— Money to loan on farm security. W. H . Hollis, Forest Grove. Don't Get Cold Feet I t w i l l be I m p o s s i b l e f o r you to g e t c o l d f e e t w i t h one o f o u r u p - t o - d a t e H e a t e r s i n y o u r home LARGEST STOCK IN COUNTY Different patterns of i the Latest Stoves on our Sample Floor. Gom e a n d S e e th em M. P E T E R SO N FO REST GROVE, ORE NORTH MAIN STREET LOCAL HAPPENINGS. —T o TRADE — Fine city residence to trade for cows. Will take team of horses, few sheep etc. Inpuire at this office. o5t2 Capt. Barnes was apprised, Tuesday, of the fact that his exhibit of archery, — Tare seed at C. J. Pedersen’s received the gold medal at the Lewis — Goldenrod Flour now $1.05 per and Clark Fair. sack. J. E. Patton, the ex-wood-saw man, — The gasoline woodsaw furnishes its has purchased another outfit and gone to McMinnville where he will engage own fuel. Mrs. Chas. Hines was a Portland visi­ in that business. —Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed. The New York Tribune Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H . Adams were weekly, and the News one year, $1.15. The Farmer is one of the best farm Portland visitors, Friday. journals published. Mrs. C. B. Campbell has been quite Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ulm returned ill, but is much improved. Monday evening from the Williams J. T. Brooks and W. E. Bowman hop yard where they have been board­ went to Portland yesterday on business. ing the hop pickers. Misses Lida Thompson and Mary H. J. Haskell of Zanesville, Ohio, is Weitzel were Fair visitors Joe Meek I this week visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Day. j N. Ferrin. Mr. Haskell made this Geo. Sloan shipped two of his fine office a pleasant call. Yorkshire pigs to Grays Harbor last “ Babe” Luster, an engineer on the Saturday. S. P. between Ashland and Chico, Cal., Miss Gladys Todd was quite sick visited last week with the family of his the forepart of this week, but is much i sister, Mrs. A. B. Todd. improved. Pratt Vickers, who was filling the Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Atkins arrived j j office of agent at the depot during the home from their wedding trip in Cali­ absence of Mr. Atkins, is confined to his bed with typhoid fever. fornia last week. tor Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Smith of Portland, daugh­ Word was received from Haven ter of S. A. Walker of this city, is Belknap, that he had given up his col­ spending a few days here. lege course in Indiana and would short­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matteson of ly be at home in this city. Lake City, Minn., are visiting at the Mrs. Dora C. Adams came home home of Ambrose Porter. from the hospital Sunday evenining Mrs. John Ranes of Walla Walla, where she underwent an operation. Wash., and brother Tommy Heisler She is now on the road to recovery. returned home this week. Chas. Tegler and wife, of Nevada Judge Hollis attended the Willam­ City, Cal., are visiting at the home of ette Valley Development League con­ Mrs. Tegler’s parents, R. W. S. Hamer. vention last Friday and Saturday. They have been visiting the fair also. There will be a dance Saturday John Anderson is having his new night in Vert’s Hall. All lovers of the rooms in the old Pacific Gallery stand amusement will please take notice. remodeled and expects to be moved in­ Alex Todd, Hugh Smith and Chas. to his new quarters today or tomorrow. Jackson spent several days last week Mrs. N. J. Spencer, of Norton, at the stock show at the exposition. Kansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Milo Frank Brown, the sketch artist, has | Kelsey of this city. Mrs. Spencer is gone to Corvallis where he will be en­ favorably impressed with Forest Grove. gaged in his profession for a short time. J. M. Garrison is attending the poul­ —Goldenrod Flour now $1.05 per try show and has placed on exhibition sack. some very fine Brown Leghorns and T. G. Todd was a Portland visitor J he will probably bring home some blue last week. He says the stock show I ribbons. was the best ever held on the Pacific Rooms and board—Nicely furnished Coast. rooms with or without board. Inquire at this office. s-28-t3 Miss Williams of this city was in Portland last week and attended the — Wanted—One half dozen bantam farewell concert to Miss Anna Ditch- hens. Address Mrs. T . Wigman, bum, a former classmate of hers. , Forest Grove. Telephone Cornelius 53. HARDW ARE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. F. Harris has had the tree in front of his place of business removed. Alonzo R Fanno et ux to Mary C Summers part of block A This gives more light in his hardware store which is being enlarged and re­ town of Beaverton............... $ modeled. W J Wall et ux to J B Wilkes being part of lot 7 block 4 Episcopal services will be held at Thorn add to Hillsboro. . . . the Congregational church at Hillsboro, Friday 13, 10 a. m., by the Rev. W. Cary Peterson et ux to Henry Gevert part of section 2 t 1 A. M. Breck of Portland. General nr 5 west............................... invitation is extended to all. John A Krieger et ux to John —Girls, if you want red lips, laughing Vanderberg one acre in eyes, sweet breath and good looks, use Michel Wren d 1 ................ Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. The John J Kuratli to Samuel Kuratli greatest beautifier known. 35 cents, 40 acres sec 13 t 1 nr 2 w Tea or Tablets. Dr. Hines Drug Store. W M ........................................ — Indigestion, constipation, dyspep­ Emil Stark to Fred Stark et al 1 1-16 acres sec 10 t 2 sr 2 sia, kidney and liver disorders, and all w .............................................. stomach troubles positively cured by using Hollister’s Rock Mountain Tea. Mary E Crowder et al to C F Hesse 100 acres in Peter 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Hines Scholls d 1 c .......................... Drug Store. George Delano to Otis L Frisbie Levi Walkerv who went down into lots 4 and 5 block 10 Cor­ Douglas county last spring, to do some nelius ...................................... government surveying, returned home Otis L Frisbie et ux to John W Tuesday night, being compelled to Frisbie lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 postpone his work until next spring on block 10 Cornelius................ account of the rains. John Schmidt et ux to Louis R Carow 30 acres in sec 12 t The Lewis & Clark Woman’s club of Forest Grove, will hold its regular 2 s r 3 w ................................. monthly meeting, Monday, Oct. 9th, S W Seelye et ux to Simon P at the home of Mrs. Hoge. This will Taylor 7.22 acres in James be the last meeting of the club and a Rowell d i e ........................... large attendance is desired. Willamette Real Estate Co to Otis L Frisbie lots 1, 2 and 3 — It makes no difference how long block 10 Cornelius................ you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver Geo S Robinson et ux to James D Adams J acre in Felix and kidney troubles, Hollister’s Rocky Landess d i e ........................ Mountain Tea will make you well. Margaret Slater et al to H L 35 cents at Dr. Hines Drug Store. Kocher tract near Sherwood Mr. Hendricks of Cornelius was a R D Montague et al to Carl visitor at this office Tuesday and left a Iler 9 acres sec 10 t 3 n r large advertisment announcing the 5 w .......................................... opening of his store in that bustling Clifford B Harris et ux to Wm town. H e says his business already is Robinson 60 acres sec 5 t 2 extremely gratifying and the prospects W .......................................... are bright. The Pacific Coast Condenser is now sending out one carload of cream per day. Arrangements have been made with the railroad whereby one car a day is furnished the Condenser Co. This month’s shipments promise to be great­ er than any preceeding month. As the roads are getting some what juicy, reminds us that fall is here and it is the proper time for the supervisors to look to the cleaning out of the ditches and culverts, which will save money, besides preventing many bad mud holes if attended to now. * WE COUNTY COURT NEWS Sen. E. W. Haines was a guest at the James J. Hill banquet at the American Inn, Monday night. There were about six hundred representative men from all parts of the state, and it was one of the most enthusiastic meet­ ings ever held in Oregon. Mr. Hill, president of the Great Northern, made a speech in which he expressed him­ self as well pleased with Portland and the general outlook in the entire state. Mr. Hill didn’t say that his railroad would be built to any other points in Oregon except Portland, but that his company would familiarize itself with the balance of the state, which is taken to mean that otfier projects are not im­ probable. 300 q u a l it v Range 1 t. S ett In n c. F. H a r r i s F o re s t G ro v e H ag R tg M . Sirs. Housekeeper—Jane, are the eggs boiling? Jane (late of BostonV— Most assuredly not. madam. I may safely say. however, th at the w ater is In which they are Immersed.—Pblla dctpbla Press s t y l e a n d f it A N EW DOCTRINE This is our strongest argument, always compare our patterns and prices with anything offered in the Clothing Trade generally. The superb showing of the very latest and most fashionable suitings at the low prices we put upon ^ 7500 them tells better than words, the story of our great success. 1000 JOHN ANDERSON, TheTailor. Forest. Grove, Oregon' 190 | J 105 Will occupy Pacific Gallery building after October 1st. 800 1 Johnson & Co. 75 : THE" Brick 50 Livery, Feed and Sale Stable See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail. Baggage and freight called for and delivered. 10 j Finest Rigs. 3000 Best Horses. Good Drivers. Corner Main and Pacific Ave., Forest rove, Or. 1500 PROBATE COURT Hancock, Gordon & Elliott Last will and testament of Chas W Rosa admitted to probate. In the matter of the guardianship of Chas C and Al Foyd Harris, minors, inventory and appraisement filed and approved. Total valuation $1400. Guardianship of Ida, Herman and Freda Colfelt, minors. Julia Colfelt appointed guardian with bonds at $500, bonds filed and approved. Herman Smith, Hans Jorgensen and Thos Matthiesen appointed appraisers. U nited S ta te s L and O ffice, P o rtla n d , O regon, S e p t. 29, 1905. N otice Is h e re b y g iv e n th a t in co m p lian ce w ith th e pro v isio n s of th e act of C ongress of Ju n e 3, 1878, e r - title d “ An a c t fo r th e s a le o f tim ber lands in th e States of C a lifo rn ia , O regon, N evada, and W a sh in g to n T e rri­ to ry ,” as extended to a ll th e Public L and States by act of A ugust 4, 1892, C lark P. H a d le y , of P o rtla n d c ounty o f M ultnom ah, S tate of O re g o n , has th is day filed In th is office h is sworn sta te m e n t No. 6677, for the p u rch a se of th e EV ji of SW V* of S ectio n No 21 and E\*a o f SW Vi Sec 28 in T ow nship N o. 2 N . R ange No. 5 W , and w ill offer proof to show th at th e land so ught is m ore v alu ab le fo r its tim ber o r stone th a n fo r a g ric u ltu ra l pu rp o ses, to estsblish his claim to sa id land before R e g iste r and R e c e iv e r at P ortland, O re g o n , on W ednesday, th e 13th day of D ecem ber, 1905. H e nam es as w itnesses: W e sle y P e n n e y of Saint Johns, O re., Jacob T . Cox, of Glenwood P. O ., O re ., T hom as V arley, of G lenw ood P. O ., O re ., A. M. S te arn s. of P o rtlan d , O re. Any and all persons c la im in g a d v e rse ly th e atxn e described lands a re req u e sted to file th eir claim s in th is office on or before said 13th day of D ecem ber, 1905. A LG ER N O N S. D R ESSE R . R e g iste r. F irs t P u b ., O ctober .5. Special Attention to Commercial Travelers' Patronage. Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates. F a s h io n L i v e r y , F e e d a n d S a le S t a b le . Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times F0f8St GfOV8, OREGON AND COLUMBIA PHONES. OfegOII. A t New Store at Cornelius The new store in Cornelius is now open. In the line of dry goods and Notions, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods of all kinds; Shirts and Overalls of all sizes, patterns and pieces. In groceries of the fin­ est quality we excel, and have a splendid stock. A good line of farm im­ plements, Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, etc. We have the Standard manufactures. We take Produce in payment and pay the highest market price for the same. Come and see the new store. Corner Fourth and Main stieets. No trouble to show goods, even if you do not buy. We are here to make you prices that will cause you to buy and us to sell H e n d r ic k s & S on | | , P e d e rs e n j ; 1 F e e d S to re , F o re s t G ro v e , O re g o n Flour, Hay, Grain and all kinds of Feed always on hand Windows, Door, Mouldings, Shingles, Paints and Oils. All kinds of Field Seeds. W e are also agents for the famous Chatham Fanning Mill with Sacker. | i I | \ , 1SfiLCt ioJ\ cûT" PÚrtÚfaoL TJÜ 'ò 0-4 owf* Q /S J® * . a» .*71 . d e . »...1 U V < / ro c k c ry * ta l. a r a a m o n g th e ( r a n d s ig h ts to ba AS S E C O N D P H IZ E S T H E T E L E G R A M O E P E R S S IX M O N T H S S C H O L - A R 8 H I P 9 IN T H E B E H N K E -W A L X E R «» B U S IN E S S C D L L E O E O F P O R T L A N D p d T h a re s c h o la rs h ip s w a r» s e le c te d a f te r to c o r a ld e r in g m a n y e e ..» g 'a a n d w er» sa- » • J ta c t ad b a c a tis« T h e T e le g ra m be. la v ra 0 t h a t th e B e h n k a - W a lk e r C o lle g e o ffers th e bant o p p o rtu n ity to s e c u r e a b u s in e s s **n “> e d u c a tio n of a n y c o lle g e o f tta k in d In th e W e s t. T h o r s s c h o la r s h ip s a r e tr a n s f e r - C ", ah'.», a n d m a y b a u sed g iv e n a w a y , o r *“ • sold to a n y or.# In y o u r d is tr ic t. •A h* A L L T H E P R IZ E D n r y s R s s A R E , "** T R A M F l I H A B i J O ne A d v a n ta g e . Oreen—This paper tells of a man who recently married his anut. Brown— lie 's in luck. Oreen—How so? Brown —Being his own uncle now, he will be able to wear his watch regularly.—Cin­ cinnati Euqulrer. , Your suit should be perfectly tailored and should be made from m ateri^j of your own selecting, correct in style and faultless in fit, we give all this at prices that preach 362 ‘•There are many things you can’t do with money." said the man who affects philosophy. "Yes." answered I>usttn Stax, “but there are a whole lot more things yon can't do without It."—Washington Star. Cook Stove Wist if fa rm s L M ircluts B a l They are very satisfying garments in the thrice essential features required 1500 B oth Sid es o f a Q a n t l o a . If you do don’t fail to look over the line on dis­ play at this store. The Prices are the lowest; Quality the best. Made To Order Clothes Wot S o W o n d e r f u l . Heating Stove DOCTRINE The keen enjoyment of being well dressed is denied many men because they don’t know about our 1 Tourist (In retired villngel—So th a t’s the oldest Inhabitant? One huntireil ami four years old? No wonder you're proud of him. Native—I dnnno. He ain 't done nothin' In this yer place 'cept grow old. aud It's took him a sight o' time to do that. Are you in need of a new N EW A Pay Less; Dress Better" Estate of Ellen L Ford. Sale of The Forest Grove Rod and Gun real estate confirmed. Club have been advised by the govern­ ment that its application for more MARRIAGE UCENSES fish for Washington county streams, William A Wynkoop and Lillian has been accepted and the assignment of brook trout will be made next year. Nelson. The fish applied for will be planted in -------- 1 — :-------- — WANTED — Good farm hand; must Scoggins and Patton creeks. be able to milk. Steady place to right Rev. W. S. Gordon and family of party. Inquire at this office. Salem, have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gordon just north Stoves of this city. Mr. Gordon will now be Hughes is closing out his stock of located at Gardiner, in the Southern stoves at cost. See him before pur­ part of the state near the coast. Frank chasing. s-28-4t Gordon, who has been very sick for sometime was able to go out and take Notice For Publication dinner at the old home on Sunday. Miss Carrye Watt gave on last Tues­ day an “ R and G” shower in honor of Miss Anna Roe, who is soon to be married. The affair was attended by quite a number of the friends of Miss Roe. Articles beginning with the let­ ters “ R” or “ G” were received by Miss Roe and quite a number of useful articles were received among them being a pair of red goff glcves and a big red rooster. PREACH T h e abo v e w as d ip p e d bodily from a tw o-colum n an n o u n cem en t by The Evening T eleg ram of a $ 5 0 0 0 prize contest it h as ju st instituted to o b tain new subscribers. T his sw eeping trib u te w as absolutely un­ solicited. As A LL th e business colleges of P o rtlan d use th e advertising colum ns of T h e T eleg ram th e B eh n k e-W alk er College being by no m ean s th e larg est ad v ertisers - t h e Wrtte direct to Department r in d a ta te a pit a y y j ; ^ . J • sw eeping n a tu re of this in d o rsem en t ca m e as a g re at surprise. It w as in no sense a paid ad v ertisem en t, b u t w as th e verdict of th a t g re a t evening daily its fa ir an d im partial ju d g m en t a fte r having in ' vestigated best business colleges in th e w est. Lom e to Portland ta k e a d v a n ta g e of this best o p p o rtu n ity to secure a business e d u c a­ tion of an y college of its kind in th e W e st." Bahnke-Walker Business Collet», Port Und. Or»., for Caíalos. s