
"Y ou r dinner, Mr. Professor. I have
i physically. The modern nervous ten­
were apparently as much In their ele­ addition of so much fluid w-ould seem clerkship would tumble into your arms? noticed, daddy, that although you are charge of my orphan child?”
sion and quick responsiveness may
Brian looked startled.
ment as the fields of wheat or barley of Itself enough to Induce the attack;
a very great man, your intellect is often
“ I? I am not fit. M y life is a wan­ lay upon the hero o f to-day a vastly
or the rows of Indian corn, some of or If the distention prevents the se­
more sluggish than mine. Now give me dering one. I am here to-day, gone to­
greater burden than was borne under
the stalks of which measured fifteen cretion o f the fluid, ns It does nor­ against certainty, leaving no stone un­ a man about to arrive by the 0 o’clock morrow.
Sometimes I travel in wild the same suffering by the man o f a n ^ l
turned so that we might find only a mis­ train on a certain day. my mind instantly
feet In height.
All of these could mal muscular movements, the process erable hundred a year to depend upon?"
countries, sometimes I spend months in earlier time, who was not braver or
fixes itself upon one idea, and that idea
have been grown on a single acre, and of digestion is delayed, the food Is re­
"S o you married old Samuel Earle in­ is naturally dinner; your brain seems the racket of a London season; do you more self-contained or more the mas-
indeed think such a man as I am can be
doubtless have been."
tained too long In the stomach, It un­ stead!” he said bitterly.
I ter o f his own soul, but whose physl-
to be brought far more slowly and with fit for the charge of a child?”
"1 have married a worthy, kind-heart­ inconceivable difficulty to this point.”
In another report the same authori­ dergoes abnormal decomposition, In­
The professor sighed deeply. “ Then I cal being did not vibrate with any-
ty expresses a like view, as follows:
flammation ts Induced, nnd this ex­
"N o t at all, K itten,” answered the pro­ you decline,” he said, sadly.
j thing like the same intensity under
In September Inst I snw n part of tending to the small Intestine may lead has placed me above want— why go over fessor, taking up a letter which lay upon
"N o, no, do not think that. But your external impulse.
the old ground again?
In these last the table; "since I have heard this morn­
the Sacramento Valley In Its most un­ to more protracted Illness.
proposition is so strange, so unexpect­
few moments, Brian, spare me the re­
lovely aspect. One o f the trips taken
In the treatment o f acute Indiges­ proaches which, perhaps, I may deserve, ing from Brian Desmond that he will ed; give me but a moment to think. Ah!
yes, I have s cousin, a sweet, good
was from t'hlco to Willows, two towns tion, the production o f nausea should but which are certainly unavailing now."
intellect naturally bounded beyond the woman with children of her own; your A u t h o r i t a t i v e S t a t e m e n t A b o u t M u c h -
•bout thirty miles apart, but the road be favored. When vomiting occurs, It
“ Darling—-darling!” he cried, with a dinner hour at once, and fixed
Discussed M a t t e r .
Itself little girl could be left with her and
thirty-five miles shrdlu cmfwyp shrd should not be checked until the stom­ passionate despair, “ mine always and upon------”
I could see after her occasionally; that
considerable period o f be­
traveled made the distance about ach has been relieved o f.Its burden.
"Supper!” Interrupted Kitten, triumph­ would be a happy home for her; I am lief that Mr. Cleveland had become
thirty-five miles. We crossed what Is I f It does not occur spontaneously. It may be.”
sure she would take her gladly.
Mr. comparatively rich as the result o f fi­
potentially one of the most fertile and should generally be induced.
“ And what are we to have for snpper, Laybourne, do not be uneasy about your
I she dM not cheok him- Th>8 was no
nancial operations In association with
promising agricultural districts on this
I f unconsciousness or a convulsion1 mo“ ent fo5. ‘ h* lexhi*'itlon °,f *
child's future, I will do what you ask of
his friend, E. C. Benedict, the broker,
, ,
a. »
prudery which she did not fee .
“ W hy, the same thing as dinner, to me.”
continent. For scores o f miles the . ha* supervened,
a physician must he wai puttiuf a whole
universe between
a story to the other extreme is now
(To be continued.)
land rises by a gentle and uniform called without delay, for It may be them, so that she might be as true to he sure; salmon trout cold, chickens
cold, salad instead of peas, and cherry
going the rounds to the effect that his
•lope from the Sacramento River to­ necessary to administer an em etic the man she hid married as to the man
tart cold, too; that Is to say, If you
Income Is only $5,000 a year, says
C r u e lt y o f S c ie n c e .
ward the foothills on either side. W a­ subcutaneously.
j whom she loved; and she would not in think he will eat cherry tart,” she added,
Miss Estelle Reel, superintendent of Harper's Weekly. The truth Is that
ter would flow over every acre o f the
Following this, a laxative Is gen-1 this moment of a farewell, that was in with a curiously childish anxiety.
about Mr. Cleveland's Income from his In­
country traversed without requiring erally given, and
the diet
fo r a fe w
al1 human
probability “ But
at to go to bed. K it ­ Indian schools, was talking
you cavil
will have
vestments Is between $8.000 and *10,-
much labor In Its direction or skill In days Is limited to easily digestible, the *tro" * expression o f a love which ten; little girls can’t sit up to late sup­ cruelty:
to which he adds an average o f
the location of lateral ditches. The unirritating food.
Milk, o f
course. Is
flowed fast ralnl
plains of Lombardy are not better suit­ the safest form of nourishment. ex-|,hiok|y upon the clenched handi whlcb see me upon business, so we shall do ination. It Isn't true that only sav­ about $3,000 by writing occaslonn! es­
just as well without you to-night."
ages are cruel. All people without de­ says for publication. He might liuve
ed to Irrigation, nor the soil of the cept for those with whom It does not grasped her own.
K itten laughed.
She did not often veloped minds, minds capable of sym­ acquired a larger fortune, doubtless,
Nile Delta more fertile than were agree, and the addition to It o f a little | “ You know,” she cried,
suddenly laugh.
H er fun was more often ex­
Children, till they but for the fact that he would never
these lands originally.
For a half lime-water or Vichy will often remove throwing back her head — “ you know that pressed In a certain demure dryness pe­ pathy, are cruel.
permit his bankers to buy or sell stocks
century they have been devoted to the all objection.— Youth’s Companion.
to my dying day I shall love you the culiar to herself— laughter was not, per­ have learned to think, are Invariably
on margins. Mr. Benedict, however,
unremitting production of
same, but you— you must be happy, Bri- haps, indigenous to the soil of the pro­ cruel.”
makes his few Investments, and they
Miss Reel smiled.
T ro u b le s o n ie C h ild re n .
ail. not now. I kuow, but after a bit, time fessor's household; but when at rare
crops. Each season the crop has been
"L e t me tell you about a little boy,” are generally wise ones.
Everything la relative, after all. will reconcile you to life, and you will Intervals K itten laughed, her laugh was
harvested, the grain shipped away,
Some years ago Mr. Cleveland had-
very sweet to hear. It was never loud she slid.
“ To this little boy there
and the straw burned, and nothing even age; yet one might suspect that Q' :<rrr'
1 8,lal* never marry,' he answered or noisy, it could hardly even be called were given two Images o f plaster, $5,000 to spare and Mr. Benedict ob-.C'
done to replace the plant food with­ the "children" o f one of Mr. Muzzev’a
hearty, and yet It was pleasant to listen coated on the outside with pink sugar. tamed for him the right, which he
drawn. A more exhaustive form of Men of the Revolution " might have ar- "s o lu te ly "never as long a , I live.
. Rosamond, I swear to you that never to, like the rippling note o f a caged H e wanted to eat the images, but he availed himself of, to subscribe for the
agriculture cannot be Imagined. A l­ rived at year, of aome discretion and
•„ , mak, aily other
w.ift, bllt bird that warbles a response to some
stock of a projected trust company.
was warned on no account to do so.
though this surprising drain has gone proper regard for behavior.
| you. I can always wait; how can one inner gush of feeling o f its own.
The knowledge that the former Presi­
on for fifty years, It cannot continue
Stfe fluttered away out of the room,
When l saw the old soldier, says Mr. tell what changes life may not bring?
dent was to become one o f their share­
Muzzey, he was the sole su rvivor of Ten. twenty, fifty years! what is time her thoughts back again with the cherry you eat them. It will kill you.’
“ However, the little boy was dubi­ holders Inspired the promoters with a
The absence of rainfall during the those who witnessed the B attle of to such a love as mine? W ill it not last tart and the supper, and the professor
ous. He had been cheated before this brilliant Idea. After consultation, they
harvest period Is one o f the great ad­ Bunker Hill. At the age of »5 rears forever, shall anything ever change or was left alone.
But he did not go back to his micro­
vantages of California,
where the he was attending a Whig celebration lim 1,t8 fervor? l ' « » I not always wait scope. H e leaned his pale face, lined by grown up people. Day after day sought Mr. Benedict, and through him
he asked if he might not cat the offered Mr. Cleveland the Presidency
and there I met
j V ' ! 1" 1'*' .
needed molature can be supplied by held at Boaton tn 18B0.
. . . . . .
And so Brian, as he swore, believed and scored like an ancient parchment
Irrigation. It Is likewise one of the him. He was a good looking old man |n b|a owu oatba and Rosamond believ- with study and thought, upon his hand images. Finally he had a young friend, of the company at a salary o f $50,000
Richard Howe, to spend the day with a year. It was a legitimate undertak-
greatest obstacles to diversified agri­ wlth a large, well-ahaped head, blue pd ¡Q them too. Then glancing beyond and sighed.
"W h a t is to become o f her?" he said him, and that night It was discovered lng, backed by reputable men, but Mr. A
culture where dependence Is had on eyea and mild expreaaion. Hta whole the strong young form of the man she
"Strange creature, half mine, that one o f the linages had disap­ Cleveland somewhat reluctantly de­
rainfall alone. The natural opportu­ countenance beamed with benevolence, loved, Mrs. Earle's eyes rested suddenly aloud.
clined on the ground that he waa un­
I asked him If he had any children. '>l*>n auother figure that came clamber- half her mother’s, inheriting something peared.
nities o f the district traversed are
“ His mother, nearly frantic, rushed acquainted with the details o f the busi­
"Oh yes I have two aona," he re- :n* «P ,he «»«npanlou stair on to the from each, and from both the fatal deli­
equal to, If not greater than those of
deck, a »hort, fat, little old gentleman. cacy of constitution that was common to him.
ness and that the condition o f hi»
the country surrounding Riverside.
i4. with gray whisker*, who emerge«) pant* to ut both; who is to care for her when
“ ’Harold,’ she said, ‘where is that health would not permit o f the sever»
Cal., which has been appropriately
"W hy did you not bring them with in(|y from th, low„
regains, looking
pink Image?'
application requisite to effective serv-
designated as the "Garden Spot of T0®*
hither and thither as he cams up as leave my frail treasure, with her wild,
“ Harold frowned, as he answered lce.
America," but a difference In agricul­
untri Ined mind and her shrewd, sensitive
The old man's smooth brow wrtn- though in search of some one.
Again he w a» urged to »eeep t with
tural ideas has produced a correspond­ kled Into a semblance of a frown aa he
She neither moved farm er from Dea- soull W ill Desmond help me. I wonder,
” T gave it to Richard, and If he’s the aaaurance that hla dutlea would b»
ing difference In conditions.
mood, nor did she withdraw her hands for the sake of the service I once ren­
" I didn't want to be plagued with from his — only she tightened her hold for dered to his father? Ah, we shall see, a llv » to-morrow I ’m going to eat the nominal, bis mere official connection
The bonanza wheat farm and the
we shall see.
I can leave my manu­ other one myself.' ”
with the company being considered
bonanza orchard were In accord with those boys on an occasion of this sort.” oue ia8,anJ upon his fingers, and a swift scripts and collections to my country,
„ v. ,
. , warning glance shot from her eyes into
sufficient recompense for his remuner­
the spirit which from the first has
I * A U Dépends.
Briau'8 *••«*
“ > «he but to whom shall I leave my child,
ation. Mr. Cleveland replied simply
dominated the Industries o f Califor­ wondering If ha could mean his grand- newconier,
but he understood. He gent- sweeter legacy than any other?"
“ Pon't you tblnk,” sald be, “ that
that that would aeem to him too much
nia. It la a State o f vast enterprises. chlldren.
||y dropped one of Rosamond's bands.
slngletiess of piirpoee la an admirable
like telling the uae o f hla name, which, x
The remains of the cold supper, which trait In a man ?”
Men pride themselves on great under­
"Oh, one ta 70 and th# other la 72. and. retaining the other still In hts grasp.
of course, he could not d a That closed f
with turned rouini and met Samuel Earle as had caused so many anxious thoughts to
takings and doing whatever they un­ But I couldn't ba bothered
“ It la,” she answered frankly, “ un- the Incident
the young housekeeper, lay still upon
he came toward them.
dertake on a large scale. Wheat can them."
less tt tends to rnake a conflrmed bach- [
be grown in this way. The man with
On* o f Thotr Own Set.
Yon are determined to see the last of to it by the late-arriving guest. A lamp elor o f hlm.”
capacity for organisation can look
A party of New
brokers u, then?"
"Mr. Slopay, did 1 understand you
with a wide red silk shade lighted the
Wages In Russian factories are 2
after the growing o f 10,000 acres o f caught a five-foot shark the other day
was wishing— your wife.” the room with a warm radiance, some roses
*ay you believed my coffee to be ha
w h eat as easily •• ten acres. It la an while out yachting.
Aa soon aa It wonts came out with an effort, "another In glass bowls decorated the simple feast, cents an hour and upward. There are chicory?”
Industry freed from detail. There ts gave them the etgn of recognition they good-by.”
while a dish of crimson currants, piled
“ I believe," replied Mr. Slopay. pee
a period of seed time and harvest, and turned It toOM.— Denver Newt.
i " A “d w* 8r* b”th
08 «Ting o w up high in an antique Chelsea dish, add­ hour, and ten* o f thousanda who do lng Into hla cup, ” 1 have grounds fc
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It," said Mrs. Earle, smiling through ed yet another touch of feminine taste not receive 30 cent» a day for 10, 11 •uch a belief.” — Houston P o s t
long Intervals o f complete freedom.
and more hours work.
It has none o f the petty Incidents
It la said that a man never regret» h" t m n - “8uch oM f^ “ 1'8 »• Bri« n 80,1 to the repast.
"The old boy has a good housekeeper,"
It Isn't always safe to bet that tl
which go with the management o f a back to work properly until after his 1 * r'
« uiu UrrlbU ,0 "*
All other knowledge la hurtfui to
said Brian Desmond to himself, as he
man who bowls loudest about thlevti
farm where there are chickens and honeymoon, andI hn baa had hi» ew> to
„ doubt, no doaM. my dMr- leened beck in his chair.
hltn who hai not honesty and good na­
politicians never tried to beat a atrea
pigs, where cows are to be milked, and ona quarrel with hla * l f a
These partings are very trying, and old
He was a little at a loss, certainly, to ture.— Monta lgua
car conductor out of a nickel.
American Desert
A D ead P a s t ! 8
7 J