Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, October 6,1904.
No. 21.
\8 l y .
ch of Interesting
Court House
News — Petition for Local
Option Filed.
A petition for a vote on the local op-
i question was filed with the County
beik on October 5th. It purports to
m ten per cent of the legal voters of
• county, and such being the case,
• voters of the county will have an
tunity to decide the liquor ques-
i for this county, next November.
E H and M L Jeter to C W
Hudson acreage in sec 35 t
1 s r 1 4 w..................................600
Loren S Porter et ux to Martha
J. Whitney lt 1 and E 1-2 of
lt 2 blk 4 S P add to F. G.
John M Edwards et ux to Ralph
G Edwards 3 acres in sec 17
t 2 s r 1 w Will. Mer .................15
Thomas J Hill to Arthur D Hill
s w 1-4 of sec 10 t 2 s r 3 w
Will Mer 160 acres
W J Huntington et ux to Euge­
nia Yeaman 12 a sec 33 t 1
s t 1 w-----•.................................1350
Levi Sparks et ux to Edwin
Sparks 50x138 ft lt 3 blk 9
Forest Grove
Henry Kam ma et ux to Ed
Miller et al 100 a ....................2250
Rev. L. F. Belknap is Returned
The M. E. conference which ended
a busy session at Eugene, Monday,
returned Rev. L. F. Belknap to the
church at this place. Mr. Belknap
has held the pastorate at this point
some four years and his return here is
welcomed by the entire community.
Following are the appointments of
pastors for West Portland District:
Presiding Elder, Rev. W. B. Holl-
ingshead; Amity, T. L. Jones; Astoria,
W. S. Grim; Beaverton, J. W. Exen;
Buena Vista, to be supplied by J. A.
Mears; Clatskanie, J. W. Hawkins;
Cornelius, R. B. Wilkins; Corvallis,
G. A. Feese; Dallas, James Moore;
Dayton, R. E. Dunlap; Dilley and
Lafayette, W. S. Holcomb; Enos
Chapel, to be supplied; Falls City,
G. F. Round; Forest Grove, L. F
Belknap; Hillsboro, C. L. Hamilton;
Independence, E. W. Elayer; Knappa,
to be supplied by H. Moys; Lincoln,
E. Gittins; Linn ton and Scappoose, to
be supplied; McMinnville, E. F.
Zimmerman; Nehalem and Bay City,
to be supplied; North Yamhill, A. C.
Brackenbury; Philomath, to be
New Routes are Being Located Ma-
terially Aiding the Sub­
We are reliably informed that the
Oregon Traction Company expect to
begin grading on the Portland end of
its line in a short time. Surveyors
have been at work within the city
limits of Portland for the past two
weeks, relocating the line on easier
grades and through a more desirable
locality than that over which the former
line ran.
The line as now located crosses
some large tracts owned by wealthy
people and they are subscribing liber­
ally to the fund required to be raised
by the eastern capitalists— in fact they
have guaranteed to raise half the
amount called for by the contract.
Messrs. Graydon and Keady expect
to close up all the matters pending
along the entire proposed line in the
next three weeks and shortly thereafter
the real work of construction will be
commenced and pushed with all pos­
sible speed to completion.
| Estate of Ellen L. Ford, deceased.
1B. Bump appointed administrator.
[M. Kelsay, Benton Bowman and E.
IKuratli appointed appraisers.
|Estate of Fedde Carstens, deceased,
Personal Property Assessed
twill admitted to probate. Henry Assessor George H. Wilcox com­
stens and John F. Carstens ap-
pleted the 1904 assessment with a
ted executors. J. C. Hartley, J. valuation
$5,123,239, which is
klmerich and W. N. Haynam ap- $770,000 of greater
than last year.
^ted appraisers. #
Household furniture has been assessed
ate of Cynthia Burris deceased, for the first time in the history of the
¡of administration issued and E. country. The summary is:
[Luce, E. I. Kuratli and J. W. Tillable land, 89,530 acres $1,843,145
appointed appraisers,
Nontillable land, 341,863 a 1,399,325
A Business Change
on deeded
ite Swan Pearson, deceased,
Fruit for St. Louis Fair
lands................................ 358,880
R. N. Varley & Son, who have so
ifiled. Commission issued to take Value
167,004 T. H. Adams of the Farmers’ and long conducted the business at the
ony of witness to will in Mult- Improvements on same...
164,320 Merchants’ Bank has been engaged in
Improvements on lands not
collecting a display of Washington Farmers’ Feed Stable have sold their
7,765 county fruit which is to be exhibited interests to Jarmin & Hipolite, both of
ate of P. H. Baughman, deceased deeded............. .............
this city. The old firm goes out of
telephone and
Jitor authorized to sell personal Electric,
telegraph lines, 128.91
business leaving a host of friends all
at public auction,
7,915 signment which was sent out Tuesday over this county. The new firm is al­
consisted of grapes and apples. so well known and will be ever ready
ate of Caspar Bauman, deceased, S P Railway, 34 miles
Among the grapes were the Tokey, to do all in their power to make those
fcipts having been filed, the execu-
P Co., rolling stock. . . .
Hamburg, Red Mountain and stopping with them comfortable. They
É* discharged, his bondsmen ex- S Manufacturing
51,185 Black
many other varieiies. The apples have also received a big consignment
and the estate closed of Merchandise or stock in
94,585 were of such immense proportions that of hay, straw, and grains of all kinds
f Wi
45 made a bushel.
which they will keep for sale. The
»the matter of the guardianship Farm implements, wagon,
new firm is planing some changes and
aettie and Ethel E. Pierce. Horses and mules, 5683
• New Store to Open
1 Pierce appointed guardian with head................................
185,320 W. Houseman of Portland was in additions to their place of business and
Cattle, 14,381 head.......... 246,830 Forest Grove the fore part of this week they respectfully ask a share of the
Ifoed at $200.
Sheep and goats, 15,939
public patronage.
23,965 making arrangements to open a first
90 class store of gents’ furnishing goods, ‘'Mimic War in California is striking­
Dogs, 6 head......................
°nty Clerk E. J. Godman issued Swine,
9,900 haberdashery and fine foot wear. Mr.
15,939 head..........
licences to the following Money, notes and accounts 184,885 Houseman has secured the Odd ly described in October Sunset Maga­
L persons during the past week: Household furniture......... 1S2’665 fellows’ building and will open his zine. Articles by Gen. MacArthur
others. Beautiful colored draw­
Lung 76 and Winnie Beatly 57,
store in about three weeks. He means and
Leitzel 42 and Maud Mark-
to make the business permanent which ings. Many industrial articles, sketch­
f22, J. E. Adkins Jr. 20 and If you are troubled with catarrh, sore will add another to the long list of es,'stories, etc. Ten cents from all
1 Taylor 19.
throat, diseases of lungs, stomach or enterprising business firms Forest
Grove now enjoys.
kidneys.—Consult Dr. Geiger.
Lewis and Clark souvenir gold
[Haines et ux to Geo W
can be had at the Haines bank.
pt of lt 4 blk 31 For-
8400 Guns and ammunition at Goff Bros.