Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 20, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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' ‘""Football Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watrous were in
Portland Tuesday.
L. L. Hollinger was in Portland
Tuesday on business.
H. G. Fitch of Cornelius, was a
caller at this office Wednesday.
Mayor G. B. Dimick, of Oregon
City, was in this city last Sunday.
Mrs. Eva Beal and sister drove to
Forest Grove from Salem, Tuesday.
Those new skirts at Watrous &
Allen Co. can’t be beat for the price.
If you have an item or wish any­
thing in our line, call 884 Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Woods are visit­
ing the latter’s sister, Mrs. Gardiner,
at Astoria.
J. L. Laughlin, who has been sick
for some time, is reported to be a
little improved.
Mrs. Ben Hawes of Portland is vis­
iting this week in Forest Grove,
among relatives.
Members of the Christian Church are NEWS FROM TH E COUNTY S EA T.
requested to be present at the morn­
ing service, Sunday, as matters of much Ira 0 Shattuck et ux to S P
importance will come up.
Taylor, ne£ of se £ of sec 17
t 2 s r 2 w, 40 acres............. $ 400
Miss Mattie Beeks, neice of Nelson
LaCourse, of the firm of Jackson & Jas R Muir et ux to Henry Jer-
LaCourse, arrived here Wednesday
rett sw£ of sw £ sec 4"t 2 n
from Des Moines, Iowa, and will make
r 4 ..........................................
Rhoda M Rhode et al to A R
this city her home.
Leabo 201.75 x 168.85 ft in
Next Saturday afternoon the U. of
0. Medics will meet the Pacifies on
lot 4 block 1 Walkers Add to
the local grounds. .This promises to
Forest Grove.......................... 4000
be one of the hottest games of the Nelson La Course et ux to Ivy
season, as the Medics are high-class
Hartrampf 50 x 138 ft in blk
9 Forest Grove......................
Ten acres all in cultivation, joining Luke McGinnis et ux to Thos
town of Cornelius. Nice new house
Hollingsworth et ux 10 acres
and barn, painted, chicken house,
near Sol Emerick d i e ......... 1250
well and good orchard. All fenced. Fred Setlgast et al to Anna Al-
Price $2000.
Easy terms. R. W.
Iwen 30 acres in sec 1 t 1 n
McNutt, Real Estate Agt., Cornelius,
r 2 w ........................................ 1400
Mathews Post, No. 6. G. A. R.
Estate of Catherine M Schock, de­
met at their hall Tuesday afternoon in
regular session, and after the regular ceased. Final account and report
session was concluded a reception was approved. Executor directed to dis­
tendered the ladies’ auxilliary to that tribute to the legatees under the will
order. The afternoon was pleasantly the balance on hand of $9050.87. and
upon filing receipts executor will be
spent by the large attendance.
The most of the best at McNamer discharged and estate closed of record.
Money to loan on real estate,
lis & Hawks.
That fine new gun came from Goff
Bros.’ store.
Gents’ furnishings at
new store soon.
Furniture upholstered and repaired
at Harris Hardware.
Best flour in the world at Ritchey’s.
Free delivery in town.
See Goff Bros’, big stock of hard­
ware before buying elsewhere.
For bran, mill feed go to T. A. Rit­
chey’s. Free delivery in town.
Mattresses made to order at Harris.
Two doors south of Vert’s Hall.
For a fine Sunday dinner go to the
Colonial. Dinner served from 6 to 7:30
p. m.
Watch for the opening of the new
gents’ furnishing goods store in the
Odd Fellows’ building.
Sewing machines, as good as new,
for rent at The Bazaar, at $2. per
Watch for our wagon. It will be at
Estate of Philomena Perret, de­ your door during the week. A.
& Johnson’s.
The Bazaar is the place where you
Saelen & Co.
Jackson & Lacourse are having the ceased. Inventory and appraisement
buy your school books and school sup­
Meats—-The best in town delivered
Total valuation $3128. Ap­
shelving on the south side of their filed.
plies of all kinds.
to your home. A. Saelen & Co.
store, widened out for the reception of proved.
A social dance in Vert’s Hall, Satur­
Come in and see those new trunks
a new line of Gent’s furnishings that
Estate of P. H . Baughman, de­
day, October 22. Come and have a
they are expecting every day. The ceased. Semi-annual account approved. and suit cases at Watrous & Allen Co.
good time. SO cents.
grocery department has peen moved
Our „goods are as good as your
Estate of Henry Schlichting, de­
Mrs. Anna Dixon, the milliner, to the back of the store, and many
Last will and testament money. McNamer & Johnson.
went to Portland Tuesday to lay in a other improvements are being made.
proved in open court by subscribing
supply of millinery.
Stock and Grain Markets
Your table needs the good things witnesses. Caroline Schlichting ap­
W heat Valley, per bu......................
Mrs. James Collins of Dallas is visit­ found at McNamer & Johnson's.
pointed executrix without bonds.
Hay, Timothy, per to n ................ .......... $14 00 “ 15 00
ing her sister, Mrs. John Fletcher,
............ 11 00 " 12 00
“ Clover
An extra Portland-bound freight train
Guardianship of Chas. Knighten. 11
............ 11 00 “ 12 00
this week in that city.
was detained at this point Wednesday C A Parsons appointed guardian with " Cheat
..............11 0 0 " 12 CO
Don’t buy your Christmas presents aftetnoon, caused by the breaking of
Oats, No. 1 W hite p erd w t.............. ............ 1.25“ 1 30
bond fixed at $100. Bond filed and
............ 1 20 “ 1 25
until you visit the Ladies’ Bazaar dur­ an axle on one of the freight cars.
approved. Letters issued to C A Par­ Bran
per to n ................ ..........19 00
ing the early part of December.
" 23 50
The accident occurred while the train sons.
.......... 21 00
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank E m er­ was crossing the trestle over Gales
Hops, crop of 1904...................... 29 to 31c per pound
10c per pound live
son, Sunday, twin boys. Mother and Creek and before the train was stopped
T urkeys....................................14c “ ISc
babes are reported as doing nicely.
considerable damage was done to the
“ .................... ! ......... 16c “ 17c
“ “ dressed
Caroline Sagert on Oct. 13, 1904,
It will pay you to consult the “ ads” car and ties. No one was hurt.
brought suit against her son, Louis G eese............................................... to 8c “ “ live
No skill is required to buy well at
in T^e News before making your pur­
& Johnson’s.
chases. They are replete with bright
ideas and bargains.
The Ladies of the Christian church
Harry Slooman aged 54 years died arc planning to give a Bazaar during
at his home at Gales Creek Saturday of the early part of December at which
dropsy. Deceased has resided in this time there will be a grand display of
homemade and useful articles, suitable
county for the past 16 years.
for Xmas presents, at low prices. The
Theo. Buxton and sons, Ed and
exact date of the opening will depend
Bert, returned Saturday from Walla
upon the progress of the ladies, who
Walla, Wash., where they havs been
are manufacturing the articles, but the
visiting the fair and relatives.
announcement of the event will be
Mrs. Earl B. Hawks and children made through these columns.
returned home Saturday from Mich­
Others do well by you—we do bet*
igan, where she has been visiting her ter. McNamer & Johnson.
old home the past few months.
A reception was tendered Rev. and
The Watrous & Allen Co. have ad­
Mrs. Belknap of the M. E. church, at
ded two new clerks to their already
the parsonage, last Friday evening.
large force. The new acquisitions are
It was in the form of a surprise. A
Miss Jessie Greer and Fred Mil ne.
! most pleasant evening was spent by
Theodore Krease aged 71 years the large number of guests. The
died at his home in Centreville, Sat­ Reverend and his estimable wife were
urday of consumption. The deceased heartily welcomed back to the charge
came to this county from Kansas four at this place where they have spent
months ago.
the past four years.
Sagert and alleges in her complaint
that her husband, Fred Sagert died
possessed of real and personal property
to the value of $4000. and left a last
will and testament in which he left the
remainder of this property after expens­
es were paid to LouisJSagert on condi­
tion that he care for and provide for
his mother and that defendant has not
done so but has been guilty of cruel
treatment toward her. Therefore plain­
tiff asks for a monthly allowance and
that the same be n^de a lien on the
land until paid.
• «
4 4
D ucks....................................................... $6 to $7 per dozen
E sgs, W illam ette V alley.....................26 “ 27
Butter, Sweet Cream .............................. 28’/2C per pound
" Fancy C ream ery..................
- 30c
“ 30c “ “
D a ir y .............................................25c
“ “
O nions.............................................................$1.50 per sack
N ew .................................. $1.35 “ 1.50 " "
Beans, Small w hite...................................... 3%c per pound
“ L a r g e .................................................... 3M » “
Forest Grove Markets, In Trade
E g g s................................................................. 23c per dozen
B utter.......... ............................................
50c per roll
Potatoes, good grade.................
1.25 per 100 pounds
C h ick en s.....................................
12V4c per pound
Beef, dressed..........................................5 to
Veal, “ .................................................. 6c to
, ••
Sound. Solid and Successful
Oiegon Fire Relief Association given
protection against loss by fire at pure­
ly mutual rates. No better or cheap­
er insurance can be purchased. Strong
and conservative business manage­
ment has placed them at the head of
insurance companies in Oregon.
Geo. F. Zimmerman, Agent,
Forest Grove, Ore.
County Clerk E J Goodman issued
marriage licenses to the following
couples during the past week: Her­
man Kloussen and Carrie Sewell; Syl­
vester R Vincent and Lizzie Grove;
James Cipher and Lottie Reiling;
Weston Shipley and Lura Phipps;
Edward B Sappington and Lizzie J
T. Duncalf, of near Cornelius, was
Ranes; James E Bryan and Sadie E
a pleasant caller at this office Tuesday.