IO W. 0. W. Honored CORNELIUS. Webster Phillips made a flying trip Mr. F. A. Falkenburg, Head Coun- cel of the W. O. W., who has just to Portland Monday. The Base Line Lumber Company is been elected president of the National Fraternal Congress at its session in running on time at present. C. W. James returned from Wash­ St. Louis, which body represents 4,800,000 members of various filter ington last week, where he has boen nal insurance societies of America, was on business. born in Indiana in 1857. He is the Street Commissioner Schoen is son of the Rev. S. B. Falkenburg, a planking the Base Line road in front of Methodist divine of that state. Mr. Mrs. Matthias store. Falkenburg is an educated and culti­ Dr. E. Everest will move his resi­ vated gentleman. He became identi­ dence from its present location, near fied in fraternal work, and was ap­ the K. P. hall, and make other repairs' pointed by Head Consul Joseph Cul­ Austin Carey has his new house len Root as one of his deputies in nearly completed near John Neep’s extending the order of Modern Wood­ residence in the eastern part of town. men of America. It was while in that C. B. Kidder has moved into the service that he moved to Denver in 1889, which city has since been his house lately vacated by N. A. Free­ home. Desiring to see the principles man. Mr. Kidder is the owner of the of Woodcraft extended beyond the | property. The Cornelius Hotel has been narrow field of eight or nine states, to which it was by its charter then raised and a new foundation put under, limited, he and Joseph Cullen Root, also new floors, under the supervision the head consul of the Modern Wood­ of Clark & Dixon of Forest Grove. men of America, on June 6th, 1890, The Widewitch building is nearing founded the Woodmen of the World, completion and when completed will and he has been head consul of the be occupied by L. S. Foster’s general Western, or Pacific jurisdiction of that merchandise store. order ever since. He is also sovereign Henry Termeer of Portland, a first adviser of the Eastern, or Sovereign class paper hanger, is fixing up the jurisdiction, and is commanding gen­ new house of Herman Seidler, and eral of the uniform rank of the entire Ernest Wilkins of our town is doing order. The Woodmen of the World the painting. and i.s allied ladies’ organizations The city jail is repaired and the (though but fourteen years of age) cell that was badly burned has been have a membership of over 400,000 lined with galvanized iron throughout, members, and have over 5,000 camps making it impossible to set it on fire. in the United States and British Am­ The whole building has been thor­ erica. The Western or Pacific juris­ oughly remodeled. diction, of which Mr. Falkenburg is official head, has become the largest Get prices on stoves at Harris Hard­ fraternal insurance order in that field, ware. Two doors south of Vert’s Hall. with a membership now approaching Bargains the 100,000 mark. The presidency of the National Fra­ 30 acres of A 1 farm land, f mile ternal Congress is the highest honor from Cornelius, all in cultivation, good that can be conferred upon an Ameri­ l£ story house, frame barn, good orch­ can fraternelist, and his friends, which ard, 2 wells, good road, 4 cows, 2 are numbered by the hundreds of heifers, plow, harrow, 12 tons hay in thousands in the various orders of barn, $3600. $2000 cash, balance on America and Canada, will rejoice in time at 6 per cent. This is a snap. receiving the news of his election to 80 acres, 3£ miles from Cornelius, this high office. 30 cleared, 40 slashed and in pasture, Hardware Talk. W e are here to do business on strictly business principles and will deal with you honestly and courteously. You are wel­ come to inspect our stock and prices. Right Quality ot Goods at Right Prices, Headquarters for Builders’ Hardware Steel Ranges Stoves of all kinds Wagons, Buggies Cutlery Plows, Harrows Wire Fencing Sherwin-Williams Paints Tools Farm Machinery Graniteware Sporting Goods High Grade Saws Fire-Arms Bath Fixtures Call in and See our Stock Goff Bros. Forest Grove Oregon Death of Mrs. L. J. Hunt. The body of Mrs. L. J. Hunt, ac­ companied by her daughters Leona and Bessie, also Jim, her son, passed through our city Wednesday, on their way to Tillamook, her home, for bur­ ial. Mrs. Hunt was one of the old settlers there and leaves a large family and a host of friends. H er burial will be Thursday when she will be laid to rest in the Odd Fellow’s cemetery. Died OCTOBER Sunset M agazine Gives fine pictures of CALIFORNIA LIFE Gen. MacArthur and other army officers describe the recent military maneuvers in California, each being profusely illustrated with halftones, and colored drawings by Edward Cucuel. Interesting articles on California and Oregon. How Olive Oil is Made, How Almonds are Grown, and fine descriptions of Plumas and Sutter, two great Cali­ fornia Counties. Two hundred and twenty four pages of articles, West- tern stories, sketches and verses. George Show, aged 14 years, died at the home of his father, Samuel Show, in this city last Thursday after­ noon at about four o’clock of typhoid fever. The little fellow took sick a few weeks ago, after having just started to school. The remains were immedi­ ately prepared for burial and were . . Ten cents a Copy . . taken back to his former home in Melvern, Iowa, to be laid beside You can buy the Sunset Magazine at his mother, who preceeded him by ail News stands 10 acres good timber, good four-room many years. George was brought heie Holly Circle “Getting Busy’’ house, bam 40x60, other necessary for his health by his father, who be­ FREE ST. LOUIS BOOK Holly Circle, W. of W. has decided buildings, hydraulic spring water to lieved the Oregon climate would be to get busy” and are not only taking house and bam. Here is a genuine beneficial to him. Had for the Asking— Tells All About in new members but have planned bargain for $2800; $1000 down, bal­ Remember that you can buy the the Big Exposition several entertainments for the winter. ance at 6 per cent. R. W. McNUTT, b$st rain coat on earth at Watrous & Those readers of The Oregonian, A drama is ready for rehearsal, the hall Real estate agent, Cornelius, Ore. Allen Co. who are planning a trip to the St. and music engaged for a leap year Louis Exposition should not fail to se­ Veterinarian dance to be given New Year’s Eve, Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest cure a copy of the beautiful 86-page and invitations are being sent out for Dr. S. T. Bowser, of Hillsboio, will Grove and Prtlaud. book just issued by the Union Pacific an At Home, the 26th of this month. be in Forest Grove Thursday of each Low round-trip rates have been At the meeting last Wednesday the week to treat the deseases of horses. placed in effect between Portland and Railroad. It tells all about the Ex­ position, and may be had by writing committee in charge of entertainment Office at Johnson’s Livery Bam. Forest Grove, in either direction. A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent, for the evening surprised everybody by Tickets will be sold Saturday after­ A cnp of that hot coffee at Watrous preparing an old fashioned supper of noons and Sundays, limited to re­ Feed Mill. fried chicken, mashed potatoes and & Allen Co. will cheer you up and put turn on or before the following Mon­ a smile on your countenance. It is Will F. Hartrampf’s Feed Mill located gravy, salad, cake and coffee. day. Rate of $1.05 round trip. Call east of the Farmers’ Feed bam will not free. / 0 ____________ on Southern Pacific’s agents for par­ run every Saturday until further notice. Upholstering and mattress making at Ducthess Trousers— 10 cents a but­ ticulars. All kinds of feed ground at reasonable C. F. Harris’s,»second door south of ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big Our ladies’ cloaks are selling rapidly. rates. Vert’s Hall. 1 Store. Watrous & Allen Co. W il l F. H artramff . V