Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Haynie & Son have two fine teams
and do all kinds of team work at
Miss Jackson has four new pupils in
reasonable rates. Contracts preferred.
use her room.
We have started to have the fire drill
Mrs. Harry Wescott of Gaston, was everybody right.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helwig, who has again this year.
in Forest Grove, Tuesday.
Victor Brown is a new pupil in Miss
Forest Grove is graced with numerous been sojourning at The Laughlin for
the past two weeks left Tuesday for Gordon’s room.
fine lawns and flower gardens.
The plasterers commenced on the
S. Shotwell of near Gaston paid this Lewiston, Idaho. They were much
new rooms this week.
pleased with the Willamette Valley.
office a pleasant call Wednesday.
Hill Templeton is out of school on
C. F. Harris, the new hardware and
Mr. Frank Walling was a very sick
man Saturday but is again about town. upholstery man, visited Portland Sat­ account of sickness.
urday and Sunday.
He returned
Miss Jenson has 50 pupils in her
If you have an item or wish any­
Monday accompanied by his wife. room and has three more than she has
thing in our line, call 884 Hughes
They will go to housekeeping as soon room for.
as their goods arrive.
The little Norton children have
Miss Ruby Walling of Amity, is
The unfortunate who was burned to stopped school because they are going
visiting with her uncle and family of
death in the Cornelius jail fire, is said to the East to live.
this city.
to have given his name as John Hope
Miss Jenson took sick Monday morn­
The Marguarita Fischer Company at to parties in this place on the day of
and could not teach the rest of the
the opera house, three nights, begin n- the awful catastrophe. It is also said
day but Miss Jessie Sheldon of the 8th
ing with tonight.
that he hails from about Seattle.
grade took her place.
Your attention is called to the page
T. H. Adams of the Farmers’ and
Lizzie Weitzel is absent on account
“ ad” of Watrous & Co. “ The Corner Merchants’ bank is having built a new
of chicken pox and Josephine Ander­
Store” in this issue.
brick building on the vacant lot be­
Miss Edson of Portland, accompanied tween the I. O. O. F. Hall and the son is out of school on account of the
We hope
by her mother, spent Sunday with Mrs. Pacific picture gallery. The building sickness of her mother.
they both will soon be able to be at
Robt. Bellinger in this city.
is being erected for business purposes
school again.
Mrs. John Byroads, who has been and will be for rent.
sick for the past two weeks, is im­
Forty-five couples attended the
proving under the care of Dr. Ward.
dance given by Walker’s orchestra in
Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodrich of North Verts hall last Saturday night. Every­
Mrs. S. H. Paget moved into her
Yamhill, spent Sunday with the family one had a good time notwithstanding new house last Saturday.
the hall is just a little small. We
of J. S. Clark in this city.
School opened in the Hill district,
Dr. Vincent J. Davis,
regular understand there is a movement on Monday, with Mr. Webb of Washing­
licensed veterinary surgeon, will locate foot to enlarge it by building on at the ton, as teacher.
permanently in Forest Grove Oct. 15. north side.
Everything is flourishing in these
Wm. E. Miller, formerly one of the parts now since the rain. No grum­
Friends of Mr. John Striplin will be
pleased to know that since he has been owners of the Columbia Gallery, was bling about weather now.
at Lakeview his health has been greatly here this week from Seattle where he
Two more scholars were added to
has been the past six months. Mr.
the roll of Spring Hill school Monday
“ Her Father’s Crime” is the play at Milller left Monday for Nebraska and and more will follow next week.
the opera house by the Marguarita will make an extended trip throughout
The new telephone is beginning a
Fischer Company, Thursday, Friday the east visiting Kansas, Iowa and In­ new epoch with the farmers as they
diana before his return to the Pacific
and Saturday.
can have a little chat with their neigh­
Miss Della Robinett of Topeka, Kan­
bors, while they rest after dinner.
Misses Anna Swensen and Minnie
sas, is visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Crunican and son, Charles, have
Mrs. J. S. Clark, and other relatives Buxton of Portland, the latter a sister been helping W. K. Newell pick and
of Mrs. Geo. Sloan, were guests of
in this city.
friends and relatives of this city for a pack grapes but on account of the rain
Miss Cordelia Seamon was in town
few days during the past week. The they have stopped packing for the
Tuesday, enroute for Gales Creek,
young ladies are graduate nurses present.
where she will visit with her mother,
located in Portland and rank very high
Mrs. Jane Lilly.
Off to the Grand Lodge.
in their profession. Having each just
Miss Anna Roe has returned to this completed a long difficult case they
The delegates and alternates from
city from her summer vacation at New­ are taking a few day’s rest before tak­ the local K. of P. lodge to the Grand
port. Mr. and Mrs. Roe will remain a ing a new assignment.
Lodge which is being held at Seaside
month longer.
this week are as follows, and we under­
It will pay you to consult the “ ads” Notice to Subscribers to the School stand the greater part of them are in
attendance: J. J. Wirtz and J.
Building Warrants'
in The News before making your pur­
John Anderson
chases. They are replete with bright
Any person or persons wishing to Abbott, delegates.
ideas and bargains.
subscribe to the issue of school war­ and J. H. Wescott, alternates. Mrs.
John Anderson, who is a delegate from
We are informed by City Treasurer rants, the proceeds of which are to be
the Rathbone Sisters, is also in attend­
W. S. Hudson, that there are plenty used in building an addition to the
of calls for the last issue of school war­ schools of School District No. 15 of
Washington county, Oregon, may do
rants, which amounts to $1,150.
Grocery Changes Hands.
so by calling at the city council rooms
About twenty-five members of the on or before October 28th, 1904, after
The grocery store of Weitzel &
Epworth League, of this place drove which date the books will be closed
Christian on Pacific avenue has been
over to Hillsboro last Friday night and warrants issued. The amount of
sold to Wellman & Stan bridge, of Gas­
and visited the league of that city.
the loan is $1,150, bearing interest at ton, who took charge Wednesday
Earl Buxton and Abel Meresse left 4 per cent and payable upon call.
They will keep a good,
via of boat for San Francisco, Saturday. C. N. JOHNSON, Chairman Board fresh stock of fancy and staple gro­
They are bound for Los Angeles and Directors.
ceries, and invite the patronage of the
will probably spend the winter there.
W. S. HUDSON, District Clerk. public.
Money tp loan on real estate.
lis & Hawks.
That fine new gun came from Goff
Bros.’ store.
Gents’ furnishings at
new store soon.
Furniture upholstered and repaired
at Harris Hardware.
Best flour in the world at Ritchey’s.J
Free delivery in town.
See Goff Bros’, big stock of hard
ware before buying elsewhere.
For bran, mill feed go to T. A. Rit­
chey’s. Free delivery in town.
Mattresses made to order at Harris^
Two doors south of Vert’s Hall.
For a fine Sunday dinner go to th
Colonial. Dinner served from 6 to 7:3Q|
p. m.
Watch for the opening of the ne
gents’ furnishing goods store in th
Odd Fellows’ building.
Stock and Grain Markets
Wheat Valley, per bu...................
Hay, Timothy, per ton.......................... $14 00 “ 151
............. 9 00 “ 111
11 Clover
1» II
............. 10 00 “ i l l
............. 11 0 0 " 11 1
Oats, No. 1 White per dwt.............
................. Gray “ " ............. ............. 1 20
per ton...............
" 25 1
Hops, crop of 1904.....................29 to 31c per pound
10c per pound 11
Turkeys.................................ISc “ 16c
“ “
“ .............................16c “ 17c
" “ dress
Geese............................................7 to 8c “
Ducks.................................................... $6 to $7 per doz
Eggs, Willamette Valley.....................24 “ 25 **
Butter, Sweet Cream........................... 28Vic per pour
Fancy Creamery...............
- 30c “
“ Choice
..................... ** 30c 11
“ Dairy............................................25c
Onions..........................................................$1.50 per sa
New................................$1.15 '* 1.25 “
Beans, Small white..................................... 3%C per pour1
“ Large................................................... 3V4
Forest Grove Markets, In Trade
Eggs..............................................................23c per doz
60c per rf
Potatoes, good grade................
1.35 per 100 pour
10c per pou
Beef, dressed....................................... 5 to
Veal, “ ............................................... 6c to 6% "
Pork ** ...........................................
6 “ .
J. B. Matthews Post No. 6 G. A.
respectfully invited the ladies of the
W. R. C. to a reception given by th
post in the Masonic hall on WednescUl
afternoon at three oclock. We alj
request all comrades to be present
1:30 o’clock and bring well fill
haversacks. By order of committe
G eo . C. T homas ,
W illiam L each ,
a . W ellm an .
Notice for Publication
Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
October 10, 1
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entii
“ An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stat
California, Oregon,Nevada, and Washington Territo
as extended to all the Public Land States by ar
August 4, 1892, James N. Rice, of Clatskanie, co\
of Columbia, State of Oregon, has this day filed in
office his sworn statement No 6510, for the purcha
the NEH of Section No. 13 in township No. 2 l
Range No. 6 W, and will offer proof to show that
land sought is mere valuable for its timber or stone t!
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his clair
said land before U. S. Land Office at Oregon City,
gon on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1904.
names as witnesses:
Henry Kratz of Clatskanie, Oregon, Sarah E.
of Clatskanie, Oregon, George W. Dailey of Clats
Oregon, Fred C. Whitten of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the a
described lands are requested to file their claims iz*
office on or before said 27th day of December, 1904.