Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 09, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. 2
NO. 41
The Fire Sale at LaCourse's.
Board of Trade Committees
We expect the busiest place in the
Judge W. H. Hollis transacted legal
At the home of the bride’s parents
President Haines and Secretary
They Also Adopt Resolutions and state of Oregon on Wednesday March business in Portland, today.
in this city, Sunday at 2 o’clock the Hollis, yesterday appointed the follow- Will Begin Early in April— Chief En­
1st was at the big store of Nelson
marriage of Miss Zelphia Knight to ing standing committees of the Board
Transact Business— Tell
gineer in Forest Grove Mak­
Walker’s orchestra will give a dance ; J. L. Austin, was solemnized by the of Trade:
LaCourse in this city. It being the
Many Stories.
ing Preparations.
opening day of his "Fire Sale.”
Rev. C. F. Sanderson, of the Christian
Literature— Walter Hoge, J. F.
While the fire in his store Feb. 18th
G. W. Phelps, of Netarts, Ore., is church. The affair was a home wed- j Woods and Prof. J. R. Robeitson.
ding with only the immediate rela-
Immigration— F. A. Watrous, N. L.
The regular meeting of the Forest burned but little, the smoke was some­ in the city transacting business.
Mr. Gardner, chief engineer of the
fives of both families present. The Atkins and A. T. Buxton,
and stream, Rod and Gun club was thing fierce. Mr. LaCourse decided
Oregon Traction Company’s construc­
Bert Leabo, of McMinnville, spent bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and
Education— Pres. W. N. Ferrin, E. tion work, was in Forest Grove, last
held in the Masonic hall Tuesday that to do business in the regular way
Mrs. Jesse Knight of this city and has S. Callendar and M. Peterson.
evening. This was one of the most would be up hill business, so he decid* Sunday here the guest of relatives.
Saturday and Sunday looking over the
been principal of the Forest Grove
interesting meetings ever held by the ed to close out the entire stock that
Cereals— H. T. Buxton, Ira Purdin, route and making plans on the cons­
club as it was begun by a banquet was in any way affected by the smoke arrived here yesterday to spend a few | public school for the past two years. and D. Baker.
truction of the roadbed.
: She was an active member of the
Fruits— W. K. Newell, W. R. Harris
whicn lasted throughout the evening. at regular fire sale prices. As he is de­ days with relatives.
H e stated while here that the bond
Christian church and wijl be missed and Col. Harry Haynes.
Speeches were made by every mem­ termined to keep only first class goods
required of his company by the Port­
Daniel Parsons, the hamessmaker, m social circles. The groom, who
Manufactures— J. A. Thornburgh, land council, was ready to be placed
ber. The story telling contest was and will under no circumstances allow
the special feature of the evening, the any damaged goods to remain in his sent a four-horse load of harness to his resides in South Park, recently came M. C. Purdin, and S. G. Hughes.
on file on the passage of the ordinance.
| to Forest Grove from the East.
Good Roads— Col. Harry Haynes, At the last meeting of the Portland
honors for the first prize being evenly store. And he informs us that within Hillsboro store on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin left on the John Cornelius and Dr. Chas. Hines. council the franchise was ordered
divided, with the exception of Mayor
State Superintendent of Public In­
Railroads— H . C. Atwell, Senator published for twenty days, which prac­
Johnson, J. S. Buxton and Judge not disposed of here will be shipped struction Ackerman was in the Grove j Sunday afternoon train for their honey- j
elsewhere and disposed of.
i moon trip. A large number of friends E. W. Haines and A. G. Hoffman.
Hollis who tied for the booby prize.
tically means its passage.
Wednesday on official business.
To dispose of so large a stock of
j gathered at the depot to bid them a Business Opportunities— W. H. The ordinance provides that’ the
President J. S. Buxton made a re­
L. J. Corl has rented the old Shoch pleasant trip, with the usual farewell Hollis, C. W. McNamer and C. N. company are not to obstruct more than
port of the club’s success in securing goods is no small affair but the ex­
government aid in planting fish in vari­ tremely low prices he is making are property on Third avenue and intends j shower of rice. Their trip will extend Johnson.
five blocks of streets at one time
ous streams. The government hatch­ moving the goods double quick. Just to take possession the first of next week. ; to the Atlantic seaboard, via the south-1 Lands— R. M. Dooley, H. G. King, and they are not to remain so longer
ern route and thence a return to C on-1 and W. M. Langley.
eries have promised to ship 40,000 fry as advertised the doors of his store
than seven days, consequently no work
S. L. Show, who came here recently
to be planted in Dairy and Gales creek.. didn’t open until 9:30 Wednesday from Nebraska, has placed his card in npaut, Ohio, where they will make | Dairying— E. S. Callendar, I. K. can be begun in that city until the
their home until Mr. Austin settles Weitzel and J. T. Buxton.
It is thought they will arrive within a
rails arrive from the East, which takes
unt’l the big store was crowded to its The News as an auctioneer.
important estate matters in which he
The following delegates were appoin­ at least 90 days. In speaking further
few weeks.
Show is an old hand at the business, is interested.
They expect to re­ ted to attend the Oregon Develop­ of the situation, Mr. Gardner stated
The following resolutions
tinued to come and until late at night the truth of which was demonstrated at main in the East about two years.
ment League Convention at Portland, that in view of the dilemma confront­
April 4 and 5: Senator E. W. Haines, ing them, they would begin the cons­
"Whereas the recent session of the every clerk was kept on the jump.
Concert is a Success.
president of the Board of Trade; Col. truction work on the line outside of
legislature of the State of Oregon passed Mr. LaCourse had secured a large
The appliances tor the Independ­
Harry Haynes, vice-president of the Portland, and it was the intention to
a bill, which will soon become a law, force of salespeople for this sale but ent telephones, which will greatly
forbidding the sale of game and, where­ they did’nt begin to wait upon the facilitate the service on that line, as of the baseball boys of the college, a Board of Trade: Dr. Chas. Hines, Tres- have it all completed by the time the
as, there is an attempt on the part of many customers that came. Every day mentioned a few weeks ago in The musicale of more than ordinary excel urer; W. H. Hollis, Secretary; E. S. rails arrived, or nearly so. All the
certain sportsmen in this state to have since, his store has been crowded with News, have been ordered and are lence was given in Marsh Hall. In Callendar, F. A. Watrous, S. G. Hughes, details and preparations for working
said bill submitted for the approval of bargain hunters and from the amount expected to arrive in a month.
fact, it was one of the best concerts Walter Hoge, H. C. Atwell, C. N. a large crew are now being made, and
Johnson, B. H . Laughlin, C. W. Mc­
the people under the referendum law of goods that he is selling we believe
State Game Warden Baker last Mon ever given in this city. The audience Namer, M. S. Allen, R. M. Dooley, as soon as the Portland council meets
and, whereas, a large majority of the they are finding better bargains than
which is Wednesday April 5, and the
day appointed Stephen Blank of this
Rod and Gun Clubs of the State of Ore­ they expected.
the performers and each number J. A. Thornburgh, Prof. H . L. Bates, franchise is granted, the people all
Mr. LaCourse tells us that he has a
gon worked for the passage of that bill,
received well merited applause.
The J. E. Bailey, W. R. Harris, J. F. Woods, along the route may look for operations
larger and better stock of new goods for Washington county. Mr. Blank
Geo. G. Hancock, J. S. Buxton, N. B. to begin in earnest.
"B e it resolved, by the Forest and coming than ever before and that he asks that all sportsmen assist him by Miss Mary Conyers, of Portland, Mrs. LaCourse, O. R. Downs, D. Baker, and
Stream, Rod and Gun Club of Forest will continue in business at the old reporting any violations of the law.
Annual Meeting.
Kate Ward Pope, of Oregon City, and L. L. Hollinger.
Grove, Oregon, that it is opposed to stand and that he is thoroughly con­
There will be given a recital by the Misses Maud and Kate Shannon, of
The annual meeting of the Civic
the submission of said bill to the ap­ vinced that advertising pays.
advanced pupils of the conservatory of this
Mrs. E. E. Williams,
W. H. Purdin of the Home Bakery, Improvement Society will be held in
proval of the people for their vote and
music of the university, in Marsh Hall, j pianiste.
School Eunmeration Increasing.
last Monday sold his business to Geo. Vert’s Hall on Wednesday evening,
that it will use all honorable means to
on Thursday evening, March 16. No
The concert was successful in that
The president of the
induce the voters of this state to
The annual enumeration of this admission fee will be charged, and an all were pleased with the efforts of the G. Paterson, of Portland. Mr. Pater­ March 15.
son took charge Tuesday and will con­ Portland Civic Improvement Society
refuse to sign such petition.”
school district was taken Monday and invitation is extended to the public participants.
It is a matter of regret
tinue the business at the old stand. will be present and deliver the princi­
There being a vacancy in the office the result shows 485 children of school generally.
that the college baseball players did
H e is an exceptionally good baker and pal address. A program will be ar­
age. There are 228 males and 257
of secretary, W. Hamer was chosen.
It is quite evident that Forest Grove not work harder to have a larger attend­ will give Forest Grove a first class ranged, on which a number of local
females. Clerk Hudson says that this will get her share of the immigration ance and thus swell the proceeds.
bakery in every respect. H e was speakers appear. An urgent invitation
The new pews for the Congregational is an increase of fully fifty students that has now begun to arrive from the
formerly proprietor of the Hillsboro is extended to everyone to be present
c lurch arrived from the East, Tuesday. over last year.
East. On last Friday some twenty-five
? ? ? ? ? ?
bakery. See his ad in this week’s and join in making this a notable
people arrived here and from ill
Paid your taxes yet?
accounts they are well pleased with the
Have you written those letters East I
All “ Hoosiers” in Washington conuty
are asked to join the Indiana society. | yet?
They can register with Johnson &
Do you belong to the Board of
Johnson, of this place. There is no | Trade?
expense attached to this society, there­
Have you bought that new spring
fore every "Hoosier” should make an
j hat yet?
effort to swell Indiana’s list.
Successors to McNAMER & JOHNSON
Are you aiding the Civic Improve­
Easter Sunday comes on April 23rd
this year, and only nine times in two ment society?
and a quarter centuries has it fallen as
Are you saving your choicest prod­
it does in 1905.
Only five times in ucts for the Lewis and Clark Expo?
this period has it come later than it
Is your lawn presentable to the
does this year, and it is never possible
visitors that have now begun to come?
for it to fall later than April 25th.
Ten Per Cent.
Johnson & Johnson
Until Saturday, March, 11,
we will give a discount» of 10
per cent», on all purchases of
Stoves (8b Ranges
Our entire stock of Stoves
and Ranges will be sold on the
installment» plan of $5.00 down
and $5.00 per month until paid
f o r _________
Are the Best»
W e a re s o le a ge n ts f o r S t u *
d e b a k e r W a g o n s a n d Bug*
gies, S im o n d ’s S a w s , L i s k ’s
A n ti* ru s t T in w a r e . •
S N E L L B ie V G L E S
G off Bros.
Services at the Christian church next
Lord’s Day at usual hour. The special
meetings will continue through next
week as far as we know now. We are
planning to make these services more
interesting and profitable the longer
they continue. All are invited. Pastor.
------- ----------------
Getting Ready for Dedication
The Congregational church is pre­
paring for its dedication services.
There will be connected with these the
recognition of the new pastor and the
I celebration of the 60th anniversary of
the church. During the month before
Mr Dixon, who resides out on the | the dedication the pastor is preaching
Gales Creek road, and who held a pub­ a series of sermons on “ Things Old
lic sale last week, was compelled to do and New.” Next Sunday the theme
so on account of his wife’s health. will be, “ The Old-New Book.” In the
In about two weeks Mr. Dixon intends evening the subject will be, “ What the
taking his family by wagon and spend Bible is Good For.” Next Thursday
the summer traveling through the evening will be held the first of a
! series of Lenten Services with the
An alarm of fire was turned in Tues­ general subject, “ The Abundant Life.”
day afternoon and the department
Dilley’s Saloon Gone Glimmering.
responded promptly, but before it
arrived the fire was extinguished. It
Oliver Chowning of Dilley, who ad­
proved to be the smoke house of Ste­ vertised to appear before the County
phen Morgan in South Park. Mrs. Court at its last meeting and ask to be
; Earl B. Hawks discovered the blaze, granted a license on which he might
’ and together with other neighborhood conduct a saloon in that city, failed to
ladie* they led the horse and cow out appear. It is understood that a remon­
of the barn, which was near by the fire. strance was presented to the county
Friday afternoon, the teachers of the board, and on it were names that were ____
public schools posed for a souvenir also on Chowning’s petition. It is said
photograph by which to remember that a “ Commercial Club,” such as
their pleasant association with Miss was conducted here, will be organized.
Knight. In the evening her friends
For Benefit of Vert * Hall.
again surprised her and among the
I presents given was a silver tea set.
A Home Dramatic company has
The presentation speech was made been organized here and will appear
j by Miss Emma Gordon in an original at Vert’s hall in the near future with a
| and clever poem.
play, the proceeds of which will go
At the Congregational church Tues­ towards re-setting the stage with choice
day evening was held the ’05 contest scenery. The company is composed
\ for the Silver medal under the aus­ of Forest Grove’s best amateur players
pices of the W. C. T. U ., presided and from all accounts the play will
over very ably by Mrs. Hoxter who has excel anything of its kind given here
i done much for the cause in Oregon. ! in many a long day. Watch for further
The program was opened with a solo announcements.
by Carol Favor. The contestants were:
At the home of Mrs. E. M. Hall, of
Goldie Peterson, May Jarvis, Florence
Templeton, Helen Bishop, Yetta this city, on Tuesday afternoon the
Fowler, and Ruah Haynie. The mark­ Ladies’ Aid society of the Christian
ings were close as the recitations were church held a pleasant “ dime social.”
well rendered. The medal was award­ The apartments had been tastily
ed to Miss Peterson, and second place decorated for the occasion and some
was given Miss Templeton. At the fancy raffia baskets, the handiwork of
close a song was prettily sung by little the hostess, attracted particular atten­
Blanche Hardin who was heartily tion. A dainty luncheon was served
and a neat sum was realized therefrom.
Both Phones
Abbott (8b Son
Have a large stock of Jewelery, Watches,
Clocks, Cut Glass and Silverware, Stick
Pins, Watch Chains and Charms, Fratern­
al Buttons, and everything else that is to be
found in a first-class Jewelry Establishment.
W e do all kinds of watch and clock re­
Forest Grove,