Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 15, 1905, Image 4

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For really, she had not tried toi
appear well.
8lie had teased him un­
mercifully. She had taunted h m with
remaining contented with a subordinate
place and a scant salary.
She could
see now how it was that he could bear
such teasing as that with a smiling stoi­
But, uh! the very last words he had >
V «aid to her! And the very last thing he
old! H er face crimsoned at the recol- .j.
ilt always
il lii-ii p
u ii'ecia
t i l ,1/1 v with
n f K her
lint* I j j*
s z r - z v v « s S . , 1“ !
- - - - in - terest and X
W ill
E n tertain
eager, so earnest, so handsome. l i e had
C H A P T E R X V I. — fContinued.)
ridden away In various directions to "see said almost in the manner o f giving bis
Imaginative boys o f fifteen have re­ to the house” or “ milk,” or “ feed,” or invisible pledge— that he would see her
T h e Sh earin g.
peatedly precipitated a panic by dualling “ git supptir fur” “ Jim” or “ Bill,” or
soon again! Remember that, L izzy! H e j rhs day they cut the baby's hair
down the Overcoat road with certain "Jaw n,” according to the wording o f the
would see her soon if It lay within his ' The house was ail a-fidget;
news of the rapid approach o f the enemy, various apologies for not remaining
power. I f it lay within his power!
Such fuss they made, you would have
now that everybody knowa that Saud- longer.
And then he started away, up the dark
town is in the lawful and peaceful pos­
Then, with the coming o f night, there road. And before he hud gone ten steps,
H e was a king— the midget!
session o f the Sandtown Circuit Court— fell down upon all the length and breadth
he turned and saw her still standing
ju d ge Jim Skillet upon the bench for the o f the Overcoat road and its tributaries
there and looking after him. Maybe that Some wanted this, some wanted that;
purpose o f henring motions in injunction and purlieus, a supplanting of all the
wns how it came that he thought of run
Some thought that it was dreadful
proceedings, in u vast number o f cases sounds o f human life by the strange,
of sales to take place on the morrow, lonely, incessant, stridulous discords of ning back. Very well! I f she had done | To lay a hand upon one strand
anything to bring him back for that sup- i O f all that precious headful.
■nless enjoined.
the multitudinous and multifarious insect plemeiital parting, she was glad o f It. |
Squads of riliemeu marching In no par­ life o f the new country.
The sharp,
ticular order so far as the keeping of clear gratings o f the myriads of black H e had held her a moment to his breast. While others said, to leave hls curls
Would be the height of folly.
step and alignments are concerned— but and gray crickets, the loud humming of His strong arms had been about her.
not a whit the less formidable, be it un­ thousands o f huge black beetles, the Even now, at the reminiscence, she felt Unless they put him with the girls
derstood— mnrehed or straggled out along higher and finer shrilling* of smaller un­ the tingling that had rippled along every j And called him Sue or Molly,
little nerve from her crown to her soles. |
the Overcoat road past the fields of half- known winged flies o f the outer night,
grown corn on the one side and the hazel- all welded together witli the thin, reso­ nnd to her finger ends. And then the The barber’s shears went snip-a-snlp,
The golden fluff was flying;
fringed edge of “ W ickly’s Woods,” as nant hum of the little creatures of the pressure of his warm lips upon her own.
the timbered hills upon the left had been mosquito triiies— these, with the soft flut­ Actually upon her lips! This bold, auda- Grandmother had a trembling lip,
cious semi-soldier that he was!
• • aunt was almost crying.
ter o f bats’ kings and the frequent loud,
christened a year ago.
would punish him for that. IIo w ? Hy
Aw ay to the cast along this junction of hoarse, rubbing sound made by the hnlf-
having him kiss her again? W ell, the The men folks »aid, “ Why. hello, Boss.
bottom prairie and wooded hills there closed wings of the bull-bat, falling from
unusual and startling surroundings must
You’re looking five years older!”
were unwonted movements of men acroes unseen heights of night air with mouth
be his good excuse. Only let him come But mother laid the shaven head
little patches of corn, or standing long wide open in order to sweep myriads of soon I
Close, close against her shoulder.
and steadily behind a “ string” of north flying insects into his rapacious maw, in
and south fence from which the occa­ this long and lightning-like dive through
sional scintillation o f the sun upon a the thin lake o f transparent, star-lit air
In spite o f the prediction thnt Judge Ah. well; the nest must lose Its birds.
The cradle yield its treasure;
ride barrel gave ominoua electric warn­ — all these small, shrill, unceasing sounds Jim K ilket'a extraordinary posse comi-
ing of the presence o f Imminent war in of the night took oppressive possession of tatus would “ be heard from ! and that Tim e will not stay a single day
F or any pleader’« pleasure.
the world of sounds, leaving the human soon,” it was no sooner enveloped in the
the land.
A ll manner of reporta came thronging sense of sound upon tip-toe, and in dim and leaf-arched aisles o f W ickly's
Into the Redden mansion, and directly breathless suspense.
Woods, than it passed as far beyond the And when that hour’s work was weighed,
The scales were even, maybe;
np to the bedroom where Lizzy W ickly
ken o f the Sandtown people as if it had
and her mother sat at an east window,
freighted a Spanish galleon and sailed For father gained a little man
When mother lost her baby!
and watched and thought, but spoke lit­
Far in the night the mother and daugh­ away down the Wabash with current and
— St. Nicholas.
tle save in answer to the frequent re­ ter again lay down to sleep that came wind both favoring the voyage.
ports and comments that some one or readily to the elder woman, and far more
True, that certain adventurous spirits
another of the numerous visitors brought tardily to the younger. In Lizzy's cen­ came back at intervals, riding down the
up at frequent intervals.
tral thought two opposite and irreconcila­ already drying sands o f the Overcoat
Now it was that Mr. Mason had been ble solutions of one problem contended road as if they brought tidings o f stir­
captured by the sheriff’s re-enforced for sole recognition.
H ad Mr. Mason ring things. But they rode straight to
posse; and the Big Rattlesnake Creek played parts in everything he had done, the court room, where the judge sat in
were upon the point o f "hossun him up,” as she hnd charged him yesterday even­ the midst of his bar and four strange,
as (he expression wns, for summary and ing, and which he had not denied in so city gentlemen, who were the clients of
dire vengeance. This frequently recur­ many words? She had charged him with Rilly Riler, our Congressman, and who
ring form of the report always had its this, nnd much more! She had charged tepresented the interests o f
the new
effect upon Lizzy. Alw ays startled her him with studied and persistent eulogisms Sandtown and Northwestern Railroad.
out of a pleasant reverie in which ahe o f an unknown man for the purpose o f
H aving ridden straight to the door and
wns going over some part o f last night's piquing her womnnly curiosity, and there­ dismounted, these messengers would run
final colloquy with variations o f her own by amusing himself. H e had gone on into the court room, advance straight to
Invention in the line of her after thoughts with It day after day, week after week, the judge, who, seeing them coming,
end wishes.
nnd month upon month, until he hnd would be upon his feet in an instant, nnd
Again there were martial stories of fully succeeded In bringing her to love would lead the way to the grand jury
sanguinary encounters somewhere in the him and to yearn for him.
room, where they would remain for some
depths of “ W ickly's Woods,” or upon the
How many nnd many anxious hours minutes free from iutrusion or interrup­
neighboring banks o f ltig Rattlesnake, she had passed in doubts and fears for tion o f any sort.
where, according to all accounts, the his safety! H ow eagerly she had pored
Then they would all come out, wearing
warlike clans were encamped and forti­ over ehanee newspapers from the great grave and determined faces, the judge
city, and from remote parts o f the coun­ coming back to his chair, and the couriers
One man brought In a new and nn- try, hoping Hiid fearing that ahe might going back to their saddles, and away,
heard-of story to the effect that Coonrod see some mention of the beloved nnme. up in the Overcoat road and into the
Redden and the sheriff were not in the And how she had beamed with gladness mysterious fastness of W ick ly’s Woods.
ivnftiA* c&uyht
hands of Mnson and his meu; but were at each return of the absent man, an­
T o th («e who were bold enough to ask
captives In the camp of an opposing nrm- nounced always by his assistant, and by Judge Jim what it meant, he replied uni­
Cold -
sd body of railroaders belonging to an­ no one else!
formly, that negotiations were in pro­
other and opposition company. H e said,
What a fool she had been! Even he gress, but that he was by no menus at
She's cross a y she
too, that the whole difficulty was really snid, last night, something about her sns- liberty to say o f what nature, or with
and in fact a sharp, keen trial o f shrewd picion reaching its zenith weeks ago in­ what prospect o f success.
overreaching between two rival railroad stead of beginning to dawn only the day
But while this simple declaration was
cexi b e -
That Mason, representing before, when she had seen him driving quite sufficient to persuado the Hoosier
one o f these, had secured a legal advan­ through the streets o f Sandtown, ami people of Sandtown and vicinity that
Tho* y o u
c m T
c a .ll
tage over the other in the purchase of without his principal!
the very best was being done for all con­
acme mortgage notes upon some very
His principal, indeed! She had thrown cerned, it did not satisfy tbe four pol­
her obifinakTe-
valuable mining property somewhere. IhHt fraud at him hard enough, she hop­ ished nnd well-dressed, eas.v-maunered
Anil the other company discovering this, ed. She had given him to understand gentlemen who represented the new S.
had sent down a force o f armed opera­ thnt there was no longer the slightest & N. W .
And they manifested their
tives to prevent the making of a track chauce to continue that imposition upon dissatisfaction through their attorney,
a s
ee* *
upon the mining lands. H e also said that her.
Congressman Riler, in many motions
Coonrod Redden and the sheriff's posse
Mr. Huntley, the man o f straw! The with which he attempted to move the
had not been held prisoners by anybody. myth! The crention o f the man who hnd ( nurt to proceed then and there with the
According to his s to ry there had been pnlmed himself off on her as the assist­ sales of land under mortgage, nnd as­
F o r R o y s and G ir ls .
a sharp and determined encounter be­ ant of his man of straw! A noble nnd signed to the aforesaid S. A N. W. by
W h at is more pitiable than to hear
tween the men o f the two contending in­ u worthy work for a man o f his attain­ the Farmers’ Rank of Sandtown. To a boy or young man, or girl or young
terests, in which a number had been ments! A ll this merely to amuse him­ nil o f these motions Judge Jim, true to woman, in these great days o f a c tivity
seriously or slightly wounded, and sev­ self, while he wns living in an enforced the long training he hnd received under
aud "progress, deploring bis or
eral killed outright. And that up to the exile from the city! Site had hoped she the uoted old Judge Harks, had repeat­
chance to succeed?
preseut time Mason hnd the best of tbe hnd thrown thnt at him hard enough.
edly said:
T h e re are one hundred chances to­
tight, and bis men were working like
Rut again, there were ninny, many sin­
“ I am in some measure the custodian
beavers, protected by two lines of ritfe- cere looking nnd earnest-sounding things o f the private interests o f the parties to day fo r enterprising
H e himself had seen a few of thnt he had done nnd said, nil along. lie all the proceedings in nty court. In these boys and girls where there was one
these men on picket guard in some open­ hnd sought her company from the first mortgage sales it has come to my knowl­ one hundred years ago.
ings o f the woods: and the hilla fairly day, and persistently and continiiously edge that the property
will bring a
N o chance In this land o f opportuni­
rang with the echoing blows of hundreds kept It. His manlier wns not that ol greatly enhanced price through another ty, w here the very atmosphere is a
o f axes, and the crash o f falling trees.
the languid nnd impatient man o f the bidder, who will certninly lie in town, perpetual tonic, in a country whose un­
This story, not at all suited to the no­ world, tired o f his enforced seclusion. ns I nrn informed, before 5 in the after­
tions and preconceived opinions o f the No. He had set himself about a labori­ noon.” And although the sales had been told resources are a constant spur to
people at Coonrod Redden's, was gen­ ous task o f bringing her to see gome lawfully advertised for thnt day at 10 endeavor!
N o chance in a land where deaf,
erally discredited—especially as no one glaring deficiencies in what she hnd a. ill., he had advised the sheriff not to
seemed to be "acquainted” with the man thought was her all-sufficient self. He procedí with the sales until further no­ dumb and blind H elen K e ller goes to
who told It. And hence, he was with­ had gone further. H e had shown his tice. No question of the legality o f the college, where cripples and invalids
out a voucher, and his story wns without great liking for her. H e had, in effect, sale Yould be entertained in bis court. succeed!
sought to tell her wlint everybody had And. happily, at that day it could be
N o chance In a land where newsboys
However, word was brought down di­ long before said again nnd again— that entertained nowhere else until it had first and poor boys from the farm go to
rectly from Judge Jim Silket that five it was the plainest o f all pin ill proposi­ been entertained there.
hundred armed men hnd been sworn ill tions, that he loved her! She hail laugh­
(T o be contlnned.'
W h y, tbe whole history o f our coun­
as deputy sheriffs for the purpose o f ar­ ed nt that! She had even confessed her
lle p t h o f th e Ocean.
try is the history o f the boy and the
resting a large number o f railroad em­ love for his principal— Huntley, the man
Contrary to form er opinion, recent g irl w ith no chance.
ployes who hnd been fighting— one party of straw; the myth; the creation o f an
P o w e r and fortune are ly in g
ngiiinst another. That these deputy sher­ idle fancy!
Not only so, but she had research has clearly proved that the
iffs in columns of fours hnd ridden out told him plainly that she could not then greater depths do not He In the m iddle about you, aw a itin g the eye that can
o f town and would be heard from before tell whether she were not irrevocably o f the ocean, but In the neighborhood see, the ear that can hear, the hand
bound, by a strangely romantic passion, ot the dry land. T h e latest ascertained thnt can achieve.
This news wns brought by Columbus to what she nt Inst recognized as the depth o f the w aters coverin g the eaith
N o chance! W hy, you cannot keep
man's idle is thus stated by P rin ce A lb e rt o f
Redden, who had prudently refrained mere creature o f another
an Am erican youth w ith grit and de­
from joining his four brothers in the fancy. That had gone home to him! That
Monaco, fo llo w in g P ro f. K rnm m el, to term ination from success. Once g ive
morning hunt for their fnther, but who had hurt— if he could he hurt.
And here, upon this very point, were be the avera ge In fathom s; Altlantlc, him the alphabet, and there Is no plac­
now hnd his colt hitched in the front
P acific, 2,125; ing a lim it to his career.
yard, where he wouldn't be in danger s few things that »lie could not help go­ 2,012; Indian, 1,828;
from the teeth or heels o f the rapscious ing over and over. And never did she. An tarctic, 1,804; Arctic, 841; M editer­
A Half-Ounce P laym ate.
mares o f Redden township that were In reminiscence, approach the chief of ranean, 732.
"M am m a ,” said Jack, "is that a pic-
making day hideous with their squealing these episodes that her heart did not leap
T h e greatest depth yet sounded In
and trnmpling in perpetual combat. Im ­ nnd her ultimate fibrils tingle, w'itli some­ the A tlantic wns origin ally discovered ture o f
“ *"•
mediately after dinner Columbus was thing closely akin to happiness.
the ship G ettysburg, ninety-five . . “ * «? • d* ar' . “ ,d mamma, putting
First, that sudden ami unexpected ap­
to take the road in person; and every­
the photograph back In the letter
body believed that he, too, would be pearance in that cone o f light that seem­ m iles north o f St. Thomas, latitude which she had Just received.
ed to have been photographist upon her 10 degrees 41 minutes, longitude 05
heard from.
Jack pulled it out again, and looked
In this state e f active siege, with so retina, so constant was the picture. How degrees 7 minutes. It Is 3,875 fathom s
I long at the sm iling 3-year-old face. " I
many sorties in progress or eontempls- well he looked! How fittingly that half­ b elow sea level.
wish she was here to play w ith me,”
tion; with hundreds of rumors coming military engineer'# dress bees me him!
P ro f.
Agassiz, in the Albatross
"Y o n have such lots
and going, and the sight o f little squads And what a startling transformation was expedition o f 1000. made a sounding he said, sadly.
aud plies o f sew ing to do, and I am so
o f men riding this way and that, becom­ there in everything that had made the
In the Pacific o f 5,540 fathoms o ff the
ing of less sud less moment to Lizay and assistant geologist tame ami common­
tired o f playing alone.”
place. Even to the black, close-out hair. T on ga Islands, and there are believed
her mother, the day went by.
“ W h y, ahe can play w ith you Jnst as
Is>ng before it had passed the hungry
w ell as not!” said mamma, briskly.
Rut fonr m iles nnd a half m ay be
Hoosier mothers o f Reelfoot Pond and
“ W h a t kind o f a gam e do you want to
vicinity had filled their good, strong, re­ that she admired black hair had been taken to be the greatest depth o f the
play w ith her?" And ahe laid down
liable stomachs to repletion; had smok­
T h e average denth o f the
ed comfortable pipes of twist tobacco, fi use to having concealed It under a w hole ocean may be taken as about her sew in g and looked at Jack w ith
m erry eyes.
lla d he really loved her
and had talked in loud, strong micas all brown wig.
tw o English miles.
"T ee te r-ta w te r,” said Jack, sm iling
at once on the aouth porch and the north when he was playing hie many parts on
porch, and tha buck porch, from all of the little Sandtown stage? I f she had
quite brightly.
A n Old Story.
which quarters a roar o f “ s'se's” and been sure of that would ahe have ar­
"G ood Idea!" declared mamma, ris­
D tx— I'm afraid that new room er Is
•'s'ai's" had gone up about the four cor­ raigned him so bitterly?
sligh tly demented. She says the rea­ ing from her seat at the sewlng-ma-
ners o f the Redden mansion unrestrained
chlne. “ F irs t o f all. the little g irl must
b) any o f the modern tricks o f courtesy shown an ugly temper? She didn't be­ son she le ft her last boarding place
that throw plentiful dashes o f cold water lieve she had an ugly temper. Rut what w a * because they had turkey so often have her w h ite cloak on ,"— ahe slip­
ped the picture Into the envelope,—
upon general mnvcraatlnn, with numer had he thought of It? Certainly he had she couldn't stand i t
M ix — Perhaps she Isn’t so fa r off. "an d the little boy his straw h a t ” —
ous “ excuss ma's” and “ beg
pardon seen no display of It In all hia former
ahe clapped It on hls head,— “ and now
frinterrupting’s,” etc., etc. And having acquaintance with her. And In that in­ M aybe It w as the same turkey.
performed all theae neighborly and pat­ timate relation that must exist among
w e ’ re oft.”
Good qualities are the substantial
riotic officee, hy far the larger number people who gather In the same room ev­
Jack laughingly led the w ay to the
had led their refreetory meres up beside ery evening, end eat at tbe same table riches o f the mind; but It la good ha cg yard, to where a board lay across
convenient fencee; had seated themselves three times every day— aot forgetting the breeding that aeta them off to adran- the sawhorse.
I t waa hla fa vorite
on eaddlce o f women's and saddle# of Sundays In which he had hardly left her
— I-orke.__________________
i place fo r play.
men'e, and even upon tanned ebeepaklne side half an hoar for tha whole day; If
T h e average depth o f tbe A tla n tic la
“ T on s e e ," said mamma, "as Jean
and folded horse blankets— «ingle, double ahe had known this, what a splendid op-
• w i , * ha
u>* n * n ®uncA
w ill
and sometimes treble— as to riders, bad portanlty to hare appeared at bar very estim ated to be about lft,000 feeC
have to have a great deal o f board on
her side o f the horse, and you w ill
have the shorter end on your side.”
This was soon arranged, and the two
children “ teetertaw tered " happily for
h alf an hour. Then they earn« In, Jack
very kindly carrying his little cousin.
"Jean wants to play something else,”
he explained to mamma.
“ Suppose you have a game o f check­
ers,” said she.
“ You can make the
moves fo r Jean, ns she Is too young
yet to know how. She w ill soon learn,
I think.”
T h e smiling little playm ate leaned
ngnlnst a book, and did not seem at all
annoyed when she was beaten. In the
second game she actually beat Jack.
"P r e t ty good fo r a half-ounce girl,
said mamma, “ but she wouldn’ t hnve
made much headway without your
help. She seems to show a very good
In the afternoon Jean stood by him
and smiled encouragingly while he was
practicing hls music lesson. Then he
showed her the pictures in a pile o f
old magazines.
A ft e r that, splendid to relate, all the
sew ing was put away, and mamma,
who was nothing but a big girl herself,
put a w hite cloak on the baby, a straw
hat on the boy, and a sunshade on her
own head, and all went out in the yard
to play.— Youth’s Companion.
Demonstrated th at Fact W hen He Told
o f “ Skim M ilk ” Folsom .
A good story is told o f the w ay in
which Nathaniel Hawthorne, when he
was Consul at Liverpool, tested a Y an ­
kee boy. T h e boy bad gone to the
Consul's office one day to beg fo r a
passage back to his home.
H e had
gone abroad to seek his fortune, and,
not finding It, had become almost pen­
niless. H e told a clear story, but the
clerk who heard It doubted its truth.
"Y o u are not an Am erican,” he said
to the boy; but the nppllcaut fo r the
passage to Am erica persisted in w a it­
ing at the office until he saw H a w ­
thorne himself. A t last the Consul ap­
peared, gave a quick glance at the boy
and began to question him:
"Y o u want a passage to Am erica,”
he asked.
'Yes, sir!” said the boy eagerly.
'And you say you are an A m eri­
‘Yes, sir.”
'In w hat part o f Am erica w ere you
bom ?”
"T h e United States, sir.”
"W h a t State?”
“ N ew Hampshire, sir.”
“ W h at town?”
“ Exeter, sir.”
H aw thorne w aited a moment, and
then bent toward the boy.
“W h o sold the best apples in your
tow n?” he asked.
T h e boy's eyes shone nnd the home­
sick longing in them deepened.
" ‘Skim M ilk” Folsom, s ir!" he cried.
“ I t ’s all righ t," said H aw thorne to
the clerk.
"G iv e him his passage.”
And he took the boy's hand and b ad »
him godspeed on his homeward w ay
with mnch heartiness.
H ls " C a r r y in g ” V oice.
" I never have known Just w h y,” re­
marked Mr. Aiken, m editatively, "b u t
I do seem to have a faculty o f making
father hear what I say without shout­
"Y o u !” exclaim ed his w ife , in
honest surprise. "Y es. I often think
o f It when you lift your voice in the
shrill w ay you did Just now. I never
have to do that. It must be I have
what they call the 'carryin g' voice.”
“ W h a t’s that you're saying, son?"
Inquired the serene old gentleman at
the side o f the breakfast table.
“ I was telling Helen, father,” re­
peated Mr. Aiken, complacently, "that,
even w ith your hearing as it Is now,
you alw ays understand me easily.”
Father Aiken looked mystified. Then
he reached his hand toward the salt.
"H a n d you— w h at?" he asked.
“ Oh, nothing!” Mr. Aiken raised his
voice only a trifle, but made an evident
effort to articulate. " I was Just speak­
ing o f the fact that I can alw ays make
you hear so well. I told Helen I be­
lieved 1 must have the 'carrying'
Father Aiken slow ly shook bis head.
“ I don't quite get I t my boy." he said,
T h e younger man fe lt hls w ife ’ s
amused eyes upon him, and his color
“ It wns nothing at all, fath er," he
protested, speaking louder, although
still in repressed tones. " I was only
saying that you seem to hear me bet­
ter than you do Helen, even when I
talk low.
I said"— enunciating very
distinctly — " It — was— because— I —
have— a— 'carrying' voice."
"Y o u have— w h at?" demanded F a th ­
er Aiken.
" A ‘carrying’ v o ic e !" roared hls son
In desperation, beginning to look abso­
lutely foolish.
"H e le n ," appealed the gentle old
man. turning to hls danghter-ln-law,
"fo r m ercy's sake, speak up and tell
me what the boy la talkin g about!” —
Youth's Companion.
D c rp M an .
"S om etim e«," confided M r». Long-
wed to her Intim ate friend. “ I think
my husband Is the patlenteat gen tlest
best natured soul that ever lived, and
som etim e» I think It’» m erely laslncM
that »11» him.”
Device In d ic a te s to O w n e r the M ove­
m en ts o f H is Chuutfeur,
A n iugeulous German Instrument has
been im ported which w ill prove to the
owners o f autom obiles Just what their
cars have been doing in the hands o f
the hired operators, which may prevent
those worthy men from taking theater
parties out at night aud riding through
the streets at railroad speed.
It is called » velograph, and besides
registering the speed o f the ear in mo­
tion It keeps u record o f the number
o f stops and v a ryin g speeds. In other
words, the record w ill show Just w hat
tbe car has been doing without a word
from tbe uian who drove It, aud should
prove an effectual check to the indis­
crim inate use o f the car by men hired
to d riv e them for their owuers. T h e
device, though both a speed register
nnd a chronograph, is simple. A n or­
dinary timepiece, with the dial revo lv­
ing, instead o f fingers, furnishes the
chronograph. Th e diul, or clock face,
is a separate cardboard disk, which
can be rem oved at will. T b e spaces
between the dial numerals, inestead o f
being divided into "fiv e s,” as in ord in ­
ary clock faces, are divided into fou r
sections o f fifteen each, thus m aking
sixty In all, to denote the minutes lu
each hour.
Attached to the tim epiece is an or­
dinary speed register, connected w ith
the hub o f the vehicle. This speed
register shows the usual rotary set o f
figures denoting tbe number o f m iles
A t the end o f every mile,
however, a marker, which protrudes
above the rim o f the clock dial, shoots
forw ard and registers the fact that it
has been recorded. Th is marker being
stationary and the dial chronograph
revolving, It follow s that as every m ile
Is recorded on the dial cardboard the
lapsed tim e w ill also be shown.
. Sim ilarly when the vehicle Is stopped
the m arker still continues to register
w h ile the disk revolves. There being
no miles to be recorded, the register
w ill show a Hue pnrallel to the circum ­
ference o f the disk, denoting that tho
vehicle was motionless Curing th o
hours on the dial corresponding with,
such straight line.
M A C H IN E .
"Wheel W h ich P icks the Quarters fro m
the Pennies.
T h at trite saying that "necesaity ! »
the mother o f Invention” mny be re­
peated once more in connection w ith
the coin-sorting machine shows here­
with, which is the subject o f a recent
patent. I t is fitting that such a d evice
should have originated, o f all places on
the globe, at A tlan tle City, which vies
w ith Ooney Island In Its numerous
catch-penny amusements. W h ile rath­
er lim ited In Its field o f application, a
mechanical coin assorter is doubtless
Justified by the necessities o f th e
amusement business, where a great
number o f small coins are linndled
daily. A fte r a monotonous scooping In
o f Innumerable nickels, dimes and jien-
nies during the course o f a long day, it
must be a groat relie f to dump them
Into a hopper, turn a crank a fe w tim es
and rem ove the coins sorted Info de­
nominations, M ild possibly counted.
The device Is based on the simple prin­
ciple o f graded iqienings formed by
bars arranged In tiers at right a n g le »
to the axis o f the cylinder.
As only
coins which w ill go through the open­
ings o f corresponding size are retained,
the smaller pieces travel successively
through tiers until they reach th eir
proper place.
M R 8. S T E P H E N B. E L K IN S .
One o f the
Moet HplendiU T y p e s ot
A m e r i c a o W om anhood.
In this land o f splendid homes non»
possesses a greater charm o f hospital­
ity, or Is m ore thoroughly appreciated
and enjoyed by It»
Inmates, than where
Senator and
Stephen B. Elkins,
o f W est V irginia,
mnke their dw elling.
T here are several
places which they
can properly
“ home,”
the tw o
principal ones being
at W ashington and
at Elkins. W. Va.
Elkins Is a eon-
m b s . v - 1 . k i . n s .
splcuous exam ple o f
the self-m ade Am erican— m oney-mak­
er, thinker and worker. H e is one o f
the rich men o f the country. Ills good
fortune Is not due w h olly to his ow n
energy, though that has been the ch ief
factor in hls success. H e has had t b »
aid o f an exceptional w ife . M r x E l­
kins hat made her home fa r more at­
tractive to her husband than a.iy club
could be. The la possessed o f culture
and Intelligence that make her a con­
genial companion fo r a brainy
band. T h e daughter o f a form er Sen­
ator and a multi m illionaire. H enry O.
Da via. there are none o f the graces o f
womanhood she has not acquired. A »
HalHe I'a v is she was a popular girl.
As Mrs. Elkins she has won many new
social laurels. H e r country honse. H a L
llehurst. at Elkins. Is one o f the finest
place» in the South.