REFUSE THE TERMS t A X 9 JAPAN S T A T E S PEACE TERM S Russia Must Pay Entire Cost o f War and Give Up Sakhalin. PEACE CONFERENCE Portsmouth, Aug. 11. — The peace envoys assembled promptly for the second day’s session. A formal ex­ change of credentials was made in mak­ ing presentation. The ride to the naval yards was made in automobiles. Arrangements for privacy are complete. Cards of admission to the grounds will not be issued during the period of ne­ gotiations. Peace Prospect is Black — Witte De­ Split Expected on Indemnity Question, Conditions on which the Japanese livers Reply to Japanese — Both Sides Appearing Abso­ desired to make peace were presented Both Sides Firm. lutely Unyielding. to the Russians in writing this morn­ ing. The conference decided that the Russians shall study the question ana Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 12.— Rus­ w ill as soon as possible give an asnwer Portsmouth, N. H ., Aug. 10. — The U ntil then the meetings first official meeting of the Russian sia’s reply to the Japanese terms of in writing. of the conference are adjourned. and Japanese peace envoys took p ace peace were delivered by M. W itte to in this city yesterday. Credentials Baron Komura at 9:30 o’clock today. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11. — The gov­ were exchanged and accepted. It was The reply is written, there being two ernment officials now take a more op­ decided to hold two daily sessions, one texts, one in French, the other in Eng­ timistic view of the outcome of peace in the morning at 9:30, and one in the To avoid delay and lish. Upon the two.crucial points, in­ negotiations. It is reported that M. afternoon at 3. give the plenipotentiaries and delegatee W itte telegraphed the cxar that he dem nity and the cession of the island time for consultations between ses­ o f Sakhalin, the reply is an absolute already knew the Japanese terms and sions, it has teen arranged that lunch­ that they are acceptable with a few nonpossumus. Other points are ac­ amendments. H e believes that the eon w ill be served at the navy yard and cepted as a basis for discussion, while Japanese w ill agree to the changes he the envoys, upon leaving their quarters in the morning, w ill not return until w ill propose. others are accepted conditionally. the afternoon session adjourns. Three The reply is rather long, because, in secretaries for each side w ill be in at­ Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 11. — Re­ enumerating the conditions on which tendance to draw up the protocols of discussion is admitted and those on imbursement of the expense sustained the meetings, which w ill be written in which consideration is declined, rea­ in the prosecution of the war and the both English and French. The French text, however, in cases of dispute, w ill sons and arguments are given. The cession of the island of Sakhalin con­ be accepted in evidence (faire fo i). Japanese plenipotentiaries asked for an stitute the main features of the peace The firm attitude of M. W itte in conditions handed by Baron Komura immediate adjournment to examine private conversation against the pay­ und prepare their reply. M. Witte to M. W itte at the conclusion of the ment of an indemnity and the insistent intimated that the Russian plenipoten­ morning session of the envoys in the reports emanating from Japanese quar­ ters that a stiff war contribution ap­ tiaries expect the Japanese to display general stores building of the Ports­ proximating the cost of the war, vari­ as much expedition as they, "th e Rus­ mouth navy yard. The word “ indem­ ously stated at from $600,000,000 to sians, have shown in the preparation nity” was carefully avoided, the term $800,000,000, constitutes one of Jap­ o f their response.” Monday, there­ applied being “ reimbursement” for an’ s demands, indicates a wide if not fore is expected to be the day on which the cost of the war. No sum is fixed, irreconcilable difference between Jap­ the real discussion of the negotiations an’ s irreducible minimum and what w ill begin. Neither side wants to in­ the amount being distinctly withheld Russia is prepared to accept. Upon dulge in diplomatic sparring. The for mutual adjustment between the two the question of the payment of a large tim e for fencing is over and less than countries after the Japanese expendi­ indemnity the instructions of the Rus­ a week must decide whether a basis of tures have been ascertained. sian plenipotentiaries are believed to peace is possible. The other terms are substantially admit of no concessions, although it is The tactics of the Japanese are in­ possible a certain compensation in kind scrutable. They have shown through­ what the world expected and with one might be arranged, For instance, it is out the war their ability to guard their or two exceptions could probably be suggested that for the relinquishment secrets, m ilitary, naval and diplomatic, entertained as a basis of negotiations of the island of Sakhalin, now in and now not the remotest clue comes They include the following: The cession of the Russian leases to Japanese bands, the possession of which from behind their closed doors as to by Japan would give her command of whether they are prepared to make the Liaotung peninsula, comprising the whole Siberian littoral, Russia snbstantial concessions. Silence and Port Arthur and Dalny. The evacuation of the entire pro­ could with propriety pay a large sum. secrecy are their watchwords. But, At this morning's meeting Baron vince of Manchuria, the retrocession should the conditions as submitted con­ Komura spoke Japanese, his secretary, to China of any privileges Russia may stitute their last word, hope of peace Mr. Honda, translated it into French, may l>e regarded as having disappeared, have in the province and the recog­ while M. W itte spoke entirely in if the feeling reflected in Russian cir­ nition by Russia of the principle of French. cles is a true criterion. And that no the “ open door..” The cession to Japan of the Chinese substantial concessions on the main T O C A L L AS S E M B LY. issues w ill be made is the belief both in Eastern railway below Harbin, the Russian and Japanese circles. M. main line through Northern Manchuria W itte, it is positively known, believes to Vladivostok to remain Russian prop­ Nicholas Approves Call fo r Congress the prospects of an agreeent are so re­ erty. T o Be Issued Saturday. The recognition of the Japanese pro­ mote as to be practically nil. fie has St. Petersburg, Aug. 10.— On Satur­ tectorate over Coiea. no desire to prolong the agony, and in­ The grant of fishing rights in Siberia day next the czar w ill proclaim the na­ stead of fencing when the envoys come tional assembly at Moscow, the ancient together after the Japanese have had northward from Vladivostok. The special com­ The relinquishment to Japan of all Muscovite capital. the opportunity to examine the reply, mittee drafting plans for the gathering there is strong reason to believe he w ill Russian ships interned in neutral ports. Finally, a limitation in the naval has completed its work and Emperor not only welcome but w ill insist upon Nicholas has approved them. an immediate discussion of all the strength of Russia in Far Eastern The national assembly will be a de­ proposed bases. So pessimistic is he waters. liberative and consultative body for that he has already been talking to the discussion of measures laid before RESCUED FROM A R C T IC . his colleagues of his plans when the it by the emperor or his ministers. It rupture comes. Before sailing for home w ill have the power to enforce the Expedition o f 1903 Found by Relie he contemplates a visit to Chicago. withdrawal of ministerial propositions Party Just in Time. by a two-thirds vote, which gives it at Russian Envoys Will Not Consider Payment of indemnity. First Official Meeting Is Held at Portsmouth, N. H. NOR WILL THEY YIELD SAKAHALIN PESSIMISM FILLS ATMOSPHERE Texas Guards Against Infection, Austin, Tex., A u g.12.— State Health Officer Tabor has submitted a report to Governor Lanhara concerning the yellow fever situation in the South, in which he says: “ Yellow fever exists now in Louisi­ ana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and the Republic of Mexico. Texas is sandwiched between the infected dis­ tricts, with very little hope of escap­ ing invasion by the scourge with the long summer before us. We are guard­ ed as closely as possible, but it is very hard to maintain a succesfsul quarantine. I would most certainly insist that there lie no mobilization of cttisens or soldiers at this time, as any excitement might cause a general stam­ pede and a general quarantine that could tie up the entire railroad service of the state.” The officer has also called upon the governor to hold the entire state ranger force in reserve subject to his orders, as he may need them at any time to control the quarantine situation. Christiana, Norway, Aug. 11. — An thony Fiala’ s expedition to the north pole has been rescued. The Terra Nova, the relief ship sent out in March to find the explorers, was sighted today off Honigvag. She signaled that she hsd on lioard Anthony Fiala and his party. One Norwegian seaman in the party died of natural causes. The party reached a latitude of 82 degrees 82 minutes north latitude. William Ziegler, the late baking powder millionaire, sent out Anthony Fiala in 1903 to discover the north pole. The party sailed in the steam­ ship America. They penetrated to the latitude given when their ship became locked in as the ice grew solid in the Arctic winter. There was nothing to do but to battle with the ice, cutting away that nearest the boat that the upheaval of the great blocks of ice might not crush the vessel. These efforts, however, were vain, and early in the winter the America was ground to pieces in the polar pack. No More Forged Orders* Washington, Aug. 12.— Before leav­ ing for his vacation, Postmaster Gene­ ral Cortelvou directeo the issuance of a new form of money order which, it is believed, w ill be proof against altera­ tion at the hands of forgers. The de­ partment has been greatly annoyed by the operations of persons who pur­ chase money orders Tor small amounts and raise them, passing them on mer­ chants after office hours, The direct loss falls on those who accept the or­ ders, the department refusing to cash them except as originally drawn. Hotel fo r Canal People. Colon, Aug. 11. — Theodors P. Shonts, chairman of the Panama Canal commission, and D. W . Ross, purchas­ ing agent, left last night by the steamer Mexico for New York. Before the departure of Chairman Sbonts from Panama for Colon, the commission had a meeting at which it was decided that the bodies of employee dying on the isthmus should be sent to the United States at government expense. The commission approved the erection of a 260-room hotel for the canal em­ ploye*. Gentile Bakers May Strike. New York, Aug. 12. — According to Samuel Kurx, leader of the striking Kosher hread bakers, a telegram was sent today to the secretary of the Inter­ national Bakers’ A Confectioners’ union at Chicago by a committee representing the Gentile bakers of New York, ask­ ing for advice a* to a sympathetic strike here. Fourteen unions, number­ ing 7,000 bakers, were represented. T h e telegram declared that the bakers were overworked and underpaid. Enforced Strike at Riga. 8t. Petersburg, Aug. 11. — The ru­ mors of serious trouble at Riga were today officially confirmed. Twenty thousand men are on strike there. Many of the strikers are desirous of working, but the Socialists deter them with threats of murder. It is declared that there is a sufficient number of soldiers at Riga to handle any disturb­ ances arising from the strike. A regi­ ment of infantry is patrolling the streets and keeping order. More Typhoid at Washington. ” Washington, Aug. 12. — There were 25 new cases of typhoid fever reported to the health officers today, the great­ est number for any one day during the present outbreak of typhoid fever in this *.y. Linievitch Outflanked. 8t. Petersburg, Aug. 11.— General Linievitch re pore that the Russian forces were compelled to retr-at after assuming the offensive near the village of Chagon on August 6, the Japanese turning both flanks. CHINESE BOYCOTT E XPLAIN ED Agents o f (Mikado Said T o Actuating Power. prizes to the fanner's w tf* bringing the most eggs, etc., and recently the plan was Introduced of giving a prize to the farmer who brought the most women to town. When the women come In business picks up at all the stores. The plan worked, one farmer putting cushions on a bay rack and bringing over a hundred In the course of a day.— Denver Field and Farm. Be the Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 14. — There is a growing belief that the boycott of American goods in China originated with the Japanese, and that their ob­ ject was to secure the rich trade of the empire for themselves. Hitherto the Chinese provinces have acted independ­ ently of one another, but the concerted action in the north and south shows that a master band has brought about the change. Ever since the war with Russia began Japanese agents have worked strenuously in China to make their influence permanent. The boy­ cott seems to show how well they have succeeded. The Oriental press has much to say of the boycott. The China Mail says: “ Some of the soberer classes are ap­ prehensive lest the passions of the peo­ ple should be roused by such methods, whereupon they may not hesitate to be­ come iconoclastic and attack anything foreign, under the misapprehension that all things foreign are American.” The Pekin and Tientsin Times says: “ Those who know the Chinese best cannot but marvel at this sudden out­ burst of a patriotism which had hither­ to been absolutely non-existent, and there are those who, reading between the lines, believe they see the shade of another nationality behind the Chinese agitators.” The Hongkong Press says: “ The way to suppress an anti-Amer­ ican agitation in Canton is to start another anti-anything, so long as it be foreign. The Chinese merchants dropped the manifesto like a hot cinder the moment it was presented to them.” In v e s t ig a t in g th e R oll*, T a n k f o r D ip p in g S h eep. There are several plans for making a tank In which to dtp sheep, and tf one has a flock o f considerable size It Is wise to obtain some o f the plans that are offered by manufacturers. If, however, the flock la not large, a home­ made affair Is easily built and at cota- paratlvely small cost A tank of this klml Is made as follows: A convenient slxe Is ten feet long, four feet wide and two and one-half feet deep. It should be made so that the tank con­ taining the dtp Is reached by a slat­ ted walkway leading down to It, and another slatted walk leading up to the landing from which they go down Into the tank. There should be sufficient o f the dip mixture placed In the tank to «xrver the back of the antmul, which should be Immersed for about one minute, then allowed to come up on the laud­ S T E P P E D IN T O CREVASSE. Woman Entombed fo r T w o Hours in ing, where the dtp Is squeezed out of the wool and the animal allowed fo Montana Glacier. Kalispel, Mont, Aug 14.— Mrs. A. stand to drain. The illustration shows M. Burt, of Jamestown, N. D., a mem­ how this tank Is bullt. B Indicates ber of a party from the Big Fork, the slatted walkway and A shows the Mont., biological school, had a narrow exact shape o f the side portion o f the escape from death while ascending box; the little drawing above the tank Sperry glacier, above Lake McDonald, shows a walk down from the end of in the Clearwater country. Mrs. Burt the drainage box which will prevent had just ceased commenting on the the sheep from Injuring their legs, danger of stepping into a blind crevasse which they would be likely to do In in the state of unpreparedness in which Jumping. the party was, when she disappeared A F i g h t i n g Cow. from sight. The crevasse had been un­ No fewer than six persons are at dermined by the intense heat of the previous month, and had given away present suffering from Injuries inflict­ beneath the feet of the unfortunate ed by a c#w, evidently of Texas fight­ woman, who gave a despairing cry as ing stock, which broke loose In the she disappeared. The men of the party streets o f an English town, a few days cautiously approached the crevasse, ago, creating extraordinary seems. which was uncovered about five feet The animal was being led by a halter, wide, and nearly a straight fall of but when near the slaughter house It more than 50 feet, but no sight of Mrs. suddenly rushed at the man under Burt was to be had. Listening closely whose charge It was, and tossed him high In the air. Extraordinary excite­ a call for help was heard. A courier was sent three miles for ment at once arose, as the animal bolt­ ropes, by means of which, with short ed from street to street, attacking or leather belts, suspenders and silk frightening all it saw. A little girl, scarfs, the woman was finally rescued, aged seven, was wounded In the thigh after an effort of more than two hours. with its horns, and a man knocked The shock was so great that nervous down. Leaving the town the animal prostration is feared. directed Its course towards the village, Mrs. Burt says she was bounced from whence It had been brought A fann­ side to side of the crevasse in her de­ er who attempted to capture It was scent, but miraculously lodged in a gored In the thigh, and finally the pocket in the side of the wall, other­ “ «•asualty list” was brought to a close wise she would have been precipitated by a man in Norden yard, which It had to unknown depths and perished. left two hours previously, having one of his hands run through by a horn.— New England Homestead. CURE FOR LE PR O S Y . least a negative control over legislation. It w ill have 500 members, chosen by American Surgeons Have Cured Six and Improved All Treated. a system of direct elections, and the first session, it is understood, w ill be Manila, Aug. 14. — American sur­ held in November. The elections will geons connected with the board of take place in October. health of Manila declare that they have discovered a positive cure for leprosy. Women Fight Highwaymen. Of 26 cases treated, all have improved, Reno, Nev., Aug. 10— Mrs. C. Brown six cases being absolutely cured. Sev­ and Mrs. A. Mattbiesen, wives of well eral patients, portions of whose bodies known residents of Gardnersville, south were gone, have recovered. A ll of these cases have been under of here, had a thrilling experience with two highwaymen while driving last close observation for at least six evening. The women were on their months, and it is absolutely impossi­ way home, when they were ordered by ble to discover a trace of the germs highwaymen to stop. Instead of com­ of the disease in the blofxl of the pa­ plying, they drew revolvers and began tients. The method used is a system firing at the would-be robbers, who of X-rays. The surgeons do not desire their started to retreat, at the same time emptying revolvers at the women. The names to be mentioned at present. women bravely stood their ground until They w ill not ask for the rewards help arrived. The bandits, however, which have been offersd by various made their escape across a field and governments for a cure for leprosy. have not been seen since. Bakers Seek to Settle Strike. Noted Church Burned. New York, Aug. 14. — Efforts for a New York, Aug. 10.— St. Thomas’ peaceable settlement of the Hebrew Episcopal church, at Fifth avenue and bakers’ strike on the East Side were Fifty-third street, one of the most made ttxlay by Herman Robinson, in­ richly furnished religious ediefies in ternational organizer of the American America, was wrecked by fire today. Federation of Labor, and Joseph Bar- Within a block of the ruins of the ondess, who were appointed by the church are the homes of half a score of striking bakers a committee to confer the country's wealthiest men. Directly with the employers. They held a lorg in the rear is the city residence of conference without arriving at any defi­ John D. Rockefeller, and near by are nite conclusion. Another meeting of the residences of William Rockefeller, the employers will Ire held tomorrow. H. McK. Twombley, Colonel J. J. Mc­ There was no renewal ot rioting on the Cook and the home of the late Daniel East Side. S. Lament. Dumped Fish Offal in River Bomb Factory at Gomel. New Westminster, B. C., Aug. 14.— St. Petersburg, Aug. 10.— Reports Six canners, four belonging to the received here show that the situation | British Columbia Packers’ association, at Gomel and in that neighborhood is ¡one to J. H . Dtxlii A Son., Victoria, serious. A bomb factory has has been ] and one to the A. B. C. Packing com- discovered at Gomel by the police and J pany, have been summoned to appear it is asserted here that the Jew* are I on the charge of unlawfully dumping trying to stir up disorders among the fish offal from the canneries into the peasantry Gomel was the scene of Fraser river. Canners intend to fight the Jewish massacre last year. Work the case to the highest court and the has been resume«! at Reval, where a matter w ill likely prove a long and serious strike has been on for some , interesting fight. time past. Government Sends Fire Fighters. Typhoon Drowns Hundreds. Missoula, Mont., Aug. 14.— Under Victoia, B. C., Aug. 10.— News is orders from the Department of the In­ received here by steamer of the loss of terior L. L. Sharp, special land agent, over 100 small vessels of the Japanese has left for the forest fire district sur­ pearling fleet oft Goto island, 545 of rounding Clinton with a party of men. over 600 men on board being missing Mr. Sharp’s orders from Washintgon and believed to be drowns«!. Fifteen are to sts the frame may be secured to the ground, yet easily lifto l and removed to another portion of the range when desired. The plan Is worth the attention of all poultrymen. Is the air In the stable pure end free from dust during milking? Would he he willing and glad to eat a plate of soup while he Is milking a cow? I f not, why not? Isn’t milk a human food and Isn't the milk pnil that la under the row being filled with food for his table? — I ’rairle Farmer. Th e ( t r o w i n g Pigs. The growing pigs mny be helped along In two ways; one la by feeding sow* liberally on those feed* that tend to produce milk; the other ia by giv­ ing the pig* clean food of the right kind, aueh as clover and alfalfa. D r e s e in g f o r T o m itnes. A tomato fertilizer very popular on Kli -h M i l k ( l » r e L o w e r C oa t M u t t e r . the Pacific coast la made as follows: The results obtained with 172 dairy Nitrate o f soda, one part; dried blo«>d. herds in Denmark, aggregating 3,723 two parts; superphosphate of bon* cows, were recently studied. The cows meal, four parts; kalnit, three parts, all were arranged In eight class«-* accord­ by weight. ing to the average per cent o f fat In Da rn a n d Pas tu re. their milk, each class having about the Put the Idle mare on the pasture. same number o f cows. In the case of W ide tire* save much horse power. Class 1 (richest milk), 70.8 food units A sandy or muddy road doubles tbs were required for the production of one hundred pounds of tnllk. against work. (15.0 unit* In the case o f Class 8 (poor­ Axle grease pays 1,000 per cent est milk). One pound o f butter re- profit. qulreil 16.83 food units In Class I, and The best drivers talk much to their 19.62 In Class 8. The skimmllk ob­ animals. tained per pound o f butter was 22.3 Aluminum horseshoes have h«>en and 28.4 ponnd* respectively for the thoroughly teste«l by the Russian two classes. A t ordinary prices of army. They have proved quite satis­ feed* and products It was found that a factory. saving the horses' feet o u r* pound o f butter was pr«xluced 2.8 cents than Iron shoe* do. cheaper by the cows producing rich Good ventilation, clean beddfng and milk than by those yielding milk low pleuty of light and comfortable stalls In butter fat.— American Cultivator. are alao necessary In the cow stabls. I lusty bedding and any feed that la Prize* for Tra«te. Merchant* In aotne town* are try­ dusty will seed It with millions or ing the prize aystem to Induce trade germs and these will develop talota sod srs making It pay. They give j and defects that ara not deslrabl*