Editorial Page-Washington Co. News. J. F . W O O D S , tiU lto r . Published Every Thursday by the Washing­ Every citizen of this commonwealth has a duty resting upon him, regardless ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated of the political party to which he be­ at Forest 6rove, Oregon CITY O F F IC IA L - R A R ER $1.00 a Year in Advance. Entered at the post-office at Forest Grove, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Address all communications to Wash­ ington County Pub. Co., Forest Grove, Ore. If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­ ers or is late, we request that immedi­ ate attention may be called to the same. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1905, The Salem Journal says two leagues are at work in Western Oregon— the Willamette Valley development league and the Anti-Saloon League. Both want to see a greater depth of water on the bar. / While we are on the road question and lest we forget, the streets of our city need a great deal oJ attention, and the time to attend to them is now. Main Street and Pacific Avenue during the last few days of rainy weather were a disgrace, and no person with civic pride should be content until some­ thing is done toward their permanent improvement. longs and that duty is, to give thought­ ful and sincere consideration to the selection of men for our coming dele­ gation in Congress. With our Senior Senator and one of our Congressmen under conviction of crime before the Circuit Court of the United States for Oregon, and the other Congressman under indictment, the men whom we send to Washington will be scrutinized more closely than those of any other s ate, and our entire citizenship (as honest, intelligent, industrious and progressive as that of any other state ) will be judged largely by the integrity, intelligence, and industry of those whom we select as our representatives. Considering this, does not the short poem of J. G. Holland, entitled “ Wanted—Men” , seem to fit the occasion? “ God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, and will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue, And damn their treacherous flatteries without winking; Tall men, sun-crowned men, men who live above the fog In public duty and private thinking. For when the rabble with their thumb worn creeds, Their large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife-lo Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land, and waiting jus­ tice sleeps.” It is to be hoped that the “ reversion of title” to property in this city upon which intoxicating liquors are supposed to have been sold will be settled this time and for all time. It strikes us however, that the cases that have been pending in our Circuit Court for three or four years, if pushed to an issue or decision, might have answered the CONGRESS AT McMINNVILLE. purpose of the college people just as well and resulted in a discontinuance Plans Perfected for Holding Farmers’ and Shippers' Congress Nov. 11. of liquor selling by those who have been sitting on the “ volcano.” The members of the Willamette Valley Development league of McMinnville have perpected plans for It is gratifying to know that muc^ the holding of a Farmers’ and Shippers’ work of a permanent character is being Congress in that city on Nov. 11. A done on our highways this fall, and it wide range of topics will be discussed is to be hoped that our roads will not at this gathering but the main object get as muddy this winter as formerly. of the Congress will be to.promote the The “ split log” method of treating development of Western Oregon in the roads is receiving considerable at­ general and to give special considera­ tention in Forest Grove, and a move- tion to the pressing needs of the Coos ment is on foot to give it a severe test ßay harbor and a rai,road from the this fall and winter. The thing most Willamette Valley to that pciat. The to be feared in testing this method of Boards of Trade in the various towns improving our highway, is that it will throughout Western Oregon have been be abandoned too early in the trial, for, invited to send representatives to this if we are correctly informed, it takes meeting. Among the speakers will several years to produce the best re­ be Gov. George E. Chamberlain, sults from its use. In the meantime James Withycombe of Oregon Agricul a good macadamized roadway on all | tural College; Joseph N. Teal, of our principal thoroughfares should be Portland; Walter L. Tooze, of Wood- constructed as fast as possible without bum; Col. E. Hofer, of Salem; Judge too greatly increasing the burden of Hewitt, of Albany. Judge W. H. taxation. Hollis, of this city, has accepted an in­ . GALES CREEK Few of our people realize fully the Miss Gertrude Qually of near Seattle, Wash., is visiting with her father, who value and extent of Oregon’s timber resources. The Pacific Monthly con­ lives near here. Mr. Clarence Miller is preparing to tains the following comprehensive arti­ move his saw mill up on Clearwater cle on the subject, by Dr. Wolf von Schierbrand: Creek. “ The value of the Oregon timber Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart of Portand, has been estimated at 84,020,000,000 are spending a few days with their which is nearly thrice the amount daughter, Mrs. T. Hines. taken out in gold from California mines Mr. J. J. Adkins is the proud father since 1849. The timber there— of a fine nine pound son. spruce, fir, cedar, larch, pine, etc., in Mrs. Daniel Pierce went to Portland the more eastern and southern parts of Monday where she will visit with her the state— is the best in the world, and sister, Mrs. Jacobsen. finds a market wherever ships laden Iver Jacobsen who is under the doc­ with it can penetrate, in South Africa tor’s care in Portland, spent Sunday and Australia, as well as Japan, China with his family returning to Portland and South America. The main mar­ ket, however, is in the prairie states of again Monday. From the looks of things around Nebraska, the Dakotas, Iowa, etc., and Chas. Thomas’s Saturday evening, one it is to be hoped that the long-standing would think there had been a land controversy with some of the railroads slide as his house was about thirty rods about the rate charged for a long haul farther down the hill than it was in the will soon be adjusted satisfactorily. morning but on inquiring it was found At present 53,000 carloads of lumber that John Heisler’s engine was hitched are annually lost both to the railroads and the lumbermen of the Pacific to the house when it was sliding. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lafferty spent Coast because they are unable to uti­ Sunday on Wilson River with H. T. lize this inferior lumber(stumpage, etc.); for the railroads this also means Shorb and daughters. a loss in freight of between 85,000,000 It is reported that Bill Lee’s little and 86,000,000 per annum. How girl, Rena has the mumps. immense the lumber business in the The Union Sunday School gave an Pacific Northwest is even to-day(when entertainment at the church last Sun­ it is not developed, relatively speak­ day morning which was very good. ing) few people stop to think or in­ quire. For last year it amounted to Artisans’ District Meeting. 2,090,494,122 lumber feet, whereof The Order of United Artisans has 342,050,273 was in foreign cargo ship­ begun recently a series of ten district ments, 637,049,849 in coastwise, and meetings which are to be held in vari­ 1,111,394,000 in rail shipments. ous parts of the Willammette Valley. Added to this were over five billion One of these gatherings is to take packages of shingles. The manufac­ place in Forest Grove, December 5. ture and sale of wood pulp is still in its The assembly in this city has a large infancy throughout the Coast district, membership which will probably be I but it has a big future before it, and :o increased by the initiation of many has tha sale of hemlock bark(with its candidates at this coming gathering. 20 per cent of tannic acid), and of many other wood products now scarce­ ly thought of. Altogether there are now in this whole Coast country 1,008 sawmills busy and 160,000 men em­ ployed. After the completion of the Of Course There Are Other Dealers Panama Canal, however, it is expected but you would not have thought so that the export of lumber will be if you could have seen how busy doubled within a short time. we have been the past six weeks. NEW SPEC IALS There is no use talking the quality of our STOCK and the SNAPPY — Victor flour can’t be beat. STYLES we are giving you are be­ —Gasoline wood saw, phone 583. ing appreciated by this community. —Goldenrod Flour now 81.05 per If you haven’t seen our line be sure sack. to do so when in need of shoes, — Goldenrod Flour now 81.05 per when you can find such strong lines as Dr. Reeds Cushion Sole Shoes, sack. Even a Child can the smartest shoe on earth; W. L. Douglas 83.00 to 85.00 Shoe; A. A. Cutter’s Water-Tight Shoe, with something over 40 kinds to choose from, seems that we can surely please you. Thanking all for the very extensive trade, we will try to prove ourselves worthy of a contin­ uance and an increase for the Fall of 1905. and be absolutely sure o f getting the h same quality each time. T h e u n ­ broken seal is the buyer’s protection. 1 a n d 2 lb . a r o m a - tig h t tin s a t h ig h g ra d e g ro c e rs. J. Successor to JOHNSON k JOHNSON i Dealer in F R E S H M E A T S O F A L L K IN D : Hams, Bacon and other Salt Meats always on hand Vegetables of a ll K in d s in Seasoi Everything fresh in the Grocery Line to be found here Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Both Phones F o re s t G ro ve O re g o i Johnson & Co. - : B ric k L iv e ry , THE' Feed J - B McPherson recently sold his T*«’* 01 hoP* for 7c “ d f**1 * b°P* !ot 9 e - William Weston :s reported to have sold his bo;s for 9c. U » b Ikt t w . . of » a n , ears and endorsed by all lea d in g R ailw ay O fficials. W e e x e c u te a $250 Bond to e v e ry student to fu rn is h him o r 'h e r a position p a y in g from $40 to $60 a m onth in Slates east of the R ocks M ountains, or from $75 to $100 a m onth in States w est of the R ockies, i m m f d l a t f l v u p o n g r a d u a t i o n . S tudents c a n e n te r at a n y tim e. No vac atio n s. F or fu ll p a rtic u la rs re g a rd in g a ny of ou r Schools w rite d ire c t to o u r e x e cu tiv e office at C in c in n a ti, O. C a talogue fre e . Stab le See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail. Baggage and freight called for and delivered. — Dr. W. M. Pollock Dentist, in Bazaar building. IT THE FOREST 6R0VE SHOE STORE CSX C O . F r a n c is c o W. F. SC H U LT Z — Closing out sale. Goods at re-11 duced prices at W. E. Dunsmoor’s. Dr. Pierce, in his own laboratory, so com­ bined in the most exact proportions, and their medicinal properties preserved w ithout the use of alcohol i as to render it a *n/e and effective remedy for use in the fam ily w ithout consi.ltlng a doctor. Young or old can take it freely as needed, and now th at ita composition is p u b ­ lished there is nc ground for prejndlea against it aa a patent medicine or secret medicine. I t Is neither. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets J . -lire constipation Const I pa- VOLGER E s t a b l i s h e d i n 1850 — Every man owes it to himself and Oregon his family to master a trade or profes­ Forest Grove sion. Read the display advertisement ( of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may leam tele­ ATTORNEY AT LAW graphy and be assured a position. Office in Front Rooms of Abbott Build­ eo Y E A R « ing, Upstairs. Heal root, tjueen s root, .Stone root, Black E X P E R IE N C E These Cherrybark, Bkmdroot and M andrake FOREST GROVE, - - OREGON root, and by special processes perfected by tory is now bein8 erected. Places ° f business t0«ether ** blacksmith shop and the new tonsorial P«*« * * appearance of a destined 10 ^ 1 •“ *« ^ 5n the development of that section of the country. ^ A. Sa n —The gasoline woodsaw furnishes its own fuel. — Sewing machines for sale or rent at The Bazaar. — Good prunes, 2 cents per pound j at Dunsmoor’s. RUSSELL b u y Golden Gate Coffee FOREST GROVE SHOE STORE vitation to deliver an address at one of The local Board of Mrs. June McMillen Ordway, the the sessions. FROM BIRTH TO OLD AG E Trade will also send a delegation. noted Portland writer, who has just Life Is a c o n stan t liglit a u ain st th e d a n ­ gers of disease, a n d lie holds his osvn the achieved fame as a playwright, is a best w ho keeps At The Christian Church. niece of Mrs. Steven Blank of this his body and its functions in place. Mrs. Ordway’s new play deals Services at the Christian Church th e tiest w ork­ ing trim . with the arrival of a pioneer family in * * 7 as follows: Sunday There are the days when Oregon was young. , S '* 00' at 105 preaching at 11; Chris- time* in every life w hen N a­ The characters are quaint and several l'an Endeavor at 6:30; preaching tt tu re gratefully accepts a little s o n g s which are very bright and catchy 7:30 The sermon Sunday evening aid. She does not want a have been introduced to enliven the be especially for young people, w hipping up subject, “ We are heirs of all the ages. for t h a t is inev­ production. Mrs. Ordway is also a ita b ly follow­ poet and her verse has appeared in All are invited. ed by depres­ sing reaction. both Western and Eastern magazines. In iru>*t rote* Banks on the Boom. a tonic and al­ One of her songs “ Bird Note” was te ra tiv e prop­ Banks, the thriving community situ­ erly com- dedicated to Mme. Jennie Norilli, the pounded will ated seven miles north from this city, well-known grand opera singer, and afford the reoulred help by promoting | is experiencing a season of great activ- digestion, assim ilation and reco n stru c­ has been sung by the prima donna on of tissue and reducing w aste of vital | ity brought about in a large measure tion nerve forces. the other side of the Atlantic. Forest It m u tt not he a n alcoh olic nU m ulant— by its close proximity to the much Just a vegetable tonic. M eeting these Grove friends are justly proud of Mrs. discussed Tillamook-Nehaiem R. R. needs and conditions Dr. Pierce's Golden Ordway’s success. Medical Discovery has been In successful Besides the two general merchandise use these forty years and has a cc u m u ­ a record of cures unequaied In the | stores now conducted in that locality, a lated history of medicine. It Is composed of Broke Her Arm large hardware and implement reposi- non-alcoholic, glyceric extract« of Golden Miss Letha Richardson, a daughter of Mrs. Galloway, residing on the Thatcher road near Ira Purdin's p&ce, broke her arm while riding a bicycle on her return from the Anderson vine- yard near David's Hill. Coming down the hill her wheel got beyond her con- tioL Miss Richardson jumped of! and fell, breaking her arm above the wrist. Had she fallen a little further she would hare «ruck a tree and the accident would have been fatal. Dr. Geiger was summoned and set the fractured limb. Oregon's Timber. Local Time Table Trains on the Sou ¿hern Pacific arrive and depart on the following schedule: GOING SOUTH No. 2 . . , . 9 A . M. No. 4 . . . . 6:21 T. M. GOING NORTH No. 3 ...6 :5 9 A. M. No. 1 ....4 :1 6 PM N. L. A T K IN S, Agt. I f you f t angry w ith a man or w o ­ man, m ake op your mind w hat yoo a n going to aajr and then don’t aay It Farmers & Merchai BANK Of Forest Grove, Oregon C A P IT A L $ 2 A ,(X )0 . A General Banking Business Tr acted. Drafts sold on all the princid Cities in the United States and Euroij Correspondents Wells Fargo & Bank. Directors: Richard M. DoolJ J. E. Loomis, John W. Shu| and Frank E. Dooley. Accou solicited. Go T o The Paris : Milliner : Parlj A fine line of Ribbons, V | vets, Hats, Caps, Baby Mourning Goods and Node M. L. Berdan, Baldwin Brick - Forest —Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed.