# Editorial Page-Washington Co. News. El £3 S3 E3EI «I» P . W O O D S , p d l t o r . Published Every Thursday by the W ashing­ ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest Grove, Oregon Weights in • ▼ ■ ▼ w V lfT V jv w y I Temperar emperne Talks i BY THE W. C. T. U. C IT Y O F F IC IA L Clothing F A P L R The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will meet at 3 p. m , Friday, June 16, at the home of Mrs. Bishop. Entered at the post-office at Forest i As this will be Flower Mission Day, Grove, Oregon, as second class the children of the L. T. L. are also mail matter. invited, and all are asked to bring flowers. Address all communications to Wash- ington County Pub. Co., The membership of the Loyal T em ­ Forest Grove, Ore. perance Legion is now over 80, and there are still many children in town If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­ who may come in to share the pleasure ers or is late, we request that immedi. and benefit to be gained in the Legion. ate attention may be called to the same. Its meetings are held every Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. Through this THURSDAY, JUNE • IS, 1905 j month they will be at the Congregational : i church, but it is expected that hereafter THE land fraud cases are again on ! they may be held in some of the other the tapis. f churches, a month each in turn. ------------------------ This work for the children is in no way WE wonder if our Uncle Sam will denominational, and is equally for all be as prompt in recognizing the inde­ the young people of Forest Grove. pendence of Norway as he was in rec­ “ in c r e a s e o u r f a it h ognizing that of Colombia. But then, Faith always precedes action. Every why should he? Norway isn’t building good citizen must believe that the any canals. saloon can be overthrown before there will be a heroic effort to do it. When­ T h e D r a in N o rm a l , one of the ever the people of God have faith in teat-sucking “ institutions” of Oregon, themselves and the power of the Al­ is on its last legs and all because of the mighty, the aroused forces of righteous­ invocation of the referendum petition. ness will put to flight the powers of The faculty has been working for sev­ darkness. Before the mountains were eral months without pay and the tunnelled and the thundering trains regents are sorely distressed for funds i passed through them, men of great to maintain the “ institution” which faith put it into results. Whenever turns out a handful of graduates each the people believe in their cause, they year. will toil to realize what they believe. The churches do not yet believe that JUST what is gained in making erro­ the liquor traffic is a fearful evil and neous statements concerning how that it can and must be destroyed. many cars the towns of Hillsboro and When that faith possesses the people, Forest Grove had in the Washington the results will be as certain as the County Day excursion, by the Hills­ law of gravitation. Only agitation, boro press is not quite plain. Both agitation, agitation, will do this. Thi s papers claimed four cars from that should be the key-note of our work.— place, which was true; but in telling Missouri Issue.” how rr.any came from Forest Grove, one gave us four while the other gave Is it not time to renew the agitation us three. The truth of the matter is: here in our own city, when out from Forest Grove sent five cars, besides the headquarters of our “ Commercial nearly enough for another had to wait Club” comes a man who staggers for the regular train. across the street, unable to walk straight? A little further on two lads THE confetti advertising which was are forced to cross to the other side, contributed by The News to aid in out of his reeling course. While they advertising Forest Grove at the Ex­ were looking, he “ tumbled onto his position, June 6, has proven to be one head in the gutter,” as one lad put it. of the most unique schemes yet pre­ What a shameful spectacle for the i sented. The little slips of paper on much-praised “ prettiest town in which were printed short concise sen­ Oregon!” This picture would not tences concerning Forest Grove, were have looked well, among those scattered found scattered all over the fair grounds at the Exposition' on Washington and the city. Even the mammoth County Day. reptile and crocoiile in the Philippine exhibit, were labelled “ I ’m from S a fe g u a rd in g Iia ilro u d C atro n s. T h a t th e ,P ' . j i t í . . . .3 ..-d k E 9 IB 9 BI r a ilr o a d s Is c a l c u la te d to b r in g a h u t a b e t t e r f e e lin g a n d , o n th e r a i l r o id 's p o in t o f v ie w , p r e v e n ts th e v ic tim o f a n a c c i­ d e n t fr o m f a llin g in to t h e h a n d s o f u n ­ s c r u p u lo u s la w y e r s a n d m a k e s th e m a t t e ” o f a J u s t s e tt le m e n t o f d a m a g e s m o re c isv o f a d ju s tm e n t. U n d e r th i s s y s te m th e r a ilr o a d s g iv e e v e r y a id a n d a s s i s t a n c e to th e in ju r e d a n d th e r e b y e s ta b lis h f r ie n d l y r e la tio n s b e tw e e n th e p u b lic a n d t h e r a ilio a d . 60 YEA R S’ E X P E R IE N C E Forest Grove Gasoline Wood Saw T rade M arks D e s ig n s J. E. PATTON, Proprietor WOOD SAWED ON SHORT NOTICE Dry Fir and Ash Wood for Sale Leave orders at News office Phone 583 R . INIXOIN, D e n t is t Forest Grove, Oregon Three doors north of Bailey’s store, hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. J. N . Hoffman C o p y r ig h t s A c . A n vo n o Rondliifif nnketeh mid description may q uick ly ascertain o u r opinion free w hether an Invention In pro ba b ly rmtent.nble. Com m union- t ions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on P atent» sent free. Oldest nam iry fornecurlnirpatantfi. Patents taken throu gh M u m i A Co. receive special notice, w ith o ut c harge. In the Scientific American. A handsom ely Illustrated weekly. I,argent c ir­ culation o f a ny (K'lentiac jo u rn a l. T e rm * , $.i a y e a r; fo u r m onths, 91. Sold by all newitrtealern. MUNN&Co. 361 Broadway, New York B ran ch Office, *'26 F 8 t„ W a sh in g to n , D . C. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest Grove and Portland. Low round-trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Forest Grove, in either direction. Tickets will be sold Saturday after­ noons and Sundays, limited to re­ turn on or before the following Mon­ day. Rate of 81.05 round trip. Call on Southern Pacific’s agents for par­ ticulars. Local Time Table Trains on the Southern Pacific arrive and depart on the following schedule: GOING SOUTH No. 2 -----9 A. M. No. 4. . . .6:21 P. M. GOING NORTH — Highest price paid for wool and No. 3. . .6:59 A. M No. 1 ... .4:16 PM Mohair, at J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove. N. L. ATKINS, Agt. \ ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Front Rooms of Abbott Build­ ing, Upstairs. Never in th e history of New York FOREST GROVE, - - OREGON city'« ch aritab le In stitu tio n s have there lieen so m any unem ployed men t > c ire SE A R S & W A T K IN S for as at p resent. T h is is a p ity : but. Just th e sam e, th ere w as good land -Proprietor of— w ithin a few h o u rs’ ride o f t! e • ip , .TI uî L e n d in g l i n r b e r S h o p . . oils unfilled th e p ast season Is ra u s e Up-to-date Hair-cutting and the unem ployed couldn't tie hired to w ork It a t living w ages fo r th e year Shaving. Laundry agency. Mr. H am ilton also review ed th e es­ tab lish m en t o f the claim s d e p artm en ts round. R o re s t O ra v s .\ 1 n lli .S tr e e t, of th e railw ay com panies, crediting Oust as th e ag itatio n fo r pure food them w ith h aving done m uch to ap ­ law s Is on in th is country m any m er­ pease p opular w ra th over unavoidable ch an ts and m a n u fa c tu re rs in G erm any accidents. T he railro ad s have learned a re p ro testin g ag ain st th e strin g en t LAWYER th a t it pays to settle Ju st claim s and a rb itra ry regulations In force there­ prom ptly and am icably ra th e r th an to to safeg u ard th e p u rity of foodatuffa, Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE over flght all claim s w ithout discrim ination. tion Law a Specialty. Hires' Store. medicines and liquor». C om plaint Is T he old system , he said, raised g reat m ade th a t th e w ording of th e law Is a t p rejudice ag a in st th e railroads, th e Forest Grove, - - Oregon _________ _______ — Use Golden Gate Baking Powder, m inds o f Jurors even w ere predisposed fau lt. The m otto of chivalry Is also tb» guaranteed a fine cream tartar powder, ag a in st th e railroads, and th e political — Don’t forget that Hoffman St Alien i try it, money back if unsatisfactory. : a sp ira n t had to give prom ise o f a n ­ m otto o f w isdom —to nerve all. but love Co. have a full line of straw hats in the j only one.- B aliac. tagonism ag ain st them w h eth er they John E. Bailey. 3jmo A short time ago some men down in Washington county were engaged in putting up rural telephone poles on some land belonging to an old fanner who disliked seeing his wheat trampled down. The men produced a paper by which they said they had teave to put the poles where they pleased. The old farmer went back and turned a large bull in the field. The savage beast made after the men, and the old farmer, seeing them running from the field shouted at the top of his voice: "Show him the paper! Show him the paper!” — McMinnville Reporter. A OUR FAMILY — For !5ale—Fine Jersey cow with w ere right or wrong. O f th e railw ay hospital service Mr. i calf, now going over five and a half H am ilton said: gallons of milk daily. C. "B. Srokes. T h e m a in te n a n c e of h o s p ita ls b y th e ever. CO« None of these Shoes can be Bought T his ru ral free delivery Is certainly g reat, and th e parcels post business coming rig h t along too. B ut tvhat ex ru se w ill lie left to n lonely farm chap for tak in g a run to th e village of an evening? O f course th e tobacco pou