Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 06, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    fo r t h e
l it t l e
ones .
, _________ — ........... ...............
Straight and True.
Fern Hill.
Fly u & h° ° ' . comm«nced Monday
Miss Nellie Hall as teacher.
You can make a lot o f darts with
Harold Millis, of the class of ’ 02 of
Unknown Man Succumbs to Smoke the P. U ., who went to the Philippines
Mr. and Mrs
Archie Duncalf are
which you may have a good deal of home from Delmar, Idaho,
fun at the cost o f only a few min-
Lawrence Dixon has sold his interest
utes of time. A ll you need are some
in the farm to his brother'Leonard and
old corks and feathers.
Insert the pin in the large end 1S teaC lng sc^00^ at Reedville.
Pf the cork and shove it clear
Mrs- Chapman’s mother and brother,
through so that the point comes Mrs- Caroline and Mr. S. E. Jacobs ar-
out on the other end o f the cork rived here Friday from Ramona, Kan.
and the head o f the pin is buried. Mr. Jacobs is looking at the country
Now push the point o f the feather with a view to locating and if he finds
into u»d cork beside the pin, so that a suitable location will bring his familv
it goes halfway through the cork, in the spring>
tnd your dart is com plete.
You can throw this dart a con-
« .
fiderable distance, the feather keep-
a eS ^ree*
ing it whirling round and round, but
A social dance was given at Heisler’ s
always going point iirst through the Hall. Music by Ranes and Wilson.
If you make a small paper target .
eni°ya^^e oyster supper was
you will find that by a little practice Siven by Mr. and Mrs. Churchill in
you can com e very near the bullseyc honor of friends.
Wery shot, fo r the whirling motion
Geo. Swinney has gone to Portland
given bv m e feather gives an un- .
, ,,
usual accuracy to the dart, just as
e Wln er‘
Miss Pierce will spend the winter
the rifling or ‘ ‘ twist” in the bore of
gun malctis the bullet fly straight with Portland friends.
to its mark.
Farmers are busy sowing their fall
F o a m Pu d d in g .
Beat the yolks o f three eggs into grain.
a cupful o f powdered sugar and a
John Lilly will spend a few days in
half pint o f hot milk. Make a thick
paste with flour and milk and stir the Buxton vicinity looking after his
into the eggs and milk. Put on the farm.
fire and stir until the custard is
Mr. and Mrs. Hundley, of Reedville,
very thick, flavor with orange flower
water and pour into a pie dish. spent a few days with the family of
Whip the whites o f three eggs with their son, Chas. Hundley.
a little powdered sugar until per­
fectly stiff, spread over the hot pud-
Public School News
on g
ding and set in the oven
Marie Bradley is out of school on
enough to color the meringue. Serve
account of sickness.
To serve with a roast o f lamb in-
dead o f or in addition to the or­
thodox green peas fried cauliflower
is good. Steam a cauliflower and
when cool separate it into florets.
Saute a few pieces at a time in a lit­
tle olive oil or in butter. Season
with salt and pepper and pour over
in the dish a little melted butter
and Parmesan cheese.
To Clean Black Lace.
To cleanse black lace wipe off all
dust with a cambric handkerchief
and then pin the lace on a board,
carefully inserting a pin in each of
the points. Sponge over the lace
with cold tea and then leave till per­
fectly dry. When the pins are re­
moved the lace will look fresh and
new, far better than if it had been
Virginia Corn Muffin*.
Three eggs, well beaten; two heap­
ing cups o f Indian cornmeal and one
"f flour; sift into the flour two tea-
spoonfuls, baking pow der; add one
tablespoonful melted lard, three
cups sweet m ilk, one teaspoonful
»alt; beat well and bake quickly in
rings or small pattypans. Serve hot.
Cleaning Piano Keys.
Miss Gordon has 43 pupils.
death in the jail at Cornelius, three
There are 292 pupils in the whole
school, when we get four more we will
have as many as we had last year.
Jessie Sheldon,
in Miss Knight’ s
Effie Jackson,
Dora Johnson,
Golda Murphy,
Andersoq, Eva Bacon,
Mable Leipold
and Elmer Lavender.
Our lawn is in very fine condition
also the flowers, and
we feel
thankful to Mr. Thomas for it, for he
has taken care of them all
Nora Smith and
permitted to publish the following in­
teresting excerpts:
“ Now as the detail of some of the
miles east of this city, last night at 11
agricultural propositions that might be
o’ clock.
taken up here.
In the first place
A man whose name and residence is
there is a bill now before Congress and
a mystery to the authorities of our sis­
which will likely be passed this month
ter city, was arrested and locked up
which provided that any person may
last evening about 8:30 for drunkeness,
buy land up to 40 acres at minimum
and a little later the jail was dis­
price of $2.90 per acre, 25 percen t, to
covered to be on fire. No one knows
be paid for at the first and the remain­
how the fire started, but it is generally
der in five years when the title passes
believed that the man started the fire
to the buyer.
“ A corporation of three can buy
The body when taken from the
2500 acres on the same terms. An in­
burning building was a horrible sight,
dividual o r a corporation can rent 2500
having been burned to a crisp.
acres with a twenty-five year lease with
The deceased was about 45 years of
a twenty-five year renewal at a rental of
age. It is reported that he was selling
not to exceed $.015 per acre.
cider on the streets there during the
side of the cost of the land a forty acre
cacoa (c o c o a ) it would cost approxi­
are finished.
room are as follows:
esse of this place, from which we are
An unknown person was burned to
glad when the new rooms
The new pupils
ing letter to his classmate Abel Mer-
has two pupils in a seat in some cases
and will be
last Christmas, writes quite an interest
and Flames in Cornelius
Fried Cauliflower.
Agriculture in the Philippines.
mately $2,000 to clear, plant and keep
Her Father’s Crime
in shape for three years a plantation of
nights, Thursday evening, October 13,
at the Opera House in one of the
strongest plays ever written.
Her Father’ s Crime, a story beauti­
this product.
It then begins to bring
in the returns and for the first two
years the estimated net profit is about
$4,000 per year and from then on
ten, fifteen or even twenty years the
net profit will reach $5,000
per year.
A German came came in to one of the
fully told and filled with strange scenes
outlying Provinces three years ago,
and climaxes. One who has seen
bought a partly developed 40 acre
and appreciated “ Uncle Tom ’ s Cabin”
patch for something like $3,000, went
knows the beauty of a southern play
to work on it with a will and this year
and this is an exceptionally clever one.
he sold 20 acres of it for $40,000 and
The cruel treatment of a slave caused
is getting rich off the other half. What
by a father exchanging his child for
le has done can be done by anyone
his master’ s, the patient blind woman,
else who will go into it from the ground
the revengeful young mistress, the
up and with the intelligence that the
patient slave all tend to make a story,
college bred man ought to possess.
while the faithful colored servants keep
“ As for cocoanuts, it takes them
the comedy loving audience in laugh­
ive years at the least to get to work
ter from beginning to end. A play
5ut from then on for a hundred years
richly staged and costumed giving Miss
they will yield enormous profits. At
Fischer and her entire cast splendid
the present time the Fillipino or Span­
opportunities to show their talent.
iards who are fortunate enough to own
This company is undoubtedly the
a grove of these trees are getting rich
strongest on the coast this season.
in spite of the fact that they use none
Specialties between acts. The pro­
of the means to assure success and in
nounced eastern success, Mabel How­
fact many of their methods are worse
ard, The Scottish Nightingale; The
than none at all. For instance: a rich
Howards, comedians, vocalists and
old fellow down in the Provinces has
dancers. Prices 50, 35 and 25 cents.
tree that bears 200 nuts a year.
Seats on sale at usual place.
They are large and fine and bring a
fancy price in the market.
Gertrude Meade
Now that
visited Miss Knight’ s room Tuesday
fellow was planting a lot more of the
nuts to replace some of his old trees
Ruby Price is suffering with a severe
The new addition to our school house
is nearing completion.
have the steps in on the south side
and we hope the new rooms will soon
be ready for occupancy.
George Show is sick with typhoid
Dip a bit o f muslin in alcohol and
rub the kevs, repeating the applica­ fever.
tion several times. Then cover the
keys with canton flannel wet in ox-
Brice Wilson, proprietor of the
dic acid and leave on for some
decoy duck factory on the Nehalem
■ours. Take care the acid does not
was in town on business, Tuesday.
drip upon the w ood below.
Scalp Treatment, Facial
Massage, given attention
Chiropody and Manicuring
Consultation Costs You Nothing
Parlors at The Laughlin
that were going out of bearing.
stead of using the nuts from this good
old tree he sold them on account of
the little extra price they would bring
and planted the nuts from some smaller
trees that produced some sixty nuts,
small and of little value.
This is a
fair sample of the methods used by the
people here, but for all that they are
getting rich.
Squire W. R. Stephens of Dilley,
was in this city today on business.