Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 19, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. I l l
C o u n t y
new s
NO. 22
and honest men have been nominated,
they are entitled to the support of the
party, and to this end it is urged that
immediately after the primaries, con­
ventions be held in each county to Cungregatlunalists Holding Annual
Rousing Mooting of ttio Oregon
ratifiy the choice of the people; elect
publicans at the Empire
Session In This City
delegates to a state convention to rat­
interest of protection and prosperity
ify the nominations of the people for
This Week.
state officers; to elect delegates to
Declares that the Republican major­
ratify nominations made for Congress
ity given Roosevelt last year was an
Baker’s Conference Harmonious in ! expression of the confidence of the j in each district, and such other district Many Ministers From Over the
nominations as have been made by the
people in his sincerity, honesty, pur- i
Every Particular-Resolutions
State Present and Much
' pose and ability; that this confidence |
Fourth— That the state convention,
has been justified by his achievements
Good Work Being Done
in addition to ratifying nominations,
at home and abroad; congratulates him
shall adopt a platform and pledge its
j upon his intervention for peace be-
j condidates to its observance.
The much talked of republican con- tw« n Japan and Russia; commends
The 57th annual meeting of the
Fifth— That the county and state
ference held at Portland last Thursday, his policy of peace in the Phillipines,
Association of Congregational
conventions of the county, state and
proved to be the proper caper to unite anc^ declares that in his battle for civic
and ministers of Oregon con­
district committeemen chosen by the
the warring factions of the republican ¡ righteousness he is entitled to the co­
Congregational church in
people be urged to organize and har-
party in this state. Not a few of the operation of all good citizens,
afternoon. Rev. C.
i monize the party of the state into a
standard bearers were there and the
E. Chase, of Portland, was elected
perfect and harmonious whole.
speeches were of the most enthusiastic ; Resolves that it is important to se-
Sixth— That the existing state, moderator; Rev. G. W. Nelson of
nature, insuring a successful termina- cure from the Federal Government county and district committees are re­ Albany, asistant moderator; Geo. H.
tion of the meeting.
sufficient appropriations to complete quested to carry out these resolutions; Himes, of Portland, scribe, and Rev.
During the closing hours of the con- improvements under way at the mouth call the conventions at an early date C. M. Smyth of Hubbard, assistant
ference there was some lively debate of the Columbia and at Celilo, as well after the primary election, and urge all scribe. George H. Himes was elected
over the resolutions, but at no time ! as upon all the bays, harbors and prin- influential Republicans to attend them. press reporter.
Rev. C. F. Clapp, state superinten­
did the assemblage take on an air of cipal waterways of the state, as prompt-
dent of Congregational missionary work
hostility. Throughout, it was replete ly as possible, in* the interests of a
Requests that the Oregon delegation made the dedicatory prayer.
with the sage utterances of party lead- ¡ growing commerce,
in Congress support the measures rec­
The second day’s session was be­
ers who felt it their duty to cement the 1 p r im a r y LAW AND CONVENTIONS,
ommended by the President in his gun by devotional services led by Prof.
brotherly feeling with the speech that j First— That the direct primary law
message to Congress bearing on the Marsh. Many papers were read and
electrocutes the unpartisan spirit.
; should be observed in letter and
regulation of freight rates.
subjects discussed. The committee
Resolutions adopted by the peace spirit, and any defects in its adminstra-
elections reported and owing to
conference is summarized as follows: | t¡on referred to the next Legislature
the list will be published in next
[or correction, revision or amendment.
Renewing enthusiasm in the faith Second—That Repnblicans in every
Theodore Clifton, D. D., of
and pledging each other to work to- precinct of the state should urge lead-
gethcr in harmony and good fellowship ¡ng and influential members of the drives aWay settler and investor; hence Chicago, national secretary of the
for the purpose of securing to the Na- party to go before the people as candi- it is resolved that the Republicans of colleges and universities of the Con­
tion and the state a perpetuation of the 1 dates, and that selections of nominees Oregon be on their guard against make- gregational Church, addressed the
Republicanism of Lincoln.
be made without thought of faction, believe remedial legislation in the student body of the Pacific University
at 1 o’clock, and also at the evening
but solely upon the basis of their j interests of minority parties.
First—Such as the imperative man­ meeting delivered a fine address in
Reaffirms the Chicago platform of fitness.
Third— That when capable, efficient date providing for calling officials from Marsh Hall. H e said among other
1904; congratulates the country upon
their offiices before the ends of terms. things that just as soon as he returned
Second—A scheme to give minority to Chicago the office of Dr. Pearson
| parties representation in public offices would be the first place he would go
without being chosen by a plurality of to tell him of the possibilities of the
votes cast. The principle that the school and request that the school be
; majority should rule has been tried placed on his list of benefactors for
the coming year.
and fouud to be fair.
At the evening session a concert was
given by the orchestra of the Pacific
Expressing appreciation in the
University. The association was then
' courtesy and wisdom of Frank C.
in connection with a mass
Baker, chairman of the State Central
meeting by President Ferrin and Dr.
Committee, in convening the confer­
ence, and expressing confidence that Clifton, of Chicago. .
The program and the work in gen­
his action will result in permanent
eral of the association is one of the
benefit to the party.
strongest in the history of the church.
House-Cleaning Time is
House Painting Time
The S h e r w in -W illia m s
F a m ily P a in t is made particu­
larly to lighten house-cleaning
It is an oil paint and can be
washed and scrubbed. It brush­
es out easily— doesn’t drag or
tire you to apply it ; the girls
can put it on. Made in 24
gooa colors. U se it this
year on your cupboards,
pantry shelves, base boards,
etc., and you’ll have less
work next year.
G e t color cards — they
tell more about Family
G O FF B R O S .,
The victim of the rviiaway accident
reported in last week’s News, Wm.
Dilley, never ri ¿lined consciousness
and early next morning, Friday, died
of his injuries. This was a singular
accident as there is no theory advanced
explaining how he was dragged, but
the fact that his team was tied to the
fence has been cleared up. It is un­
derstood that a party from up Gales
Creek way came along the road at an
early hour that morning to catch the
7:00 train for Portland, and that they
found Dilley’s team and tied it to the
fence. They also discovered Dilley
and noticed that he was alive but sup-
j posed that he was under the influence
' of liquor, consequently, in their hurry
, to catch the train, they left him where
i they found him, little thinking that he
was injured. Upon arriving at Forest
Grove they did not see anyone on the
street to notify hence their departure
without his condition being known.
The funeral was held Saturday at
one o’clock from his father’s home in
this city and the interment was in
Buxton cemetery. Deceased was 26
years old and he leaves, besides his
parents, several brothers and a sister,
and a wife.
Supt. E. S. Callender, of the con­
denser, last week had a visit from his
son, E. M., of Orting, Washington. Mr.
Callender was down a few days taking
in the fair and ran out to the Grove to
pay his father a visit. H e is in the
general mercantile business and is pro«-
driving to Walla Walla with quite a
sum of money, when they were “ held
up” by a highwayman.
At the point
of a revolver he compelled them to
hand over their hard earned cash. Directors oi P. N. & T. Co. Pass
The robber became careless when he
Resolutions to Release
had secured the money and taking
advantage of this Mr. Ward dealt him
Hillsboro Roadbed.
a terrific blow on the head with the
butt end of the buggy whip. While
the would-be highwayman was uncon­ Depot Line In The Grove Gaining
scious, his victims went through his
Headway— Might Go Farther.
pockets; recovered their money and
took his revolver.
After tying his
Other Notes.
hands and feet with their halter ropes,
they hauled him into Walla Walla
and turned him over to the Chief of
This morning’s Oregonian contained
Police of that city, who thanked them j
the following concerning the Hillsboro
very heartily for capturing so danger­
Railroad project:
ous a criminal.
“ Subject to ratification by stockhold­
ers of the Portland, Nehalem & Tilla­
Came Over the Road.
Officials of the Oregon Traction mook Railway Company, the directors
Company of Portland drove to this city of that corporation at a meeting held
Sunday to look over the route of the yesterday afternoon in the office of
proposed traction line. The party William Reid, secretary and attorney,
composed Andrew Graydon, J. E. adopted a resolution for transfer of the
Gardner, chief engineer; J. T. Gard­ right of way from Hillsboro to the peo­
iner and others connected with the ple of that community from whom it
Osegon Traction Company. Mr. J. T. was obtained. The purpose of this
Gardiner is said to own about 80 miles resolution is to restore to the Hillsboro
of electric line in Southern Cali.'^.nia people the authority to deal directly
and has taken up with this proposition with E. E. Lytle for construction of
as he considers it a good one.
Noth­ the Pacific Railway & Navigatin Com­
ing definite about the resumption of pany’s line to Nehalem, Tillamook and
Astoria by the routes already partially
construction work was given out.
outlined and on which surveys are now
Wedded in Portland.
being made.”
Several members of the Board in
A very quiet wedding took place in
Portland Monday, Oct. 16, 1905, this city, met last night but took no
which united the lives of Mr. Wm. definite action on the depot electric
J. Muir of this city and Miss Winifred line, but were assured that the money
Connelly of Dilly. Both parties are with which to build this project was
well known and they have the best forthcoming when plans tjiat are
now being perfected, could be made
wishes of their many friends.
They will make Portland their home. known. It is almost certain that the
line will run further.
The Missouri building at the fair,
—FOR S A L E —Good horse, surrey,
burned to the ground last Friday even­
ing about 8 o’clock, together with the buggy and harness. M. H . Shipley,
Forest Grove.
entire exhibit.
Successor to JOHNSON & JOHNSON
Fresh Neats 1 Kinds
Wm. Dilley Who Met With a Horri­
Raid the Saloons and Smash the
ble Accident Never Re­
Slot-Mahines for Money.
gained Consciousness.
Stoves of all kinds. The largest assortment in Washington Co.,
and prices the lowest. The Celebrated Bridge Beach Superior
Ranges and heating Stoves; the Malleable Steel Range and others
too numerous to mention. Stove Pipe 15c per joint, while it lasts.
One piece Elbow, 20c.
the prosperity due to the administration
' of a Republican President and Con-
j gress; comments upon the greatness of
| the American Republic and its people,
Re- and calls upon the people to support
the party at the next elections in the
Cornelius saloons were visited last
Sunday night by burglars who broke
open the slot-machines and secured
about 875 in nickels.
The thieves forced an entrance at the
rear of both Peters’ and McCurdy’s
At the former place they
secured about 855, but not until they
carried the machine outside the build­
ing. At McCurdy’s place they se­
cured only about 820. It is thought
that the thieves were acquainted about
the premises as their movements indi­
cated as much. Nothing else was
Excellent Entertainment.
H A M S , B A C O N and other Salt Meats Always on Hand
V e g e ta b le s - o f - a ll - K in d s
In S e t i s o n
Everything Fresh in the Grocery Line
to be Found here. Free Delivery to all
parts of the city.
The entertainment given by the
Parland-Newhall Co. under the auspi- .
ces of the Athletic Club of P. U. was
one of the best to ever visit Forest
Grove. This is the first of a series of
four to be given by the club this win- \
ter. The entertainment composed a 1
male quartet, brass quartet and bell \
ringers. Every number was heartily1
encored, some of them as many as
three times.
Captured the Highwayman.
The Index relates an exciting hold­
up of two Forest Grove boys who are
over in Eastern Oregon and Washing­
ton canvassing, it says:
Messrs. Ward and Sparks, who are
Just now finishing up their canvassing
work in Eastern Oregon and Washing­
ton were the principal actors in a
thrilling adventure one day last week.
After a day of delivering they were
After All It’s The
ïa n é a l
Under the dial that makes the time­
All watches look pretty
much alike form the dial side, but
there’s a vast difference in the in­
terior construction. Constantly re­
pairing watches of all kinds gives
us a knowledge of the intricate
That is worth Something to you
And of which you get the benefit, and you won’t regret it if your
new watch this fall comes from