ROMANCE OF GARIBALDI. H is W e Trust Doctors “ Their engagement was quite a sur­ prise, wasn’t it?” “ Yes— to him.”— Town Topics. I f y o u are s u ffe r in g fro m “ Aud how is Jack looking since he impure blood, thin blood, de­ married for love?” "A good deal Ilka bility, nervousness, exhaus­ a cat that Is owned by a vegetarian." tion, you should begin at once —Judge. “ I notice you never wear a watch with A yer’s Sarsaparilla, the with your evening clothes.” “ No; 1 Sarsaparilla you have known never have both out at the sama all your life. Your doctor time.” — Cornell Widow. knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. Johnny's Friend— I hear Johnny Is learning to play the French horn. T on m ust lo o k w ell a fte r th e condition o f j o u r liver ami bow els. Unlees there is daily Johnny’s Roommate— Yes, I’ve had action o f the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nau­ wind of It.— Harvard Lampoon. sea. dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Sar­ saparilla from doing Its best w ork . A yer's “ You haven't much of a head,” said Fills are liver pills. A ct gently, all vegetable. T h e dose is only one pill at bedtim e. the needle to the pin. "No,“ replied the latter, “ bat at the same time we Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mi ! pins have our fine points.” —Cleveland ▲Iso manufacturers o f I Plain Dealer. 9 HAIR VIOOR. I 1 * 0 AGUE CURE. Nell—Of course she's not pretty, but U b i O CHERRY PECTORAL. It's remarkable how her face lights up when she bilks. Relle— Oh, that’s not so remark«Die. She's got a lantern “ H e " Is a G ir l. Jaw.— Philadelphia Ledger. « A tired mother ivith two children, a | First Society Woman—That’s my baby ef 2 years that sat ou her lap and ' baby that we Just passed. Second So­ a bright-eyed boy of perhaps 4, who sat ciety Woman— How could you tell? beside tier, were trying to enjoy a little First Society Women— I recognized luuckewa in a restaurant la the busi­ the nurse.— Brooklyn Eagle. ness sectisn of the city. Tws young Teacher— How many command­ ladies entered and sat dswn at the Tommy—Not any. same table. Seeing the diUculty the ments are there woman had ia eating lunch and hold­ Teacher— Why, Tommy! There are ing her younger child at the same time, ten. Tommy—Aw, gem was all broke one mt the young ladles leased over long ago.—Cleveland Deader. and said la a propitiating tsne: "What “ Smeothlelgh Is certainly tb^ polit­ a street little boy! Won’t ysu let me est man I know. “ What makes you so hold hits until you finish lunch?" The positive?” “ He’s pretending he's cured mother gladly granted the request and of his dyspepsia so as not to hurt his was transferring her cbarg# into the doetor’s feelings.” —Town Topics. arms of the younger woman, when the “ Well, Doctors Brown and Smith are little boy, with never a smile, raised going to operate upon old Gotrox.” "Is his voice and exclaimed: “ He ain’t a the operation necessary?” “ Why, yes; boy; he’s a little girl!” — Philadelphia Brown has a uote coming due, and Press. Smith wants an automobile.”— Puck. "Harold!” began his wife In a furi­ T h a , C u r i o u s I.Impets. ous temper, “ my mind Is made up------” The limpets are a curious kind of "Mercy!” Interrupted her husband; "is •belitisb. They resemble the abalones that so? I had hoped that your mind, in their habits. The interior is made at least, was your own!” — Detroit Free o f the most brilliant colors, bronze Press. and Iridescent hues predominating. Friend— You must enjoy your new They are found on the west coast of Mexico and are so large that the peo­ position. So much honor, dignity and prestige! University President— Yes; ple use them for wash busiDS. They are ferocious animals and prey but I won’t get so much money as the ■with great ferocity on clams. The head coach of the football team.— process seems slow, but the limpet al­ Somerville Journal. ways gets there. He gets his cover “ Can you support my daughter in over the unsuspecting clam and puts the style to which she has been accus­ his big foot on his shell, generally on tomed?” “ Perhaps not. But I can a weak spot. Then he whips out a long, support her In the style to which her wiry tongue and proceeds to bore a mother was accustomed during her hole in his captive. When tills is done early married life.”— Life. the shell flies open, and the limpet is Jaspar— I think I have reason tc free to feast on the poor clam’s car­ believe that last poem of mine Is a cass. He eats but a part and leaves classic. Jumpuppe— Why so? Jasper the rest for the Ashes o f the sea. —I find that all my friends have either seen It or heard of It. but none of them has read It.— Exchange. The Preacher— I was surprised tc see your husband get up and walk out of church while 1 was preaching. The Wife— Oh, don’t think anything of that! Y’ou know he's troubled with somnambulism!—Y'onkers Statesman. “ I see, Josiah. that somebody has found out that college life decreases the desire of girls to marry.” “ I’ll bet the trouble is. Nancy, that It decreases the desire of the young fellows to marry ’em.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. “ Are yon going to entertain this winter?” “ Well.” answered Mr. Cura- rox, “ mother and the girls will have a lot iiin-niqiiiMMtilit!tiiriiMt*i*‘iii”iiii|iiHiiiitfi»«iiii.'.i £ f t i l i M il Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. J. TV. D insdale. o f C hicago, 111., taya : use la all fainlllea w iiajo there are ch ild ren .” “ I use you r C astorla and advise ita Dr. A lexander E. M intle, o f Cleveland. Ohio, e a y a : “ I have freq u en tly p re­ scribed y o u r C astorla and have fou n d It a reliable and p .e a ia n t rem edy fo r children.** Dr. J. S. A lexander, o f Om aha, Neb., eaye : “ A m edicine so valuable and bene- flrlal fo r ch ildren as you r C astorla la, Ueeervee the highest pruiae. 1 find It in ute everywhere.” À V itf tabic Preparation for As - slmtlating the Food and Recula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of I n f a n t s / tHiLDHEN Prom otes D igeslion.Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. N o t N a b c o t i c . J to v * s/O M D rSAM ITL F/TTM IS Piunpleim Sm J - » >Mt - JuiM Steri * G E N E R A L E G U S IE P P E G A R I B A L D I . being her only nourishment, aud dur­ ing her escape swain a deep river, holding the tall of her horse. After they returned to Italy, in 1848, she lived for a time with his mother at Nice, but when the revolt at Rome broke out the next year, she insisted on Joining him during the conflict. When, finally, the soldiers of Napo­ leon III. drove Garibaldi from the Sa­ cred City, he retreated with 4,000 sol­ diers Into Tuscany, taking Anita with him. She was in poor health, but would not leave her husband In dan­ ger. They retreated to the little re­ public o f San Marino, among the Apennines, and there the Austrians, with overpowering numbers, broke Garibaldi's little army to pieces. Con­ tinuing their flight. Garibaldi, with a few companions and at times carry­ ing Anita in his arms, hastened through the mountains to the Adriatic coast. Here they found a few boats and embarked, although the weather was stormy. Anita grew rapidly worse, and they lauded again near the mouth of the Po. Here for a day, with the pursuing Austrians all about, they lay amid the tall sheafs of a corn field, and Gari­ baldi watched the life of his compan­ ion ebb slowly out. Late at night tlley bore her In a rude cart through the hills to a little cottage, and the next morning she expired, her head resting on Garibaldi’ s shoulders. In after years Garibaldi erected a beautiful memorial to Anita at the spot where she died and was burled. And there­ after he gave his love to none but to Italy. H t r a n g e L m l e r g i o m u l N o is e s . f e w . . JiuratStd - 4 “ I have freq u en tly prescribed you r Dr. J. A. M cC lellan, o f B uffalo, N. Y., eaya la fa ct 1 use C aatoria for my C asterla fo r ch ildren and alw ays got go o d results, o w n ch ild ren .” Dr. J. W . A llen, o f St. L onls, M o , says : “ I h ea rtily endorse you r C astorla. I have frequen tly prescribed It in my m edical p ra ctice, and have alw ays fou n d it to d o all that is claim ed fo r it.” Dr. C. II. G lldden, o f St. P aul, M inn., says : “ My experience as a p ra ctitio n e r w ith yeu r ('a s to ria has been highly sa tisfa cto ry , aud I consider it an excellen t remedy fo r the you ng.” Dr. H. D. B enner, o f P hilad elp h ia. Pa., says : “ I have used y o u r C astorla as a p u rg a tiv e In the case* o f chlklreu fo r years past w ith the m ost happy effect, and fu lly endorse it aa a safe rem edy.” Dr. J. A. B onrm an, o f Knnsas C ity. Mo., says : “ Y our C a sio ria is a splendid rem edy fo r children, know n the w orld over I use It Ih my pra ctice and have no hesitancy in recom m ending it fo r the com plaints o f Infants and ch ild re n .” D r. J. J. M ackey, o f B rooklyn , N. Y.. says : *‘ I consider you r C astorla an e x ­ cellent p rep a ra tion fo r children, being com posed o f reliable m edicines and pleasant to the taste. A g o o d rem edy fo r all disturbances o f the digestive o rg a n s.” D r. H ow a rd Jam es, o f New Y ork C ity, s a y s : “ It is w ith areat pleasure that I desire to te stify to the m edicinal virtu e o f you r C astorla. I nave used It with m arked benefit in the case o f my ow n daughter, and have obtained excellen t results fro m Its a d m in istra tion to oth er ch ild ren in my p ra ctice .” ¿U nfud Jktfmr • \u+*yrt*n Harm* GENUINE A perfect Remedy fo r Constipa­ tion, S ou r Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and L O S S O F SLEEK CA STO R IA ALWAYS B e a r s t h e S ig n a t u r e o f Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. A l b i n o i t l l . - . ..LU J j D oni n - J j C r x t s The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For O v e r 3 0 Year3. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. VHC CCNTAUN COMPANY, 11 MURRAY IT , NCW VOSS CITY. M a r r i a g e in S p a i n . 1905 LEWIS & CLARK EXPOSITION One o f M any. In Spain a bride lias no girl attend­ Mifkins—Has Skinner any capital? For First ( lass Hotel and Room A cio :n- Bifkins—No. Nevertheless he gives ants to stand at the altar with her, ln od a tion s IN PORTLAND d u r in g the EXPOSITION apply a o n ce and vend but instead a “ madrina,” or godmoth­ employment to a number of men. you r reservation iee o f $2.0t>, to apply Mifkins— What do they do? er. Neither does she have a wedding o n re n t o f you r r< om . R oom s in all Bifkins—Tiy to collect money due his D a r t s o f the city. 50c to |2 o 1 per dsy. rake or any festive departure after creditors. RfSfRVf YOUR ROOMS W ITHOUT DE­ the ceremony. The wedded pair go LAY AND GET YOUR (TIO IC t. Write lor full in fo rm a tio n to Departm ent 1, quietly to^heir new home, where they M others w ill find Mrs. W inslow ’ s S ooth in g the best rem edy to use for their ch ild re n EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU remain until the following day, when ' Syrup d u rin g th e te e th in g p eriod . The Only Official Bureau of the Lewis 8i Clark Fair they start on their honeymoon. Be­ G oodnough Building, Portland, Oregon fore leaving they pay a formal visit Ill» B ad B rea k . to their respective relatives. Site— I had an uncle who was killed by electricity. He— How awfully shocking! Trolley B ew are of O in tm en ts for Catarrh that car or electric chair? Contain M ercury as m ercu ry w ill aurelv d estroy th e B‘'nge o f sm ell and co m p le te ly d erange the w h ole sys­ tem w hen e n t e r in g i t th ro u g h th e m ucou s surfaces. S ucn a rticle s s i.o u ld n ever be used e x t-e p to n p re s crip tio n s fro m re p u ta b le phy- sii ian s, ns th e d a m a g e they w ill n o is ten fo ld to t e g o o d yo u ca n p ossibly d e riv e from them . H a ll’s ( a ta rrh C ure, m a n u fa ctu re d by F. .1. < hen ey it < o ., T o le d o , <)., co n ta in s no m ercu ry, and is tak en in te rn a lly , a ctin g d ire ctly upon the b lood a n d m u co u s m rfa ce s o f th e system , in b u y in g H a ll's ( atarrh Cure l»o sure yo u get the g n u in e. I t is taken in te rn a lly , and m ade in T o le d o , O h io , by F. J. C heney A Co. T esti­ m on ials free. Hold by H ruggists, price 75c. per bottle. H a ll’s F a m ily F ills are th e best. Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness after Unit day’ s I’Dr.Kline’s(Jreat is>rve FITS Restorer. Send for F r e e %i‘i t rial bottle niul t realise. | uhku TETE W C R A N D li Hr. II. H. Kline, Ltd., !M1 A rub »1., Philadelphia, Pa. ; ( ¡o ilin g K »ady (o H o o t. Mrs. Neighbors— YV uat’s that awful' racket upstairs? It sounds like a wild Indian had broken loose. Mrs. Bleachers— Oh, that’s my hus­ band. Hu's rehearsing his baseball vo­ cabulary. THE HIGHEST AWARD AT |TH£ ST. LOUIS WORLD S PAIR W A S O IV tN TO - c o w e o s w a t e r p r o o f A singular phenomenon occurs on I ' O I L E D C L O T H IN G ! A e borders o f the Red Sea at a place For b r o n c h ia l t r o u m e s try Piso’s Cure .a* s l i c k e r s . HATA ■ Judge— Y'ou are charged with beat­ called Nakous, says the Philadelphia for C o n s u m p t i o n . I t is a g o o d c o u g h 'df/ira*#5 PO M M EL SLICKERS ing your wife every morning btfore Record, where intermittent under­ K entucky’« G ir l Blacksmith. m e d ic in e . A t d r u g g is t s , p r ic e 25 c e n ts . A d . TO W E R CO . ESTABLISHED 1536 I BOSTON NSW YORK CHICACO breakfast. What have you to s*,y for ground sounds buve been heard for an Miss Clara Medlin, of Pilot Oak, TOWRS CANADIAN CO. Liu t.A TORONTO. CAN John Water worth, the oldest engine t yourself? Prisoner— Well, you see. unknown number of centuries. It is K y„ bears the (lislinetion of being the Judge, that's my best time, as I have situated at about a half mile distant only female blacksmith 011 record, says in the world, lias just died at Preston, j England, at the age of 85 years. He P. N. U. No. 21 1 9 0 * to run for a car as soon as from the shore, whence a long reach a St. Louis Globe-Democrat special. began driving in 184(5, and drove an en­ Miss Medlin is a comely young worn- Is over.” — Exchange. , jf sand ascends rapidly to a height gine 2,000,000 miles in his thirty-seven T J H K N w r itin g ; t o a d v e r t í s « ! 1« p i c “ I half believe that there’s a skele­ of 300 feet. This reach is about 800 I an with a wealth of dark-brown hair years of service without a single acci­ X YV n ie n t tim i, i i t h i s p a p e r . \ ton. In the Klssmore's closet.” "I feet wide, and resembles an amphi­ and a pair of bewitching brown eyes. dent. She can shoe a horse cr weld a tire as shouldn't wonder. One day when theater, being walled by low rocks. Kissmore took me home with him un­ The sounds coming up from the quickly as any smith, and us for neat­ expectedly to dinner, I thought I heard ground at this place recur at Intervals ness, no other smith will dare compete it throwing things at him out in the of about an hour. They at first resem­ with her. She is also an expert carriage paint­ kitchen.” — Excha nge. ble a low murmur, but ere long there Squire's Daughter (to gardener's I n heard a loud knocking something er. This is really her specialty, she wife, who suffers from chronic rheu­ like the strokes of a bell, and which having painted over seventy buggies the last season. matism)— Have you ever tried Swed­ at the end of about five minutes be­ Notwithstanding all of this, Miss ish massage. Mrs. Brown? Mrs. Brown comes so strong as to agitate the sand. Skin Diseases speak for the blood and tell of the acid-laden, poison­ Medlin hag not neglected to educate —I have heard say It be very good The explanation of this curious phe­ ous condition of that vital fluid, and of its effort to throw off and rid the herself In housekeeping and cooking. for the rheumatics, miss; but we don’t nomenon given by the Arabs is that system of the poisons and waste matters that have accumulated in it. Ec­ zema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Boils and diseases of this type there is a convent under the ground grow It In these parts.— Punch. The Present Rate Law. are all caused by a weakened and polluted blood circulation, and though they Customer— How Is It that the prlee here and that these monks ring for The duties of the present Interstate may have lain dormant in the system during the cold weather, at the coming of a peck of potatoes remains twenty ¡prayers. Bo they call It Nakous, which Commerce commission are to correct of Spring and Summer, when cents so far In the season? I’d think means a bell. In 1896 I experienced at times patches on the in- The Arabs affirm that the noise so all discriminations in railroad rates. the blood is reacting and mak- the price would become larger as the If it finds that an unjust rate is in ing extra efforts to expel all ride of my hands that itched and burned, causing season advanced. Grocer—It would, frightens their camels when they hear nous matter, much discomfort. I was convinced I was afflict. <1 effect, the railroad is notified. If it morbid and poisonous madam, only It’s so ranch easier to It as to render them furious. Phlloso- declines to change it, the commission, they make their appearance with a type of Eczema. I consulted severs, physi­ j pliers attribute the sound to suppress­ change the size of the pecks.— Balti­ cians, and used several external applications, re­ ed volcanic action—probably to the can bring suit in court and if the court j External remedies cannot ceiving but alight temporary relief. I decided to more American. dacides in favor of the commissioners’ ( lure; they soothe and give bubbling o f gas or vapor underground. try S.S. S., ami soon I found myself entirely cured. Examining Physician (for Insurance findings, the railroad must obey, or its temporary relief, but often Station A., Kansas City, Mo. W. P. B rush . company)— I'm afraid we can't take officers may be brought up for contempt clog the pores and glands, and It you, air. You are too great a risk. of court and summarily dealt with. the poison causing the trouble is thus shut up in the system to break out Cholly Sappey—Such an odd girl, Applicant (resignedly)— Well, perhaps lon’t y’ know. When she was Intro­ afresh later on. S. S. S . a purely vegetable blood remedy, cures all skin H e H a d H een T h era. 1 am. The fact is. that when I get duced to me she burst out laughing. diseases by going down into the circulation, driving out all poisons and waste Singleton—Are you superstltioua? sick I never send for a doctor. I Just matters, strengthening the blood, leaving the skin Miss Pepprey—Yes. she’s hysterical. Wedderly—About some things, yes. lay around until I get well. Examin­ soft and smooth, and building up the entire system Cholly Sappey—Aw—really? Singleton— For example? ing Physician— Eh? Cm— we'll take by its tonic effect. S. S. S. cures Nettle Rash, Poi­ Miss Pepprey—Y’es, she frequently Wedderly—Well, when I are a woman son Oak and all skin diseases that enter the system you.— New Y’ork Weekly. aughs at nothing.—Philadelphia Press. wearing a new bonnet It’a a sure sign through Cwr pores and glands, as well as those that Urs. Hawklus— And 'are you made that her husband has b e e n divorced from You have seen the musical terms a goodly portion of his lurd-earned have their origin in the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any advice wbhetL ail the arrangements for your mar­ without charge. S W IF T SP EC IFIC C O ., A TLA N TA , G A . riage, my dear? Mrs Jorkins— Well, on the Beal Thing program? Well, wealth. not quite all. I’ ve got to buy roe the terms on a menu of late are ar­ trooao, and take a ‘ouse. and get me ranged so much like them that a read­ 'usbaDd a job, and buy ’lui a good er doesn’t know whether he is eating •ult o' clothes, and get some reg'lar or hearing music. washln' work to do. An’ then Pm to more |oo4> brighter and fatter color« thon ony other Syr. One 10c p a i ia i e color, »¡Ik. wool ami cation m u-lly well and ¡0 A woman seldom meaDS the mean r«l«r (uarantred lo | h c perfect reralt,. A«fc dealer, er we will »end pot! paid el tOc a package. Write for free kooklet how la dva. asm# the happy day.—Pick-Me-Up, kleach and «fat color,. MONROC DRUG CO.. Um odule. Miooowi. Booklet now 10 dyo. things she says. S kin ® PUTNAM S P E A K FOR THE BLOOD FADELESS DYES