ÎÎÏS 5 THE BLOOD 7 IS # # * # # « * # # * # * * * * # « «>--------------------------------- A Little Lesson S In Patriotism » ! - / “ S. g_ g for the blood” has grown to be a household saying. W hen the blood is out o f order, or needs treatment from any cause, this great remedy is the first thought of * * * > » * # * * # * * # * # * * 4 and used by thousands o f people all over the country, because it is superior to all other blood purifiers. It is a purely vegetable remedy, and w hile it James Brewerton Ricketts hud A - __ penetrates the circulation and forces out all poison and morbid matter, it served on the Canailinn border guard also builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. D uring the win* and had been conspicuous in the war ter months the natural ave- T „ . , . . . . , tyith Mexico for ills nues o f bodily waste have I was suffering from impure blood and a general gallant conduct on , , ,, J . , , run-down condition of the system. I had no ap- become dull and weak and petite, was losing flesh, and an all-gone tired fee’« the field before lie failed to perform their fu ll mg that made me miserable. I began the use of entered the Union duty, the blood has been slug- S. S. S. and my blood was restored to its nor- army at the be­ g is h and an extra amount mal, healthy condition. My appetite returned, I ginning of the civil o f poisons and waste mat- increased in weight, that ‘ ‘tired feeling” left and war. His first duty ters have accumulated in * was *S**a myself. In the civil war the system and been ab- Columbus, Ohio V ictor S tubbins , was the defense of sorbed by it. W ith the com- Cor Earthman and Washington Aves. the city of Wash­ in g o f Spring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker ington. Later he action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the skin suf­ was transferred to fers. Boils, pimples, blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con­ as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play— when in health the capture o f A l­ tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy exandria. fo r this condition; it clears the blood o f all impurities, makes it rich and — and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor 6trong and these skin troubles pass away. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic In the disastrous life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseases battle of Bull Run, the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health o f the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de- on the 21st of July, JAM ES B. R IC K E T T S should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of 18 6 1, h e w as •ired, free o f charge. T H E S V / JF T S P E C IF IC C O ., A T L A N T A , G A . wounded and captured, On that very every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a day he had been brevetted lieutenant remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence C trc u in s tn n ti a l E v x l e n c e G lo r y o f A n o t h e r K i n d . colonel and made brigadier general of At a lawyer’s dinner the subject of j United States volunteers. Sir John Furlbert, who has been should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial He was Identified with the National Ited Cross circumstantial evidence was discuss­ lp‘ ld ns a prisoner of war, but was in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by Society since its organization in 1868, ed. One lawyer, says the New Y'ork exchanged In the following year. In the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in and is said to know more about Red Tribune, said that the best illustration Jjine, 1862, lie was active in the opera- many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and Cross and ambulance work th..n ary of circumstantial evidence as proof , tlons In tlie valley of the Shenandoah, other man in Europe, is also an old was in u story he had recently heard. and participated with tlie Army of the excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. A young and pretty girl had been experienced volunteer. Potomac in tlie Maryland, the North­ Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be­ Some years ago. ns he relates In his out walking. On her return her moth­ ern Virginia and the Richmond cam­ cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. W e inform er said: recent book, "In Peace and W ar," Sir paigns. “ Where have you been, my dear?” John accompanied the British volun­ j all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, He served In the siege o f Peters­ “ Only walking in the park,” she re­ teers to Belgium, where, encouraged by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici­ burg, Va„ in the defense of Mary­ by the sight of many Belgian com­ plied. ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian “ With whom?” pursued her mother land against the raid o f Gen. Jubnl rades with bemedaled breasts, some of “ No one, mamma,” said the young Early, receiving the brevet of ma­ the Britons were inclined to follow blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem­ jor general for gallant conduct dur­ their example, and consequently re­ girl. edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not ing the war. "N o one?” her mother repeated. quired to be closely inspected. approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. His bravery at the battle of Cedar “ No one,” was the reply. One day Sir John spotted a man on “ Then,” said the older lady, “ ex­ Creek was exceptionally noteworthy. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup parade who astonished him b j the number of his medals. He was evi­ plain how it is that you have come He was never out o f tlie range of tin» of Figs always has the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co. dently flattered by Sir John's notice, home with a walking-stick when you ! Confederate fire, and was always to — plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in lie found In the thick of tlie fight, even and swelled out bis chest quite no­ started with an umbrella.” bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty though he himself was wounded dur­ ticeably. A L e a p - Y e a r H in t. ing tlie charge. “ You seem to have seen consider­ cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not “ Do you know. Miss Clara,” said able service,” observed the knight. “ In accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. young Siugieton, the other evening, “ that what wars have you been engaged?” HISTORIC LONG ISLAND CHURCH. your face reminds me of a perfect mir­ Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial “ Bless you, I ’ve never been In a ror?” war,” returned the resplendent mem­ for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. "Does it?” she queried. “ And why, ber of the citizen army. “ My father pray?” and I were awarded these medals at “ Because,” he answered, “ it reflects agricultural shows for a special breed nothing but the truth.” “ Oh!” she exclaimed, in a tone that o f pigs, for which we ure famous.” savored of disappointment, “ I thought A H a n d y M a id . A s She I s S p o k e n . Never kick nor scream a t a h o r s e , n o t the auswer would be altogether differ­ Mrs. De Vere— Professor, I ’m afraid jerk the bit in his mouth. “ Are you going to take that little To Break tn New Shoes. ent.” trip with me I spoke about last my wultzing is not perfect. Do you Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. “ What did you expect me to say?” he week ?” think I ought to take a few more les­ I t cores hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. asked. Cures corns, in grow in g nails and bunions At sons? " I haven’t thought about It.” " I thought,” continued the blushing all druggists ami shoe stores, 25c. Don’ t accept “ Well, tbiDk of it this week, will The Dancing Master— Will mndume any substitute. Sample m ailed FREE. Address maid, “ that it was because every time A llen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. you ?” be so kind as to show' me how she you looked in my face you saw your own.” “ Yes. If I think about it. I ’ll think executes ze movements? And the next morning she announced Mrs. De Vere (to her mnld)—‘Marie, about it.” H i s E x c u s e .. “ By the way, I saw you on the show the professor how X waltz.— De­ “ Ah-ltab, squire!” chuckled H i Spry, her engagement at the breakfast table. street the other day and you never troit Tribune. the village wag and cut-up, upon en­ T h e V i t a l Q u e s t io n . noticed me.” countering tlie old codger next morn­ M others w ill find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing The teacher of the class in history “ I never noticed you.” — Puck. ing after the date of the appearance Syrup the best rem edy to use (or their ch ildren wnr. describing to the children the d u rin g the teeth in g period. o f the greatest show on earth. "R etch ­ opening of some o f the ancient tombs St. George’s Episcopal Cbureli at PIT« Perm anently Cured. N o fits or nervousness ed ye in a yam ! Told me ye was goin’ H e*d I ) o th e R est. In Egypt, and enumerating severul t f Hempstead, L. 1., for the remodeling I I I 0 » h e r first ilny’ s use o f Dr. K lin e’s 11 real N erve to take boy to the circus and I seen Reaiorer. Send for F r e e S ’i trial bottle and treatise. “ Darling,” queried the young man the interesting antiquities therein dis­ of which plans are lielng arranged, is D r .R .H . K lin e, L td .,931 A rch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ye right smack up on the tip-top seat with tlie noisy tie, “ do you love me covered. one of tlie historic edifices of the coun­ last night, without a single sign of a W o r d to th e W is e , well enough to dwell in a furnished “ To show you how wonderfully try. In April, 1904, the two hundredth boy with ye!” A fter a swing around the circle the room and live on bread and water a ft­ runny of those things have been pre­ nnnlversnry of Its passing into the con­ "Took the boy I used to be, years happy couple had settled down in a er we are married?” and years ago!” returned the veteran, served,” she said, “ I may mention that trol of the Episcopalians was cele­ cozy flat. “ Y-yes, I think so,” she replied. erabbediy. “ I ’m in my second child­ in one of the oldest of those tombs a brated. The present church is the One morning as she took her cus­ “ And, say, dearest,” he continued, jar o f honey was found. It could not fourth that has stood on the site, it hood, golram ye!” — Puck. have been less than four or five possesses a royal charter presented by tomary place at the breakfast table the "Is your er-salury ns typewriter large thousand years old, and yet in that Queen Anne, and also a communion set bride placed a lurge revolver by the enough to enable you to furnish tne W o r l d ’s S t o c k o f G o ld . room and the bread?’ 1 jar o f honey was a flea, in perfect given by the snine ruler in 1706, to­ side o f her plate. e : d u c/=\ t / o m The amount of gold in Europe when preservation.” “ W-why, my dear,” stammered the gether with n Bible, prayer book, a America was discovered is believed For coughs and colds there la no better astonished husband, “ w-what does “ Was it alive?” asked one of *he book o f homilies, and sliver chalices • Clip this out, return to us with the names medicine than Piso’s Cure for Consump­ not to have exceeded $225,000,000. In little girls, with a breathless Interest that mean?” • and addresses o f yourself and two o f your and patens. The Interior o f St. George’s tion. Price 25 cents. the 404 years until 189(5 the world's not entirely unmixed with alarm. “ It means, George,” replied her • friends, and the date when you will probably in considered to be titiusuaily quaint. • enter a business college, and we will credit production is estimated at $0,000,000,- — brldelets, “ that we have biscuits of Most of the farms in Denmark are The roof is supported by twelve huge • you with $5.00 on our $65.00 scholarship. 000— half of which was added to the N o t th a t K in d o f a B ir d . my own construction for breakfast and from 5 to 25 acres, and are owned by • O ur school offers exceptional advantages to pillars o f solid oak that extend into tlie money supply. Including the esti­ Most travelers who have gone into • students o f Business, Shorthand, English, etc. basement. It boasts a clock that has that no adverse criticism will be toler­ the peasantry. About half of the land mate for 1905, in the ten years begin­ the wayplaces o f the Ear West have is in oats, hay, pasture and root crops . B est I mstruction — L owest T u itio n ated.” kept time for nearly 100 years. • WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 10— IT’S FREE ning with 1890, nearly $.1,000,000,000 brought back clear remembrances of for the horses, milch cows and sheep. $100 Reward, $100. In proportion to her size, Denmark has ‘ In gold has been mined— almost a the voices of the sure-footed little pack T H E MULTNOMAH L i v e w ith t ow a n d P i g s . Th e reader» o f th l« paper w ill be pleased to more cattle than any other country in third as much as during the preced­ burros which go out there under the : BUSINESS INSTITUTE Dr. William B. May and Detectives learn th at there is at lea st one dreaded disease Europe. ing 404 years. This despite the fact pseudonym of "Rocky Mountain ca­ that science has been able to cure in a ll Its • M A A L B IN , P R IS # Condon anil Shook, under ordera from stages, and th at Is Catarrh. H a ll’ s Catarrh that the Boer wnr ior two years closed naries.” PORTLAND, ORE. ee s ix t h s t . Cure is tne on ly positive cure known to the Health Commissioner Greene, investi­ the Transvaal mines. The production The meaning of the phrnse is not m ed ical fra tern ity . Catarrh being a constitu­ a l di-ease, requires a constitu tional treat­ yi PISO S CURE FOR to in 1903 was $325,000,000; In 1904, always so well known to those who gated the house o f Ludwig Staronskl. tion ment. H a il's Catarrh C u relstak en in tern a lly , CURES WHERE A l l U S E FAILS. 5* p. h . u. N o. 44 -1 9 0 5 $350.000,000 and for 1905 It Is esti­ have always lived East. So it hap­ a Russian, says a Buffalo special to a ctin g d ir e c tly upon the blood and mucous I Beet Cough öyrup. Tarttc* flood. Use | o o f the system, thereby destroying the In time. Bold by druggists. mated at $400,000,000. The world’s pened that a Boston woman, who was the St. Louis Republic. I>r. May's re­ Buriaces g ^ iv H in ^ g H the ca­ II K N - w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t is e r s p le a s e foundation of the d l s e s i and s , H giv! CONSUMPTION ? m en th I o i n t h i s p a p e r . stock of money gold in 1897 was ap­ introducing a young Denver music stu­ port is as follows: tien t stren gth by b u ild ld in g e up p the constitution i assisting "Adjoining the house is a small sum­ and _________ .. nature ________ in d o in g its w ork. The proximately four and a quarter bil­ dent to her guests recently, caused no proprietors have so m uch faith in its curative mer kitchen. In that apartment was powers rwers th a t th ey offer One Hundred H undred Dollar* Dollars lions. By the end of the present year little confusion wltpn she said: it fails to cure. Rend for list tor r any case th at a .............. It is estimated that it will be almost “ And now, ladies, Miss Converse, a closet. In which a pig was quartered. of \\ e do crown and brilg**work without pan* testim onials. OurlKjruari'pyp pence In plate work en­ Address. F. J. C H E N E Y Æ è Éfc Open evening» till 9 o'clock. Holiday» from DR. W. A. W h t DR. ï . P. WISC. lowed to roam at will through tlie you could do, papa?**— New Y'ork Trib­ » to 12. o r Ma n *W# house. We were Informed that eight \ une. persons. Including some small children. I lived in the small rooms, along with the cow, the pig, the goats, the dogs T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t has b o rn e th e s ig n a ­ and the chickens.” t u r e o f C has, H . F le tc h e r, a n d lias b o r n m a d e u n d e r his p e rso n a l sup ervision fo r o v e r B O y e a rs. A l l o w n o o n e § h e H u lte il In. to deceive you in this. C o u n te rfe its, Im ita tio n s a n d A nicely dressed doll faced little “ J u s t-a s -g o o d ” a r e b u t E x p e rim e n ts, a n d e n d a n g e r th e h e a lth o f C h ild re n —E x p e rie n c e a g a in s t E x p e rim e n t. Ptnsbury's Vitos with other cereals and girl about 5 waa standing on Dearborn avenue near Lincoln Park. She car­ you w ill instantly recognize ried a flaxen haired doll which muat P IL L S B U R Y PURITY originally have had a face the replica C a s to ria is a h a rm le ss su b stitu te f o r C a sto r O il, P a r e ­ In the rich, w hile color of o f Its young owner's, bnt was In a sor­ g o ric , P r o p s a n d S o o th in g Syru ps. I t is P le a sa n t. It con tain s n e ith e r O p iu m . M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rc o tic Hammer blows, steadily ap­ ry condition from being battered su bstan ce. Its a g e is its g u a ra n te e . I t d estroys W o r m s ngafnst the wall. The little girl gave plied, break the hardest rock. a n d a lla y s F ev erish n ess. I t c u re s D ia rrh o e a a n d W i n d It a resounding whack Jnst as an old Coughing, day after day, jars C olic. I t relieves T e e th in g T ro u b le s , cu re s C on stip atio n lady came along. a n d F ia tu le n c v . I t assim ilates th e F o o d , re g u la te s th e and tears the throat and lungs “ Child,” said the benignant old lady, Stom ach a n d ilo w e ls , g iv in g h ealth y a n d n a tu ra l sleep. JB 7 j . "w h y do you treat your pretty doll T h e C h ild r e n ’s P a n a c e a — T h e M o th e r’s F rie n d . until the healthy tissues give which is actually Ihe "M eat ot the W h e a t." so?” f t way. A ye r’s C h erry Pectoral b is (he white heart ol the w h eal The child’s innocent bine eyes looked stops the coughing, and heals kernel, sterilized. Nothing added: Indignantly up as she answered: oclhing taken away. " I wish old women wonldn't bntt In the torn membranes. Bears the Signature of MI xlw a yt keep Ayer's rh e r r v Pectoral In everywhere." the house. It g iv e « perfect re lie f whenever "M y gracious!" was all the old lady any o f tie have roughs or hard colds. I hare used it fo r a great many years and so know ar.ld as she hurried away.—Chicago all about tt.” M r a M a r t o b b k t e a h , Varya- burg. N. f . Inter Ocean. Try this Common Sense Breakfast Food and you will never change W hat J oy T hey B ring T o E very H ome W K WISE BROS. T he Jar o f C o u g h in g What is CASTORIA U The Kind You t o e Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. TW e. — »u — . •V . T . . VT, — ,w Cr— . Compare A diplomat la a man who lores his mother In-law—If the old lady haa money. • by J C A y w C o . L o w e ll. I A iso manufacturers o f y ers S S ** A PA B ILA . PILLS. HA!B VMML Some girls' elbows actually look aa If they had corns on them. B iliousness, co n stip a tio n retard re­ covery. Cure Uve se w ith A y er's Pills. K Is HCALTHFUL—SUBSTANTIAL—ECONOMICAL A 2-POUND PACKAGE MAKES 12 PO U N D « COOKED -S e e Ihe Economy fsici n corn --------------- A.A reer Cesser fwOsy P IL L S B G K T -W S S H n c K N FLO U R M ILL C O . L td , Minneapolis, Mlhsu