Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 01, 1905, Image 2

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    Washington Pointy I n s
l»«W k i t Wat
Manufacturers Convinced That Canal
Zone is Foreign Territory.
Long Expected Battle in Far East a
Victory for Japs.
Washington, May 30.— In view of the
published intention of the Isthmian
Canal commission to buy in the cheap­
est market, there have been a great
many inquiries as to the price of steel
rails, one of the principal articles of
supply which figured in the commis­
sion’ s determination.
Colonel Edwards, administrative offi­
cer of the Canal commission, addressed
an inquiry to Secretary Drake, of the
Panama Railroad company, intended to
elicit information on this point. He re-
ceved a reply which in substance is
that the price of steel rails in the
United States for the past 12 months
has been uniform at $28 per ton, while
in foreign makerts the price was $24
per ton.
The exceptions were where
rails were sold in the United States for
export, when the prices were estab­
lished by direct negotiation and were
matters of private record.
The Panama Railroad company con­
vinced the manufacturers that its rails
were purhased for export to foreign ter­
ritory (which, Mr. Druke says, Colon
is), and was able to get in June last
70-pound rails for $22.50 for first qual­
ity and $21.75 for second quality.
hast January it bought 1,200 tons at
$25 for first class and $-'4 for second
class, and more recently purchased
2,500 tons fur the Canal commission
and 3,500 for the railroad at $20.45,
all three contracts being made in com­
petition with foreign bidders, whose list
price was $25 for f. o. b. at New York
or $27.75 c. i. f. at Colon, exclusive of
wharfage and port charges.
Tokio, May 29.— It is officially an­
nounced that Admiral Rojeetvensky’s
fleet has been practically annihilated.
T A X O N T R A V E L IN G S T O C K .
Twelve warships have been sunk or
Supreme Court Will Pass on Validity Eastern Oregon Experiment Station captured and two transports and two
o f Recent Law.
Without Funds tor Work.
torpedo boat destroyers have been sunk.
Salem— A suit has been brought in
Salem— The filing of the referendum
London, May 29.— No details of the
Ijkke county to test the validity of the petitions has left the Eastern Oregon
act of the last legislature specifying the Agricultural experiment station entire­ fighting between the hostile fleets have
manner in which livestock shall be as­ ly without funds. The last legislature been received here as yet and none are
likely to be until one of the Russian T o g o Sunk or Captured Nineteen o f
A Resume of the Lets Important but
sessed and the taxes thereon shall lie raised the appropriation from $10,000
Russia’ s Vessels, Including
paid. The new law provides that when to $15,000 a year, but at the same time ships reaches a neutral port or the
Not Lett Interesting Events
Admiral's Flagship.
livestock is assessed, the tax shall be passed an act which requires that when­ Japanese government releases the cen­
of the Past Week.
then paid or secured at the rate of levy ever public property at any institution sorship on messages from Tokio.
for the preceding year, and that when is sold, the proceeds shall be paid to
latter is not likely until the fight is
The Russians still refuse to consider
such stock is driven into another coun­ the state treasurer and be turned into
Washington, May 30.— The Post says
ty for pasturage, it shall be assessed i he general fund.
the Navy department has received an
Only the barest bulletins are printed official telegram from Tokio saying
there and the owner shall pay a tax to
But little lava is now issuing from
Attorney General Crawford has given
that county according to the time the an opinion in which he holds that this in the morning papers here, but they that the battleship Kniaz Souvaroff,
stock was pastured therein. Theowner latter act applies to articles produced all point to a sweeping Japanese vic­ Admiral Rojestvensky’ s flagship, went
A Colorado irrigation tunnel caved
can recover from the first county such at the experiment station.
Since the tory. In fact, the correspondent of the down in the action, and that Admiral
in and buried 25 men.
portion of his tax as he paid to the sec­ appropriation was included in the om­ London Mail at Tokio, who is generally Rojestvensky was lost.
Diplomats of the world look to Roose­
ond county.
nibus bill, which has been held up by most conservative, makes the bold
velt as a mediator.
The purpose of the law was to place the referendum, all revenue for the ex­ statements that the Russian Baltic fleet
London, May 30.— According to the
a restriction upon the driving of stock periment station is cut off.
as a fighting force has been completely correspondent of the Daily Mail at
Chicago lumber yards will he tied up
into this state from other states, or
When the omnibus bill was up for wiped out, that some of its best vessels Seoul, Corea, early on Saturday morn­
by the teamsters’ strike.
from one county to another, the object consideration in the senate last winter, are sunk, others are prizes of war, and ing Vice Admiral Togo, with practi­
Secretary Morton w ill resign to be­
being to lessen the range troubles.
Senator Pierce made a strong plea for the remainder fleeing tiefore the Japan­ cally all the powerful fighting ships of
come president of the New York sub­
A suit was brought by Lake ¿county the raise of $5,000 a year in the appro­ ese vessels. He adds no details, which the Japautse navy, was at Masanpho,
to enforce the payment of the tax, and priation. His argument was that the is not surprising, inasmuch as the cen­ Corea, when wireless signals from his
the defendant set up by demurrer that station has had a revenue of nearly sor apparently got in his work on his scouts between Tsu and Quelpart is­
The executive committee will pate
the law is unconstitutional Eiecause it $5,000 from the sale of produce, and message, which reached this city un­ lands announced the approach of the
the streets of Panama city, as indispen­
requires payment of a tax at a rate d if­ that since this had Eieen cut off by the finished.
Russian fleet in full force.
sable to sanitation of the isthmus.
ferent from the rate charged upon other act requiring that the proceeds be
Just what has taken place is hard to
A few hours later the ecouts report­
The Russian admiralty claims to
classes of property.
It is understood turned into the general fund, the leg­ say, but the naval experts think that ed that the Russians were not ascend­
have received a dispatch from Rojest-
that the court sustained the demurrer islature should make up for it by in­ Togo attacked the Russians Sunday ing the western channel, as had been
vensky, which he sent from Vladivo­
and that the case w ill be appealed to creasing the appropriation.
As soon morning with his destroyers, which anticipated, but that they were coming
the Supreme court at once, so that the as the referendum petition was filed, have already scored heavily in the past, up the eastern channel, which caused
question may be settled.
the Agricultural college people began and then he followed up the fighting some surprise.
France w ill make no move toward
an effort to hold the proceeds of sales, with bis whole fleet.
Admiral Togo immediately started at
ending the Far Eastern war, saying
full speed around the north of Tsu is­
Russia w ill take such steps when ready
FILE S ON TH E K L A M A T H BASIN. if possible. In order to get an expres­
He Tells President Why Extra Session
sion from the attorney general, his
land, and when he doubled the island
for peace.
opinion was asked and his unfavorable
he saw the Russians coming in two col­
is Unnecessa~y.
The total tonnage of Admiral Togo’ s
Government Secures Itself Against
answer was given.
umns. He then brought a terrific fire
Washington, May 30. — Senator Pll-
main Meet when he went into action
Speculators in Irrigation Tract.
No Restrictions This Year Pending to bear on the flank of the port col­
was 130,886. The total tonnage of the
Study o f Conditions.
Salem — The United States govern­
umn, and, as the Russians fell into dis­
ships he has captured or sunk is 153,- merce commission, in a conference told
Might Burn Up Town.
ment has filed in the office of State
May 29. — The secre­ order, he forced them steadily eastward
411. He has disposed of a greater ton­ the president that his commission
Astoria— The new crude oil tank of tary of agriculture today issued an or­ toward the Japanese coast, where they
Engineer John H. Lewis, a notice of
nage than lie hail, and, according to would reassemble two or three weeks
intention to appropriate all the unused the Standard Oil company, in this city der directing that no restriction lie were attacked by every vessel that flew
bis dispatches, all his ships are still before the next session of congress,
has received its baptism by the oil tank placed upon the grazing of stock within the Japanese flag.
whether it be extraordinary or regular, waters of Malheur river and of the
Klamath basin.
This notice is given steamer Asuncion pumping 5,000 gal­ new forest reserves that have been or
Repeated torpedo attacks were deliv­
and report on the recent hearings on
A revolution is threatened in Ilun-
under the irrigation act passed by the lons of crude oil into it. there being no may be created this year.
ered, some of them with the greatest
railroad rate legislation. At that ses­
last legislature, and serves to prevent opposition from any of the city author­
There has been considerable concern success.
sion of the commission the nature of
any water rights which w ill conflict ities, notwithstanding the general dis­ among the sheep and cattlemen of the
The vessels which escaped, the cor­
The crisis between Norway and Swe­ the bill to be submitted to the senate
with the government’s needs.
The cussion by the council that it would be West on atcount of the creation of new respondent says, w ill probably be able
w ill be determined.
den is acute.
government has three years within a serious menace to the safety of the reserves, which include considerable to reach Vladivostok and he adds that
Senator Flklins urged the president
Germany is to commence at once en
adjacent property, and might be the areas of what has heretofore been pub­ other operations of the utmost import­
not to call congress into extraordinary which to file its plans and begin the
the building of a larger navy.
construction of its irrigation system. cause of a fire that would destroy a lic range. Many letters received by ance are proceeding.
session, maintaining that, as the ses­
It is un­ the depatrment indicate that stockmen
In the yacht race across the ocean sion beginning on the first Monday in The filing of the notice gives the gov­ large portion of the city.
doubtedly located in a position that if fear they are to be deprived of thier
the American boat Atlantic won. The December would be the long session, ernment protection against speculators
it should get afire during one of the range on short notice.
during that time.
In justice to
German boat finished second.
congress would have ample time to
A . R. Black, of Eugene, has filed in regular summer Northwest winds, the these stock interests, Secretary Wilson,
Dewey says Togo has not equaled consider all questions of importance the office of the state engineer a notice entire city would be menaced.
on recommendation of the Forestry Russia is Downcast at News o f Lost
He ex­
America’s naval victories if he allows without a special session.
of his appropriation of the waters of
Naval Battle.
bureau, decided to impose no restric­
a single Russian ship to escape.
tions within the new reserves this
Speculators are Shut Out.
that senators and representatives gen­ Waldo lake, in Ijine county, for irriga­
St. Petersburg, May 30.— After wait­
The I'nited States Supreme court erally ho|>ed the president would not tion purposes. His notice was filed in
ing vainly all day and evening for di­
Salem— State land officials are ex­
the office of the county clerk of Lane
However, investigations are now be­ rect ifews of Vice Admiral Rojest­
holds that an oral w ill is valid under call them into extraordinary session.
ceedingly well p'eased by the decision
county, but under the new law it must
ing made to determine how many sheep vensky’s destroyed and beaten fleet,
the laws ol the state of Washington.
Henator Cullom, of Illinois, who
of the secretary of the interior, to the
he filed in the office of the state engin­
and cattle may safely be admitted, and, the Russian admiralty at midnight no
A prominent Sioux City,
eer also.
based on these investigations, restric­ longer attempted to hold out against
ty land for all state school lands inside
banker, will be arrested [for contempt pressed the same wish.
w ill be imposed next year, and a the overwhelming evidence pouring in
forest reserves. W hile the department
of court in endeavoring to bribe a jury.
Is Thick With Gold.
grazing season w ill be set for each in­ from all directions that the fleet, on
nitely his purpose as to calling an extra­
has held that the state may select in­
Sumpter— Messrs. Gilkey and Ker­
The Rio (irande river has destroyed ordinary session, although he has con­
demnity land for both surveyed and dividual reserve, to be regulated by which all their hopes were centered,
much property in TexaB by overflowing sidered seriously the fixing of the date shaw, owners of the Belmont group, unsurveyed sections, the state w ill have climatic and range conditions. Today’ s had suffered a greater disaster than did
Greenhorn district, have brought in
order applies to new reserves in Oregon the combined French and Spanish
its hanks.
One section of El Paso is alxiut the middle of Oetolier.
little opportunity to select indemnity
another cleanup from their famous
and Idaho, and w ill apply to new re­ fleets at Trafalgar.
More bitter even
on surveyed sections for the reason that
mine. The lot aggregated in value
serves soon to be established in these than defeat is the Japanese claim of
these sections were bought up by spec­
The Supreme court has decided that
$550, and represented two days’ work.
states and in Washington.
virtual annihilation of the Russian fleet
ulators before the state land board
Hyde and Dimond must be tr;ed in
Gold is so thickly spread through the
with practically no losses on their side,
Washington for their alleged
land Chicago Labor Unions All Planning ore as to give it the appearance of being learned that the government proposed
and many officers cling doggedly to the
to create the reserves.
for a Long Struggle.
almost pure metal. What little quarz
belief that Vice Admiral Togo might
The executive committee of the Pan­
Chicago, May 30. — Nothing devel­ and dirt here are in the specimens are
have suffered heavily.
ama Canal commission has decided oped today that would indicate an im ­ scarcely visible, as the gold predomin­
W ith every ship of Rear Admiral
Celilo Canal.
to reduce the working day of mechanics mediate settlement of the teamsters’ ates to such an extent as to almost ob­
Salem— The state land board has de­
Nebogatoff’s reinforcing division either
and laborers on the canal to eight strike, which has been in progress for literate every other substance from cided to sell to the highest bidder all
Washingtn, May 29.— The United sent to the bottom or forced to strike
nearly two months.
That the labor view .
the school sections in the portion of States government today formally ac­ its flag, anil only six of Rojestvensky’s
the Warner mountian reserve that were cepted title to the right of way for The original 16 fighting ships absent from
The magnitude of the Russian naval unions are of the belief that the fight
Annual Fair at Roseburg.
recently restored to >ntry. There are Dalles-Celilo canal,’and early this week the list of vessels sunk or captured,
disaster has fairly stunned French pub­ w ill be a long one was demonstrated at
Roseburg— The annual fair for the 9,720 acres of school land in the tracts Major Langfitt w ill lie instructed to ad­ and with the Japanese pursuit still
lic opinion, which had hoped Rojest- the meeting of the Chicago Federation
vensky stood an even chance to win of Labor today, when arrangements Second Southern Oregon agricultural restored. Sealed bids for the land w ill vertise for bids for construcction of the continuing, no naval authority has the
were made for holding a strike demon­ district will be held on the fair grounds be received by the state land board at upper lock and approaches, for which temerity to dream that Russia can
against Togo.
stration July 5. According to the pres­ one mile east of Roseburg, September its meeting on the second Tuesday in $300,000 was appropriated last session. again attempt to wrest the mastery < f
European statesmen all compliment ent plans :t is the intention to hold a 12 to 16 inclusive. Arrangements w ill July. When the government withdrew T itle to the right of way was examined the sea from Japan in the present war.
Secretary Hay.
monster parade of the strikers and the also probably be made for holding the its lands from entry for the purpose ot and approved some weeks ago.” Today
The captured warships alone will
King Oscar has vetoed the Norwegian affiliated unions unless the controversy annual pioneer reunion for this county creating forest reserves in Klamath and the attorney general examined the deed furnish Japan with ready made rein­
has been ended before that date.
Lake counties, the state withdrew from from the state, and, finding it regular, forcements, which will tie more than a
consular bill and brought on a crisis.
At the meeting today each union 11 and 12. The board of trustees has sale all state school lands in the same advised the secretary of war that he match for the fourth Pacific squadron
Wilkeshare, Pennsylvania, women affiliated with the central body was offered the pioneers free use of the tract.
could, under the law, proceed with now about to sail from Cronstadt.
boycotted the show Nan Patteson ap- represented by three delegates at the grounds during those two days for the
construction of the canal.
The emperor was completely pros­
ears in.
Wood Washes Away.
request of President Hold. The strike purpose named.
This means that the work of con­ trated by the news, and, according to
Lebanon— A slight rise in the San- struction w ill commence early in the reports, he broke down and wept.
Land operations in Manchuria have situation was discussed in all its de­
Opp Strike a Real Bonanza.
tiam river at this place caused the summer, and there is money enough on
lieen suspended awaiting the final out­ tails and the sentiment of the meeting
The effect of the disaster w ill be a
was that the teamsters should continue
come of the naval liattle.
Medford— With $8,000 taken out in breaking of the boom which had been hand to continue it until congress has terrible blow to the government.
the fight until the seven express com­ the first two days after the strike in the pi acini in the river to hold the cord- an opportunity to make a further ap­ futility of trying to struggle on on land
Chief Signal Officer Greeley w ill go
panies should offer some sort of a com­
wood floated down the river to the“ propriation. I f the original intention is everywhere recognized, and the cry
to Alaska in July to inspect the Bignal promise. The officials of the express Opp mine, and the rich ore promising
paper m ill at this place, and about is carried out, the Oregon, Washington for "peace at any price” is sure to be
corps and telegpraph stations.
companies are still obdurate in their jected mine looks like a bonanza equal 1,000 cords of wood floated down the and Idaho delegations w ill attempt raised. This time, it is believed, the
The several unions involved in the declaration that no concessions need l>e to the famous Gold H ill ore of early river.
It is not probable that any next session to have The Dalles canal government cannot resist the cry.
In ­
Chicago strike have quarreled among looked for from their side, so the mat­ days. Should the rich streak continue great amount of it can be saved at made a continuing contract, in order deed, the radical Liberals are openly
themselves. Rioting continues.
ter of settlement through this channel even 20 feet, which w ill apparently be points below here, and the loss to the that appropriations may lie made an­ rejoicing in this hour of their country’s
seems as remote as ever.
the case, it w ill yield at least $150,000. m ill company w ill be about $2,000. A nually until the total cost of $4,000,- humiliation.
American steamship lines are not
The ledge is seemingly a continuous few hundred cords were lost by the m ill 000 has been appropriated.
anxious to secure contracts for govern­
Norway Must Be Free.
in a similar way last fall. It was be­
one of wire gold tiearing quartz.
Has No National Guard.
ment business, claiming there is no
lieved the lioom was much stronger.
Aalborg, Province of Jutland, Den­
Chinese Did Not Understand.
Honolulu, May 30. — The territorial
money in it.
mark, May 30.— RjornBtjerne Itjornson,
Chefoo, May 29.— W. W . Rockhill, legislature adjourned tonight. A ll Na­
O ffer Money and Demand Land.
Officers of the International Typo­ the Norwegian poet and dramatist, who
Warner Case to Supreme Court.
who succeeded Mr. Conger as American tional Guard appropriations a.id the
Salem— A number of persons holding
graphical union ami the United Typo- is visiting here, today addressed a meet­
Salem— Attorney General Crawford minister at Pekin, arrived here today, appropriation asked for the government
certificates of sale of state land, which
theatae of America will confer on an ing on the Norwegian crisis.
He said
Minister Rockhill hand were refused hy the legislature.
certificates tile Marion county grand has returned from Lake county, where en route to Taku.
eight-hour day for the entire United he desired to see the Norwegian, Swed­
jury declared were secured fraudulent­ he tried the case for the Warner valley stated that he was informed, at a con­ The band w ill probably be maintained
States in the printing business.
ish and Danish races united.
"N o r ­ ly, are coming forward with money to settlers against the Warner Valley ference with Chinese at Shanghai, that by the citizens of Honolulu.
The Na­
way,” he declared, “ must become free, make payments and are strongly pro­ Stock company. The trial court sus­ it developed that the stories given wide tional Guard is likely to disband or
A Nebraska criminal will spring the
as the other northern races are.
If testing that there was no fraud in the tained a demurrer to the attorney gen­ circulation by the Oriental press, to the w ill Tie largely reduced in numbers.
trap at his own phanging. The warden
she is free and independent it will transactions.
Some of the certificates eral’ s complaint and the attorney gen­ effect that the Chinese were contem­ It is claimed by the opponents of the
showed the white feather, hut the con­
he impossible to deal with the are still in the hands of first purchasers eral appealed to the Supreme court plating a boycott on American goods as appropriations asked for that Governor
demned man offered to do the j >b. He
where the question w ill be settled a retaliation for contemplated Am eri­ Carter has the power under the army
while others are held by assignees.
says he is guilty and ought to hang.
small states are to arrange our fu­
whether the Warner valley settlers can legislation against Chinese im m i­ regulations to use the Federal forcer, if
have a good case against the company gration, were the result of a misunder­ necessary.
An east bound Northern Pacific pas­
Warehouse for Wallowa Wool.
for title to their lands.
senger train was held up about 40 miles
Elgin— A large warehouse to be used
Name o f Vessel Not Known.
Russian Version o f Battle.
east of Missoula hy three men and the
Tokio, May 30.— The name and des­
Tornado and Flood.
St. Petersburg, May 30.— The St.
express car blown to pieces. No details
of wool soon to come out of Wallowa
Guthrie, Okla., May 29.— Meager de­ Petersburg Telegraph agency has re­
are known. The express messenger is tination of the American steamer which
Vice Admiral Rojestvenskv is reported county has been completed.
missing and may have lieen killed.
W heat—Club, 85(§86c per bushel; tails received late tonight indicate that ceived the following from Shanghai:
to have' sunk off Formosa about May 21 warehouse was built by a company of bluestem, 90(§92c; valley, 85c.
a destructive storm passed over Plattes, “ Word has been received here that
Details concerning farmers of this section, known as the
Natives in East Siberia are in a is unknown here.
Oats— No. 1 white, feed, $28.50(229 Indian Territory today, wrecking many seven Japanese ships, two of which
houses, killing one man and injuring were armored, and four Russian ships
starring condition and whole tribes are the sinking of the vessel are expected
per ton; gray, $28.50.
to l>e made known when the crew of company, which w ill conduct a general
It is confidently
Hay— Timothy, $14(916 per ton; six others severely. Wires are down have been sunk.
the steamer reaches Japan. Although forwarding business, and also carry clover, $11012; grain, $11012; cheat, and the ’ Fricso train cannot reach believed here that the Japanese are
Martial law in Warsaw has stopped nothing is known here about the case, farm implements and vehicles.
Plattes until the tracks are cleared of awaiting the publication of Vice Ad­
$11 ( § 12 .
it is expected in official circle# that
fallen trees and other debris. The miral Rojestvensky's official dispatch
Eggs— Oregon ranch, 18c per doten.
Northern Union Sawmill Season.
King Alfonso has approved the plans Vice Admiral Rojestvenskv will allege
Butter— Fancy creamery, 171* (§21 ^ c tornado swept across Oklahoma and from Vhlaivoetok before admitting the
the vessel was cruising.
for a new navy for Spain.
Elgin— The many sawmills tributary
Apples— Table, $1.5002.50 per box. Indian Territroy, doing damage to extent of their own losses.”
to this place have tiegun active opera­
Strawberries— Oregon, $202.25 per nearly a dozen towns.
The beliel |ia general in Japan that a
Sinking Confirmed at Washington.
tions, and ere long a large influx of crate.
All Found Not Guilty.
naval battle has been fought.
American Steamer is Sunk.
Washington, May 30.— Confirmation men and teams w ill be engaged in
Potatoes,— Old, $1(§1.15; new pota­
Trenton, N. J., May 30. — H. J.
A killing frost throughout Germany has lieen received here from Shanghai hauling the output of these mills to toes, 2 0 2 t*c per pound.
Tokio May 29.— News has been re­ 8tone, H. C. tpiintard, Charles W .
has done much damage to fruit and of the press report that the Russian Elgin, where the lumber is prepared
Hope— 1904, 23<a025c per pound.
ceived here that Admiral Rojestven- Russ and James Ruse, of the Nonpareil
warships have sunk an unknown Amer­ for the market, being manufactured
Wool— Choice, Eastern Oregon, best, sky’ s fleet sunk an American steamer Cork works, of Camden, N. J., tried on
Russian warships at Wooeung have ican merchant ship off the Chinese into all kinds of building materials, 19<§23*4c per pound; valley, 27028c off Formosa about May 21. The name a charge of conspiracy, were acquitted
been ordered to leave and China is pre­ coast. Heavy gun fire is plainly heard which are shipped to all parts of the per pound; mohair, 3 1 0 3 2 ^ c per of the steamer is nnknwn.
Her crew tonight. They were accused of placing
pared to use force.
to the northward.
was saved.
iron in life preserver*.
POKBST G R O V E .........X * J ß O N
lo a Condensed Form lor Our
Busy Readers.
Remnants ol His Shattered Fleet
Flying tor Refuge.