Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 28, 1905, Image 3

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    E S S E S H E H I I E B ' ® B B B;BiBiBlBaiMRa|M!8 aiEHÍWlWliHll
Editorial Page-Washington Co* News*
J- R . W O O D S , E d ito r .
Published Every Thursday by the Washing­
ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated
at Forest 6rove, Oregon
push the road to completion.
As a
mark of security and an assurance that
this is true, the company is paying off
liens filed against the property while it
- P A P E R was under construction by the Atlas
Construction Company of San Francisco,
$ 1 .0 0 a Year in Advance.
and which failed to back its checks
with cash— the same state of affairs as
Entered at the post-office at Forest those of the Portland, Nehalem & Tilla­
Grove, Oregon, as second class
mook road, and by the same company
mail matter.
The Oregon Traction people have
Address all communications to Wash­ fought for every inch they have gained.
They have never “ blowed” ’ or blus­
ington County Pub. Co.,
Forest Grove, Ore.
tered about their affairs and they have
never made representations that were
If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­ not fulfilled, or if they weren’ t their
ers or is late, we request that immedi­
infidelity was always justified by the
ate attention may be called to the same.
circumstances. The News is confident
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 1905, that the line will be constructed and it
will be done by the Oregon Traction
company. This company is not of the
IT is remarkable, the rapidity with
mushroom variety, but is composed of
which divorces are granted by the
men who have faith in their project
Oregon courts. Recently a Portland
and the energy to push it. When the
judge divorced eight p e o p le 'in just
| line is finished they will have reason
35 minutes.
If this was the only
1 to rejoice, for it will be the first private
incident of the kind it would hardly
corporation to build a road against the
be worth notice, but it isn’ t. It is
barriers of combinations in Oregon.
considered a poor term of court in this
The people in this county have aided
state that doesn’ t average a dozen.
| materially by their good will, and other
OUR erstwhile democratic candidate j : wise, and they are now about to be
for the presidency, Alton B. Parker, rewarded.
is drinking now from the same trough j
IN another part of this paper there
he sought to make Roosevelt drink
appears an invitation to the republicans
from, when he made the statement
in general to attend the republican
that the republicans were receiving
meeting at Portland October 12. The
campaign money contributions from
invitation is a notable one inasmuah as
the trusts. It has been discovered at
it is extended to any and all republi­
the investigation of the Equitable Life j
cans who can and care to go. This is
that they had made contributions to
as it should be. Some republicans
the democratic campaign fund at the J
may be more prominent than others,
same time Parker was exposing Roose­
or they may be more adept in the
velt* It’ s a long lane, etc.
policies of the party, but they are no
more entitled to be called into the
THERE is a trace of just a little i r e __. .
private councils of the party than the
among some of the country papers over common ^
&nd ag the inyitation b
the editorial that appeared in »he
Oregonian at the time when the editors
held their annual meeting at the fair.
The editorial jabbed the country boys
a little about receiving wood, pump-
kins, and other farm produce on sub-
scription. We read the caption which
was enough for us, for everyone knows
that the city editor has lots of space to
fill and when he takes to the country
editor he is not only up against it, but
is in his last ditch. However, we guess
The News man eats three times a day,
besides his wood shed is filled with
fir and tamarack; the pantry holds a
pumpkin or two and we’ re ready for
the fall rains to set in.
THE Oregon Traction company is
again getting on its feet apd before
long the work of constructing the line
will be resumed. This company has
. . , ,
met bad luck at almost every turn, but
. ,
’ ,
at last it seems it is entirely out of the
reach of all other railroad influences,
It was known to The News several
weeks before the crisis came that they
were expecting to meet anothee re­
buke, but fortunately other capital,
free from all other railroad interests,
stood ready to take up the matter and
p i
in other machines.
fall wearing apparel, new hats, stronger shoes and
Besides that, it has the good
points of all other machines.
have one or two of the good
the renewal of your entire wardrobe?
machine may
points in mine, but
are undeniably the place for the best values, great­
mine has all that all other machines have.”
T hat’s the way with this store.
points of its own.
T ry it and see.
Special Autumn
Opportunities for All
est satisfaction and prompt service.
has all the
good points of all other stores and special good
If it does,
then it should make you think of this store, for we
Our Stock of Goods
is Simply Immense
W e mean that it’ s immense in quantity and
“ immense” in a slang way, in point of goodness
crops all <5ver the country have been
been blessed and we bought accordingly— bought
I ^
seek the suffrage of the peopIe)
and y shg doeS( a united party wi„
,• ,
accomplish more than otherwise. If
there are any factions in the county,
. ,
now is the accepted time to abolish
| them. W e-can t all hold office, we
can’ t all dictate-—but we can all vote,
and if we all vote right the right per­
sons will be elected and the repub­
lican party will ba sustained.
are buying a better grade of merchandise.
and desirability.
summer, the bountiful crops with which we have
Our prices are satis­
factory and our service quick.
W e anticipated, away back last
knew that with
these wants they would come to this store which is
W e ’re growing.
T hat’s because we’re a satisfactory store.
goods do not please you
firmly established as headquarters for the best at
If our
right prices.
after you get home with
invite you to come.
See what
them, just remember that the money is ready for
good things we have; look at our prices and buy
every purchaser that is not pleased.
when you know you’re doing well.
Hoffman & Allen Co
M r . LYTLE <5f Portland now comes
forth with the statement that he to­
gether with other capital, will build the
Portland, Nehalem and Tillamook rail­
J road. But will he? It will be a
source for some solace to the people
. along that route who have furnished
j lumber, supplies etc., to even have
the privilege of thinking they will get
their money, and if for no other reason,
The News hopes it is true. It will
have to be demonstrated by something
men to the church. As a speaker uc
he |
Go T o. The
more than statements, even if they do
holds close to the scriptures, a good
com e from Mr Lytle, that the road will
teacher, tells a pleasant story and Paris : Milliner : Parlor
be built. The people of this county
adorns his sermens with a little humor
A fine line of Ribbons, V e l­
are weary of railroad bubbles, and it
and pathos.
H ats, Caps, Baby Goods,
will take nothing less than cold cash
Goods and Notions.
to convince them.
Big Poultry Show At Fair.
Main Street, Forest Grove, Oregon
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
July 3rd, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
Revivals at the Christian Church.
( S tiltlm jio ),
has a direct action
in promoting the
r e n e w a l of the
blood. Both c f these are used in Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery in
sneh a way. by skillful extraction com­
bination and solution without alcohol,
that their best effects are secured.
Many years of actual practice con­
vinced Dr. Pierce of the value of many
native roots as medicinal agents and h*
weut to great expense, both in time and
in money, to perfect hisown peculiar pro­
cesses for rendering them both efficient
and safe for conti nuons use as tonic aud
rebuilding agents.
The enormous popularity of "Golden
Medical Discovery" is due both to its
scientific compounding and to the actual
medicinal (Value of the ingredient«. The
publication of the nnmex o f the ingrctli-
eid* on the wrapper of every bottle
hereafter to be sold, gives full assur­
ance of its non-alcoholic character and
removes all objection to the use of an
{ is already in the city, preaching each
‘ unknown remedy."
c v j ^
The Original LITTLE LIVER evening. His soloist, Mr. Arthur Hull
PILLS, tir-t put up by old I>r.
R. V. Pierre over 40 year* of Willows, Cal., is expected to join
ago. Much imitated, hut never equaled.
Little pill. Little dose, but give gr< t re­ him before Sunday The evangelist is
sults in a curative way in all derange­ a man of considerable experience in
ments of Stomach, Liver and Bowel*.
•Common Sense Medical Adviser* win I M s special work, having devoted years
te sent f r e e , paper-t<ound. for 21 1 one j-ent t0 revival work in California and many
mumps, to pay the cost of mailing inly.
sutes. H e has
eioth-bound for 31 sumps. .\dAress of the Middle-West states.
Local Time Table
Trains on the Southern Pacific arriv
and depart on the following schedule
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en­
titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Vvashir.*ton Terri­
No. 2 . . . . 9 A. M. No. 4 . . . . 6:21 P. M
tory tM as extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August
4, 1892, Arthur N.
Brown, of
M. L. B erden,
A quality show— that is what the
this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
Lewis and Clark Poultry show will be. Baldwin Brick - Forest Grove 6624, for the purchase of the SMiof S W '/s, NWV4 of SW
V4 and SW Vi of NW V i of Section No. 9. in Township
The show opens on October 5th and
No. 2N , Range No. 5 W , and will offer proof to show
hat the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
will continue until the 12th, inclusive.
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
There are 1,000 birds entered, and
claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Port-
and, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of October,
every one of these is worthy a prize.
“ The poultryman looked upon the
He names as witnesses: Charles Osborn of Portland,
Oregon; Clark P. Hadley of Portland, Oregon; Thomas
show as a very fine exhibition,” said
Varley of Glenwood, Oregon; A . Field of Portland,
G. H . Hunt, the secretary, “ and they
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
have entered only chickens that they
described lands are requested to flic their claims In this
think will stand an excellent chance to School Supplies
office on or before said Uth day of October, 1905.
win. The result is that as far as quality
E. B. P e n field
goes the show will far excel anything r J
Notice For Publication
the kind ever held in the west. The
United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
pigeon show— there are 200 pigeons
July 11. 1905.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
entered— will be bigger and of higher
provisions of the act of Cor.grese of June 3, 1878, en­
quality than any held west of the
titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the elates
Annually, to fill the new positioo* created by Rail­
; of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­
Mississippi River.”
roads and
Telegraph Cnroneior*.
county of Canyon, State (or Territory) of Idaho, has
(H y --
Plc-rea, — i i m “ i u ‘ M r w
' t, t u í-
Does it make you think of heavier underwear,
“ M y machine has good points which are contained
heavier than ever before.
(irristi*), is a famous
remedy for dyspep­
sia. and Q u e e n ' s
_ _ ltV ,
telo. N Y.
was a sewing machine agent and he said
ficent showings we make.
W ith ntumiwh itnd |
r o o t
who visit this store are delighted with the magni­
blood in good order conduct a protracted meeting and he
you can ticht the |
battle of life suc­
cessfully against
all odds. (Toi.nF.ji
How Does this September
Here’s What a Man
Said the Other Day
Weather Suit* You
wonderful and as a result business is good.
nplete pros- |
tfon t h a n j Grove has enf?aKed Rev. R. L. M c-
ever before.
Hatton of Santa Rosa, California, to
S e a i .
If you only know how. And every ad of ours teaches you how.
You’re all obliged to spend money for the necessities of life and if
we can give equal qualities for less money or better qualities for
the same money—there’s a saving to you. Read this advertise­
ment* carefully and take advantage of the many money-saving
opportunities which are presented.
extended t0 aU republicans, there can
' bg n0 r0Qm {m animosity. Washington
county has a candidate
a high
officei and ^ may havg mhers who
pv fortify imr your system with a rellahl*
Wood medicine. An alcoholic stimulant j
mo r e harm
w o u l d do
and the reac-
than c o od
t,on from it
T o n Ul<n
It’s Easy
The • Book • Store
No. 3 . . .6:59 A. M. No. 1 . . .. 4 :1 6 P i
N. L. ATKINS, Agt.
R . IN IX O IN , D e n t i s t
Forest Grove, Oregon
Three doors north of Bailey's store.
hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
J. N. Hoffman
Office in Front Rooms of Abbott Build­
ing, Upstairs.
Real Estate and Corpo-
to r y ," as extended to all th«- Public Land Slates by act
Young Man and Laditt or iimt ha bin, to
A majority of the entries are from
i of August 4, 1892, Hiram H. Porter, of Forest Grove, Forest Grove,
1 county of Washington, State of Oregon, has this day
western states, as prohibitive express
filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6607 for the
rates spoiled plans for heavy entries
eo Y E A R «
purchase of the ftVh of N B H and Lots 1 and 2 of Section
, No. 3 in Township No. 1 North, Range No. 5 W est, and
from some eastern states. There are,
W e furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators and
| will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vsln-
Station Agents in America. Our sia schools are
however, a few eastern entries, and the
i able for its timber or stene than for agricultural purposes,
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN T H *
W OR LD. Established 20 years and endorsed by all
| and to establish his claim to said land before Register
birds exhibited by western fanciers will
leading Railway Official#.
and Receiver at Portland, Oregon on Tuesday, the 3rd
W e execute a $250 Bond to erery student lo
be a great surpriae to visitors from the
1 day of October, 1905.
furnish him or her a position payinc from $*0 lo
a month in States east of the Rocks Mountains,
He names as witnesses: C. B. Campbell of Forest
Four light Brahmas will be J hr 6 0 from
$7S *o $100 a month in ftates w nt of the
I R AD E Hfl A r s a *
Grove. Oregon; Joseph S. Lilly, o f Gales Creek. Oregon;
Rockies, i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n g r a d u a t i o n .
brought all the way from Shelton, Conn.
I J. S. W right, of Forest Grove, Oregon; A . L. Sexton, of
Students can enter at anjr time. No vacations.
o p y r ig h t s A c .
For full particulars regarding apy of our Schools
; Forest Grove, Oregon.
They are entered by C. P. Nettleton,
A n f O M l »nritng n S k etch a n d description may
write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
quickly ascertain our opinion free w hether an
Catalogue free.
a well known eastern fancier. Eight
, described lands are requested to flic their claiom In this
The Morse School of Telegraphy.
office on or before mid 3rd day of October, 1905.
w n t trem. OM«"*
f o r M m riM M M n tA
rose com b brown leghorns, a rare breed,
l- M M U u * . o tür..u<h M aun a ( . . . r e r i v ,
Cincinnati. Ohio.
Buffalo, N. Y .
tp •temi natut. wulio.t ch.mo, ln lS*
are entered by Fred Alger of Waukau,
Atlanta. Oe.
LaCroaae, W it.
First Fob.. July 20.
Texarkana, Tex.
San Francisco. Cal.
Wis., and one blue andalusian hen, the
A heiideom ely illustrated w eekly. Larxeet d r -
only bird of the breed to be exhibited,
— A moment’ s inspection will save
culedon o f any sctentlfle bm rnei. Tarm a. $$ •
r«ar : f «nr m on th «, $L Hold by ell new sdealer*.
is entered by H . S. La Master of Camp-
— Try Goldenrod Flour.
You’ ll you dollars. Step into the Chicago
1 had noted success in winning young bellsburg, Ky.
like it.
Store and see.
P atents
Scientific American.