B ut a good, clean, new and up to date stock o f Men's Boys' and Youths’ exclusive Clothing, Hats, Shoes, etc., will be sold a t Every article in Our Store is being sold a t Prices as low as sold elsewhere. Our New Goods have long been ordered and we want the room. We are building up a business by H onest Goods and Honest Prices, that will stand forever mark. Y ou will hear from us when they come Our SPRING and SUMMER STOCK o f GOODS will have arrived; all New, Nobby, Swell and up to the Don’t fo rg et our location Forest» Grove Oregon GOOD ROADS ARE CHEAPEST Emerson Baker, from near Hillside, Frank Walling has a piano for sale. W . IN. SEARS who is teaching in Scoggins Valley, Inquire at The News. -P ro p r ie to r of— was in town Friday evening. — Paris Millinery Parlor opening .The Lending Barber Shop. . Can suit you. They have a com­ roads we have delays, accidents and Miss Pearl Maury returned home plete stock of Harness, Whips, vexation of spirit to boot and with good Monday on the 9:00 train from next Wednesday March 8. Up-to-date Hair-cutting and roads comfort and all the developmental Silverton, where she visited her friend, Lap Robes. Repairing a special­ —The best shoes worn are the Star Shaving. Laundry agency. as described in advantages of the higher life. ty. Call in. Mrs. Skidmore for the past 3 months. Brand, sold by Hoffman & Allen Co. i Main Street. F orest Grove In the light of such facts it is surely John Waggner of Forest Grove was PACIFIC A V E N U E safe to say that the day of indifference Mrs. W. A. Cole and children, of to interests in good roads is past. W ith in town on Tuesday morning, taking Seattle, are visiting her parents, Mr. G e n e ra l M e rch a n d ise more business-like methods in farming, subscriptions for the Evening Telegram, and Mrs. D. D. Martin. We carry a complete line of General closer economies, and larger capital­ he succeeded in getting quite a list of Merchandise. We handle cedar ization and the stress of increasing subscribers. Word was received this week that posts and best shaved shingles, all keenness of international competition Ben Hardin and family, who formerly kinds of feed stuffs, oil meal, etc. our people cannot and will not over­ has a finely illustrated GALES CREEK lived here, have arrived safely in Bea­ Big assortment of wet weather goods look the waste involved in poor roads. ver City, Neb. They state that the article on the great Mrs. Joe Lilly is quite ill. and a good line of forks, rakes, The movement for the improvement Nebraska atmosphere is much mere potato diggers, shovels. In fact of our highways affects, then, interests Centennial— just the Will O’Brien returned from Port­ frigid than that of Oregon, but that anything you want. that are large, vital and urgent. Not land Saturday. PRICES, TREATMENT they will again become use to it. Ben thing to send East. only can there be no abatement of the MONTGOMERY TURNER, The little son of John Woell’s is has leased quite a large farm near that Many news articles, movement in a progressive community city and it would seem that he will improvihg slowly. B anks , O regon SAELENS & CO., Main St., but we are at the opening of an era of some good stories, not return to Oregon as soon as he FOREST GROVE, OREGON John McClaran is also on the sick anticipated. road building that must call for such an His brother Frank, has clever verse and inter­ adaptation of institutions and revision list at this writing. also rented a farm and will give himselt of our practices in taxation as will give esting miscellany. Vi­ Mrs. Sarah Smith and family of this over to agricultural pursuits entirely. ATTORNEY AT LAW adequate support and efficient manage­ place, moved to near Buxton last gorous work by enter­ ment towards the realization of modern Tuesday. The writer visited the poultry yards Office in Front Rooms of Abbott Build­ taining writers. systems of highways equal to the best of J. M. Garrison one day last week ing, Upstairs. Chas. Adkins, who spent a few days found in any country. and saw there the finest fowls on the SOLO BY ALL NEWSDEALERS Practical Undertakers and Embalm- FOREST GROVE, - - OREGON The public roads question, too, has last week in Portland, returned home coast. Mr. Garrison has three kinds, ers. Calls answered day or night. Saturday. vital relations with steam railway and the barred Plymouth Rock, Brown City Barber Shop . . Draying. the trolley development. For, com­ Louis Peterson and daughter Anna Leghorns and Wyandottes. His birds a . Haynie & Son have two good teams prehensively and adequately conceived of the Dalles, are visiting John Mc­ have taken the highest prizes in all the Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­ BOTH ’PHONES. Forest Grove, Ore. of, the railways and the wagon roads Claran of this ptace. ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grove. shows in this state and are recognized and do all kinds of team work at rea- 1 sonable rates. Contracts preferred are co-ordinate parts of an integral by all fanciers as having the leading Cloyd Clapshaw has been visited by . . A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor ’phone. They use transportation system, in this larger pens in this part of the country. He : Independent view, under the twentieth century the grippe the past week, but his un­ makes a special rate on setting to everybody right. Administrators Notice to Creditors condition of life, comes near being an welcome intrusion was not of long Washington county patrons and can In C ounty C ourt o f th e S tate of O regon, W a sh in g to n duration. For Sale ultimate test of survival. | l * * l | Homeopahtist Physician | co u n ty . now furnish eggs. and Surgeon................. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. i N otice is h e re b y g iv e n to a ll c reditors o f th e esta te of I will sell 63 feet, fronting the | M atilda J. Z e ig le r, deceased. T h a t by v irtu e o f an N. C. Lilly, that has been sick for Dilley Stock and Grain Markets Sloan Hotel for 8700. One half a p p o in tm en t m ade b y th e C ounty C ourt of W a sh in g to n Office over Wescott’s Store. Residence some time, died Wednesday morning, Wheat .............................. to S3 a p p o in tin g th e u n d e rsig n e d as a d m in istrato r of East of M. E. Church, Forest Grove. John McLeod visited old friends in age 7 months. Mr. Lilly and family Hay, Timothy, per ton............................. SHOO" 14 00 cash, 1 year’s time on balance at 8 per ; C th ounty cent. E. P. Cadwell, Leaburg, Ore. e estate of said M atilda J. Z eigler, deceased, a nd th at Clover “ " .............................. 11 0 0 “ 13 00 Dilley, Sunday. he a d m in iste r th e esta te of said deceased. have the sympathy of the entire neigh­ " Grain '• " ................................ 11 00 " 1100 All persons h a v in g claim s ag a in st th e said e sta te are Notice to Taxpayers Abner Briggs of Dilley made a busi­ borhood. Funeral services were held ” Cheat " “ ............................... n 00 " 1100 h e re b y req u ire d to p rese n t them w ith th e p roper S . A . M O U L T O N at the Gales Creek cemetery, Thurs­ Oata, per hundred .............................. 1 25 ” I 35 ness trip to Portland, Saturday. v o Collections of taxes for Washington u c h e rs, w ith in s ix m onths from the date o f th is notice ■ran per ton............................... II 00 " 22 00 day afternoon. county will begin Monday, Feb. 27, to th e adm in istrato r a t th e office of J . N. H offm an, at (Successor to A. D. Allen) The young people held an enjoyable Short» “ “ ................................ M 00 " 15 00 F orest G rove, W ash in g to n C ounty, O regon. Uucka ..................................35 to $6 per doren Mr. Chapman had the misfortune to sociable in Artisan Hall, Friday 1905. All those paying taxes in full T h e first p u b lic a tto n of th is n o tice is m ade th is 5th FIRST-CLASS HAIR CUTTING and .............................. 53 have his team run away last Monday Butter, dairy evening. before March 15, will be entitled to a , day o f Ja n u a ry , A. D. 1905. Jacob Z eigler adm in istrato r „ creamery ............................. 55 to 75 SHAVING. morning as he and his wife were on Beana rebate of three per cent. All those j of th e estate o f M atilda J. Z e ig le r, deceased. ........ ................ ...................... 5c per pound Hon. W. K. Newell and wife were their way to town, throwing them both Sfiya A l l e n 's O ld S t a n d .................................................. 17c per doren paying one half of their taxes before _________________________ J . N H O FFM A N , A ttorney. in Dilley, Tuesday morning, enroute out and badly damaging the wagon. | Onions ................................................. $3.50 per tack the first Monday in April are privileged for home. Administrator's Notice ............................................ «0 per 100 pound» ! Mr. Chapman was thrown against a ! rotate»» to let the other half run without penal­ Chicken» ................................................ i m c per pound In th e C ounty C ourt o f th e S tate of O regon for W ash ­ The masquerade ball at Artisan's stump and hadhis shoulder thrown out Beef, dreaaed ..............................................5H to 6 '* “ ty for six months. in g to n C ounty. ------------- \ Hall was pretty well attended the even­ of place, one rib broken and one leg j Veal " .............................................. 7 c t o 7 H ~ “ J. w. C o n n e l l , In th e m atter o f th e esta te o f Jam es W illis, deceased. ing of the 22d. badly brused, while Mrs. Chapman Bork " ............................................ 55 $ to 7 “ ” N o tice is h e re b y g iv e n th a t th e u n dersigned has been Sheriff. i ap p o in te d a d m in istrato r o f th e estate o f Jam es W illis, Mr. Rice, who lives near David’s 1 escaped with only a few bruises. deceased, by an o rd er o f L A. Bood, Judge o f the hill was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ■ Probate C ourt of W ash in g to n C ounty, O regon, m ade and 1 If you are seeking a home and ! e n tered on th e 6th d ay of F e b ru ary , 1905, a nd all Morey, Sunday. — Lady clerk wanted.— For store persons h a v in g c laim s a g a in s t th e said esta te a re hereby want —A BARGAIN— we can Address in A friend of Mr. Prichard’s, from work and bookkeeping. requested and dire c te d to p rese n t th e ir claim s to g eth e r writing, J. K. care News office. Forest suit you, having the best list of Indiana, who lives on the Purdy farm, Fine line of Shorts, Bran Oat Chops, Rolled Barley. w ith p ro p e r v o uchers p ro p e rly verified to m e nt my rvsidence in D ille y . W a sh in g to n C ou n ty . O regon, o r at 1 lands and homes in the county. spent a day or two here the first of the | Grove. | the office of W . H . H o llis, a tto rn ey a t law , in Forest A L L K IN D S O F F IE L D S E E D S week looking for a location. Write or call on us at Copielius. O ro6e, W a shington C o u n ty , O regon, w ith in s is (6) j — Paris Millinery Parlor opening Com Meal, Cracked and Whole Com, Wheat, Hay, Straw, and ( m onths of th e d s te h e re o f. Seven of the ladies of the Lewis and next Wednesday March 8. D ated th is 8th day of F e b ru a ry , 1905. Clark Local G ub of Dilley, attended Oil Meal, and in fact everything in the feed line. Phone 361 H . B. W IL L IS , R. W. M c X U T T , the County meeting held in Cornelius —’Hoffman St Allen Co. carry every­ A dm inistrator o f th e estate of