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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
Bank, of Fo rest Grove. Capital, $25,000. Transacts a general banking business. C o r r e s p o n d e n t ’s, Wells F argo & Co. Banks. Dr. Wm. M. Pollock, DENTIST. Office over Bazaar, Forest Grove, Or. All work in the dental line. R eg- ulating c h ild r e n and adult teeth, Prepared to do work at night, but must be by ap- pointm ent............ C. L. Large, M. D. . . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , . Diseases of women a specialty. Forest Grove, - - Oregon T h e L e o p a r d a n d t h e K id . To illu s tra te how perfectly he bad the anim al u n d er control Professor P.aeh of B erlin once put a live kid m the cage w ith a leopard. Then the professor fixed his glittering eye on the sav ag e b east and willed th a t he should rem ain quiescent. There was somethlng w rong w ith the thought •* • leopard - immedi • -- transference, for the ately changed his spots, and so did the kid. A bleat, a growl and a crunch, and th e Illustration was ruined. WINCOW BOXES in PARIS. The Parisians are taking up tb - dea of decorating the fronts of their houses with window boxes of flowers. 1 he English have done this for many years, and this year the Americans, although in most cases away from home themselves, have left the windows of their town resi dences filled with bloom for the ben efit of the stay in town unfortu nates. But the Parisians obtained their incentive from a wealthy man who kept his house decorated in this manner during the last visit of the English king to the French capital. Now his example has been eagerly followed, and prizes are even being offered for the most tastefully ar ranged window flowers. Bulbs, seeds and small sprouts have been distributed by prominent Parisians to encourage the poor to interest themselves in this pleasant manner of improving the squalid portions of the city.— Philadelphia Ledger. Russell Sage's Bunko Game. Up-To-Date Grocery f One Door W est of V o rley ’s Teed S to re We make a specialty of fine Tea, Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods Fruits, iresh Bread, Etc. Goods are always fresh and new. Produce Bought and Sold | • f Goods delivered to any part of town on short notice | Weitzel & Christian I ONLY 70 HOURS P o r t la n d to Q h ica ó o V ia O. R. IV. eo. Oregon S h o r t Lin e , Union P a c ific a n d It is related that recently Bussell Sage bought a paper of a newsboy, then, discovering that it was of the vintage of the day before, demand The only Double Trackod Railway be ed and received his cent back. The newsboy indulged in bitter remi- tween Missouri River and Chicago.. . 1 ni5cence as follow s : Say, wasn t that the lim it? Can’t bunko that old feller, with all his money, but he You ca n ¡¡et on the t r a i n in P o r t l a n d a n d bunkoed me t ’other day, and I want n eed n o t i e t o f f u n t i l yo u a r r i v e in G h l c a i o ed to get square. Tell youse how it See that Y o u r T ic k e t R e a d s V ia the was. The old man came along, took M i l k a n d B r i g h t ’« D U eanc. JV. W. R Y . a pa pc offen me, then dips down in A physician suffering w ith B right’s his pocket and fishes out a coin, lie disease and w eighing 155 pounds began A. G. BARKER, GENERAL AGENT. opens me hand, puts the coin in it, to re stric t him self exclusively to a milk C. E. BOCKMANN, PASSENGER AGENT, diet, tak in g one q u art a t each meal, or closes me fingers over tbe coin and No. 153 Third St., Portland, Or. three q u a rts daily. Soon no traces of gives me hand a pat. Well, say! his form er ailm ent w as perceptible. lie I tought sure I had a dime er a gained th irty pounds in flesh, and this quarter, but when I opens me hand notw ithstanding constant attention to dere’s nothin’ but a cent, just the professional duties both day and night. price of the pape! Wasn't that a a p retty young an m sol m e r e n u g n i T h e H in do o I d e a o f W i t. —Chicago News. bunko game? An’ I couidn’t get have been some excuse for me, but she An English lady reform er of uncer w as a nasty, old, painted figurehead square.” ____________. tain age who visited India to deliver a E n j o y W h a t Y o n Can. of a beldam e, a flirting, faithless, fic Her Wish Gratified. lecture told tile audience th a t she To be soured by poverty or to be kle. foul m outhed, scandnltnongeiing Born in the last year of the would be happy to answ er any ques old liar, whom th e whole world courts, hardened by it is a m istake—an error eighteenth century and therefore tion. upon which a fa t baboo cam e to who m akes fools of nil her wooers and of thought. Instead of enjoying our life we are cram ping ourselves. It is as if aged fifteen when the battle of Wa the front w ith “How old are you?” changes her lovers as often as she we w ere set a t a feast and sulkily re terloo was fought, Mme. Veuve Du “Oh. no,” she replied; “I don’t mean changes her dross, ll e r nam e Is Poli fused to enjoy a few dishes because we puis, who is still hale and hearty, questions of th a t sort; only ones con tics, and may the plague tnke her!” could not reach everything on the table was a guest of honor at the unveil n ected with the subject of the lecture.” A O y iia ) P r o p h e c y . and m ake ourselves sick, like foolish ing of Geromc’s monument, the “Are you forty?” continued the baboo, nowise abashed. “ No, I won’t unsw er An English m agazine relate» a curi children th a t we a r e —Bliss Carman. Wounded Eagle, on the scene of the such a question,” was the reply. “Are ous Instance of gypsy prophecy. The struggle of giants. Her one wish, you fifty?” continued her torm entor. third E arl of M alm esbury, as Lord A T e l l i n g S tr o k e . T h e hare easily caught up with the to travel to the battlefield in a mo “Oh, no; I told yofl I won’t answ er F ltzhnrris, w as riding to a yeom anry “Are you sixty?” review n e a r C hristchurch, when his o r tortoise. “Well, old man, you’re not tor car, was gratified. She did not, such questions.” “Oh, no. no, no; I’m not sixty,” the derly, some distance in front, o rd erel however, remain long away from her m uch of a runner." he sneered. lady responded precipitately. a gypsy w om an to open a gate. The “No,” adm itted the tortoise, “I ’m not. residence at Chapejle les Herlain A slilkarrl out partridge shooting was gypsy woman quietly w aited till Lord I th in k I’ll try for the crew. You see. court, as she did not know how her soon In tits of laughter, slapping ills F ltzhnrris and Ids staff rode up, when I’m q u ite a t borne in the shell.”—Prince “hoys,” aged eighty and seventy- thighs in the ecstasy of his glee. On she nddresM-d them , saying, “Oh, you ton T iger. eight, would get on without her. It Inquiring the cause of his hilarity, he think you are a lot of fine fellows now. A D istin ction . cannot be said that her memories of hurriedly said: “Hush, sahib! Thm but I can tell you th a t one day your “C an a man patent a scientific dis- Waterloo are very complete or dis cooly.” indicating one of the beaters, bones will w hiten In th a t field.” Lord tinct. All she recollects is that she “has Just been bitten by a green snake, F ltzhnrris laughed and asked her covery?” asked th e commercial person “ I t isn ’t usually done.” answ ered the heard at the time of thieves cutting but he thinks it is only a thorn! Don t w hether she tho u g h t they w ere going scientist. “B u t some of them ought off wounded officers’ fingers to steal i tell him or he’ll be frightened and to hnve a battle, adding It w ns not very stop beating.”—From General G erard’s likely in th a t case they would choose to be coyprighted as literary produc their rings._______ _ “Leaves From the Diary of a Soldier such a spot. More than forty years tions.” —W ashington Star. Inter the field w as turned Into a ceme and Sports r r m n ---------- ----- A n E x p e r i e n c e d Opinion. tery. __________ Pnther - Daughter. Algernon Von T h e J a d e J o k a l I^oved. T riflin g D etail A U se le s» V e r a ie t . Of one phase of his life Jokal, the “Yes.” said the old traveler, “1 wns H ungarian novelist, w rote in disgust: “Well, confess It I m ust. I have a on a Jury In C alifornia once. It w as u sw eetheart, for whose sake I have been m urder trial. I didn’t w nnt the fellow my not. You don’t suppose he would be faithless not only to my wife, but to hanged and so stuck out against the —Chicago Journ al. w anting to get m arried if he had. do mv muse a ls o -a sw eetheart who has other eleven for nine days, locked up In you?—Detroit Free Press. Explnlned. appropriated my best ideas and whose the Jury room, w hen they gnve In. and me- the slave I w as and still am. Often have we brought In a verdict of ’Not guilty, P ik er—W hy did they call Pro- Got It* I wasted half my fortune upon her and then I w as ready to sta b myself diaeval period th e “d ark ages t “ F a rt is.” said the one man, “I m ar and rushed blindly Into m isfortune to w ith spite.” fessor—B ecause it w as knight time. “W h at about?” ried because I was lonely as much as please her. For her sake I hnve pa I ornell W idow . “ ’Causo the mob bad hanged the p ris [o rn n y other renson. To p o t It ten ety . tiently endured Insult, ridicule and rep oner on the very first day we w ere robation; for her sake I have staked W hen a real meek m an gets good nn<l I m arried for sympathy. locked up.” “Well.” said the other man. “you bav life and liberty. Now. if she had been m ad. he com es m ighty near lin in g mine ” tits.—A tchison Globe. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Two Through Trains Daily e.