____ A J C H A P T E R X V I I I . — (Continued.) So the forenoon of the second day of the "Railroad W ar,” as it was after­ ward jestingly denominated by the hu­ morous Ilooaiers, wore away. The mili­ tia bad been out all night, and two half daya. And the Overcoat road hail been "kept warm” by the friction of the big bare hoofa o f courier horse* galloping back and forth. The population of Sand- town, and, in fact, of all the dependent districts o f the Wabash country, momen­ tarily in expectation of some startling event, are at length gratified by the ap­ pearance of an unusually large squad of the volunteer couriers. And at ouce the word goes round, from mouth to mouth, that Coonrod Redden is only a little w ay back escorting the representative or the Sandtown and Southwestern Railroad— the opposing organization to the Sandtown and Northwestern— to the court house square, where the sales would proceed at once. Lizzy W ickly and uer mother having goue back to their own little home, so near the very end of the Overcoat road that from the bedroom window up stairs everything was plainly visible, only three hundred feet away at the court house, sat there and looked and listened. Presently she saw the same carriage in which she had seen Mr. Mason drive through the streets two days ago. Then she remembered that Coonrod Redden bad said threateningly that he ought to "b e hosst up,” and that he would be if he dared to poke his nose Into Sandtown again. But now he drives confidently in, and w ith no less a person than Coonrod Red­ den seated beside him on the front seat o f the carriage, and two gentlemen on the other Beat. One of them may be Mr. Huntley for aught she knows. But really, she scarcely thinks about it. There is almost an endless array of this spontaneous levy of Wabash cav­ alrymen riding along after the carriage. These battalions are hended by some of the Dikeses and the Klleta. And she kuows from this fact that the furious eople from Big Rattlesnake Creek have een placated in some mysterious way. As the head of the column comes near­ ly opposite, Mr. Mason looks up, smiles, and raises his hat. Then Coonrod Red­ den sees them at the window and leans out and waves his hat and shouts some­ thing at them. But not a word can be distinguished because at the very first wave of the hat a vnst shout starts at the frunt among the Dikenes, and goes in an increasing wave bnck to the very ryar o f the line, half a mile nwny, where it sounds like a shrill nnd high-keyed echo o f the nearer and louder shout. Some­ body below the window calls out: “ W hat is ut, Jim? W hat did you fel­ lers do, anyhow?” “ Come up to the court house tin see! Come on; come right on, everybody, up to the court house yard!” Then the words are drowned in an­ other one o f those odd, strange and almost frightful shouts that, beginning among the Dikeses in a stentorinn roar, goes bnck nlong the line, rising in vol­ ume and rising in tone ns the sound w ave sweeps back, until it is pitched two octnves above in a wild, shrill, treble half a mile bnck, among the boys o f fifteen, who agaiu prolong it and raise it up a fter it has almost died away. A horrible suspicion flashes upon Lizzy. She remembers in an instant all the slow-growing antipathy o f these peo­ ple to Mr. Mason. She remembers the serious charges that they have made and reiterated against him. She remembers, too, the dark nnd ominous words o f Coon­ rod Redden. And she knows that if the old Hoosier does no more than to remain quiescent, those whooping and yelling savages from Big Rattlesnake will wreak a terrilde nnd public vengeance upon the (loomed man. So maddening was this terrible appre­ hension that after the first moment of faintness nnd utter incapacity which it caused, she must have become almost ob­ livious to everything not directly per­ taining to the circumstances immediate­ ly environing this man, who had gone pnst her to hia grave, placid and smil­ ing. She had no recollection o f how and when she left her mother, or how she pushed and crowded her way through the throng to the south door o f the court room. True, every rough and uncouth rider or footman o f them all instantly gave way when he saw her, nnd even reached out to pluck the sleeves or col­ lars o f others in front who could not see her, and hence blocked up the way. “ Let 'er pass along thar, hoys! Crowd hack thar a leetle, and let Lizzy Wickly git apast! She’s intrusted en this theug more'n anybody. She wnwnts to see ’at she gits her rights!” called out Big Jim I likes, as he set about pushing this way and pulling that, in order to make a path for the greatly agitated young woman. “ Better let 'er go up stairs thar, Jim! She can git to the winder en the shuf's room, un see ut all, ’ tliout glttin run over by the crowd. Little Seof Dary's gut the key. Seef! II-yu r!” That was young Starr Oo-uns, she knew. Then the door was reached, and the stair door to the left being unlocked and instantly locked again after aha had gotten inside, she found there was some one on the steps a little way above her. “ Come right up h-yur, Lizzy, if you wawnt to sea th* show. I guess the short's room's open. Yes, h-yur hit is! The winder’s up, too! Now, ef yon don't mine the crowd a-lookin ut yuh, h-yur's a good plaist,” said the young Doc Hikes, ss he pulled one of the large, yellow wooden armchairs up beside the window. “ I'll kine uh stall’ h-yur en front uv yuh, tin they calnt see yoh (>¡t!te so plain. I t ’s the biggest crowd I ’ ve seed h-yur sens! the Red Line run against the Nigger Ilahy, un heat 'er! Whur do all them slick lookin' fellers live at, I wonder? H aint ut funny 'at youh don't know no­ body, har'ly, when you git up over uni this*way un look down at urn? Why, I scsicely knoweil old ( ’non Redden. They all looked the cuerstest!” I.lzzy scarcely heard a word o f the running comments o f the young I>oo Hikes. The carriage was drawn up st the fence, shout sixty feet from the north door of th* court house, and she could see Mr. Mason sitting there calmly, with begun by the sheriff, in the loud, official monotone o f the public auctioneer. Sale after sale was made in the very shortest time of the mere formal and foregone official a c t But as each sale was announced with the name of the pur­ chaser, there was, noticeably, an air of surprise and wonder over the whole as sembly. Men whispered to each other in little gronps, and there was a risible settling hack of the heretofore aggressive and 011 -preaaing tendency of the throng, with even a slignt tendency to cheer some results. “ By gum! e f thattair feller Hnntley haint------” But here a demonstration below cut off the young Doc’s remark, and Coonrod Redden is calling for "O dder; odder, men! Odder, for jiat a minute!” And having secured order for just a minute, he weut on: “ A ll these h-yur sales ats ben made h-yur— the Ian’s ben bought en by Mr. Huntley, uv the Santown an’ South­ western Railroad fur the benefit uv the farmers. They kin have thur own time to pay off the notes. Un they wont be no intrust tell after a yur from the date a this sale. You fellers kin go to plow- uu fur wheat, soon’s you’ ve a mine tuh!” What a roar of whoops and yells and cheers for Huntley. Then somebody sug­ gested groans for Mason; and they were given with a heartiness that created an inexplicable amount o f merriment imme­ diately about Mr. Mason. W hat could he find to laugh at in the hearty execra­ tion o f the crowd abont him? One more sale was announced hy the sheriff. And now there was a hitching forward o f the chairs occupied by the gentlemen in the doorwny. Mr. Biler was regarding Mr. Mason over the heads of a part o f the audience with an oqd smile o f cunning, wonder, amusement and admiration. Lizzy could see this look; for Mr. Biler had stepped out be­ side the sheriff with a paper in hiR hand, upon which something was scrawled that looked like figures. W hat did that look mean? W as there still another surprise and menace for Mr. Mason? She hardly heard the rapid call of the sheriff. In fact, thinking about the im­ minent peril in which Mr. Mason had just been; and then o f the great execra­ tion in which this Impulsive assemblage evidently held him, she could only burden her mind with devising ways for his es­ cape. O, that he had remained away! O, that he hail never come! And so she had Tailed to hear anything of the nsual description of the land to be sold, and of the rapid opening bids that kept the wheriff turning this way and that, from Congressman Billy Biler to the carriage in which Mr. Mason was bidding for Mr. Huntley, his principal. But a great and all-powerful excite­ ment hail seized upon the young Doc, communicated from the squeezing, crush­ ing. pushing crowd below, “ This sale will haf to stop e f you don’t git hack.” the sheriff urged again nnd again. Then she heard his cry for the first time distinctly: “ Eight hundred thousand! Eight linn— ! Eight twenty- five! Eight fifty! Nine! Nine twenty- five! F ifty ! Seventy-five! Nine hundred nnd seventy-five thousand! One million! One million! One million!” a surging, roaring throng o f armed men all about him. Inside the court house yard, the crowd was so dense that men could scarcely move about, and their red and heated faces all looked strained, ex­ cited and threatening. Not a word could be distinguished in the roar of loud anfl vehement disputa­ tion that seemed to be going on. Now there was a rush o f the buzzing mass toward some distant point, and the ex­ clamations, "E ig h t!” "F ig h t!” could be heard. Then the crowd would settle back, and the roar of excited voices go on T h e H a n g in g o f th e K e t t le . again as before. Once the keen, loud There are many farm ers in need o f report of a rifle caused the crowd to something convenient to hang a large stream round the two sides o f the court kettle on. Many support the kettle house, ltut presently the reflux of the on three stones, which is unsatisfac­ tide set in, and swept them all back tory, especially I f the heat cracks one again. W hat a strange spectacle this wild, hot, angry, roaring crowd, pushing stone and the kettle tips over. T h e this wiiy und that, and filling the summer accompanying cut is draw n from a air with the roar o f their voices, and yet photograph I took recently on a neigh­ remaining a riddle to the lookers on— so boring farm, and it comes very near far as anything that was thought or said to explaining Itself. T h e device con­ or done, was concerned. sists o f three m oderately heavy pieces “ H aint much sadisfaction a lookun of wood fo r legs, w hich are attached thiaaway!” the young Doc said. “ You together at the top by a heavy bolt. caint tell nothun at they’re sayun ur a Some six or eight inches below the do-un, no moren e f you was acrost on h-yan side a the river.” union o f the three legs a heavy clevis But at this moment the tall form of is secured to the m iddle leg. From this Coonrod Redden was seen to clamber .up clevis tw o chalna extend dow n w ard to to the top board o f the court house fence. proper distance and double backward “ Lissun! Lissun! Shet np your tnlk- to fasten on to the ears o f the kettle. un! Coonrod’s « go-un to mnke a speech! Lissun! Lissun!” were the numerous ex­ clamations under which the roar died nway in a swift diminuendo, and perfect silence prevailed. “ Gen-tuh-men!” began the old Hoosier. with a short jerk o f his left forearm nnd extended palm, forward and to the left, and then back to hia side again. “ W e’ ve cum h-yur to en-quar ento some tliengs cawn-cern-un uv the Sandtown Farmers Bank, un nallso cawncernun uv a lot ah moggijis ov ourn at wair hilt by the Farmbers’ Bank, when hit busted. Tham moggijis have ben foreclosed, un the Ian’ s gut to be sole to-day. They haint no gittun roun that. Hits the law. Un the law's gut to be Inforeed. But we know at somebody's ben a tryun to git the best uv urse Sandtown farmbers.” Angry and threatening looks are here K E T T L E P R O P E R L Y S U S PE N D E D . directed toward the carriage in which which then hangs suspended. The Mr. Mason sits, calm and unmoved, save perhaps that slight pallor o f the face length o f the legs w ill depend on con­ which betokens the greatest determiun venience and the size o f the kettle tion, the most unfaltering purpose. they are to support. Those shown in Not alone threatening looks. There is the cut are eleven fe et in length and a low growl that seems to come from were made from medium sized w ell the circumference towards the center of seasoned fence rails. W hen the der­ the throng, stirring it in an inconceivable rick is not in use It can be lowered, manner, as if the growl emanated from a folded together and laid aw ay.— Cor. sudden concentric earth-wave that im­ parted its sound and its undulatory move Orange Judd Farm er. (T o be continued.* ment to each individual of the vast mass "Jist keep kine uh qui-ut, men! W e S T R A WB E R R I E S BRING WE A L T H . P r u n in g R o o ts o f T ree s , don’t wawnt no furse’n h-yur, lenimy W h ile there may be m erit in the tell yuh!” H e looked round over the L o n e Is la n d in S n ak e R iv e r Is a G a r ­ method o f planting known as the crowd as he spoke, and then gluuced den Spot«* S trin gfellow plan, which provides for covertly hack into the carriage. A desert island in the m iddle o f cutting aw a y most o f the roots o f the Snake river is one o f the most unique young tree as w ell as the top, it is a C H A P T E R X IX . Again there was the sudden concentric, straw b erry gardens in the State o f plan which does not work w ell w ith undulatory movement that seemed to W ashington, says the San Francisco all species o f trees nor in all soils. impel the crowd to a position more com­ Chronicle. T h e land is surrounded by A s a result the avera ge orchardist w ill pactly about the carriage, there were w ater and y et so dry that even sage stick to the best o f the old methods leud, inarticulate cries and the brandish­ brush and desert weeds w ill not grow which provides for a cutting back o f ing of guns, held in excited hands. Men and boys began to climb up into already except under Irrigation. F or six months the top so as to form a proper head tilled wagons, holding on to those who in the yea r the residents are practi­ and balancing the roots som ewhat a f­ were standing in these vehicles pnckeil cally cut off from communication with ter the manner o f the low er cut in the about the streets like a regiment o f ar­ the outside w orld o f humanity. H igh illustration. T h e upper cut shows the tillery. From their position hi the wide w aters make the riv e r too dangerous to roots o f the two-year-old tree a fte r it doorway o f the court house, the very cross In boats and the ice o f winter elaborately dressed Congressman Itiler, closes all approaches from either shore. probably at the suggestion o f the two or On tills lonely spot grow s the first three gentlemen whp sit behind him. ami who represent the S. A N. W., as against straw berries o f the Northwest. S traw berry island is governm ent the S. & S. W., gets upon a chair, anil begins to admonish tile crowd to keep property. T h e land lias never been sur­ order. veyed and probably w ill never be plat- "Y ou shet up, Hilly Biler!” man'll old led as availab le for the homesteader. Coonrod Redden, in n voice that effectu­ It is a great mass o f sand dunes and ally "shet” Mr. Itiler up. whether he cactus covered stones. T h e Snake river would or no. "I'm n do-un the tulkun carries dow n from Its mountain sources now! You'll git a ehninete after a spell, immense deposits o f sand bearing glist­ ef you’ ve gut nnytheug to sny!” Billy Biler grins in some confusion at ening flakes o f gold. M any acres o f this rude and unexpected rebuff, nnd a land have been created from these de­ vnst shout of laughter ripples outward posits. T lie winds sweep tip the river an . eccentrically from the carriage to anil great dust storms obscure the sun V here the regiment o f farm wagous is for days and even weeks in the spring pa eked. months. Y et the straw berries grow “ I hope they are getting over that sav­ and ripen to perfection. n o w ROOTS A R E P R U N E D . age humor,” Lizzy said, standing up in The loan claim ant o f this Island has is dug in the nursery and the low er her excitement. "D on ’t you think they are? Don't you think by their laughing six acres planted to early strawberries. d ra w in g shows how all the mass of that way, that they are?" The young Surrounding his cabin is a great Held fibrous roots, which would die anyw ay Doe Dikes shook his head. o f fo rty acre* planted to nlfulfa. H e “ You caint tell niithun by thur Inugh- keeps a band o f cattle and requires the a fte r exposure to the sun, have been cut aw ay and most o f the longer roots un 'atawny. E f they was plum ready te boss up n feller, un nnytheug funny help o f many women nnd children in shortened. It Is easier to plnnt a tree ud happen, they’d stop a minute to lnugli, harvesting his berries nnd caring for prepared In this manner and strong un go right awn a hossnn uv 'iiu up. the milk anil butter. W hen other sec­ young rootlets w ill form from the ends tions are clothed In mantles o f snow o f tlie roots which w ere cut. form ing 'A ts the kine a fellers they nir.” “ They's a man h-yur at's hen with this sandy desert is ripening the straw ­ a mass o f roots during the one g ro w ­ urse un hen rispectud un treated right berries fo r which the people in the in­ ing season follo w in g planting which by urse Sandtown farmbers," went on the land cities o f Spokane nnd Butte pay w ill g iv e the young tree a good start stentorian voice o f old Coonrod Redden. Jo to -HI cents a cup. T h e grow er re- in life .— Indianapolis News. “ But 'e haint treated urse right. He's hen a snake en the grasst. A t's wliut celves from $ t to $6 a crate for hia F a te o f th e O ld H en . fruits. he's ben.” A fte r the old hen has raised her Now Indeed is there a very tidal »wave Irrigation is the secret o f success In o f upheaval, and with it not a growl, producing strawberries from the des­ crop o f chicks, she Is not a fit subject hut a leonine roar and a vast tumult ert. W a te r Is lifted from the river tiy fo r the carcass m ark et Turn her out on the range to get strong and In good shout the carriage, around which in a means o f current motors or wheels little contused nnd narrowing space men shape to be fattened fo r the summer lashed to a m ovable scow. Sometimes struggled with each other. or early fa ll market. I f she I* not to the rive r runs tw en ty feet below the “ W hat are they doing? O. what are he carried through another winter. It they doing?” Lizzy cries, in a spasm of level o f the beach. Then the pipes, w ill coat little or nothing to feed her attached to the w ater m oter are made horror. through the com ing months and w ith "B y gnm! they're a go-un to hoaa up longer and the w ater lifted to a higher s fe w months or yven tw o months on the feller, right h-yur en the court house point. W hen the river is high and yard! There goes the judge un the threatens to wash aw ay the island the the range she can be plumped up so as to fatten at the smallest possible shurf! But they’d 11 » well keep outen w ater wheels work easily and pump I expense, and the carcass w ill be rea­ thar. N o! By gum! they've gut um kine great volumes on the land. Small uh quieted down. Coonrod un I ’ nele sonably tender and fa irly satisfactory Jim Dikes uz knocked down boat fifteen ditches carry w ater from the pnnip’a to the buyer. I f she Is not to be set ur twenty n tham Heelfoot Pon’ fellers. point o f discharge to the fields, where again don’ t be In a hurry to fake her 'A t* the only way you km git any siilnoc it Is distributed In furrows. aw ay from the chicks. L e t her run ento tham fellers’ heads— ia to knock 111 Straw berry island is a great producer ento um. You git Coonrod an Uncle o f wealth. T h e ow ner has an Income w ith them as king as they w ill stay Jim Dikes un the Sparks' boys tog-yuth- o f alnutt $500 an acre every year. Last w ith her. fo r she can do no harm, and may be able to help them more or less er. un hit'll take a purty good crowd to season lie made a net profit o f $1.(100 even though they may be half-grown. pile tham.” from the field o f six acres planted to There was an Indefinite and inde­ I*on’t be too quick to say the old hen terminate perioil of the wildest uproar berries. H e grows none bnt the largest is no longer useful or profitable. and confusion all about and in the court and brightest colored varieties and doe* P e r s e r v in g th e I g c * . house yards. Everywhere the judge, the not attem pt to compete w ith the gen­ By the w ater glasa method eggs may sheriff and Coonrod Redden could he seen eral m arket. W hen other* are ship­ geatienlating wildly, seising men hy the ping their berries he ha* completed hit lie preserved, and be In good condition arms or pollan*, and shouting at the tops work and the remnant Is given to fam ­ fo r use several months later, although of the highest voices in all the Sand­ ilies o f campers, who pitch tents about they w ill not pass as strictly fresh town district. Finally they seemed to ggs. T h e procedure is as follow s: succeed In reetnring order, to some ex­ the island to fish for the great Colum­ ji.u iin the e a te r giass from tbs drug tent, and immediately the celling we* bia riv e r salmon. gist and dilute oue pint o f it with nine pints o f water. Use a vessel o f some kind not metal. The old-fashioned crockery three or four gallon Jars are ideal. H a v e the eggs fresh, put them in daily and see that the shells are not cracked. Put the water glass solution In the crock and then put In the eggs, seeing that the eggs are com pletely covered w ith the solution at all times. When the eggs are laken out 0f the solution rinse them in clean water, wipe them dry and they are ready for use. G r o w t h o f A g r ic u lt u r e . According to the statistical abstrac of tlie United States, issued from thi Department o f Commerce and Labor there were, in 1900, 5,739,(«7 farm s li this country, an increase o f 1,175,01« in ten years. There were engaged it agriculture, In 1900, 10,438,219 persons while in 1890 there w ere 8,565,926, at Increase o f 1,872,293. The increase it the total population fo r the perioc stated was 13,071,484, so o f this in crease over 14 per cent must have en gaged in farm ing. The value o f farm s and farm prop erty Increased from $16,082,267,689 it 1890 to $20,514,001,838 in 1900, a d if ference o f $4,431,734,149. T h e valui o f farm products Increased $1,304,070, 252, the value in 1900 being $3,764,177, 706. This does not include value ol products not fed to live stock. Th e total number o f acres in farms in 1900 was 838,591,774, the averagi number o f acres to a farm being 146.2 w h ile In 1890 it was 136.5. T h e pyi cent o f im proved farm land was de creased 8 per cent in the last ter years. T h e greatest Increase In the numbei o f farm s has been lu the States o f Col orado, Arizona, Idaho, Moutana and N ew M exico. Iu the production o f corn and wheal there has been a corresponding in­ crease. In 1890 there w ere 1,489,970, 000 bushels produced and in 190C 2,105,102,516 bushels, while o f wheal In 1890 the crop was 399,262,000 bush els and it increased to 522,229,501 bushels In 1900. Thus it w ill be seen that w hatevei the gain in commerce and m anufac­ tures the relative gain in farm in g has held Its own. Agriculture, too, has been lifted to a higher plane than lor- merly. It is no longer said that "a n y ­ body can farm .” A griculture is rapidly attaining the diguity o f a profession, U s in g F r e e H e lp s . Self-governm ent is gradually d evel­ oping in the Philippines. In 1902 Con­ gress passed a law which provided that a census o f the population o f the islands should be taken, and that w ith ­ in tw o years a fte r the completion o f the census a representative popular assembly should he elected. T h e cen­ sus was completed on March 27th o f ' the present year, and on that day G ov­ ernor W righ t Issued a proclamation fixing March 27. 1907. as the date fo r the first general Filipino election. The legislative body to be chosen Is to contain between 50 and 100 members, elected by popular vote, and Is to form, Jointly w ith tlie Philippine Com­ mission, the two-chambered legislature of the new government. This legisla­ ture, besides making laws, Is to elect tw o commissioners to represent them In Washington. It Is expected that these commissioners will he allow ed to sit in the Am erican Congress much as the territorial delegates now have seat* | there. Moroccan affairs continue to hold an Important place In international dis­ cussion. T h e desire o f Germ any, as stated in a memorandum to the United States, is for the maintenance o f th * "open door” In Morocco, for the preser­ vation o f the status quo, and fo r the protection o f the commercial Interests Of all trading nations. It Is pointed out, however, on the other hand, that j the Anglo-French agreement o f April, I 1904, expressly declared for the princi­ p l e o f commercial freedom. A p ril 6th, j K in g Edward, on his w ay to join Queen Alexandra at Marseilles, paid a b rief visit to President I.oubet a t Paris, and the incident, follo w in g so soon upon the call o f Emperor W illiam at Tangiers, w as interpreted by th* French press ns a reaffirmation o f th * Anglo-French agreement. A reduction in freight rates on the Panama railw ay was suggested to Sec­ retary T a ft by the ministers in W ash­ ington o f the republics in Central Am erica and on the west coast o f South Am erica. T hey said that it cost much more to ship goods to N ew Y ork by w ay o f this railw ay than to send the same goods to Ixindon by the Straight o f Magellan. They also asked j that equal facilities be granted to- goods shipped by all steamship lines, ¡and charged .that under the old man­ agement— tHat is. before the United States gained control o f the road — various lines w ere discrim inated again st Secretary T a ft promised th at the discrim inations would cease at once. Frequent reference has been made to the advantages o f using the State T h e President has, by proclamation. experim ent stations, which land ow n­ Invited "a ll the nations o f the earth ers in each State help support, hence to take part in the com mem oration” have an undoubted right to ask their o f the 300th anniversary o f the first help when needed. The director o f one English settlement in Am erica, a t o f the State stations told the writer Jamestown, "b y sending their naval not long ago that he hoped the sub­ vessels to tile said celebration and by je c t might not be urged too hard, else m aking such representations o f th eir the stations m ight be in the same trou­ m ilitary organizations ns may be prop­ ble he was with a farm er in his er.” T h e festivities are to last from State. Th is farm er makes it his busi­ M ay to November, 1907, and are de­ ness to send to the State station a scribed as "an International naval, m il­ sample o f everyth in g he buys fo r the itary and marine celebration.” Gen. farm in the w ay o f stock food and Fitzhugh Lee, the president o f the fertilizers anil has profited greatly by managers o f the exposition, at the tim e the plan. I f he is attracted to a cer­ o f his death, was engaged in persuad­ tain stock food, for example, he will ing the various States to be represent­ buy the smallest purchasable quantity ed at the exposition in some official and send a liberal sample to the State way. experim ent station and obtain its opin­ ion as to its worth. H e bases further John H ay, when an undergraduate purchases on the re[>ort received from nt Brown U niversity, assisted in de- the station and by this plan saves j fending some low er classmen from un- many dollars. Do thou likewise. I fa ir treatm ent in a hazing episode; Do not be afraid that you w ill give ! but when a classmate recently w rote tlie station men too much work. Some him alsiut the incident, he humorously o f them need more work, w h ile the replied, “ I rem ember nothing o f m y m ajority o f them w ill be more than heroic conduct In the Gordon case. But glad to he o f use to you, fo r they will my recollection o f everything In those see the beginning o f an era o f useful­ far-off days is dim, and heroism was ness which has hitherto been denied my daily habit. I couldn't sleep nights the stations and solely because the i f I hadn't saved somebody's life. Now worst enemies o f the institutions have I only save a nation now and then.” been the very people they w ere intend­ Secretary H ay, just before he replied: ed to Help— the farmers. T ry the plan to the letter, must have been reading the next tim e you buy grain or mixed some Washington correspondent's de­ feeds fo r the stock. You w ill learn scription o f how he had prevented the dismemberment o f Chinn. much and suve more. A s to th e S tr a w b e r r y . In some cases and with some varie­ ties it w ill pay to crop the same bed of straw berries tw o or ,even three years, although most grow ers go to the other extrem e and take but one crop and do not use the same soil again fo r berries until the third year. Possibly this is carrying the rotation too far. W e plan to set the berry plants a fte r a crop o f corn, fru it them tw o years and then plow under and set to tomatoes, pota­ toes or beans, sowing crimson clover In midsummer and plowing under the following^ spring, when the ground Is again set to strawberries. Some o f our neighbors go us s year better and sow corn the year fo llo w ­ ing the turning under o f the crimson clover.pu tting the berry plants out the spring follo w in g the corn and perm it­ tin g the ground to lie fallow during the winter. T h e plan works well, though we d islike the ides o f not hav­ ing the ground covered during the winter. H ow ever, as this may be a m atter o f personal opinion, w e have no comment to make beyond the one that we like our plan best and consid­ er it the most profitable one. H - n on G oose f a r * . E arly in spring g ive a hen four to six eggs, according to her size. A large Cochin ben can Incubate six nr seven eggs In a warm nest. Set eggs on the ground if possible and use some straw In the nest Chinese Neutrality.— It has been o f­ ficially disclosed nt W ashington that tlie movement in February. 1904. fo r concerted action by the neutral p o w e r* to induce the belligerents in the fa r East to respect the neutrality o f China was made by the United States at the Initiative o f Germany. The reason that this fact was not made known at the time, it is stated, was that th * Germ an Em peror felt that the sugges­ tion would be more certain to be adopt­ ed i f it emanated from W ashington rather than from Berlin. W ith the beginning o f the new ad­ m inistration fo r the second time in suc­ cession there Is no change o f p a rty control, whereas from G arfield’s In­ auguration to M cK in ley's there w a * every tim e an alternation from party to party, which made the retiring Preal- deut seem almost like a captive c h ie f gracin g the triumph o f a conqueror. In the Sunday schools o f the U n ited States there are fe w e r pupils by about five mllliona than the nurov>er enrolled In the public schools. Tuttin g th * fact In another form, o f every threw girls and boys w ho attend the day schools, only tw o go to Sunday school. It would be s delicate task to appor­ tion the responsibility for this state o f affairs; but It Is fa ir to *pgire«t th at «•hen children atay nw ay from the pnb- lic echo«!* thetr parent* are held re­ sponsible.