R e v e r s i n g T h in g « . Tom— Fred tells me he is going to ftnarry that rich young widow next week. [Jack— He isn't going to wait 50 years, k? [Tom — Wait 50 years for what? Jack— Ilia golden wedding. Mow’« ThU? e offer One Hundred Dollar» Reward for oa*e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh l ure. fail a F. J. CHENEY A CO., Prop«., Toledo, O. ' We, the under»igned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year», and believe hiua perfectly honorable in all business transac­ tions and financially able to carry out any ob­ ligations made by their firm. MV cst A T r u a x , Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, O. K va ld in g , K in n a n & M a r v in , Wholesale Drug­ gists. Toledo, O. H a ir « Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aet- ,ng directly upon the blood and mucous sur- aces of the system. Price 75c. per botua. k>ld by all Druggists. Test! Testimonials free, H all’s Family Pills are the best. P o ssib le E x p 'a n a tio n . W ife (at the theater)— I wonder vhy those impudent people across the falsie look over here so often? Husband— 1 suppose they are trying to ascertain why you look over there •o often, my dear. Your H air Twice as Good One Third the Cost Don’t have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you I Then what? Better please it by giving it a good hair-food— A y e r’s Hair Vigor. The hair stops coming out, becomes soft and smooth, and all the d eep, rich c o l o r o f youth comes back to gray hair. same time. From two aud a half to three minutes are required for the trip. The speed is a trifle less than two miles an hour. ** I w as tro u b le d g r i s t l y w ith d a n d ru ff until I used A y e r ’s ila ir V ig o r . I t c om pi e te ly cu red th e d a u u ru ff and a lso stopped m y h a ir fr o m fa llin g out. I t s e rv e s m e v e r v n ic e ly a lso in a rra n g in g m y h a ir in a n y s ty le I wish.” — Miss M a g g i e C o o k . D iv id e , W . V a . S by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. A ls o manufacturera o f Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. A n O ld Please ixijers 9 _ T im e r . sarsaparilla . PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. Gray— That was a pretty good story Parker told last night, wasn’t it? In s u lt to W a s h in g t o n . Smith— Yes; but it has shattered my The principal o f a high school in Jer­ belief in an old axiom. sey suddenly ordered all classes to as­ Gray—To what one do you refer? semble iu the auditorium, and when ^£mith— To the one in which we are led teachers and pupils, in amazement, i *to believe that the good die young. were gathered together before him, ad­ dressed them on "George Washington, the Father of Our Country,” says the New York Press. In finishing his en­ f o r Infants and Children. comiums on the immortal George he said: "Th e bust o f George Washing­ ton which stood upon the pedestal in the reception room has been removed Bears the and placed upon the floor with its face Signature o f I in the corner. Until the culprit, who­ ever he or she may be, comes to the r T h o se D e a r G irls . front and makes a public confession of • Grace— So Tom is engaged to Ethel, the misdemeanor, not a soul will be la he? permitted to leave this building! Re­ Dora— Yes, poor fallow! I suppose member— there will be no other pun­ he’ll never know It now. ishment imposed than the open and Grace— Never know what? Dora— That he could have had you for public confession!” the asking. Sensation! Teachers glanced nt r i T Q Perm anently Cured. N o fits or nervousness teachers, pupils fidgeted around in a f­ $ I I d after firstd a y’s use o f Dr. K lin e’ s Great N erve fright, the principal looked solemn and Restorer. Send for Free S ’* trial lw>ttie and treatise. funereal. I f that old pin had dropped, J>r. R. H . K lin e, Ltd., S « 1 A rch St.. Philadelphia, Pi every one would have heard it. Then r K e to rt C o u rte o u s. the janitor arose and stopped forward, Miss Elderlelgh— What! Your baby to break the awful silence. “ I ’m afraid 10 months old aud can’t walk yet! Why. 1 could go it alone at the age of 7 it's up to me, sir,” he said. “ The roof was leakin’ mighty bad, an’ the boost months. Mrs. Youngwife— Yes. and I notice of Mister Washin'ton were In the drip, you have been going it alone ever since. an’ I thought proper to move it to keep the rain from spilin' it, an’ I meant no PORTLAND insoolt by turnin' his face to the wall, OREGON sir.” The principal, a man of talent and some brains', tapped the bell aud SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST T f ' A A GIRL’S G dismissed the school without further CLASS corps of teachers, location, build­ questioning. ing equipment—the best. Send for cat­ C A S T O R I A The Kind You Have Alvr-iys Bought To enable heavy wagons to climb a a steep bill in Cleveland, Ohio, without any effort on the part o f the teams which draw thefn, an escalator, or moving roadway has been provided. Its length is 420 feet, and is nearly equal to that of two short blocks. The rise effected amounts to sixty-five feet. This rolling road, therefore, delivers its load at a height equivalent to that of the roof of a five-story building; and in order to do s(<*lt is arranged so that its grade or slope is one foot verti­ cally to every six and a half feet hori­ zontally. The roadway itself is eight feet wide. As the motion is always in one direction, it is not intended Unit this device shall assist teams to get down hill again. It is taken for granted that descent will be accom­ plished by another route. What the limit Is to the capacity of the escalator has not been announced, but it is known that nt least seven or eight tennis can make use o f it nt the alogue. C r o w d e d O ut. O p e n s S e p t e m b e r IN * 1 9 0 4 There is a contractor who most strenuously objects to the teamsters in hia employ leaving their wagons Fastest, lightest and strongest stum p Puller unattended outside eating houses. So on the market. 11» Horse power on the sweep w ith tw o horses. W rite lor descriptive catalog when he came across a flagrant breach and prices. -------- — ---- „ 1 . ---- — o f this regulation the other day hia R HIHRSON M A C H IN E R Y CO. Foot of Morrison Street Portland, Oregon angry passions rose. With fire in his eye he rushed into the eating bouse, and found his em­ ploye placidly investigating the in­ C O U C M ~ r/ O AJ terior mysteries of a chicken pie. "W hat do you mean by it?” he • Qfp this out, rstsm to us with the names • • and addresses of yourself and two of your • cried. ‘‘How dare you leave my horses • friends, and tho date when you wHl probably * in the street! IIo w came you to do 0 enter a business college, and we will credit . it?’ • you with $5.00 on our $65.00 scholarship. • The startled teamster looked up, his • Our school offers exceptional advantages to • • students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc. * mouth full of pie crust. • B est I nstruction —L owest T uition • ‘Well, sir,” he stammered, “ there • WHITE PO« CATALOGUE 10— IT’ S E R IK • wasn't no room for them in here!” MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS ^ THE MULTNOMAH T jJ. BUSINESS i n s t i t u t e : v r M. A. A L B IN , P R IS . \ ee sixth s t . Of- • m PO R T LA N D , O R E . * m E C O N O M Y k jjgsii ' § ■>' J&S« ' Not A ir P u m p in g Engine Pump« water for honee and irrigation. Displaces wind mills and gasoline engines. Burns gasoline, wood or coal. Has auto­ matic stop. Shipped on approval. Write for catalogues aud prices. B E A L L A CO. Portland, Ore. 321 Hawthorne Ave. J The lower surface of the floor rests on n large number of "idle” pulleys, whose duty is merely to support the burden with little friction. Movement is effected by a small number of other pulleys driven by electric mo­ tors. The latter together develop more than twice ns much power as is needed to keep the road lu operation. In or­ der to give durability to the roadway the planks which compose it are tipped with metal. TORRENTIAL RIVER THREATENS PANAMA CANAL Girierst Usp lY js fe w r S v rrv rj — ■ ■ At rt/dfiem to X Cam! in J Ocee/t» / DR. C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE GO. Formerly located at 2ft3 Alder 8 L for the past 5 years HAVC MOVED To the Large Brick Building at the S. E. Corner of First and Morrison streets. En­ trance No. First Street. Successful Home Treatment DR. C. GEE WO Is known throughout the t’ nlted States, and is called the Great Chi­ nee® Doctor on account of his wonderful cures, witr out the aid of a knife, without using poisons or drugs of any kind. He treats any and all diseases with powerful Oriental Roots, Herbs, Buds, Bark and \ age tables that are unknown to medical this country, and through the 1 harmless remedies. He guar- < atarrh. Asthma, Lung timatism. Nervousness, 8 tom- Kidney. Female Weakness r and All Chronic Diseases. Call or write, enclosing 4 2-c. stamps for mailing Book and Circular. Address _ The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No. 162'% First St., S. F. Cer. Morrison i PW* * this paper. Portland. Oregon. V. K U Ns. 35-1*05 I W a x K wrltTit i te sH T v - s r t is s r * m s n t ls * th is p s p s r. 4 p is CLEMENTINA GONZALES, OE CENTRAL AMERICA, RESTORED TO HEALTH. PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY Mira Clementina Gonzalei, Hotel ' Provincia, Guatemala, C. i . , in a re­ cent letter from 247 Cleveland Ave., i Chicago, III , writes: “ I took Peruna for a worn-out condition. I was so run down that I could not sleep at night, had no appetite and felt tired in the morning. “ I tried many tonics, but Peruna was the only thing which helped me in the least. After I had taken but half a bottle I le t much better. I continued its use for three weeks and I ««as completely restored to health, and was able to take up my studies which I had been lorced to drop. There is nothing better than Prruna to huMd up the system.” —Clementina Gonzales. I Address The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, for instructive free literature on catarrh. at one-third what you’ve been paying for anywhere near K C quality. A 2 } ounce can costs 2 5 c. Think of the savingl Can you make money any easier ? Get it to-day. The grocer returns the price of can if you are not satisfied. J ill Grocers Svnd postal for the beautiful "B oo k of Preaeots." FREE. J A Q U E S M F C . CO. C h ica g o . T h e G r e a t J e rse y R eso rt. Not a W illin g V io tim . Speak to the man from "w ay dow n East,” or the cowboy from the plains, about Atlautic City, and the chuuce* are lie will tell you as much about It as any Jerseyman who rung dow n to “ the beach” in an hour from his home town. This little sandy Island off the Jersey coast has become one o f the nation’s greatest pleasure grounds; a city created solely to help people kill time. There are bathing, yachting, boating and fishing for those who are fond o f water sports; there are golf links, a race-track, and baseball grounds; ev­ ery form of diversion from the ma­ chine which tells your fortune, given your weight, and plays a merry Jingle while doing so— all for a ^nickel— to the band concert, merry-go-round and “ trip 10 the moon.” Nightly the large hotels are scenes of balls and card parties. Every hour of the day, from the time one rises from the breakfast table until even S trange, Indeed, tho dawn of the next morning, some­ Belle— Do you believe in second thing diverting can be found by tho sight, my dear? pleasure-seeker. In the forenoon, be­ Eva— Sometimes. fore the evening dinner, and from Belle— Speaking from experience? nightfall to midnight, It is "the thing” Eva— Yes, I have often told Jack to be on the promenade. that he needed a shave when it was too dark to see his face. The neat, middle-aged matron gazed suspiciously at the disreputable-look­ ing tramp who had knocked at her kitchen door. "W hat do you want?” she asked. “ Would ye mind givin’ me a piece o’ pie, ma’am?” he said. " I don’t know nbout that. I can't say I like the looks of you.” “ I know I ain't very prepossessin', ma’am, blit it ain't my fault. I can’t afford to dress any better.” “ I ’m not speaking o f your clothes altogether. You don't look clean.” “ I ’m willin’ to confess it, ma'am. I guess I don’t.” “ And you don’t look ns If you ever combed your hair, or took any sort of care of yourself.” “ W ell, I reckon that's ’cause I live close to nature.” * “ I f you do,” she snid, ns she went after tile pie, “ I ’ll guarantee it Isn’t nature's fault!” She W a s P re p a re d . A n E a sy Task. One o f the g r e a t problems of canal con­ struction never satis­ factorily solved by the engineers of the French Canal C o m p a n y in­ volves the disposal of the flood waters of tho Chagres river. Whether the final de­ cision be for a tide level or for a lock canal, a method must be devised to control the Chagres when it becomes a raging torrent, to store water in the rainy season for use in the dry season and to send the surplus through some other channel to the sea. Under plans of French engineers, made on a basis of controlling the flood waters on an eighty-five foot level, the cost’ wns estimated at $3ii,000,000, and many Americans have doubted whether even this enormous expenditure would protect the canal. As n result o f sur­ veys made by Americans within tile last year it Is announced here that the wnter can absolutely be controlled by means of a dam at an elevation of 185 feet and at an approximate sav­ ing of $27.1X13,000 from the French esti­ mate. In the dry seasons the flow of the river becomes almost Insignificant for control; the discharge becomes two hundred times smnller than In periods of the greatest floods. Near where the Chagres crosses the can.-l location Itr tributary, the Ras Obispo river, en­ ters with the water from the drainage np to the continental divide. Below Obispo the Chagres flows to Ran Pablo through a somewhat restricted valley with tortuous windings in a narrow alluvial plain, requiring con­ siderable rectification. High, steep, densely wooded hills narrow In and a f­ ford the dam sites of the various canal projects. Actual conditions do not show any REMARKABLE ENGRAVING FEAT. THE BAKING P OW D ER Outwardly the escalator resembles a treadmill, or old-fashioned horse power. The floor consists-of an endless chain o f planks running crosswise. However, there is one great difference between the Cleveland escalator aud a tread­ mill. The surface o f the former moves upward and not downward, and when once a horse or pair of horses have stepped on to It they remain motion­ less until they get to the top. They are not obliged to keep traveling lu consequence of the receding movement of the surface on which they stand. ST. HELEN’S HALL T e rm Ï K C ^ o u n c e s fp g Every day is bargain day in the W ave Circle. Come in and get ac­ quainted. K C w ill help you cut down the living expenses and make doctor’s bills a thing of the past. Do you realize that you can get the best and purest baking powder in the world Husband— I made $100 on a lucky Nextdoor—That new conk of yours Is turn iu stocks to-day, and you can now certainly a handsome woman. get that new gown you have wanted for Neighbors— You bet she is. Why, all so long. she has to do is smile at the potatoes Wife— Oh, I ’m so glad. Here is tha aud they are mashed. bill for it, my dear. M A I A D I A A Poison Breathed / 1 l M L m M l y i M into the System foundation for the evil repute o f tha Chagres. The river flows over sand and' gravel between steep clay banks, often not exceeding two hundred f?et in width, and the water is rarely tur­ bid. As the drainage area is free from pollution, the water should be o f the purest, as it is well aerated, flowing with a sw ift current over many small rapids. In times o f rain there is n noticeable amount o f sediment, which is largely deposited in the lower reaches. The floods are very flashy; they come suddenly and are sustained a very short period, declining quickly almost to low wnter conditions. The air arising from low, marshy places, damp cellars, stagnant ponds and pools and from decaying vegetable matter, as well as the gases from sewers, is loaded with germs of malarial poison. The water we drink, that has not been properly filtered and purified, is also full of these germs and microbes, and as we daily breathe and drink millions of M A L A R I A I N H i a S Y S T E M EOR Y E A R S , these into the system, to be For several years I suffered with Chills and absorbed by the blood, the Fever, caused by Malaria in my System, and each entire body begins to feel the summer for several years I would have a relapse.; effects of the poison. The I''inall>’ my physician prescribed S. S. S. It en- niost common form of Ma- ¿ " f t ! h?v' " 'o V 't ? “ trIou’,lf<1 "‘ " “ M laria is “ chills and fever,” 913 W ’ Market St” Loulavllle’ K ?’ L S hapofe . > but when the blood is thoroughly saturated with the poison it becomes so weak and polluted that abscesses, carbuncles, boils, sores, ulcers aud other skin diseases result. Malaria also affects the liver, kidneys, bowels and stomach, producing a chronic state of biliousness that often results in jaun­ dice or some malignant fever. . In cases of Malaria the blood must be purl- .. ...... . „ , fied before the body can regain its natural health. S. S. S. contains purify- country along the upper rri er Is m g and tonic properties possessed by no other blood medicine, and is tha places | ------ thickly wooded, and In many many placet ---- _ ideal remedy for the treatment of Malaria. It des­ with a tangled and matted Jungle un­ troys the germs of the disease and builds up the dergrowth, through which the Ameri­ weakened, polluted circulation. It enters into the can parties had to out roads, often blood and forces out every particle of poison and nlong hills with slopes of forty de­ waste matter and adds strength and activity to it. grees. From Gamboa to Albajuela, a S. S. S. improves the appetite and digestion, tones up the entire system by distance o f about eleven miles, tho its alterative and purifying action, and Malaria, with all its bad effects, is river rises forty-six feet; In the next permanently driven from the system, Book ou the blood and any medical eleven and a half miles to a point near advice, without charge. THE S W IF T SPECIFIC C O ., A TLAttTA, C A , Santa Barbara, there is a rise o f eighty feet. Outside o f the villages along the railroad there Is only one tiny hamlet, called Cruces, on the -banks o f the river. Navigation on the Upper Chagres is limited to small dugout canoog pushed np stream by men with Iron shod poles, but In the dry season there Is scarcely sufficient wnter for this in places, and. except for deep pools st the eddies. It Is possible to walk up the river bed for considerable distance. K IL L E R kills kill tlie lice. Never fails. Sold by dealers, 50 c end $i.oc per urn. CLEANED OUT ALL THE LICE AND MITES. Albert-B locker o f < Imtihas-on, Mum., hoiitflit u ran o f Prututiftn Lice K ille r and used It th o ro u g h ly th ree tim e « unci cleaned his poultry hoimr en tire ly free fro m lice an d mites, b efo re union, the fioultry house was a liv e with red lino and mites. JUST THE THING FOR LICE ON HOC9. J. FT. Mnlone, trf Adel. Mo., nayn the I’russian L ie « K ille r is just the th in g fo r lice on boifs, and Is worth llv « tim es its cost. PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Oregon, Coast Agents will seldom disagree with a tourist, but likes to give an answer which he thinks will be agreeable to the ques- \ tioner. Last summer a gentleman from Liverpool, while out for a sail on Car- ! llngford Lough, was caught In a gale, Knowing the danger, Pat made for the shore. ’ Why are you going In,’ said the visitor; ’there's not much wind?’ ! ‘No,’ replied the boatman, ‘but, sure, what there is av it Is mighty power­ ful.’ An angler tells how, when In quest o f fish, he asked a small bare­ legged boy If there were any fish In a certain river. ‘There la, yer honor.’ •What sort o f fish?’ ’There do be trouts and eels, yer honor.’ ’Any salmon?’ ’Them do be an odd one.’ ’Any ther­ mometers V ’Them does be there, too, yer honor; but they comes up lather In the season.’ ” — R. B. Marston, in Fish lag Gazette. The cut shows a feat in engraving recently performed by one of the ex­ perts in the United States bureau of e n gr a v i n g and printing at Wash­ ington. The limit o f the engraver’s skill was believed to be reached .TUVVVa when the Lord's prayer was in­ ,X Y Z . scribed on a gold dollar. About a year ago a Phila- (lelplila hank note expert succeeded in engraving the entire English alphabet on the head o f a pin. Now Clarence E. Young, a skilled government employe o f Uncle Sam. has put two alphabets, a date and a name on the head o f n N ot Hts F a u lt . j pin only sixty-five one thousandths of an Inch in diameter. As shown in tli* " I t seems to me that Bilggins cut it is magnified more than 5,000 doesn't know his own mind." “ Well, times. The second alphabet is on the you can’t blame the man. He has underside o f the pin head. been on the Jury and baa listened to arguments o f opposing lawyers so P o lite n e s s o f Iris h P e a s a n t r y . ntnch that he doesn’t feel sure o f any­ A friend sends me the following de­ thing.” lightful bit. cut from some paper: " It Is well known that the Irish peasant A woman gossip is bad enough, but (no doubt from a sens« of poUteneiai. a mao gossip is th* lim it _ ?G H IJI LMNOPQI PRUSSIAN L I C E LICE on P o u ltry . j Hoosier Drills \ Perfect Sowers J* A P erfect Drill is impossible without a feeding device that will sow the grain evenly under ell conditions. The ordinary gravity feed sows by weight. The greeter pressure on the feed opening when going up hill melees it sow more then when coming down, when this pressure is re« moved; the seme on side hills. N O T SO O N T H E HOOSIER. It hes P erfect Force Feed; sows by meesure, consequently elweys sows the seme; end pressure does not effect it. Enlargement in the Feed Cup just where the Feed Roll takes hold of the seed prevents cracking. W rite for “ The Feeding o f the Seed in Hoosier Drills.** That tells ell about it. M IT C H E L L , L E W IS & S T A V E R C O . first and Taylor Streets PORTLAND, OREGON