Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 28, 1905, Image 2

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    gOLA/NDE I
C H A P T E R X V .— (Continued.)
quiet, misty little thoroughfare, lying
“ But do not trouble to write,” «aid just back from the continuous roar of
he; “ we will do that for you, and ar­ Oxford street.
She passed the house
range terms. May I presume to ask once or twice, too, knowing it by its
whether you are sufficiently supplied number; but there was no sign of life
with money? W e have no instructions in it. The small, curtained
from your father; but we shall be pleas­ showed no one sitting there or looking
out. She waited and waited; went to dis­
ed if you consider us your bankers."
“ I hare only eight or nine pounds,” tant points and watched; but, save for an
said she, “ in money; but also I hare occasional butcher’s boy or postman, the
three blank checks which my papa sign street remained uniformly empty. Then
she remembered that it was drawing to­
ed; that Is enough, is It not?”
“ W ell, yes, I should say that was ward the afternoon, and that poor Jane
enough," he remarked, with a perfect­ was probably starring; 90 she called an­
ly subdued irony.
“ But those blank other cab, and drove to the hotel.
checks are dangerous things, if you will
Next dwy was a busy day. She got
permit me to say so. I would strongly to Worthing about twelve, and went
advise you, my dear Miss Winterbourne, straight to the lodgings recommended by
to destroy them; and to send to us for Mr. Lang, which she found In one of the
auch sums as you may want from time bright and cheerful looking terraces
to time. That would be much the safer fronting the sea. She was much pleased
plan. And If there is any other particu­ with the rooms, which were on the first
lar in which we can be of the least as­ floor— the sitting room opening on to a
sistance to you, you will please let us balcony prettily decorated with flowere.
know. W e can always send some one to
The next morning she called at the of­
you and a telegram from Worthing only fice o f Messrs. Lawrence and
costs a shilling. As we hare received heard what the man who had been post­
such strict Injunctions about looking a f­ ed in that little thoroughfare had to say;
ter you, we must keep up our character and arranged that she should go alone to
as your guardian.”
(he house that evening at eight o'clock.
“ I thought you said my papa had not She had no longer in her eyes the pretty
sent you any Instructions!” Yolande ex­ timidity and bashfulness of a child; she
claimed again.
bore herself with the demeanor of a
“ About the checks, my dear young woman.
lady,” he said, promptly. “ Might I ask
■—pleaso forgive me if I am impertinent
C H A P T E R X V I.
•—but I have known all about this sad
A few minutes before eight on that
story from the beginning, and I am nat­ evening, in the thoroughfare just men­
urally curious— may I ask whether the tioned, a short, thick-set man was stand­
Idea of your going to your mother, alone ing by a lamp post, either trying to read,
aud taking her away with you, alone, or pretending to read, an evening news­
was a suggestion of your father’s?”
paper by the dull yellow light. Present­
“ It was not,” said she, with down­ ly a hansom cab drove up to the corner
cast eyes. “ It was the suggestion of a o f the street and stopped there; and a
friend whose acquaintanceship— whose
friendship— we made in the Highlands—
• Mr Melville.”
“Ah!” said he, and he glanced at a
card that was lying before him on the
table. “ It Is bold— bold,” he added mus­
ingly. “ One thing is certain, everything
else has fniled.
My dear young lady,
J am afraid, however successful you
may be, your life for some time to come
will not be ns happy and cheerful as one
could wish for one of your age.”
“ That l am not particular about,”
•aid Yolande, absently.
“ H owever, In a matter of this kind, it
Is not my place to advise, I am a servant
only. You are going down to Worthing
to-morrow; I will give you a list of
trains there and back, to save you the
trouble of hunting through a time table.
You will be back In the evening. Now.
do you think it desirable that I should
get this man whom I mean to employ in
your service to hang about the neighbor­
hood of the house to-morrow, Just to
get some notion of the comings aud go­
ings of the people?”
“ I think It would be most desirable,"
Yolande said.
“Very well; It shall be done. Let me
see; this is Thursday; to-morrow you
go to Worthing; could you call here on
Saturday to hear what the man has to
say? And here,” he continued, going to
• safe and fetching out some Bank of
England notes, “ Is £25 in £5 notes; it Is
not so serious a matter if one of those
should go astray. Please put these in
your purse. Miss Winterbourne;
when you want any further auma, you
have only to write to us.”
As she left, she thought that London
did not seem to be, after all. such a
terrible place to he alone in. Here was
protection, guardianship, friendship, and
assistance put all around her at the very
outset. There were no more qualms or
■Inking of the heart now.
When she
got outside, it suddenly occurred to her
that she would like to g o away In search
of the street In which her mother lived.
■ nd reconnolter the house. Might there
not be some chance of her coming out—
the day was fairly fine for London. And
bow strange to see her mother walking
before her.
She felt sure she should
recognise her.
then— perhaps—
what If one were suddenly to discard all
preparations?— what If she were to be
(ulckly caught, and carried off, and trans­
ferred to safety before any ons could
But when she had ordered the cabman
to drive to Oxford Circus, and got Into
the cab, along with Jane, she firmly put
away from her all these wild possibili­
ties. This undertaking was too serious
a matter to be imperiled by any rashness.
She might look at the street, at the
bonae, at the windows; but not if her
mother were to come out and pass her
by, touching her skirts even, would she
declare herself. Bhe was determined to
be worthy of the trust that had been
placed In her.
At Oxford Circus they dismissed the
cab,, and walked eome short distance
until they found the place they were to
•esreh of. a dull, respectable looking.
taller and younger man got out and came
along to the lamp post.
“ I would go a dozen yards nearer,”
said the newcomer.
“ Very well, sir,” said the other; and
then he added; “ The master of the house
has just gone out, sir.”
“ 80 much the better,” said the young­
er man, carelessly. “ There will be the
less bother— probably none at all. But
you keep a little bit nearer, after the
young lady has gone into the house.”
Punctually at eight o'clock a four-
wheeled cab appeared and drew up; and
Yolande got out, followed by her maid.
Without delay or hesitation she crossed
the pavement, and knocked at the door.
A girl of about fifteen opened It.
“ Is Mrs. Winterbourne within?” said
Yolande, calmly.
The girl eyed her doubtfully.
“Y — yes, miss; if you wait for a mo­
ment I'll go and tell missis.”
“ No,” said Yolande, promptly— and she
passed into the lobby without farther
ado. “ No; I will net trouble your mis­
Please show me where I shall
find Mrs. Winterbourne. Which is her
room ?”
“ T — that is her sitting room,” stam­
mered the girl— Indeed, they were all
standing just outside the door of It.
“ Thank you,” and Yolande put her
hand on the handle of the door. “ Jane,
wait for me.” The next moment she was
inside the room, and the door shut behind
A spasm of fear caught her and struck
her motionless. Some one sat there—
some one In a chair— idly looking into
the fire— a newspaper flung aside. And
what horror might not have to be encoun­
tered now? She had been warned; she
had prepared herself; but still------
Then the next moment a great flood
of pity and Joy and gratitude tilled her
heart; for the face that was turned to
her— that regarded her with a mild sur­
prise— that It was emaciated and pallid,
was not unlovable; and the eyes were
large and strange and melancholy. This
poor lady rose, and with a gentle cour­
tesy regarded her visitor, and said;
“ I beg your pardon; I did not hear
you come into the room.”
W hat a strange voice— hollow and dis­
tant: and it was clear that she was look­
ing at this newcomer only with a vague,
half-pleased curiosity, not with any nat­
ural wonder at such an Intrusion. Yo­
lande could not speak. She forgot all
that she had meant to say. H er heart
seemed to be choking her.
“ Mother,” she managed to
say at
length, “ you do not know, then, that I
am your daughter?”
“ My Yolande,” she said, and she re­
treated a step as If in fear. “You are
my Yolande— you?”
8he regarded her apparently with some
strange kind of dread—as If she were an
apparition. There was no wonder, or
Joy, or sudden Impulse of affection.
"Yon— yon cannot be my Yolande—
my daughter?”
“But Indeed I am, mother,” said the
girl, with the tears running down her
face la spite of herself. "Ah. it la erne)
that l should come to yen aa a stranger
— that you should have no word o f kind­
ness for me. But no matter. W e shall
soon make up for all these years. Moth­
er, I have come to take you away. Yon
must no louger be here alone. You will
come with me, will you not?"
The pale, emaciated, hollow-voiced
woman came nearer now, aud took Yo-
lande’s hand, and regarded her with a £
kind of vague, pleased curiosity and kind- ;
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
$ $ $ * * * * £ * # * * * * $ &
Ue**A „ 1
F ran klin P ierce, fourteenth presi-
‘ And you are really my Yolande, then? , .
' _ ,
F .
T h e D a isy.
H ow tall you are, and beautiful, too— aellt o t
ulte<1 States, has
A certain prince went out Into his
like an angel. When I have thought of , been il0 c r lll ,se<1 ln fam e by his suc­
cessors and the ex­ vineyard to exam ine it, and he came
you, it was not like this. W hat beauti­
ful, beautiful hair; and so straight you
events o f to the peach tree aud said, “ W h at are
have grown; and tall! So they hare sent
the civil conflict you doing fo r me?”
you to me at last. But it is too late now
And the tree said: “ In the spring I
that crowded upon
— too late.”
the heels o f his g ive m y blossoms and fill the air with
“ No, no, mother, it is not too late!
fragrance, and on my boughs hangs
You will come away with me, will you
adm lnstratlon that
the fru it which presently men w ill
not— now— at once?”
be has som ewhat
gather aud curry into the pulace for
The other shook her bead sadly; and
come to be little you.”
yet it was obvious that she was taking
more than a name
more and more Interest in her daughter
And the prince said: “ W ell done,
—-regarding her from top to toe, admir­
ln the school his­ good and faithfu l servant.”
ing her dress even, and all the time hold­
tories; but Frank­
And he went down Into the meadow
ing her hand.
lin Pierce proved and said to the w a v in g grass: “ W h at
Ob, no, I cannot go aw ay with you,”
his devotion to the are you doing?"
she said. “ It Is not for you to be ham­
1 ’ 1 1 .1U K Interests o f bis
And the grass said: “ W e are g iv ­
pered with one like me. I am content.
our lives fo r others— fo r your
I am at peace here. I am quite happy country before he entered on the du­ ing
You are young, rich, beautiful; ties o f the presidency, and did not sheep and cattle that they may be
you will have a beautiful life; every­ fa lte r ln them a fte r he had attained nourished.”
thing beautiful round you.
It is so that goal.
And the prince said: “ W e ll done,
strange to look at you! And who sent
In 1840, when the w a r w ith M exico good and faith fu l servants, that give
" b a t began, N ew H am pshire was called on up your lives fo r others.”
do they want now? W h y do they not , fo r a battaHon o f tr 00 ps.
A n d then he cam e to a little daisy
let me alone?"
. . .
She let the girl’s hand fall, and turned i ' “ ™ ’ " lth° u« b be had been a L n ited that was g ro w in g ln the hedgerow
away dejectedly, and sank down Into 8tates senator- “ nd m ight have gone and said: “ W h at are you doing?”
And the daisy said:
“ Nothing!
the easy chair again, w ith a sigh. B ut|lnto ^
w a r ln command o f a com-
Yolande was mistress of herself now. She Pany, enlisted as a p rivate in a vol- nothing! I cannot make a nesting
went forward, put her hand upon hor unteer company. By the tim e that the plnce fo r the birds, nnd I cannot send
mother's shoulder, and said firmly:
j battle o f Contreras had been fought, fru it into the palace, and I cannot
Mother, I will not allow you to re- on Aug. 19, 1847, Pierce had risen to even furnish food fo r the sheep and
main here. It is not a fit place for you.
rank o f a brigadier-general.
cows; they do not want me in the
I have come to take you away myself;
A t this battle o f Contreras the M exi­ meadow. A ll I can do Is to be the
the lawyers have not sent me; they want
w ith
7,000 best little daisy I can be.”
nothing. Dear mother, do make up your can general,
And the prince bent down and
trained troops, occupied a strongly in­
mind to corns away with me— now!”
General P ierce led kissed the daisy and said: “ T here is
H er entreaty was urgent, for she could trenched camp.
hear distinctly that there were some high his brigade, 4.000 raw recruits, who none better than thou.” — Dr. Lym an
words being bandied in the lobby; nnd could not use the artillery, against A b b o tt
she wished to get her mother away with­ the 7,000 trained soldiers, w ho rained
out any unseemly squabble.
shot and shell down upon th eir oppon­
Do, mother!
Everything is ready. ents. T o reach the enem y the A m er­
You and I will go away together to
icans w ere obliged to cross a lava bed,
Worthing; and the sea air and the coun­
try drives will soon make you well again. bristlin g w ith sharp, splintered rocks
I have got everything prepared for you that g a v e shelter to
— pretty rooms fronting the sea; and a sharpshooters. P ie rc e ’ s horse stepped
balcony where you can sit and read; and into a cleft* betw een
I have a pony carriage to take you for th row in g his rider, whose knee was
drives through the lanes. Ah, now, to seriously injured. But P ierce reso-
think It Is your own daughter who Is ]utely refused to
asking you! You cannot refuse! You M ountln g another horse he continued
cannot refuse!”
tow ard the intrenchments.
A t this moment the door opened; and
Through that day nnd the next, des-
short, stout, red-faced, black-haired
woman made her appearance.
I t was P ^ e bis injuries. P ierce remained in
clear that the altercation with Jane bad the saddle, leading his men on to vic-
not improved her temper.
“ I beg your pardon, young lady,” said j
------------------------ -
she. with studied deference, "but I want RUSSELL SAGE CELEBRATES
to know what this means?”
Y'olande turned with flashing eyes.
“ Leave the room!”
Russell Sage, w h o the other day cel­
F or a second the woman was cowed
by her manner; but the next moment she ebrated the 89th anniversary o f his
birth, is a m ulti-m illionaire o f N ew
had bridled up again.
'Leave the room, indeed! Leave the Y'ork City, w ho is noted fo r his th rifty
room— ln my own house! N ot until I'm traits.
It Is alleged that his check
l f ÌJ n o
paid. And what’s more, the poor dear w ould be good an yw h ere fo r from $50,-
lady Isn’t going to be taken away against 000,000 to $80,000,000. Mr. Sage w as
r V
J o n e s
her will.
She knows who her friends
are. She knows who have looked after
1 Cò.nnoT -Jtsh 'Vo^acy
her and nursed her. She shan’t be forc­
ed away from the house against her
\ Thvow
will, I warrant you.”
“ Leave the room this Instant, or I
Out m y line-
vill send for a policeman!” Y’olande
said, and she had drawn herself up to
The Jjishes gef tcwAy
her full height, for her mother, poor
creature, was timidly shrinking behind
0 -pleh.se -* sa,i4 Tom
$0 Ttmidly-
“ A policeman! H oity-toity!” said the
other, with her little black eyes spark­
"Y o u ’d better have not police­
men in here.
It's not them that are
robbing a poor woman that should call
for a policeman. But you haven’t taken
Ple.fc.se- do T h e ^tshes
her with you yet; and what's more, she
sha’ n’ t move an Inch out this house un­
w e it jS h
til every farthing that’s owing to us is
paid— that she sha’n’ t. W e ’re not going
5ecamuse T e y CAxty sc*\e
to be robbed so long as there's the law.
Not till every farthing Is paid, I war­
rant! so perhaps you’ ll let the poor dear
A “ S u n e h in e B o y .”
old Indy alone, and leave her In the
B illy Is a “ sunshine boy,” explained
care o f them that she knows to be her
his m other one day. “ H e alw ays sees
friends. A policeman, indeed! Not one up on a farm , attending school otdy
the b r ig h t happy side o f things, and
step shall she budge until every farthing during the w in ter months. F or a tim e 1
shuts his eyes to ail the rest.” This
of her debC is paid!"
he was nn errand boy In his brother's
was easily proved that very day. Baby
(T o be contlnned.l
grocery-shop at T roy, but In 1837 ho
brother had, in some unaccountable
started a store o f his own, and soon
w ay, got hold o f B illy's much-prized
W a p A id s W m n -n D o c to r s .
becam e a w holesale dealer In groceries. |
T h e W om a n ’s M edical Institu te in H e served as alderm an in T roy, and picture-books, and had almost w reck­
St. Petersburg, on Its foundation, was also was treasurer o f the county, and ed them.
“ P oor B illy ! W hnt a pity your
hailed as the only place ln the world ln 1853-57 was a W h ig member o f Con­
books are spoiled!” said a
w h ere a w om an could take ou t medical gress. In 1803 Mr. Sage came to N ew
sym pathizing friend.
degree«. I t was unendowed and was Y ork C ity and began his career in
“ O f course I am sorry they are
kept goin g by voluntary subscriptions W a ll street. N o w he is a director in
torn,” answered B illy, “ but they are
and by the sacrifices o f professors, o v e r a score o f large corjiorations. and
not entirely spoiled. Just look, there
whose zeal was even greater than their many persons say that actually he does
are lots o f pictures le ft.”
j not know how rich he is.
"B u t one side o f the book you have
But though It w as looked tow ard by
ln your hand has the picture torn off
m any as ft beacon o f advance, the
A lm a -T a d e m a ’ s IM scovery.
school ln rea lity had on ly a trem bling
G reat vigilance has to be exercised entirely. Doesn’ t that spoil it fo r you,
B illy ? ”
vita lity , know ing w ell that the liftin g by the antiquarian painter. Th is was
F o r an Instant the sunshine ln B il­
o f the eyeb row o f any p ow erfu l per- demonstrated by Sir L aw rence Alina-
ly ’ s face darted behind a little cloud;
sonage w as enough to send it turn- Tadenm 's picture, "T h e F inding o f
then It came out again brighter than
bllng down. As a m atter o f fact, the Moses.”
L ook in g at the picture, a
school was closed ln 188tl by the min- w ell-known botanist exam ined with ever, and he said, “ No, that doesn’t
later, W a rrow sk y, and w as not re- adm iration the painting o f the life-like spoil it. I 'll Just shut the eye on that
side, and that w ill fix It all right.” __
opened until eleven years later, when larkspurs which form the foreground
Y’ outh's Companion.
It lived on, i f possible, ln a m ore trem- “ nd then turning tow ard the artist and ,
bllng condition that before.
congratulating him on the successful
C apers and O th e r C apers.
I t has now assumed a sudden tm- rendering, pointed out that larkspurs j
Sometimes words spelled exac
I t has been brought from w ere o f
a com paratively
recent alike have very different meanin
its stru ggling retirem ent. A ll the grow th.
T h e painter laughed as he W hen boys nnd girls and other you
w orld has been told o f Its existence replied: "S o
1 thought until dried animals play pranks nnd are up
and celled upon to g iv e it recognition, specimens o f them w ere discovered in antics they are said to cut capers,
A n edict from the Czar has given it a some o f the recently explored ro>al caper-tall Is a w ee bird resembling
status and a substantial g r a n t
Its tombs o f E gypt,
titmouse, that Is fond o f flipping
students get all the p rivileges hitherto
tall, prancing around, and Is up to
A S e v e r e L o se .
availab le to men.
sorts o f queer capers when It Is
In Sm yrna they have v e ry little
T h e reason o f tills sudden change o f
sym pathy fo r the ceaseless responsi­ love. Then there Is a verb— to cap
official attitude is that the w a r Is tak­
ate— w hich means the opposite
bilities o f the editorial position. New-
ing all the Russian meu doctors, and
other capers, to frow n and wrlnk
zad Bey, ch ief editor o f the H idm et,
l f their places are not supplied the
Caper sauce gives a delicious s<
w as recently strangled I 11 ja il by com ­
country is at the m ercy o f any ep i­
flavor to boiled mutton and makes 1
mand o f the Sultan fo r Injudicious
dem ic that would come along. Hence
mouth w ater Just when one thlr
the thoughtfulness and the generosity
of It
T h e demise o f a newspaper man
which has been suddenly developed to­
Pickled caper berries add life
w ith such a felicitous
w ard the wom an doctor.
salad. I t la strange, but all o f thi
name as N ew zad must Indeed be a
popular berries used In this count
T r u t h Cornea Out.
test to the profession.— C leveland Pl.alu
come from the south o f Europe. T t
“ D o thoughts that cam e to you ln Dealer.
grow on a small prickly shrub wh:
the long sgo ever return?” asked the
T h e better tim e you have on a va­ requires a great deal o f cultlvatt
originator o f silly questions.
cation the harder It Is to get your Children grub around the roots a
“ N ot unless I Inclose ■tamps,'* an­
hand back ln w hen you return
to pick the berries, which are very t
swered the literary party.
der and must be handled w ith on
Though fam ilia rity may not breed
But fe w w id ow s are h alf as gay and The picking Is quite a difficult proce
T h e reason that the caper shrub 1
contempt. It takes off the edge o f ad­ giddy as they a r t supposed to be.
never been Introduced Into Am erica
miration.— U sali tt,
His lò.n£uò.<g’e ¿.IntosT
that the use o f the berry has never
been very common, aud as its culture
aud pickling requires particular cure
the cost o f labor ln tills country would
bring Its price fa r above that o f the
Imported nrtlcle.
Still another caper Is recorded ln the
dictionary, and this refers to a Dutch
sailing vessel o f the middle ages. It
may be that the old Hutch traders
w ere mnking fun when tuey named
their boat, realizing tbnt It cut capers
w ith the w aves and w ith th eir sea
legs at the same time.
N o B e a u tifu l B lu e D anube.
Inqu isitive people have found out
that H e rr Johann Struuss was dream ­
ing when be wrote o f “ T h e B eautiful
Blue Danube.”
This fact has been
established beyond a doubt by the
municipal authorities o f Mautern, w ho
for the space o f one y ea r have been
conducting experim ents w ith the rive r
water. A s a result o f their Investiga­
tions they report that the color o f the
Danube was brown on eleven days,
light green on forty-five, yellow^, on
forty-six, emerald green on 140, dull
green on flfty-nlne and dark green on
fifty-eight. N ot once w as the w ater
R o y a l Beta.
Some o f the pets o f the royal fam ­
ily o f England accompany the court
w h erever It goes, says the London
Chronicle. W hen the K in g nnd Queen
came up to London on their Christmas
least h a lf a dozen dogs w ere ln the
train, and among them a very corpu­
lent nnd disorderly poodle, which was,
presumably, dissatisfied at having to
travel in an omnibus instead o f ln one
o f the royal landaus. Four bird cages
w ere also among the baggage, and a
hamper, which m ight possibly contain
a cat.
H E A R T O F C O E U R DE L E O N .
C a rd ia c O rg a n o f th e F ir s t R ic h a r d la
S t ill in a F re n c h C a th ed ra l.
In the splendid cathedral church o f
Rouen is a suite o f three or
rooms containing w h at Is known as
the “ Tresor.” This Is n collection o f
valuable and Interesting relics, form ­
ing quite a little museum, to which
admission may be obtained fo r the
modest fee o f 25 centimes. T o nn A n ­
glo-Saxon quite the most Interesting
article In the collection Is the plain
leaden casket ln which was buried
the heart o f the fam ous K in g Richard
Coeur De Leon, who, it w ill be re­
membered, was slain by a bolt from
the crossbow o f Bertrand D e Gourdon
at the siege o f the castle o f Chaluz.
H is body was buried at the fe e t o f
his fath er at Fontrevault, near Tours,
but ills heart was Incased ln tw o lead­
en caskets and burled ln the cathedral
o f Rouen, “ the faith fu l city.”
The exact place o f Its burial seems
to have been forgotten, but It w as re­
discovered In 1840, placed In a new
receptacle and reburied ln the choir.
The old leaden cases, the outer one o f
which w as In a most dilapidated con­
dition, w ere placed ln the “ T h e s e "”
w ith the follow in g Inscription:
Bolte de Plumb
Ou fut Itenferme
Lors de sa Sepulture en 1199
La Coeur de
Richard Coeur de Leon
Trouves en 1840
Dans le Sanctuaire de la Cathedral
de ..ouen.
T h e Inner case Is ln com paratively
good condition, the inscription being
perfectly legible a fte r all these hun­
dreds o f years. The Latin Is some­
what peculiar and It Is curious to find
that at a period when the art o f w ork ­
ing ln metals was at an advanced stage
the engraver o f the Inscription on the
coffer which was to contain the heart
o f such a high and m ighty potentate
did not take the trouble to ascertain
w hat space he required for the king's
name, so that he hnd to carry over the
terminal letter to the next line. I t is
noteworthy, too, that Richard Is styled
“ Regis Anglorius,” " K in g o f the E n g ­
lish"— not o f “ England” — w h ile no r e f­
erence at all Is made to Norm andy or
Aquitaine. The box Is about a foot
long, eight Inches w ide aud five deep.
— Philadelphia Ledger.
A n O b s t a c l e In t h e W a y .
A n old woman who entered a coun­
try savings hank not long ngo was
asked whether she w anted to draw or
"N a y th e r; Ol w ants to put some
money ln,” was the reply.
Th e clerk entered the amount and
pushed the slip toward her to sign.
“ Sign on this line, please,” he said.
“ A b ove or below it?”
“ Just above I t ”
"M e whole name?”
“ Yes.”
“ B efore Ol was m arried?’’
“ No, Just as It Is now.”
“ Ol can't w rite.” — H arper's W eekly.
A M is u n d e r s t a n d in g .
An Irish servant g irl In a N ew castle
fam ily wns very anxious to know the
m eaning o f the word "K is m e t,” which
was Inscribed over the door o f her mis­
tress’ house. Upon being asked, her
mistress Informed her that It m eant
"F a te ,” and the Incident passed from
the lad y’ s mind. A fe w days later the
servant came hobbling downstairs
w ith an agonized expression on ner
face, when the mistress asked w hat
was the matter. “ Shure, ma'am, but
It’s some terrible corns I ’ ve got on m y
K is m e t!” was the reply.
A bachelor never figures on m arry­
ing a w idow , but when a w id ow figu res
on m arrying a bachelor It's a sure sign
o f a wedding.
T h e w orld ow es no man ■ living, b u t
It ow es every man sn opportunity t o
make good.