Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 19, 1905, Image 3

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    With Every Purchase of $5.00
or More
The Big Price-Smashing
Cash - Getting Carnival
Drawing to Close
18 Bars
Laundry Soap for
25 cts.
With purchase of $5.00 or more. Either
Diamond C., Cakes Golden Star or
X L N T.
Just 10 More Trade Days of this Big Bargain Event
■»" Strike W hile the Iron is Hot “W
For never again will you have such a golden opportunity to Save on your fall buying. Everything you need for the Fast Approaching Winter is in store for
you at this store. Come while you can and while the Extremely Low Prices Prevail. This store is full of thousands of different articles needed in every home.
The Big Sale is still going on and the low prices still prevail. We are going to make the last 10 days of this Record breaking Sale the busiest of them all.
“ V>lya Girmanti.’ ’
Ladie’s Coats,
Jackets, Crav-
enetts, Skirts
and Furs
Rain Coats, Duck
Coats and Oiled Cloth­
ing can be found here
in big bunches.
Men’s Cravenettes
$9.00 to $18.03,
Men’s Rain Proof Ul­
sters $4.50. Men’s
Oiled Rain Coats
Our big assortment is somwhat broken.
The Cu. Prices are moving them double quick.
If you are going to buy a wrap or fur you are
not treating yourself fair if you don’t examine
our line and get our prices before you buy.
Just Half Price
"V tiyii Garment»"
Every Ladies’ Collar in the store goes on Sale
tomorrow at just 1-2 the regular price. About
300 turnovers, stocks, fancy tabs and lace collars
in this lot. Come early if you want any.
25 dozen Ladies Fine Embroidered handker­
chiefs. Our regular 50c kind and they are
worth the money. On sale, beginning tomorrow
at 29c.
E x t r a S p e c ia l
in S a tin e U n d e rs k irts
A good Mercerized Skirt, black only, well-
made, 18 inch pleated flounce—worth $1.50 and
that’s our regular price but beginning tomorrow
they go at 98c each.
Ladies’ Outing Flannel Night Robes—large
assortment of styles and colors, now on sale at
69c, 83c 99c and $1.12.
E x t r a G o o d H o se
Extra low prices on Extra Good Hose. About
300 pairs Misses and Children’s Wool Hose—
regular 25c, 30c, and 40c sellers—right now for We the are sole
when you need them we put them on sale at the Warner’s Rust Proof
pair, only 18c.
Corsets. The corset
Bed Spread Specials—
Beginning Tomorrow
85c spreads, now 69c; $1.75 spreads $1.49
1 25 “ “ 98 1 89 “
1 59
1 48 “ “ 1 19
2 00 “
1 63
I alee Y Olir
with a Reputation
and the Corset with E V E R Y P A IR G U A R A N T E E D
a guarantee. We guarantee every Warner’s Corset to give
satisfaction and if found otherwise, we will cheerfully refund
your money and ask no questions. A complete stock of
these corsets will be found at this store. All the new styles
are here. Sizes 18 to 36. Prices 81.00 and up. We are
closing out all other corsets at 25c, 50,c, 75c and 85c.
With every purchase of $5.00 or more we will sell
you either of the following
Eighteen Bars Laundry Soap for 25 cent>s; Standard Calico for 10c or 10 yards Apron
10 Spools Clark’s Thread for 10c; 10 yards Check Gingham for 10c.
This offer must* be taken same day of pnrehase.
a a
Money Back if You re
10 yards Apron
Check Gingham,
10 cenLs, with ev­
ery purchase of $5
or over.
Nelson B. LaCourse
10 yards of Stand­
ard Calico for 10
cents, with every
Purchase of $5.00
or over.