Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 27, 1905, Image 1

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W ashington
VOL. I l l
C ounty N ews
Suburban Train
Forest Grove and Portland Starts
Next Saturday, July 29
An Excellent Schedule Is Prepared
To the Satisfaction of
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
travel and give the people an oppor­
tunity to spend the evening in Port­
Following is the regular weekly
land to visit Exposition, theatres, etc.,
summary of Oregon crops issued by
we will commencing Saturday, July 29,
the Portland station of the- United
inaugurate additional service between j States Weather Bureau:
Portland and Forest Grove as follows,
The past week was the hottest of
in addition to the present service, no
the season, and no rain of consequence
change in the schedule of which will
(occurred in any part of the state.
Superintendent Case Makes Figures
be made:
1 Fortunately, the wind was generally
Forest Grove. .........12:30 p. m. light, and the wheat crop suffered but
That Show Facts About Our
little damage. In the Grand Ronde
H ilbboro......... . . . .12:43
\ Valley and in some of the Columbia
County Schools
Reedville......... . . . 12:57
River counties east of the Cascade
Beaverton. . . . ........ 1:07
Mountains, late-sown Spring wheat was
Ar Portland................... 1:50
damaged by the hot weather and will I
Lv Portland......... .. . . 1 0 : 4 5 p. ra. probably be cut for hay. The bulk Of Six Thousand and Sixty-four Chil­
4 4
| the crop, however, is safe, and both
Beaverton . . . . ____11:28
dren of School Age as Against
Spring and Fall wheat are now being
Reedville . . . . . . . .11:39
cut as rapidly as possible. Threshing
Hillsboro......... . . . .11:54
$59,136,02 for Schools
Cornelius......... . . . .12101 a . m . will begin in the Willamette Valley
this week. All indications point to an
Ar Forest Grove. .........12:05
This train will run daily except Sun­ extra good crop of wheat, both as to
day, and the service will be maintained quantity and quality.
Through the kindness of County
Pasturage is getting short, but stock Supt. of Schools,
as long as business will justify. This
C. Case,
The we herewith publish the annual school
will be a local passenger train of sub­ continues in good condition.
urban nature, and will not carry a bag­ flow of milk is decreasing in the dairy report of the county, the year ending,
gage car, so that baggage cannot be districts, but not more than usual at June 19, 1905.
this season of the year. The second Number of persons between the
crop of alfalfa is being cut, and the
Yours truly, W. E. COMAN
ages of 4 and 20 as shown by
crop promises to be about an average
the census of February 25,
one. Hop burs are forming and the
1905 .........................................
vines are growing nicely. Hop lice Number of persons between the
Burned Sunday Night With Contents are still to be found, but they are less
age of 4 and 20 on register 4654
numerous than formerly. Com, pota­ Number of teachers employed
— Two Suspects Arrested.
toes and gardens have made good ad-
during the y e a r......................
On Sunday night at about 10:30, vancement, but these crops would be Number 0f applicants examined
for teacher-s certificates. . . .
the saloon belonging to Oliver Chown- improved by more ram. Early apples
ing at Dilley, was burned to the ground are ripe. Prunes, pears and peaches Number of applicants examined
1 failing
- —
with its contents. Hugh Herman and are doing well.
to obtain certificates
Washington County— Very warm and Number of certificates
Harvey Ulm were arrested next day
and are being held by Sheriff Connell dry; pastures drying very fast; haying
dorsed during the year.........
on the charge of arson. The build- all done, and a good yield; wheat and Number teachers
ing was insured as was the contents, oat harvest commenced, and prospect
taking an educational journal
but Chowning had sold the liquor to for fairly good yield, except some Number of persons between the
Gaston parties, who failed to make the fields which are affected with rust, and
ages of 4 and 20 not attend­
tops and bottoms of wheat heads not
transfer of the insurance.
ing any school....................... 11390
This gallon-house, as it was called, well filled, which will cut down the Whole number of days attend­
has been the source of much trouble general average; fruit doing well, also
ance during the year........... 450765
to the better element of this peaceful potatoes.
Average daily attendance. . . .
neighborhood and the proprietor has
Whole number of organized
Laflin & Rand Cup Contest.
on several occasions been fined for
selling liquor to m inors. The parties
The contest opened by members of Number of school districts re­
arrested are said to have been under the Forest and Stream Rod and Gun
porting ....................................
the influence of liquor and that the Club, sometime ago is progressing and Number of school houses in the
proprietor had refused to sell them new members are each week entering
county ....................................
the race for the cup. The shoots are ( Number of school houses built
during the year.......................
held on Thursday afternoon and Sun - 1
day morning. The participants and Average number of months
public school taught during
their scores up to the present time are
the year..................................7 19-20
as follows.
Shots F i r e d P e r c e p t a g e | Number of schools visited by
Con McNamer. . . . . . 5 0
. . . . .52
the county superintendent. .
C. B. Stokes . . . . . . 50
. . . . .56 Average length of time devoted
J. J. Wirtz........... . . 25
. . . . . .56
to each visit, hours................
Jas. Nichols......... . . 2 5
. . . . .72 Number of miles traveled in
N. L. Atkins. . . . . . 25
. . . .64
performance of official duties
Dr. C. E. G eiger. . . 25
. . . .40
A. G. Watson . . . . . 25
. . . .60
The annual financial statement of the
Willis Goff ......... . . 7 5
. . . .45 public schools of Washington county
.Z Wing .............. . . 5 0
. . . . .52 is as follows:
The new train service petitioned for
by the citizens of this city has been
granted and the new schedule goes
into effect next Saturday, July 29.
This will give complete service for all
purposes and is apparently satisfactory
to all. The train will leave this city
at 12:30 p. m. every day except Sun­
day, and returning leaves Portland at
10:45 p. m. Following is a letter
from Mr. J. P. O’ Brien, manager of
lines in Oregon, giving the order and
is self explanatory:
Portland, Ore. July 24, 05.
N. L. Atkins, Agt.,
Forest Grove, Ore.
Dear sir; Referring to yours of the
20th, inclosing petition for new train
service between Forest Grove and
Portland. Beg to advise that we will
put the new service into effect at the
earliest possible moment, and I hope
that it will not be later than the latter
part of this week. Train will leave
Forest Grove at 12:30 p. m. and
returning, leave Portland at 10:45 p.
m. You can advise your people to
this effect. Yours truly,
J. P. O’ B r i e n .
The purpose of the train and its
schedule as issued by Mr. W. E. Co­
man, Gen. Pass. Agt. is as follows:
“ In order to accomodate the local
r Goff Bros.
Underwent Operation
T he above cut shows the Champion of all Mowers.
W e have both the draw cut and W abble gear in 4 1-2
and 5 foot cut, also the Champion hay rake 8, 9 and
10 foot in hand or self dump, Myers hay carriers and
pure Manila rope, not standard Manila as as some
dealers sell for P U R E . W e sell nothing but the best
goods money can buy.
N ow is the time to Pain^ Y our House or bam a
good coat of Paint. W e ’ll save you money; we have
the best paint money can buy.
T he Sherwin-Will­
iams, a little dearer than some others but has greater
covering capacity and guaranteed pure, so costs less
in the end. A lso W hite Lead and Linseed oil at
lowest prices. Come and let us figure With you on
your paint job.
A full line of Plumbing Goods always on hand.
Stoves fitted with coil and hot water tank and work
absolutely guaranteed, if we do your work and it is
not satisfactory, we expect no pay.
Get your work
done by someone that knows how to do it.
W e can
refer you to a number in town we have done this class
of work for, if you want references.
G o ff B ros.
Both Phonsi
C. S. McNutt and wife and J
and wife returned the
Joe Lenneville was a Portland visit or
part of the week from a two
camping at Glenwood.
The walls for the new postoffice and
Mrs. Ella M. Fischer of Portland
storeroom are commenced.
but recently of South Bend, is sta
Mrs. Harry Nauffts is suffering from for a few weeks at the home of
a severe attack of pneumonia.
S. Clark, near Forest Grove.
Mrs. Henry Wilson went to Newport
S. Show accompanied by his nie
Saturday and returned Monday.
Miss Shipley and her friend Miss E
Geo. H. Baldwin has placed a hew Smith, have organized a party and
camp near Banks for a couple of wee:
awning in front of his new brick.
Mrs. Anna Mills and daughter, Cl
Judge W. H. Hollis attended the
Chautauqua at Gladstone Park, Sunday. qf Oniaka, Neb., are visiting ti
former’ s sister, Mrs. W. H . Jarmin,
E. A. Hyde and family left for Gari­ this city. They will probably loca
baldi, Tuesday, for a fortnight’ s outing. here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell have
A letter from Wilson Brock of Pe;‘
returned from a short outing at New­ dleton, son of Mrs. N. J. Walker
this city, July 21, merely said: “ l
And we believe that
Mrs. J. T. Moore of Portland was at 3 p. m .”
the guest of Mrs. Dan Parsons last enough.
Miss Reuter and her friend, ML
of Chicago, who have be
Mrs. Thos. Philips, who has been
sick for several weeks, is now slowly visiting in Tillamook county, return
to this city, Tuesday. Miss Reuter
a cousin of the Wirtz boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baldwin left
Principal Bates, Miss W ood, Mi
Monday for Newport, where they will
Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
spend a month.
Woods, departed for a green spot o
Miss Edith Stevens of Broken Bow, the Nehalem, Wednesday, where th
Neb., is-visiting at the home of W. H. will camp for about a fortnight.
Greer and family.
A. G. Watson in Court.
Miss Maude Shannon spent several
days this week at the fair and visiting
A bench-warrant was issued from t
relatives in Portland.
district court now in session at H ill
Mr. and Mrs. Art Caples are spend­ boro, Wednesday, for the arrest of
ing a few days at the Lewis and G. Watson, on the charge of contem
to court. Judge McBride last spri
Clarke fair this week.
granted an injunction forbidding Wa
Miss Nona Miller and her father son to sell liquor. Watson was serv~
went to Pc tland, Tuesday and will with the warrant last night and will a
spend several days at the fair.
pear before the court tomorrow, Frida-
A. B. Mattox of Snohomish, Wash.,
Notice to Water Consumers.
spent several days this week, visiting
his wife’ s family, E. D. Smith’ s.
Water users are hereby notified ti
Chas. Miller, J. J. Wirtz and Geo. in case of fire, they are requested
Armentrout, went into the mountains | immediately turn off the garden hos
They are also requested to use spr
Thursday and returned Saturday.
I ingly of the water for a few days un
Three Mr. Allens of 111., came out the tank can be mended.
from Portland, Monday, and spent a
P. W. CRONIN, Marshal.
few hours with Mr. and Mrs N. J.
Grocery Store Sold.
Friday Ramsey of Weisner, Ida.,
The grocery store of W. E. Dun
was here a few days this week, visiting moor was sold Wednesday to a M
A. G. Hoffman. H e is looking for a Files from Nebraska, who will
location in Oregon.
charge Monday.
Johnson & Johnson
Successors to McNAMER & JOHNSON
Cash on hand at beginning of
Mrs. A. J. Wirtz was taken to Port-.
land last week and on Thursday mom- ^ afr" recelve(^ J10™ County
Treasurer from district tax 8198
ing was operated on for appendicitis, at
the Good Samaritan hospital, "in Port- j Cash received from the county
land. Mrs. Wirtz had been ailing for
some time but up to the time of going Cash received from rate bills
and tuition...........................
to the hospital, she was not considered
as seriously ill, however, about the Cash from state school fund . 9582
time of the operation she began to Cash from sale of bonds and
suffer with an acute attack of appen­
dicitis. She was also operated on for ; Cash from County Treasurer
from library fund
i what is known as a floating kidney.
The operations were both successful Cash received for library from 1
and the patient is now recovering.
Cash received from all other
Hurt While Haying
D ealers in
While haying on the farm of Lon l o u d receipts...................... 863953 76
Harris, near Gaston, Harry Hunter was
struck by a falling pole which fractured Paid for teaching................ $40707 90
the bones in his shoulder. H e was j Paid for rent of rooms and
assisting in hoisting hay with a derrick,
s i t e ....................................
*5 80
when the guy rope broke, letting the \ Paid for fuel and school sup-
p lie s ..................................
3116 69
poles fall, one of which struck Hunter
on the side of the head and shoulder. | Paid for repairs and improv­
ing grounds.......................
1690 64
Dr. Rentz of this city was called and
Paid for new school houses
attended the injury.
and sites...........................
4761 60
| Paid on principal and interest
Camping Party
of bonds and warrants.. . . 4768
A party of jolly campers departed ; Paid for insurance..................
last Friday for Garibaldi, on the beach, | Paid for clerks salary......... .... 1154
where they will spend several weeks. | Paid for library book s...........
LThe party is composed as follows: M. Paid for all other purposes. . 2262
Peterson, wife and daughters. Pearl and
Goldie; Mr. and Mis. Chas. Peterson
Total disbursements.$59136 02
of Fort Morgan, Colo., Miss Gertie
Taylor and Mr. Smith of York, Neb., Excess of receipts over dis­
bursements........................... 4817 74
and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stevens.
Amount of funds raised by
county tax............................. 29352 24
Amount of funds from the
Leo Spiesschaert died at his home,
state apportioned................. 9582 72
j l£ miles south of Cornelius, Sunday
Number of school children
j night. He leaves four children, one between the age of 4 and
1 daughter who is the wife of A. Sapiens
20 .........................................
of this place. The remains were in­
j County school fund appor-
terred at the Catholic cemetery, Ver- [ State fund apportioned each
boort, Tuesday morning. Father Ver-
baag officiating.
tioned to each pupil.........
4 93
j Amount of money necessary
Bids Wanted.
to levy at the January ses­
Sealed bids are desired for the erec­
sion of the County Court
to aggregate $6 for each
tion of a parsonage for the Congrega­
child is................................ «36384
tional Church at Forest Grove. The
Number of school children between
plans may be had by applying to Prof,
j J. R. Robertson within a week of this the age of 4 and 20 as shown by the
census of February 1905, is 6064.
Both Phones
Repair Price list
Balance Staffs
All Work Warranted One Year