other lines o f railway began to pene­ world of London, and when they were CARRIES 4 0 0 POINDS OF ICE EASILY* trate the new land of promise, mak­ In Palace yard Yolande aaid she would | ing further townsite reservations nec­ just as soon walk up to the hotel whero essary. In ninny oases the towns on her father and herself were staying, for the older lilies outgrew lliclr original It was no further away than Albemarle street. kites, compelling the enlargement of “ Did you hear what Mr. Shortlands their boundaries. Finally, early In Greater London contained D24, 14.3 1904, the last harrier was removed by said?" she asked, brightly. "Perhaps, after all, then, there is to be no ro­ Inhabited house* In 1001. agreement with (lie tribes, which per­ mance? I am not to be like the heroine At u dux show to 1st held In the mits the outright sale of any lunds. B Y W IL L IA M B LA C K of a book, who la approved because she Crystal Palare, near London, Oct. 10 under certain simple preliminary re- marries a poor man. I am not to make to 12, tbo prizes will amount to strtc-'oiia Imposed for the protection any euch noble sacrifice.” o f the Indians and having no elTcct $34,000. “ Don’ t be too sure. Yolande.” said he, good-naturedly. “ Companies are kittle King Charles of Portugal Ims tin* whatever on the validity o f the title cattle to deal with; and an inventor's reputation o f being the stoutest mon given. business is still more uncertain. There After many long years of earnest arch alive, lie weigh« .300 pound*, CHAPTER X X IV .—(Continued.) squawk to their hearts’ content. I should Is a chance, as I say; but It is only a effort to make farmers of the Indians yet Is wonderfully active. And at last Yolande grew to fear the be sorry if they didn’t.” chance. However, If that fails, there thp government lias finally been com­ A partridge allot by a aiiortauinn In pelled to acknowledge that the exper­ worst. One evening she had sent for ^ “ But you know, Archie,” said Shena will be something else. I ain not afraid.” her father, and she went downstairs and Yan— who had her own little share of “ And I— am I afraid?” she said, light­ a field ueur Itnlubrldge, England, the iment tins proved h failure. To-day found him in the sitting room. worldly wisdom— “ If you don’t get rec­ ly. “ No! Because I know more than other day, dropped Into the sinoko- less than 2,000,000 of the 20,000,000 “ Yolande, you are us white as a onciled to your friends, people will say you. And perhaps I *hould not speak; stack of a passing locomotive and was acres o f tillable land are under culti­ fhost.” that you only got married out of spite.” for It is a secret— no. no, it Is not a se­ lost. ‘ Papa,” she said, keeping a tight guard vation, and even that small proportion “ Well, let them,” said he cheerfully. cret, for you have guessed it— do you not C. Clinvanka, a Cleveland icewun, An English police court conics to Is cultivated In a crude, haphazard over herself, “ I want you to come up­ “ You and I know better, Shena— what know that you have Monaglen?” He glanced at her to see whether she has recently demonstrated most re­ the front with an antiseptic New Tes­ manner that gives only a hint o f the stairs with me. I have told my mother matters it what they say? I know what tament for oatli-laklng purposes. The boutiteous returns o f which Its mar­ you were coming. She will see you; she Jack Melville will say. They won’t get was merely making fun; but he saw in markable strength, at least for a w ork­ is grateful to you for the kind messages covers sre guaranteed to be death to velous fertility Is capable. It Is evi­ I have takeu to her. I— I have not ask much comfort out of him. ‘ No one has her eyes that she was making an actual, ingman, to the wonderment o f all w ho got two lives; why shouldn't he marry if not amused, inquiry. have seen him on hi* daily routine. germs. dent folly to longer withhold this mag­ ed the doctors— hut I wish you to come the girl he's fond of?’— that’s about all 'Well, Yolande,” said he. “ of course Him self but UK) pounds In weight, he Texas, In the fiscal years loot! and nificent empire of agricultural and with me. I)o not speak to her— it is they’ll get out of him.” I know of Mrs. Bell’s fantasy; but I lifts and carries upon hi* left shoul­ SWT, will pay $:**>,nut) to Confederate mineral wealth from development, so only to see you that she wants.” And so at this point we may bid good- don’ t choose to build my calculations for der with ease a 400-pound cake o f He followed her upx the stairs; but the future on a fantasy.” by to these adventurers and come along veterans for pensions, besides expend­ the bars have practically been lowered “ She has bought Monaglen,” Yolande Ice. In the large iron works and in ing $154,538 for the support of the anil a new field o f untold wealth he entered first Into the room, nnd he to another couple who, a few weeks warehouse demonstrations o f grou^ went over to the bedside nnd took his later, were walking one evening on the said, without looking up. opened to the advance of civilization wife’s hand, without a word. The mem­ Confederate home. “ Very well. I thought she would do lifting and carrying strength are fre­ terrace of the House of Commons. It mid progress J. II. Itlchardson, of Anthony, ories of a lifetime were before him as he was a dusky and misty night, though It that— if she heard It was In the market. The result Is that thousands of sm- regarded the emaciated cheek, and the was mild for that time of year: the heav­ Very well, why shouldn’ t she go there quently Been among the long-experi­ Kan., has discovered that the water enced employes, but seldom one to below n dam Is much softer than that bltlous Americans are turning their strangely large and brilliant eyes; but ens were overclouded; the lights on West­ — and seud for her relatives, if she has [ equal that o f the Iceman in the Forest all the bitterness wns over and gone eye* to the Indian Territory, Large any— and be a grand lady there? I have minster Bridge did little to dispel the above it. He claims that falling over City. Also, while in Iron works and numbers o f them have already gone now. pervading gloom, though the quivering met more than one grand lady, who the dam breaks the water. warehouses great weights are usually “ George,” said she, “ I wish to make hadn't half her natural grace of man­ golden reflections on the black river look­ there, either to Inspect or locate, oth­ The longest-lived tree* In northern carried on a level and in the straight- er hosts are on tbelr way, and multi­ sure you have forgiven me, and to say ed picturesque enough; nnd in this dense ner, nor half her kindliness of heart.” Ruro|ie nre the pines o f Norway nnd good-by. You have been mother as well obscurity such members and their friends “ It is very sad tlieu,” said Yolande, est possible line. Chavanka often car­ tudes nre getting ready to go. as father to Yolande— she loves you------ as had come out from the heated atmos­ who was afraid to drive him into a more ries his great loads up several flights Sweden, but (170 years Is their great The total laud area of the Indian You— you will take care of her.” phere of the House to have a chat on decided and definite opposition. "Here is o f stairs. While he has never carried eat period, liermany's oldest oaks Territory la 81,400 miles, about that of She closed her eyes, as if the effort to the terrace were only indistinguishable a poor woman who has the one noble 400 pounds up three flights. It ts not live only a little more than .300 years, the Stale of Indiana. The population • peak had overcome her; but he still held figures who could not easily be recog­ Ideal— the dream of tier life— it has been When an Atlantic steamship has on In 1890 wns iso, 1.32; In lots), 3!)2.oon, his wife’s hand in his; and perhaps ho nized. They, for the most part, were her hope and her pleasure for many and unusual for him to shoulder 2.30 to board what Is called a “ full mall” she or an average yearly Increase of 21.07 was thinking of what had been, and of seated on one or other of the benches, many a year: ami when it comes near to 300 pounds when furnishing Ills custo­ Is carrying about 200,000 letters nnd per cent. The population at present what— far otherwise— might have been. standing about, or idly leaning against completion, no, there is an obstacle, and mers on the upper floors o f some o f ROO sacks of newspapers to I.ondon exceeds 800,000. the parapet; but these two kept walking the last obstacle that one could have im­ the tenements. CH APTER X X V . ui> and down in front of the vast and agined. Ah. the ingratitude of it! It alone, besides large quantities for But one-tenth o f the entire acreage Now, It is not possible to wind up this shadowy building and the gloomy win­ has been her romance, it has been the GARY’ S LONG RECORD. other places. Is at present under cultivation, and history tu the approved fashion, because dows, and they were arm-in-arm. charm of her life. She has no husband, The head stage carpenter at the little o f that la properly farmed. The the events chronicled in it are of some­ no children. She has, I think, not any C h i c a g o J u r i s t 1» O ld e s t S u p e r i o r C o u r t “ A generation hence,” said one of Itoyal Opera House, Vienna, has been surface scratching with an old mule what recent occurrence— indeed, at the thenf, looking at the murky scene all relation left. J u d g e in t h e I V o r .d . And because you are discharged because, during an excit­ and a “ bull-tongue,” which Ims pre­ present writing the Winterbournes nnd around them, “ Londoners won’t believe proud you do not care that you disap­ Judge Joseph E. Gary o f Chicago Is ing storm scene, he let a heavy thuu vailed hitherto, cannot be dignified as John Shortlands are still looking for- that their city could have ever been as point her of the one hope of her life— tbe oldest continuous Superior Court that you break her heart?” der cloud fall on two actors, severely plowing. Vet In all tills enormous Judge In the world, having served con­ “ Ah, Yolande,” said he, with a smile, Injuring them. area there Is practically no waste tinuously since 1803, a period o f forty- "Mrs. Bell has got hold of yon with her land, and such portions ns cannot be In the village of Verjux, near ( ’ha old Scotch songs— she Ims been walking two years. Am ong the prominent eiti- lon-sur-Saoue, France, a couple, aged profitably devoted to grain, cotton, po­ you through fairyland, and your reason zens Chicago, noted for their rise has got perverted. What do you think from a humble station to the t qimost 100 and 00, respectively, have Just cel tatoes and other staple crops can be people would say if I were to take away round o f the ladder o f mercantile or ehrated the seventy-fifth anniversary utilized for fruit growing, with results w this poor woman’s money from her rela- professional life, no one person offers of their wedding, which they called equal to those obtained In the famous tives— or from her friends nnd acquaint-. a more inspiring figure for emulation Ozark regions o f Missouri and Arkan­ their “ platluum" wedding. ances, if she has no relatives? It is too ' tjjg,, does JudKe G ary. In their Intest annual report, an ex sas. The territory lies partly within absurd. If I were the promoter of a ! The record o f occupying the position haustlve document, the British lunacy the great corn and wheat belt nnd swindling company, now. I could sharp I |of Judge o f the Superior Court for tho it oat of her that way; that would be commissioners say. as a result o f their partly In the cotton, potato and fruit belt o f the Fnlted States. The north­ all right, and I should remain an h on-. ll’uK‘ ‘8t consecutive time o f any Judge researches Into the relation o f drink ern portion Is specially adapted to the ored member of society: but this won’ t world is a distinguished honor and Insanity: "It cannot be denied raising of cereals, the middle portion do— this won't do at nil. You may be In Itself, but to be universally com ­ that alcohol is a brain poison." as dishonest ns you like, and so long as mended for having never sw erved to fruit, cereals, potatoes and cotton, For revenge on the editor of the and the southern portion to the last you don't give the law a grip on you, from the path o f duty through all Nso eaten Nachrlchteu. Bamberg, tier two products. and so long as you keep rich enough, : those years, to be respected for bis many, who had published an uuappre- you can have plenty of public respect; (earning and loved for a wholesome but ,, always has dis- etattve account of their exploits, some SOCIALISM FOR THE RICH. x. you . can . . t . afford . . . . to become ,, ,, , ridiculous. , . and genial nature that No, no, lolande; if Mrs. Bell has bought , . , burglars entered hts house and smash covered the brighter side of things anil Monaglen. let her keep it. I hope she B ern a rd 8 h a a on th e B n p e r lo r ltv of ed everything on the premises. will install herself there, and play Lady t h e B u r g l a r t o H la V ic t i m s . Three railroad signalmen whose Bouotifnl— she cno do that naturally "Socialism for the Upper Classes" enough: nnd when she has had her will prompt action In an emergency recent­ formed the theme o f an address de­ of it. then, if she likes to leave it to tne ly prevented great loss of life on an livered recently on behalf of the pot­ at her death, I shall be her obliged and English road, are to receive the Al­ teries fund by O. Bernard Shaw to a humble servant. But In the meantime, bert Medal, a prised decoration which wealthy audience at Holy Trinity par­ my dearest Yolande, you nnd I have la given for "acta of heroism perform iah room. Upper Chelsea. London. The got to face the world together. ed by civilians on land or sea." When they got to the hotel they paus­ rector, the Her. R. H. Gamble, pre­ ed outside the glass door to say good- Judge Dickerson attended a roping sided. by; contest at Ardmore. 1 T.. recently, for "First acquire an independent In- "Good night, dearest Yolande.” the purpose of satisfy ing himself as wager 1-ady t'rawford. House, and we are all Inside, perhaps dews o f morning from the path o f life, less they had money, and If they had monument, touched with the moonlight, ly way. "You have had no possibility seated In the dining room, having a little instead o f follow ing it Into the sunset The famous snail o f Burgundy I* s > the deep shadows In the valley, the of knowing. You can't have any knowi- chat together— then what the money they could not be either. will you say shadows. Like thp majority o f Anierl- greatly reduced In numbers that the Take tbe case of the burglar. He ranges of red window* in the tall houses edge o f what it is to have a limited in­ if all at once you heard the pipe* out- cans who have climbed high. Judge demand for It In the restaurants can­ beyond, and the giaut bulk of the t’astle come— to have to watch small economies, obtained what he did In a manner ns side, and what do you think Duncan will t;nrv started as n countrv bov. not Is* adequately supplied. The gen play, on such an evening as that, if not right and proper as the mean«, in Hill reaching away up into the clear and the like.” era I council of the department o f the many cases, whereby the people from skies. "A h. indeed, then!” said she. "And my Melville's Welcome Home?" O vercom e, papa always angry with me for my Onto d'Or has therefore asked the pre "Shena.” says he. "what o'clock is (The eud.) Ttmson— I never fainted away but whom he stole had obtained their economies, snd the csre snd the thrift feet to authorlie a close time for itr once and that was just a few days wealth. More than that, he waa he- •ualla between April 1.3 and July IS. "A quarter past nine.” she answers, that the ladies st the Chateau exercised C ir c u s N ow D e g e n e r a t e . ago. role and clever, and he worked, and he always! 'Miser.' he says to me— 'miser dutifully, with a glance at the clock on Once the circus consisted of a Sitnson—What was the cause. showed those qualities whleh had the chimney piece. that you are!' Oh. I am not afraid of A NE W EMPI RE. magic inclosure under a tent, fn being poor," Tlmson— My wife told me that she made the British uation famous. . "Capital!” he say*, with a kind of sar­ I n d i a n T e r r i t o r y S,s>n t o It* t h e H o m e At this moment John Shortlands made which trained animals, clowns, «nd had trained herself so she could walk What Mr. Shaw suggested was the donic laugh. “ Excellent! A quarter o f t h e tt hi te M a n . his appearance. wondrous ladies aud gentlemen jump- through a store full o f bargain-counter establishment of a minimum Income, past nine. Don't you feel a alight vibra­ Ttie next few months will brlug “ Look here. Yolande." he said. "I ing through tissue-paper hoops creat­ startling change* In tbe Indian Terri­ ami that this might be Increased by tion. Shena. as If the earth were going suppose you don't want to hear auy more ed the whole atmosphere of the en­ sales with her purse full of money ami to blow up? 1 wonder you don't tremble never tciy a thing— Detroit Free tory. and tbe next fear years will see the work o f the recipient, it waa no to think of the explosion!” of the debate?” chanted place, says a writer in Col­ Press. good to attempt a social reform by in It transformed Into one of tbe most "No, no," she said, quickly. "It is lier's Weekly. Now these elements "Oh. yes. there will be plenty of noise," stupid—stupid. Why do they not say are almost sunk In the grandeur and populous and prosperous of all the dividual effort, but It could be obtained say* Shena Van. contentedly. An Optimist. eouthweetern States During tbe by social effort. “ And what a stroke of luck to have what they mean at once— not stumbling complexity o f the spectacle which the The story of the laziest man yet here, stumbling there, and all the others the Grahams at Lynn! Bagging the twelve years between 1890 and 19H2 circuses offer In the larger citie*. Per­ discovered come* from the Atlanta The B lack Gnai Hwperettllon. whole covey with one cartridge? It will talking among themselves, and as if ev­ Immigration Into the territory waa nat sonal relations between the clown and Constitution. There I* a specie* of black gnat soon be twenty paet. erybody were going asleepT’ I can see the urally light, aa not one acre o f la->d al« all right; and we'U say she's at the door Now. Pm willing all the time to let In Uh»S tbe United Stale* govern­ next?*' She ran* over on her fingers when they hear wheels outside. and so Melville said. "1 was more interested youthful mind I* confusion. ment took the first step* towards open the name# of auch friend* aa ah* can *h* •t*D>** •n'* w*'t* for the letters and in the members. 1 haven't been near the Unices we are mistaken the chil­ people know I'm 25. House of Commons since 1 nerd to come Ing the territory to outsiders—a step Miss Pepprey— But does It do any dren of to-day will not look back then recall. John frowns, growls abont papers. All right; don't be In a hurry. up from Oxford for the boat race." . Polly; you’ll get something to talk about that was rendered absolutely necea upon the circus with the same feel­ good? You know, Lincoln said: “ You "female nonsense." strikes at tbe gnat presently.** “ How's the company going 7 ' aary by the advent o f the railroads, and next morning finds In the death I He raised himself ami sat up on the ■ “ Pretty well, I think, hut of course ing* of romance that most of us have can't fool all the people all the time." —Philadelphia Presa. along whose lines cities and towns notices announcement of the demise sofa. to as to get a glimpse of the clock I've nothing to do with that. I have no In memory. The change Is probably wars springing up. for which It was o f one he knew.—New York Preee. capital to Invest.” Inevitable and due not to a prefer­ opposite, and Sh*na Van—wh,>** proper The Opportunity Lacking. evident that altea must be provided "Except brains; and sometimes that's ence In anjbody for the newer kind title by tht* time was Janet Leslie— The man who has never been able which could he subdivided and allot­ W o r l d 's G r e a t e s t U h r a n t . as good s» bank notes. Well." said ! cam* and stood by him. and put her hand o f circus, but to the same economic to participate in a graft deal is usually ted on a more »* tie factory basis than 8honlands, probably remembering an The largest library In the world Is on hi* shoulder. law * that load to big romhlnatlona loudest in his expressions o f Joy when adage abont the proper number for com the leasehold plan. Therefore, certain that o f Parte. It contains upward of "Will they be very angry. Archie?" In every line Individuality dlsap- the other fellow Is caught.— Washing­ pany. "PH bid ya good-night, for I'm lands at suitable points were reserved 2.0WXOOO printed books and 180.000 she ear*. 1 ‘ears In the clivus for the saute ranaca ton Post. going back to tha anngle— 1 may take “ My deer giri." said he. ” 1 don't rare for townsite purposes, surveyed and manuscript* The British Museum con­ that are putting an end to the little a turn at it myself." platted and offered for sale to those tains about 1.900,000 volumes, and the ' the fifteenth part of a brass farthing When It come* to romance, the kind all So Jack Melville and Yolande together shopkeeper and manufacturer tmi^Hai i isr.ee •• » ------ - --- which o t them, or whether any on* of who desired to purchase Imperial L ibrary at St I etereburg ^ M ^ Not , hlt ,>ook• ta TW7 »«rrrior to the aide. Not a bit. It*« set oat to fiad their way tkroagk tha cor ever tbe country and replacing hlm ^ T 'î TUla waa tbe euterlug wedge. •bent the same number. coo i 1 **1 “ »‘" A - out tete the night ¡ with the impersonal octopus. hope they'll howl and rider* of tha U UOLA/NDE ' llgfl