Washington County News Uwucd Bach W eak G A IN S M O R E E V I D E N C E . Government Gets Facta in Williamson- Gesner-Biggs Trial. S A K H A L IN A P O W E R F U L LEVER Japan Now Given Opportunity to In­ crease Her Demands on Russia. St. Petersburg, July 11. — With the Japanese flag hoisted for the first time on Russian soil after 18 months of war, the importance of the landing on the island of Sakhalin is generally admit­ ted both in newspaper comment and in government circles. Complete occupa­ tion of the island is regarded as a fore­ gone conclusion. The Novoe Vremya voices the general sentiment in holding that control of Sakhalin puts a powerful lever in the possession of Japanese diplomacy, which finally has something tangible in its hands to throw upon the scales with the sword in the coming confer­ ence. There is a divergence of opinion with regard to the effect it will have upon the negotiations at Washington, some of the irreconcilables declaring that it makes peace at the present juncture more impossible than before, as Japan will be able to demand the cession of the islands and a heavy indemnity as well, at which terras peace will he too costly, hut the more prevalent view is that Japan has now in her hands enough trumps to take the game. The attack on the island certainly dissipates one of the hopes of the peace advocates, who have been suggesting that its voluntary cession might he an offset with Port Arthur and the Chi­ nese railway against the payment of large part or all of a monetary indem­ nity. No further report of the landing operations has been received. BRISTOW REPORTS Portland, July 12. — What promised for a few minutes to have lieen a sensa­ tion in the Williamson-Gesner-Biirgs FR U IT G O V E R N M E N T O F F IC E R . trial yesterday afternoon before Judge De Haven, dwindled into an emphatic Yield Will Not Be Large, But Quality State Engineer Lewis to Have Charge Will Be Above Average. statement that Dr. Gesner had a verbal of Survey Work, agreement with at least one witness. Fruit conditions are now favorable Salem — State Engineer John H. From the opening hour of the morning throughout Oregon. While as a general Lewis will he appointed United States session until just a few minutes be­ thing no fruit will yield a record break­ hydrographer for Oregon, thus being ing crop, the quality of the fruit bids fore adjourning, the trial droned along, fair to he good and the yield wilt tie given charge of the government hydro- graphic work conducted in co-operation Advises Government to Open Panama A Resume of the Less Important but with witness after witness adding link satisfactory from the market stand­ with the state of Oregon. This means Route, Cancel Monopolist Con­ Not Less Interesting Events after link to the chain of evidence that point. Apples in all parts of the state that all state work will be government of the Past Week. tracts and Open New Lines. the government is forging around the will yield only half a prop, but on ac­ work and the work done with the Unit­ count of this very fact the fruit will be ed States appropriation will he state three defendants. of much better quality and a more work. Consequently the reports of the During liis cross-examination, Henry marketable product than were it a full hydrographic work done by the state Germany will build ports in Morocco Washington, July 11.— The report of opposite Uibralter. Hudson, no relation, by the way, to crop and the trees heavily loaded. engineer will be publish ed in the gov­ Joseph L. Bristow, who was appointed In the eastern part of the state, ernment reports. Many Milwaukee officials have been the famous explorer, had furnished the a special commissioner to investigate The same will be true of topographic indicted for bribery. trade conditions and other matters af­ comedy scene that was tossed into the peaches, pears, prunes and plums will all yield a crop full. In Southern Ore­ work, for State Enigneer Lewis will ap­ fecting the Panama railroad and steam­ Yale mayc all on Depew to resign on day’ s proceedings, and it was Ben F. gon and the Wil amette valley, either point a government topographer to di­ ship companies, was made public to­ account of his connection with the Jones, a retired cattle and horseman, of which sections pr-duecs more fruit rect the work of the Held parties em­ day. The leport discusses from several Equitable scandal. that furnisl ed the mild sensation. than Eastern Oregon, prunes and ployed by the state. The state engineer points of view the question of what f. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw has Jones had told on the witness stand plums will yield 70 per cent of a crop, will serve as United States hydro­ policy should be pursued by the gov­ ruled that camel’s hair cloth is wool how he and his wife came to take up peaches about fiO per cent, and pears grapher without pay, and the United ernment in the management of the rail­ half a crop. These figures are based and duty must be paid on it as such. States topographer will serve the state timber claims. He stated that he had road, and makes a number of import­ upon careful estimates and are reliable without pay. ant recommendations. Among these It is feired another mutiny will lone this at the request of Dr. Van Cherries are everywhere yielding about This arrangement is of great import­ are the continuance of the railroad as a break out iu the Russian Slack sea fleet Gesner, that Dr. Gesner had furnished 75 per cent of a full yield, while small ance to the state, for it not only secures commercial line, with improved facili­ because the mutineers who surrendered the money and that he had proved up on his claim, and that his wife had re­ fruits are yielding a full crop in all the publication of the state reports by ties for handling commerce, including have been imprisoned. parts of the state. the government, but gives the state linquished tiers. His testimony was in double tracking and re-equiping the An explosion of firedamp in the coal line with the ten otlier witnesses that Growers and dealers figure o’l 120,- work the same standing as that of the line with modern tolling stock, the mines at Wattstown, Wales, entombed iiad been examined. He was a bit 000 hales as Oregon’ s probable hop government. There will he complete enlargement of its port .facilities, the 150 men and it is believed that at least more sure about certain events that yield for 1005. This is an increase of harmony between state and United retention of the steamship line between IHO of the miners are dead. bad occurred before and after he had one-third over last year’ s yield. A part States surveys. New York and Colon, the cancellation of this estimated increase is due to He was turned of the contracts with the Pacific Mail Governor Folk, of Missouri, in au taken up his claim. U M A T IL L A H A R V E S T ON. Steamship company and the South address lief ire the Fremont, Nebraska, over to Judge Bennet for cross examin­ larger acreage, hut the crop is at least Ameiican lines, and the opening of the Chautauqua assembly, declared that ation, and because the defense thought 50 per cent better in amount of growth that Jones, having been a cattleman, now than at this time last year. The Grain Being Cut North and East of ports of Colon and Panama to all steam­ graft is a national disease. had been mixed up in the fight against foliage is very heavy, and the hops are ship lines oft equal terms; and in cer­ Pendleton. A discontented stockholder of the In­ tne sheepmen and asked him if he had blossoming out now in splendid shape tain contingencies the establishment by ternational Harvester company has ever shot any sheep, that the incident Of course, everything hinges on climat­ Pendleton— Harvest has commenced C H IN A A S K S R E P R E S E N T A T I O N . the railroad of steamship lines between commenced suit against tlie company in Umatilla county, and within a short ic conditions, and the estimate of 120,- arose. Colon and Gulf ports and Panama and for an accounting and says millions 000 bales, which will be the largest time headers will be at work every­ Japan Will Oppose Appearance at important United. States Pacific coast have been exacted from railroads in re­ crop Oregon has ever produced, is based where, those now started being only in ports. It is recommended that in traf­ Peace Conference. P O LICE P R E F E C T S H O T . The bates. upon the supposition that weather con the early portions of the county. fic connections American steamship section north and east of Pendleton, in Washington, July 11. — China’ s re- ditions will he favorable until the crop lines be favored as far as consistent The Santa Fe railroad has just run a Assassin Fires Five Poisoned Bullets is safely harvested. which a large part of the Umatilla res­ qudest to he represented in the Wash with the treaty obligations of the psecial from Los Angeles to Chicago ervation is located, is more advanced at Count Shuvaloff. in 44 hours and 54 minutes, which es­ ington conference, on the ground that United StateB. tablishes a new record. Eliminating Moscow, July 12. — Major General B L O O D E D S T O C K F R O M F R A N C E than other places, and by the first of she is vitally interested in its proceed­ Mr. Bristow spent several months in next week heading will he on quite gen­ his investigation, visiting the Isthmus “ dead” time and stops, the 2,244>£ Count Shuvaloff, prefect of police erally there. However, one header has ings, has been received by the presi­ of Panama, important ports on the miles was c veted at an average speed here, and formerly attached to the A. C. Ruby, of Pendleton, Receives a already been etarted in the Cold Springs dent and informally transmitted to the western coast of Central America, the of 51 miles an hour. Carload of Imported Horses. country, northwest of here, on a fall belligerents. ministry of the interior, was assassin­ Whether the president Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico and Extreme heat is killing many in Italy Pendleton— A. C. Ruby A Co. have wheat field. ated this morning while receiving peti­ has received the formal replies cannot the Pacific coast of the Unite«! States. and Germany. received the first carload of imported From all indications a good yield is tions. One of the petitioners drew a horse from F’rance by express. be learned, but it can be stated that, His report reviews the entire history of The in prospect all over the county, the Terrific heat has killed many people revolver and fired five times at the the railroad and discusses allegations next carload is in transit by freight weather during the past lew months while Russia is inclined to favor the that its local freight and passenger in New York and Pittsburg. with an attendant in charge, and will having been very favorable. Especial­ suggestion, Japan will not consent to it. prefect, who fell dead. Norway lias offered to make Prince Japan has already made public her charges were excessive and its traffic The third car ly is the spring grain, of which there is The assassin was arrested. He was arrive in a few days. Charles, of Denmark, her king. assurance that Manchuria is to he re­ contracts with steamship lines monopo­ dressed as a peasant, and has not been will be dropped off in Nebraska and an unusually large amount seeded this listic. The only danger stored to China. That is one of the Ho was recently arrested the horse disposed of to the larmers in year, doing well. Lord Roberts declares that the Brit­ identified. principles for which she says she has the Middle West. than may yet befall is to hot weather ish army is in had condition and could as a political suspect, hut escaped from N EW T R I A L A S K E D . Mr Ruby himself has also arrived. and warm winds, which might cause been fighting. Japan regards herself not withstand invasion by another the police atation before his examina­ as fully capable of executing this prom­ He is direct from Europe, where he the grain to shrivel. tion. power. ise without the assistance of China, and Judge De Haven Listens to Mitchell’s The assassin waited in the anteroom purchased in all 48 horses, consisting Dr. Sven Hedin, the Swedish explor­ in view of China’s inability before the Indian Children Have Measles. of Shires, Percherons and coach horses. Attorneys In Land Case. er, sounds a warning against Norway, of the prefecture until the other peti­ The horses arrived in splendid condi­ Pendleton—The Indian school on the war to cope with Russia in Manchuria, tioners had been received, and then, Portland, July 11.— Whether or not who, he says, is preparing to attack the Japanese government is unable to entering the audience room, he ad­ tion in spite of the fact that they had Umatilla reservation has been closed, Sweden. see what possible service a Chinese rep­ Senator Mitchell will have a new trial been traveling constantly for three as an epidemic of measles threatened to vanced toward Count Shuvaloff at his without appeal to the higher courts of sweep the reservation. Six girls who resentative would he in the Washing­ the United States now rests with Jmlge Reform leaders at Moscow are de­ desk, firing five shots at close range. weeks by water and rail. ton conference. Mr. Ruby will put them in good con­ were ill with the disease are still in termined, if Nicholas continues in hiB The bul'ets passed through the body Yesterday morning, and Moreover, the Japanese have all D j Haven. dition and in September, when the quarantine at the shcool, but will he present unyielding attitude, to elect a of the prefect. for a part of the afternoon, the court along taken the position that when Lewis and Clark horse show comes off, turned out in a few days, upon recov­ new c*ar. listened to the arguments of ex-8enator Count Shuvaloff owes his death to I will exhibit a number of the best ani­ ery. Superintendent McKoin at first peace negotiations were begun they Forest fires are threatening the Lick his custom of freely granting audiences mals. He has a large number which thought he would extend the school would be conducted directly with Rus­ Thurston, Judge Bennett and of Mr. observatory, in which is located the and receiving petitions from all classes. can be got into splendid condition, as term well into July, but the threatened sia. It is altogether unlikely that the Heney, contending for and against the motion entered in behalf ot the defend­ One bullet wounded the count in the famoous Lick telescope. The fires are they are already almost fit to exhibit. epidemic caused the dismissal. All of Washington government will press the within eight miles of Mount Hamilton, pericardium, another pierced his ab­ All of the horses are young animals and the scholars were more than pleased, as claim of China, and the official view ant. At the conclusion of Judge Bennett’s domen, a third struck him in the arm, on which the observatory is located. here fails to sympathize with ttie idea. argument the court announced that he and the fourth in the shoulder, while will take on flesh readily and will make they were inclined to be rebellious at the prolonged term. The appointment of Charles G. Ma- the fifth bullet of the assassin struck a good showing for the blooded horse would take the matter under advise­ goon as American minister to Panama, the leg of a woman who was standing industry for Eastern Oregon. ment and would decide upon it at his R E V O L T IN A R M Y . Reservation Land for Sale. while at the same time permitting him near. According to the physicians, the leisure, as soon as it might be. Engine Sparks Start Fires. Oregon City— That part of the Grand to hold the office of governor of the bullets were poisoned. J. N. Williamson fell the first direct The .victim Officers Sentenced to Death and Cos­ Pendleton— Many farmers who have Ronde Indian reservation in townships canal zone, lias created au excellent im­ speedily lost consciousness and never breath of the government’ s case against sacks Routed by Rebels. lands adjoining the railroad, especially 5 and 6, ranges 7 and 8 west, which pression in all circles at Panama. him yesterday afternoon, when John spoke afterward. Vienna, July 11. — Dispatches re­ S. Watkins testified in the FVderal A great crowd gathered in front of the Pendleton-Spokane branch, are was not sold last fall, is being offeerd Assistant Secretary of State Pierce plowing and clearing the weeds from for sale by separate sealed bids. Offers has announced that the peace envoys of the house of Count Shuvaloff, and the right of way along their fields to will he received between October 3 and ceived here from 8t. Petersburg state court that he had met the congress­ man in the woods near Prineville, and made a determined show of its indig­ Russia and Japan have agreed upon protect their grain from fires started 10, and the bids will be opened on the that 24 officers of the Russian army Portsmouth, N. H., as the meeting nation and sorrow at the assassination by sparks from passing locom rtives. latter date. The land will he sold in have been courtmartialed and sentenced that Williamson had taken his day­ place of the sessions of the peace con­ of the prefect, who was very popular. The dry grass along the track is already separate tracts, and the bids are to he to be shot within the last few dayB for book from him and entere«! in it the descriptions of the land he desired him G and Duchess Elizabeth, widow of ference to he held outside of Washing­ lieginning to burn and the ripening filed with the register and receiver of refusing to obey orders to proceed to and his wife and brother-in-law to Grand Duke Sergius (assassinated in ton. wheat fields are in imminent danger the District land office now located at Manchuria. They set up in their de­ file upon under an implied contract to Moscow February 17) attended the first from fires. The farmers are also liene- Portland. fense that other officers who possessed deliver the claims to the firm as soon The crew of the Russian battleship requiem for Count Shuvaloff tonight. fitting themselves by plowing along the of private fortunes had succeeded in as patented. The witness further tes­ Potemkin has surrendered. fences other than protecting themselves Improvements at Chemawa. evading the orders to go to the front by tified to his tacit contract with the Strategic Point is Taken. from fire as the numerous ground France and Germany have reached Chemawa— The material for exten­ bribing the officers of the genetal staff, firm of Williamson & Gesner, and to Tokio, July 12.— The Navy depart­ squirrels burrow along ilie fences under an agreement alxuit Morocco. sive improvements at the school dining whose duty it was to make the assign­ his intention to pay for the filing fees ment has received the following report the weeds and trash that accumulate. hall and kitchen are being delivered. ment of officers to proceed to the front. and other expenses incident to secur­ Fire in the business section of 8pc- from Admirul Kataoka: “ Twocruisers The contract for these supplies have A Lithunian regiment refused to ing the claim out of his own money, in kanc destroyed 1120,0(10 worth of prop­ and four torpedo tsiats left Korsakovsk Tw o Patients Cured. been given to Salem and Portland firms. earn out an order given by a brigade order that he inigh* thus avoid illegal­ on July 10 with soldiers aboard for the erty. Portland— Portland’ s Open-Air Sani­ commander, and a detachment of Cos­ ity and keep himself clear of the law. purpose of landing nnd occupying Cape tarium has discharged two more pa­ POR TLAND M ARKETS. sacks was detailed to place the revolt- It was the first tightening of the web The foreign press generally praises Notoro. After Borne bombardment the tients in the past two weeks, Mies Wheat— Club, 81@82e per bushel; ers under arrest. When the mounted which the prosecution promises to Klilm Root and say lie is a lit successor place was taken. The lighthouse and Cason and Andrew Johnson, the latter bluestem, 87@88c; valley, 88c. troops tried it they were fired on by weave around the three defendants. to the late Secretary Hay. buildings were left undestroyed.” Cape a logger workiflg on the lower Colum­ Barley— Feed, $21.50@22 per ton; the Lithuniands and a sanguinary en­ The rest of the session of the after­ Notoro is the most southerly point of bia. Mr. Johnson was in the first stage rolled, $23@24. John F. Stevens, new chief engineer counter followed, which resulted in noon, delayed as it was by the argu­ Sakhalin, on La Perouae straits, direct­ fo consumption, while Miss Cason v;as of the Panama canal, is on his way to Oats— No. 1 white, feed, $29 per ton; 200 Cossacks being killed or wounded. ment upon the Mitchell motion for a the isthmus to take charge of the work. ly facing Cape Soya, on the Japanese in the second stage. It was understood gray, $29. The revolters were finally placed under new trial, followed the lines shown by coast. It commands the straits be­ between the two patients and the man­ Hay— Timothy, $14@18 per ton; arrest in barracks. the witnesses of the preceiling «lays. Two blocks of the business and resi­ tween the two coasts. agement of the sanitarium that while clover. $11 (312. dence section of Goldfield, Nevada, no physical signs of the disease could Fruits— Strawberries, $2®$2.50 per Government Ready to Act. Alaska Exhibit for Fair. More Teamsters Will Strike. have been destroyed by tire. Loss, be detected in either case, the treat­ crate; apples, table, $1.50(32.50 per $ 200 , 000 . Chicago, July It. — Plans for the ment as administered there was to he box; apricots, 90c@$1.25 per crate; Seattle, Wash., July 11.— J. J. Un­ Chicago, July 11.— Five hundred ad­ prosecution of railroads for the grant­ continued. plums, 75c@ $l; Logan lierries, $1.15® derwood, arrived from Nome this morn­ ditional teamsters will go on strike Three more of the convict* who re­ ing of rebate* to large industrial indi­ 1.25; blacklieriics, 8c per pound; cher­ ing on the steamer Zealandia with the Wednesday morning if the Chicago cently escaped from the government vidual corpoiations in violations of in­ Governor Coming. ries, 5(3 10c; currants, 8c; prunes 50(3 Alaska exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Cartage company, organized by the city prison on M Neil’ s island have lieen junctions issued by the Federal courts exposition at Portland. The value of express companies, attempts today to Portland— Secretary Arthur F. Fran­ 90c; raspberries, 6c. taken. The other four are likely to be here and in Kansas City, have been the exhibit, of which Mr. Underwood deliver gpixls to the boycotted houses cis, of the Trans-Mississippi Commer­ Fresh Vegetables— Beans, l® 4 c per captured soon. completed and the first steps in the at­ cial congress, has received a letter from pound; cabbage, l t g l ^ c ; cauliflower, w ill have charge, is over $50,000, and with nonunion men. This was decided tack of the government w ill he made in Governor McDonald, of Colorado, an­ $1 per dozen ; celery, 90c; corn, 20® the two principal features area $25,000 last night at a meeting of the Team­ Pittsburg has been stirred by the Kansas City liefore the end of this nouncing that he will he in Portland 25c; encumbers, 40®60o; lettuce, head, gold brick and $10,000 worth of nug­ sters’ Joint council, after the Depart­ revelation of the fact that the million­ week. Assistant Attorney General to take part in Colorado day exercises 10c; peas, 2® 5c per pound ; radishes, gets from the Peterson clean up in the ment Store Drivers union had threat­ aires of the city are paying scarcely any Purdy, who has eliarge of the prosecu­ at the exposition Agiiust 22. This is 10®12c per dozen; rhubarb, l ^ ® 2 ^ c Portland bench claim. It is'the inten­ ened to abandon the strike unless the taxes. II. C. Frick, worth possibly tion, left here tonight for Kansas City. the day advocated by Mr. Francis before per pound; turnips, $1.25® 1.40 per tion of the exhibitors to display the united drivers employed by the city ex­ $70,000,000, pays taxes on $10,000. leaving Colorado, and fixes a time be­ sack; carrots, $1.25®1.50; beets, $1@ resources of Alaska in a thoroughly press «’ompanies quit work if their em­ King Christian Objects. ployers attempt to work nonunion men. creditable manner. tween the ending ot the Commercial 1.25. Advice from various parts of Russia Copenhagen, July 12.— It is under­ congress ami at the lieginning of the show that the effects of the war are Potatoes—Oregon, old, $1.15®1 25; Torn in Fragments. Qgnamlte Wrecks Joints. telling terribly upon that unhappy stood that Prince Charles, of Denmark, National Irrigation congress. Oregon, new, 90c®$l 10. Harrisburg, Pa., July 11. — Eight lola, Kan., July 11.— Three saloons country. Foreign merchants are clos­ will he willing to accept the crown of Butter— Fancy creamery, . 1 . 7 . @ 2 1 *^c men were blown to pieces and two in West street were wrecked with dy­ Fruit Inspector in Clackamas ing their stores for lack of business and Norway if King Christian and the Pan- per pound. Much damage Oregon City— C. J. Reid, a promin­ native merchants are barely kept alive. 1 ish government consent. Some of the Eirgs— Oregon ranch, 20® 21c per others were injured by the premature namite early today. I members of the royal family are in ent fruitgrower of Milwaukie, has been dozen. explosion of a big blast of rock powder was done to other business propeitv in A crisis is approaching in the Ner- favor of his acceptance of the crown, appointed county fruit inspector for Poultry — Fancy hens, 13®13t*c; on the Pennsylvania railroad improve­ the vicinity, and the loss is conserva­ way-Swedeu matter. Swedish troops hut King Christian is believed to lie Clackamas county under an act of the | mixe. 1 chickens, i2 ® 1 2 '2c ; turkeys, ments near New Cnmberlaml at 7 :30 tively estimate«) at $100,000. J. E. are being mobilized along the frontier. opposed to it. No decision, however, last state legislature. Mr. Reid was I live, 18® 19c; geese, live, 7>1 (<'8c; o’clock this morning. The accident oc­ Thorpe, the owner of one of the sa­ ■ will be given out before his majesty re- the only candidate for the office and ducks, old, $4®5; ducks, young, as to curred directly across the Susquehanna loons. was injure«l hut not seriously. Elihn Root w ill assume the office of truns from Gmunden, Austria, next river from the scene of the Pennsyl­ The dynamite was expl«xle«l apparent­ had the endorsement of a large numlier size, $2®5. secretary of state soon, tmt will not lie I week No of the horticulturists of the cocnty. Hops — Choice, 1904, 16®19c per vania railroad accident May II, in ly by some temiieranee reformer. able to give it his entire tie until Sep­ which 23 persons were kille«l ami many arrests have lieen made. The mayor As inspector, Mr. Reid will receive pound. tember. Four Deaths by Heat. has offereil a reward. compensation per diem for the time he Wool — Eastern Oregon, best, 19® others injure«!. New York, July 12. — Although the is actualy engaged at his work. 23c; val'ev, 26®27c; mohair, 31® President Roosevelt is determiend to End Gambl'ng in Mexico. Japanese Spread the News. 32l.jC per pound for choice. eliminate entirely the ose of any temperature was relieved slightly this Cutting Second Alfalfa Crop. Mexico City, July 11. — It is state«l Beef — Dressed balls, l® 2 c per Hipmghai, Manchuria. July 11.— The “ pull” in securing promotion* in the afternoon by passing showers, four deaths and 41 prostrations from the that no more gambling licenses will be new* of the mutiny In the Black sea Pendleton— Farmers on McKay creek pound; cows, 3 t* ® 4 'y c. army and navy. heat were reported today in Greater south of here are cutting their second Mutton — Dressed, fancy, 5c per issue«! after August I,* when all exist­ real-bed the Russian army through the The 8ionx river is on a rampage at New York. Three of the deaths were crop of alfalfa. This crop is yielding pound. ing licenses expire. Governor Tamls, Japanese, who fired night shells charg­ 'Sioux City, Iowa, and has overflowed in Manhattan and the other in approximstely two tons to the acre, Veal— 3 ® « X c per ponnd, according of the Federal district, announce that ed with proclamation* conveying the thousands of acres of crop* ami has Brooklyn. The highest temperature of which is a little better than 'th e first to siss. his determined to extirpate gambling informal ion into the Russian advanced washed away many houses. the day was 86. crop. in this city.* Pork— 6® 7)*c per pound. poets, scattering the proclamations. FOREST GROVE............ OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form tor Our Busy Readers. Commissioner to Examine Trade Conditions Affecting Canal. END PACIFIC MAIL CONTRACTS