CORNELIUS Editorial Page-Washington Co. News. j. H . S. Sturdevant has almost got his W O O O S , E d ito r . house completed. Montgomery Turner If you want Cornelius Loan Property Published Every Thursday by the Washing- ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest Grove, Oregon New Binocular Microscope for Labo- call on A. A. Phillips of Cornelius. 7 There is great rejoicing on the part counts. of the professor of Biology and his Geo. Milne and wife have moved to - ---- ~ - OPPKM AL ciin ratory at p. u. Pratt Vickers is mending slowly and young Fitch was also better at last ac­ * P A PBR $1.00 a Year in Advance. students over the arrival of the binocular microscope, new | Portland where they both expect to which came a to get work. Full line o f Calicoes, Outing Flannels, Fine Dress Goods, Embroidery, etc. Entered at the post-office at Forest ^ew days ago. It is not so remarkable Howard Saterlee who has been in Grove, Oregon, as second class for its size as for what it can do. As Portland for some time came out to mail matter. its name implies, both eyes, it has eyepieces for Cornelius last evening. H e will prob- so that in looking at an ably remain in Cornelius, Address all communications to Wash­ object the observer sees it in perspec- ington County Pub. Co., tive and gets the real shape. This Forest Grove, Ore. gives it “great advantage over the If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­ monocular instrument as does also the ers or is late, we request that immedi­ fact that the image is direct instead of ate attention may be called to the same, j inverted. The carrying stand which j Alvah T Rogers ^ h t what is I known M the V alley place just west of town, consisting of 4 acres with im­ provements, of C. B. Kidder for $900. Herb Smith A Large Assortment and Bob Tompkins, both of Patton Valley, were in Cornel­ T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2, 1905, Sives the instrument the appearance of ius Tuesday. - ■ 1 ■ ■ ----- a small gatling gun is arranged so that Thos. Talbot and wife accompanied There has been no dirt thrown on tbe magnifiers can be adjusted to any Tom ’ s brother as far as Portlannd, on point within a radius of fifteen inches. the P. N . & T . yet. his way back to Indiana. ----- , Another important merit of the instru- This time the revolt in Russia seems ' ment is that the observer has the to be of the character that will not end advantage of hi* h magnification to- until Nicholas is dethroned. The gether with a larg* HILLSIDE points are ment of their own. of ’ Mike Kirts sold his farm last week. field and long inestimable Mrs. Curtis and daughter Alma were value m George Wood studying living specimens. > week because of the departure of the ' editor and the delay of the arrival of and Mrs’ L ’ L ’ Holllnger with their with the help of others, to get out a paper. settle When we get our balance and down to business the former editor’ s musings will rest in the shade as a comparison. Just be patient. JUST now victims of timber sharks visited our school last Friday. M r’ and Mrs’ J’ S‘ Thom Pson- Mr- j he returned to purchased more land and where he the land office and filed his claim, j Now it happens that the land described terson visited his old home at Almena, now owns over 1000 acres. in his filing is several miles distant Kan. and spent some time from that which he visited and on City and Council Bluffs. Mr. Come g ^ Pumpkin Ridge in Kansas He School opened last Monday, Oct. 23, started with twenty scholars on roll and Paul NEW SPECIALS on his journey the middle of Septem- E. Baker, teacher. ! j It in Forest Grove and to note its pro- a former scholar. H e died at the home is only a wonder that complaints were gress during his absence. of his parents not made long before and the culprits Wednesday night, Congregational Church. brought to justice. — Gasoline wood saw, phone 583. There was no school on Thursday These are not the first j trip he is glad once again to be back ! because of the death of Marvin Jones, practices of this nature in Oregon. Banks, Oregon y' Pe- The land described in his filing is said ber, and though he had a most pleasant to be treeless. quietly, at this place, — Victor flour can’ t be beat. — Goldenrod Flour now $1.05 — Sewing machines for sale or rent at The Bazaar. j eral “ Keeping the Covenant.” 7:30, Wlth beautiful l w a s i n t h e home grave was covered flowers. The parents There are three Second sermon in series 'on “ The have the heartfelt sympathy of the Special music, entire neighborhood. or four harbors along Oregon’ s coast Make-up of a Man.” Thursday evening, Nov. 9, Mid-week j ----------------------- that need small appropriations to make the state of Oregon. them open to vessels of deep draft service, which would furnish an outlet for Where? The Kingdom of God What? How. Willamette Valley farmers but the city of Portland does not propose to have At The Chris’,ian Church. but one harbor in this state and that Regular services at the Christian, even if it church next Sunday. The Sunday; meant the absorbtion of all the appro­ School and regular service are growing up the river to Portland, ------------ MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN W E LL priation our delegation in Congress is in attendance. The Sunday evening W e have no objection service will be an evangelistic service to the improvement of the Columbia with sermon appropriate. All are able to obtain. River Bar, believe on the other hand we it should be improved but we also believe that other harbors of this state should also have the attention of Congress called to them and needed appropriations made for their perman­ ent improvement. Left for the East Tuesday. Forty y e a r s ago, P r. Pierre s. arched Kuture’i Uii/omtury fur a remedy with which to su p p la n t th e ignorant a n d t i- riotis methods of treatment, with alco­ holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still invited. too commonly prescribed and advised for woman's peculiar ailments. N ature abounds with most efficient rem­ Lewis and Clark Club Disbands. edies, and in L a d y ’s Slipper root. Black • Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh The local Woman’ s Lewis and Clark root and-Golden Seal root Pr. Fierce found medicinal projierties, which when club met at the home of Mrs. Rogers extracted and preserved by the use of Monday afternoon to hold its final ses­ chemically pure glycerine, have proven most potent in making weak women sion. T he meeting was well attended , Strong and sick women well. It contains no alcohol; is not a "patent medicine," and some important business was trans- , uor a secret one either. acted to dispose of all matters directly J. F. Woods, wife and children, left connected with the work of the club, j Tuesday at noon for their new home at It was also the concensus of opinion become that the women should form them­ interested in the Daily News, a well- selves into a new organization, of a known and long established paper and social and literary nature. For this will have charge of the business depart­ purpose Mrs. Georgia Hughes was Flint, c Michigan. He has Flint is a city of 16000 people elected temporary president and Miss and is rapidly increasing, besides it is Minnie Myers temporary secretary. known as one of the prettiest cities in A committee composed of Mrs. A. W. ment. the state. Johnson, Mrs. W. H oge and Miss Mary F. Famham were appointed to formu­ late a constitution and bylaws and to Postmaster Bump of the Carnation report Thursday afternoon at a meeting postoffice has been notified to keep to be held at the home of Mrs. i A. W. open until the middle of December at Johnson. which time another order from the Each member in good standing in postoffice department will be forthcom­ the local club will be presented with a souvenir plate. C. B. Sokes and ing. This is cheering news to the Grant Hughes, who were of material patrons of the office, as they expect the help to the ladies in the forwarding of next order will definitely establish the vegetables, Hovers and fruit will also office in that locality receive a souvenir plate. — Goldenrod Flour now $1.05 per sack. — Money to loan on farm security. W. H . Hollis, Forest Grove. TELEGRAPHERS drari^ of intense heart interest, will be seen at Vert’ s Hall, Nov. 3d. ■■ " f w »s su ffering w ith nervous hesdsche pains In the back and diulnens, so that a: tim es I hafl to He down fo r hours b efore I could raise m y head.” w rites Mrs. M ary M Thom as, o f 337 W inston S tr e e t Los Angeles. Cal. " A f t e r tak in g the first Isittle o f ' Fa - v r i t t fVrsrrtpfion." how ever. I was «o pleas, r w ith the results th at I kept on ta k in g It uutil I was restored to health and strength. I shall never be w ithou t this grea t medicine, and shall tak e a fe w doses when i do not feel strong." One of the principal uses of Dr. Pierce’» Favorite Prescription is the preparation of prospective mothers for the time of trial and danger that comes when a child Is horn. The " Prescription " is strength­ ening and invigorating and lessens pain and danger, [t insures the perfect well­ being and th* perfect health of both mother and ch» J. Every woman should know th*-e things before she really needs to know them. There are many tilings in I»r. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical A d ­ viser. that every woman ought to know. This celebrated work reached a sale of fit 1.000 copies at *1..rtOeach. T he expense of production having thus been covered, it is now being given away. A copy will be sent to any address on receipt of 21 one-rent stamps to cover cost of mailing Oil hf, or. in cloth binding for 31 stamps Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N Y. Don't Be Hoodwinked, or .ver-persuaded Into accepting a su 'w IH ut- f,.r Ilw O rigins! L ittle L lva r W h first put ep by old Dr R. V Pierce- « « ys^rs ago, and ca lled Doctor Ptovtw’ s Pleaaaat Pvlteti. T h r i v e Ije-n o te c * I Si its t e » Out nsvst equaled. One e r tw o e r e la xative, th ree M tout calharUa Flour, Hay, Grain and all kinds of Feed always on hand Windows, Door, Mouldings, Shingles, Paints and Oils. All kinds of Field Seeds. W e are also agents for the famous Chatham Fanning Mill with Sacker. own fuel. — Closing out sale. Goods at re­ — Eugene Spoffortl’ s production of duced prices at W . E. Dunsmoor’ s. “ A Human Slave,” an American melo- ------ F o re st G r o v e , O regon last sack. passing away very not making a sound nor 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E., month- i h o u s e 411(1 b u r i a appropriations of Congress for the im­ Service. Topic, cernetery- The provement of harbors on this coast to ly Consecration Service. Pedersen Feed Store, per = = = = = Sunday, Nov. 5, 10 A. M ., Sunday . struSgle. H e had been suffering with — Good prunes, 2 cents per pound at Dunsmoor’ s. THE Oregonian is pursuing its usual School; 11:00, Morning Worship, ad- tuberculosis foT some time. The fun- services were held in the school- —The gasoline woodsaw furnishes its methods in its efforts to hog all the minission of members and Communion the exclusion of every other harbor in / W il 1 W e Pay the best Market Prices for Eggs, Butter Chickens, Veal, Hogs and Hides. present with her. which the false witness tree was located, o f N. J. Baker is finishing his barn. ^ aud anj ^ ert^ a n d C l a u d ' s Miss Coral spent Saturday and Sunday deaf friend, Frank Tolson, went to I at home. Hillsboro last Sunday afternoon to visit Frank Baker was off his milk drive Grandma Woods. The old lady was in a few days last week, his son Walter good spirits and was pleased to have taking his place. company, though a great many people Mr. and Mrs. Aydelott were the visit her. H er daughter, grand daugh­ guests of A. F. Baker’ s family last ter and great-grand-daughter w e re , Mrs. Woods has ^undaJ are coming to light and demanding of Messrs. Aydelott, Zeigler and Lee been a member of the Methodist their defrauders the return of their cash had some surveying done on the church for about two-thirds of a century paid them for location fee. One vic­ Zeigler place, last week. and is not tired of serving the Lord, tim states that he paid $125 for being The Young People’ s C. E. Society although she wonders sometimes why located on what he supposed was heav­ of Hillside raised a subscription and H e does not take her home. ily timbered land in Southern Oregon. purchased gas lamps. Come and see H e was taken into the timber and M. Peterson returned I . Thursda> ‘ them bum next Sunday night, shown a blazed tree, inscribed with the evening from an extended business trip , . . . . . , . , ,, , „ ... Paul Baker was home from his school description of section, township and. through the states of Kansas and Ne- . . . . . .!. , , . , „ Saturday, accompanied bv one of his range. Accepting the assurance of braska, coming home by way of Can- i . . . ... .. j » , . 1 pupils, Walter Lynn, who went duck his guides that this was the govern- ada and stopping at Alberta where he , ment witness tree, K i n d s Full line of FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS, HARD- W AR E , etc. The County School Superintendent J our new man, but we have managed, A ll is still improving his claim, having built a new woodshed. W e might be a little crippled this I f of Men’s and Boys’ Fancy Sweaters, Rubber Boots, Rubber Shoes, Shoes and Rubbers, Slickers and Rain Hats and Umbrellas, Shingles. Shakes, Fence Posts. Czar has flown with his valuables and working diftance’ 1 e ’ ,he space be' tween the lens and the object. These in Portland last week. th : students are setting up a govem- 5c to 1 Oc; 6c, 7c and up ■ M MEATS VERY BEST QUALITY, PRICES, TREATMENT N liH D K D Annually, to fill the new position* created by R ail­ roads and Telegraph Companies. We want Young Mon and Ladios <» e«od habit», to SAELENS ft CO., Main St., FOREST SR0VE, OREGON LEARN TELEGRAPHY Buffalo, N. Y. LaCrosse, Wis. San Francisco, Cal. — Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or profes­ sion. Read the display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn tele­ graphy and be assured a position. 6 0 YE AR * EXPERIENCE P atents I R A D C W * «»4 S D em o n « COPVRIOMT« Ac. A n v n n « H andln* * »k H «*h And d eacrln lton m ay - ] whether an nnlckly a»c*»rti*iii o ---- «r —tog*!— oyittikm mvp'itk.n IA prohAblf n n f«n t*bt »nun il tile*. tly r«.nf 1 dPtitli*l ■••“ **- DOK on Paten t« tlotia airietl; rtn« petenta. • r e tiry fo r •« •ent fr * «. Of«- k Co. recete« Paten t« tA «eu t h r o Mil n «h Mu •pretti » d i e * . wtthnut ehi Scientific Am erican, A handnomely ninafrafed weekly. I.nrrewt c ir­ culation o f any »«Meriiiftc tournai. Ternu«, | ) « year ; four m onth«, $1- Sold by alt n ew »d e«ler«. MUNN & Co.«*'*-*-»’ New York B ruirti OfBe*. M V BL. Waafelaaton. D .C . & Buxton 3 0 T H ’ PHONES. Forest Grove, Ore. W. H. HOLLIS. LAW YER OFFICE over Hines' Store. Forest Grove, City Barber Shop . . Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­ ated on Pacific A ve., Forest Grove. . . A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor J. W . H u g h e s The Morse School ot Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta. Ga. Texarkana, Tex. Practical Undertakers and Embalm- ers. Calls answered day or night. Real Estate and Corpo- ratioi^^iw j^Sgecialty. AND R. R. ACCOUNTING W e furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN TH E W O R LD . Established 20 >ears and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. W e execute a $250 Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying from $40 to $60 a month in States east of the Rocks Mountains, or from $75 to $100 a month in States west of the Rockies, im m e d ia te ly upon grad u a tio n . Students can enter at any time. No vacations. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. Undertakings^ Oregon R . IN IX O IN , D e n t i s t Forest Grove, Oregon Three door* north of Bailey’i «tore, hour« from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. W ill Cry Your Sales. Farmers & Merchants Ind. Phone Forest Grove Oregon BANK Of Forest Grove, Oregon J. N . Hoffman C A P IT A L $ 2 X ,(M X ). A General Banking Business Trans­ acted. Drafts sold on all the principal ATTORNEY AT LAW | Cities in the United States and Europe. Office in Front Room* of Abbott Build­ Correspondents Wells Fargo 8t Go’ s ing, Upstairs. Bank. Directors: Richard M. Dooley, John W. Shute, FO REST GROVE. - - OREG O N J. E. Loomis, and Frank E. Dooley. Accounts j — solicited. Local Time Table Trains on the Southern Pacific arrive and depart on the following schedule: GOING S O U T H No. 2 ____9 A. M. No. 4 ____ 6:21 P. M. GOING NORTH No. 3. . .6:59 A. M No. 1.. . .4:16 PM N. L. ATKINS, Agt. There r »f> .i«l be a greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current o f bia discourse.—Locke. . ; Go To The Paris : Milliner : Parlor A fine line of Ribbons, Vel­ vets, Hats, Caps, Baby Goods, Mourning Goods and Notions. M. L. Berdan, Baldwin Brick - Forest Grove — Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed.