CENTENNIAL NOTES BUSINESS SPECIALS Work on the California building is progressing rapidly, and the building will be completed by May 1. — Just received carload of corn, at Ritchey & Wells. — Use the old reliable Crescent flour, it makes good bread. — LaCourse wa~ts your Mohair. See him before you sell. — N o.l cedar posts at 6 cents each at Ritchey & Wells. — Money to loan on farm security. W. H. Holiis, Forest Grove. A model post-office will be installed on the grounds. It will prove interest­ ing as an exhibit, and useful in hand­ ling the immense amount of mail matter received at and sent out from Exposition headquarters. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Saturday is included. all fool’s day— us — Every sack of Crescent flour is guaranteed. — LaCourse wants your See him before you sell. Mohair. Miss Amy Keen, of Portland, is in the Grove visiting friends. — Money to loan on farm security. W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. —Only the best of everything will be found at the Chicago store. Don’t miss Holly Circle’s dance at the opera house, Saturday night. Clifford Favor has begun to learn the printer’s trade in this office. Miss Kate Myers was home Satur­ day from her school at Fairview. Miss Georgia Lancefield spent the week in Amity with her parents. Miss Gertrude Smith, of Portland, visited relatives here the past week. Next Saturday is the opening day for the Issac Waltons and Dolly Var- dens. WANTED —Good horse, well broke, between 1100 and 1200. Inquire at The News office. Have You Seen Our New Wheels We have the Racycle, Columbia, Rambler, Na­ tional, Eagle and Read­ ing Standard. W e can suit you on wheels and Prices. General repair shop in connection. L. J. CORL, B illin g c r 's Old Stand FOREST GROVE, OREGON Agency Singer Sewing Machine Oliver Corl, while cleaning the chain John Heisler, of Gales Creek, was Someone relieved J. W. Caples, who I on a bicycle, a few days ago, ran the is building a fine house on his lot on in town Tuesday. N. B. LaCourse was in Portland, fore finger of his hand into the sprocket Second avenue, one night last week, wheel, inflicting a painful wound. of about 88.00 worth of door and win­ Monday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mead were in dow casings. They had all been cut Miss Famham and Miss Wood were ; the Grove Tuesday from their home and planed and would have been put Portland visitors Monday. the next day, had they not been J at Buxton. The News will make them up Miss Jean White is at Oregon City 1 a weekly visit during the coming year. stolen. this week visiting relatives. Services at the Christian church next The rebate tax collecting by Sheriff A. W. Johnson made a business trip Connell, has ended. The amount re- Sunday morning; Sunday School at to Portland the first of the week. i ceived is over 8100,000 and it is esti­ 10:00; Preaching at 11:00. We will join with the Congregational church in — At Hoffman & Allen Co., you can mated that by April 3 the amount will their service Sunday evening; also have reached 8125,000. buy Cracker Jack for Sets, a box. the Christian Endeavor will meet in a Among the young people from Hills­ union service Sunday evening at the Miss Bessie Smith was visiting at her boro attending the dance given at Vert’s Congregational church. home in I^orth Yamhill this week. Hall Friday night were: Miss Tennie — Hoffman & Allen Co. will pay you Weathered, Miss Blanche Huston, and Mrs. Walter Baldwin entertained the highest price for Mohair and wool. I j Messrs. E. B. and T. H. Tongue. pleasantly at birthday luncheon, in their new home on Third avenue south, Will Sparks went to Portland the Charles LaFollette, of Salem, who first of the week to do some carpenter is the private secretary of Senator C. last Saturday, the occasion being Mr. Baldwin’s thirty fourth anniversary. work. I W. Fulton, at Washington D. C., ar­ About twenty-five responded to invi­ J. L. H unt and family have moved rived in this city, Sunday and will tations and helped to make the day into the house of John Ballard’s on spend several days here with friends. one to be long remembered by the Second avenue. Ed Buxton, son of Theodore Buxton entire party. — Gaston Milling Co. sells bran at of this place and who is now employed 820.00 per ton, shorts at 824.00 per on his Uncle Austin’s farm had the i Mrs. Mary Moore, a pioneer of 1845, yesterday gave a dinner to Mrs. Angel- ton, our own make. misfortune last week to cut his hand \ ine Catching, a pioneer of 1845, who is — Before you insure your property j very badly while chopping with an ax. her guest this week. Mrs. Catching call at The News office and see what Holly Circle is goinig to give a is visiting with Mrs. Moore, as the two we have to offer you. dance at Vert’s hall next Saturday were acquainted with each other as Mrs. Buchanan, of Portland, visited night for the benefit of the Woodmen early as 1845. Mrs. Catching is the with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mertz, the band. Walker’s orchestra will furnish widow of Wm. Catching, and they : the music and a good time is assured. leached Washington county in Novem- forepart of the week. Fred Watrous was in Portland Tues­ day making final arrangements for the Comer store millinery opening. Atiy. J. N. Hoffman, was, on last Monday, at Portland, admitted to prac-! tice before the Federal bar of Oregon. — Bring me your wool and Mohair, highest market paid, either in cash or trade. J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove. Hugh Sparks has been on the sick list the past week, having been con­ fined to his room by the grippe. S. G. Hughes is busy this week, installing the new system for his tele­ phones, as was mentioned in The News a few weeks ago. August Rossi, a Beaverton saloon keeper plead guilty to selling liquor to a minor, and was fined 8S0 in the Cir­ cuit court at Hillsboro, last week. An interesting display from the Na­ vajo Indian Reservation will show — Mohair and wool wanted at J. E. Indian blanket-weavers making the rugs that have made the Navajos famous. Bailey’s store. Cash or produce. — The Semi-Weekly Portland Journal Fruit raisers of Pierce County, Wash­ ington, will give away apples and straw­ and The News for one year, S I.50 in berries in order to convince easterners advance. that Pierce county is an unsurpassed If you are particular about your job locality for raising these products. work, that’s all the more reason we A 8150,000 exhibit of the products should do it. of the Phillipine Islands will be an inter­ — The Thrice-a-Week New York esting feature of the United States World and The News, one year, S I.75 Government’s magnificent participation in advance. at the fair. —Gaston Milling Co. sells bran at The new staff on the beautiful Bridge 820.00 per ton, shorts at 824.00 per of Nations is now completed. The ton, our own make. Bridge is almost half a mile long, and Fresh field and garden seeds at is built of wood and staff, in imitation of solid masonry. The Bridge crosses Ritchey & Wells. Guild’s Lake, the largest body of water — Gaston Milling Co. sells bran at ever enclosed within an exposition 820.00 per ton, shorts at 824.00 per fence, and connects the mainland to ton, our own make. the Government peninsula. — Every article put up by “ Crescent Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, author of Mills” is guaranteed. “ The Conquest,” who has been busy for several months tracing descendants — Weekly Oregonian and The News of the Lewis and Clark party other than one year; 82.00 in advanc. the leaders of that famous expedition, For Sale— Horse, harness and wagon. has located at Fowler Calfornia, a son of the ’Boy Shannon” frequently men- Enquire of Hoffman & Allen Co. tioned in the journals of the explorers. | — Gaston Milling Co. sells bran at He is Judge J. B. Shannon, an aged 820.00 per ton, shorts at 824.00 per and respected resident of Fowler for ton, our own make. many years. Judge Shannon has ac -\ — April Fool, the Lampher Hat is cepted an invitation to be the guest of no April fool, $3.00, at Hoffman & the Lewis and Clark Exposition, which is to be held in celebration of the Allen Co. Centennial of the Lewis and Clark j Col. W. H . H . Myers, the veteran Expedition on June 1, the opening warhorse politician of Forest Grove, day. and who rarely misses a seat in the third house when the legislature is in W. 0. W. Convention at Los Angeles session, was down to the city, Wednes­ The Southern Pacific Company will day, looking for timber for a candidate sell on April 12th; 13th and 14th, ' for governor on the republican ticket. round trip tickets to Los Angeles, at H e says that Hillsboro and Forest greatly reduced rates, account Conven- [ Grove are about the only two towns in tion Woodmen of the World and Wo- j the state that have no indicted politi- men of Woodcraft, to be held at Los j ; cians, and he thinks that Washington Angeles April 18th, 1905. : county is at least entitled to the nom- Call on nearest Southern Pacific j ¡nation on the head of the ticket next agent for rates and full particulars. year.— Argus. — Mohair and wool wanted at J. E. Bailey’s store. Cash or produce. First Congregational Church of this city, that will be dedicated Sunday and Monday, April 2d and 3d. Cost 810,000. FURNITURE! I have added to my stock a line of Good, Substantial Furniture, in Fir, Maple and Oak, which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Come in and see the Bargains on all sides of my store and you will be con­ vinced that this is the best place to buy. Small Profits; Quick Sales HARDWARE If you are thinking of building, be sure that you look over my line of builders’ hardware. ENAMELED STEEL WARE The kind that will not chip off, wears like iron, and don’t cost any more than the common enamel­ ed ware. Aluminum Cups, Pie Plates, Pudding Pans, Preserve Kettles, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Pocket Combs, Dressing Combs Will not rust; always look bright; wears better than steel. PR IC ES W IT H IN R EA C H O F ALL. C. F. HARRIS, Near Farmers and Merchants Bank FOREST GROVE, OREGON Will Lancefield, of Amity, formerly of this place, came down Wednesday with three fine Clyde Percheron horses which he recently sold to the man­ ager of a large stock ranch near Portland. ber, 1845, and for years resided near Forest Grove. W. H. H . Myers, a pioneer of 1852, was a pioneer guest at the spread. The elderly people had a splendid time talking over old — It will bring rich, red blood, firm times, when Washington county em­ flesh and muscle. That’s what Hol­ braced all the territory now in Multno­ lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. mah and Columbia counties.—Argus. Taken this month, keeps you well all While Dr. Chas. Hines was reading summer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. a January number of one of his Med­ Dr. Hines Drug Store. ical Journals recently, he discovered an item telling of the death by suicide Lost— Pocketbook between Ira Cox’s residence and Corvallis, containing of A1 Barnes, who was a resident of H av© t h e i r currency, among which was a 85.00 this city some twenty years ago and at C LO TH ES MADE Confederate bill, and can be further one time taught the band. He was TO M E A S U R E identified. Liberal reward will be traveling for a Seattle drug house, and would have been changed to this terri­ paid for its return to this office. tory the first of the year. H e was not O. Brown who has been here visit­ married. ing his family for several months, left The fishing tournament proposed by Wednesday for Fulda, Wash., where the Rod and Gun club for the first day he again will resume the management of the creamery at that place. H e ex­ of the fishing season, has been post- I poned indefinitely. The postpone- pects to be away until December. | ment of the contest is said to be at Chicago and — If taken this month, keeps you ' the instigation of Judge Hollis’ side, New York well all summer. It makes the little because it is known that they are the ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring poorest set of fishermen in the city. tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Chas. Roe’s side of the contest is Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea "dead anxious” to meet their oppo­ or Tablets. Dr. Hines Drug Store. nents, for, as they express it, "they Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Goff entertained are easy game.” a whist party Tuesday evening in Report of Watts public school for honor of Mr. Goff’s 38th birthday the month ending March 24th. No. anniversary. Tables were arranged taught, 20; No. days attendance, j for 12 players. Refreshments were1 days 685; No. days absence, 86; No. pupils ' served at a late hour after which the enrolled, 43; average daily attendance, guests departed. When everything pertaining to Spring be uppermost in our 35. Pupils neither absent nor tardy, mind, you can not think of Spring without a feeling of relief in Miss Mary E. Chase of New Hamp- Emma Busch, Richard Wilson, Pearl ; shire, president of that state’s Woman's Stevenson, Clarence Rice, Emery La- kr owing that it is soon time to discard that big heavy Overcoat. Suffrage association, will deliver an mont, Henry Busch, Winnie Epplett, That old Suit which the Overcoat has hidden will no doubt look address before the Grange, in this city, Grace McCoy, Harley LaMont, Marie to you as if it should also be put aside. at 2 p. m. on next Saturday. It will Bleid, Ada Ranes, Albert Busch and Now in shedding your feathers don’t forget that there is one be an open session and everybody is Gertrude Rueter. M a r t h a TRAVER, place where they are replaced with new ones. invited to attend. Teacher. The price is the lowest and the work is in every way the best. W. G. Hare, of Hillsboro, was select­ The Forest Giove Baseball Asso­ Do not feel that you are risking anything. The risk is all ed by the County Lewis and Clark ciation is making plans for a series of i club to superintend the Washington entertainments to be given the 14th mine if I do not please you in every way. county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark \ and 15 th of April. They have per- fair at Portland, and Benjamin Scho­ ! fected arrangements for two illustrated field, of Cornelius, was chosen to lectures by Frank Brown, the brilliant gather the display. T A IL O R local cartoonist. Since his last appear­ A leading North Dakota newspaper ance here. Mr. Brown has appeared on Agent for The Royal Tailors F O R E S T G R O V E, O R E says: " I t is reported that one of the the stage in many places and has met He comes Harvey, North Dakota, fastidious with splendid success. newly married ladies kneads bread with back to us with an increased exper­ her gloves on. The incident may be ience and with two talks brimful of somewhat peculiar but there are bright sayings and clever cartoons. others. The editor of this paper needs The lecture will be made all the more Fine line of Shorts, Bran Oat Chops, Rolled Barley. bread with his shoes on, he needs interesting dealing with local items bread with his shirt on, he needs bread and characters. Those who attended ALL KINDS OF FIELD SEEDS with his pants on, and unless some of Mr. Brown’s former effort will be glad the delinquent subscribers of this to avail themselves of another oppor­ Com Meal, Cracked and Whole Com, W heat, H ay, Straw, and ‘Old Rag of Freedom' pay up before tunity to see and hear him in two new Oil Meal, and in fact everything in the feed line. Phone 361 long, he will need bread without a illustrated talks. G. J . P E D E R S E X damn thing on, and North Dakota is — Highest price paid for wool and no Garden of Eden in the winter time.” Mohair, at J. E. Bailey, Forest Grove. J THE ROYAL TAILORS T h e T im e is N e a r JOHN ANDERSON, The New Feed Store F O R E S T G R O V E, O R EG O N